S-4045 1
S-4045 1
S-4045 1
June 6, 2013
The Association of American Railroads (AAR), on behalf of itself and its member railroads 1, submits
the following petition for a waiver from section 232.17(b)(2) in 49 CFR Part 232, Appendix B. This
section states that brake equipment on passenger cars must be clean, repaired, lubricated and tested
as often as necessary to maintain it in a safe and suitable condition for service but not less frequently
than as required in Standard S-045 in the Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices (MSRP)
of the AAR. AAR petitions FRA for a five year waiver so that AAR Standard S-4045 may be used
in lieu of the obsolete Standard S-045 for the frequency requirements referenced in 49 CFR Part 232,
Appendix B.
AAR's Braking Systems Committee recently revised Section E, S-4045 of the AAR MSRP. The
change recommended in this waiver request maintains existing safety levels and lessens compliance
confusion, by allowing uniform periodic inspection dates for railroad and privately owned passenger
equipment, whether operating in a freight train, private train, or a part 238 passenger train. It also
maintains safety while reducing unnecessary costs. Consequently, AAR urges FRA to act
expeditiously on its requested waiver.
AAR is a trade association whose membership includes freight railroads that operat~ 82 percent of the line-haul
mileage, employ 95 percent of the workers, and account for 97 percent of the freight r!evenues of all railroads in the
United States; and passenger railroads that operate intercity passenger trains and provi1de commuter rail service.
425 Third Street, SW, Suite 1000 1 Washington, DC 20024 I I P (202) 639-2Jl4ll F (202) 639-2930
Among the revisions includes a revised definition for a 'passenger equipment car' as "rail rolling
equipment that is used only for excursions, recreational, or private transportation purposes (such as a
vehicle designed to carry railroad personnel). It does not apply to a passenger car intended for use
by members of the general public as defined in US DOT-FRA Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations,
Part 238." This definition serves to address private passenger cars, particularly those operated by
freight railroads that may be handled in either freight or passenger trains.
Additionally, the revised standard aligns the requirements for air brake periodic attention with 49
CPR§ 238.309, to eliminate confusion for air brake dates on equipment that may be subject to both
Part 238 and non-Part 238 service, i.e. passenger equipment that may be handled in either freight or
passenger trains. -Passenger equipment has operated in this dual service since 1999 with no
significant difference in the numbers of defects found in D-22 and 26-C valve components between
the service modes. Based on this fact, it is felt that there is no safety reason for having two different
periodic inspection schedules for these valves in part 238 and non-part 238 service. Finally, S-4045
includes a clarification for the use of freight valves on passenger equipment by addressing the use of
Rule 3 ofthe Field Manual of the AAR Interchange Rules as the proper reference for the
maintenance of freight valves used on passenger equipment.
A copy of the revised standard is attached for your reference. Additional details of the changes
incorporated with this revision are listed below.
Editorial Changes:
• All references to "passenger car" or "passenger coach" are changed to "passenger equipment
car" to align with the definition of"passenger equipment" in 49 CPR Part 238. Passenger
equipment is defmed as privately owned (or non-Part 238 railroad owned) equipment that
may occasionally operate in Part 238 service, but is not maintained to part 238 requirements.
• The role of Amtrak's mechanical standards for equipment operated in Amtrak trains is
• All references to former AAR Standards that are presently administered by the American
Public Transportation Association (APTA) have been updated.
• Testing of freight-type valves on passenger equipment cars has been clarified.
• The isolation of auxiliary air devices from the brake pipe is defined.
• The listing of pamphlets and references for air brake maintenance has been updated.
• Cast iron brake shoe specification updated.
• Air brake stencil location clarified.
• All references to the Field Manual have been updated to "current edition."
• Oil-lubricated journal roller bearing oil specification updated
• Hyatt roller bearing clearance clarified
• The use of rim-stamped, straight-plate wheels clarified
• Table 5.1 has been modified
• Grounding and shut-off valve requirements for fuel tanks clarified
• Truck pedestal journal bearing stop clarified
Accordingly, AAR requests a waiver to substitute Standard S-4045 in Appendix B of 49 CFR part
232 and anywhere else it is referenced, in lieu of Standard S-045, for five years or until such time as
FRA changes 49 CFR part 232 to reference the revised standard.
