Text Books: Physical Chemistry (I&II), 6 Edition, T. M. Leung & C. C. Lee, Fillans Inorganic Chemistry, 6 Edition, T. M. Leung & C. C. Lee, Fillans
Text Books: Physical Chemistry (I&II), 6 Edition, T. M. Leung & C. C. Lee, Fillans Inorganic Chemistry, 6 Edition, T. M. Leung & C. C. Lee, Fillans
Text Books: Physical Chemistry (I&II), 6 Edition, T. M. Leung & C. C. Lee, Fillans Inorganic Chemistry, 6 Edition, T. M. Leung & C. C. Lee, Fillans
Physical Chemistry (I&II), 6th edition, T. M. Le n! & C. C. Lee, "illans Inor!anic Chemistry, 6th edition, T. M. Le n! & C. C. Lee, "illans
#eek 2-3 1.
To$ic Chemical Equilibrium. 1.1 a. Dynamic equilibrium. b. The equilibrium law. c. Partition coefficient. d. Effect of concentration, pre ure and temperature on equilibrium.
1.2 (onic equilibrium a. Concept of acid)ba e. b. Di ociation of water and p*. c. !tron+ and wea, acid )ba e . d. -uffer . e. .cid-ba e titration and the choice of indicator. f. !olubility product. !upp. E"erci e. Te t 2.
1.3 3edo" Equilibrium. a. Electrochemical cell . b. Electrode potential . c. !econdary cell d. 4uel cell. !upp. E"erci e. Te t 3.
#2/% $ ' 3 3
Chemical 5inetic . 2.1 3ate of chemical reaction. 2.2 4actor influencin+ reaction rate. 2.3 3ate equation and order of reaction . 2.& .rrheniu equation. 2.0 The interpretation of reaction rate at molecular le6el. 2.' Cataly t . !upp. E"erci e. Te t & 1 t E"amination
.tom , 7olecule and !toichiometry. 3.1 The atomic tructure. 3.2 3elati6e i otopic, atomic and molecular ma e . 3.3 The mole concept. 3.& Empirical and molecular formulae. 3.0 Chemical equation and toichiometry. !upp. E"erci e.
"irst &xamination
&. The Electronic !tructure of .tom and the Periodic Table. &.1 .tomic emi ion pectrum. &.2 Electronic tructure, electron hell and ub hell. &.3 .tomic orbital. &.& Electronic confi+uration. &.0 The Periodic Table and the atomic propertie of the element . !upp. E"erci e. Te t 0.
Ener+etic . 0.1 Ener+y chan+e in chemical reaction . 0.2 !tandard enthalpy chan+e . 0.3 *e 8 law. 0.& !pontaneity of chan+e . !upp. E"erci e.
-ondin+ and !tructure. '.1 The nature of force holdin+ atom to+ether. '.2 a. 7etallic bondin+. b. 7etallic cry tal . c. .lloy . '.3 a. (onic bondin+. b. Ener+etic of formation of ionic compound . c. (onic cry tal . d. (onic radiu . '.& a. Co6alent bondin+. b. -ond enthalpy, bond len+th and co6alent radiu . c. !hape of molecule and polyatomic ion . d. Co6alent cry tal . '.0 a. -ondin+ intermediate between ionic and co6alent. b. (ncomplete electron tran fer in ionic compound . c. Polarity of co6alent bond. '.' (ntermolecular force . a. 6an der 9aal 8 force . b. 7olecular cry tal . c. *ydro+en bondin+. '.1 !tructure and propertie of ub tance . !upp. E"erci e. Te t '.
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Periodic propertie of the Element in the Periodic Table. 1.1 Periodic 6ariation in phy ical propertie of the element * to .r. 1.2 Periodic relation hip amon+ the o"ide of the element :i to Cl. P.3 !upp. E"erci e.
#$% 0 3
The --loc, Element . $.1 Characteri tic propertie of the -bloc, element . $.2 ;ariation in propertie of the -bloc, element and their compound . !upp. E"erci e. Te t 1. 2nd E"amination
#1&% 0 2
2. The p--loc, Element . 2.1 a. The halo+en . b. Characteri tic propertie of the halo+en . c. ;ariation in propertie of the halo+en and their compound . 2.2 a. <roup (; element . b. !ilicon and !ilicate . !upp. E"erci e. Te t $.
#1'% 1 3 0 0 2
(econd &xamination
1/. The d--loc, Element . 1/.1 <eneral feature of the d-bloc, element from !c to =n. 1/.2 Characteri tic propertie of the d-bloc, element and their compound > a. ;ariable o"idation tate . b. Comple" formation. c. Catalytic propertie . !upp. E"erci e. Te t 2.
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