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Text Books: Physical Chemistry (I&II), 6 Edition, T. M. Leung & C. C. Lee, Fillans Inorganic Chemistry, 6 Edition, T. M. Leung & C. C. Lee, Fillans

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Text books:

Physical Chemistry (I&II), 6th edition, T. M. Le n! & C. C. Lee, "illans Inor!anic Chemistry, 6th edition, T. M. Le n! & C. C. Lee, "illans

#eek 2-3 1.

To$ic Chemical Equilibrium. 1.1 a. Dynamic equilibrium. b. The equilibrium law. c. Partition coefficient. d. Effect of concentration, pre ure and temperature on equilibrium.


Periods #1$% 2 & & $

!upp. E"erci e. Te t 1. #2/% 2 2 & 0 3 &


1.2 (onic equilibrium a. Concept of acid)ba e. b. Di ociation of water and p*. c. !tron+ and wea, acid )ba e . d. -uffer . e. .cid-ba e titration and the choice of indicator. f. !olubility product. !upp. E"erci e. Te t 2.


1.3 3edo" Equilibrium. a. Electrochemical cell . b. Electrode potential . c. !econdary cell d. 4uel cell. !upp. E"erci e. Te t 3.

#2/% $ ' 3 3








Chemical 5inetic . 2.1 3ate of chemical reaction. 2.2 4actor influencin+ reaction rate. 2.3 3ate equation and order of reaction . 2.& .rrheniu equation. 2.0 The interpretation of reaction rate at molecular le6el. 2.' Cataly t . !upp. E"erci e. Te t & 1 t E"amination

#3/% & 2 1/ & ' &



.tom , 7olecule and !toichiometry. 3.1 The atomic tructure. 3.2 3elati6e i otopic, atomic and molecular ma e . 3.3 The mole concept. 3.& Empirical and molecular formulae. 3.0 Chemical equation and toichiometry. !upp. E"erci e.

#2/% 2 & ' & &


"irst &xamination


&. The Electronic !tructure of .tom and the Periodic Table. &.1 .tomic emi ion pectrum. &.2 Electronic tructure, electron hell and ub hell. &.3 .tomic orbital. &.& Electronic confi+uration. &.0 The Periodic Table and the atomic propertie of the element . !upp. E"erci e. Te t 0.

#2/% & & & ' 2

P.2 #eek To$ic %emarks Periods



Ener+etic . 0.1 Ener+y chan+e in chemical reaction . 0.2 !tandard enthalpy chan+e . 0.3 *e 8 law. 0.& !pontaneity of chan+e . !upp. E"erci e.

#1'% 2 & ' &



-ondin+ and !tructure. '.1 The nature of force holdin+ atom to+ether. '.2 a. 7etallic bondin+. b. 7etallic cry tal . c. .lloy . '.3 a. (onic bondin+. b. Ener+etic of formation of ionic compound . c. (onic cry tal . d. (onic radiu . '.& a. Co6alent bondin+. b. -ond enthalpy, bond len+th and co6alent radiu . c. !hape of molecule and polyatomic ion . d. Co6alent cry tal . '.0 a. -ondin+ intermediate between ionic and co6alent. b. (ncomplete electron tran fer in ionic compound . c. Polarity of co6alent bond. '.' (ntermolecular force . a. 6an der 9aal 8 force . b. 7olecular cry tal . c. *ydro+en bondin+. '.1 !tructure and propertie of ub tance . !upp. E"erci e. Te t '.

#&/% 1 1 2 1 2 ' 2 2 1 2 0 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 2



Periodic propertie of the Element in the Periodic Table. 1.1 Periodic 6ariation in phy ical propertie of the element * to .r. 1.2 Periodic relation hip amon+ the o"ide of the element :i to Cl. P.3 !upp. E"erci e.

#$% 0 3







The --loc, Element . $.1 Characteri tic propertie of the -bloc, element . $.2 ;ariation in propertie of the -bloc, element and their compound . !upp. E"erci e. Te t 1. 2nd E"amination

#1&% 0 2


2. The p--loc, Element . 2.1 a. The halo+en . b. Characteri tic propertie of the halo+en . c. ;ariation in propertie of the halo+en and their compound . 2.2 a. <roup (; element . b. !ilicon and !ilicate . !upp. E"erci e. Te t $.

#1'% 1 3 0 0 2




(econd &xamination

.fter 2nd E"am

1/. The d--loc, Element . 1/.1 <eneral feature of the d-bloc, element from !c to =n. 1/.2 Characteri tic propertie of the d-bloc, element and their compound > a. ;ariable o"idation tate . b. Comple" formation. c. Catalytic propertie . !upp. E"erci e. Te t 2.

#2/% &

' ' &


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