James P. Grady
(Formerly MSRP Standard S-045)
I Any railroad passenger equipment car that is overdue for COT&S may be moved to
another location for rebuilding, reconditioning, repairs, or scrapping providing the car has passed
a single-car test, as shown in Standard SS-M-005-98, Rev. 2 (or latest revision) of the American
I 2.1.3 Testing on passenger equipment cars equipped with freight-type brake valvular equipment
must be performed in accordance with requirements of the Field Manual of the AAR Interchange
Rules, Rule 3, current edition. Any auxiliary devices (such as relay valves or modulating valves)
I shall be tested in accordance with the original equipment manufacturer's specifications.
2.1.4 Air brake components requiring maintenance other than at the periodic attention cycle
shall be performed as required.
I 2.1.5 In the repair of brakes on passenger equipment cars, components must be replaced only in
2.1.6 Auxiliary air devices (such as a water-raising system) shall be supplied by the supply
reservoir using a cutout cock, governor, and regulator valve. Direct connection to the brake pipe
trainline is prohibited.
2.1.7 Maintenance, inspection, testing, reconditioning, and repairs of all passenger equipment
car air brake equipment including brake cylinders and slack adjusters must be performed in com-
pliance with the following instruction pamphlets, leaflets, AAR standards, or government regula-
tions, as applicable. The pamphlets and leaflets shown below are published by the air brake valve
equipment manufacturers.
• Instructions on the Use of Condemning Gages for U-12-BD, U-12-BC, and U-12-B Univer-
sal Valves. Pamphlet 2356-2, 1-1960 or latest revision
• Use of Condemning Gages or D-22 Type Control Valves. Pamphlet 2356-4, 6-1956 or latest
• Test Code for Car Air Signal Testing Device. Pamphlet 2377-2, 7-1942 or latest revision
• Code of'fests, U-12 Type Universal Valves. The 3-USB Test Rack. Pamphlet 5039-2,
7-1953 or latest revision
• Code of Tests for Passenger Car Equipment Using Single Car Testing, APTA SS-M-005-98,
I Rev. 2, or latest revision
• Single Car Testing Device. Code of Tests for Passenger Equipment Pamphlet 5039-4,
I Sup.3, 1-1983 as referenced in APTA SS-M-005-98 or latest revision
• Code ofTests, D-22 Type Control Valves. The ''AB" Test Rack. Pamphlet 5039-21,2-1962 or
latest revision
• Shop Maintenance for D-22 Type Passenger Car Brake Equipment Devices. Pamphlet
2089, latest revision
• Composite Instruction Pamphlet, 26-C Brake Equipment for Passenger Car. Pamphlet
5071-8, 12-1960 or latest revision
• Passenger Car Brake Equipment Type 26~C with Rear End Control. Pamphlet 5071-10,
latest revision
• Brake equipment test racks must be in accordance with applicable standards published in
I the Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices, Section E 1
E [S-4045] 2 TBD
AAR Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices
Brakes and Brake Equipment
S-4045 Air brake hose of the approved AAR non-armored type must be renewed with new
approved Specification M-601 hose when defective as defined in the Field Manual of the AAR
Interchange Rules, Rule 5. This includes brake pipe, signal pipe, main reservoir, and brake cylin- 1
der hoses. Armored air hose is prohibited ... Brake shoes of the cast-iron type must be replaced with new approved Specification
M-402 (latest revision) brake shoes when defective or when worn to the extent of 3/4 in. or less J
thickness. Brake shoes of the composition typemust be replaced with new approved types when
defective or worn to the extent of 112 in. or less thickness including the lining and the backing
plate. Brake shoes used on Amtrak equipment must be Amtrak-approved type. Brake pad lining on disc brakes must be replaced with new approved Specification M-926
brake shoes when defective or when worn to the extent of 1/4 in. or less thickness. Universal control brake valve-equalizing or quick-action portions must be replaced in
kind when defective. · ·
2.2.1. 7 Cast-Iron Reservoirs No welding is permitted on the body portion of cast-iron reservoirs. However, holes in
mounting lugs when worn may be built up bywelding. Mounting lugs fractured or broken off (sep-
arated) within 1/2 in. or more distance from the body portion of the cast-iron reservoir may be
welded by using bronze welding procedures to replace the lug. Welding shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Field Manual of the AAR
Interchange Rules, Rule 82, current edition. I
2.2.2 In the renewal or replacement of brake parts as shown in paragraph 2.2.1, any deviation
from that shown shall be considered wrong repairs and must be corrected when found.
2.3 Cars built new on or after January 1, 1968, must be equipped with brake piping as follows:
2.3.1 Brake pipe size shall be 1 114 in., Schedule 80 type
2.3.2 Brake pipe material shall be either of the following:
• Extra heavy wrought-iron I
• Alloy steel pipe per Specification ASTM A-53, latest revision.
