Elkon Products - Silica Fume MSDS, April 2013
Elkon Products - Silica Fume MSDS, April 2013
Elkon Products - Silica Fume MSDS, April 2013
Chemical Name %
Odour: odourless
Color: grey
Emergency overview:
Routes of entry for solids and liquids include eye and skin contact, ingestion and
Routes of entry for gases include inhalation and eye contact. Skin contact may be a
route of entry for liquefied gases.
General advice:
First aid personnel should pay attention to their own safety. Immediately remove
contaminated clothing.
If inhaled:
After inhalation of dust, keep patient calm, remove to fresh air and seek medical
If on skin:
After contact with skin, wash immediately with plenty of water and soap. Under no
circumstances should organic solvent be used. If irritation develops, seek medical
If in eyes:
Wash affected eyes for at least 15 minutes under running water with eyelids held
open, consult an eye specialist.
If swallowed:
Rinse mouth immediately and then drink plenty of water, seek medical attention.
Do not induce vomiting unless told to by a poison control center or doctor.
Note to physician
Treatment: Treat according to symptoms (decontamination, vital functions), no
known specific antidote.
Suitable extinguishing media: Foam, water spray, dry powder, carbon dioxide
Personal precautions:
Do not breathe vapour/aerosol/spray mists. Wear eye/face protection. If exposed to
high vapour concentration, leave area immediately. Use personal protective clothing.
Handle in accordance with good building materials hygiene and safety practice.
Environmental precautions:
Contain contaminated water/firefighting water. Do not discharge into drains/surface
Avoid raising dust.
For small amounts: Pick up with suitable appliance and dispose of. Dispose of
contaminated material as prescribed.
For large amounts: Pick up with suitable appliance and dispose of. Dispose of
absorbed material in accordance with regulations.
General advice:
Avoid dust formation. Wear suitable protective clothing and eye/face protection.
Avoid inhalation of dusts/mists/vapours. Breathing must be protected when large
quantities are decanted without local exhaust ventilation.
General advice:
Keep only in the original container in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from
ignition sources, heat or flame. Protect from direct sunlight.
- crystalline silica
TWA value 2.4 millions of particles per cubic foot of air. Respirable
The value is calculated from a specified equation using a value of 100%. Lower
values of % will give higher exposure limits. See regulation for specific equation.
- Silica fume
Engineering measures:
If user operations generate dust, fumes, gas, vapor or mist, use process enclosures,
local exhaust ventilation or other engineering controls to keep worker exposure to
airborne contaminants below any recommended or statutory limits.
Hygiene measures:
Wash hands, forearms and face thoroughly after handling chemical products, before
eating, smoking and using the lavatory and at the end of the working period.
Appropriate techniques should be used to remove potentially contaminated clothing.
Wash contaminated clothing before reusing. Ensure that eyewash stations and
safety showers are close to the workstation location.
Personal protection:
Use a properly fitted, air-purifying or supplied air respirator complying with an
approved standard if a risk assessment indicates this is necessary. Respirator
selection must be based on known or anticipated exposure levels, the hazards of
the product and the safe working limits of the selected respirator. Wear a NIOSH
approved (or equivalent) particulate respirator if ventilation is inadequate to control
Chemical-resistant, impervious gloves complying with an approved standard should
be worn at all times when handling chemical products if a risk assessment indicates
this is necessary.
Safety eyewear complying with an approved standard should be used when a risk
assessment indicates this is necessary to avoid exposure to liquid splashes, mists or
Personal protective equipment for the body should be selected based on the task
being performed and the risks involved and should be approved by a specialist
before handling this product.
Color: Grey
Odor: Odourless
Waste disposal:
WHMIS (Canada): Class D-2A: Material causing other toxic effects (Very toxic).
United States
United States inventory (TSCA 8b): All components are listed or exempted.
State regulations:
New Jersey: The following components are listed: Silica, fume; Quartz (Crystalline
California Prop. 65: This product contains a chemical known to the State of
California to cause cancer.
MSDS Prepared by