Transport and Marine 060902-Out Ec
Transport and Marine 060902-Out Ec
Transport and Marine 060902-Out Ec
C o m m i s s i o n
Community Research
L a n d Tr a n s p o r t a n d M a r i n e
Project Objectives
Innovations in the automotive area are mainly driven by new electronic systems. With additional electronics, electromagnetic noise emission increases. Thus the success of new technologies will also depend on the solution of EMC problems. A validation for such systems in early stages of the development is mandatory. This validation can only be carried out using simulation. EMC simulation is well advanced in the development process of automotive electronics but the simulation activities of the IC manufacturer, the electronic supplier and the car manufacturer are still stand-alone solutions. An exchange of simulation data does not presently exist. In this project a new continuous concurrent simulation process based on the exchange of EMC models between car manufacturer, electronic supplier and IC developer will be defined. In the new process, the simulation of the car manufacturer is based on the simulation models of the electronic supplier. Their simulation again is based on the simulation models of the IC manufacturer.
Expected results
As result, new technologies can be validated at earlier stages of the development and opportune measures to reduce electromagnetic emissions can be started in time. A reduction of the time-consuming and cost-intensive production of hardware for redesign cycles will be possible and the reliability of whole electronic systems can be improved. The new simulation process can fundamentally influence the introduction of new technologies in a vehicle, by reducing the time to market and cutting the risk of EMC.
Contract N : G3RD-CT-2000-00305 Proposal N : GRD1-2000-2594 Total Cost : 1 945 075 EU Contribution : 1 098 082 Starting Date : 01/02/00 Duration : 30 months Scientific Coordinator : Dr Friedrich HASLINGER Organisation : BMW GROUP KNORRSTRAE 147 DE-80788 MNCHEN Contact: Dr Friedrich Haslinger Tel: +49 89 382 37812 Fax: +49 89 382 44563 E-mail: EC Officer: Dr Zoe Ketselidou Tel: +32 2 29 63431 Fax: +32 2 29 63307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): BMW Bayrische Motoren Werke AG Magneti Marelli Sistemi Elettronici S.p.A. STMicroelektronics SA (ST) Johannes Kepler University of Linz Institute for Communications and Information Engineering Siemens AG (SIE.ATD.ITPS) BMW MM ST JKU Siemens D I F A D
Project Objectives
The ultimate aim of this project is to ensure that electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) problems will not compromise the success of future vehicle technologies that aim to improve transport and minimise its environmental impact. This will be achieved by using electromagnetic modelling to investigate vehicle EMC performance issues at the design stage, and to make better use of more limited physical testing. Several tools are available that are suitable for this purpose. This project aims to investigate practical application issues, including: - the requirements for electromagnetic modelling in automotive applications; - the level of model detail that is required; - the uses and potential benefits of electromagnetic modelling; - how to maximise the efficiency of vehicle level simulations.
Expected results
The project aims to establish the level of detail that is required in whole vehicle electromagnetic models, the relative merits of different techniques, and the benefits of model results. The main output will be practical guidelines for automotive electromagnetic modelling. These will be widely disseminated, through publications, workshops and the internet. These results will help to maintain Europes lead in this field, and to improve the competitiveness of the European automotive industry.
Title : Guidelines for Electromagnetic Compatibility Modelling for Automotive Requirements Acronym : GEMCAR Contract N : G3RD-CT-1999-00024 Proposal N : GRD1-1999-10453 Total Cost : 2 597 321 EU Contribution : 1 079 691 Starting Date : 01/01/00 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Alastair RUDDLE Organisation : MIRA LTD WATLING STREET UK-CV10 0TU NUNEATON
Contact: Alastair Ruddle Tel: +44 2 476 355551 Fax: +44 2476 355486 E-mail: EC Officer: Dr Zoe Ketselidou Tel: +32 229 63431 Fax: +32 229 63307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): MIRA Ltd Ford Motor Company Ltd EADS CCR Centre Technique des Industries Mecaniques QinietiQ Ecole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne Hevrox EMC/Safety Services NV/SA Office National dEtudes et de Recherches Arospatiales Volvo Technological Development Corporation MIRA FORD EADS CETIM QinietiQ EPFL Hevrox ONERA VTD UK UK F F UK CH B F S
Advanced design
Project Objectives
The importance of diagnosis in on-board automotive systems is constantly growing together with the complexity of the systems. This important role has no confirmation in the design chain since diagnosis is currently only the last step in the design process. This situation leads to diagnostic functions that are often a compromise that could sacrifice environmental, customer and sometimes also safety requirements. The IDD project aims at solving this critical situation through the formalisation and standardisation of the diagnostic design process and the realization of new tools for the designers that can help them to evaluate and understanding the effects of each choice on the system being designed. A success in reaching these objectives will lead to new systems with higher degree of reliability and higher diagnostic performances with advantages for the environment, the safety and customers.
Expected results
- a methodology (requirements, architecture and modelling procedures) for diagnosis integration in the design chain; - a prototype toolbox that performs this kind of integration, composed by a set of software modules to be added to a design tool that; - will provide new functionalities to the design tool (e.g. simulation or evaluation of the impact of different choices on diagnosability); - will automatically generate a diagnostic model; - will exploit models for other tasks, such as FMEA.
Contract N : G3RD-CT-1999-00058 Proposal N : GRD1-1999-11263 Total Cost : 3 203 031 EU Contribution : 1 799 956 Starting Date : 01/02/00 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Fulvio CASCIO Organisation : CENTRO RICERCHE FIAT STRADA TORINO 50 I-10043 ORBASSANO (TO) Contact: Fulvio Cascio Tel: +39 11 908 3017 Fax: +39 11 908 3082 E-mail: EC Officer: Dr Zoe Ketselidou Tel: +32 296 3431 Fax: +32 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Centro di Ricerche Fiat Universit di Torino DaimlerChrysler AG Technische Universitt Mnchen Magneti Marelli S.p.A OCCM Software GmbH Peugeot Citron Automobiles Universit Paris 13 Regienov Renault CRF UNITO DC AG TUM MM OCCM PSA UPN REGIENOV I I D D I D F F F
Project Objectives
The main purpose of the RTD project TROPHY (towards prediction of hydroplaning: numerical simulation and experimental validation) is the development of advanced simulation tools for tyre design under hydroplaning conditions, in order to reduce the risk of accidents on wet roads, thus increasing safety on the road. The integrated software system customised to hydroplaning phenomena will enable the tyre manufacturers to efficiently design new generations of tyres, with higher resistance to hydroplaning, The simulation tools will account for the major phenomena affecting hydroplaning: - the strong deformation of the tyre and its non-elastic properties; - the water flow through the complex network of treads for a rolling tyre, influenced by turbulence, free surface behaviour, air entrainment and spray formation; - the complex geometry and the strong influence of the fluid/structure coupling. New dedicated experiments will be used to validate the new simulation tools. An additional objective is the dissemination of the research outcome to the public and to safety and transportation agencies.
Expected results
The development of a complete analysis tool for tyre wet traction will improve the overall quality, safety and reliability of tyres, leading to an increased safety on the road. It will also have a strong impact on the research costs over the long term and will ultimately lead to a significant cost reduction to the consumers. Finally it is expected that the developed simulation can be adapted to other areas, such as offshore fluid-structure interaction, marine sloshing and wind engineering applications.
Title : Towards the Prediction of Hydroplaning: Numerical Simulation and Experimental Validation Acronym : TROPHY Contract N : G3RD-CT-2001-00510 Proposal N : GRD1-2000-25295 Total Cost : 2 769 919 EU Contribution : 1 599 960 Starting Date : 01/06/01 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Professor Charles HIRSCH Organisation : NUMECA INTERNATIONAL SA AVENUE FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT, 5 B-1050 BRUSSELS
Contact: Professor Charles Hirsch Tel: +32 2 647 8311 Fax: +32 2 647 9398 E-mail: EC Officer: Patrick Mercier-Handisyde Tel: +32 2 296 8329 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Manufacture Franaise des Pneumatiques Michelin MSC Software Numeca International Pirelli Pneumatics S.p.A. University Hannover University Martin Luther Vrije Universiteit Brussel MICHELIN MSC NUMECA PIRELLI U.HAN U.ML VUB F NL B I D D B
Advanced design
Project Objectives
The objective of the ADVANCE project is to enhance the current situation of passenger safety simulations, in order to identify sensitivities and reduce dispersion of the simulation responses, allowing for a cost-effective and predictive means of ensuring more reliable automotive designs. The regulatory instances should also benefit from the outcome of the project since passenger injury evaluations may then be performed on a unified European basis, with higher frequency and accessibility than currently provided only upon a manufacturer's requirements. The project should provide simulation enhancements modelling methodologies, evaluation and identification tools and experimental data. Consequently, parametric studies on the dummy sensitivities to structural, material and restraint system modelling will be performed.
Expected results
During the course of the project, many experimental and numerical simulation results will be obtained and compared. This comparison will be based on the automatic quality rating and evaluation tool ADVISER, developed also within the project. Guidelines on the sensitivity of numerical models to modelling issues will be provided and improvements to some current theoretical models will be devised. We expect to improve the acceptance and the validity of the crash simulations, especially within the domain of safety applications
Contract N : G3RD-CT-2000-00276 Proposal N : GRD1-2000-25194 Total Cost : 2 414 000 EU Contribution : 1 350 000 Starting Date : 01/02/01 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Dr Kambiz KAYVANTASH Organisation : MECALOG SARL CENTRE DAFFAIRES 2 RUE DE LA RENAISSANCE F-92184 ANTONY CEDEX Contact: Kambiz Kayvantash Tel: +33 1 555 90190 Fax: +33 1 555 90190 E-mail: EC Officer: Patrick Mercier-Handisyde Tel: +32 2 296 8329 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): MECALOG SARL DaimlerChrysler AG TRW Occupant Restraint Systems GmbH Nederlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research Fundacio para la Investigacion y Desarrollo en Automacion CAD-FEM GmbH Polytecnico di Torino Polytechnika Warszawska National University of Athens Regienov EIG (Renault, RVI) MECALOG DC AG TRW TNO CIDAUT CADFEM PT WUT NTUA RENAULT F D D NL ESP D I POL EL F
Project Objectives
The objectives of CHILD are to increase the knowledge in areas specifically regarding children, and to use the information in beneficial applications of child restraint systems (CRS) design, evaluation, testing and regulation. This project includes real-world observations and accident investigations, both real and virtual reconstructions, child models (dummy and human) and further evaluation of existing dummies. All these data will enable the investigation of child injury mechanisms and tolerances and to establish injury criteria and risk curves. The information will be consolidated in the context of child restraint design, testing and regulation. In addition CHILD seeks to complement the activities of other European projects such as PENDANT, HUMOS, VITES, ADVANCE and PRISM as well as the activities of EURONCAP, in order to establish Protection Reference Values for the different body regions for children. Formal contributions will be made to bodies responsible for the development and revision of relevant child restraint standards.
Expected results
The expected result is to increase the level of knowledge about child car occupants safety, and use this knowledge in the applications of child restraint design, evaluation, testing and regulation. The outputs will include an invaluable source of real-world crash injury data; real and virtual reconstructions, child-based simulation methods and tools, including human and dummy models, further evaluation of the Q dummies, child injury criteria and risk curves. Contributions will be made to authorities responsible for revision and development of relevant child restraint standards.
Contract N : G3RD-CT-2002-00791 Proposal N : GRD2-2001-50075 Total Cost : 4 506 640 EU Contribution : 2 985 754 Starting Date : 01/06/02 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Franoise BRUN-CASSAN Organisation : RENAULT 132 RUE DES SUISSES F-92000 NANTERRE Contact: Franoise Brun-Cassan Tel: +33 1 47 77 35 58 Fax: +33 1 47 77 36 36 E-mail: EC Officer: Angel Rodriguez Llerena Tel: +32 2 29 64213 Fax: +32 2 29 63307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Regienov Peugeot Citron Automobiles PCA Fiat Auto S.p.a Technical University Berlin Loughborough University Institut National de Recherche sur les transports et leur Scurit Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research IDIADA Automotive Technology Chalmers University of Technology TRL Limited Bundesanstalt fr Strassenwesen Universit Louis Pasteur Medical University Hannover RENAULT PSA FIAT TUB VSRC INRETS TNO IDIADA Chalmers TRL BAST ULP MUH F F I D UK F NL E S UK D F D
Project Objectives
The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the improvement of transport safety through development of human body numerical models allowing an accurate injury risk prediction for a large range of accident situations. An anthropometric database, a scaling tool and a positioning tool will be developed to obtain three models representative of the 5th percentile female and the 50th and 95th percentile male in driving and pedestrian positions. Data concerning internal organ interaction, the effect of muscle tone, the biomaterial behaviour during dynamic loading and injury mechanisms will be acquired and integrated in the models. After the validation of the models, they will be extensively used in realistic crash situations to assess their capabilities for injury prediction.
Expected results
The main expected results are: - the definition of the 5th percentile female and the 5th and 50th percentile male; - scaling and positioning tools; - meshes of the 5th, 50th, 95th percentiles in driving and pedestrian positions; - a biomechanical database open to the project partners; - the modelling of muscle tone effect, pressurisation, injury mechanisms; - validated models of the 5th, 50th, 95th percentiles in driving and pedestrian positions; - the assessment of the developed models in realistic impact situations.
Contract N : G3RD-CT-2002-00803 Proposal N : GRD2-2001-50053 Total Cost : 4 476 462 EU Contribution : 3 199 966 Starting Date : NA Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Jean Pierre VERRIEST Organisation : INSTITUT NATIONAL DE RECHERCHE SUR LES TRANSPORTS ET LEUR SCURIT INRETS 25 AVENUE FRANOIS MITTERRAND F-69675 BRON Contact: Jean Pierre Verriest Tel: +33 4 7214 2350 Fax: +33 4 7214 2360 E-mail: EC Officer: Patrick Mercier-Handisyde Tel: +32 2 296 8329 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Institut National sur les Transports et leur Scurit ChalmersUniversity of Technology Technical University of Eindhoven Engineering System International Gmbh Faurecia siges dautomobile S.A University of Heidelberg Socit dEtudes et de Recherches de lcole nationale suprieure des Arts et Mtiers Mecalog SARL Universit de la Mditerrane Ludwig Maximilians Universitt Mnchen Institut fr Rechtsmedizin Peugeot Citron Automobiles Regienov Renault Recherche et Innovations Netherlands organisation for Applied Research Volvo Car Corporation Volkswagen AG INRETS Chalmers TU/e ESI Faurecia UoH SERAM MECALOG UnivMed LMU PSA REGIENOV TNO Volvo VW F S NL D F D F F F D F F NL S D
Project Objectives
Crashworthiness simulation has been a major factor that has enabled automotive manufacturers to achieve a 30 to 50% reduction in development time and costs over the past decade. And today, this technology is a mature and proven design tool for the development of conventional ductile steel automotives where the predominant energy absorption mechanisms are bending and plastic crushing. For these cases usually only minimal prototype testing is needed, at the end of the design phase, for the purpose of confirming the simulation based design. However, demand for greater weight saving and crashworthiness protection has necessitated new design concepts and the use of lightweight materials that often have limited ductility and a complex failure. Various advanced metals including aluminium, high strength steel and magnesium will be used to develop new generic material failure models. Initial failure will be predicted using state-of-the-art void growth and damage mechanics concepts and subsequent crack propagation will be described using fracture mechanics approaches. Plastics, as used for example in bumpers and internal trim for occupant protection, are another important category of materials that will be investigated. For jointing systems spotwelds, rivets and weldlines will all be studied and failure models developed. The theoretical work will be undertaken by experienced research partners and supported by an automotive testing institute and a materials manufacturer. The consortium therefore represents the complete chain from material supplier to software developer and end-user.
Expected results
- the testing program is providing new information on the rate, temperature and process history dependency of HSS, Al, Mg and automotive plastics. One new dynamic test for biaxial loading has been developed; - guidelines are being established to characterise materials and jointing testing which will be of great value to industry; - new numerical dynamic failure models which include process history, anisotropy and temperature effects have been developed and implemented in the PAM-CRASH code for crashworthiness analysis; - new techniques have been developed to simulate the crack propagation in materials; - detail experimental and numerical simulation of spotweld and weldline failure have been undertaken and are being used to develop predictive macro- failure models for crash simulation.
Title : Improved Failure Prediction for Advanced Crashworthiness of Transportation Vehicles Acronym : IMPACT Contract N : G3RD-CT-2000-00186 Proposal N : GRD1-1999-10222 Total Cost : 3 210 000 EU Contribution : 1 790 000 Starting Date : 01/07/00 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Dr Thomas PYTTEL Organisation : ENGINEERING SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL GMBH FRANKFURTER STR 13-15 D-65760 ESCHBORN Contact: Dr Thomas Pyttel Tel: +49 61 9695 8317 Fax: +49 61 9695 8311 E-mail: EC Officer: Robert Giordano Tel: +32 2 295 0011 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Engineering Systems International GmbH BMW Bayerische Motoren Werke AG Volkswagen AG Audi AG Institute for Applied Automotive Research Alusuisse Technology & Management Ltd Systus International University of Oxford University of Valenciennes (Lab. of Mech. Eng.) Steyr-Daimler-Puch Fahrzeugtechnik AG & Co KG Ecole Normale Suprieure de Cachan (LMTC) Centre Catal del Plstic Centro di Ricerche Fiat SCpA ESI BMW VW AUDI IDIADA Alusuisse Systus Oxford Valenc SDP LTMC CCP CRF D D D D E CH F UK F A F E I
Passive safety
Project Objectives
- to review existing accident data and current state-of-the-art restraint technologies regarding rollover scenarios; - to assess the potential effects of rollover occupant protection systems on the accident statistics; - to determine various characteristic rollover scenarios which represent real rollover accidents, including their frequency; - to investigate the effects of pre-roll occupant kinematics, to determine roll start; - to identify rollover / occupant scenarios to evaluate the issues and likely effects of existing restraints on those scenarios; - to identify, create and use advanced computer models and physical testing methods, which allow the effective evaluation and optimisation of such scenarios; to generate instructions to develop and evaluate the functional requirements of occupant protection systems; - to create knowledge for the development of improved restraint systems; - to improve vehicle designs, which will guarantee an increased safety performance during rollover.
WP1: Accident statistics will be performed to gain information on real rollover accidents and their mechanisms. WP2: Through in-depth accident analysis of selected accidents, different rollover categories will be derived. In addition realistic cases which will be used to evaluate the efficiency of protection systems; WP3: Rolling phase/injury mechanisms, detailed analysis of the roll phase will be performed to determine demands on vehicle structural and interior trim performance. In addition injury mechanisms will be studied; WP4: Virtual test methods will be assessed and evaluated for the simulation of vehicle structure, interior and restraint system; WP5: Experimental test methods, physical test methods will be assessed for the evaluation of vehicle structure, interior and restraint system; WP6: Design instructions and demonstration, performance criteria for all rollover relevant scenarios will be defined. A demonstrator will be built and verified.
Expected results
- electronic database of well documented and reconstructed rollover cases; - representative rollover scenarios defined and categorisation of different rollover mechanisms; - tool for simulation of occupant movement up to first phase of rollover; - cause of injury summary for different rollover categories; - occupant size influence on all types of test procedures; - definition of efficient numerical and experimental rollover test methods; - design instructions and performance criteria; - validated demonstrator.
Contract N : G3RD-CT-2002-00802 Proposal N : GRD2-2001-50086 Total Cost : 3 470 805 EU Contribution : 2 100 000 Starting Date : NA Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Bertram C. GEIGL Organisation : TU-GRAZ, INSTITUT F. MECHANIK U. GETRIEBELEHRE KOPERNIKUSGASSE 24 A-8010 GRAZ Contact: Bertram C. Geigl Tel: +43 732 3432 0026 Fax: +43 732 3432 0028 E-mail: EC Officer: Patrick Mercier-Handisyde Tel: +32 2 296 8329 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Technical University of Graz Engineering Systems International GmbH MIRA Limited Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research Ustav pro Vyzkum Motorovych Vozidel s.r.o Steyr Daimler Puch Fahrzeugtechnik AG & Co KG (SFT) IDIADA Automotive Technology SA Ludwig Maximilian Universitt Mnchen Concept Technologie GmbH Gesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft e.V. Bolton Institute of Higher Education, Bolton Automotive Group Ford Motor Company Regienov Renault Reserche Innovation Delphi Automotive Systems Deutschland GmbH TRW Occupant Restraint Systems Saab Automobile AB TUG ESI MIRA TNO UVMV MAGNA Steyr IDIADA LMU CONCEPT GDV BOLTON INST FORD REGIENOV DELPHI TRW SAAB A D UK NL CZ A E D A D UK UK F D D S
Project Objectives
- to improve the survivability of side impact collision by 50% (i.e. an improvement of survivability from 60 to 90% at an average impact speed of 50 km per hour) by providing a more advanced and more humanlike test tool for industry and regulators; - to reduce costs associated with meeting side impact standards for automotive manufacturers by 25% of the total development costs by harmonising the anthropomorphic test device for compliance testing; - to enhance the know-how on the human responses and injury types sustained by car occupants involved in side car accidents as well as on the efficacy of improved vehicle design, following the introduction of EC Regulation 95; - to further develop the WorldSID dummy and provide guidelines for regulatory application testing and/or EuroNCAP consumer testing protocols; - to derive a set of injury risk functions to be used with the dummy that will provide the users with a direct relationship between dummy responses and the protection offered.
Expected results
- enhanced accidents database showing injury types sustained by car occupants involved in side car accidents in Europe, with emphasis on the performance of active restraint systems and related patterns of injury induced by these systems; - a set of dummy performance requirements and injury criteria for shoulder, lumbar spine and legs in lateral impact conditions; - a WorldSID pre-production prototype with improved humanlike behaviour and guidelines for future regulatory testing.
Title : Side Impact Dummy Biomechanics and Experimental Research Acronym : SIBER
Passive safety
Contract N : G3RD-2000-00365 Proposal N : GRD1-2000-25657 Total Cost : 3 160 000 EU Contribution : 1 730 000 Starting Date : 01/02/01 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Dr Michiel VAN RATINGEN Organisation : TNO AUTOMOTIVE SCHOEMAKERSTRAAT 97 PO BOX 6033 NL-2600 JA DELFT Contact: Michiel van Ratingen Tel: +31 15 269 6342 Fax: +31 15 262 4321 E-mail: EC Officer: Patrick Mercier-Handisyde Tel: +32 2 296 8329 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Association des Constructeurs Europens d'Automobiles Bundesanstalt fr Strassenwesen First Technology Safety Systems Institut National de Recherche sur le Transport et leur Scurit Motor Industry Research Association Transport Research Laboratory Dutch Organisation for Applied Scientific Research TRW Automotive Occupant Restraint Systems ACEA B BASt D FTSS Europe NL INRETS F MIRA, ltd UK TRL, ltd UK TNO NL TRW D
V i r t u a l Te s t i n g f o r E x t e n d e d V e h i c l e Passive Safety
Project Objectives
The main objectives of this project are to define procedures and guidelines for virtual testing in vehicle passive safety design to: - enhance passive safety for a wide range of conditions to reduce injury numbers. A validated virtual test procedure will be developed for a range of impact directions, impact velocities, occupant body sizes, and body positions; - gain efficiency in vehicle to reduce the duration and costs of the design process. New procedures and guidelines for model development, validation and application will be developed, including a method to predict scatter in crash test results. These procedures will enhance reliability of virtual testing and improve the quality of methods and products These objectives are vital for the European road vehicle safety policy. The focus of the project is on passenger car occupant protection in frontal and side impact collisions as well as intermediate impact directions. The methods developed will, in a more general sense, enhance our capability to address safety for other accident scenarios such as roll over and rearward loading and the protection of vulnerable road users such as pedestrians.
In WP1 guidelines and procedures for virtual testing will be developed. Existing models of crash dummies, humans, vehicles, restraint systems, and barriers will be evaluated according to these procedures to demonstrate the current state of the art and to indicate areas for further improvement of virtual testing methods. In WP2 a method will be developed to predict the stochastic response of crash tests in relation to the scatter of component responses in the system. In particular, the variability of regulated crash dummies will be evaluated and implemented in a stochastic analysis tool. This research will also indicate areas where the current regulated dummy responses are insufficiently reproducible. In WP3 models evaluated and enhanced in WP1 & WP2 will be used to develop procedures extending the range of protection to real life crash conditions. Extensive simulations will be performed for a range of impact directions, impact velocities, occupant body sizes, and body positions. These simulations will identify gaps in the current regulations where occupants are not optimally protected. A validated virtual test procedure will be proposed to fill these gaps.
Expected results
- procedures and guidelines for virtual testing in passive safety design; - criteria for objective quality assessment of models and virtual test results obtained; - software tool ADVISER to automatically evaluate quality of numerical models (developed together with ADVANCE project); - a method to predict the effects of scatter in regulated crash tests on injury criteria measured with dummies; - a validated virtual test procedure to extend the range of protection beyond current regulations to real life crash conditions.
Title : Virtual Testing for Extended Vehicle Passive Safety Acronym : VITES
Passive safety
Contract N : G3RD-CT-2000-00312 Proposal N : GRD1-2000-25655 Total Cost : 3 000 000 EU Contribution : 1 700 000 Starting Date : 01/02/01 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Jack VAN HOOF Organisation : TNO SCHOEMAKERSTRAAT 97 NL-2600 JA, DELFT Contact: Jack van Hoof Tel: +31 15 269 7075 Fax: +31 15 262 4321 E-mail: EC Officer: Patrick Mercier-Handisyde Tel: +32 2 296 8329 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Netherlands Organisation for Applied Research Societ Consortile per Azioni BMW Bayerische Motoren Werke AG Transport Research Laboratory TRW MECALOG sarl AUTOLIV Bundesanstalt fr Straenwesen Cranfield Impact Centre CIDAUT Technische Universitt Graz, Institut F. Mechanik University of Birmingham Warsaw University of Technology TNO CRF BMW TRL TRW MECALOG AUTOLIV BASt CIC CIDAUT TUG BASC NL I D UK D F D D UK E A UK PL
Project Objectives
The objective of this project is to pave the way for the realisation of a new generation of road vehicles, which offer a better protection against neck injuries. Currently, neither a test method nor a design method exists to support the industrial need for designing safer vehicles with respect to whiplash injuries. As a result of the 4th Framework WHIPLASH project, a test and design method has been developed for low severity neck injuries. However, this method considers the loading phase of rear-end collisions only. Therefore the objective of this project is to develop evaluation and design methods to minimise the incidence and risk of neck injuries in frontal and oblique impacts as well as in the rebound phase of a rear-end collision, and to integrate this with the recently developed methods for the loading phase of rear-impact collisions. The aim is to reduce the risk and societal costs of low-severity neck injuries in car collisions by at least 40% by means of the introduction of safer vehicle designs.
Expected results
- test methods based on realistic accident conditions using a new crash dummy to assess the whiplash protection offered by a vehicle; - computer models to support the industrial design process of safer vehicles for whiplash protection; - design guidelines related to the seat/head restraint system and the restraint system for improved whiplash protection and a demonstrator.
Title : Development of New Design and Test Methods for Whiplash Protection in Vehicle Collisions Acronym : WHIPLASH 2 Contract N : G3RD-CT2000-00278 Proposal N : GRD1-2000-25674 Total Cost : 3 600 000 EU Contribution : 2 100 000 Starting Date : 01/03/01 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : H. J. CAPPON Organisation : TNO AUTOMOTIVE SCHOEMAKERSTRAAT 97 NL-2628 VK DELFT Contact: M. Mahieu Tel: +31 15 269 7054 Fax: +31 15 262 4321 E-mail: EC Officer: Patrick Mercier-Handisyde Tel: +32 2 296 83 89 Fax: +32 2 296 33 07 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): TNO Automotive First Technology Safety Systems Transport Research Laboratory Technical University of Graz DaimlerChrysler A.G. Volkswagen AG Gesamtverband der Deutschen Verzicherungswirtschaft Eidgenssische Technische Hochschule Zrich Folksam Lear Corporation Chalmers University of Technology Regienov (Renault) PSA Peugeot-Citron Betrand Faure and Ecia (Faurecia) Centro di Recherche Fiat TNO FTSS TRL TUG DC AG VW GDV ETH Folksam Lear Chalmers REGIENOV PSA B.F.E. SA CRF NL UK UK A D D D CH S I S F F F I
Passive safety
Project Objectives
The CLARESCO project is aimed at improving traffic safety and car and truck drivers comfort using innovative lighting technologies. This requires analysis of human perception and behaviour in terms of efficiency and comfort for: - dynamic lighting situations (adaptive front-lighting systems) while driving on specific road types such as motorways, rural areas (with turn lighting) and cities; - traffic and environmental conditions. These objectives will be achieved through the use of innovative real-time simulation tools.
Expected results
The following results are expected: - set-up of evaluation procedures and assessment methodologies; - safety, ergonomics and comfort recommendations concerning innovative lighting technologies; - exploitation and dissemination of project results.