2.3.3 Brake pipe branch pipe size shall be 1 in., Schedule 80 pipe
2.3.4 Brake pipe branch pipe materials shall be either of the following:
• Extra heavy wrought-iron I
• Alloy steel pipe per Specification ASTM A-53, latest revision
TBD E [S-4045] 3
2.3.5 Brake pipe nipples when used in brake pipe at end of car must be 1 1/4 in. in size, either
Schedule 40 or Schedule 80 pipe
2.4 Handbrakes
At time of COT&S maintenance, handbrakes (including all connections) must be inspected, lubri-
cated, and tested to ensure safe and effective operation.
2.5 Air Brake Stencil
2.5.1 Old stenciling must be removeq and the area painted over with quick-drying paint.
2.5.2 Show place, month, day, and ye~r ofCOT&S per Table 2.1.
2.5.3 Stencil shall include railroad o~ private-owner reporting marks and the initials of the shop
or station performing the maintenance.
2.5.4 Stencil must be applied in a suitable location for visual inspection; truck frame or air brake
I supply/main reservoirs are the preferred locations.
2.5.5 Stencil must not be changed until all work has been performed.
2.5.6 Any deviation from these standards must be corrected when found.
3.1 This section outlines maintenance requirements and instructions for all types of couplers and
I coupler parts used on passenger equipment cars. The maintenance requirements for couplers
designed exclusively for passenger equipment cars are covered in this standard.
3.2 The maintenance requirements for AAR Type F couplers used in both freight and passenger
equipment cars are found in the Field Manual of the AAR Interchange Rules, Rules 17 and 18,
I current edition.
3.3 Passenger equipment car couplers of the Type H tight-lock design and controlled-slack design
must be maintained in accordance with instructions of this standard. These couplers and their
design details are found in APTA RP-M-002-98, "Recommended Practice for Inspection and
Maintenance of Type H-Tightlock Couplers," APTA RP-M-003-98, "Recommended Practice for
Purchase and Acceptance of Type H Tightlock Couplers," and APTA RP-M-04-98 "Recommended
Practice for Second Hand and Reconditioned Type H-Tightlock Couplers" (latest revisions) that
supersede former MSRP Section A Part III.
E [S-4045] 4 TBD
-----~--~ ~--
AAR Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices
Brakes and Brake Equipment
3.4 Any coupler having the standard MCB 1904 contour, other than those referred to in the fore-
going paragraphs, with distance between point ofknuckle and guard arm exceeding 5 1/8 in. (a
side of gauge), measured perpendicular to the guard arm with gauge number 25623-1 as shown in
Fig. 3.1, must have the defective part or parts renewed to bring the coupler within the proper
gauge limits.
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TBD E [S-4045] 5
AAR Manual of Standards
and Recommended Practices
Bra~es and Brake Equipment
! S-4045
3.10.2 AAR Type H tight-lock couple~s or control-slack couplers must have wear plates applied in
accordance with appropriate specifica1J~ons in APTA RP-M-002-98, "Recommended Practice for
I Inspection and Maintenance of Type ~Tightlock Couplers," latest revision.
3.10.3 Coupler with shank dimensio s less than the AAR standard or AAR alternate standard as
shown in the Manual of Standards an Recommended Practices, are prohibited in passenger
I equipment car service.
3.10.4 Couplers and coupler parts lis~ed in the Field Manual of the AAR Interchange Rules,
I Freight Car Rule 90, are prohibited in passenger equipment car service.
3.11 Coupler Contour Gauging
For a Type F coupler that is comprised of a new coupler body and secondhand or reconditioned
parts, the complete unit must meet all requirements of coupler contour gauge number 4 7120-2
I shown in the appropriate rule of the Field Manual of the AAR Interchange Rules, current edition.
3.12 Coupler Replacement
I In the replacement of couplers in any passenger equipment cars, any modification of sill construc-
tion that might include cutting or burning slots or holes must not be performed without prior
approval of the operating railroad's car engineering department.
3.13 Coupler Height Requirements
I 3.13.1 For passenger-carrying passenger equipment cars, coupler height requirements shall be as
• Minimum-34 in.
• Preferred-34 1/2 in.
• Maximum-35 in.
