Polimer 2013
Polimer 2013
Polimer 2013
Research Article
Jean Jacques ANGUILE2, Michel Gafford ONA MBEGA1, 2, Thomas MAKANI2 and *Joseph KETCHA MBADCAM1 1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, P.O Box 812 Yaound, University of Yaound I - Cameroon 2 Department of Chemistry, University of Science and Technique of Masuku, Franceville Gabon *Author for Correspondance ABSTRACT The retention of Mn2+ ions in a batch system was carried-out on untreated volcanic ashes (R) and three geopolymers (R0812, R1612 R2412) synthesized from this volcanic ashes. The influences in contact time, of pH and of initial concentration in Mn2+ ions were observed. The characteristics of the adsorption equilibriums were best described by the Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin adsorption isotherms. The kinetics adsorption studies were carried-out on the experimental results obtained, by using the following kinetic models: first, second, Elovich and intraparticle models. From these studies, it was concluded that maximum adsorption was obtained when 0.1 g of the geopolymer, R0812 is in contact with a solution of Mn2+ ion of initial concentration of 1100 mg/L, of which the pH is equal to 6.3 for30 minutes at room temperature. The second order kinetic model best describe these studies for the geopolymers, whereas the Elovich more or less explains the retention of Mn2+ ion by the untreated volcanic ashes (R). These experimental results are in agreement with the Langmuir adsorption isotherm and the maximum adsorption capacities obtained with these adsorbents are 192; 111; 84 and 30 mg/g respectively for R0812, R1612 R2412 and R. Thus, these geopolymers R0812, R1612 R2412 are excellent materials for the retention of Mn2+ ions in aqueous solution. Key Words: Adsorption, Manganese (II) Ions, Volcani Ashes, Geopolymers INTRODUCTION Water and soil pollution by certain chemical Product of industrial origin (heavy metals, colorants, pesticides, fertilizer etc.) constitute a source of degradation of the environment and actually requires a particular interest on the international scale. Heavy metals (lead, copper, cobalt, manganese etc.) are generally presents like pollutants in a variety of industrial effluents, surface and underground waters. These are the fractions that are highly toxic, usually out of certain concentration norms. They would be present in very high concentrations all along the food chain and would accumulate in very large quantity in certain organs of the human body. These microscopic inorganic pollutants are of major concern because they are non-biodegradables and are very toxic (Cimino et al., 2000). It is therefore, indispensable to normalize the quantity of metal ions presents in industrial effluents and portable/drinking water destine for human consumption. Mining and industrial activities, are the origin of water pollution by heavy metals, and present an important source of pollution and contribute in a way very certain to the deterioration of theenvironment and to human health. In Gabon, these activities that generally cause pollution include the following areas: mining, petroleum exploitation, energy production etc. Water is one of the resources the more and more polluted by industrial activities. According to the World Health Organization (W.H.O.), three to four million people die each year in poor countries of sickness linked to bad water quality. Furthermore, 20 % of certain aqua species have disappeared these last years and others are in the process of disappearing (Underwood, 1977).
International Journal of Basic and Applied Chemical Sciences ISSN: 2277-2073 (Online) An Online International Journal Available at http://www.cibtech.org/jcs.htm 2013 Vol. 3 (1) January-March, pp.7-18/Joseph et al.