Title : Car and truck Lighting Analysis: Ratings and Evaluations for Safety and Comfort Objectives Acronym : CLARESCO Contract N : NA Proposal N : GRD2-2001-50000 Total Cost : 2 999 955 EU Contribution : 1 499 976 Starting Date : NA Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Dr Andras KEMENY Organisation : RENAULT TECHNOCENTRE RENAULT TCR AVA 2 12 1 AVENUE DU GOLF F-78288 GUYANCOURT CEDEX Contact: Dr Andras Kemeny Tel: +33 1 34 95 1985 Fax: +33 1 34 95 2730 E-mail: EC Officer: Patrick Mercier-Handisyde Tel: +32 2 296 83 29 Fax: +32 2 296 33 07 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Renault Renault VI AB Volvo HELLA TRL SINTEF LPPA (CNRS CdF) OKTAL AUTOSIM TRADEMCO F S D UK NO F F NO EL
Human/Vehicle interaction
Innovative and Efficient Air Quality Management System for a Healthy, Comfortable and Safe In-Vehicle Environment
Project Objectives
Although current interest has emphasised the adverse effects of outdoor air pollution, it is recognised that indoor air pollution (from the outdoor environment, interior materials, anthropogenic activities, and air-conditioning systems) is also of critical importance. The project aims to develop an innovative, efficient and modular air quality management system in vehicles, able to provide a sustainable treatment of air pollutants from outdoor and indoor sources and to offer a healthy, comfortable and safe environment for driver and passengers. The new system is based on the destruction of gaseous pollutants and the removal of fine aerosol particles using innovative technologies. The developed compact air conditioning prototype for vehicles will be equipped with an advanced air monitoring system and enhanced driver/vehicle interfaces. The technological approach may be applicable to other types of mobile cabins (e.g. buses, trucks, rails, aircrafts).
Expected results
The new system is expected to: - provide a new designed air conditioning prototype for fine particle capture and gaseous pollutant destruction equipped with an intelligent air monitoring system and advanced interfaces between driver/vehicle; - give advanced information on cabin air pollution exposure and system preventive maintenance; - ensure a pure and healthy environment in cabin and improved comfort and safety; - improve working conditions for professional drivers.
Title : Innovative and Efficient Air Quality Management System for a Healthy, Comfortable and Safe In-Vehicle Environment Acronym : CleanRcab Contract N : GRD2-2001-50034 Proposal N : PPC01-5017 Total Cost : 4 501 218 EU Contribution : 2 007 484 Starting Date : NA Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Carine PAUMIER Organisation : VALEO CLIMATISATION 8 RUE LOUIS LORMAND F-78321 LA VERRIERE Contact: Carine Paumier Tel: +33 1 34 61 5880 Fax: +33 1 30 13 5464 E-mail: EC Officer: Claudia Vivalda Tel: +32 2 296 8524 Fax: +32 2 296 3305 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Valeo Climatisation Societ Consortile per Azioni Technical Research Centre of Finland BMW Bayerische Motoren Werke AG Universit de Poitiers I.U.T. Institut fr Umwelttechnologien Gmbh Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zrich MicroChemical Systems SA VALEO CRF VTT BMW UNIV-POITIERS IUT GmbH ETHZ MiCS F I FIN D F D CH CH
Human/Vehicle interaction
Project Objectives
The aim is the development of an innovative human-centred driver support system to be operable in case of driver-impaired or erroneous behaviour under different traffic scenarios. The proposed integrated system will merge the functionality of two different sensors (far infrared and microwave radar) to support the driver in reduced visibility, due to night and/or adverse weather conditions, and to warn the driver even in good visibility, when dangerous situations occur. Data derived from the two sensors will be processed and combined to enhance the performance of the system well beyond what it is possible by a combination of individually processed sensor data at the HMI (humanmachine interface) level. The definition of the most effective strategy to support, when needed, the driver with information will allow the development of a system to increase effectively drivers comfort and safety. The advantage will be further increased by the introduction of the concept of human machine interface, which is no longer standalone but will be designed to be open to other on-vehicle data/ information flow.
Expected results
The EUCLIDE system will be built from: - a microwave radar sensor; - a far infrared sensor; - a human machine interface device to provide the driver with the necessary information and warnings. The system will be installed and tested on two demonstrator vehicles to technically verify the system reliability and to perform on-road experiments to validate system performances, the usability and the users acceptance.
Title : Enhanced Human-Machine Interface for On-Vehicle Integrated Driving Support System Acronym : EUCLIDE Contract N : GRD1-2000-26801 Proposal N : GRD1-2000-26801 Total Cost : 3 849 067 EU Contribution : 2 349 624 Starting Date : 01/03/01 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Luisa ANDREONE Organisation : CENTRO RICERCHE FIAT STRADA TORINO 50 I-10043 ORBASSANO TORINO Contact: Luisa Andreone Tel: +39 011 9083 071 Fax: +39 011 9083 083 E-mail: EC Officer: Patrick Mercier-Handisyde Tel: +32 2 296 8329 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Centro Ricerche Fiat S.C.p.A. CEDIP Infrared Systems Volvo Car Corporation DaimlerChrysler AG University of Stuttgart Chemnitz University of Technology Robert Bosch GmbH ICCS/NTUA EC-JRC-ISIS CRF CEDIP VOLVO DC AG USTUTT TUC BOSCH ICCS/NTUA JRC I F S D D D D EL I
Human/Vehicle interaction
Road Awareness for Driving via a Strategy that Evaluates Numerous Systems
Project Objectives
The main objective of RoadSense is to develop an industry standard evaluation framework for new Human Vehicle Interactions (HVI) strategies. RoadSense aims to deliver guidelines for the methods of HVI tests that measure the impact of new invehicle systems on driver behaviour. It is anticipated that these guidelines will facilitate the introduction of new systems that can provide enhanced driver support. More precisely, the RoadSense detailed objectives are: - to develop driver behavioural indicators for the assessment of safety, comfort and support; - to develop a framework for the integration of new and existing tools and techniques for assessing the impact of new technologies on driver behaviour; - to develop hardware based on DSP technology and high-speed serial communication techniques to simulate vehicle networks and programmable tools to simulate system functions and support the consistent assessment of HMI proposals; - to develop an open platform allowing a modular approach to the prototyping tool designed to support structured upgrade to keep pace with future technology.
Expected results
RoadSense will produce a standard methodology for the assessing the impact of new in-vehicle systems on driver performance. The project will produce a sophisticated hardware/software system that can be adopted by automotive manufacturers and their suppliers to implement the RoadSense methodology. The RoadSense Guidelines will promote higher standards of system performance in terms of safety, support and comfort and a consistent character to systems designed by Europe's automotive sector.
Title : Road Awareness for Driving via a Strategy that Evaluates Numerous Systems Acronym : RoadSense Contract N : G3RD-CT-2000-00254 Proposal N : GRD1-2000-25572 Total Cost : 4 410 992 EU Contribution : 2 800 000 Starting Date :01/02/01 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : John RICHARDSON Organisation : JAGUAR CARS ENGINEERING CENTRE ABBEY ROAD, WHITLEY UK-CV3 4LF COVENTRY
Contact: John Richardson Tel: +44 2476 207318 Fax: +44 2476 206533 E-mail: EC Officer: Patrick Mercier-Handisyde Tel: +32 2 296 8329 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Jaguar Cars Centro di Ricerche Fiat Porsche AG Universit Blaise Pascal (LASMEA) Cranfield University Peugeot Citron Automobiles Regienov Renault Recherche et Innovation Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Universit de Technologie de Compigne (HEUDIASYC) Jaguar CRF Porsche AG UBP Cranfield PSA Renault TNO CNRS UTC UK I D F UK F F NL F F
Human/Vehicle interaction
Project Objectives
Aluminium alloys are now in widespread use in Europe and elsewhere for rail vehicle construction. However in recent collisions involving seam-welded aluminium rail coaches, observations showed that some of the longitudinal seam welds had fractured for some metres beyond the zone of severe damage, the panels themselves generally being intact without significant distortion. The designer needs the data to assess this fracture phenomenon and be able to take appropriate measures. In addition to this requirement, there is a need for innovation in the use of joining techniques and joint design concepts to improve the performance of the vehicles under severe conditions. ALJOIN aims to prove innovative aluminium welding technologies, such as friction stir welding (FSW), in the construction of new rail vehicles. ALJOIN will study and evaluate the use of alternative grades of aluminium alloys to contribute to the crashworthiness of the rail vehicles.
Expected results
The expected results are the following: - definition of performance criteria for the properties of the aluminium welding in new generation of rail vehicles; - definition of a method for assessing crashworthiness of rail vehicles in the context of welded aluminium joints and structures; - demonstration and validation of the innovative technologies developed versus the performance criteria.
Title : Crashworthiness of Joints in Aluminium Rail Vehicles Acronym : ALJOIN Contract N : NA Proposal N : GRD2-2001-50065 Total Cost : 2 177 807 EU Contribution : 1 200 037 Starting Date : expected by spring 2002 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Andrea BARBAGELATA Organisation : DAPPOLONIA VIA SAN NAZARO 19 I-16145 GENOVA Contact: Andrea Barbagelata Tel: +39 10 362 8148 Fax: +39 10 362 1078 E-mail: EC Officer: Joost De Bock Tel: +32 2 296 9089 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): DAppolonia Advanced Railway Research Centre, University of Sheffield Alcan Bombardier Transportation DanStir The Welding Institute DAPP ARRC ALU BOM DAN TWI I UK CH S DK UK
Project Objectives
The project European Driver's Desk (EUDD) aims at the development, demonstration, evaluation and specification of a train driver's desk capable for operation across Europe. It addresses the need for critical technologies concerning the human-machineinteraction. The modular desk design as well as the development and integration of new display techniques should generate innovative, cost-effective and flexible hard- and software solutions. The new driver's desk layout should be capable of harmonisation to the greatest degree and meet Europe-wide acceptance without hindering future developments, e.g. future command and control systems. Considerable economic benefits are anticipated for both suppliers and operators. Apart from the enhancement of competitiveness for the European rail supply industry it is expected that the exploitation of EUDD will result in new business opportunities, e.g. refurbishment. A further main objective is the improvement of driver's working conditions.
Expected results
The main results of EUDD are represented by: - product and design guidelines comprising the results from the analysis/specification phase; - an industrial design mock-up flexible enough to realise three or four versions of the same basic layout; - a fully functional mock-up comprising the developed hard- and software solutions and capable for testing in a simulator; - the EUDD technical specification document; - the input document for a European standard based on the technical specification.
Title : European Driver's Desk Acronym : EUDD Contract N : G3RD-CT-2000-00457 Proposal N : GRD1-2000-25786 Total Cost : 4 515 468 EU Contribution : 2 747 262 Starting Date : 01/01/01 Duration : 32 months Scientific Coordinator : Wolfgang H. STEINICKE Organisation : FORSCHUNGS- UND ANWENDUNGSVERBUND VERKEHRSSYSTEMTECHNIK (FAV) BERLIN AM BORSIGTURM 48 D-13507 BERLIN Contact: Thomas Meissner Tel: +49 304 303 3541 Fax: +49 304 303 3550 E-mail: EC Officer: Joost de Bock Tel: +32 2 296 9089 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Forschungs- und Anwendungsverbund Verkehrssystemtechnik Berlin Bombardier Transportation Alstom Transport S.A. BREDA Construzioni Ferroviarie SpA Universitat Politcnica de Catalunya Stichting European Rail Research Institute Faiveley Transport S.A. IAS Institut fr Arbeits- und Sozialhygiene Stiftung SGW Werder GmbH Siemens AG Transportation Systems Technische Universitt Wien Deuta-Werke GmbH (Subcontractor)
FAV Bombardier Alstom BCF FPC-UPC ERRI FAY IAS SGW Siemens TUW Deuta
Design of an Advanced Composite Production Process for the Systematic Manufacture of Very Large Monocoque Hybrid Sandwich S t r u c t u r e s f o r Tr a n s p o r t S e c t o r s
Project Objectives
There is a major problem in the composite manufacturing industry that at present there is no feasible method for manufacturing very large monocoque composite sandwich structures. HYCOPROD (HYbrid COmposite PRODuction) will address this problem. It is the objective of HYCOPROD to design an advanced composite production process for the systematic manufacture of very large monocoque hybrid composite sandwich structures for the transportation sectors. HYCOTRANS (BRPR CT96 0257) has demonstrated that monocoque composite sandwich structures can be designed to absorb energy and perform in a predictable and stable manner. The exploitation of this novel technology however depends on the invention of a new production process that can accommodate very large structures such as buses, trams, trains, refrigerated containers and trailers.
Expected results
The project is 48 months in duration and has two distinct phases, with progress from phase 1 to phase 2 being the subject of the mid-term review. By month 6 the composite design tool will have defined the dimensions and construction of the moulds. By month 24 all moulds will have been manufactured to permit their use in phase 2 for the manufacture of demonstrators. Also by month 24 development activity will have determined the optimum processing technologies to be used in phase 2 (24-28).
Title : Design of an Advanced Composite Production Process for the Systematic Manufacture of Very Large Monocoque Hybrid Sandwich Structures for Transport Sectors Acronym : HYCOPROD Contract N : G3RD-CT99-00060 Proposal N : GRD1-CT99-10418 Total Cost : 3 420 000 EU Contribution : 3 420 000 Starting Date : 01/01/00 Duration : 48 months Scientific Coordinator : Dr Mark ROBINSON Organisation : UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD ADVANCED RAILWAY RESEARCH CENTRE PORTOBELLO 217 UK-S14 DP SHEFFIELD Contact: Dr Mark Robinson Tel: +44 114 222 0150 Fax: +44 114 222 0155 E-mail: EC Officer: Joost de Bock Tel: +32 2 296 9089 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): University of Sheffield ARRC Ahstrom Glassfibre oy Mikkeli Plant Ashland Italia S.p.a. dAppolonia Antony Patrick & Mutra Extportacao Ltd Aachen University of Technology: Plastics Processing Costaferroviaria S.p.a. Fibrocom oy Sicomp AB Box Modul AB The Netherlands Organisation for Applied Research Hubner Gummi und Kunstoff GmbH University of Perugia National Technical University of Athens Irizar s. Coop Ifor Williams Trailers Ltd Advanced Technologies Research Institute APC Composite AB ARRC AHLSTROM ASHLAND DAPP AP & M RWTH AACHEN COSTA FIBROCOM SICOMP BOX TNO HUBNER UNIPG NTUA IRIZAR IWT ATRI APC UK FIN I I P D I FIN S S NL D I EL E UK E S
Project Objectives
IN growing cities, options are limited for new surface rail networks whereas there is great scope for new and extended underground metro systems. Ground-borne noise disturbance is one of the main factors influencing the acceptability of underground solutions. Equally, existing metros often generate increased ground-borne noise as their maintained condition varies with time. In addressing both of these issues CONVURT aims to produce advances in all aspects of technology that relate to groundborne noise generation so that all metros can benefit irrespective of their vintage or condition. Advances that CONVURT will make in commercially exploitable products will also contribute to this goal
Expected results
- a validated, general analytical software tool for ground-borne vibration and reradiated noise. This will be based on a mathematical, largely analytical model which will be derived partly using insertion loss techniques and partly using numerical computation; - optimised designs for slab/ballasted track forms based on novel system(s) for vibration reduction; - design standards for new/refurbished railways and design guidelines for track and tunnel; - maintenance guidelines for existing operations to maintain the vibration performance of metros close to the as-built condition. Particular attention will be given to roughness (corrugation) management for both wheels and rails.
Title : Control of Noise and Vibration from Underground Railway Traffic Acronym : CONVURT Contract N : G3RD-CT2000-00381 Proposal N : GRD1-2000-25115 Total Cost : 3 345 108 EU Contribution : 1 760 251 Starting Date : 01/01/01 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Mike GELLATLEY Organisation : LONDON UNDERGROUND LTD. 30 THE SOUTH COLONNADE UK- E14 5EU LONDON Contact: Ed Bovey Tel: +44 7970 884467 Fax: +44 20 8400 1646 E-mail: EC Officer: Joost de Bock Tel: +32 2 296 9089 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): London Underground Ltd. Rgie Autonome des Transports Parisiens Azienda Trasporti Milanese Pandrol Rail Fastenings Ltd. Composite Damping Materials Vibratec Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Centrale Recherche S.A. Stichting GeoDelft University of Cambridge LUL RATP ATM Pan CDM Vib KUL ECP GeoDelft CamU UK F I UK B F B F NL UK
W h e e l R a i l C o r r u g a t i o n i n U r b a n Tr a n s p o r t
Project Objectives
The general objective is to reduce the corrugation growth of light rail systems by 50% in time. This will be achieved through the following intermediate objectives: - definition of all relevant parameters that influence corrugation and development of the required measurement equipment to evaluate these parameters. Measurement of the relevant corrugation parameters at different track sections of the end-users; - definition, with great precision, of the macroscopic and microscopic wheel/rail contact forces; - simulation of the wear characteristics on a dedicated test rig; - design of low-cost anti-corrugation measures for tracks and wheels in function of the type of corrugation encountered; - installation and validation of the designed measures in test tracks and on the dedicated test rig and follow-up; - definition of the corrugation mechanism(s) in any specific track section of any network from the relevant corrugation parameters.
Expected results
The project aims at developing solutions for the corrugation problem in metro and tram networks. Corrugation reduces the lifetime of rails and wheels and causes irritating rolling noise. The only efficient solution nowadays is periodical rail grinding. The general objective is to reduce the corrugation by developing solutions other than grinding. Based on a study of all relevant corrugation parameters, on measurements and on numerical modelling, nine different solutions will be designed and tested.
Title : Wheel Rail Corrugation in Urban Transport Acronym : CORRUGATION Contract N : NA Proposal N : GRD2-2001-50006 Total Cost : 7 787 628 EU Contribution : 4 199 011 Starting Date : 01/05/02 Duration : 48 months Scientific Coordinator : Patrick VANHONACKER Organisation : DYNAMICS, STRUCTURES & SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL MECHELSEVEST 18/0601 B-3000 LEUVEN Contact: Patrick Vanhonacker Tel: +32 1 623 8988 Fax: +32 1 623 8910 E-mail: EC Officer: Joost De Bock Tel: +32 2 296 9089 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Dynamics, Structures & Systems International Acoustic Control Frateur de Pourcq Institut National des Sciences Appliques Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Lucchini Centro Ricerche e Sviluppo Politecnico di Milano Dipartimento di Meccanica Railtech International Rgie Autonome des Transports Parisiens SL Infrateknik SPIE Drouard Socit des Transports Intercommunaux de Bruxelles Tecnogamma Universit Catholique de Louvain Facult des Sciences Appliques Universit Libre de Bruxelles Service des Constructions Mcaniques & Robotique D2S ACL FDP INSA CNRS LUC POLI RTI RATP SLI SPIE STIB TEC UCL ULB B S B F F I I F F S F B I B B
Project Objectives
THROUGHOUT Europe there is currently an increased need to reduce noise and thus improve quality of life. With the growth of freight traffic, especially at night, this need to reduce noise becomes critical. The overall objective of ERS is to provide an innovative braking product which reduces rolling noise generated by tread-braked railway rolling stock (700 000 wagons in Europe) by 5 to 10 dB(A) (noise emission reduction) and which is: - completely interchangeable with the current system (ensuring safety); - has a10% lower LCC than the current system (cost reduction); - is recyclable (environmental protection). The final deliverable is anticipated to be a prototype demonstrator which will completely satisfy the initial technical specifications.
Expected results
The expected results are: - a report on existing information and specification for new brake blocks; - a prototype demonstrator derived from rig tests; - a process for recovering and recycling the new brake block material; - brake test results noise and LCC measurement; - a technical implementation and dissemination plan; - a prototype final demonstrator.
Title : Euro Rolling Silently Acronym : ERS Contract N : G3RD-CT-2002-00820 Proposal N : GRD2-2001-50005 Total Cost : 6 077 783 EU Contribution : 2 500 000 Starting Date : 01/06/02 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Jacques RAISON Organisation : SNCF DIRECTION DU MATRIEL ET DE LA TRACTION 15 RUE TRAVERSIRE F-75571 PARIS CDEX 12 Contact: Annabelle Courtois Tel: +33 15 333 1754 Fax: +33 15 333 1748 E-mail: EC Officer: William Bird Tel: +32 2 295 4779 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, area of activity, country): SNCF DB AG FS SBB BREMSKERL RTGERS BECORIT FERODO ICER JURID Chalmers University of Technology University of Technology Railway Company Railway Company Railway Company Railway Company Railway brake manufacturer Automotive Railway brake manufacturer Railway brake manufacturer Railway brake manufacturer Railway brake manufacturer Railway brake manufacturer Railway Mechanics Department F D I CH D D D UK E D S
Project Objectives
Design of rolling-stock is facing new severe specifications, due to the increased severity of train operational conditions. Some cases of service failures involving the axle-wheels assembly have recently occurred, generating an undesired social impact and the important need of improving train safety and reliability. Moreover, to enhance the environments quality in the vicinity of the rail network, the radiated pass-by noise needs to be reduced, for which the wheel-rail contact noise is mainly responsible. Therefore, the aim of the HIPERWHEEL project is the development of innovative wheelsets (axle-wheels assemblies), with outstanding performance in reliability and low noise emission. The new wheelset designs will be achieved through the use of novel CAE methodologies and numerical tools developed within this project, suitable for durability and vibro-acoustic analyses. This will enable wheelset manufacturers to shorten development time, save costs and remarkably strengthen their competitiveness.
Expected results
The most relevant deliverables of the HIPERWHEEL project will be: - the realisation of an advanced methodology for wheelset development, using appropriate CAE tools and offering state-of-the-art capabilities in durability and vibro-acoustic analyses; - the design and manufacturing of full-scale wheelset demonstrators, showing a significant weight reduction (-20%) and an enhanced reliability and vibro-acoustic performances (in particular, 56 dB reduction of pass-by noise will be pursued).
Title : Development of an Innovative High Performance Railway Wheelset Acronym : HIPERWHEEL Contract N : G3RD-CT2000-00244 Proposal N : GRD1-1999-11028 Total Cost : 3 700 719 EU Contribution : 1 979 089 Starting Date : 01/04/00 Duration : 48 months Scientific Coordinator : Kamel BEL KNANI Organisation : CENTRO RICERCHE FIAT S.C.P.A STRADA TORINO, 50 I-10043 ORBASSANO (TO) Contact: Kamel Bel Knani Tel: +39 11 908 3774 Fax: +39 11 908 3672 E-mail: EC Officer: Joost de Bock Tel: +32 2 296 9089 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Fraunhofer Institut Betriebsfestigkeit Lucchini C.R.S. S.R.L. Valdunes S.A.S. Socit Nationale des Chemins de Fer Franais Otto Fuchs Metallwerke Chalmers University of Technology University of Sheffield Politecnico di Milano Ferrovie dello Stato Mechanical Dynamics Italy S.R.L. LBF Lucchini Valdunes SNCF Fuchs Chalmers USFD Poli-MI FS MDI D I F F D S UK I I I
Project Objectives
Rolling contact fatigue (RCF) is one of the major current limitations of railway infrastructure productivity. In addition to RCF, high noise emission (up to 100-110 dB) caused by stick-slip at the wheel-rail interface is a significant environmental problem in Europe. For both problems, the INFRA-STAR project focuses on improving the durability and lifetime of the rail, and also on reducing noise emission, along stretches of track with narrow and moderate radius curves, high traffic volumes and high axle loads by applying a surface coating to the railhead. The main goal of the project is to develop a railhead with an additional surface layer (the INFRA-STAR two-material rail) which prevents rolling contact fatigue and reduces noise emissions in narrow radius curved rails. Two application technologies for processing two-material rails are studied in the project: rolling technology for application to new rails during the production process, and laser cladding technology for application to the existing infrastructure or in the production process of new rails.
Expected results
Railway operators, rail suppliers and maintenance contractors will gain economic benefits through an increase in reliability and durability of their railway infrastructure. Strategic objectives of the INFRA-STAR project can be found in the area of rail lifetimes (curved rail lifetime increases with 50%), noise level (reduction with 15-20 dB), railway productivity and maintenance cost. Furthermore, considerable amounts of rail materials and energy will be preserved.
Title : Improving Railway Infrastructure Productivity by Sustainable Two-Material Rail Development Acronym : INFRASTAR Contract N : G3RD-CT2000-00059 Proposal N : GRD1-1999-10372 Total Cost : 1 783 811 EU Contribution : 1 075 298 Starting Date : 01/04/00 Duration : 42 months Scientific Coordinator : Martin HIENSCH Organisation : AEA TECHNOLOGY RAIL BV. CONCORDIASTRAAT 67, PO BOX 8125 NL-3503 RC UTRECHT Contact: Martin Hiensch Tel: +31 30 235 3024 Fax: +31 30 235 7329 E-mail: EC Officer: Joost de Bock Tel: +32 2 296 9089 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): AEA Technology Rail bv. Chalmers University of Technology, dept Applied Mechanics Sheffield University Dept. Mechanical Engineering DUROC AB CORUS Hayange Regie Autonome des Transports Parisiens Banverket Swedish rail administration AEAT Chalmers USFD NL S UK S F F S
P a s s i v e S a f e t y o f Tr a m w a y s f o r E u r o p e
Project Objectives
The area of crashworthiness and vehicle impact has seen rapid changes in recent years. The public is becoming increasingly aware of safety issues, which in turn puts manufacturers and operators under pressure to improve the crash performance of vehicles. Passive safety has been successfully applied in the automotive industry and trains. Now SAFETRAM proposes to develop the corresponding rules for tramways, a passenger guided transport system operating in a complex environment of mixed traffic. SAFETRAM intends to tackle the passive safety issue of: - the city tram circulating within the city; - the periurban tram operating between the suburban areas and the city centre, sharing the regional railway network. The major objective of this project is to prove the feasibility of the concept of collision energy and acceleration management for existent city trams and for the new periurban tram configurations within acceptable cost and technological constraints for the defined construction solutions.
Expected results
The following results are expected: - identification of relevant reference accident scenarios; - new structural and interior tramway design rules for improved protection of occupants; - definition of different levels of passive safety requirements for structural and interior designs, according to the tramway type and operating conditions; - demonstration of the feasibility of the theoretical safety measures through specific design solutions, manufacture, numerical modelling and testing of prototypes.
Title : Passive Safety of Tramways for Europe Acronym : SAFETRAM Contract N : G3RD-CT-2001-00492 Proposal N : GRD1-2000-25389 Total Cost : 3 235 237 EU Contribution : 1 402 911 Starting Date : 01/07/01 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Lamy FIGUEIRAS Organisation : BOMBARDIER TRANSPORTATION RUA VICE ALMIRANTE AZEVEDO COUTINHO 1 P-2700-843 AMADORA Contact: Linda OConnor Tel: +351 21 4969 300 Fax: +351 21 4969 385 E-mail: EC Officer: Joost De Bock Tel: +32 2 296 9089 Fax: +32 2 296 6757 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Bombardier Transportation, Portugal Ansaldobreda S.p.A. Bombardier Transportation, Nuremberg Alstom Transport SA Alcan Alesa Engineering Ltd Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe Centrum Naukowo Technicze Kolejnictwa Deutsche Bahn AG Instituto Superior Tcnico MIRA Ltd. Rgie Autonme des Transports Parisiens Socit Nationale des Chemins de Fer Franais Technische Universitt Berlin BT/P AB BT/N ALS ALC BVG CNTK DB IST MIRA RATP SNCF TUB P I D F CH D PL D P UK F F D
H i g h - Te m p e r a t u r e I G B T a n d M O S F E T M o d u l e s f o r R a i l w a y Tr a c t i o n a n d A u t o m o t i v e E l e c t r o n i c s
Project Objectives
- enhancement of system efficiency in order to reduce fuel consumption and pollutant emission; - reduction of the static and dynamic losses of the chips, application of high temperature modules, optimised thermal management (reduction of thermal losses across interfaces, new attempts in thermal flux design); - reduction of the system volume and system weight by a rigid system integration concept; - system optimisation regarding cost-efficiency (high serviceability, durability and design for manufacturability) and high reliability (establishment of reliability tests and models); - minimising system noise and torque ripple; - application of fast switching IGBTs for passenger comfort, considering electromagnetic interference for safety reasons; - design for a high volume market (mass-production), considering 100% recyclable and non-polluting materials being compatible with other materials.
Expected results
- IGBT/MOSFET-chips, packages sustaining 200C junction and 120C ambient temperature modules for hot water cooling; - IGBT(600V, 3 3kV) / MOSFET(70V, 700A) testing systems for modules, modules integrated into cooling system; - compact device models, driving circuits, physical models (thermal, electro-thermal, mechanical, thermo-mechanical), multi-energy domain macro models; - metal-matrix composites quality criteria/specifications; - standardised reliability tests/models.
Title : High-temperature IGBT and MOSFET Modules for Railway Traction and Automotive Electronics Acronym : HIMRATE Contract N : G3RD-CT-2000-00275 Proposal N : GRD1-2000-25092 Total Cost : 6 807 428 EU Contribution : 3 561 391 Starting Date : 01/11/00 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Professor Dr Eckhard WOLFGANG Organisation : SIEMENS AG CT MS 4, OTTO HAHN RING 6 D-81730 MUNICH
Contact: Professor Dr Eckhard Wolfgang Tel: +49 89 6364 4176 Fax: +49 89 6364 6376 E-mail: EC Officer: Joost De Bock Tel: +32 2 296 9089 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Swiss federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich Integrated Systems Laboratory (IIS) CRF Societ Consortile per Azioni Regienov Institut National de Recherche sur les Transports et leur Securit ELECTROVAC Fabrikation elektrotechnischer Spezialartikel Ges.m.b.H. Infineon Technologies AG European Power Semiconductor and Electronics Company Technische Universitt Wien, Institute of Materials Science and Testing Technische Universitt Mnchen; Lehrstuhl fr Technische Elektrophysik Ansaldobreda Ferraz Date Industries SIEMENS ETHZ CRF RENAULT INRETS D CH I F F
Project Objectives
To face the increase in both passenger and freight traffic demand railway companies are required to upgrade their traction power supply infrastructure in order to increase track capacity. In addition, on several lines, the electrical infrastructure is no longer able to sustain the actual traffic level reliably. The growing attention to environmental issues makes the installation of new electrical substations difficult and costly. Moreover, railways pay high penalties to national grid electrical suppliers for disturbances due to railway consumption: hence an energy-saving approach is envisaged. The main objective of this project is to develop and validate an SVC device adapted to the railway electrification infrastructure. The SVC adaptation in a single phase configuration requires extensive design studies in terms of control system, interoperability toward signalling and telecommunication systems, reliability and safety. The main technical objectives to be reached are; low cost (less than 1/3 of a new ESS), good interoperability (to different track circuits and signalling limits) and low maintenance. These objectives will be validated by the building of a prototype and testing on two different sites which represent the two extremes of application throughout Europe.