E [S-4045] 6 TBD
AAR Manu~l of Standards and Recommended Practices
' Brakes and Brake Equipment
4.1 This section o. utlines lubrici'tion and maintenance requirements for all types of roller bear-
ings used on passenger equipme t cars.
4.2 Journal roller bearings tha are not designated as NFL (no field lubrication) type must have
lubrication periodically applied i the amount and frequency shown in Table 4.1:
Ta ble 4.1 Journal roller bearing lubrication
Type Size Frequency Amount of Lubricant
Oil-lubricated Any size 30 days Restore oil to maximum level
Grease-lubricated bearings with housing povers Any size 90 days 1 lb
Grease-lubricated bearings with housing f-'overs and rotating Any size 90 days Add amount specified for type
end cap on same car of bearing
Grease-lubricated bearings with end caps (either inboard or 0(51/2X1Q) 12 months 6 oz
outboard application) E(6x11) 12months 6 oz
F (6 1/2 X 12) 12 months 8 oz
I G (6 1/2) 12 months 8 oz
EE (5 1/2) 12 months 8 oz
EE (6) 12 months 8 oz
4.2.1 Other sized bearings not listed in paragraph 4.2 shail be lubricated per manufacturer's rec-
4.2.2 Passenger equipment cars must not operate beyond the lubrication date stenciled on the 1
4.2.3 Roller bearings must have filling plugs properly replaced after lubrication of oil-lubricated
roller bearings.
4.2.4 A pressure gun properly calibrated in ounces by weight must be used in the grease lubrica-
tion of grease-type journal roller bearings.
4.2.5 Pipe plugs must be properly replaced with AAR-approved-type grease fittings when plugs
are found on grease-lubricated bearings (except NFL-type roller bearings that do not require
grease fittings).
4.2.6 Roller bearings designated NFL shall not be lubricated except when the bearing is being
4.3 It is recommended that all roller bearings on a passenger equipment car be of the same type. 1
4.4 When necessary to replace one or both wheels off the axle, roller bearings must be replaced
with new or reconditioned bearings.
TBD E [S-4045] 7
i! •
4.5.2 Old stenciling must be remove · and the area painted over with quick-drying paint.
I 4.5.3 New stenciling should show mdnth-day-year-location and railroad or private car shop
reporting initial and "lub" for lubricatton.
I Ex4mple: ''Lub" chg-10-20-83 ABC I Use the same railroad statioll or private car shop reporting initial as used for the air
brake stencil. Apply the stencil at one ofth following locations on the car, using not less than 1 in. fig-
ures and letters:
• One side of each truck at diagonal corners of car
• Side of car body at platform end sill or step side, on diagonal corners of car New stenciling must not be applied until all lubrication work has been performed in
accordance with this standard.
4.6 Reconditioning and maintenance procedures for roller bearings shall be followed as shown in
the Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices, Section Hand Section H-II.
4.7 The grade of oil used in oil-lubricatedjournal roller bearings must conform with former AAR
I Specification M-963 (traction motor support bearing oil), such as Shell Cyprina Oil 963,
Conoco/Phillips AAR 963 Oil, or Chevron Journaltex HD 57.
4.8 Grade A grease to former AAR Specification M-917 must be used in the lubrication of passen-
ger-car-type trucks having Hyatt roller bearings equipped with thrust blocks. Approved greases
are as follows:
• Southwest Grease and Oil Company Code 11810
• Texaco Incorporated RB Grease No. 2301
• Atlantic Richfield L-340 Lithium RB Grease
4.9 Grease-lubricated roller bearings other than those shown in paragraph 4.2 must be lubri-
cated with a manufacturer's approved grease.
I 4.10 Passenger equipment car owner is responsible for periodic lubrication of roller bearings
after expiration of time limits regardless of circumstances or in accordance with contractual agree-
ment between the owner and the operating railroad.
4.11 Failure of roller bearings is the owner's responsibility.
1 4.12 Hyatt roller bearings must have the lateral clearance properly adjusted.
E [S-4045) 8 TBD
AAR Manna of Standards and Recommended Practices
Brakes and Brake Equipment
5.0 WHEELS ~
5.1 This section outlines mainte~ance requirements and instructions for all types of wheels used
on passenger equipment car equipment. The maintenance requirements for wheels designed 1
exclusively for passenger equipm}nt and included in this standard shall be used in conjunction
with the requirements specified i the Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices, Section
G and Section G-Il, and are inclu ed to supplement the requirements ofthose sections.