Research Article
We are interested in the chemical pollution of portable water, in particularly potable drinking water contaminated by excess manganese (II) ions. Manganese is an oligo-element necessary for human survival but becomes toxic when the concentration becomes too high in the human body. According to W.H.O., the maximum concentration of manganese admissible in drinking water is 0.05 mg/L (Who, 2011). Excess manganese in portable water can cause problems in the nervous system and in the respiratory system and hinders the intellectual development and normal growth of infants. Manganese cans also provoque the illness of Parkinson decease, pulmonary disorder and bronchitis. The exposure of humans to manganese for a long period can render him impotent (ATSDR, 2000; Barceloux, 1999; Collipp et al., 1983). It is therefore, necessary to proceed with the treatment of water contaminated by excess manganese so as to reduce their impact on the environment and to human health. In this sense, several procedures have been used: coagulation-flocculation (Kacha et al., 1997), adsorption on activated carbon (Ketcha et al., 2009), electro coagulation (Shin and Lee. 2006) ions exchange, inverse osmosis and extreme filtration, etc. These devolution techniques, amongst others, have shown high efficiency, but in many cases, are also very erroneous. Research has therefore, been oriented towards treatment methods using natural materials like clays, agricultural waste (wood saw dust, activated carbon, etc.), and volcanic ashes. Amongst these materials and from diverse studies carried-out, the volcanic ashes have shown that they can be of excellent adsorbents and catalysts (Esparaza et al., 2011). These volcanic ashes are characterized by their important capacity of adsorption and their abundance in volcanic zones (Esparaza st al., 2011). Numerous scientific work has already been carried-out on the adsorption of manganese (II) ions by different adsorbents: calcium silicate (El-Heleceles, 2012), clays (Yavuz et al., 2002) activated carbon (Mengistie et al., 2012) nut shells of Tamarindus indica (Suguna et al., 2010) etc. On the contrary, no researcher has been interested in the adsorption of manganese (II) ions by volcanic ashes. Several questions can therefore be asked: -what are the optimal adsorption conditions (pH, temperature, initial concentration of the adsorbant, Co, contact time, t, etc.) that are necessary to achieve manganese (II) ions from aqueous solution by volcanic ash non-treated and geopolymeres synthesized from volcanic ashes? -can the non-treated volcanic ashes also be efficient in the adsorption of manganese (II) ions like the treated volcanic ashes? -compared to clays, activated carbon and the other adsorbents, are the volcanic ashes efficient? -the type of adsorption that occur on them what kinetic order do they obeys? -which of the adsorption isotherms explains better the adsorption process? It is in trying to answer some of these questions that this work has been formulated. The scientific process adopted consists of using the experience obtained from batch adsorption experiments of firstly, the preparation of manganese (II) ions from pure manganese sulphate monohydrated obtained from Riedel-Germany. Then, we carried-out kinetics and equilibrium studies of the affects of certain important parameters influencing the retention of manganese (II) ions by non-treated and treated volcanic ashes. The following reaction conditions were particularly taken into consideration: agitation time, t, pH of the reaction medium, the quantity of adsorbent used, m, temperature, T, 0C and initial concentration of the manganese (II) ions solution, C0. The results obtained from these studies were applied to the following adsorption models: Langmuir, Freundlich and Tempkin. After having optimized the operating parameters in this study of the adsorption of manganese (II) ions on the volcanic ashes, we now attempted to see the effect of the influence of the different chemical composition of the different volcanic ashes used, so as to finally contribute to a better knowledge of the
International Journal of Basic and Applied Chemical Sciences ISSN: 2277-2073 (Online) An Online International Journal Available at http://www.cibtech.org/jcs.htm 2013 Vol. 3 (1) January-March, pp.7-18/Joseph et al.
Research Article