Expected results
- good demonstration of compliance of the HVB equipment; - exhaustive measurement campaign and satisfactory comparison with design criteria; - profitable cost/benefit analysis and product development.
Title : High Voltage Booster Second Phase Acronym : HVB2 Contract N : G3RD-CT 2000-00250 Proposal N : GRD1-11220 Total Cost : 2 799 771 EU Contribution : 1 415 369 Starting Date : 01/04/00 Duration : 28 months Scientific Coordinator : Marina FRACCHIA Organisation : CENTRO INTERUNIVERSITARIO RICERCA TRASPORTI VIA ALLOPERA PIA 11A I-16145 GENOVA Contact: Marina Fracchia Tel: +39 10 353 2741 Fax: +39 10 353 2700 E-mail: EC Officer: Joost de Bock Tel: +32 2 296 9089 Fax: +32 2 295 4349 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Centro Interuniversitario Ricerca Trasporti, University of Genoa Socit Nationale des Chemins de Fer Franais Railtrack plc Ansaldo Sistemi Industriali S.p.A. Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble Institut National de Recherche sur les Transports et leur Scurit Facult Polytechnique de Mons Railinfrabeheer B.V. Italferr SpA CRT SNCF RT ASI INPG INRETS FpMONS NS ITF I F UK I F F B NL I
U l t r a L o w E m i s s i o n V e h i c l e Tr a n s p o r t Advanced Propulsion II
Project Objectives
Improved regional passenger transport systems are under consideration for urban and suburban areas worldwide. With the cost of electrification being in many cases unacceptably high, diesel-powered vehicles are at present the only solution. However the diesel engine is unattractive for much of commuter transport. It is therefore clear that the solution is a hybrid powertrain comprising a power booster and energy recovery unit (PEU), a prime mover unit (PMU) and a supervisory control unit (SCU) for optimised energy use. The objective of this project is to develop a PEU capable of providing acceleration power with energy recovered from braking and an efficient, compact and lowemissions PMU. The system, under the authority of a SCU for safe and efficient operation, will be designed in a way that its dimensions fit into modern modular low floor vehicles.
Expected results
The project ULEV-TAP II will result in highly optimised hardware components for electric hybrid drive including a PEU, a PMU and the integrating SCU for optimised energy use. The components must fit into the roof of modern light rail vehicles.
Title : Ultra Low Emission Vehicle Transport Advanced Propulsion II Acronym : ULEV-TAP II Contract N : NA Proposal N : GRD2-2001-50090 Total Cost : 4 000 000 EU Contribution : 2 000 000 Starting Date : NA Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Hubert MLLER Organisation : SIEMENS AG, TS LR PM SIEMENS AG DUISBURGER STR. 145 D-47829 KREFELD Contact: Hubert Mller Tel: +49 215 1450 7338 Fax: +49 215 1450 7565 E-mail: EC Officer: Joost de Bock Tel: +32 2 296 9089 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Siemens Transportation System Kiepe Elektrik GmbH & Co. KG B.V. Ontwikkelingsmaatschappij CCM The Turbo Genset Company Limited Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine Transport Technologie Konsult Siemens Kiepe CCM TGC IMPCOL TTK D D NL UK UK D
Project Objectives
The objective of the EDIP project is to develop and promote as a standard an on-board radio control system which will allow locomotives, and other traction units, working in multiple to operate freight trains across Europe. The primary action is the establishment of an open communication channel, allowing the control of locomotives in the train, without the necessity for all vehicles in the train to be specifically equipped. Resources in the radio communication system will have the provision for potential future use by other on-board train applications.
Expected results
Five milestones will be used to check intermediate results and exploitation perspectives against goals. These will be set before start-up or during the initial stages of the project, taking into account the evolution of the projects technical and economic feasibility. Risks can then be analysed and objectives refocused if required. The progressive deployment of the system and the exploitation phase are felt to be possible within a few months of the end of the project.
Title : European Distributed Power Acronym : EDIP Contract N : G3RDCT2002-00816 Proposal N : GRD22001-50040 Total Cost : 2 481 338 EU Contribution : 1 199 064 Starting Date : 01/06/02 Duration : 30 months Scientific Coordinator : Bruno GUILLAUMIN Organisation : TEKELEC SYSTEMES 29 AVENUE DE LA BALTIQUE F-91953 LES ULIS CEDEX Contact: Sophie Pavoine Tel: +33 2 9912 7060 Fax: +33 2 9912 7061 E-mail: EC Officer: William Bird Tel: +32 2 295 4779 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Tekelec Systemes SNCF Deutsche Bahn Thiemeg St2e SAB Wabco Trenitalia AEA NTUA SBB Cargo TEKELEC SYSTEMES SNCF Deutsche Bahn Thiemeg St2e SAB Wabco Trenitalia AEA NTUA SBB Cargo F F D D F I I UK EL CH
S m a r t M o n i t o r i n g f o r Tr a i n S y s t e m s
Project Objectives
This proposal aims at new needs for diagnostics on trains and electrical infrastructure due to the deregulation and interoperability of EU track. The contact between overhead contact line (OCL) and current collector/pantograph is an interface between newly established track and train operators. Permanently monitoring the thermal and mechanical stress load caused by a train running under the OCL allows the resulting wear to be predicted. This provides enhanced cost transparency for the operators, makes predictive maintenance possible and allows more efficient, faster and safer use of existing stock. Interoperability in a very heterogeneous EU electrical infrastructure network will be increased. For high-speed trains, load monitoring is becoming essential, as non-optimised contact forces produce excessive wear and cause environmental noise. The EU is addressing these goals with a planned upgrade of the existing rail network, Trans-European Net.
Expected results
- quantitative assessment of transducer packaging, attachment, embedding and transduction mechanisms; - prediction and measurement of sensor reliability and accuracy; - delivery of a prototype of a monitoring system measuring quasi-distributed temperature and contact parameters; - integration of sensors with existing train electrical infrastructure.
Title : Smart Monitoring for Train Systems Acronym : SMITS Contract N : G3RD-2002-0812 Proposal N : GRD2-2001-50045 Total Cost : 3 400 000 EU Contribution : 1 600 000 Starting Date : 01/06/02 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Thomas BOSSELMANN Organisation : SIEMENS AG CORPORATE TECHNOLOGY PAUL GOSSEN STR. 100 D-91052 ERLANGEN Contact: Thomas Bosselmann Tel: +49 913 173 1745 Fax: +49 913 173 2164 E-mail: EC Officer: William Bird Tel: +32 2 295 4779 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Morganite Electrical Carbon Societ Nationale des Chemins de fer Franais Institut f. Phys. Hochtechnologie Commissariat lEnergie Atomique BLS Ltschbergbahn AG Siemens Morganite SNCF IPHT CEA BLS D UK F D F CH
A Rational Approach for Reduction of Motion Sickness and Improvement of Passenger Comfort a n d S a f e t y i n S e a Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n
Project Objectives
The main objective of the proposal is to develop a new approach and standards for motion sickness and passenger comfort while developing methodologies to be used for future designs as well as the operation of passenger vessels. This issue has been left 2530 years behind as current standards are oversimplified and do not work. COMPASS looks at the problem at a fundamental level and the project outcomes will help the industry to develop technologies based on more realistic standards while using the methodologies.
Expected results
The main project output will be new standards in motion sickness as well as design and operational methodologies while the mathematical model will be available as a design and assessment tool. This project will provide the means to tackle motion sickness and passenger comfort problem at a fundamental level and to improve one of the shipping industrys major problems in Europe.
Title : A Rational Approach for Reduction of Motion Sickness and Improvement of Passenger Comfort and Safety in Sea Transportation Acronym : COMPASS Contract N : NA Proposal N : GRD2-2000-50050 Total Cost : 3 000 000 EU Contribution : 2 000 000 Starting Date : 01/07/02 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Dr Carlo CAMISETTI Organisation : CETENA S.P.A. VIA IPPOLITO DASTE, 5 I-16121 GENOVA
Contact: Dr Carlo Camisetti Tel: +39 10 599 5483 Fax: +39 10 599 5790 E-mail: EC Officer: Dr Claudia Vivalda Tel: +32 2 296 8524 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): CETENA S.p.A Viking Line ABP Germanischer Lloyd AG IZAR Construcciones Navales S.A. Blue Star Ferries S.A. National Technical University of Athens Surface Effect Ships Europe AS Southampton University, Institute of Sound and Vibration Research Grandi Navi Veloci S.p.A. Grimaldi Group Universities of Glasgow and Strathclyde, The Ship Stability Research Center, Department of Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering TNO Human Factors CET VL GL IZAR BSF NTUA SE SOTON GNV I FIN D E EL EL NO UK I
Project Objectives
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) codes accurately predict the viscous flow around ship hulls at model scale, as validated with model experiments. However, for best practical use the focus should shift to ships at full scale. A main problem in that regard is that full-scale viscous-flow measurements needed for validation are lacking. The principal technical objectives of EFFORT are: - to develop and validate the capability to make detailed, accurate, efficient and reliable predictions of the flow around ship hulls with propellers at full size; - to provide accurate and fast design tools to fine-tune ship and propeller designs for optimal operation in reality, thus reducing required engine power, fuel consumption and emissions; and reducing damage, cost and discomfort caused by an inappropriate hull/propeller combination; - to make the design process faster, more accurate, more competitive and involve less risk.
Expected results
The main output will be: - extended and validated CFD techniques for predicting viscous ship flow at full scale, ready for practical application in design; - an introduction to, and evaluation by, industrial participants, of the validated CFD tools; - a database of full-scale ship flow experimental data for future use; - a report of the design consequences of using the full-scale CFD, detailed validations and conclusions regarding the proper modelling and numerical approach. This is expected to be a decisive step forward in the use and usefulness of viscous flow computations in European ship design, and in the quality and efficiency of the design process.
Title : European Full-Scale Flow Research and Technology Acronym : EFFORT Contract N : NA Proposal N : GRD2-2001-50117 Total Cost : 3 285 002 EU Contribution : 2 057 037 Starting Date : NA Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Ir. J. B. VERKUYL Organisation : MARITIME RESEARCH INSTITUTE NETHERLANDS P O BOX 28 NL-6700AA WAGENINGEN Contact: Ir. J. B. Verkuyl Tel: +31 317 493 301 Fax: +31 317 493 245 E-mail: EC Officer: Claudia Vivalda Tel: +32 2 296 8524 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Maritime Research Institute Netherlands IHC Holland N.V. Kvaerner Masa Yards Rolls Royce Kamewa Van Voorden Gieterij B.V. Ship Design and Research Centre Bassin dEssais des Carenes Helsinki University of Technology Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique National Technical University of Athens Chalmers University of Technology Hamburgische Shiffbau-Versuchsanstalt Lloyds Register Maritime University of Szczecin MARIN IHC KMY R-R VVG CTO BASSIN HUT CNRS NTUA Chalmers HSVA Lloyds WSM NL NL FIN S NL PL F FIN F EL S D UK PL
F a s t L o w W a s h M a r i t i m e Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n
Project Objectives
This project is set up to achieve several primary objectives that are recognised as being fundamental to the future success of the high-speed marine transport sector. The first is to develop knowledge and tools that can be used to quantify the wash-making characteristics of a particular vessel, based upon its hull form and propulsor. These tools will be extended to enable the optimisation of the hull forms in question, for minimising the wash-making, and hence, improving their efficiency. The second problem to be investigated is that of how the wash from such vessels impacts on surrounding environment in terms of erosion of the bed and banks and harbours and narrow channels, and in turn, how this erosion can affect marine life. The final objective will be to draw up guidelines that will enable the close control and monitoring of the rapidly growing number of vessels operating in this sector.
Expected results
The main deliverables of the project will be: - wash prediction tools; - design tools to develop and optimise low wash hull forms; - low wash design methodology to minimise the wash effect from high speed marine vehicles (HSMVs) and of measures to limit its environmental impact; - formulation of design criteria and wash impact assessment procedure to evaluate the effect of wash on surface, seabed and marine organisms.
Title : Fast Low Wash Maritime Transportation Acronym : FLOWMART Contract N : G3RD-CT 1999-00013 Proposal N : GRD1-1999-10950 Total Cost : 3 172 120 EU Contribution : 2 075 964 Starting Date : 01/02/00 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Dr Osman TURAN Organisation : SSRC, UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE The SHIP STABILITY RESEARCH CENTRE 48 NORTH PORTLAND STREET, COLVILLE BUILDING 8TH FLOOR UK-G1 1XN GLASGOW Contact: Dr Osman Turan Tel: +44 141 548 3211 Fax: +44 141 548 4784 E-mail: EC Officer: Claudia Vivalda Tel: +32 2 296 8524 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Ship Stability Research Centre Alstom Chantiers de lAtlantique SA FBM Babcock Marine National Technical University of Athens Alpha Marine Limited Sirehna SSPA Maritime Consulting Marintek University of Gteborg University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne LMG Marine AS SSRC CDA FBM NTUA. SDL Alpha Marine SIREHNA SSPA Marintek UGOT.TMBL UNEW LMG Marin UK F UK EL EL F S NO S UK NO
Crashworthy Side Structures for Improved Collision Damage Survivability of Coasters and Medium-Sized RO-RO Cargo Ships
Project Objectives
European ship-owners have changed their attitude drastically with respect to safety of life on ships. Hiding behind existing rules and regulations has been gradually replaced by explicitly considering safety as a design parameter. Technical evidence is provided by adopting applied scientific research. Current safety regulations do not take the effect of crashworthy side structures into account. Yet crashworthiness, as in land and air transport, can dramatically increase safety of life on ships. This project investigates how crashworthiness can affect safety of life on ships.
Expected results
The CRASHCOASTER project will provide a method for assessing the effect of crashworthiness on the survivability of ships with respect to flooding following collision damage. Moreover, some structural design solutions will be provided for crashworthy side structures. Adopting the concept of structural crashworthiness in ships will significantly increase the potential for designing safe ships. Thus the anticipated increase of traffic density on European waterways can be realised while safety of life on ships remains guaranteed.
Title : Crashworthy Side Structures for Improved Collision Damage Survivability of Coasters and Medium-Sized RO-RO Cargo Ships Acronym : CRASHCOASTER Contract N : G3RD-CT-2000-00253 Proposal N : GRD1-1999-10566 Total Cost : 1 850 000 EU Contribution : 990 000 Starting Date : 01/05/00 Duration : 42 months Scientific Coordinator : Alex W. VREDEVELDT Organisation : TNO SCHOEMAKERSTRAAT 97 PO BOX 49, NL-2600 AA DELFT Contact: Alex W. Vredeveldt Tel: +31 15 269 5362 Fax: +31 15 269 5399 E-mail: EC Officer: Dr Zoe Ketselidou Tel: +32 2 296 3431 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Netherlands Organisation for Applied scientific Research Estaleiros Navais de Viana do Castelo S.A. Bodewes Scheepswerf Volharding B.V. Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft mbH&Co.KG Alstom Chantiers de lAtlantique SA United European Car Carriers Wagenborg Shipping BV Germanischer Lloyd AG Bureau Veritas SA Technical University of Denmark Delft University of Technology Technical University Lisbon TNO ENVC BOD FSG CDA UEEC WAG GL BV DTU DUT IST NL P NL D F NO NL D NL DK NL P
Structural analysis
Project Objectives
Development trends in cruise ship design have been very fast during the last 10 years and have put up many challenges for, among others, ship-owners, shipyards, design offices, classification societies, interior architects, suppliers etc. Modern architectural design and new safety regulations are demanding more complicated and sophisticated structures. The relative size of the superstructures is increasing and usually includes structural discontinuities. Large open spaces cover several decks. Outside cabins with big windows, often with balconies, have a significant influence on the shear capacity of ships side shell. Lifeboats are located lower down due to new safety regulations. DISCO is intended to create innovative global structural solutions, which can enable European shipyards to be leaders in the cruise ship market in the future. Additionally the structural analysis tools must correspondingly meet the requirements of rapid design process.
Expected results
The main innovations of the project are related to developing sophisticated and novel structural concepts to carry cruise ship longitudinal strength and in developing optimum solutions for superstructure (hotel structure) structural arrangements for carrying the global bending moments and shear forces. A large number of these ideas will be generated initially but finally a technical and economic check will be done for selected ones only. An essential part of the project is to integrate shipyard experience with problems common to each shipyard partner. Defining and analysing the new hull structure at a concept level efficiently is a problem, which must be solved.
Title : Development of Innovative Structural Concepts for Advanced Passenger Vessels Acronym : DISCO Contract N : G3RD-CT2000-00290 Proposal N : GRD1-2000-25047 Total Cost : 3 832 303 EU Contribution : 2 047 522 Starting Date : 01/01/01 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Pentti KUJALA Organisation : KVAERNER MASA YARDS PO BOX 666 FIN-20101 TURKU Contact: Pentti Kujala Tel: +358 50 550 3495 Fax: +359 2 266 7788 E-mail: EC Officer: Frederic Scarbi Tel: +32 2 296 1071 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Kvaerner Masa Yards Finacntieri-Cantieri Navali Italiani Spa Alstom Chantiers de LAtlantique AS Technical Research Centre of Finland Italian Ship Research Centre French Shipbuilding Research Institute Det Norske Veritas A/S Lloyds Register Registro Italiano Navale Helsinki University of Technology KMY FINCANTIERI CDA VTT CETENA IRCN DNV Lloyds RINA HUT FIN I F FIN I F NO UK I FIN
Structural analysis
Project Objectives
The proposed project intends to contribute to two major objectives: - improvement of the global quality of ships designed and built in Europe, with respect to the ships transport mission (higher speed, comfort, safety) and environmental impact (lower energy consumption, reduced risks of damages to the environment); - increase of European shipbuilding competitiveness in order to successfully contest with ship production sites benefiting from low labour costs and currency devaluation. This will be accomplished through two main technical objectives: - considerable decrease of the time required for early design, in order to achieve the aim of one-week ship design objective needed by shipyards to make competitive bids; - significantly improve refined shape optimisation based on the integration of parametric hull modelling techniques and advanced flow simulation methods within a new functional design process.
Expected results
The expected main results are: - software tools for assistance to functional design and optimisation, integrated in end-user's design environment; - geometry processing tools and enhanced CAD systems able to perform shape variations; - enhanced CFD analysis tools, for early design and refined analysis; - an evaluation of the overall system by end-users on various and relevant design applications.
Title : Functional Design And Optimisation Of Ship Hull Forms Acronym : FANTASTIC Contract N : G3RD-CT-1999-00096 Proposal N : GRD1-1999-10666 Total Cost : 4 941 520 EU Contribution : 2 698 780 Starting Date : 01/04/00 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Ing. Luigi GROSSI Organisation : FINCANTIERI-CANTIERI NAVALI S.P.A. VIA CIPRO 11 I-16129 GENOVA Contact: Ing. Luigi Grossi Tel: +39 10 599 5504 Fax: +39 10 599 5379 E-mail: EC Officer: Frederic Sgarbi Tel: +32 2 296 1071 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Sirenha CETENA S.p.A. Stiftelsen for industriell og teknisk forskning ved Norges tekniske hoeyskole International center for numerical methods in engineering Chalmers University of Technology SSPA Maritime consulting AB Finacntieri-Cantieri Navali Italiani Spa Hamburgische Schiffbau-Versuschsanstalt GmbH Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft mbH & Co. KG IZAR Technical University of Berlin NAPA Oy Maritime Research Institute Netherlands Flowtech International AB SIRENHA CETENA SINTEF CIMNE Chalmers SSPA FINCANTIERI HSVA FSG IZAR TUB NAPA MARIN FLOWTECH F I NO E S S I D D E D FIN NL S
Expected results
In the early stages of the design process FIRE-EXIT will bring important issues of safety, evacuation, staffing and procedures to the fore of ship design in a manner that will be quantifiable and reproducible. Ship regulators will be able to quickly assess a proposed design, including the crew procedures and determine whether proposed designs meet acceptable standards. Finally, ship operators will be able to assess safety provision onboard as conditions change.
Title : Formulation of Immediate Response and Evacuation Strategies through Intelligent Simulation Assessment and Large-Scale Testing Acronym : FIRE-EXIT Contract N : NA Proposal N : GRD2-2001-50055 Total Cost : 3 529 713 EU Contribution : 1 400 000 Starting Date : NA Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Dr Rory DOYLE Organisation : BRITISH MARITIME TECHNOLOGY LIMITED ORLANDO HOUSE, 1 WALDEGRAVE ROAD UK-TW11 8LZ TEDDINGTON Contact: Dr Rory Doyle Tel: +44 208 943 5544 Fax: +44 208 977 9304 E-mail: EC Officer: Claudia Vivalda Tel: +32 2 296 8524 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): British Maritime Technology Van der Giessen-de Noord NV University of Greenwich Tribon Solutions AB Det Norske Veritas Fleet Technology Limited Mettle Group Mediterranean Shipping Cruise S.p.A. Memorial University of Newfoundland National Research Council Canada Inst. for Marine Dynamics BMT GNS UoG TRIBON DNV FLT METTLE MSC MI IMD UK NL UK S NO CA F I CA CA
Project Objectives
The technical and scientific objectives of the HARDER project are to systematically investigate the validity, robustness, consistency and impact of harmonised probabilistic damage stability regulations on the safety of existing ships and on the design evolution of new ship concepts for various types of cargo and passenger ships, and to propose and demonstrate appropriate measures for improvements through the development of typical demonstrator designs.
Expected results
The main output from the project will be a fully validated, consistent and robust method for probabilistic damage stability, thereby ensuring flexibility in design without compromising safety. The project undertakes a concerted and concentrated effort to fully understand the physics of a damaged ship in general, and the aim is to make generic methods, which can be used to assess the survivability of a damaged vessel.
Title : Harmonisation of Rules and Design Rationale Acronym : HARDER Contract N : G3RD-CT-1999-00028 Proposal N : GRD1-1999-10721 Total Cost : 4 227 478 EU Contribution : 2 662 000 Starting Date : 01/03/00 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Sigmund RUSAAS Organisation : DET NORSKE VERITAS VERITASV. 1 NO-1233 HOEVIK Contact: Sigmund Rusaas Tel: +47 6 757 8513 Fax: +47 6 757 9911 E-mail: EC Officer: Claudia Vivalda Tel: +32 2 296 8524 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Det Norske Veritas Germanischer Lloyd AG Technical University of Denmark University of Strathclyde Danish Maritime Institute National Technical University of Athens Howaldswerke-Deutsche Werft AG Maritime and Coastguard Agency University of Newcastle upon Tyne Maritime Research Institute Netherlands WS Atkins Consultants Ltd. Fincantieri Cantieri Navali Italiani S.p.A Carl Bro a/s, Dwinger Marineconsult Kvaerner Masa Yards Deltamarin Ltd. Knud E. Hansen A/S CONS.A.R. Italian Ship Owners Research Consortium Hellenic Register of Shipping Ship Design and Research Centre DNV GL DTU SSRC DMI NTUA HDW MCA UNEW MARIN WS ATKINS FINCANTIERI CARL BRO KMY DELTAMARIN KEH CONSAR HRS CTO NO D DK UK DK EL D UK UK NL UK I DK FIN FIN DK I EL PL
Project Objectives
Shipbuilding as an integrating industry must co-operate in the network with other industries to gather and develop advanced technology. This sets strict requirements for ship design efficiency. In the MOBISHIP project the aim is to develop the design methods and procedures in the initial and basic ship design phases which are the most critical for a ship project. The target of the project is to analyse and determine the ship design from the aspects of spaces design, hull design and systems design, these forming the main design flow, but giving due consideration also for the linked tasks, like technical analyses, cost, planning etc. The objective of the project is to develop a single design methodology, based on 3D ship model that will make a platform for related and concurrent activities in the design and production process.
Expected results
The main output of the project is the specification of a new model-based methodology and procedure of the initial and basic design, containing all the information needed in the design flow of a ship. This direct result is expected to increase consistency, to reduce throughput time and to avoid redundancies in different concurrent models. The overall quality of the design will be improved what comes to accuracy, elimination of errors and late changes. The administrative workload of key designers will be essentially reduced resulting in higher motivation and increased creativity.
Title : Model-Based Initial and Basic Ship Design Acronym : MOBISHIP Contract N : G3RD-CT-1999-00026 Proposal N : GRD1-1999-10544 Total Cost : 3 480 926 EU Contribution : 1 740 462 Starting Date : 01/02/00 Duration : 30 months Scientific Coordinator : Markku KAJOSAARI Organisation : KVAERNER MASA-YARDS INC. LAIVAKATU 1 FIN-00150 HELSINKI Contact: Markku Kajosaari Tel: +358 9 194 2368 Fax: +358 9 194 2550 E-mail: EC Officer: Claudia Vivalda Tel: +32 2 296 8524 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Kvaerner Masa Yards Fincantieri, Cantieri Navali Italiani Spa Howaldtswerke Deutsche Werft AG Stocznia Szczecinska S.A Tribon Solutions AB NAPA Oy Sener Ingenieria y Sistemas SA Institut de Recherches de la Construction Navale Det Norske Veritas A/S KMY FINCANTIERI HDW SSSA TBS NAPA SENER IRCN DNV FIN I D PL S FIN E F NO
Project Objectives
Unlike many other aspects of Ro-Ro vessels design, which have undergone continuous progress towards new technologies, safety still lags behind. Traditionally handled with strict compliance to rules and regulations, the survivability of this type of vessels to damage at sea has proven dramatically insufficient. The goal of this project is to develop and validate by demonstration an innovative design methodology based on a risk assessment approach which employs first principles models representative of the physics involved in the flooding process. This tool will allow practising naval architects to realistically predict, measure and improve the level of safety of a given Ro-Ro design and therefore it will allow total integration of survivability in the design process as a regular design parameter.
Expected results
NEREUS milestones are set every six months and workshops provide the necessary exchange of results and opinions amongst the participants every twelve months. Deliverables are in the form of reports and the preliminary design of a Ro-Ro demonstrator. The two major expected results from NEREUS are to raise European safety standards, by providing tools and methods to integrate safety in Ro-Ro design, and to improve the competitiveness of the European shipbuilding industry.
Title : First Principles Design for Damage Resistance against Capsize Acronym : NEREUS Contract N : G3RD-CT 1999-00029 Proposal N : GRD1-1999-10478 Total Cost : 3 051 306 EU Contribution : 1 800 010 Starting Date : 01/01/00 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Dr Luca LETIZIA Organisation : The SSRC UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE 8TH FLOOR COLVILLE BUILDING 48 NORTH PORTLAND STREET KT18 5BW GLASGOW, UK Contact: Dr Luca Letizia Tel: +44 141 548 4424 Fax: +44 141 548 4423 E-mail: EC Officer: Dr Claudia Vivalda Tel: +32 2 296 8524 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Color Line Marine AS WS Atkins Consultants Ltd University of Strathclyde National Technical University of Athens Lund, Mohr & Giaever-Enger Marin AS Sirehna Danish Maritime Institute Maritime Research Institute Netherlands Bureau Veritas SA Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft Deltamarin Ltd Instituto Superior Tecnico COLOR LINE ARD. SCTE SU. SSRC NTUA. SDL LMG MARIN SIREHNA DMI MARIN BV FSG DELTAMARIN IST NO UK UK EL NO F DK NL F D FIN P
Project Objectives
The main objective of the ROROPROB project is to improve safety and survivability of Ro-Ro passenger ships by developing and implementing a new innovative software tool based on the application of the probabilistic rules-based approach for assessing floatability and damage stability. This approach is based on a strict scientific basis and allows the rational modelling of collision or other likely damage to a Ro-Ro passenger ship. As the application of risk-based methodology would involve a massive and complex computational effort, the project aims to formalise the methodology by the application of proper optimisation tools in formulating and solving the ships compartmentation problem. These objectives promote a healthy evolution of the RoRo concept and support the specific R&D programme targets to increase economic growth, maintain and create new jobs in Europe, and develop high quality and competitive products for tomorrows market.
Expected results
The main result of the project will be the new validated software tool for the ships compartmentation problem applying modern optimisation methods. Other results include an extensive Ro-Ro passenger ship technical database/knowledge base, new data about robustness of the probabilistic damage stability approach and about the application of optimisation methods to the ships compartmentation problem.