5.2 The requirements for wear l,mits, gauging, and cause for renewal of defective passenger
equipment car wheels are covered in this standard. 1
5.2.1 Prohibited Wheels Steel-tired wheels are pr hibited in passenger equipment car service and shall be I
removed on sight when found. Cast-iron wheels are pro 'bited in passenger equipment car service. Class C steel wheels for se with on-tread brakes are prohibited in passenger equipment
car service.
I Rim-stamped wheels of straight-plate design are not to be installed as original or
replacement wheels for use with 9n-tread brakes. I
5.2.2 Wheel Defects \
I Method of gauging and illustrations outlined in. the Field Manual ofthe ,AAR Interchange
··Rules, Freight Car Rule 41, shall be used on passenger equipment cars with the exception that the
thin-rim condemning limit for passenger equipment cars is 1 in. or less and shall be measured as
shown in Freight Car Rule 41. . ·· · Slid-flat wheels having the slid-fia:t area over 1 in. in length must be replaced. Also, the
mate wheel must be replaced. The slid-flat defect must be measured as shown in the Field Manual
of the AAR Interchange Rules, Frefght Car Rule 41. Wheels that have been oVierheated as a result of being in a fire must be replaced. Wheels removed from service must be replaced in kind, excepting the requirements of
paragraph 5.2.1. I When untreated wheels are substituted for heat-treated wheels, the passenger
equipment car owner must be advised within 30 days after date of substitution and reason given I
for the substitution.
c=::::J Wheels must not be painted with any opaque material. Wheels applied must have at least 1 1/4 in. minimum rim thickness and full narrow
flange thickness. For cars having wheels not listed in Table 5.1, the owner must be contacted for the types
of wheels to be applied. Machining and mounting of wheels for passenger equipment cars must be in accordance
with the Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices, Section G-Il, ''Wheel and Axle Man-
ual." The shop performing the wheel change is responsible for scrapping dismounted wheels found
with oversized axle bore or found with insufficient wheel hub wall thickness.
TED E [S-4045] 9
E [S-40451 10 TBD
AAR Manu I of Standards and Recommended Practices
Brakes and Brake Equipment
1" MIN.
Note 1. Stamping shall consist of manufacturer's serial number, date of manufacture, manufacturer's identification, and
class of heat treatment. Stamping is limited to 14 characters, and the design designation shall be stencilled on the
back plate with paint using characters at least 1 in. high.
Note 2. Stamping shall be spaced a minimum of 1/8 in. between characters and 1 3/8 in. between groups. The stamping
shall be located not less than 1/4 in. from the inner edge of the rim.
Note 3. Manufacturer's identification is limited to two initials that shall be as follows:
A ARMCOat G U.S. Steel (Gary Plant)a!
BW BethlehemaJ JW Sumitomo Metal Industries
CW U.S. Steel (Pittsburgh Plant)at SW Standard Steel
EW Edgewater ZW Canadian Steel Wheel
aJ No longer in production.
Note 4. Dies used to produce characters shall be not less than 3/8 in. in nominal height at crest, ·and hot-stamping shall be
nominally 3/64 in. in depth. Italicized characters (sloped upward to right) shall be used ..
Note 5. All wheels shall be marked for class using the letters U, L, A, B, or C, as appr(ipriate.
TBD E [S-40451 11
AAR Manual of &tandards and Recommended Practices
Brakes and Brake Equipment
Note 1. When ordered, wheels may be stamped on front or back (as specified by purchaser) hub face.
Note 2. Stamping shall consist of the manufacturer's serial number, date of manufacture, identification of manufacturer,
class, and design designation. The hub stamping of locomotive wheels may be applied by the purchaser after final
machining of the hub. Wheels that are to be marked by the purchaser should be furnished with all marking stencilled
on the front plate with paint using characters at least 1 in. high.
Note 3. Manufacturer's identification is limited to two initials that shall be as follows:
A ARMCQaJ G U.S. Steel (Gary Plant)al
BW Bethlehemat JW Sumitomo Metal Industries
CW U.S. Steel (Pittsburgh Plant)al SW Standard Steel
EW Edgewater ZW Canadian Steel Wheel
a! No longer in production.
Note 4. Stamping shall be spaced a minimum of 1/8 in. between characters and a minimum of 1 3/8 in. between groups
and located approximately central of the hub face.
Note 5. Stamps used to produce characters shall be not less than 3/8 in. in height and shall not have sharp edges. Italicized
characters (sloped upward to right) shall be used.
Note 6. All wheels shall be marked for class using letters U, L, A, 8, or C, as appropriate.
