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Nickel removal from electroplating industry wastewater:

A bamboo activated carbon

ABSTRACT: Water is prime requirement for surviving of any living beings. The existence of surface water
and groundwater sources are used for domestic, agriculture and industrial purposes in all over the world.
Fresh water from both the water sources is highly contaminated in recent years because of rapid population
growth, modern agriculture and industrial growth. Among them, contamination of water sources due to
industrialization is high and it requires more attention to protect those water sources. In this study, nickel
removal from electroplating industry wastewater was done with the help of bamboo activated carbon. The
nickel removal from electroplating industry wastewater by bamboo activated carbon was done in this study
at various adsorbent dosages (0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 g/L), agitation speeds (25, 50, 75 and 100 rpm), particle
sizes (2.36, 1.18, 0.6 and 0.3 mm), and concentration dilutions (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%). The maximum
removal percentage of nickel from electroplating industry wastewater using bamboo activated carbon was
found to be 98.7 % at an optimum adsorption dosage 1.5 g/L, agitation speed 25 rpm, particle size 0.6 mm
and concentration dilution 75 % with 110 min. contact time and 5.5 pH. Functional groups available in a
bamboo activated carbon before and after treatment were determined by fourier-transform infrared spec-
troscopy analysis. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy analysis specified that alkanes, carboxylic acids,
esters, amides, amines, aromatic compounds, alkyl halides, ethers, alcohols, carboxylic acids, aldehydes
functional groups in bamboo activated carbon was contributed for removing nickel from the electroplating
industry wastewater. Isotherm models were used to know the adsorption behaviour of bamboo activated
carbon for removing nickel from electroplating industry wastewater. Isotherm results revealed that Lang-
muir model was best suited with the equilibrium data than Freundlich model. Finally, this study concluded
that bamboo activated carbon was best suited for removing nickel from electroplating industry wastewater.

KEYWORDS: Bamboo activated carbon; Nickel removal; Process parameters; Isotherm models;
Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR).