Title : Probabilistic Rules-Based Optimal Design of Ro-Ro Passenger Ships Acronym : ROROPROB Contract N : G3RD-CT-2000-00030 Proposal N : GRD1-1999-10819 Total Cost : 2 747 384 EU Contribution : 1 759 800 Starting Date : 01/03/00 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Dr Seppo KALSKE Organisation : DELTAMARIN LTD PUROKATU 1 FIN-21200 RAISIO Contact: Seppo Kalske Tel: +358 2 4377 402 Fax: +358 2 4380 378 E-mail: EC Officer: Claudia Vivalda Tel: +32 2 296 8524 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Deltamarin Ltd National Technical University of Athens Ship Design Laboratory University of Strathclyde The Ship Stability Research Centre Technical University of Denmark Instituto Superior Tecnico Kvaerner Masa Yards Lund, Mohr & Giaever-Enger Marin AS Sirehna CONS.A.R. Italian Ship Owners Research Consortium Hellenic Register of Shipping S.A. Det Norske Veritas IZAR Construcciones Navales S.A. DELTA NTUA-SDL SU-SSRC DTU IST KVMY LMG MARIN SIREHNA CONSAR HRS DNV IZAR FIN EL UK DK P FIN NO F I EL NO E
Safety at Speed
Project Objectives
The aim of the project is to develop a formalised methodology for design for safety of high speed craft (HSC) using state-of-the-art techniques and tools. The global deliverable is this methodology, accompanied by supporting tools and information, which will enable HSC designers to reach an optimal solution with regard to overall safety and through-life cost.
Expected results
- a comprehensive and consistent methodology for the design of high speed crafts, on the basis of a risk/ cost approach; - design and operational guidelines for improving comfort and safety of passengers during HSC operations; - methods for assessing controllability of HSCs; - methods for proper definition of environmental loading of HSCs; - methods for structural analysis of HSCs; - methodological framework for the design of safer HSC at reduced cost; - a baseline for design for safety methodology; - methods for survivability analysis of HSCs.
Title : Safety at Speed Acronym : S@S Contract N : G3RD-CT-2001-00331 Proposal N : GRD1-2000-25563 Total Cost : 4 669 267 EU Contribution : 2 849 555 Starting Date : 01/0701 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Aage DAMSGAARD Organisation : DANISH MARITIME INSTITUTE HJORTEKAERSVEJ 99 DK-2800 LYNGBY Contact: Aage Damsgaard Tel: +45 4587 9325 Fax: +45 4587 9333 E-mail: EC Officer: Claudia Vivalda Tel: +32 2 296 8524 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Danish Maritime Institute Bureau Veritas DAppolonia S.p.A Technical University of Denmark American Bureau of Shipping Europe Ltd. Technical Research Centre of Finland Fincantieri, Cantieri Navali Italiani Spa Ship Stability Research Centre Duisburg Shallow Water Towing Tank Sirehna Maritime Engineering and Technology for Transport, Logistics and Education University of Newcastle National Technical University of Athens SEA Containers Ltd. CETENA DMI BV DAPP DTU ABS VTT FINCANTIERI SSRC VBD SIREHNA METTLE UNEW NTUA SEA CETENA DK F I DK UK FIN I UK D F F UK EL UK I
Project Objectives
Fire is one of the first causes of loss of life and property in shipping transport. Most marine casualties are associated with fire or explosion. Since the beginning of the project it was recognised that stringent international fire safety rules and regulations have a major drawback in being too prescriptive as the result of a non-homogeneous, incremental process. An innovation is the alternative design and arrangements concept which can be accepted when is demonstrated to be at least as safe as the prescriptive design. The approach is to harmonise the fire risk assessment techniques, which are already used in other industrial sectors, in ship design. The SAFETY FIRST project will allow the development of a complete design tool-kit, including risk model databases, products and materials fire properties specifications, fire consequence models for the selected design fire scenarios and simulations correlated with dedicated full-scale fire tests.
Expected results
- assessment of the practical applicability of IMO guidelines on alternative design and arrangements for fire protection; - development of a library of risk models, products and materials identifying significant fire scenarios; - definition of a comprehensive design tool-kit for designers; - possibility for EU shipbuilding industry and ship-owners to promote innovative designs and take immediate advantage of the new regulations.
Title : Design for Safety Ship Fire Engineering Analysis Toolkit Acronym : SAFETY FIRST Contract N : G3RD-CT-1999-00031 Proposal N : GRD1-1999-10299 Total Cost : 3 376 118 EU Contribution : 1 783 440 Starting Date : 01/03/00 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Alessandro MACCARI Organisation : FINCANTIERI CANTIERI NAVALI ITALIANI S.P.A. PASSEGGIO S. ANDREA 6B I-34123 TRIESTE Contact: Alessandro Maccari Tel: +39 040 3193547 Fax: +39 040 3193777 E-mail: EC Officer: Claudia Vivalda Tel: +32 2 296 8524 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Fincantieri Cantieri Navali Italiani S.p.A. CETENA S.p.A. Three Quays Marine Services Limited RINA S.p.A. Bureau Veritas S.A. D'Appolonia S.p.A. AEA Technology plc Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research University of Greenwich FINCANTIERI CETENA 3QM RINA BV DAP AEA TNO UoG I I UK I F I UK NL UK
Auxiliary Climbing Robot for Underwater Ship Hull Cleaning of Sea Adherence and Surveying
Project Objectives
The AURORA project is responding to environmental concerns over the impact of dry dock ship hull cleaning, which can be very contaminating. EU shipyards carry out important repair/maintenance, and cleaning of ship hulls is mandatory before other activities can proceed. Environmental regulations are causing firms performing repair activities to migrate to third countries with less strict regulations, decreasing EU yard activity and seriously compromising EU employment. AURORA is an innovative EU approach aiming to provide an eco-efficient solution to this problem. Cleaning tasks will be done underwater without the need of taking the ship to the dry dock /slipway, by means of a low-cost auxiliary climbing robot for underwater ship hull cleaning. Surveying of the ships hull steel will also be done underwater using specialised sensors.
Expected results
The main expected results of the AURORA project are related to the realisation of an underwater climbing robot and its associated remote control supervisor station for underwater ship hull cleaning and surveying, with the remarkable result of no water nor air pollution. A pre-industrial system will be realised and evaluated in shipyards.
Title : Auxiliary Climbing Robot for Underwater Ship Hull Cleaning of Sea Adherence and Surveying Acronym : AURORA Contract N : G3RD-CT-2000-00246 Proposal N : GRD1-1999-11153 Total Cost : 2 718 825 EU Contribution : 1 529 416 Starting Date : 01/07/00 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Dr Manuel ARMADA Organisation : CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTIFICAS INSTITUTO DE AUTOMATICA INDUSTRIAL CARRETERA DE CAMPO REAL, KM. 0,200 E-28500 LA POVEDA ARGANDA DEL REY Contact: Dr. Manuel Armada Tel: +34 91 817 1900 Fax: +34 91 871 7050 E-mail: EC Officer: Dr Frederic Sgarbi Tel: +32 2 296 1071 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas Instituto de Automatica Industrial Algosystems S.A. Lund University Saind Soldadura S.A. T. Kalogeridis & Co Inc Union Naval de Barcelona
Bonding of Lightweight Materials for Cost-Effective Production of High-Speed Craft and Passenger Ships
Project Objectives
The BONDSHIP project is a major European initiative to introduce adhesive bonding into shipbuilding for joining of lightweight materials. The aim of the project is to make European shipyards more competitive by achieving considerable cost savings in the production of passenger ships and high-speed craft (e.g. -30% for small superstructures). Adhesive bonding will have a significant impact on current shipbuilding practice. Adhesives do not change the properties of the substrate materials and allow joining of dissimilar materials. Furthermore the joints are straight and do not usually require rework unlike welded aluminium. Further benefits are increased opportunities for modular construction leading to increased flexibility in the build schedule for the shipyard by using subcontractors to produce the modules and shorter time between signing of the contract and delivery of the vessel. This will open up new opportunities for SMEs to provide services to shipyards.
Expected results
The main project results are guidelines for design and modelling of joints, acceptance tests and criteria, test and inspection methods for joints, documented application cases and joint designs, material data, repair guidelines, documented production and assembly procedures and practical experience and skills from using adhesives in a shipyard. The partners intend to use the project results in their daily work as well as the basis for new or improved products and services.
Title : Bonding of Lightweight Materials for Cost-Effective Production of High-Speed Craft and Passenger Ships Acronym : BONDSHIP Contract N : G3RD-CT-2000-00101 Proposal N : GRD1-1999-11012 Total Cost : 4 600 000 EU Contribution : 2 200 000 Starting Date : 01/04/00 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Jan WEITZENBCK Organisation : DET NORSKE VERITAS AS VERITASVEIEN 1 N-1322 HVIK, NORWAY Contact: Brian Hayman Tel: +47 6757 7417 Fax: +47 6757 7520 E-mail: EC Officer: Dr Zoe Ketselidou Tel: +32 2 296 3431 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Fincantieri - Cantieri Navali Italiani S.p.A. Vosper Thornycroft (UK) Limited Jos. L. Meyer GmbH Alcan Alesa Engineering ltd. Alcan Mass Transportation Systems, Sika Group CETENA S.p.A. Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Frderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. FiReCo AS University of Southampton Dlgation Gnrale pour l'Armement (DGA), Direction des Centres d'Expertise et d'Essais (DCE) NDT Solutions Ltd Stena Rederi AB Fincantier VT JLM ARR Sika CETENA IFAM FI UoS DGA NDT Stena I UK D CH CH I D NO UK F UK S
Increasing Efficiency and Quality in Shipbuilding and Ship Repair by Developing Mobile Laser Equipment for Dock Areas
Project Objectives
DockLaser aims to increase productivity, flexibility, quality and working conditions in the block and final assembly areas of new shipbuilding as well as in ship repair by introducing laser processing. These areas are commonly referred to as dock area in this project. DockLaser will develop mechanised mobile laser processing units for three typical applications in the dock area: long linear structural welds, tack welds as well as for welding and cutting operations in outfitting. Applying this technology is expected to save of up to 50 000 man-hours for a large cruise ship.
Expected results
The main innovative aspects of DockLaser comprise: - introduction of laser processing techniques into the dock area; - combination of laser processing and mobile mechanised equipment; - a set of modular tools and equipment specially designed for the dock area; - guidelines and solutions for safe operation of mobile Nd-YAG laser units; - guidelines to obtain approval of laser processing in the dock area.
Title : Increasing Efficiency and Quality in Shipbuilding and Ship Repair by Developing Mobile Laser Equipment for Dock Areas Acronym : DockLaser Contract N : NA Proposal N : GRD2-2001-51806 Total Cost : 4 079 786 EU Contribution : 2 552 959 Starting Date : 01/09/02 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Dr Frank ROLAND Organisation : JOS.L.MEYER PO BOX 1555 INDUSTRIEGEBIET SD D-26855 PAPENBURG Contact: Dr Frank Roland Tel: +49 4961 814 617 Fax: +49 4961 814 497 E-mail: EC Officer: Frdric Sgarbi Tel: +32 2 296 1071 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Jos.L.Meyer GmbH BALance Technology Consulting GmbH Forschungszentrum des Deutschen Schiffbaus Odense Steel Shipyard Ltd. IZAR Construcciones Navales S.A. Det Norske Veritas AS Schweitechnische Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Schweitechnische Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt Halle GmbH VUZ Vyskumny ustav zvaracsky FORCE Technology Mobil Laser Tec GmbH Intelligent Welding Automation (IWA) ApS Fronius Schweimaschinen Produktions GmbH & Co. KG JLM BAL FDS OSS IZAR DNV SLV-MV SLV-Halle VUZ FORCE MLT IWA FRONIUS D D D DK E NO D D SK DK D DK A
Project Objectives
The main objective of the project is to increase competitiveness in European shipbuilding by improving productivity. It is an objective of the project to improve the working conditions, safety and health of the welders in this ship erection area. Technical objectives: - establishing an overview of welding automation aspects in the ship erection area; - develop a flexible manipulator for welding in closed ship hull structures and demonstrate this in a shipbuilding environment; - develop and integrate a motion planning and control system; - develop and integrate a process control system being able to manage the significant welding gaps in the ship erection area.
Expected results
The exploitable project output will be: - automation analysis covering important considerations for shipbuilders for introducing welding automation in the dock area; - a prototype system, DOCKWELDER, for flexible welding automation in the dock area; - a prototype manipulator with significant numbers of DOF for better accessibility in complex structures; - an industrially-tested motion planning and control system with real time compensation; - a prototype process control system for welding in the final assembly stages of shipbuilding with large tolerance deviations; - a free configurable man-machine Interface (MMI) concept useful in various industrial applications.
Title : Flexible Welding Automation of Ship Erection Acronym : DOCKWELDER Contract N : G3RD-CT-2000-00289 Proposal N : GRD1-2000-25726 Total Cost : 2 941 500 EU Contribution : 1 598 700 Starting Date : 01/02/01 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Torben ANDERSEN Organisation : ODENSE STEEL SHIPYARD LTD. LINDOE ALLE 176 DK-6330 MUNKEBO Contact: Torben Andersen Tel: +45 6 397 1010 Fax: +45 6 397 2345 E-mail: EC Officer: Frederic Sgarbi Tel: +32 2 296 1071 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Odense Steel Shipyard Ltd Fincantieri, Cantieri Navali Italiani Spa Cybernetix S.A Gesellschaft fr Automatisierung, Prozesteuerung und Schweitechnik Amrose University of Southern Denmark, Odense University OSS FINCANTIERI CYB APS Amrose MIP DK I F D DK DK
Project Objectives
The objective of this project is to develop guidelines and recommendations covering best work practice for industrial coating processes with respect to best product quality, safest health and working conditions and the smallest environmental impact. The target is to properly integrate the coating process into the ship production activities to achieve improved productivity and coating standards throughout the life of the ship. In addition dissemination of intermediate and final results will be a key objective through workshops and targeted user-groups. ECOPAINT will test alternative coating materials combined with new surface and application technologies to reduce solvent emissions by 20%.
Expected results
The project will deliver: - improved coating testing methods; - improved productivity and management of the coating process at new building; - improved health and safety performance of the coating process and guidelines; - improved understanding of the environmental equation and identification of critical areas from this study and specific areas where more detailed work is required to take into account the through life impact of ship operations and scrapping.
Title : Environmentally friendly and efficient coatings for ships Acronym : ECOPAINT Contract N : G3RD-CT2000-00368 Proposal N : GRD1-2000-25496 Total Cost : 2 800 000 EU Contribution : 1 640 000 Starting Date : 01/01/01 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Lars-Eric ETZOLD Organisation : JOS. L. MEYER GMBH INDUSTRIEGEBIET SUED D-26871 PAPENBURG Contact: Lars-Eric Etzold Tel: +49 4691 814329 Fax: +49 4961 81940298 E-mail: EC Officer: Joost De Bock Tel: +32 2 296 9089 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Jos. L. Meyer Gmbh Odense Steel Shipyard Ltd Det Norske Veritas A/S Safinah Ltd Forschungszentrum Terramare Newcastle Primary Care Trust G. Theodor Freese Gmbh JLM OSS DNV SAFINAH FTM NPCT GTF D DK NO UK D UK D
Project Objectives
EFTCoR is a new Environment-Friendly and Cost-effective Technology for Coating Removal which will preserve the market for European ship repair of 800 M a year/ 270 000 jobs. It is estimated to achieve a surface preparation cost reduction of about 27 M per year and a reduction in the maintenance period by 40%, which will reduce ship operation costs by 3%. The project will develop new technology regarding coating removal. Its second objective is the development of a new system for effective waste separation and disposal. And thirdly, an important research effort will be made in the automation of the cleaning process. In this sense, a family of coating removal systems will be developed, capable of working in a cooperative way.
Expected results
Main development: - recyclable and cost-effective new material for hull coating removal; - waste recycling system; - family of coating removal systems capable of working in a cooperative way. Main results: - minimum environmental impact by reducing the emission of dust up to 90%; - meduction of coating removal material consumption and, hence, disposal up to 90%; - manpower reduction up to 70% and improvement of working conditions, security and worker health.
Title : Environment-Friendly and Cost-Effective Technology for Coating Removal Acronym : EFTCoR Contract N : NA Proposal N : GRD 2-2001-50004 Total Cost : NA EU Contribution : NA Starting Date : NA Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Juan Pablo MOLINA Organisation : IZAR CARENAS CTRA. DE LA ALGAMECA E-30205 CARTAGENA Contact: Juan Pablo Molina Tel: +34 968 128342 Fax: +34 968 128399 E-mail: EC Officer: Frederic Sgarbi Tel: +32 2 296 1071 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Izar Construcciones Navales, S.A. Industrial de Acabados, S.A. Eder Strahltechnik Gesellschaft, m.b.H. Hempels Marine Paints A/S Universidad Politcnica de Madrid BYG Systems LTD Universidad Politcnica de Cartagena IAPETOS, S.A. LISNAVE-Staleiros Navais, S.A. Doulopoulous Shipyards LTD IZAR INDASA EDER HEMPEL UPM-ELAI BYG UPCT-DSIE IAPETOS LISNAVE DOSH E E A DK E UK E EL P EL
Project Objectives
The projects strategic aim is the recovery of competitiveness of European shipbuilding, making it possible for the industrial use of laser welding of ship structures. Important benefits (6-8% of the hull fabrication costs) are expected, with positive impact to employment. Technical achievements aim at overcoming some of the barriers that exist for the laser welding in shipbuilding. These are the high plant costs, and their typical inflexibility because of mirror beam transmission. YAG laser-based systems with fibre optical cable transmission can solve the problem. Low-cost, versatile, safe laser welding is the projects target. Improved knowledge of the YAG welding of medium/high thickness plates is expected, with the solution of the problem of safe use of YAG laser in the shops, the realisation of a welding head with new, compact configuration, of the process control system and the welding plant prototype.
Expected results
Main milestones are: - welding procedure database; - solidification flaw steel index; - welding head prototype construction; - safety devices construction; - control system; - welding plant prototype; - considerations for guidelines related to YAG laser steel welds. Important pre-normative and technical achievements for the practical exploitation of laser welding in the yards are expected. Benefits are expected in employment in the shipbuilding sector, environment and working conditions.
Title : Shipbuilding Low Cost, Versatile and Safe Welding by Yag Laser Application Acronym : SHIPYAG Contract N : G3RD-CP-2000-00251 Proposal N : GRD1-10486 Total Cost : 4 070 640 EU Contribution : 2 079 076 Starting Date : 01/10/00 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Luciano MANZON Organisation : FINCANTIERI CANTIERI NAVALI ITALIANI S.P.A. V. GENOVA 1 I-34121 TRIESTE Contact: Luciano MANZON Tel: +39 040 3192455 Fax: +39 040 3192443 E-mail: EC Officer: Dr Zoe Ketselidou Tel: +32 2 296 3431 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Odense Steel Shipyard Ltd Force Technology ( ex Force Institute ) The Welding Institute Centro di Ricerche Fiat National Technical University of Athens Bisiach & Carr Haas-Laser GmbH &Co. KG Lloyds Register Registro Navale Italiano Intelligent Welding Automation Fincantieri Cantieri Navali Italiani S.p.A. OSS FOR TWI CRF NTUA BIS HAAS Lloyds RINA IWA FINCANTIERI DK DK UK I EL I D UK I DK I
Erosion of Ship Propellers and Rudders the Influence of Cavitation on Material Damages
Project Objectives
The shipping market shows a strong industrial need for ships with high efficiency combined with low levels of propeller-induced noise and vibrations. The maximum power for single-screw ships has grown from more than 80 MW. The speed of the ships and therefore the loading on the propeller has increased. Additional limitations in draft make the inflow to the propeller inhomogeneous and therefore the danger of cavitation increases. Cavitation can cause erosion resulting in severe material damages with negative consequences like damages to rudders, appendages and propellers which may end even in a total loss of propeller blades, excessive vibrations and loss of efficiency which will increase the impact of emissions on atmospheric pollution. The main objective of the project is the improvement of the prediction methods for cavitation-induced erosion, and the development of a practical tool to assess the risk of erosion on ship propellers and rudders in an early design stage.
Expected results
Realising the new test methods and the new software tools will strongly enhance the capacity of model basins, of propeller designers, shipyards and ship owners. The results will be: - extensive knowledge of test techniques; - new guidelines for the design of propellers and rudders; - appropriate tools for full-scale testing; - an expert group within EU countries which is most skilled world-wide; - higher standard of propeller production in EU countries. The fallout on the economic side is evident: better propellers and rudders from the cavitation point of view.
Title : Erosion of Ship Propellers and Rudders the Influence of Cavitation on Material Damages Acronym : EROCAV Contract N : G3RD-CT2000-00268 Proposal N : GRD1-2000-25089 Total Cost : 3 369 960 EU Contribution : 1 828 859 Starting Date : 01/01/01 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Jrgen FRIESCH Organisation : HAMBURGISCHE SCHIFFBAU VERSUCHSANSTALT GMBH BRAMFELDER STRASSE 164 D-22305 HAMBURG
Contact: Jrgen Friesch Tel: +49 40 6920 3252 Fax: +49 40 6920 3345 E-mail: EC Officer: Frederic Sgarbi Tel: +32 2 296 1071 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Hamburgische Schiffbau- Versuchsanstalt GmbH Bassin d'Essais des Carenes Chalmers University of Technology Germanischer Lloyd AG Ship Design and Research Centre (CTO) John Crane Lips Lloyd's Register Maritime Research Institute of Netherlands Mecklenburger Metallguss GmbH SSPA Sweden AB Walleniusrederierna AB HSVA Bassin Chalmers GL CTO LIPS Lloyd's MARIN MMG SSPA Wallenius D F S D PL NL UK NL D S S
Project Objectives
FASTPOD is an RTD project to fit the research objectives of Development of Critical Marine Technologies. The ultimate goal of the project, within the overall objectives of the Competitive and Sustainable Growth Programme, is to improve complex vessel and platform production through the development and application of a new technology. The specific objective of the project is to combine and extrapolate the existing European grown knowledge on large and fast ships and pod drives to develop a future design technology for fast commercial ships driven by pods. The limits, benefits and risks of this new technology will be demonstrated through design case studies. The vital issues of overall cost effectiveness, safety and reduced environmental impact will be rigorously assessed and recommendations will be made for the new technology regarding these issues as well as the effective implementation.
Expected results
The deliverables of the project are the design studies of the three fast pod-driven ships and the validation of the associated design technology. The deliverables will also address social needs by focusing on higher transport efficiency, improved safety and environmental protection and thus contribute to the enhancement of the quality of life in the community. The expected results will improve the long-term competitiveness of the EU maritime technologies in terms of skills base and higher employment as well as addressing the future demands of the marine transport market.
Title : FAST Ship Applications for POD Drives Acronym : FASTPOD Contract N : G3RD-CT-2002-00822 Proposal N : GRD2-2001-50063 Total Cost : 3 972 327 EU Contribution : 2 400 000 Starting Date : 01/09/02 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Professor Mehmet ATLAR Organisation : UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE ARMSTRONG BUILDING UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE UK-NE1 7RU NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE Contact: Professor Mehmet Atlar Tel: +44 191 222 8977 Fax: +44 191 222 5491 E-mail: EC Officer: Frederic Sgarbi Tel: +32 2 296 1071 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne Department of Marine Technology Alstom Chantiers de lAtlantique CETENA S.p.A Ship Design Research Centre Deltamarin FincantierI Cantieri Navali Italiani S.p.A Stocznia Gdynia S.A. Hamburgische Schiffbau Versuchsanstalt GmbH Lloyds Register PRINCIPIA Marine SSPA Sweden AB University of Strathclyde Ship Stability Research Centre Stocznia Szczecinska Porta Holding S.A. Stena Rederi AB TECHNICATOME BAE SYSTEMS Marine Technical Research Centre of Finland
F u e l C e l l Te c h n o l o g y i n S h i p s
Project Objectives
The overall objectives of the proposed research are, in the long term, a cost-effective, substantial reduction of emissions, noise and vibration from waterborne transport. The short- and medium-term objectives are to define the end-users demand for the application of fuel cells on board ships for both main propulsion and auxiliary applications, evaluate safety and operational demands for ships equipped with fuel cells, and to assess both economically and environmentally, the potentials of fuel cells application for waterborne transport. In short, the project objective is to provide, if the potentials are assessed to be interesting, a roadmap for further R&D on FC application on ships taking into account, safety, operational, environmental, cost, infrastructure and market aspects.
Expected results
An inventory and state-of-the-art report on EU fuel cells research and applications will be prepared, and requirements for further development to meet requirements to marine application developed. A standard for safety and operational requirements for marine fuel cell application will be developed. Conceptual designs, case studies and analysis to consider infrastructure, economy and environmental impact will be performed. The R&D needs for the future and proposed marine demonstrators will be defined.
Title : Fuel Cell Technology in Ships Acronym : FC SHIP Contract N : NA Proposal N : GRD2-2001-50022 Total Cost : 2 540 000 EU Contribution : 1 400 000 Starting Date : NA Duration : 24 months Scientific Coordinator : Nils TELLE Organisation : NORWEGIAN SHIPOWNERS ASSOCIATION RAADHUSGATEN 25, 1452 VIKA NO-0116 OSLO Contact: Nils Telle Tel: +47 22 401500 Fax: +47 22 401515 E-mail: EC Officer: Claudia Vivalda Tel: +32 2 296 8524 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Norwegian Shipowners Association Germanischer Lloyd AG University of Applied Sciences Hamburg University of Strathclyde Norwegian Marine Technology Research Institute MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH Technische Universiteit Deft dAppolonia S.p.a. L-B Systemtechnik GmbH Fincantieri- Cantieri Navali Italiani S.p.a. Wartsila Corporation Lloyds Register Det Norske Veritas RINA S.p.a. Universit degli Studi di Genova Ansaldo Richerche Srl Norske Hydro ASA Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research Imtech Marine & Industry, R&H Systems BV Knutsen OAS Shipping A.S. Color Line Marine AS NSA GL UASHH SU MT MTU DUT DAP LBST FINCANTIERI WM Lloyds DNV RINA UNIGE AFCO NH TNO IMTECH KOAS CL NO D D UK NO D NL I D I FIN UK NO I I I NO NL NL NO NO
Expected results
Expected results are: - software codes for the control of the vibrations induced by tip vortex of the propulsor; - software for the integration of CAD and CFD; - a database with benchmark data for further development of CFD tools in industry; - new propulsors such as the tip-plated propeller; - an industrial network for the application of CFD in industry.
Title : Prediction Of Leading Edge And Tip Flow For The Design Of Quiet And Efficient Screw Propellers Acronym : LEADING EDGE Contract N : G3RD-CT-2002-000818 Proposal N : GRD-2001-50105 Total Cost : 3 610 897 EU Contribution : 1 992 685 Starting Date : second half 2002 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Dr G. KUIPER Organisation : MARIN HAAGSTEEG 2, PO BOX 28 NL-6700AA WAGENINGEN Contact: G. Kuiper Tel: +31 317 493273 Fax: +31 317 493245 E-mail: EC Officer: Frederic Sgarbi Tel: +31 2 296 1071 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Maritime Research Institute Netherlands SSPA Sweden AB Technical University Denmark Chalmers University of Technolology FLOWTECH International AB Izar Construcciones Navales S.A. Technical Research Center of Finland Lips United BV. Hamburgische Schiffbauversuchsanstalt Stichting Nationaal Lucht en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium Stiftelsen for Industriell og Teknisk Forskning ved Norges Tekniske Hoegskole CETENA S.p.A. Helsinki University of Technology Fincantier i- Cantieri Navali Italiani S.p.A. Ship Design and Research Center MARIN SSPA DTU CHALMERS FLOWTECH IZAR VTT LIPS HSVA NLR SINTEF CETENA HUT FINCANTIERI CTO NL S DK S S E FIN NL D NL NO I FIN I PL
Project Objectives
The LIFETIME project considers the problem of large marine engine performance degradation and emissions increase in time. This problem is compounded by the fact that a conventional marine engine has optimum matching fixed at a certain operating load point. A significant portion of the engine operation may be in other operating regions leading to increased fuel consumption and exhaust emission levels. The objectives of the LIFETIME project are: - to establish a set of correlations between performance, emissions and engine operating parameters, applicable to a wide variety of direct drive marine engines; - to develop prototype control systems including the correlations above, able to optimise engine performance based on usually measured operating and external parameters, with emissions level as an optimisation constraint.
Expected results
The outcome of the project in terms of technical achievements will be: - to develop and build an integrated engine control system, incorporating the developed schemes and algorithms for optimum performance under the constraint of acceptable emission levels; - to develop and build an electronic engine performance/emissions observer (NOxBOX), allowing for online assessment of exhaust emission levels, based only on usually measured engine operating parameters.
Title : Low In Fuel and Emissions Two-stroke Intelligent Marine Engine Acronym : LIFETIME Contract N : G3RD-CT-2000-00245 Proposal N : GRD1-1999-10741 Total Cost : 3 354 985 EU Contribution : 1 979 980 Starting Date : 01/04/00 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Professor Nikolaos P. KYRTATOS Organisation : DANAOS SHIPPING CO. 57 AKTI MIAOULI STR EL-18536 PIRAEUS Contact: Professor Nikolaos P. Kyrtatos Tel: +30 10 772 1119 Fax: +30 10 772 1120 E-mail: EC Officer: Frederic Sgarbi Tel: +32 2 296 1071 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): DANAOS Shipping Co. Ltd National Technical University of Athens / Laboratory of Marine Engineering MAN B&W Diesel A/S ABB Service A/S Germanischer Lloyd AG Hapag-Lloyd Container Linie GmbH Greek CIMAC Association DANAOS NTUA/LME MAN B&W ABB GL HL GCA EL EL DK DK D D EL
Optimal Design and Implementation of Azimuthing Pods for the Safe and Efficient Propulsion of Ships
Project Objectives
The general objective of the project is to deliver all data for the elaboration of guidelines, necessary for design and operation of efficient pod propulsion systems. There will be systematised recommendations for any hull form design, giving not only the best prospects for efficient pod propulsion installations, but as far as possible resistance, manoeuvring, and seakeeping characteristics, as well as comfort on board, and operational performances, for high levels of safety and quality of life on board and around the vessel. Economic and safety aspects will be combined, for giving all useful elements for optimisation of hull structure, machinery and general arrangement of the vessel. Finally, the study will provide pod designers and users with means to search the best compromises in each practical ship and market case.