adsorption of manganese (II) ions by both the non-treated volcanic ash and the geopolymers synthesized from the volcanic ashes. MATERIALS AND METHODS Adsorbent The volcanic ashes used in this work are from Galim in Babountos, a locality in the West Region of Cameroon (Kamdem et al., 2002). These are materials of particles with very weak density and of varied forms. The crude samples collected were washed with distilled water, dried at 105 C for 72 hours, grind and sieved at 80 m to obtain a gray colored powder, R (the brute volcanic ashe). An alkaline solution was used to prepare the geopolymer, which is a mixture of sodium hydroxide aqueous solution (12M) and sodium silicate of density of 1370 Kg/m3. The sodium hydroxide solution is obtained by dissolving in distill water crystals of sodium hydroxide with purity equal to 99%. The mass composition of the solution of sodium silicate used is 28 % SiO2; 8.9 % Na2O and 62.8 % H2O. In order to determine the quantity of the alkaline solution used to synthesize the geopolymers (treated volcanic ashes), three mixtures, having each the mass ratio Na2OSiO2/NaOH equal to 0.8 ; 1.6 and 2.4, were prepared. Before use of these alkaline solutions prepared, they are allowed to stand at room temperature (243 C) for at least 24 hours (Jaarsveld et al., 2003). These samples are noted as RO812, R1612 and R2412, for the geopolymer obtained. Adsorption of Mn2+ ions in a Batch system We prepared a mother solution of Mn2+ ions of 2000 mg/L by dissolving 2 g of manganese sulphate monohydrate in 1 L distilled water. From this solution, we prepared by a series of dilution 200 mL of several daughter solutions with concentrations varying from 300 to 1500 mg/L. In order to adjust the pH of the adsorbate solution, we prepared a 100 mL of a dilute solution of sodium hydroxide of 0.1 N and hydrochloric acid of 0.1 N solutions. The batch experiments were carried-out by bringing into contact varying quantities of (0.1 to 0.5 g) the adsorbents together with a 20 mL of the solution of Mn2+ ions with initial concentrations ranging from 300 to 1500 mg/L. We varied the pH from 2 to 8. The residual Mn2+ ion concentration was determined by complexometric titration of the solution with EDTA of concentration of 1000mg/L. The EDTA solution was obtained by dissolving 1 g in 1 L distilled water. The adsorption studies were carried-out at different time intervals, varying from 10 to 50 minutes, then titrated. The quantity, Qt (mg/g) adsorbed at time t (minutes) and the percent removal (%) of the Mn2+ ions was obtained by using the following equations (Limoussin, 2007). Qt = (CiCt).V/m Percent removal = (Ci - Ct). 100/Ci Where, Qt: quantity adsorbed (mg/g); Ci: initial concentration of the adsorbate Mn2+ ion (mg/L); Ct: concentration of the adsorbate at the instant t (Ct = Ce at equilibrium); Ce: concentration of the adsorbate at equilibrium (mg/L); V: volume of the solution (L); m: mass of the adsorbent (g). Titration of the Manganese Sulfate Solution A complexometric method of titration was used to determine the amount of Mn2+ ions in solution by using EDTA in the presence of Erichrome Black T (NET) as indicator. The procedure used was as follows: Procedure A 50 mL burette was filled with EDTA solution. In a 250 mL erlenmeyer flask, was introduced 10.0 mL solution of the manganese (II) ion and about 40 mL of distilled water. This was followed by adding about 7 mL of an aqueous solution of 0.5 mol/L of hydroxylamine chlorhydrate to avoid the oxidation of the 9
International Journal of Basic and Applied Chemical Sciences ISSN: 2277-2073 (Online) An Online International Journal Available at http://www.cibtech.org/jcs.htm 2013 Vol. 3 (1) January-March, pp.7-18/Joseph et al.
Research Article
Mn2+ ions and 10 mL aqueous solution of triethanolamine. This is to prevent the precipitation of manganese hydroxide. A spatula of ammonium chloride and NET are also added. This solution should be rose at this point or a few drops of an aqueous solution of ammonia should be added until the color of the solution appears rose. This solution is then titrated by using EDTA to obtain a clear blue color at the endpoint without traces of violet color. This exercise is concordantly carried-out twice. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Characteristics of volcanic ashes The values mentioned in Table 1 corresponds to the precursor/brute volcanic ashe used to synthesize geopolymers and are in agreement with those reported by Davidovits, 1994 and Palomo et al., 1999. It has been reported that the percent calcium oxide had a significant influence on the properties of the geopolymers (Jaarsveld et al., 2003; Xu et al., 2004). This percentage is 7.88 % with the brute volcanic ashe, R. Table1: Chemical Composition of Brute Volcanic Ashes (R) Oxides SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO MnO Na2O K2O P2O5 Cr2O3 TiO2 SO3 LOI SiO2/Al2O3
(%) 41.36 15.41 12.82 7.88 6.45 0.2 2.22 0.90 0.48 0.03 3.04 Trace 9.31 2.89