Note 7. The three groups-1) design; 2) serial number; and 3) date of manufacture, manufacturer and class-shall be
spaced approximately equidistant around the hub face.
6.1 This section outlines maint. nance requirements and instructions for roller-bearing-type
axles used on passenger equipment cars. The maintenance requirements of this standard shall be 1
used in conjunction with the sta~dards, specifications, and recommended practices contained in
the Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices, Section G and Section G-Il, and are meant
to supplement the requirements ff these sections.
6.2 Axles used on passenger eq~ipment cars must be of the raised wheel seat (RWS) roller-bear-
ing type identified and specified iln theManual of Standards and Recommended Practices, Section
G and Section G- II.
6.3 Hollow aXles must not be us ed in intercity passenger equipment car service unless approved I
by the operating railroad.
6.4 Axles must be replaced whe ~the limits of wear have been reached as shown in Fig. 6.1:
Journal Size Wheel Seat Limit Axle Center Limit
Standard to Car (in.) Location I Location K (in.)
5x9 When les~ than 6 3/4 in. When less than 5 1/4 in.
51/2x 10 When les~ than 7 5/16 in. When less than 5 3/4 in.
6 X 11 When les than 8 in. When less than 6 5/16 in.
61/2x12 When les s than 8 1/2 in. When less than 6 3/4 in.
l --1--
- ~
- - - - - - ·- -
- ~-
'------ ! t
Fig. 6.1 Axle wear limits
6.4.1 Axles must be replaced when the following conditions are found:
• Broken
• Damage caused by overheating
• Damage between wheel seats of a depth of 1/8 in.or deeper
• Journal found rusted or pitted
• Axle bent when determined at wheel shop
• Axle damaged as a result of being in fire
6.4.2 Plain bearing axles must not be substituted for roller bearing aXles. Plain bearing axles are
prohibited in passenger equipment car service. I
TBD E [S-40451 13
AAR Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices
Bra kes and Brake Equipment
6.4.3 Raised wheel seat (RWS) rolle bearing axles must be replaced in kind to maintain size
standard to the car. Secondhand axles, when use ~' must meet the dimensions shown in Fig. 6.2:
Journal Size Wh eel Seat Diameter Axle Center Diameter
Standard to Car (in.) Location I Location K (in.)
5x9 6 3/4 in. or mo e 5 1/4 in. or more
51/2x1Q 7 5/16 in. or mpre 5 3/4 in. or more
6 X 11 8 in. or more '! 6 5/16 in. or more
61/2x12 8 1/2 in. or mo~e 6 3/4 in. or more
-H---8- t H
I f-+---~-
Fig. sh Secondhand axle dimensions Axles, when reclaimed, must e in accordance with the Manual of Standards and Recom-
mended Practices, Section G-Il, ''Whe 1 and Axle Manual."
6.4.4 Axles removed from service as " ccount overheated" must not be reconditioned and must be
immediately stencilled in 1 in. letters 'overheated scrap" and the journal mutilated to prevent
7.1 Cars must meet the requirementJ of the operating railroad as to type of construction,
soundness of condition, safety, and cle~rances to be acceptable in passenger equipment car service.
7.2 All cars must be equipped with s fety appliances conforming to US DOT-FRA Regulation
Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations, art 231. 1
7.3 All exterior and underneath equipment on passenger equipment cars must be securely
attached and supported in a safe manner for cars to be acceptable in passenger equipment car ser-
vice. Underfloor equipment with exposed moving parts (such as fan blades or drive belts) shall be
shielded by covers or safety guards. Any fuel tank shall be grounded, and its fuel-line connection
shall have a shut-off valve. All fuel, oil, and coolant systems shall be free ofleaks.
7.4 Cars must be equipped with an approved air brake system to be considered acceptable in pas-
senger equipment car service.
7.5 All cars with underneath exposed wood parts must be equipped with a brake shoe spark
shield over each wheel. These spark shields must be made of sheet steel or galvanized iron approx-
imately 1/16 in. thick in an area 36 in. wide by 48 in. long.
7.6 Cars equipped with electric heat furnished from head-end power shall use 3-phase, 480 V ser-
1 vice for train line power, as approved by the operating railroad.
7.7 Cars must be equipped with all steel or aluminum underframes and draft sills. These under-
frames must be of such design and condition to adequately support underneath equipment ofthe car.
7.8 All truck pedestals shall have a journal bearing stop. Any axle drive system shall be in sound
I condition and properly lubricated.
E [S-4045] 14 TBD