Expected results
The project is based on four ships of different types. The results in terms of methodology, reference values and guidelines will be used from one ship to another. All information and elements collected during the project will be organised in guidelines for exploitation of the results by all parties, in design, building and operation of the podded-drive vessels of all types and dimensions.
Title : Optimal Design and Implementation of Azimuthing Pods for the Safe and Efficient Propulsion of Ships Acronym : OPTIPOD Contract N : G3RD-CT-1999-00017 Proposal N : GRD1-1999-10294 Total Cost : 5 028 709 EU Contribution : 2 879 527 Starting Date : 01/01/00 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Roger LEPEIX Organisation : CHANTIERS DE LATLANTIQUE AVENUE BOURDELLE B.P. 61775 F-44617 SAINT-NAZAIRE CEDEX Contact: Roger Lepeix Tel: +33 2 51 10 9478 Fax: +33 2 51 10 4957 E-mail: EC Officer: Frederic Sgarbi Tel: +32 2 296 1071 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Alstom Chantiers de lAtlantique SA SSPA Maritime Consulting AB Hamburgische Schiffbau VersuchAnstalt Kockums Engineering AB University of Newcastle upon Tyne Deltamarin Ltd Rolls Royce AB SSRC University of Strathclyde Ship Design and Research Centre Stocznia Gdynia S.A. Viking Line ABP VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Color Line Marine AS Sirehna CDA SSPA HSVA KEAB UNew Deltamarin RR SSRC CTO Gdynia VL VTT CL SIREHNA F S D S UK FIN S UK PL PL FIN FIN NO F
Project Objectives
The PODS IN SERVICE project is aiming at the safety and reliability of podded propulsors under service conditions. The concept of azimuthing submerged electricallydriven pull propellers has been swiftly accepted by the shipping industry because of their advantages in manoeuvring, comfort, economy and ship construction. Not only are pods applied to almost every new cruise liner and ferry, also the size of the pods has grown dramatically with units up to 20 MWatt. As prime movers the pods are crucial for the economy and safety of ship, passengers, crew, cargo and environment. Although the development of the pod is based on experience with azimuthing thrusters used for tugs, inland vessels and offshore structures and each manufacturer has conducted laboratory test campaigns, experience with the performance of pods under actual working conditions is still limited. In particular the loads experienced by the pod structure, the propellers and the ship hull around the pod are unknown. For these reasons safety authorities, class societies, owners, shipyards and pod manufacturers have a strong interest to gather knowledge in these areas.
Expected results
- the PODS IN SERVICE project will provide a consistent data set of loads on podded propulsors under service conditions. From this data both extreme loads on pod and hull as well as the fatigue loads will be derived; - identified critical design and certification conditions; - a comparison between the measured results and those obtained from existing design and certification calculation methods will be provided.
Title : Safety and Reliability of Podded Propulsors in Service Conditions Acronym : PODS IN SERVICE Contract N : G3RD-CT-2000-00242 Proposal N : GRD1-1999-10395 Total Cost : 1 901 082 EU Contribution : 809 859 Starting Date : 01/07/00 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Henk VAN DEN BOOM Organisation : MARIN PO BOX 28 NL-6700 AA WAGENINGEN Contact: Henk van den Boom Tel: +31 317 493353 Fax: +31 317 493209 E-mail: EC Officer: Frederic Sgarbi Tel: +32 2 296 1071 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Maritime Research Inst. Netherlands ABB Azipod Oy Rolls Royce Kamewa Meyerwerft Lloyds Register VTT Manufacturing Technology Alstom Chantiers de lAtlantique MARIN ABB Kamewa Meyerwerft Lloyds VTT CDA NL FIN S D UK FIN F
Project Objectives
The principal objective of the SMOKERMEN project is to achieve a reduction in smoke emissions of marine diesel engines to below the visible limit for all engine operating conditions on board ships. This will be achieved by developing systems to continuously supply an adequate amount of combustion air to the engine. The proposed systems will provide external air and accelerate the engine turbocharger, thus improving the air charge. These new systems must be appropriately controlled and will be designed for marine engine application. Thus, a new engine controller must be developed. The final objective of the project is to install prototype systems on a marine diesel engine and to verify the applicability of the concept and the performance of each system as well as of their combination.
Expected results
The expected result of the SMOKERMEN project is a reduction in smoke emissions of marine diesel engines to below the visible limit for all engine operating conditions. Two prototype systems will be developed, to provide a continuous adequate supply of combustion air to the engine. These prototypes and their control system will be installed on a marine engine operating with typical loading profiles and the objective of no visible smoke at all operating conditions will be verified experimentally.
Title : Smoke Emissions Reduction in Marine Engines Acronym : SMOKERMEN Contract N : G3RD-CT-2002-00817 Proposal N : GRD2-2001-50009 Total Cost : 2 639 239 EU Contribution : 1 352 428 Starting Date : 01/07/02 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Professor Nikolaos P. KYRTATOS Organisation : GREEK CIMAC ASSOCIATION PO BOX 64033 IROON POLYTECHNIOU 9 STR., BUILDING LAMBDA / A3 EL-15710 ZOGRAFOS Contact: Professor Nikolaos P. Kyrtatos Tel: +30 10 772 1119 Fax: +30 10 772 1120 E-mail: EC Officer: Frederic Sgarbi Tel: +32 2 296 1071 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Greek CIMAC Association ABB Turbo Systems Ltd WOODWARD Governor Nederland B.V. National Technical University of Athens / Laboratory of Marine Engineering Germanischer Lloyd AG GCA ABB WGNL NTUA/LME GL EL CH NL EL D
Project Objectives
The STID project is innovative in two respects: - in improving engine efficiency by utilising low temperature energy; - in reducing emissions (NOx and soot) by introducing steam in the combustion chamber. Injection of high-pressure steam into a combustion engine will realise a combined Diesel-Rankine engine. The internal combustion engine and Rankine processes work in parallel in the same cylinder, allowing for a higher power output. Emissions of NOx will be reduced mainly through reduced process temperature and oxygen concentration of the charge. Soot emissions are lowered as a consequence of the increased in-cylinder turbulence.
Expected results
Simulations and initial rig tests indicate that steam should be injected close to TDC, and that the steam injection will lead to large non-uniformities of the steam distribution. Hence the steam should be injected tangentially in the cylinder preventing major increases in ignition delay and reduced efficiency of combustion. Tangential injection is preferred from an engine efficiency point of view, and will also result in significant reductions of NOx emissions. However, the impact on emissions appears to be less than initial analysis showed. Engine tests have been performed to explore the potential of low-pressure steam injection on emissions of NOx and soot, and to verify the performance of the steam system at less extreme conditions. NOx emissions could be reduced by 50% without any effect on fuel consumption or other emissions by steam injection during the intake stroke. Even at 70% NOx reduction, emissions of other species were acceptable.
Title : Steam Injection Diesel Engine Acronym : STID Contract N : G3RD-CT-2000-00243 Proposal N : GRD1-1999-10482 Total Cost : 1 840 000 EU Contribution : 1 080 000 Starting Date : 01/07/00 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Per Magne EINANG Organisation : MARINTEK PO BOX VALENTINLYST NO-7000 TRONDHEIM Contact: Per Magne Einang Tel: +47 7359 5706 Fax: +47 7359 5776 E-mail: EC Officer: Frederic Sgarbi Tel: +32 2 296 1071 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: frederic.sgarbi@cec.euint Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Norwegian Marine Technology Research Institute Wrtsil Technology OyAb Chalmers University of Technology Norwegian University of Science and Technology MARINTEK Wrtsil Chalmers NTNU NO FIN S NO
H i g h Te n s i l e S t e e l 6 9 0 i n F a s t S h i p S t r u c t u r e s
Project Objectives
The socio-economic issue addressed is the waterborne transportation of passengers, cars and cargo in European coastal areas. In view of the increasing demand for transport, the increasing congestion of the roads, the promotion of intermodal transport and sustainable mobility of passengers and cargo, there is a growing need for fast and large ships. The crucial issue here is the availability of low weight ship structures. The main objective of FasdHTS-project therefore, is the reduction of ship weight by the application of very high tensile steel with a yield stress of 690 MPa. In the project, new structural concepts are developed, of which the structural integrity is assessed by direct calculation methods and experimental validation. This requires explicit consideration of the failure mechanisms as fatigue and buckling.
Expected results
In addition to strength problems one has to deal with stiffness problems as well. These are vibration problems due to the water jets, whipping by slamming and springing by incoming head waves. The FasdHTS-project will provide design rules for the application of HTS 690 in ships and the procedures for the integrity assessment with direct calculation methods. Furthermore, the project will establish guidelines for the best practice of fabrication techniques and guidelines for maintenance and survey of advanced structures.
Acronym : FasdHTS Contract N : G3RD-CT-2000-00100 Proposal N : GRD1-1999-10558 Total Cost : 3 233 000 EU Contribution : 1 800 000 Starting Date : 01/04/00 Duration : 48 months Scientific Coordinator : Gerard T.M. JANSSEN Organisation : TNO SCHOEMAKERSTRAAT 97 NL-PO BOX 49, NL-2600 AA DELFT Contact: Gerard T. M. Janssen Tel: +31 15 269 5364 Fax: +31 15 269 5399 E-mail: EC Officer: Dr Zoe Ketselidou Tel: +32 2 296 3431 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research F Industriteknik AB Alstom Chantiers de lAtlantique SA Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft mbH&Co.KG Van der Giessen-De Noord Shipbuilding Division BV Lisnave Estaleiros Navais SA Royal Schelde Group BV AG der Dillinger Httenwerke Bureau Veritas SA Germanischer Lloyd AG Chalmers University of Technology Instituto Superior Tchnico Technical University Hamburg-Harburg TNO F-I CDA FSG GN LISN RS DH BV GL Chalmers IST TUHH NL S F D NL P NL D F D S P D
Project Objectives
SANDWICH aims to develop novel metal-composite lightweight sandwich panels for load-carrying structures in ships and land transport by combining a laser-welded steel structure with different types of cores. The excellent properties those modular sandwich panels will have compared to conventional stiffened plates are: - weight reduction up to 50%; - 50% less space consumption; - improved noise and vibration damping; - enhanced fire safety and heat insulation; - significantly improved crash resistance; - reduction of manufacturing cost by accurate pre-manufacturing; - easy and fast assembly; - flexible use through modular solutions for panels and joints.
Expected results
SANDWICH will deliver: - a new generation of lightweight products for both land and marine vehicles based on cored sandwich panels; - the SANDWICH design tool to assist optimum design of sandwich panels, joints and functional units; - a sound material behaviour and operational properties database filled through intensive small- and large-scale testing of advanced sandwich panels; - design catalogue including design guidelines for type approval of products after the project end; - specimens and prototypes. SANDWICH products are applicable to non-transport industries such as building and construction industry and mechanical engineering.
Acronym : SANDWICH Contract N : G3RD-CT-2000-00256 Proposal N : GRD1-1999-10862 Total Cost : 3 777 709 EU Contribution : 2 250 000 Starting Date : 01/04/00 Duration : 39 months Scientific Coordinator : Dr Frank ROLAND Organisation : JOS. L. MEYER PO BOX 1555 INDUSTRIEGEBIET SD D-26855 PAPENBURG Contact: Dr Frank Roland Tel: +49 4961 814 617 Fax: +49 4961 814 497 E-mail: EC Officer: Dr Zoe Ketselidou Tel: +32 2 296 3431 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Jos L. Meyer MACOR Neptun GmbH Jnger GmbH Transport und Entsorgungstechnik INFERT GmbH CETEC Consultancy Engineering & Technology Ltd. Kungl Tekniska Hgskolan TXT e-solutions S.P.A Helsinki University of Technology TNO Building and Construction Research Technikal University of Gdansk Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology Talgo OY Det Norske Veritas AS NAS extension member: Riga Technical University JLM MACOR Jnger INFERT CETEC KTH TXT HUT TNO TUG Talgo DNV RTU D D D D UK S I FIN NL PL FIN NO LV
Intelligent Shuttle Fleet Connecting a Split Container Storage Area for Intermodal Operation Improvement
Project Objectives
In Europe, due to restricted space in ports, freight terminals cannot cope with the volume of traffic caused by the increasing amounts of equipment required by shipping lines (i.e. 4 berth cranes). One alternative, a permanent site with all facilities required in an urban site, will create huge traffic problems. The solution is an inland depot (dry port) located in a peripheral site, well served by regional and international railway, road and/or inland waterways. This inland depot must also be connected to the port, reducing the ports role as sole route for freight and storage traffic. The two spaces of this new split terminal could be easily linked by a dedicated rail track (new or existing), while an automated transfer system would meet the requirements of a highperformance terminal.
Expected results
The main project output are expected to be: - the establishment of one full-scale prototype shuttle to be used in connection with the actual ASAPP for the behaviour tests; - the sensor system, hardware and research; - the application program for the line management system and related research; - the split terminal virtual system (simulation) to validate the performances by means of case studies. The expected timing for exploitation of these results is three to five years after the end of the research contract.
Title : Intelligent Shuttle Fleet Connecting a Split Container Storage Area for Intermodal Operation Improvement Acronym : ASAPP ONE Contract N : G3RD-CT-2001-00310 Proposal N : GRD1-2000-25132 Total Cost : 3 210 398 EU Contribution : 1 605 200 Starting Date : 15/02/01 Duration : 30 months Scientific Coordinator : Jean Claude DELLINGER Organisation : TECHNICATOME 17 CENTRE DETUDE DE SACLAY F-91192 GIF-SUR-YVETTE Contact: Jean Claude Dellinger Tel: +33 169 33 81 53 Fax: +33 169 33 80 12 E-mail: EC Officer: Joost de Bock Tel: +32 2 296 90 98 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Fantuzzi Reggiane SpA Technicatome SA Ikerlan Ltda Noell CRANE systems GmbH Sciro S.r.l. Suditalia Terminal Operator S.r.l. (STO) Ecosita S.A. Salerno Container Terminal SpA FANREG.TCA Technic Ikerlan.ce NCS Sciro STO ECOSITA SALCONT.YM I F E D I I F I
Project Objectives
CargoSpeed is an innovative technology for the transfer of standard semi-trailers between rail and road in combined transport. It introduces the idea of roll-on/roll-off to rail freight. The common technique today is a lift-on/lift-off operation where semitrailers are transferred vertically onto pocket-type rail wagons. This technique has an economic break-even point of about 600 km compared to road freight. Requiring special liftable equipment the transport of semi-trailers in combined transport is steadily losing ground against direct road haulage that even further increases the load on European motorways. It is estimated that road congestion costs the combined economies of the EU some 2% of their GDP. CargoSpeed has been initiated to address these problems. It aims at bringing the 600 km-threshold of conventional semi-trailer handling down to 300 km by minimising the time intermodal trains spend in terminals, thereby reducing the total systems costs.
Expected results
Based on interim results the CargoSpeed-system achieves considerable cost savings. It provides terminal handling some 19% cheaper per trailer than the conventional technology. The terminal design proposes a single working track providing a capacity of at least 200 000 semi-trailers per year. Further cost reductions are to be expected stemming from the usage of standard equipment and the higher productivity of the rolling stock. Recent contacts within the industry resulted in positive feedbacks.
Title : Cargo Rail Road Interchange at Speed Acronym : CargoSpeed Contract N : G3RD-CT-2000-00450 Proposal N : NA Total Cost : 1 808 780 EU Contribution : 1 049 993 Starting Date : 01/01/01 Duration : 30 months Scientific Coordinator : Dr Lars STEMMLER Organisation : BLG CONSULT GMBH PO BOX 28 61 53 D-28361 BREMEN Contact: Dr. Lars Stemmler Tel: +49 421 398 3694 Fax: +49 421 398 3698 E-mail: EC Officer: Joost de Bock Tel: +32 2 296 9089 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Advanced Railway Research Centre BLG Consult GmbH Costaferroviaria S.p.A. Warbreck Engineering and Drydock Comp. PLEIAS Informatics & Communications ARRC BLG C Costa WE Pleias UK D I UK EL
To o l s t o O p t i m i s e H i g h S p e e d C r a f t t o P o r t Interface Concepts
Project Objectives
TOHPIC aims to: - optimise the interface between high speed craft (HSC) and port; - achieve faster turn-around times and less intermediate storage time; - increase efficiency, safety and environment consciousness. This will give economic advantages both to the ship operator and the port through improved goods flow, less need for additional terminal area, less fuel consumption and better usage of the HSC fleet. The focus is on vessels for combined passenger and good transport, both catamaran and mono-hull HSC. To obtain the results TOHPIC will optimise the: - manoeuvrability during approach/departure operations and during manoeuvring in port waters (which will improve the turn-around time, provide a safe, fast and efficient service and guarantee a better protection of passengers and the surrounding traffic); - interface between the HSC and the port in berth design to achieve safer and more efficient approach and mooring or unmooring; - logistics solutions for all transport on and off the HSC.
The work comprises six parts: - ship to shore operation, develop methodology for HSC in port environment including analysis of wash wave generation, increasing safety and efficiency by improvement of manoeuvring and route planning; - shore to ship interface and port infrastructure, identifying and developing techniques enhancing efficiency in the interface between the port terminal and the HSC, with physical flow of objects and terminal layout optimised; - risks and environmental impact, identifying the main risks, financial costs and environmental impacts, induced by the present HSC in port and assessing the new solutions proposed; - tools for advanced visualisation and evaluation, using model tests and developed mathematical models, creating a simulator tool including visualisation; - case studies and validation, performing a test of methodology on three case study ports. The actual situation and suggested improvement will be modelled and the achievements evaluated; - exploitation and dissemination
Expected results
The main exploitable outcome is a software tool, which creates a visual and simulated scenario from the proposed improvements and design ideas. It will be used to evaluate and optimise the different solutions for a specific port or ship operator. The real verification will be performed in three case study ports: Dublin, Nice and Barcelona. The circumstances before and after the proposed changes will be evaluated. Guidelines for ports, ship operators and authorities will also be produced.
Title : Tools to Optimise High Speed Craft to Port Interface Concepts Acronym : TOHPIC Contract N : G3RD-CT-2000-00491 Proposal N : GRD1-2000-25253 Total Cost : 3 122 235 EU Contribution : 1 642 146 Starting Date : 01/03/01 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Dr Peter GRUNDEVIK Organisation : SSPA SWEDEN AB PO BOX 24001 S-400 22 GTEBORG Contact: Peter Grundevik Tel: +46 31 772 9015 Fax: +46 31 772 9124 E-mail: EC Officer: Patrick Mercier-Handisyde Tel: +32 2 296 8329 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): SSPA Sweden AB CETEMAR SL dAppolonia S.p.A. SINDEL Sprl Mettle Group The Alliance of Maritime Regonal Interests in Europe University of Glasgow Institut Franais de Navigation MacGREGOR (SWE) AB Instituto Superior Tcnico Stena Line AB Dublin Port Company French Riviera Chamber of Commerce Socit Nationale Maritime Corse-Mditerrane Port of Barcelona Trasmediterranea SSPA CETEMAR DAPP SINDEL METTLE AMRIE U Glasgow IFN MacGREGOR IST Stena Line Dublin Port French RCC SNCM Port of Barcelona Trasmediterranea S E I I F B UK F S P S IRL F F E E
Project Objectives
EC-DOCK aims to provide a system which will help crews manoeuvre and dock a wide range of vessels safely and quickly, minimising the risk of hard landings. In order to accomplish this the objectives of EC-DOCK are: - modelling the low-speed behaviour of a large range of vessels during harbour manoeuvres and the docking process; - combining the manoeuvring model and real-time information to accurately predict the movements of the vessel during docking; - real-time path planning to provide suggested manoeuvres to the crew to dock a vessel safely; - the design of a human interface which will provide just the right amount of fused information to dock a vessel safely; - the development of a mooring monitor which will ensure that mooring equipment is not put under undue strain; - a code of safe practices for mooring equipment; - flexible automatic docking and drift-off countering.
Expected results
There are seven milestones in the project, relating to the completion of the seven technical work packages. These milestones correspond to the completion of requirements, specifications, first prototypes, test and evaluation, revised specifications, final systems, and final evaluation. The mid-term milestone corresponds with the availability of the first prototypes and includes quantifiable objectives in terms of accuracy and speed to be met at this point.
Title : Easy Controlled Docking Acronym : EC-DOCK Contract N : NA Proposal N : GRD2-2001-50032 Total Cost : 2 999 853 EU Contribution : 1 499 925 Starting Date : NA Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Dr Rory DOYLE Organisation : BRITISH MARITIME TECHNOLOGY LIMITED ORLANDO HOUSE, 1 WALDEGRAVE ROAD UK-TW11 8LZ TEDDINGTON Contact: Dr Rory Doyle Tel: +44 208 943 5544 Fax: +44 208 977 9304 E-mail: EC Officer: Dr Zoe Ketselidou Tel: +32 2 29 63431 Fax: +32 2 29 63307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): British Maritime Technology STN Atlas Marine Haptica Lips United BV P&O Brissonneau et Lotz Marine BMT SAM HAPTICA Lips P&O BLM UK D IRL NL UK F
Simulation Environment and Advisory System for On-Board Help, and Estimation of Manoeuvring Performance during Design
Project Objectives
SEA-AHED has three principal objectives. Firstly, to create systems that will enable shipyards and ship-owners to assess the manoeuvring characteristics of vessels early in the design process. This will provide a means to address any potential manoeuvring difficulties at a less costly stage of development. Secondly, SEA-AHED will provide a navigational aid to display the vessels current position and predicted position overlaid onto sea charts. The predicted position will use current vessel data (rudder angles, thruster power etc.) and environmental data (wind speed and direction etc.) and will be capable of advising the pilot of potential hazards. Finally, SEA-AHED will develop a manoeuvring training aid that will allow crews to replay previous manoeuvres and demonstrate the effects of alternate actions on the basis of real environmental information.
Expected results
The consortium expects that SEA-AHED will be used on half of the European cruise builds within a year of completion and hopes to sell SEA-AHED to 50% of European cruise ship operators within 18 months for use as a training aid and navigational aid. Towards the end of the project, the possibilities of extending the results to bulk carriers, tankers, container ships, RO-RO vehicle carriers, and fast ferries will be thoroughly investigated.
Title : Simulation Environment and Advisory System for On-board Help, and Estimation of Manoeuvring Performance during Design. Acronym : SEA-AHED Contract N : NA Proposal N : GRD1-2000-25428 Total Cost : 3 299 732 EU Contribution : 1 649 865 Starting Date : 01/01/01 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Dr Rory DOYLE Organisation : BRITISH MARITIME TECHNOLOGY LIMITED ORLANDO HOUSE, 1 WALDEGRAVE ROAD UK- TW11 8LZ TEDDINGTON Contact: Dr Rory Doyle Tel: +44 208 943 5544 Fax: +44 208 977 9304 E-mail: EC Officer: Dr Zoe Ketselidou Tel: +32 2 29 63431 Fax: +32 2 29 63307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): British Maritime Technology STN Atlas Marine CETENA S.p.A. Fincanteiri - Cantieri Navali Italiani Spa P&O BMT SAM CETENA FINCANTIERI P&O UK D I I UK
Advanced Decision Support for Ship-Routing based on Full-Scale Ship-Specific Responses as well as Improved Sea and Weather Forecasts including Synoptic, High Precision and Real-time Satellite Data
Project Objectives
Europe is geographically dominated by about fourteen large regional seas and two oceans. The unique land-sea system needs increasingly interdependent transport connections for its further economic and social development and integration. Multimode transport chains which connect markets reliably, in time, in a safe and environmentally acceptable way are required. This especially holds for European SEAROUTES, which constitute often more than 50% of a typical European transport line. Precise and real-time data definitions of the now- and forecast status of a particular SEAROUTE, determined by weather and typical European sea conditions, and specific responses of the ship, are becoming feasible with adapted new technologies. Synoptic, increasingly precise and real-time European satellite data should be used to improve quality and economics of sea-routing for integrated transport telematics.
Expected results
Improved decision support systems based on now-casts offer more precise and narrow estimated times of arrival. They allow, at the same time, increased safety and wellbeing at sea, lower fuel consumption and lower emissions. With increased reliability and comfort on sea travelling it is expected to shift some of the traffic from the coastal land routes to the sea-routes and to relieve highly frequented roads.
Title : Advanced Decision Support for Shiprouting based on Full-scale Ship-specific Responses as well as Improved Sea and Weather Forecasts including Synoptic, High Precision and Realtime Satellite Data Acronym : SEAROUTES Contract N : G3RD-CT-2000-00309 Proposal N : GRD1-2000-25812 Total Cost : 2 584 796 EU Contribution : 1 865 000 Starting Date : 01/01/00 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Professor Hans AMANN Organisation : TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF BERLIN STRAE DES 17. JUNI 135 D-10623 BERLIN Contact: Professor Hans Amann Tel: +49 30 3118 4220 Fax: +49 30 3118 4220 E-mail: EC Officer: Dr Zoe Ketselidou Tel: +32 2 296 3307 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Technical Univ. Berlin Cons. Armatori per la Ricerca DANAOS Shipping Co. Ltd Deutscher Wetterdienst Eur. Cent. Mid.-r. Weather-Forc. Inst. Nac. Engenh. Tecn. Industr. Nat. Tec. Univ. of Athens Instituto de Meteorologia Satellite Observing Syst. LTD GKSS Forschungszentr. GmbH TUB CONS. A. R. DANAOS DWD ECMWF INETI NTUA IM SOS GKSS D I EL D UK P EL P UK D
Project Objectives
The main objective of the project is to develop a management and monitoring system(s) using multi-sensor-based measurement and analysis techniques, particularly for critical failures in large marine diesel engines and stationary diesel power plants. The system will be developed on the basis of continuous measurements made on full-scale engines. The work will focus on: - the mapping of the propagation of acoustic emission (AE) in the engines; - the development of new optimised industrial AE sensor(s); - the reconstitution of spatial time series from the data acquired from the sensor array; - the use of intelligent signal processing, enabling improved management and monitoring techniques. The system will be capable of monitoring both engine and operating parameters.
Expected results
Major milestones: - the successful mapping of the engines using AE sensor array to enable the management of engine operating parameters; - the development of an optimised industrial AE sensor(s); - the application of the new technology/sensor arrays to monitoring of large marine diesel engines. Milestones in the final part of the project correspond to the completion of databases, software, hardware and field demonstrations.
Title : Marine Power Plant Management and Monitoring using Acoustic Emission Acronym : AE-WATT Contract N : NA Proposal N : GRD2-2001-50014 Total Cost : 2 855 819 EU Contribution : 1 790 000 Starting Date : 01/6/02 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Peter Buur SVENDSEN Organisation : MAN B&W DIESEL A/S TEGLHOLMSGADE 41 DK-2450 COPENHAGEN SV Contact: Peter Buur Svendsen Tel: +45 3385 2047 Fax: +45 3385 1030 E-mail: EC Officer: Dr Zoe Ketselidou Tel: +32 229 63431 Fax: +32 229 63307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): MAN B&W Diesel A/S Public Power Corporation S.A Envirocoustics S.A. SensTech Limited Heriot Watt University Technical University of Denmark MBD-DK PPC ENV SLT HWU DTU DK EL EL UK GB DK
Intelligent Hull Monitoring Systems for Reduced Risk of Structural Failures, Spill to the Sea, Damage to Cargo, and for Improved Passenger Safety and Comfort
Project Objectives
As the maritime activity level in European waters is increasing, the importance of adequate monitoring tools to control the structural integrity of a maritime structure, and thereby the risk of potential breakdown, is increasingly important. Equally important are rational tools that give the ships master intelligent guidance on the choice of speed, course and ballast condition, so that all relevant responses (motions, accelerations, bending moments, stresses etc.) are within acceptable limits. Such tools will also assist in operating the ship optimally during moderate conditions to reduce motions, fuel consumption and fatigue damage accumulation. It can also provide the owners with information about how the ship has been operated from day to day, reasons for potential cargo damage, fatigue damage status and recent damage accumulation, as well as documentation of structural status needed for inspection planning and towards new owners and authorities. Therefore the motive for the proposed project is twofold; namely to actively support the potential for a reduction of risk and injuries, and to arrive at a system for profitable prevention of cost consequences of structural damage, damage to cargo or reduced passenger comfort caused by excessive motions and accelerations.