The lost of ignition, LOI is 9.31 % and the amorphous phase occupies 64.8 % of the structure of the material. It is evident that the presence of an important amount of the amorphous phase in the aluminosilicate favors the synthesis of geopolymers (Jaarsveld et al., 2003; Williams). The size of the particles varies between 0.23 and 80 m and the average diameter of the particles (d50) is of 10.68 m. The specific surface area is 15.7m2/g. The particle size is an important physical parameter having an impact on the synthesis of aluminosilicate geopolymers and on the resulting product because a significant part of the takes place at the liquid-solid interface (Diaz et al., 2010). Characteristics of Treated Volcanic Ashes (Geopolymers) Infrared Spectroscopy Figure 1 show the IR spectra of the precursor volcanic ash and the geopolymers used in this work. These spectra expose two principal domain of absorption. The first absorption band is a sharp peak at 2360 cm -1 and represensent the geopolymers. This peak is characteristic of OH vibration under the force of H bonding (Lee et al., 2002), which put in evidence the absorption of water molecule by the geopolymers. The second type of absorption bands shows two bands; one at 1650 cm-1 and the other at 1540 cm-1. These two bands are characteristic of H-O-H vibration in water molecule. The third region of the important absorption bands around 950-1000 cm-1 has been attributed to an extended asymmetric vibration band of Si-O-Si (Villa et al., 2010). The intensity of this peak important enough for the precursor volcanic ash (Figure 5a) but manifestively reduces with increased Na 2O.SiO2/NaOH mass ratio 10
International Journal of Basic and Applied Chemical Sciences ISSN: 2277-2073 (Online) An Online International Journal Available at http://www.cibtech.org/jcs.htm 2013 Vol. 3 (1) January-March, pp.7-18/Joseph et al.
Research Article
X-ray Diffraction Spectra
International Journal of Basic and Applied Chemical Sciences ISSN: 2277-2073 (Online) An Online International Journal Available at http://www.cibtech.org/jcs.htm 2013 Vol. 3 (1) January-March, pp.7-18/Joseph et al.
Research Article
equal to 0.8 ; 1.6 and 2.4, of the alkaline solution used to synthesize the geopolymers (Figures 5 b-c-d). This result is indicative of the reality of the formation of Si-O-Si groups as the synthesis of geopolymers is in progress. The weak intensity of the peak around 600 cm-1 is attributed to extended asymmetric vibration bands of some groups of Si-O-Si and SI-O-Al of the geopolymers (Cheng and chiu et al., 2003). Influence of Some Adsorption Parameters Influence of Time of Agitation The equilibrium time is a very important parameter in the study of surface phenomenon because it permits us to know the duration in which adsorption is optimal. The adsorption of Mn2+ ions by 0.1 g adsorbent (R, R0812, R1612, R2412) has been studied by varying the time from 10 to 50 minutes. We used for each adsorbent, an initial concentration of a solution of manganese sulphate distinct from one to the other. The results obtained are represented in Figure 3.Figure 3 shows that the quantity of Mn2+ ions adsorbed by the different adsorbents increases gradually the first 30 minutes. After this time, this quantity stays quasy constant for the rest of the adsorption process. The increase in the quantity could be explained by the presence of active sites on the surface of the adsorbents. After which the Mn2+ ions having reacted with the quasitotality of the active sites on the adsorbent, obstruct the pores of which the sizes are particularly small, prevent further the reaction of other Mn2+ ions. Thus, the concentration gradient of the Mn2+ ions reduces considerably because the quantity in solution is weak. Therefore, the retention process of Mn 2+ ions is maximum and the rate of the reaction becomes saturated: the adsorption equilibrium is reached. From these plots, the precursor volcanic ash and the treated volcanic ashesgeopolymers behave in the same manner, except the R0812 adsorbent whose quantity adsorbed is less as a function with time. For the four adsorbents (R, R0812, R1612, R2412) used, the equilibrium adsorption is reached after 30 minutes. Giving the fact that we have used a given initial solute concentration for each adsorbent, we can retain that the equilibrium time is: independent of the initial concentration in solute. In a previous work realized with the adsorption of Mn2+ ions on activated carbon [13], the equilibrium was reach after 2 hours of agitation. One can conclude that the adsorption of Mn 2+ ions on the precursor volcanic ash (R) and the treated volcanic ashesgeopolymers (R0812, R1612, R2412) is fast.