Due to volcanic action and natural weather, heavy Heavy metals like cadmium, mercury, lead, copper,
metals are releasing to the water environment. The zinc, chromium, cobalt, nickel, selenium, thallium
disposal of wastewater from the various metal and arsenic are in the list highly toxic chemicals
industries to the water environment also enhanced the provided by World Health Organization (WHO).
concentration of heavy metals in it (Kinhikar, 2012). Those chemical are non-biodegradable, which can
accumulate into the biological system (Ijagbemi et
al., 2010; Torab-Mostaedi, et al., 2010) and hence,
it is necessary to reduce the concentration in a water
environment. Human consumes toxic chemicals
Nickel availability in the earth crust is about 3 %. The
natural and anthropogenic activities are influencing adsorbent materials are available (Sivakumar and
the presence of nickel within the air, water and Shankar, 2015; Sivakumar, et al., 2016a), activated
land environment. Burning of fossil fuels, forest carbon adsorption is effectively used for removing
fires and volcanic ash are also contributing nickel various parameters from industrial wastewater
into the environment. Among various industries, (Sivakumar, et al., 2016b; Dimple, et al., 2016).
electroplating industry and stainless steel production The activated carbon has more powerful adsorbent
industry are contributing more nickel disposal than others because it has high number of pores,
(wastewater) into the environment. Nickel is mainly large surface area for adsorption. This study focused
used to prepare nickel alloys and stainless steel to remove nickel in an electroplating industry
because of its high thermal and corrosive resistance wastewater by bamboo activated carbon. The
properties. Its salts are highly used in chemical removal of nickel using bamboo activated carbon
was done at various adsorbent dosages, agitation
speeds, particle sizes and concentrations dilution. The
industries in the form NiCl2, NiSO4, NiCO3, functional groups available in a bamboo activated
C4H6NiO4, NiO and Ni(OH)2. Thus, the nickel carbon before and after treatment were determined
product industrial wastewater contains more nickel by fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)
ion and if the concentration of nickel ion exceeds the analysis. The experimentation on removal of nickel
drinking water and industrial wastewater limit as per was validated with the removal of other associated
WHO standards and BIS standards, it creates health parameters present in the electroplating industry
hazard to all living beings. If nickel ion concentration wastewater at the same selected process parameters.
exceeds 0.02 mg/L in water environment can cause Further, isotherm models were fixed to identify the
health effects such as diarrhoea, encephalopathy, bamboo activated carbon adsorption for removing
anaemia, hepatitis, kidney damage, lung damage, nickel from electroplating industry wastewater. This
skin dermatitis, and malfunction of central nervous study has been carried out in Vel Tech High Tech
system. Nickel is easily accumulated into living Dr.Rangarajan Dr.Sakunthala Engineering College,
organism since, it is non-biodegradable in nature. Avadi, Chennai, India for removing nickel from
Thus, nickel ion from industry wastewater is reduced electroplating industry wastewater of Ambattur
before discharge into the land and water environment industrial estate, Chennai using bamboo activated
(Kinhikar, 2012). Dermentzis, et al., 2011 studied carbon and the experimentation was done in the
the electrocoagulation process for removing nickel month of January 2018.
from industry wastewater. Ismail, et al., 2014 had
assessed the nickel removal in an electroplating MATERIALS AND METHODS
industry wastewater by ion exchange method. Nickel Collection of bamboo
removed from industry wastewater was also studied For the present study, the bamboo was collected
by various researchers using different adsorbents from wood shop, Avadi, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
(GáborBorbély and EndreNagy, 2009; Gizem, Bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris) is a fastest growing
et al., 2015; Zahabi, et al., 2016). Application of flowering plant species of in the family of Poaceae
reverse osmosis for removing nickel from industry and in the sub family of Bambusoideae. It is used
wastewater was observed by Jessica, et al., 2015. as building materials in the Asian continent. Parts of
Among various methods, the adsorption technique is bamboo are hollow stems, thick rhizomes, shoots.
widely used for treating industry wastewater because More than 1000 species of same family are found in
the cost of the methods is minimum (Wang and Peng, hot tropical and cool mountainous regions.
2010; Kwon et al., 2010; Yadanaparthi et al., 2010).
Common adsorbent used to remove various metal Characterization of bamboo activated carbon
ions from various industrial wastewater are activated The collected bamboo wood samples are broken into
carbon (Satapathy and Natarajan, 2006; Wilson et al., several pieces with the help of mechanical instruments.
2006), biomaterial (Wan and Hanafiah, 2008), clay The cut pieces are transfer into muffle furnace to
minerals (Wang et al., 2008; Vieira, et al., 2010), convert the activated carbon at the temperature of 400
zeolites (Wang and Peng, 2010). Though several °C and at 2 h contact time. The details of determination
Global J. Environ. Sci. Manage., 4(3): 325-338, Summer 2018

of various properties of bamboo activated carbon are Collection of wastewater sample

as follows. The characteristics of bamboo activated The aquatic system is disturbed when nickel
carbon are presented in Table 1. electroplating industry wastewater is released directly
into the surface water bodies. The nickel electroplating
Bulk Density: The activity of carbon was measured wastewater contains high nickel pollution along with
by the property called bulk density (IS 877, 1989). other process parameters. The low pH is used for
Moisture content: As per IS 877, 1989, the moisture plating on metal surface using nickel ion leads to
content was determined from the collected bamboo. nickel ion retained in the wastewater along with acidic
Moisture content was found with 10 g of the bamboo pH. The wastewater from the nickel electroplating
material placed in an electric oven at a temperature of industry was discharged on land leads the percolation
110 ± 5 °C with the time period of 4 h. of wastewater through porous medium and finally
groundwater gets contaminated. The presence of
Particle size: There are four sieve sizes were nickel ion in land, water environment is more toxic
selected for this study are 2.36, 1.18, 0.6 and 0.3 mm when its concentration exceeds the permissible limits
IS sieve. The material retained in a given sieve size as prescribed by BIS effluent discharge standard.
was considered as the particle size (IS 877, 1989). Thus, determination of physico-chemical parameters
in a nickel electroplating industry wastewater is
pH: pH was determined using pH meter. The sued to access the quality of water for drinking,
procedures followed as per IS 877, 1989. irrigation, fishing and industry purposes. The
nickel electroplating industry wastewater collected,
Hardness: It is used to measure the strength against Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai with the help
the wear. It is measure against the particular sieve size of sterilized bottles. The collected wastewater was
as per the procedure of IS 877, 1989. stored in the Environmental engineering laboratory
at the temperature of 5°C. The nickel from the
Decolorizing power: It is expressed in terms of mg electroplating industry wastewater was determined
of methylene blue adsorbed by 1 g of activated carbon using flame atomic absorption spectroscopy (FAAS)
as per IS 877, 1989. with the adsorption wavelength of 232 nm. The