Expected results
Onboard monitored data - Present selected processed data on the bridge showing the current situation Recommend actions to meet specified criteria Master to take action to reduce loads or motions - Record actual accumulated fatigue damage Better input for planned maintenance Higher market value of the vessel - Verify calculation model: Class and designers Input to class rules, dimensions More optimised designs, better utilised material Reduced building cost Less damages Reduced risk of structural failures, spill to the sea or damage to cargo Improved passenger safety and comfort Reduced cost
Title : Intelligent Hull Monitoring Systems for Reduced Risk of Structural Failures, Spill to the Sea, Damage to Cargo, and for Improved Passenger Safety and Comfort Acronym : HULLMON+ Contract N : G3RD-CT-2000-00329 Proposal N : GRD1-2000-25393 Total Cost : 4 034 000 EU Contribution : 2 017 000 Starting Date : 01/02/01 Duration : 29 months Scientific Coordinator : Kjell HOLDEN Organisation : MARINTEK PO BOX 4125, VALENTINLYST NO-7450 TRONDHEIM Contact: yvind Hellan Tel: +47 7359 5500 Fax: +47 7359 5776 E-mail: EC Officer: Dr Zoe Ketselidou Tel: +32 2 296 3431 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): MARINTEK WS Atkins BMT SeaTech Sirehna Bureau Veritas Telenor Fiber Solutions MIROS Stena Rederi Navion ACL Ship Management United European Car Carriers IUM Ship Management Det Norske Veritas Lloyds Register NO UK UK F F NO NO S NO S NO NO NO UK
Project Objectives
The main objective is to develop new air-lifted vessel (ALV) technology for HSC, to meet goals tougher than the main EU goals for state-of-the-art fast vessels 2008, primarily for fast passenger and cargo vessels. The project divided into six WPs with separate and specific objectives, all supporting the overall main goals. The existing design will be reworked, and models, tools and new purpose-built methods and technological approaches will be adapted. Comparison studies will be made with monohulls and catamaran designs, to document and evaluate achieved results against competitors, in line with EU project objectives. There will also be research into ride control and ship management systems for ALV, and human aspects including safety and comfort. EFFISES will have links to another EU project, COMPASS, addressing passenger comfort.
Expected results
- updated and comprehensive techno-economic knowledge basis on fast passenger ferries and express cargo ships; - well-defined and market-adapted design criteria for designing the next generation fast vessels and ships based upon ALV technology and solutions, with improved overall robustness, designed and constructed according to the preferences of the market; - new design and optimisation tools, incorporating the concept specialities of the ALV, for a more efficient, less risky and more cost-effective development process; - through a combination of CFD, VR and practical model tests, in-tank testing environments and in-ocean testing facilities, improve the ALV concept; - optimised and refined subsystems and other input factors in the design and building process; - meeting the EU and project goals; - match health, safety and cost production goals through improved human involvement and understanding of the production process, assisted by VR tools; - demonstrate market potential and ALV, home (EU) and export markets; - policy suggestions and recommendations on HSC building and operation, including safety, environmental and economical issues.
Acronym : EFFISES Contract N : GRD 1-2000-25847 Proposal N : GRD 1-2000-25847 Total Cost : 3 713 884 EU Contribution : 2 149 922 Starting Date : 01/03/01 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Ulf TUDEM Organisation : SES EUROPE AS THOR DAHLS GT 1 A NO-3210 SANDEFJORD Contact: Ulf Tudem Tel: +47 334 65 650 or +47 908 51311 Fax: +47 334 65 610 E-mail: or EC Officer: Claudia Vivalda Tel: +32 2 296 85 24 Fax: +32 2 296 33 07 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): SES Europe AS Izar Construcciones Navales, S.A. Karlsen Verft AS Katamaran Konstruktions GmbH Woods Air Movement LTD Twin Disc SRL Det Norske Veritas Engineering Solutions International LTD Competitive Concepts Europe LTD LMG Marin AS University of Strathclyde, SSRC National Technical University of Athens SSPA Maritime Consulting AB SESEA IZAR MUEKAR KATAM WAM TWIND.MP DNV ESIL COMCON LMG Marin SU-SSRC NTUA.SDL SSPA NO E NO A UK I NO IRL UK NO UK EL S
I n n o v a t i v e B a r g e Tr a i n s ( I N B A T ) f o r E f f e c t i v e Tr a n s p o r t o n I n l a n d S h a l l o w W a t e r s
Project Objectives
The INBAT project will develop a low-draught inland water transport system by utilising new super lightweight construction materials together with innovative ship design, engineering and production methods for reduction of building costs and improvement of payload. Simultaneously, new effective shallow draught propulsion systems for this purpose will be developed and hull forms will be optimised for best overall operating efficiency. The breadth of the ships will not be not be increased as it is in the most cases limited by, for example, the size of the waterway locks. The novel properties will include: - increase of payload for barges by at least 20%; - decrease of construction and operation costs for barges and pushers by at least 30%; - application of new lightweight materials and material combinations in water transport; - provision of reliable data and methods for dimensioning the new super lightweight materials and related hull structures based on physical tests and mathematical assessments.
Expected results
The following summarise the expected results and exploitation: - improved shallow-water hydrodynamics for hulls/propulsion (ship design), leading to energy savings; - environmental economic benefits, improved lightweight materials and structures/payload (ship design), leading to improved payload performance, economic benefits; - enhanced production technologies and methods (manufacturing, shipbuilding), leading to innovative methods and technologies, competitiveness; - innovative ship design for pushers and barges (ship design, shipbuilding), leading to modular design, reduced building/operation costs; - competitiveness, improved propulsion systems (ship design, ship operation), leading to energy savings; - environmental/social & environmental impact (ship design, ship operation), leading to strengthened competitiveness; - exploitation with operational benefits (ship operation), leading to increased waterborne transport; - improved tools for dimensioning of new hull structures (ship design), leading to improved material prediction; - improved tools for CFD calculation and resistance prediction (ship design), leading to improved power prediction.
Acronym : INBAT Contract N : G3RD-CT2001-00458 Proposal N : GRD1-CT00-26812 Total Cost : 3 463 237 EU Contribution : 1 898 928 Starting Date : 01/04/01 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Thomas GUESNET Organisation : VERSUCHANSTALT FUR BINNENSCHIFFBAU E.V. DUISBUG KLOECKNERSTRASSE 77 D-47057 DUISBUG Contact: Thomas Guesnet Tel: +49 203 993 6938 Fax: +49 203 361373 E-mail: EC Officer: Joost de Bock Tel: +32 2 296 9089 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Versuchsantalt fr Binnenschiffbau e.V Deutsche Binnenreederei Ship Design and Research Centre Navicentrum Technical University of Szczecin Neckar-Bootsbau Odratrans SA Schiffko GmbH Volvo Penta AB Politechnika Wroclawska S.A.D.E.F. A.G. The Eckold Group VBD DBR CTO NC PSZ NEBO OTPL SCHIF VOLPEN PWR SADEF EUT D D PL PL PL D PL D S PL B D
Title : Innovative Barge Trains (INBAT) for Effective Transport on Inland Shallow Waters
Project Objectives
The extensive growth of European transport of trailers and swap bodies does not involve rivers or short seas, because of a lack of ships and cargo systems suitable for handling this type of cargo carriers and no development of significance being carried out in this area. On European inland waterways, with a fleet comprising 12 000 vessels, only few ships are arranged for Ro-Ro handling systems. Consequently a ship concept does not exist for efficient and economical river-sea transports. The project objectives are: - to enhance the performance of waterborne transportation in terms of economic efficiency, operability and less impact on the environment through introduction of a novel cargo-carrying concept; - to develop a conceptual design and to address adherent challenges within hydrodynamics, low-weight structures and cargo handling and validate the solutions by means of virtual and experimental methods. Extension of the solutions to other maritime areas is foreseen.
Expected results
- a ship concept for inland/short-sea operations subjected to severe requirements regarding physical limitations (locks, bridges), navigation in the North Sea as well as upon restricted inland waterways; - a structural concept efficiently using low-weight material; - an optimal hull geometry in terms of resistance, propulsion, manoeuvring and stability at sea and in shallow / restricted waters; - a generic novel cargo-carrying concept integrating several types of cargo units at optimal stowage ratio.
Acronym : INTERMODESHIP Contract N : NA Proposal N : GRD2-2001-50097 Total Cost : 3 794 568 EU Contribution : 1 999 987 Starting Date : NA Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Stig-ke SVENSSON Organisation : TH. JACOBSEN & CO AS STRANDGATEN 9 NO-1701 SARPSBORG Contact: Stig-ke Svensson Tel: +46 49 848 2827 or +46 705 948325 (mobile) Fax: +46 49 848 2837 E-mail: EC Officer: Claudia Vivalda Tel: +32 2 296 8524 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): TH. Jacobsen & Co AS Kockums Engineering AB RWS-Line AB TTS Group Ecoship Engineering AB Maritime R. Inst. Netherlands NEA Transp. Research &Train. Damen Shipyards Group Helsinki University of Techn. Port of Duisburg VBD Univ. Duisburg Alstom Chantiers de lAtlantique SA University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne Izar Constructiones Navales Universities of Glasgow & Strathclyde Cetena University of Chalmers Port Agency Vanerhamn Jaco KEAB RWS TTS EEAB Marin NEA Damen HUT PAD VBD CDA UNEW IZAR SU Cetena CTH PAV NO S S S S NL NL NL FIN D D F UK E UK I S S
Project Objectives
Project NORMA will develop the technology and tools to enable European industry to build the new low-noise fast ferries required by the future market, at an acceptable level of risk. It will do this by: - developing innovative solutions to water-jet, hydrodynamic and exhaust noise; - reducing the weight and costs of noise reduction in new ferries by an integrated design process; - increasing the amount of passenger accommodation space achieving the highest comfort class; - reducing the impact of noise from fast ferries on harbour environments; - assessing the impact of fast ferry noise on marine life environment; - producing two new advanced fast ferry concept designs with increased speed and load capability through improved power to weight ratio.
Expected results
NORMA will provide a competitive edge for fast ferries produced by European shipyards by providing improved performance, design integration, increased passenger comfort levels and reduced environmental impact. It will increase revenue earning capacity without compromising the design displacement or the cost of the vessel.
Acronym : NORMA Contract N : GR3D-CT-2001-00393 Proposal N : GRD1-2000-25399 Total Cost : 4 596 870 EU Contribution : 2 635 651 Starting Date : 01/06/01 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Norman GRUM Organisation : ROLLS-ROYCE PLC PO BOX 3 FILTON UK-BS34 7QE BRISTOL Contact: Ian Flood Tel: +44 117 979 6283 Fax: +44 117 979 6424 E-mail: EC Officer: Frederic Sgarbi Tel: +32 2 296 1071 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Rolls Royce Alstom Chantiers de l'Atlantique Fjellstrand Kamewa Deutche Montan Technologie GmBH Instutio Nazional di Studi ed Esperienze di Architettura Navale Det Norske Veritas Kungl Tekuiska Hogskolan Institute National des Sciences Appliques de Lyon RR CDA FJS KAM DMT INSEAN DNV KTH INSA UK F NO S D I NO S F
Expected results
Results expected from the project are: - the detailed design of a full-scale environment-friendly freighter for high-speed inland transportation; - operating guidelines for use on major European waterways, respecting commercial, environmental and safety criteria; - appraisal of logistics market penetration and resulting environmental benefits.
Acronym : PACSCAT Contract N : G3RD-CT-2002-00825 Proposal N : GRD2-CT2001-50116 Total Cost : 1 536 499 EU Contribution : 889 447 Starting Date : NA Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Professor William PRICE Organisation : UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHAMPTON FLUID STRUCTURES INTERACTION GROUP SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING SCIENCES, UNIVERSITY ROAD UK-S017 1BJ SOUTHAMPTON Contact: Professor William Price Tel: +44 23 8059 2316 Fax: +44 23 8059 3299 E-mail: EC Officer: Claudia Vivalda Tel: +32 2 296 8524 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): University of Southampton Independent Maritime Assessment Associates Ltd Institut fr Seeverkehswirtchaft und Logistik Witt & Sohn AG Checkmate UK Ltd Lips BV Marine Tech South Germanischer Lloyd AG Versuchsanstalt fr Binnenschiffbau e.V. Duisburg MDS France Sovtransavto Deutschland GmbH CETEC Consultancy Ltd. Shipbuilders and Shiprepairers Association Maritime Simulation Rotterdam bv UOS IMAA ISL WITT AVON LIPS MTS GL VBD MDS SOV CETEC SSA MSR UK UK D D UK NL UK D D F D UK UK NL
Title : Development of a Partial Air Cushion Support Catamaran for Freight Transportation on Inland Waterways
Project Objectives
The objective of the ALIVe Project is to demonstrate, through real scale trials, the feasibility of navigating and docking an underwater vehicle to a fixed underwater structure (not specifically designed for this), using an acoustic link for command and control, and to carry out manipulative tasks. The vehicle will have no physical link with the surface and will carry its own energy source. The vehicle will be capable of automatic dynamic stabilisation and automatic navigation towards the target in order to dock itself, whenever necessary. The vehicle will be equipped with a tele-manipulation unit, supervised by acoustics to carry out pre-programmed tasks. The main deliverable of the project will be a fully functional prototype, capable of demonstrating the above functions during full-scale sea trials to be undertaken in water depths of up to 1000 m, on a mock-up of a sub-sea structure. ALIVe offers a smart solution to the problem of maintenance in deep-water oil fields. Unlike traditional operations with remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), the operational costs with ALIVe will be dramatically cut down since the system is easily mobilisable without the need for an expensive surface support vessel to stay on location above the operation zone.
The project will comprise four main activities, which will be undertaken in parallel, as follows: - development of an automatic stabilisation system, based on inertial data such as vehicle attitude and heading, or on motion analysis of a video image of the target. The system will compute the vehicle relative movement, which will then be used to correct the position by acting on the vehicle thrusters; - development of an auto docking system, which will allow the vehicle to navigate at low speed towards the target and finally dock itself on this target, if required by the mission. For that purpose, both video and sonar data will be used to give the vehicle its relative position towards the target. The data will be processed on-board the vehicle to allow a fully automatic process and avoid delays created by the acoustic link; - development of a tele-manipulation system, supervised by acoustic link. The system will allow the manipulators to operate in automatic modes for low-level tasks such as pre-programmed movements, while the acoustic link will be used by the operator to actuate high level commands such as movement start and stop. The operator will have control of the mission in a step by step procedure where the high-speed acoustic modem will feed him back with video data of the scene; - design and manufacture of a dedicated test platform: to demonstrate these functions a test vehicle will be manufactured with the appropriate design to contain the various sub-systems and the hydrodynamic shape suitable for dynamic stabilisation. The project will be concluded by shallow water and deep-water trials to show that the objectives have been achieved.
Expected results
The first expected result is the complete development of a fully operational prototype capable of validating the technical innovations (fine dynamic stabilisation, docking on standardised sub-sea equipment, telemanipulation tasks in robotic mode supervised through an acoustic communication link). Full-scale sea trials performed with the prototype shall ensure that ALIVe could easily reach an industrial status, and therefore convince potential end-users that it can be an adequate answer to their problems.
Title : Autonomous Light Intervention Vehicle Acronym : ALIVe Contract N : G3RD-CT2000-00269 Proposal N : GRD1-2000-25741 Total Cost : 4 420 238 EU Contribution : 2 449 506 Starting Date : 01/01/02 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Yves CHARDARD Organisation : CYBERNETIX S.A. TECHNOPLE DE CHTEAU-GOMBERT RUE ALBERT EINSTEIN BP 94 F-13382 MARSEILLE CEDEX 13 Contact: Yves Chardard Tel: +33 4 91 21 77 48 Fax: +33 4 91 21 77 13 E-mail: EC Officer: Frdric Sgarbi Tel: +32 2 29 610 71 Fax: +32 2 29 633 07 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Cybernetix S.A. (Coordinator) Heriot-Watt University Hitec Subsea A/S IFREMER Joint Research Centre CYX HWU HIT IFR JRC F UK NO F EC
Expected results
The expected results include an industrial prototype for autonomous inspection of pipeline and cable inspections. The AUTOTRACKER system will be integrated on the Maridan M600 survey AUV and tested on full-scale offshore inspection jobs on pipelines and cables in the North Sea.
Title : Autonomous Inspection of Subsea Telecommunication Cables, Power Cables and Pipelines Acronym : AUTOTRACKER Contract N : G3RD-CT2000-00265 Proposal N : GRD1-2000-25150 Total Cost : 3 114 000 EU Contribution : 1 800 000 Starting Date : 01/01/01 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Anders BJERRUM Organisation: Maridan Tel: +45 4576 4050 Fax: +45 4576 4051 E-mail: EC Officer: Frederic Sgarbi Tel: +32 2 296 1071 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Maridan AS Heriot-Watt University National Technical University of Athens University of the Balearic Islands Innovatum International Ltd SEAS Distribution AS BP Exploration Ltd Alcatel Submarine Network - Marine Maridan HWU NTUA UIB Innovatum SEAS BP ASN DK UK EL E UK DK UK DK
Augmented Reality for Remotely Operated Vehicles based on 3D Acoustical and Optical Sensors for Underwater Inspection and Survey
Project Objectives
The ARROV project develops a novel integrated real-time sensorial system, which will exploit both optical and 3D acoustical data to provide the ROV pilot with an augmented representation of the scene (augmented reality). The system will also be able to automatically synthesize a 3D model of the scene from sensorial data (model acquisition). Moreover, a unified man-machine interface will be provided to control an ROV as well as the sensors mounted on-board. The sensor system will also be able to detect, locate and classify underwater gas and oil leaks. The sensor system will be verified on inspection carried out in dams and fresh water tunnels as well as on inspection and surveys related to the offshore industry. Gas and oil leak detection will be verified through extensive testing in a realistic environment.
Expected results
The project will result in a new ROV sensor that provides raw image data as well as an augmented 3D model of the environment based on virtual models. Hence the position and orientation of the ROV relative to the environment will be known at all times. The project will also provide efficient and reliable detection of underwater hydrocarbon leakage.
Title : Augmented Reality for Remotely Operated Vehicles based on 3D Acoustical and Optical Sensors for Underwater Inspection and Survey Acronym : ARROV Contract N : G3RD-CT2000-00285 Proposal N : GRD1-2000-25409 Total Cost : 2 417 301 EU Contribution : 1 349 944 Starting Date : 01/01/01 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Rolf Kahrs HANSEN Organisation : OMNITECH AS PO BOX 114 EIDSVG NEDRE STVEIT 12. VRE ERVIK NO-5876 BERGEN Contact: Rolf Kahrs Hansen Tel: +47 5 553 5380 Fax: +47 5 553 5381 E-mail: EC Officer: Frdric Sgarbi Tel: +32 2 296 1071 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): OmniTech AS OT Department of Science and Technology, University of Verona UNIVR Thales GeoSolutions Norge AS (formerly Racal Survey Norge AS) RSN General Robotics Limited GRL Centro Elettrotecnico Sperimentale Italiano CESI Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Genova DISI NO I NO UK I I
Computational Fluid Dynamics for the Design of Offshore Floating Production Systems
Project Objectives
As the offshore industry moves into deeper water, it relies more and more on floating platforms for both exploration and production. Project EXPRO-CFD has the key objective of providing EU designers and constructors with cost-effective and advanced methods for the hydrodynamic analysis of novel floating production systems, using the latest advances in fluid-structure interaction through co-processing or coupling (at a systems level) tools for wave diffraction, viscous turbulent flow and system dynamics.
Expected results
Starting with proven methods, and coupling the considerable advances made in nonlinear free-surface potential-flow techniques with predictive tools for viscous turbulent flows, namely computational fluid dynamics, a complete and rigorous simulation of all fluid loading effects is being realised. This is being further coupled to existing advanced tools for vessel motions, and mooring system and riser system dynamics. EXPRO-CFD is innovative in several ways. First, it will provide a methodology for combined (co-processed) wave diffraction and viscous flow calculations using CFD using the best existing techniques from each field, using coupling libraries to run software packages independently for each aspect of the problem. Secondly, experiments are being conducted specifically aimed at the validation of CFD fluid loading models through the measurement of spatial flow quantities. Experiments for such purposes are rare, and have not hitherto been applied to specific designs. Finally, EXPRO-CFD will allow design contractors and end-users within the project consortium to employ the new techniques in concept design exercises, and to feed back their requirements into the guidelines developed for practical application.
Title : Computational Fluid Dynamics for the Design of Offshore Floating Production Systems Acronym : EXPRO-CFD Contract N : G3RD-CT00-00308 Proposal N : GRD1-00-25362 Total Cost : 3 007 571 EU Contribution : 1 795 787 Starting Date : 01/02/01 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Dr Paul GALLAGHER Organisation : W. S. ATKINS CONSULTANTS LTD. FLUID MECHANICS DEPARTMENT WOODCOTE GROVE, ASHLEY ROAD UK-KT18 5BW EPSOM Contact: Dr Paul Gallagher Tel: +44 13727 26140 Fax: +44 13727 40055 E-mail: EC Officer: Claudia Vivalda Tel: +32 2 296 8524 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): WS Atkins Det Norske Veritas Sirehna Maritime Research Institute Netherlands BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd. Den Norske Stats Oljeselskap A.S. Single Buoy Moorings Inc. Lund, Mohr, & Giaever-Enger Marin A.S. Aker Engineering AS The Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medecine Ecole Centrale de Nantes University College London Centre Internacional de Metodes Numerics en Enginyeria WSA DNV SIREHNA MARIN BP STATOIL SBM LMG MARIN AKER ICSTM ECN UCL CIMNE UK NO F NL UK NO MC NO NO UK F UK E
Project Objectives
The objective of the project is to develop a new concept to enhance the FPSO functions (floating production storage and off-loading) for the large deep-water developments which are becoming a strong trend in the highly active areas of Gulf of Mexico/West Africa/South America. The new concept preserves the advantage of the current FPSO designs but takes a radically different approach to the storage method and the topside processing equipment and adds the drilling and dry-trees capabilities. Once investigated and tested this concept will have a range of attractive advantages over current alternatives. The objective of the OCTOPLUS concept is to provide oil and gas operators with an innovative tool, which answers their expectations and solve their problems in developing field production in a cost-effective way by phasing topside equipment investment.
Expected results
The project output is to take OCTOPLUS from its present conceptual form to a state of maturity into the consideration of operating oil companies for their future developments. It will have then gained the confidence of the engineers, certification authorities, builders and potential owners.
Title : Optimum Concept to Produce and Load with Underwater Storage Acronym : OCTOPLUS Contract N : G3RD-CT-2001-00505 Proposal N : GRD1-2000-25299 Total Cost : 3 361 500 EU Contribution : 1 680 750 Starting Date : 01/10/01 Duration : 30 months Scientific Coordinator : Philippe DUMAS / William L. HUDSON Organisation : DORIS ENGINEERING 58A, RUE DU DESSOUS DES BERGES F-75013 PARIS Contact: Philippe Dumas Tel: +33 14 406 1000 Fax: +33 14 570 8738 E-mail: EC Officer: Frdric Sgarbi Tel: +32 2 296 1071 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Doris Engineering Alstom Chantiers de lAtlantique EXMARoffshore Instituto Superior Tecnico Lloyds Register DORIS CDA EXMAR IST Lloyds F F B P UK
Safe Floating Offshore Structures under Impact Loading of Shipped Green Water and Waves
Project Objectives
Offshore exploration and production of oil and gas makes increasing use of floating offshore structures, such as floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) systems and drillships. Operational experience with FPSOs in European waters has shown that damage occurs regularly due to the problems of green water that flows onto the deck in high waves from waves impacting on the hull. Because oil and gas activities bear a high risk for environment and personnel, the main objective of the SAFE-FLOW project is to improve the safety, reliability and availability of floating offshore structures under impact loading of green water and waves through the development of a new design technology.
Expected results
The main project output will be: - recommended practice for extreme wave identification; - numerical tool for calculating green water and wave impact loads and responses; - software tool for design evaluation; - guidelines for the design of floating offshore structures; - recommendations for a new set of rules and regulations.
Title : Safe Floating Offshore Structures under Impact Loading of Shipped Green Water and Waves Acronym : SAFE-FLOW Contract N : G3RD-CT-2000-00271 Proposal N : GRD1-2000-25656 Total Cost : 1 902 550 EU Contribution : 899 846 Starting Date : 01/01/01 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Bas BUCHNER Organisation : MARIN HAAGSTEEG 2, P.O. BOX 28 NL-6700 AA WAGENINGEN Contact: Bas Buchner Tel: +31 317 493333 Fax: +31 317 493245 E-mail: EC Officer: Claudia Vivalda Tel: +32 2 296 8524 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Maritime Research Institute Netherlands Instituto Superior Tcnico CorrOcean University of Groningen WS Atkins PAFA Consulting Engineers BP Izar Construcciones Navales Bureau Veritas MARIN IST RuG WSA PAFA BP IZAR BV NL P NO NL UK UK UK E F
Project Objectives
The European maritime industry has developed a R&D master-plan for the technology areas of the maritime transport chain and the marine resources. The master-plan was used by the industry to initiate various thematic networks which have served as launching platforms for over 200 project proposals during FP5. These projects have served needs well in some areas of the maritime spectrum while limited synergy with national research and linkage with medium and long-term market and society needs and requirements were obtained. Recognising these matters, the R&D shipbuilding forum launched an initiative to regroup the maritime R&D community by means of the umbrella thematic network ERAMAR and start its own process of identifying its medium and long term R&D actions. To obtain sufficient critical mass all maritime TNs under FP4/5 will be included in ERAMAR. ERAMAR will also evaluate and consolidate current R&D achievements, disseminate results, strive for enhancing industrys awareness towards joint R&D, for more synergy with national and other EU programmes, for more coherence between the technology areas through networks of excellence, and for a better clustering of projects belonging to the same themes, through bigger projects. De facto ERAMAR will initiate the forming of a European Maritime Research Area, and a reflection platform on the new instruments to be used under FP6.
Expected results
- reports on state-of-the-art maritime technology in terms of knowledge and ability; medium- and long-term market & society needs; medium- and long-term technological knowledge and ability requirements; medium- & long-term R&D issues; - business plan for the establishment of a European R&D network of maritime industrial enterprises and research organisations; for enhancing the awareness of the maritime industries for R&D activities; - seminars and workshops; - databases with information on industry and R&D community, and the website. Milestones correspond to each phase described in the work programme.
Title : European Research Area Application in the Maritime Domain Acronym : ERAMAR Contract N : G3RT-CT-2001-05055 Proposal N : GTC2-33064 Total Cost : 1 670 000 EU Contribution : 1 670 000 Starting Date : 01/01/02 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Patrick PERSON Organisation : COREDES THROUGH CHANTIERS DE LATLANTIQUE COREDES C/O PEMAR CONSULTING 10 PASSAGE DU CHAROLAIS F-75012 PARIS Contact: Patrick Person Tel: +33 14 474 9985 Fax: +33 24 014 0339 E-mail: EC Officer: Frederic Sgarbi Tel: +32 2 296 1071 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail:
Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Alstom Chantiers de lAtlantique Netherlands Shipbuilding Industry Association University of Strathclyde Norwegian Shipowners Association Bureau Veritas Norwegian Maritime Technology Research Institute Balance Technology Consulting Cetena Spa WS Atkins Germanischer Lloyds Aker Technology Maritime Engineering & Technology for Transport, Logistics and Education Det Norske Veritas Logit Sa British Maritime Technology Nei Ecorys BV Institut Franais de Navigation GIFEN (For EMEC) European Oceanographic Industry Association European Oil and Gas Forum European Dredging Association European Community Shipowners Associations Federation des Industries Nautique Kvaerner Masa Yards Fincantieri - Cantieri Navali Italiani Spa Forschungszentrum des Deutschen Schiffbaus Federation of Finnish Metal Engineering & Electrotechnical Industries Izar Construcciones Navales Jos L. Meyer Institut Franais de Recherche pour Lexploitation de la Mer Instituto Superior Technico Com-C-Isis Pemar Consulting CDA VNSI SSRC NSA BV MARINTEK BAL CETENA WS ATKINS GL AKER METTLE DNV LOGIT BMT NEI IFN GIFEN EOIA EUROGIF EUDA ECSA FIN KMY FINCANTIERI FDS FIMET IZAR MEYER IFREMER IST IRC PEMAR F NL UK NO F NO D I UK D NO F NO NO UK NL F F UK B B B F FIN I D FIN E D F P B F
- establish medium and long-term market and society needs, relevant for land transport and marine technologies, resulting in market objectives, to be met by the industries; - define a common technology framework and a common state of the art technology; - match and evaluate, within the common technology framework, areas and subjects of mutual interest regarding problems and their possible solutions; - define the technology gap which need to be bridged by joint R&D by comparing the industries current technological ability with the expected medium- & long-term market objectives; - carry out an experiment on technology transfer methodology, hereby demonstrating the benefits and aspects of such activities; - disseminate the results and acquired experience with technology transfer to target groups within land transport and marine technologies; - prepare an exploitation plan for the ERANET results.
Expected results
A thematic network is intended to bring together manufacturers, users and universities and research centres around a common S&T objective. The outcome is a synergy that is, by its own nature, focused on longer-term results with no immediate implementation value. The synergy expected of ERANET is a process of co-operation in R&D activities amongst surface transport industries (car, rail and maritime) leading to a European Research Area. In this respect there are no immediate RTD results and no direct exploitation in the commercial sense of new products, services and processes can be expected. Nonetheless some of the ERANET results will have exploitation value: - reports on market and society needs, technology frameworks, content and state of the art, technology mapping and matching amongst the three surface transport industries, medium- & long-term R&D needs, technology roadmap, joint R&D projects outlines; - seminar programmes, presentations, summaries of discussions, conclusions, etc; - databases with information on technology, industry and the R&D community.