Figure 3: Influence of Adsorption Time of Some Mn2+ Ions Influence of the Mass of Adsorbent Used In order to determine the mass of adsorbent for which maximum adsorption occurs, we varied the masses of the non-treated and treated volcanic ashes from 0.1 to 0.4 g. The time of agitation was fixed at 30 minutes at room temperature. The results obtained are shown Figure 4. 12
International Journal of Basic and Applied Chemical Sciences ISSN: 2277-2073 (Online) An Online International Journal Available at http://www.cibtech.org/jcs.htm 2013 Vol. 3 (1) January-March, pp.7-18/Joseph et al.
Research Article
From this figure it is observed that quantity adsorbed gets from9.336 to 0.247 mg/g respectively for the mass 0.1 to 0.2 g for the volcanic ashes used. This mass varies very little for the masses of adsorbents varying from 0.2 to 0.4 g. We had maximum adsorption for 0.1 g volcanic ashes used. Influence of the Initial concentration Percentage Removal of Mn2+ ions
Figure 5: Percentage Removal of Mn2+ ions Figure 5, represents the percent adsorption of Mn2+ ions by the four adsorbents used in this work. We have shown that the percent retention of Mn2+ ions by the geopolymers (R0812, R1612, R2412) and the precursor volcanic ashes (R), reduces with increasing solute concentration. However, one observes an increase in the percent retention, for R, R0812, R1612, at the solute concentration equal to 700 mg/L before reducing progressively again from 900 mg/L. This slight increase in adsorption can be explain as due to the creation of new adsorption sites on the surface of the adsorbents concerned. As for the geopolymer R2412, the percent retention decreases in a manner that is constant. It gets from 67.06 % (300 mg/L) to 25.55 % (1500 mg/L). This monotony could be explained as the progressive occupation of sites on the surface of the adsorbent. The maximum percent removal of Mn2+ ions by R0812 is 88.27 % (300 mg/L). It reduces gradually with increasing initial concentrations (55.85 % at 1500 mg/L). As for the R1612 geopolymer, it strongly retains Mn2+ ions at very weak solute concentrations (88.27 % at 300 mg/L). Its percent retention reduces considerablely at very high solute concentrations (32.2 % at 1500 mg/L). Amongst the four adsorbents 13
International Journal of Basic and Applied Chemical Sciences ISSN: 2277-2073 (Online) An Online International Journal Available at http://www.cibtech.org/jcs.htm 2013 Vol. 3 (1) January-March, pp.7-18/Joseph et al.
Research Article
used for the adsorption of Mn2+ ions in aqueous solution, the geopolymers are more effective than the precursor volcanic ash. Quantity Adsorbed
Figure 6: Quantity of Mn2+ ions Adsorbed as a function of Initial Concentration Figure 6 represents the quantity of Mn2+ ions adsorbed by each adsorbent as a function of initialsolute concentration. From this figure, it can be shown that the treated volcanic ashes (geopolymers) adsorb much more than the precursor volcanic ash. The maximum quantity adsorbed by R0812 is about 167.54 mg/g. This value is largely superior to 96.65; 76.65 and 9.336 mg/L, quantities adsorbed respectively by R1612, R2412 and R. It is necessary to indicate here that maximum adsorption has been obtained for initial concentrations, in solute, superior or equal to1100 mg/L. The very small quantity of Mn2+ ions adsorbed by the precursor volcanic ash can be explain by the very poor fixation sites on the surface of this material, the average particle size big enough (10.68 m) and its weak specific surface area (15.7 m2/g). In fact, the IR spectra of the non-treated volcanic ash reveal to us the absence of OH, Si-O-Al, Si-O-Si groups and the presence of traces of water molecules on the surface of the adsorbent. Furthermore, the X-ray diffraction patterns of the R shows that there is an abundance of diopside (CaMgSi2O6), of anorthoclase (KAlSi3O8 + NaAlSi3O3), of maghemite (Fe2O3, Fe2O3) and of hematite (Fe2O3) at the surface of the adsorbent. We remark also here the basicity due to diopside, anorthoclase and Si-O-Si which tend to be neutralized by maghemite and hmatite which are Lewis acids. As seen from their chemical composition, only the bases SiO2 and Al2O3 constitute susceptible sites on which the Mn2+ ions can fix it. Therefore, the insufficient nucleophiles sites (bases de Lewis) present on the surface of R could justify why the very small quantity of the adsorption of Mn2+ ions by these volcanic ashes. As for the geopolymer, the quantity of the Mn2+ ions adsorbed depend on the ratio in mass of Na2SiO3/NaOH utilized for their preparation. This quantity reduces with an increase of this ratio. The presence of nucleophiles groups OH, and Si-O-Al (Figure 2) at the surface of these geopolymers justifies their efficiency as compared to the non-treated volcanic ash. These surface groups being basic constitute active sites for the fixation of Mn2+ ions. We also noted from the IR spectra in Figure 1 that the ratio in mass of Na2SiO3/NaOH increases, the more these groups OH, H-O-H, and Si-O-Al become abundant at the surface of the adsorbent. Furthermore, the X-ray diffraction pattern of the geopolymers in Figure 2 indicates to us that the R0812 geopolymer contains a quantity of anorthoclase and some diopside. These 14
International Journal of Basic and Applied Chemical Sciences ISSN: 2277-2073 (Online) An Online International Journal Available at http://www.cibtech.org/jcs.htm 2013 Vol. 3 (1) January-March, pp.7-18/Joseph et al.