Table 1: Characteristics of bamboo activated carbon

Table 1: Characteristics of bamboo activated carbon
S. No Properties Value
1 Bulk density 0.68
2 Moisture content 7.6
3 Particle size 2.36, 1.18, 0.6 and 0.3 mm
4 pH 8.21
5 Hardness 0.366
6 Decolorizing powder 570

Table 2:
Table 2: Physico-chemical
Physico-chemical characteristics
characteristics of
of nickel
nickel electroplating
electroplating industry
industry wastewater

Permissible discharge limits for

S. No. Parameters* Values
industrial effluents
1 pH 5.5 5.5-9.0
2 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) 174.5 30
3 Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) 542.3 250
4 Chloride 643 250
5 Sulphates 412 200
6 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 4865 500
7 Nickel 132 3.0
*All parameters are expressed as mg/L except pH
Nickel removal from electroplating wastewater

other physico-chemical characteristics of nickel qm k L Ce

electroplating industry wastewater were determined qe = (3)
1 + k L Ce
by the procedure stipulated in APHA, 2005. Table 2
indicates the main physico-chemical characteristics of The linear form of Eq. 3 may be written as
nickel electroplating industry wastewater. Ce 1 Ce
= +
qe K L qm qm (4)
Sorption experiments
The role of bamboo to remove nickel in an In which, Ce is equilibrium concentration of nickel
electroplating industry wastewater was identified from electroplating industry wastewater (mg/L),
with the help of jar test apparatus. This study qe is equilibrium adsorption capacity of nickel onto
followed the batch mode adsorption experiments bamboo activated carbon (mg/g), qm is maximum
involving variations in adsorbent dosage of 0.5, 1.0, adsorption capacity of nickel onto bamboo activated
1.5 and 2.0 g, agitation speeds of 25, 50, 75 and 100 carbon (mg/g) and KL is the Langmuir isotherm
rpm, particle size of 500, 230, 125 and 63 micron, equilibrium constant (L/mg). The qm and KL were
concentrations dilution of 25, 50, 75 and 100 %. The calculated by plotting the graph between Ce/qe and Ce
1000 mL capacity of glass beaker used to collect the such that the intercept gives KL value and the slope
electroplating industry wastewater and was placed gives the qm value.
on the jar test apparatus for running the experiment
at various contact times against different process Freundlich isotherm model
The adsorption capacity of bamboo activated
parameters. The treated samples were filtered with
carbon for removing nickel from electroplating
Whatman filter paper after 24 h. Nickel removal
industry wastewater is calculated by Freundlich
percentage in an electroplating industry wastewater
isotherm model and it indicates the multilayer
by bamboo activated carbon against the different
sorption process. Freundlich adsorption isotherm is
process parameters at various contact time was
representing the amount adsorbed per unit mass of
calculated by Eq. 1.
adsorbent at equilibrium (qe), and concentration of the
(C𝑖𝑖 − Cf ) nickel at equilibrium (Ce). The mathematical model is
Removal percentage = x 100 (1)
C𝑖𝑖 described as Eq. 5 (Sivakumar, et al., 2016a; 2016b).
The nickel ion uptake by bamboo activated carbon 1
qe = K f 𝐶𝐶𝑒𝑒𝑛𝑛 (5)
against different process parameters at any contact
time is calculated by Eq. 2. The Eq. 5 may be written in terms of logarithmic
form and it is written as Eq. 6.
(C𝑖𝑖 − Cf )V
qt = C𝑖𝑖 M
(2) 1
Log qe = log Kf + n logCe (6)
in which, qt is quantity of nickel adsorbed onto
bamboo activated carbon at any time ‘t’ (mg/g); Ci and In which, Kf and n are the Freundlich constants
Cf are the initial and final nickel ion concentration at and non-linearity exponent of the system respectively.
any time ‘t’ in the wastewater (mg/L), respectively; V is Value of Kf and n are obtained by plotting the values
volume of the wastewater treated (L); and M is the mass of log Ce vs log qe such that intercept gives value of Kf
of bamboo activated carbon used for adsorption (g). and slope gives value of n.