Title : Exemplary Research And Development Network For Technology Exchange In Land Transport And Marine Technologies Acronym : ERANET Contract N : G3RT-CT-2002-05091 Proposal N : GTC2-2001-53015 Total Cost : 12 000 000 EU Contribution : 12 000 000 Starting Date : NA Duration : 26 months Scientific Coordinator : Dario SCAPATICCI Organisation : CENTRO RICERCHE FIAT STRADA TORINO 50 ORBASSANO (TO), ITALY Contact: Dario Scapaticci Tel: +39 11 9083 538 Fax: +39 11 9083 898 E-mail: EC Officer: Dr Zoe Ketselidou Tel: +32 2 296 3431 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: zoe
Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Centro di Ricerche Fiat Netherlands Shipbuilding Industry Association Consortium for Research&Development of Technologies in the field of INnovative Railway TRAnsport FEV Motorentechnik Technical Research Centre of Finland Centro Elettrotecnico Sperimentale Italiano Giacinto Motta SpA Odense Steelshipyard Ltd Alstom Chantiers de lAtlantique Izar Construcciones navales S.A. Forschungszentrum des Deutschen Schiffbaus Maritime Research Institute, The Netherlands Swedish National Testing and Research Institute Alstom Transport SA Sirehna Volvo The Netherlands Energy Research Foundation Institut fr Kraftfahrwesen Aachen Electrical Machines and Drives Group Ris National Laboratory RLE International Adtranz Bombardier Transport Institut Scientifique de Service Public Fincantieri - Cantieri Navali Italiani Spa Saab Automobile AB The Netherlands Standardization Institute CRF VNSI TRAIN FEV VTT CESI OSS CDA IZAR FDS MARIN SP Alstom SIREHNA VOLVO ECN IKA (RWTH) EMD - USFD RIS RLE BT ISSEP FINCANTIERI SAAB NEN I NL I D FIN I DK F E S NL S F F S NL D UK DK D B B I S NL
Expected results
- one yearly seminar for the promotion of RTD joint projects (e.g. 60 proposals were made at each call of FP5); - an updated state-of-the-art report for the critical technologies in years 2 and 4; - three yearly reports and workshops for the exchange platform, the synergies between national and EU funded projects and the contribution of the horizontal WPs.
Title : In the European Research Area, a Thematic Network for the Shipbuilding Technology Applied Research Acronym : ERASTAR Contract N : G3RT-CT-2002-05096 Proposal N : GTC2-2001-53009 Total Cost : 2 000 000 EU Contribution : 2 000 000 Starting Date : NA Duration : 48 months Scientific Coordinator : Patrick PERSON Organisation : COREDES (CESA) COREDES C/O PEMAR CONSULTING 10 PASSAGE DU CHAROLAIS F-75012 PARIS Contact: Patrick Person Tel: +33 14 474 9985 Fax: +33 24 014 0339 E-mail: EC Officer: Frederic Sgarbi Tel: +32 2 296 1071 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail:
Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Coredes (Cesa) Netherlands Shipbuilding Industry Association University of Strathclyde Balance Technology Consulting CETENA S.p.A. Rolls Royce TTS Ships Equipment Gdynia Shipyard Sczcezin Shipyard Odense Steel Shipyard Fincantieri - Cantieri Navali Italiani Spa Delta Marin Izar Construcciones Navales Bureau Veritas Helsinki University of Technology Marine Research Institute Europisches Entwicklungs Zentrum fr Binnen U Pemar Consulting Flensbuger Shipyard Ship Design & Research Center WS Atkins SSPA Maritime Consulting AB Hamburgische Schiffbau- Versuchsanstatl Principia Marine University of Newcastle Alstom Chantiers de lAtlantique Technical Research Centre of Finland Norwegian Marine Technology Research Institute Sirehna Instituto Superior Technico British Maritime Technology Wrtsil NSD Kvaerner Masa Yards Aker Finnyards Tribon Solutions Jos L. Meyer European Association of Universities National Technical University of Athens Technical University of Delft Forschungszentrum des Deutschen Schiffbaus Germanischer Lloyds The Welding Institute European Maritime Equipment Council COREDES VNSI SSRC BAL CETENA RR TTS GDYNIA SCZCEZIN OSS FINCANTIERI D MARIN IZAR BV HUT MARIN VBD PEMAR FSG CTO WS ATKINS SSPA HSVA PM (IRCN) UNEW CDA VTT MARINTEK SIREHNA IST BMT WARTSILA KMY AKERFY TRIBON MEYER WEGEMT NTUA TU DELFT FDS GL TWI EMEC B NL UK D I UK S PL PL DK I FIN E F FIN NL D F D PL UK S D F UK F FIN NO F P UK FIN FIN FIN S D UK EL NL D D UK B
Project Objectives
The network consists of 45 participants comprising six vehicle manufacturers, 14 major component, tool and software suppliers and other industries, of which eight SMEs, 14 universities and 11 research institutes are from 13 EU member states. The overall objective of the EVPSN 2 Network is to enhance the level of road safety at affordable costs for the individual user as well as for the European society. Specific objectives are: - to stimulate technology transfer; - to provide a platform for knowledge brokering; - to facilitate co-operation; - to cluster research projects in the field of passive safety; - to establish links with related networks; - to identify white spots and initiate new RTD projects; - to promote the interests of the passive vehicle safety community; - to disseminate the results of passive safety research.
Expected results
clustered RTD projects; new RTD projects; PSN website; workshops; annual conference; annual state-of-the-art report; annual market review; reports on new developments in the technology areas; database comprising the core competencies in the field of vehicle passive safety including EEC countries and new member or associated states; - training courses and educational programmes; - public awareness campaigns; - links to other networks.
Title : European Vehicle Passive Safety Network 2 Acronym : EVPSN2 Contract N : G3RT-ct 2001-05074 Proposal N : GTC1-2001-43021 Total Cost : 900 000 EU Contribution : 900 000 Starting Date : 01/02/02 Duration : 24 months Scientific Coordinator : Professor J.S.H.M. WISMANS Organisation : TNO AUTOMOTIVE PO BOX 6033 NL-2600 JA DELFT Contact: A. Mahieu Tel: +31 15 269 7054 Fax: +31 15 262 4321 E-mail: EC Officer: Patrick Mercier Tel: +32 2 296 8329 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail:
Partners (name, abbreviation, country): TNO Automotive Centro di Ricerche Fiat DaimlerChrysler AG Ford Werke AG LAB (PSA / Renault) Volkswagen AG Ampafrance S.A. Autoliv GmbH Crashtest service. com GmbH CAD FEM GmbH Concept Technology GmbH Delphi Automotive systems ESI software FAURECIA Johnson Controls MECALOG Sarl TRW ORS ADtranz Cranfield Impact Centre Ltd GDV Bolton Institute, Bolton Automotive Group Chalmers University Univ. Politctica de Madrid Institute fr Kraftfahrwesen National Technical University of Athens Politecnico di Milano Politecnico di Torino Loughborough University University of Eindhoven University of Technology Graz University of Birmingham Universitt und ETH Zrich Univ. Louis Pasteur Warsaw Univ. of Technology (VISEB) CIDAUT IFAM Fraunhofer IDIADA INRETS Orthopdisches Forschungsinstitut (OFI) Skoda Vyzkum MIRA Standard Institution of Israel (SII) TRL TV Automotive GmbH (TUV) TNO CRF DC AG FORD LAB VW Ampafrance Autoliv Crashtest service. com CAD FEM CONCEPT DELPHI ESI FAURECIA Johnson MECALOG TRW ADtranz CIC GDV Bolton Chalmers UPM IKA NTUA PoliMi PoliTo VSRC TU/e TUG BASC ETH ULP VISEB CIDAUT IFAM Fraunhofer IDIADA INRETS OFI SKODA MIRA SII TRL TUV NL I D D F D F D D D D D F F D F D UK UK D UK S E D EL I I UK NL A UK CH F PL E D E F D CZ UK IL UK D
T h e m a t i c N e t w o r k o n F L O A Ti n g S t r u c t u r e s TECHnology
Project Objectives
The overall goal of the Thematic Network on Floating Structures Technology is to maintain and increase European leadership in the field of floating structures technology in the global market. The TN objective is to improve the cost-effectiveness of floating structures technology for the offshore industry, particularly in deep waters and harsh environments, while maintaining and increasing respect for safety and the environment. This will be achieved by initiating and effectively managing a programme of work aimed at establishing a common knowledge base and co-ordination of RTD activities.
The network is organised into seven thematic areas: TA1: Improved tools for hydrodynamic and structural analyses; TA2: Station keeping systems: mooring and dynamic positioning; TA3: Riser technology; TA4: Marine operations including platform removal; TA5: Efficient topside facilities and processing; TA6: Ultra deep-water floaters; TA7: Cost-efficient floating production systems. The thematic network consortium consists of about 37 partners from 11 countries that represent a major part of the European industry related to technology, design, fabrication, installation and operation of floating structures. Several of the partners have also participated in the most relevant EU projects related to the scope of this thematic network. Some of the relevant projects have also been co-ordinated by network partners.
Expected results
The community added value of the network derives from the establishment of the state of the art of floating structures technology world-wide and a common priority outline for future research. This includes a European information system for R&D for the offshore industry. Direct access to relevant industry experience will form a rational basis for standardisation and policy development. Market needs, state-of-the-art descriptions, identified knowledge gaps and proposed research topics will provide the input for prioritising further research and technology development. This will enable more focused RTD programmes and ensure that they address the needs of industry, which will improve growth of the industry and create sustainable employment.
Title : Thematic Network on FLOATing Structures TECHnology Acronym : FLOATTECH Contract N : G3RT-CT-2000-05007 Proposal N : GTC1-2000-28058 Total Cost : 1 500 000 EU Contribution : 1 500 000 Starting Date : 01/07/01 Duration : 48 months Scientific Coordinator : Magne NYGRD Organisation : AKER KVAERNER TECHNOLOGY PO BOX 248, LILLEAKER NO-0217 OSLO
Contact: Magne Nygrd Tel: +47 2294 5993 Fax: +47 2294 6395 E-mail: EC Officer: Claudia Vivalda Tel: +32 2 296 8524 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Aker Maritime MCS International Det Norske Veritas Institut Franais du Ptrole Coflexip Stena Offshore AMEC Offshore Services Ltd. Bouygues Offshore Kvrner Oil & Gas a.s. Aker MCS DNV IFP CSO AMEC Bouygues Kvaerner NO IRL NO F F UK F NO
Project Objectives
The Thematic Network FURORE establishes a platform of stakeholders and creates an Automotive R&D Technology Roadmap describing breakthrough technologies for vehicles of the year 2020 and beyond. The network focuses predominantly on road vehicles powered by internal combustion engines, but will also analyse potential breakthrough technologies in alternative fuels and systems such as hybrids and fuel cells. FURORE serves as an umbrella to co-ordinate dissemination efforts and initiate new networks. Its objectives are the analysis and classification of potential breakthrough technologies and the indication of timeframes for demonstration. The network initiates basic research activities for the development of these technologies by universities and R&D organisations, enabling product development by the automotive industry and provides input for future research programmes through more transparency in automotive R&D.
Expected results
The FURORE Roadmap outlines technologies with corresponding potential ratings for the various vehicles for the year 2020 and beyond and comparisons between conventional and alternative systems. It includes cost/benefit analysis, market potential and barriers. FURORE also analyses the driving forces for innovation and technology improvement and their expected benefits in terms of environment, safety and functionality. In addition, aspects of the timing of launch and acceptance of the new technologies are considered.
Title : Future Road Vehicle Research A Roadmap for the Future Acronym : FURORE Contract N : G3RT-CT-2002-05089 Proposal N : GTC2-2001-50028 Total Cost : 699 993 EU Contribution : 699 993 Starting Date : 01/05/02 Duration : 15 months Scientific Coordinator : Dr Josef AFFENZELLER Organisation : AVL LIST GMBH HANS-LIST-PLATZ 1 A-8020 GRAZ
Contact: Dr Josef Affenzeller Tel: +43 316 787 253 Fax: +43 316 787 657 E-mail: EC Officer: Daniel Chiron Tel: +32 2 295 2503 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): AVL List GmbH FEV Motorentechnik GmbH Idiada Automotive Technology S.A. Institut Franais du Ptrole Ricardo Consulting Engineers Ltd. TNO Automotive VTT Prosessit Le Moteur Moderne SA RWTH Aachen - IKA Consiglio Nationale delle Ricerche Istituto Motori University of Sheffield Fraunhofer-Institut fr Betriebsfestigkeit LMS International NV TRL Limited AVL FEV IDIADA IFP RICARDO TNO VTT LMM RWTH Aachen CNR USFD FhG/LBF LMS TRL A D E F UK NL FIN F D I UK D B UK
Project Objectives
The technical standards concerning light rail are numerous and differ considerably from one place to another. Simplification and harmonisation of these standards across Europe would boost the light rail market and decrease the ownership costs of rolling stock and equipment for the benefit of all stakeholders and of the EU. The principal objectives of the Libertin thematic network are: - to accelerate the establishment of an internal market for light rail in the EU by fostering harmonisation, interchangeability and modularity of light rail components, harmonisation of related legislation/regulations and tendering procedures; - to promote the attractiveness, affordability, flexibility and sustainability of light rail systems by reducing the costs of modular components, harmonising operating rules and procedures, and enhancing system performance to enhance the competitiveness of the light rail mode compared to other transport modes.
Expected results
It is expected to find consensus on a large number of issues posed and discussed in this thematic network for light rail between participants. Deliverables include proposals on new LRT standards, on a standardised format for the tendering process and on the relationship between the European and overseas markets for LRT. Furthermore, a master plan for future research and continuous input to ERRAC including an action plan for implementation of Libertin results at the end of the project.
Title : Light Rail Thematic Network Acronym : Libertin Contract N : G3RT-CT-2002-05092 Proposal N : GTC2-2001-53002 Total Cost : 1 100 000 EU Contribution : 1 100 000 Starting Date : 01/06/02 Duration : 30 months Scientific Coordinator : Nils Jnig Organisation : TRANSPORTTECHNOLOGIE-CONSULT KARLSRUHE GMBH (TTK) TTK, GERWIGSTRASSE 53 D-76131 KARLSRUHE
Contact: Nils Jnig Tel: +49 721 62503 31 Fax: +49 721 62503 33 E-mail: EC Officer: Joost de Bock Tel: +32 2 296 9089 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): TransportTechnologie-Consult Karlsruhe GmbH Union of European Railway Industries International Association of Public Transport Die Ingenieurwerkstatt, Gesellschaft fr Lifecycle-Engineering mbH Atkins Danmark / Atkins Transportation Scandinavia AEA Technology Rail Smaly SA TTK UNIFE UITP DI Atkins AEAT Semaly D B B D DK UK F
Project Objectives
The objective of the thematic network PREMTECH II is the coordination of a group of projects, funded at EC level, dealing with the development of clean, efficient and intelligent internal combustion engines running on conventional or alternative fuels. PREMTECH II is designed to facilitate networking of organisations, coordination of activities and exchange and dissemination of knowledge so as to optimise research efforts, reach critical mass and enhance impact at European level. The network brings together industry, universities, research centres, users, research infrastructures and other relevant stakeholders around the common S&T objective of improved fuel efficiency and reduction of emissions stated in the priorities of the Key Action 3 Land transport and marine technologies, while showing still acceptable vehicle performance in order to fulfill customer requirements and expectations to be successful in the market.
Expected results
- identification of linkages and a better integration of the network projects with facilitation of the technology transfer in view of achieving the overall strategic goal of high fuel conversion efficiency combined with low emissions; - design and updating of the road map of internal combustion engines; - cost-effectiveness assessment of measures concerning the advanced technologies of internal combustion engines taking into account the integration with other technologies.
Title : Efficient and Low Emitting Propulsion Technologies Acronym : PREMTECH II Contract N : G3RT-CT-2001 05028 Proposal N : GTC1 2000 28044 Total Cost : 500 000 EU Contribution : 500 000 Starting Date : 01/07/01 Duration : 48 months Scientific Coordinator : Giorgio CORNETTI Organisation : META-RICERCHE S.N.C. VIA SERVAIS 200/Z I-10146 TORINO
Contact: Giorgio Cornetti Tel: +39 011 729252 Fax: +39 011 7724663 E-mail: EC Officer: Daniel Chiron Tel: +32 2 295 2503 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): META-Ricerche (coordinator) Centro di Ricerche Fiat DaimlerChrysler AG Volkswagen AG National Technical University of Athens Katholieke Universiteit Leuven META CRF DC AG VW NTUA KULeuven I I D D EL B
Design for Safety: An Integrated Approach to Safe European Ro-Ro Ferry Design
Project Objectives
The strategic objective of SAFER EURORO II is to integrate safety cost-effectively within the design process in a way that safety drives ship design. The scope of the TN is to provide the necessary motivation and stimulation towards the development of a formal state-of-the-art design methodology to support and nurture a safety culture paradigm in the ship design process by treating safety as a design objective rather than a constraint. In view of the varying nature of the technical information necessary in the attempt to formalise the safety assessment and design processes, the overall programme is structured as a cluster of individual thematic areas, each addressing a specialist field in ship design and operation. In this respect, five areas are considered: - design for structural safety; - design for ship and cargo survival; - design for passenger survival; - design for seaworthiness; - design for fire safety.
Expected results
technical reports; state-of-the-art research reviews; definition and refinement of a common interest matrix; evaluation and selection of technical tools; evaluation and selection of safety assessment methodologies; evaluation and recommendations for improvement of current design methodologies; data and knowledge bases; recommendations of targeted R&D; conferences, seminars, workshops; coordination of activities with other thematic networks; regular newsletters and a web site.
Title : Design for Safety: An Integrated Approach to Safe European Ro-Ro Ferry Design Acronym : SAFER EURORO II
Contract N : GTC1-2001-43008 Proposal N : GTC1-2001-43008 Total Cost : 798 360 EU Contribution : 798 360 Starting Date : 01/01/02 Duration : 48 months Scientific Coordinator : Professor Dracos VASSALOS Organisation : SHIP STABILITY RESEARCH CENTRE, UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE 48 NORTH PORTLAND STREET UK-G1 1XN GLASGOW Contact: Professor Dracos Vassalos Tel: +44 141 548 4092 Fax: +44 141 552 2879 E-mail: EC Officer: Claudia Vivalda Tel: +32 2 296 8524 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail:
Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Ship Stability Research Centre WEGEMT National Technical University of Athens Det Norske Veritas Deltamarin Germanischer Lloyd WS Atkins Consultants Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research Registro Italiano Navale Sirehna Danish Maritime Institute Alstom Chantiers de lAtlantique Fincantieri Cantieri Navali Italiani Color Line Marine SSRC WEGEMT NTUA DNV DELTA GL WSA TNO RINA SIR DMI CDA FINCANTIERI COLOR UK UK EL NO FIN D UK NL I F DK F I NO
Project Objectives
To stimulate growth and efficiency within the European rail industry a network between academia, operators and suppliers should be created to allow crossfertilisation, encourage the exchange of information and drive commercially significant research. The European railway system is undergoing two major changes: - separation of the infrastructure management activity from that of train operation; - the opening up of the rail network to new entrants. There is a real danger of critical knowledge being dispersed and lost through rail industry fragmentation. This will put increased pressure on a network already faced with new challenges in the fields of international services and tram/train intermodality.
Some other likely deliverables will include: - assessment of the implications of work already undertaken by ERA and WS Atkins on behalf of the European Commission; - guides for harmonisation and standardisation bodies covering the introduction of new materials and innovative technologies; - a proper appreciation of the role of maintenance issues as a key element in achieving continuous safety; - visible acceleration in the implementation of the European Commission Directives on conventional rail interoperability and safety by the early identification of enabling research.
Expected results
The project global output will primarily be an input into KA2 of the ERRTDS, contributing towards a holistic approach to railway safety, to safely fulfil the need to move greater numbers of trains at increased speed on common infra-structure, as detailed in KA2, which will in turn allow the research into the following areas: - a network of shared test facilities with common acceptance procedures for telematics and other safety critical systems; - improved capability of monitoring and diagnostic methods for vehicles, signalling and infrastructure systems to maintain high levels of availability and productivity; - improved vehicle and infrastructure design and maintenance techniques possibly based on practice used in the aerospace sector; - new maintenance recording technologies; - common monitoring and assessment methods and regimes to identify endemic technical failures to give feedback to design and product development processes.
Title : Railway Interoperable Manufacture and Modular Safety Acronym : TRAINSAFE Contract N : G3RT-CT2001-05056 Proposal N : GTC1-CT2001-43015 Total Cost : 2 400 000 EU Contribution : 900 000 Starting Date : 01/01/02 Duration : 30 months
Scientific Coordinator : Dr Peter WELLS Organisation : ADVANCED RAILWAY RESEARCH CENTRE, UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD PORTABELLO 217 UK-S1 4DP SHEFFIELD Contact: Mark Robinson Tel: +44 114 222 0150 Fax: +44 1145 222 0155 E-mail: EC Officer: Joost de Bock Tel: +32 2 296 9089 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail:
Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Advanced Railway Research Centre The Union of European Railway Industries AdTranz Europe AdTranz University of Berlin Costaferroviaria S.p.A. CAF INEGI University of Porto SNCF Motor Industry Research Association Skoda Research VUKV Prague Mecalog WS Atkins Transport Research Laboratory CAD FEM GmbH Alusuisse AEA Technology BV Corus ARRC UNIFE ADT-EU ADT-PT UNIBER COSTA CAF INEGI SNCF MIRA SKODA VUKV MEKA ATKINS TRL CADFEM ALUSU AEAT CORUS UK B B P D I E P F UK CZ CZ F UK UK D D NL NL
2 . Te c h n o l o g i c a l p l a t f o r m s
Project Objectives
The DI diesel engine, inherently capable of achieving very low CO2 emissions, has the drawback of enhanced NOx emissions beside the typical particulates. Even if the European NOx emissions limits for passenger cars have been higher for diesel compared to gasoline cars in order to compensate their CO2 advantage so far, the scope of the technology platform is to develop DI diesel passenger cars as clean as gasoline cars of the year 2005 but with lower CO2 emissions compared to today's DI gasoline cars. But high efficiency and minimised emissions are conflicting requirements considering today's technology options. Therefore manufacturers are challenged to develop combustion engines able to keep pace with these requirements fulfilling customer requests and expectations regarding the overall fleet fuel consumption and emissions.
Expected results
prototypes of EH-WA (Electro-Hydraulic Variable-Valve Actuation) actuators; electro-magnetic injectors, developed in D-ISELE project; high-pressure piezo injection, developed in D-Cycle project; two mid-term assessment engines (WA-DI diesel/high-pressure piezo DI diesel) test results; - decision on exhaust gas after-treatment system; - assessment of the Impact of the two HCCI diesel engines.
Title : Low CO2 ULEV Diesel Passenger Car Acronym : D-ULEV Contract N : G3RD-CT-2000-00291
Total Cost : 5 700 000 EU Contribution : 3 000 000 Starting Date : 01/01/01 Duration : 48 months Scientific Coordinator : Gernot HERTWECK Organisation : DAIMLERCHRYSLER AG D-70546 STUTTGART Contact: Rainer Aust Tel: +49 711 172 0753 Fax: +49 711 175 9799 E-mail: EC Officer: Daniel Chiron Tel: +32 2 295 2503 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): AVL List GmbH CRF Societ Consortile per Azioni DaimlerChrysler AG Institut Franais du Ptrole Istituto Motori Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Rheinisch-Westflische Technische Hochschule Aachen AVL CRF DC AG IFP IM-CNR VKA A I D F I D
Proposal N : GRD1-2000-25233
Expected results
- new simulation tools including knock resistance for layout of future downsized turbocharged gasoline engines; - compact class vehicle with 1 L engine: lower fuel consumption and CO2 emission compared to basic 1.6 L engine; - new variable geometry turbocharger for gasoline engines; - vehicle simulation results to show the potential in fuel consumption/ CO2 emission new technologies of drive train.
Title : Gasoline Engine Turbocharging Advanced Gasoline Powertrain for Reduced Fuel Consumption and CO2 Emissions Acronym : GET CO2 Contract N : G3RD-CT-2000-00364 Proposal N : GRD1-2000-25618 Total Cost : 5 645 751 EU Contribution : 3 302 875 Starting Date : 01/01/01 Duration : 42 months Scientific Coordinator : Dr Afif AHMED Organisation : REGIENOV 1 RUE DU GOLF F-78288 GUYANCOURT CEDEX Contact: Afif Ahmed Tel: +33 14 777 9594 Fax: +33 14 777 2032 E-mail: EC Officer: Daniel Chiron Tel: +32 2 295 2503 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Honeywell Garrett University of Leeds PSA Peugeot Citron Volkswagen AG Garrett UNIVLEEDS PSA VW F UK F D
Project Objectives
The strategic aim of the SUVA project is the development of a marketable and costeffective hybrid powertrain by a common effort between the concerned partners. This should lead to significant reductions in fuel consumption and therefore higher energy efficiency. It should be fully acceptable to the customer due to its performance, reliability and hybrid-specific surplus values. Furthermore, it should maintain the competitiveness and attractiveness of the European car manufacturers by new product innovations. The output of this project should lead to an effective and serious contribution for future needs in new transport means and concepts. Therefore this project is clearly focused on the development of a marketable hybrid powertrain in three years.
Expected results
It is expected that at the end of the project a drivable prototype of a hybrid vehicle will demonstrate the feasibility of a cost-competitive system, which will fulfil the customers requirements for comfort as well as emission control regulations. The development of the three different hybrid cars will prove its adaptability in every car weight class. Because competing alternative approaches like fuel cell or electric cars will not be available in significant volumes with competing costs, the hybrid drive is the only technology with the potential to occur on the market as a mass-product within the next three to six years.
Total Cost : 6 835 764 EU Contribution : 3 448 434 Starting Date : 01/01/01 Duration : 36 months Scientific Coordinator : Institut fr Kraftfahrwesen Aachen Organisation : RWTH-AACHEN TEMPLERGRABEN 55 D-52056 AACHEN Contact: M. CRAMPEN Tel: +49 241 88 61 170 Fax: +49 241 88 61 110 E-mail: EC Officer: Daniel Chiron Tel: +32 2 295 2503 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail: Partners (name, abbreviation, country): Rheinisch Westflische Technische Hochschule Aachen DaimlerChrysler AG Centro di Ricerche Fiat Volkswagen AG Consortio Ricerca Energia Applicazioni Tecnologiche Elettromagnetismo RWTH.IKA DC AG CRF VW CREAT.DIS D D I D I
Proposal N : GRD1-2000-25129
Project Objectives
One of the main challenges to be addressed by the European maritime industries is to follow up the successful pattern introduced by the other major European industries, particularly the aerospace industry, and to effectively integrate information technologies into the ships life cycle process. Consolidation, mutual co-operation and rationalised effort to utilise technologies to their greatest effect can only strengthen the European shipbuilding industry. This proposal focuses upon integrating current effort dispersed throughout Europe to provide a standardised platform upon which a variety of maritime industries can function. It will eventually help European maritime industries to: - maintain and improve their position against worldwide competition by improving their knowledge and technological skills; - combine competitiveness/profitability with safety and environmental protection; - look at technology and innovation as the main way to survive in the global international market.
Expected results
The resulting platform will provide short- and medium-term benefit to European ship operators, regulatory bodies and shipbuilders and longer term benefits to the maritime industry as a whole through the embedding of technology into the fabric of designing, building and operating the ships of the future. The project will improve safety both within the workplace through enhanced construction planning procedures, and at sea by improving the ship design generally and allowing operational simulations.
Title : Life-Cycle Virtual Reality Ship System(s) Acronym : VRSHIPS-ROPAX 2000 Contract N : GR3D-CT-2001-00506
Total Cost : 11 697 709 EU Contribution : 6 946 549 Starting Date : 01/08/01 Duration : 48 months Scientific Coordinator : Alex H. B. DUFFY Organisation : UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE CAD CENTRE DEPT. DESIGN MANUFACTURE & ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE 75 MONTROSE STREET UK-G1 1XJ GLASGOW Contact: Alex H. B. Duffy Tel: +44 141 548 3005 Fax: +44 141 552 0557 E-mail: EC Officer: Frederic Sgarbi Tel: +32 2 296 1071 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail:
Proposal N : GRD1-2000-25709
Partners (name, abbreviation, country): AKER Finnyards BAE Systems Balance Technology Consultants Barcelona Port Authority British Maritime Technology LTD Bureau Veritas SA Alstom Chantiers de lAtlantique Color Line Marine CONS.A.R. Italian Ship Owners Research Consortium Ship Design and Research Centre Dassault Systemes Deltamarin Ltd. TTS Ships Equipment Hamburgische Schiffbau-Versuchsanstalt Inlecom Institute de Recherches de la Construction Navale Instituto Superior Tecnico Izar Construcciones Navales Kamewa Tribon Solutions AB Lund, Mohr & Giver-Enger Marin Maritime Research Institute Netherlands Jos L. Meyer (Meyer Werft) Maritime Transport Research Unit, Napier University Napa Oy National Technical University Athens National Technical University Athens Odense Production Information Odense Steel Shipyard Sirehna SSPA Maritime Consulting University of Strathclyde (CAD Centre) University of Strathclyde (Ship Stability Research Centre) Stoczinia Szczecinsdka Porta Holdings SA Technical University of Hamburg Harburg University of Newcastle upon Tyne University of Patras Technical Research Centre of Finland WEGEMT FIN UK D E UK F F NO I PL F Deltamarin FIN TTS D HSVA D UK IRCN F IST P IZAR E KAM S TBS S LMG NO MARIN NL D MTRU UK NAPA FIN NTUA (LSMH) EL NTUA (SDL) EL OPI DK OSS DK Sirehna F SSPA S SU-CADC UK SU-SSRC UK SSPH PL TUHH D UNEW UK UPAT EL VTT FIN WEGEMT UK AFY BAE BALANCE APB BMT BV CDA Colour Line CONSAR CTO
I n t e g r a t i o n o f S e a L a n d Te c h n o l o g i e s f o r a n E f f i c i e n t I n t e r m o d a l D o o r t o D o o r Tr a n s p o r t
Project Objectives
During the last years, ongoing developments (new products and intelligent services) have increased the effectiveness for each single mode. The interlinking of the different systems, which is a necessity for intermodality, has only started. The recent White Paper on transportation issued by the European Commission on 14 September 2001 reports extensively the present critical socio-economical situation and relevant policy guidelines, where intermodality has a lions share. The EU policies for alternatives to road freight transport means also dominated the 5th FP direction, particularly the application projects which either target the optimisation of the road transport or the promotion of alternative modes (sea, rail and air). A large amount of projects have tackled different aspects of the problem and from different points of view.