Research Article
compounds are importantly much more basic in nature than the geopolymers R1612 and R2412. Again, the efficiency of the R0812 geopolymer with respect to R1612 and R2412 geopolymers could be explained not only by the abundance of some nucleophiles sites (CaMgSi2O6 et KAlSi3O8 + NaAlSi3O3) on the surface of R0812 geopolymer, but also the fact that the addition of the alkaline solution of Na2O.SiO2 in the geopolymers results in the progressive creation of undesirable sites for the Mn2+ ions at the surface of the R1612 and R2412 geopolymers. Table 2: Adsorption Equilibrium Adsorbent Langmuir Isotherm KL Qo R 0.0004 30 R0812 0.0116 192 R1612 0.006 111 R2412 0.0115 84
Freundlich Isotherm KF 1/n 0.0062 1.35 15.6 0.39 23.25 0.18 13.36 0.26
From Table 2, the values of the linear correlation coefficient (R) of the geopolymers are close to 1, especially in the case of the modelisation of the results obtained with the Langmuir isotherm.
Figure 7: Capacity of Maximum Adsorption of Mn2+ Ions by Geopolymers. Table 3: Maximum Adsorption Capacity of Mn2+ ions by Some Adsorbents Adsorbent Qo(mg/g) Reference Granular activated carbon 2.5 [43] Aspergillus Niger 19 [44] Saccharomyces cerevisiae 18 [44] Arthrobacter species 148 [45] Cyanobacteriun Gloeothece manga 473906 [46] Pristine tamarindus nut shell 122 [14] Acid treated tamarindus nut shell 182 [14] Geopolymer R0812 192 This work Geopolymr R1612 111 This work Gopolymer R2412 84 This work Precursor volcanic ash R 30 This work 15
International Journal of Basic and Applied Chemical Sciences ISSN: 2277-2073 (Online) An Online International Journal Available at http://www.cibtech.org/jcs.htm 2013 Vol. 3 (1) January-March, pp.7-18/Joseph et al.
Research Article
From the equilibrium studies, it shows that the Langmuir isotherm describes better the adsorption process of Mn2+ ions on the geopolymers. Furthermore, the peak intensities in Figure 7 together with the correlation coefficients obtained show that adsorption is very favorable for all the geopolymers and unfavorable for the precursor volcanic ash. The adsorption process is endothermic and there is ion exchange. Kinetic Studies Adsorption
Elovich Kinetic Model Table 4: Kinetic Model Parameters Pseudo 1er Pseudo 2nd ordre ordre K1 R K2 Qe (min(g.mg.min) (mg/g) 1 ) R 0.0041 0.8 0.0001 47.6 R0812 0.0053 0.7 0.04 53.4 R1612 0.0031 0.7 0.0026 105.2 R2412 0.0024 0.8 0.00132 87.7 Adsorbent
Elovich R (mg/g.min) 0.69 1.76 298.76 37.88 R (g/mg) 0.16 0.81 0.069 0.063 0.92 0.92 0.91 0.92
Intraparticle kid (min1 ) 0.004 81.3 20.4 9.2 a R (mg/g) 2.26 0.02 0.16 0.26 0.83 0.87 0.88 0.91 16
International Journal of Basic and Applied Chemical Sciences ISSN: 2277-2073 (Online) An Online International Journal Available at http://www.cibtech.org/jcs.htm 2013 Vol. 3 (1) January-March, pp.7-18/Joseph et al.