Langmuir isotherm model RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

In this model, the maximum adsorption capacity Functional groups of bamboo activated carbon
of absorbent for removing any metal ions against was identified with the help of FTIR analysis and the
the various process parameters are calculated when prepared bamboo activated carbon used for conducting
surface of the adsorbent was fully saturated with the experimental investigations on removal of nickel form
various ions and correspondingly energy is constant electroplating industry wastewater. The experimental
(Sivakumar, et al., 2015). The Langmuir model is investigations were conducted with Phipps & Bird
formulated as Eqs. 3 and 4. Jar apparatus for various adsorbent dosages, agitation
speeds, particle sizes, and concentration dilutions with wavenumbers 582.39 and 557.32/cm show that it
various contact time against the pH of 5.5. The results has alkyl halides functional group. The wavenumber
are presented below. 1054.87/cm shows that it has assigned to be alkyl halides
or primary alcohol functional group. The wavenumber
FTIR analysis 1107.90/cm shows that it has assigned to be alkyl
Carboxyl, amide, alkaline, hydroxyl, aldehydes halides or secondary alcohol functional group. The
alkanes, alkyls are the various chemical functional wavenumbers 1158.04, 1238.08 and 1329.68/cm show
groups, that are responsible for adsorption process. that it has assigned to be alkyl halides or tertiary alcohol
These functional groups are identified by fourier- functional group.
transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The uptake of The wavenumber 1381.75/cm shows that it has
metals onto the adsorbent depends on the availability alkanes and alkyls functional group. The wavenumber
of sites, chemical state, and affinity between metal ions 1452.14/cm shows that it has assigned to be alkanes and
with adsorption sites. The adsorbent spectra (functional alkyls or aromatic compounds functional group. The
groups) in the form of large numbers of peaks were wavenumbers 1488.78, 1511.92, and 1537.95/cm show
measured by using Perkin Elmer spectrum in the range that it has aromatic compounds functional group. The
between 400 and 4000 cm1. Several previous studies wavenumber 1636.18/cm shows that it has assigned to
identified the functional groups from activated carbon be aldehydes or carboxylic acids functional group. The
prepared from various sources. Ince, 2014 was identified wavenumber 2925.48/cm shows that it has alkanes and
the functional groups of clay mineral using FTIR analysis alkyls functional group. The wavenumber 3418.21/cm
for removing nickel. Nanomagnetite was characterized shows that it has assigned to be amides or carboxylic
by FTIR, SEM and XRD analyses for removing heavy acids functional group.
metals in an aqueous solution (Karami, 2013). Vieira
et al., 2010 characterized the bofe bentonite clay using Functional groups after adsorption
FTIR, XRD, BET and energy dispersion X-ray (EDX) The wavelength was shifted because of the
analyses for removing nickel from aqueous solution. adsorption of nickel onto the bamboo activated carbon.
Trichoderma viride biosorbent was described by FTIR The new functional groups identified on the bamboo
analysis and SEM analysis (Sujatha, et al., 2013) for activated carbon are esters functional groups. The
removing nickel from aqueous solution. wavenumber 447.40, 557.32, 653.75, and 678.82/
cm shows that it has alkyl halides functional group
Functional groups before Adsorption (Fig. 2). The wavenumber1031.73 and 1256.4/cm shows
From Fig. 1, it may be witnessed that the wave that it has assigned to be alkyl halides or esters functional
length varied between 582.39 and 3418.21/cm and the groups. The wavenumber 1117.56/cm shows that it has
functional groups were identified as alkyl, alkyl halides, assigned to be alkyl halides or tertiary alcohol functional
alkanes, aldehydes, carboxylic acids and amides. The group.