Expected results
INTEGRATION has a number of different objectives, all pertaining to the enhancement of the intermodal door-to-door transport system. The most significant are: - to improve potential of small/medium ports having small spaces available to perform as larger hubs; - to integrate and validate systems for horizontal transhipment in a maritime terminal, in order to improve ship/rail interoperability for different loading units (containers and swap bodies); - to validate automated cargo handling and lashing operations by AGVs; - to validate the Ro-Ro feedering of containers at a transhipment terminal, by combining quay cranes and AGVs, and to assess the benefits achieved by the consequent relief of quay cranes operation; - to optimise Ro-Ro ship design for automated unitised cargo handling; - to identify new concept ships, to maximise ship operation performances and cargo handling efficiency; - to validate the effectiveness of dry port concept in order to improve harbour capacity; - to improve short sea/feedering transport of small port to play a key role in order to allow wider distribution of freight by sea.
Title: Integration of Sea Land Technologies for an Efficient Intermodal Door to Door Transport Acronym: INTEGRATION Contract N: G3RD-CT-2002-00831 Proposal N: GRD2-2001-50052 Total Cost: 9 704 748 EU Contribution: 5 000 000 Starting Date: NA Duration: 36 months Scientific Coordinator: Dr Carlo CAMISETTI Organisation: CETENA S.P.A. VIA IPPOLITO DASTE 5 I-16121 GENOVA
Contact: Dr Carlo Camisetti Tel: +39 10 599 5483 Fax: +39 10 599 5790 E-mail: EC Officer: Frederic Sgarbi Tel: +32 2 296 1071 Fax: +32 2 296 3307 E-mail:
Partners (name, abbreviation, country): CETENA S.p.A Izar Construcciones Navales S.A. Fincantieri Cantieri Navali Italiani S.p.A. TTS Ships Equipment SCIRO S.r.l. British Maritime Technology LTD LogIT Medcenter Container Terminal DFDS Tor Line A/S Grandi Traghetti S.pA. di Navigazione Det Norske Veritas AS NDC Automation AB TFK Transportforschnung GmbH SSPA Marine Consulting AB Universities of Glasgow and Strathclyde, Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Ship Design and Research Centre Port Authority of Livorno Gteborgs Hamn AB SEQUOYAH International Restructuring Vereniging Nederlandse Scheepsbouw Industrie SARLIS Institut National de Recherche sur les Transports et leur Scurit Nouveaux Espaces de Transport en Europe (Application Recherche) National Technical University of Athens Studio BUFFA CET IZAR FINCANTIERI TTS SCIRO BMT LOGIT MCT DFDS GF DNV NDC TFK SSPA SSRC CTO APL PGOT SIR VNSI SARLIS INRETS NESTEAR NTUA BUF I E I S I UK NO I DK I NO S D S UK PL I S B NL EL F F EL I
02 04 06 184 102 160 154 246 122 162 146 104 106 22 114 108 24 124 46 250 156 309 252 48 216 287 218 70 36 50 76
78 186 52 26 188 254 266 220 256 38 62 222 289 86 140 126 190 88 192 268 291 158 194 230 240 242 208 128 90 168 224 28 226 54 304 56 72 236 294 116 92 164 08 66 94 96 130 306 132
Index of participants
A. BRITO (INEGI) Aachen University of Technology: Plastics Processing AB Volvo ABB Azipod Oy ABB Group Services Center AB ABB Service A/S ABB Turbo Systems Ltd bo Akademi University ACL Ship Management Acoustic Control Adam Opel AG Adtranz Bombardier Transport AdTranz Europe AdTranz Advanced Combustion GmbH Advanced Railway Research Centre, University of Sheffield Advanced Technologies Research Institute AEA Technology plc AEA Technology Rail F Industriteknik AB AG der Dillinger Httenwerke Ahstrom Glassfibre oy Mikkeli Plant Aker Engineering AS Aker Finnyards Aker Maritime Aker Technology Alcan Alcan Alesa Engineering Ltd Alcan Mass Transportation Systems, Alcan International Limited Alcan Technology & Management Ltd Alcatel Submarine Network - Marine ALGOSYSTEMS S.A. Alpha Marine Limited ALSI PENTA Zeolithe GmbH Alstom Chantiers de lAtlantique SA Alstom Transport S.A. Alusuisse Airex AG Alusuisse Swiss Aluminium Ltd. Alusuisse Technology & Management Ltd AMEC Offshore Services Ltd. American Bureau of Shipping Europe Ltd. Ampafrance S.A. Amrose Ansaldo Sistemi Industriali S.p.A. Ansaldobreda S.p.A. Antony Patrick & Mutra Extportacao Ltd APC Composite AB ARC Leichtmetallkompetenzzentrum Ranshofen P D S FIN S DK CH FI S S D B B P D UK E UK UK S D FIN NO FIN NO NO CH CH CH UK CH DK EL EL D F F CH CH CH UK UK F DK I I P S A
Aristoteleio Panepistimio Thessalonikis Armines/Ensmp-Cemef Ashland Italia S.p.a. Association des Constructeurs Europens d'Automobiles Association pour la recherche et le development des methodes et processus industriels ATE antriebstechnic u. entw. Atkins Danmark / Atkins Transportation Scandinavia Audi AG Autoliv GmbH AUTOSIM AVL List GmbH Azienda Trasporti Milanese B.V. Ontwikkelingsmaatschappij CCM BAE Systems Balance Technology Consulting GmbH Banverket Swedish rail administration Barcelona Port Authority BASC Bassin dEssais des Carenes BASt BECORIT Railway brake manufacturer Beijing Research Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Technology Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe Betrand Faure and Ecia (Faurecia) Birmingham City Council Bisiach & Carr BLG CONSULT GmbH BLS Ltschbergbahn AG Blue Star Ferries S.A. BMT SeaTech BMW Bayerische Motoren Werke AG Bodewes Scheepswerf Volharding B.V. Bolton Institute of Higher Education, Bolton Automotive Group Bombardier Transportation Bombardier Transportation, Nuremberg Bombardier Transportation, Portugal BOSCH Bouygues Offshore Box Modul AB BP BP Exploration Ltd BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd. BREDA Construzioni Ferroviarie SpA BREMSKERL Railway brake manufacturer Brissonneau et Lotz Marine British Maritime Technology Brel & Kjaer Brunel University
Bundesanstalt fr Strassenwesen Bureau Veritas SA Bureau Veritas SA BYG Systems LTD CAD-FEM GmbH CAF Carl Bro a/s, Dwinger Marineconsult CEDIP Infrared Systems Centrale Recherche S.A. Centre Catal del Plstic Centre dEtudes Techniques de lEquipement Lyon (CETE Lyon) Centre Europen de Recherche et Formation Avance en Calcul Scientifique Centre for Research and Technology Hellas/ Chemical Process Engineering Research Institute Centre Internacional de Metodes Numerics en Enginyeria Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Centre Scientifiqueet Technique du Batment Centre Technique des Industries Mecaniques Centro di Recherche Fiat Centro Elettrotecnico Sperimentale Italiano Giacinto Motta SpA Centro Interuniversitario Ricerca Trasporti, University of Genoa Centros Tecnolgicos de Navarra Centrum Naukowo Technicze Kolejnictwa CERAMIGHT Composites Ltd CETE CETEC Consultancy Engineering & Technology Ltd CETEMAR SL CETENA S.p.A. CETENASA Fundacin Chalmers University of Technology Chalmers University of Technology, Dept. Applied Mechanics Checkmate UK Ltd Chemnitz University of Technology Christian-Doppler-Laboratory for Applied Computational Thermofluiddynamics CIC CIDAUT City University London Clausthaler Umwelttechnik-Institut GmbH Coflexip Stena Offshore Color Line Marine AS Com-C-Isis Comissariat lEnergie Atomique Commission of the European Communities Common Rail Technologies Commune di Genova Competitive Concepts Europe Ltd Composite Damping Materials Concept Technologie GmbH Cons. Armatori per la Ricerca CONS.A.R. Italian Ship Owners Research Consortium
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas Instituto de Automaticaindustrial Consiglio Nationale delle Ricerche Istituto Motori Consortio Ricerca Energia Applicazioni Tecnologiche Elettromagnetismo Consortium for Research&Development of Technologies in the field of INnovative Railway TRAnsport Consorzio Interuniversitario per la Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali CONTINENTAL Coredes (Cesa) CorrOcean Corus CORUS - Hayange Corus Hylite BV Corus Technology BV Costaferroviaria S.p.a. Cranfield University CRF Societ Consortile per Azioni CTO Ship Design and Research Centre Cybernetix S.A dAppolonia S.p.A. DAF Trucks NV DaimlerChrysler AG DaimlerChrysler, Stuttgart Damen Shipyards Group DANAOS Shipping CO. LTD. Danish Maritime Institute Danmarks Tekniske Universited DanStir Dassault Systemes DB AG Dlgation Gnrale pour l'Armement (DGA), Direction des Centres d'Expertise et d'Essais (DCE) Delfosud S.p.A Delft University of Technology Delphi Automotive Systems Luxembourg SA DELPHI Diesel Systems Ltd Deltamarin Ltd Den Norske Stats Oljeselskap A.S. DENSO Europe B.V. Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Genova Department of Science and Technology, University of Verona Det Norske Veritas AS Deutche Montan Technologie GmBH Deutsche Bahn AG Deutsche Binnenreederei Deutscher Wetterdienst DEUTZ AG DFDS Tor Line A/S Die Ingenieurwerkstatt, Gesellschaft fr Lifecycle-Engineering mbH Digital Systems Development Dipartimento di Ingegneria dei Materiali, Universit di Trento
Doris Engineering Doulopoulous Shipyards LTD Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG Dublin Port Company Duisburg Shallow Water Towing Tank DUROC AB Dynamics, Structures & Systems International EADS CCR EC-JRC-ISIS Ecole Central de Paris (CRSA) Ecole Centrale de Lyon Ecole Centrale de Nantes Ecole Nationale Superieure des Techniques et des Mines de Douai Ecole Normale Suprieure de Cachan (LMTC) Ecole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne Ecoship Engineering AB ECOSITA S.A. Eder Strahltechnik Gesellschaft, m.b.H. Eidgenssische Technische Hochschule Zrich Electrical Machines and Drives Group ELECTROVAC Fabrikation elektrotechnischer Spezialartikel Ges.m.b.H. Engin Soft Trading S.r.l. Engineering Solutions International Ltd Engineering System International Gmbh Engineering Systems International SA Envirocoustics S.A. EPIQ Sensor-Nite ESI SA / ESI Software Estaleiros Navais de Viana do Castelo S.A. Ethnikon Metsovion Plytechnion Athinon Eur. Cent. Mid.-r. Weather-Forc. Europisches Entwicklungs Zentrum fr Binnen U European Association of Universities European Community Shipowners Associations European Dredging Association European Maritime Equipment Council European Oceanographic Industry Association European Oil and Gas Forum European Power Semiconductor and Electronics Company EXMARoffshore Facult Polytechnique de Mons Faiveley Transport S.A. FALEX Tribology FANTUZZI REGGIANE SpA Faurecia siges dautomobile S.A FBM Babcock Marine Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Federal Institute of Agricultural Engineering Fdration des Industries Nautique Federation of Finnish Metal Engineering & Electrotechnical Industries
FERESPE, Fundicao de Ferro e Aco, Lda FERODO Railway brake manufacturer Ferrovie dello Stato FEV Motorentechnik GmbH FIAT Auto S.p.a Fibrocom oy Finacntieri-Cantieri Navali Italiani Spa FiReCo AS First Technology Safety Systems First Technology Safety Systems Fjellstrand Fleet Technology Limited Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft mbH & Co. KG Flowtech International AB Folksam FORCE Technology Ford Forschungszentrum Aachen GmbH Ford Forschungszentrum GmbH Ford Motor Company Ltd Ford-Werke AG Forschungs- und Anwendungsverbund Verkehrssystemtechnik Berlin Forschungszentrum des Deutschen Schiffbaus Forschungszentrum Terramare Fortum Oil and Gas Oy Foundrysoft AB Frateur de Pourcq Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Frderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. Fraunhofer Institut Betriebsfestigkeit Fraunhofer-Institut fr Betriebsfestigkeit Free Field Technologies French Riviera Chamber of Commerce French Shipbuilding Research Institute Friedrich-Alexander-Universitt Erlangen Nrnberg Fronius Schweimaschinen Produktions GmbH & Co. KG FS FUCHS PETROLUB AG Fundacio para la Investigacion y Desarrollo en Automacion Fundacin Tekniker G. Theodor Freese Gmbh Gdynia Shipyard General Electric Plastics B.V. General Robotics Limited Germanischer Lloyd AG Gesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft e.V. Gesellschaft fr Automatisierung, Prozesteuerung und Schweitechnik GIFEN (For EMEC) GKSS Forschungszentr. GmbH Glasgow City Council Goodyear S.A. Gteborgs Hamn AB Grammer AG
Grandi Navi Veloci S.p.A. Grimaldi Group Grandi Traghetti S.pA. di Navigazione Greek CIMAC Association Groupement Europen de Recherche sur les Hydrocarbures GUASCOR I+D Haas-Laser GmbH &Co. KG Hamburgische Schiffbau- Versuchsanstalt GmbH Hapag-Lloyd Container Linie GmbH Haptica HELLA Hellenic Register of Shipping S.A. Helsinki University of Technology Hempels Marine Paints A/S Heriot-Watt University Hevrox EMC/Safety Services NV/SA HITEC SUBSEA A/S HJS Fahrzeugtechnik GmbH & Co Hochschule fr Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden (FH) Hgans AB Holset engineering Co LTD Honeywell Garrett S.A. Honsel GmbH Howaldtswerke Deutsche Werft AG Hubner Gummi und Kunstoff GmbH HUT Hydro Automotive Structures A/S I.U.T. Institut fr Umwelttechnologien Gmbh IAPETOS, S.A. IAS Institut fr Arbeits- und Sozialhygiene Stiftung IAV GmbH ICCS/NTUA ICEHT/FORTH ICER Railway brake manufacturer Idiada Automotive Technology S.A. Ifor Williams Trailers Ltd IFP IFREMER IHC Holland N.V. Ikerlan Ltda Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine Imperial College, London Independent Maritime Assessment Associates Ltd Industrial de Acabados, S.A. INEGI University of Porto INFERT GmbH Infineon Technologies AG Inlecom Innas B.V. Innovatum International Ltd Insitut fuer Verbunwerkstoffe GmbH Inst. Angewandte Chemie Berlin-Aldershof
Inst. Nac. Engenh. Tecn. Industr. Institut de Recherches de la Construction Navale Institut f. Phys. Hochtechnologie Institut Franais de Navigation Institut Franais De Recherche pour Lexploitation de la Mer Institut Franais du Ptrole /GERTH Institut fr Seeverkehswirtchaft und Logistik Institut fr Angewandte Chemie Berlin-Adlershof Institut fr Kraftfahrwesen Aachen Institut National de Recherche sur le Transport et leur Scurit Institut National de Recherche sur les Transports et leur Scurit Institut National de Researche et de Scurit Institut National des Sciences Appliques Institut National des Sciences Appliques de Lyon Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse Institut Scientifique de Service Public Institute for Applied Automotive Research Institute for Combustion Engines List, Graz Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics, Slovak Academy of Sciences Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, University of Southampton Institute of Technology and Materials for Energy Processes of the National Research Council, Milano Instituto de Meteorologia Instituto Motori Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Instituto Superior Technico Instutio Nazional di Studi ed Esperienze di Architettura Navale Intelligent Welding Automation (IWA) ApS International Association of Public Transport International center for numerical methods in engineering Irizar s. Coop Isringhausen GmbH & Co. KG Istituto Italiano della Saldatura Istituto Motori Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Italferr SpA Italian Ship Research Centre IUM Ship Management Iveco MotorenForschung AG Iveco S.p,A. IvecoMotoren-forschung AG Izar Construcciones Navales Jaguar Cars Jnkoeping University Johannes Kepler University of Linz; Institute for Communications and Information Engineering John Crane Lips Johnson Controls Automotive Electronics Johnson Matthey plc Johnson Matthey plc, Catalytic Systems Division Joint Research Centre Jos L. Meyer
Jnger GmbH Transport und Entsorgungstechnik JURID Railway brake manufacturer KU Leuven Research and Development Kab Seating Ltd T. Kalogeridis & Co Inc Kamewa Karlsen Verft AS Katamaran Konstruktions GmbH Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Research & Development Kiepe Elektrik GmbH & Co. KG Knud E. Hansen A/S Kockums Engineering AB KU Leuven research and development Kungl Tekniska Hgskolan Kurt-Schwabe Institut fr Messund Sensortechnik e.V Meinsberg Kvaerner Masa Yards Kvaerner Oil & Gas a.s. LAB (PSA / Renault) L-B Systemtechnik GmbH Le Moteur moderne S.A. Lear Corporation Lips BV Lips United BV LISNAVE-Staleiros Navais, S.A. Lloyds Register LMG Marine AS LMS International NV LogIT Logit Sa London Underground Ltd. Lotus Cars Limited Loughborough University LPPA (CNRS CdF) Lucchini C.R.S. S.R.L. Lucchini Centro Ricerche e Sviluppo Ludwig Maximilian Universitt Mnchen Ludwig Maximilians Universitt Mnchen, Institut fr Rechtsmedizin Lund Institute of Technology Lund University Lund, Mohr & Giaever-Enger Marin AS m.G. mini Gears S.p.A. M+P Raadgevende ingenieurs BV MacGREGOR (SWE) AB MACOR Neptun GmbH MAGMA Gieereitechnologie GmbH Magnesium Research Institute Magneti Marelli Sistemi Elettronici S.p.A. Mahle GmbH MAN B&W Diesel A/S MAN Nutzfahrzeuge AG
Manufacture Franaise des Pneumatiques MICHELIN Maridan AS Marine Tech South Marintek Maritime and Coastguard Agency Maritime engineering & technology for transport, logistics and education Maritime Research Institute Netherlands Maritime Simulation Rotterdam bv Maritime Transport Research Unit, Napier University Maritime University of Szczecin MCS International MDS France MECALOG SARL Mechanical Dynamics Italy S.R.L. Mecklenburger Metallguss GmbH Medcenter Container Terminal Medical University Hannover Mediterranean Shipping Cruise S.p.A. Memorial University of Newfoundland META-Ricerche (coordinator) Mettle Group MicroChemical Systems SA Ministre Franaise de lEquipement des Transports et du Logement Centre dEtudes Ministry of the Environment MIRA Ltd MIROS Mobil Laser Tec GmbH Morganite Electrical Carbon Motor Industry Research Association Motoren GmbH Greiner Motortestcenter MSC Software MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH NAPA Oy NAS extension member: Riga Technical University Nat. Tec. Univ. of Athens National Institute for Working Life National Research Council Canada Inst. for Marine Dynamics National Research Council of Italy National Technical University of Athens National Technical University of Athens National Technical University of Athens Laboratory of Marine Engineering Navicentrum Navion NDC Automation AB NDT Solutions Ltd NEA Transp. Research &Train. Neckar-Bootsbau Nei Ecorys BV Netherlands Shipbuilding Industry Association
Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research Newcastle Primary Care Trust NOAX B.V. Noell CRANE systems GmbH NOKIAN Nokian Tyres plc Noranda Magnesium Inc. Norsk Hydro ASA Norwegian Marine Technology Research Institute Norwegian Shipowners Association Norwegian University of Science and Technology Nouveaux Espaces de Transport en Europe NTUA Numeca International Numerical Mechanics Applications International Obernosterer Strickstoffe GmbH OCCM Software GmbH Odense Steel Shipyard Odratrans SA Office National dEtudes et de Recherches Arospatiales OKTAL OmniTech AS Otto Fuchs Metallwerke P&O PAFA Consulting Engineers Pandrol Rail Fastenings Ltd. Pemar Consulting Peugeot Citron Automobiles Piaggio S.p.A. Pierburg AG Pirelli Pneumatics S.p.A. Pirelli Settore Pneumatici PLEIAS Informatics & Communications Polis AISBL Politechnika Wroclawska Politecnico di Milano Politecnico di Milano Dipartimento di Meccanica Politecnico di Torino Polytechnika Warszawska Porsche AG Port Agency Vanerhamn Port Authority of Livorno Port of Barcelona Port of Duisburg Principia Marine PSA Peugeot Citron PTV Planung Transport Verkehr Public Power Corporation S.A QinietiQ Queens University Belfast Railinfrabeheer B.V.
Railtech International Railtrack plc Rgie Autonme des Transports Parisiens Regienov Regienov Renault Recherche et Innovation Regienov EIG (RENAULT, RVI) Regienov Renault recherche et Innovation Registro Italiano Navale Renault Sport and SOMAC (Renault subsid.) Renault VI AB Volvo Renault VI SA Rheinisch Westflische Technische Hochschule Aachen Rheinisch-Westflische Technische Hochschule Aachen (WZL-RWTH) Ricardo Consulting Engineers Ltd. RINA S.p.A. Ris National Laboratory RLE International Robert Bosch GmbH Robert Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart Rolls Royce Rolls Royce AB Rolls Royce Kamewa Royal Schelde Group BV RTGERS Automotive Railway brake manufacturer RWS-Line AB RWTH Aachen - IKA RWTUEV Fahrzeug GmbH S.A.D.E.F. A.G. Saab Automobile AB SAB Wabco SAERTEX Wagener GmbH & Co. KG Safinah Ltd SAIND SOLDADURA S.A. Salerno Container Terminal SpA SARLIS Satellite Observing Syst. LTD SBB SBB Cargo Scania CV AB (Publ.) Schiffko GmbH Schuler-hydroforming Schunk Kohlenstofftechnik GmbH Schweitechnische Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt Halle GmbH SCIRO S.r.l. Sczcezin Shipyard SEA Containers Ltd. SEAS Distribution AS Smaly SA Sener Ingenieria y Sistemas SA SensTech Limited SEQUOYAH International Restructuring
SES Europe AS SGW Werder GmbH Sheffield University, Dept Mechanical Engineering Ship Design and Research Centre (CTO) Ship Stability Research Centre Shipbuilders and Shiprepairers Association Sicomp AB Siemens AG (SIE.ATD.ITPS) Siemens AG Transportation Systems Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Siemens Laser Analytics Siemens VDO Automotive AG Sika Group SINDEL Sprl Single Buoy Moorings Inc. SINTEF Sinterstahl GmbH Sirehna Skoda SL Infrateknik SNCF Societ Consortile per Azioni Socit dEtudes et de Recherches de lcole nationale suprieure des Arts et Mtiers Socit Nationale des Chemines de fer Franais Socit Nationale Maritime Corse-Mditerrane SOTIRA Southampton University, Institute of Sound and Vibration Research Sovtransavto Deutschland GmbH SSPA Maritime consulting AB SSRC University of Strathclyde St2e Standard Institution of Israel Stena Line AB Stena Rederi AB Steyr Daimler Puch Fahrzeugtechnik AG & Co KG (SFT) Steyr-Daimler-Puch Fahrzeugtechnik AG & Co KG Stichting European Rail Research Institute Stichting GeoDelft Stichting Nationaal Lucht en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium Stiftelsen for industriell og teknisk forskning ved Norges tekniske hoeyskole STMicroelektronics SA (ST) STN Atlas Marine Stockholm University Stocznia Gdynia S.A. Stoczinia Szczecinska Porta Holding S.A. Stocznia Szczecinska S.A STRACO S.A Studio BUFFA Suditalia Terminal Operator S.r.l. (STO) Surface Effect Ships Europe AS Swedich Corrosium Institute AB
Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute Swedish National Testing and Research Institute Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), ZurichIntegrated Systems Laboratory (IIS) Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zrich Systus International TAKATA-PETRI AG Talgo OY TARABUSI SA Technical Research Center of Finland Technical University Berlin Technical University Denmark Technical University Hamburg-Harburg Technical University Lisbon Technical University of Aachen Technical University of Delft Technical University of Denmark Technical University of Eindhoven Technical University of Graz Technical University of Szczecin Technicatome SA Technikal University of Gdansk Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology Technische Universitt Berlin Technische Universitt Mnchen Technische Universitt Wien, Institute of Materials Science and Testing Technische Universiteit Deft TEKELEC SYSTEMES Teksid S.p.A. Telenor Fiber Solutions TFK Transportforschnung GmbH TH. Jacobsen & Co AS Thales GeoSolutions Norge AS (formerly Racal Survey Norge AS) The Alliance of Maritime Regonal Interests in Europe The Eckold Group The Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medecine The Netherlands Energy Research Foundation The Netherlands Organisation for Applied Research The Netherlands Standardization Instituut The Queen's University of Belfast The Turbo Genset Company Limited The Welding Institute Thiemeg Thien e-motors -electronics . Three Quays Marine Services Limited Thyssen Krupp Automotive GmbH ThyssenKrupp Stahl TNO Automotive TNO Building and Construction Research TNO Human Factors TRADEMCO
Transport Research Laboratory Transport Technologie Konsult TransportTechnologie-Consult Karlsruhe GmbH Trasmediterranea Trenitalia Tribon Solutions AB TRL Limited TRW TRW Occupant Restraint Systems GmbH TTS Group TTS Ships Equipment TUG TV Automotive GmbH Twin Disc SRL TXT e-solutions S.P.A Umweltbundesamt Unacoma Service srl UNIFI Union naval de Barcelona Union of European Railway Industries United European Car Carriers Universidad Politcnica de Cartagena Universidad Politcnica de Madrid Universidad Politcnica de Valencia Universidad Politcnica de Valencia Departemento de Mquinas y motores trmicos Universit di Padova Universit di Torino Universitt fr Bodenkultur Wien Universitt Dortmund Universitat Politcnica de Catalunya Universitt Stuttgart Universitt und ETH Zrich Universit Blaise Pascal (LASMEA) Universit de Haute Alsace Universit de la Mditerrane Universit de Poitiers Universit de Technologie de Compigne (HEUDIASYC) Universit Louis Pasteur Universit Paris 13 Universit Pierre et Marie Curie Universities of Glasgow & Strathclyde University College London University Hannover University Martin Luther University of Aachen (VKA) University of Alicante University of Ancona University of Applied Sciences Hamburg University of Bath University of Berlin
University of Birmingham University of Cambridge University of Chalmers University of Eindhoven University of Erlangen University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, LFT University of Florence, Dept. of Civil Engineering University of Glasgow University of Gteborg University of Greenwich University of Groningen University of Heidelberg University of Heidelberg University of Kaiserslautern University of Leeds University of Limerick University of Newcastle upon Tyne University of Oxford University of Patras University of Perugia University of Sheffield University of Sheffield ARRC University of Southampton University of Southern Denmark, Odense University University of Strathclyde University of Strathclyde Ship Stability Research Centre University of Stuttgart University of Stuttgart, IFU University of the Balearic Islands University of Valenciennes (Lab. of Mech. Eng.) University of Warwick Usinor Ustav pro Vyzkum Motorovych Vozidel s.r.o Valdunes S.A.S. VALEO Climatisation Van der Giessen-de Noord NV Van der Giessen-De Noord Shipbuilding Division BV Van Voorden Gieterij B.V. VAW Alutubes GmbH VBD Univ. Duisburg Venezia Tecnologie Vereniging Nederlandse Scheepsbouw Industrie Versuchsanstalt fr Binnenschiffbau e.V. Duisburg VIAGROUP Vibratec Viking Line ABP Volkswagen AG Volvo Volvo Car Components Corporation Volvo Car Corporation Volvo Cars Body Components
Volvo Penta AB Volvo Personvagnar Kompon. Volvo Powertrain Volvo TD Volvo Technological Development AB Volvo Technological Development Corporation Volvo Truck Corporation Vosper Thornycroft (UK) Limited Vrije Universiteit Brussel VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland VTT Manufacturing Technology VTT Prosessit VUZ Vyskumny ustav zvaracsky VUKV Prague Wagenborg Shipping BV Walleniusrederierna AB Warbreck Engineering and Drydock Comp. Warsaw University of Technology Wartsila Corporation Wartsila NSD Wrtsil Technology OyAb WEGEMT Weh GmbH Illertissen Wilhelm Karmann GmbH Witt & Sohn AG Woods Air Movement LTD WOODWARD Governor Nederland B.V. WS Atkins WS Atkins Consultants Ltd Zeuna Strker
European Commission Land transport and marine technologies RTD activities supported under the Growth Programme Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities 2002 ixiv, 1331 pp. 17,6 x 25 cm ISBN 92-894-2077-4
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