Research Article
From these kinetic studies, we can conclude that the pseudo second order kinetic model best describe the adsorption of Mn2+ ions onto the geopolymers R0812, R1612, R2412 and involves a chemisorptions reaction. As for the other kinetic model, the Elovich kinetic model more or less explains the adsorption of Mn2+ ions on the non treated volcanic ash better. This is justified from the linear correlation coefficient value (0.9186) obtained for this model. The pseudo first order kinetic model does not correlate well with the results obtained because the value of R2 is far from unity. Conclusion This present study was on the adsorption of manganese (II) ions in aqueous solution on precursor volcanic ash, obtained from a locality in Galim - Cameroun, and the synthesized geopolymers from this precursor. From this study, it is noted that adsorption isotherms are of type I in Langmuir classification of adsorption isotherms. The capacity of adsorption is influenced by the time of agitation, the mass of the adsorbent used, the pH of the solution of the solute adsorbed, the initial concentration of the adsorbate, the structure of the adsorbent and the ratio in mass of the Na2O.SiO2/NaOH utilized to prepare the geopolymers. The pseudo second order kinetic model describes perfectly the adsorption of Mn2+ ions on the geopolymers R0812, R1612, R2412 whereas that of the adsorption of these ions on R follows more or less the Elovich model with respect with the other model. These experimental results are in agreement with the Langmuir isotherm and the maximum quantity that can be absorbed by the different adsorbents used are 192 ; 111; 84 et 30 mg/g respectively for R0812, R1612, R2412 and R. Compared to clays, activated carbon and other adsorbents used for the retention of Mn2+ ions, one notes that the precursor volcanic ash and the geopolymers which are obtained from these precursor materials are efficient. These treated volcanic ashes (geopolymers) are adsorbing Mn2+ ions much better than the non-treated volcanic ash. The adsorption energy obtained by applying the Temkin model has permitted us to confirm the adsorption of manganese (II) ions on the different adsorbents utilized as an endothermic reaction. The optimal condition of adsorption of Mn2+ ions on the treated and non-treated volcanic ashes, are those of using 0.1 g of the geopolymers R0812 in an initial solution of concentration of 1100 mg/L of Mn2+ ions of which the pH is equal to 6.3 at room temperature. As further work, we propose to carry-out more research to include parameters such as adsorption temperature, stirring speed of the batch reaction, specific surface area of the synthesized geopolymers, dispersion of metal on the surface of the adsorbents, the pH of the reaction medium and to reduce not only the mass of the adsorbent used , but also the mass of the ratio of Na2O.SiO2/NaOH utilized to preparation to the geopolymers. We intend to characterize the entire structure and texture of the geopolymers that we will use in this work by using well known surface techniques. The specific surface area will be determined by using the B.E.T. liquid N2 adsorption method at 77 0K; the complete physico-chimical properties, X-ray diffraction, X-ray Fluorescence and the Scanning Electron Microscopy will be determined .The Transform Fourier Infrared Spectroscopy will be used to determine the surface properties of the geopolymers. REFERENCES Cimino G, Passerini A and Toscano G (2000). Removal of Toxic Cations and Cr6+ Ions from Aqueous Solution by Hazelnut Shell. Water Research 34(2) 2955-2962. Underwood EJ (1977). Trace Element in Human and Animal Nutrition, 4th Edn. Academic Press, New York. WHO (2011). Manganese in Drinking Water. Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality. ATSDR (2000) Toxicological Profile for Manganese', Atlanta, GA, United State Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Barceloux DG (1999). Manganese Clinical Toxicology 37 293-307.
International Journal of Basic and Applied Chemical Sciences ISSN: 2277-2073 (Online) An Online International Journal Available at http://www.cibtech.org/jcs.htm 2013 Vol. 3 (1) January-March, pp.7-18/Joseph et al.
Research Article
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