Fig. 1: FTIR spectrum of bamboo activated carbon before adsorption

Fig. 1: FTIR spectrum of bamboo activated carbon before adsorption
Effect of adsorbent dosage
Fig. 3 shows influence of bamboo activated carbon
for removing nickel from electroplating industry
The wavenumber 1450.21/cm shows that it has wastewater against the adsorbent dosage. Chosen
assigned to be alkanes and alkyls or aromatic compounds adsorbent dosages for this study are 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and
functional group. The wavenumbers 1507.1 and 1536.99, 2.0 g/L. Further, the effect of adsorbent dosage was
1560.13/cm show that it has aromatic compounds done against the agitation speed of 25 rpm, the particle
functional group. The wave number 1594.84/cm size of 0.3 mm and the concentration dilution of 0 %
shows that it has assigned to be aromatic compounds, (original wastewater concentration) with pH 5.5 and
amides or amines functional group. The wavenumber contact time 60 min. From Fig. 3, it may be found
1650.77/cm shows that it has only amides functional that for low adsorbent dosages, removal was low and
group. The wave number 1696.09/cm shows that it has it was steadily increased with increased adsorbent
assigned to be aldehydes or carboxylic acid functional dosage. This low adsorbed percentage was due to
group. The wavenumber1727.91 shows that it has esters the complete utilization of supplied adsorbent dosage
functional group. The wavenumber 2963.56/cm shows for removing nickel from electroplating industry
that it has Alkanes and alkyls functional group. The wastewater. The removal was increased as supplied
wavenumber 3532.39/cm shows that it has assigned to adsorbent dosage was increased. It may be noted that
be amides or amines of or carboxylic acids functional upto 1.5 g, the removal was increased beyond which,
group. The wavenumber from 582.39 to 1329.68/cm there was no such variation on removal of nickel
(before adsorption by bamboo activated carbon), was from electroplating industry wastewater by bamboo
shifted to the range between 447.40 and 1379.18 (after activated carbon. Thus, the maximum removal of
adsorption) for alkyl halides functional group. The nickel from electroplating industry wastewater using
wavelength 1381.75/cm of alkanes and alkyls functional bamboo activated carbon is found to be 1.5 g and it is
group before treatment was shifted for after treatment to considered as optimum adsorbent dosage. The removal
1450.21/cm. The wavelength from 1452.14/cm in before of nickel from electroplating industry wastewater
treatment shifted to the wavelength after treatment for adsorbent dosages of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 g was
1594.84/cm for aromatic compounds, amides or amines found to be 43.3, 51.8, 57.9, and 58.1 % respectively
functional group. The wavelength from 1636.18/cm was (Fig. 3). Thus, the maximum uptake of nickel from
moved to 1696.09/cm for aldehydes or carboxylic acid electroplating industry wastewater using bamboo
functional group. Further, the wavelength from 3418.21/ activated carbon at an optimum adsorbent dosage of
cm was lifted to 3532.39/cm for amides or amines of or 1.5 g is 76.43 mg/L and corresponding residue in the
carboxylic acids functional group. electroplating industry wastewater is 55.57 mg/L.

Fig. 2: FTIR spectrum of bamboo activated carbon after adsorption

Fig. 2: FTIR spectrum of bamboo activated carbon after adsorption
Effect of agitation speed from electroplating industry wastewater by bamboo
Fig. 4 shows influence of bamboo activated carbon activated carbon. Thus, maximum removal of nickel
for removing nickel from electroplating industry from electroplating industry wastewater using bamboo
wastewater against the agitation speed. Chosen activated carbon is found to be 75 rpm and it is
agitation speed for this study are 25, 50, 75 and 100 considered as optimum agitation speed. The removal
rpm. Further, the effect of agitation speed was done of nickel from electroplating industry wastewater
against the optimum adsorbent dosage of 1.5 g, the for agitation speeds of 25, 50, 75 and 100 rpm was
particle size of 0.3 mm and the concentration dilution found to be 48.3, 59.4, 66.8, and 66.9 % respectively
of 0 % (original wastewater concentration) with pH (Fig. 4). Thus, the maximum uptake of nickel from
5.5 and contact time 60 min. From Fig. 4, it may be electroplating industry wastewater using bamboo
found that for low agitation speed, removal was low activated carbon at an optimum agitation speed of 75
and it was steadily increased with increased agitation rpm is 88.18 mg/L and corresponding residue in the
speed. This low adsorbed percentage at low agitation electroplating industry wastewater is 43.82 mg/L.
speed was due to lack of affinity of adsorbent with
the nickel ion present in the electroplating industry Effect of particle size
wastewater. The removal was increased as agitation Fig. 5 shows influence of bamboo activated carbon
speed was increased. It may be noted that upto 75 for removing nickel from electroplating industry
rpm, the removal was increased beyond which, wastewater against the particle size. Chosen particle
there was no such variation on removal of nickel size for this study are 2.36, 1.18, 0.6 and 0.3 mm.




57.9 58.1
Removal (%)

50 43.3




0.5 1 1.5 2
Adsorbent dosage (mg/L)

Fig. 3: Influence Influence of bamboo
activated carbon for activated carbon
removing nickel fromfor removing
electroplating nickel
industry from against
electroplating industry the wastewater against the adsorbent dosage
adsorbent dosage

70 66.8 66.9
Removal (%)

25 50 75 100
Agitation speed (rpm)

Fig. 4:Fig. 4: Influence

Influence of bambooof bamboo
activated activated
carbon carbon
for removing for
nickel removing
from nickel
electroplating from
industry wastewater against
the agitation speed
electroplating industry wastewater against the agitation speed
Further, the effect of particle size was done against the particle size of 0.6 mm with pH 5.5 and contact time
optimum adsorbent dosage of 1.5 g, optimum agitation 60 min. From Fig. 6, it may be found that for the
speed of 75 rpm and the concentration dilution of 0 % higher concentration, removal of nickel by bamboo
(original wastewater concentration) with pH 5.5 and activated carbon was low and it was steadily increased
contact time 60 min. From Fig. 5, it may be found with increased dilution ratio. Since, at higher dilution,
that for large particle size, removal was low and it was the metal ions are dispersion easily and the same was
steadily increased with decreased particle size. This low adsorbed by the bamboo activated carbon, results
adsorbed percentage at large particle size was due to higher the adsorption removal percentage. The removal
less surface area, less pore volume of bamboo activated was increased as concentration dilution ratio increased.
carbon. The removal was increased as particle size It may be noted that upto 75 % concentration dilution,
reduced. It may be noted that upto 0.6 mm particle size, the removal was increased beyond which, there was no
the removal was increased beyond which, there was no such variation on removal of nickel from electroplating
such variation on removal of nickel from electroplating industry wastewater by bamboo activated carbon.
industry wastewater by bamboo activated carbon. Thus, maximum removal of nickel from electroplating
Thus, maximum removal of nickel from electroplating industry wastewater using bamboo activated carbon
industry wastewater using bamboo activated carbon is is found to be 75 % and it is considered as optimum
found to be 0.6 mm and it is considered as optimum concentration dilution. The removal of nickel from
particle size. The removal of nickel from electroplating electroplating industry wastewater for concentration
industry wastewater for particle sizes of 2.36, 1.18, 0.6 dilution ratios of 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 % was found
and 0.3 mm was found to be 56.8, 68.9, 75.3, and 75.5 to be 64.8, 72.1, 79.3, 86.2, and 86.4 % respectively
% respectively (Fig. 5). Thus, the maximum uptake of (Fig. 6). Thus, the maximum uptake of nickel from
nickel from electroplating industry wastewater using electroplating industry wastewater using bamboo
bamboo activated carbon at an optimum particle size of activated carbon at an optimum concentration dilution
0.6 mm is 99.4 mg/L and corresponding residue in the of 75 % is 113.78 mg/L and corresponding residue in
electroplating industry wastewater is 32.6 mg/L. the electroplating industry wastewater is 18.22 mg/L.

Effect of concentration Equilibrium study

Fig. 6 shows influence of bamboo activated carbon Mono layer adsorption and multilayer adsorption
for removing nickel from electroplating industry by various adsorbents was identified by the Langmuir
wastewater against the concentration dilution. Chosen and Freundlich isotherm models respectively. The
concentration dilution for this study are 0, 25, 50, 75 equilibrium study was conducted to remove nickel ion
and 100 %. Further, the effect of concentration dilution from electroplating industry wastewater at the optimum
was done against the optimum adsorbent dosage of 1.5 adsorbent dosage of 1.5 g, agitation speed 75 rpm, and
g, optimum agitation speed of 75 rpm and optimum particle size of 0.6 mm and the concentration dilution of



80 75.3 75.5
Removal (%)







2.36 1.18 0.6 0.3
Particle Size (mm)
Fig. 5: Influence of bamboo activated carbon for removing nickel from
Fig. 5: Influence of bamboo industry
activated carbon wastewater
for removing nickel against the particle
from electroplating size wastewater against
the particle size
75 % with the pH of 5.5 against various contact time. found to be 130.15 mg/L (98.7 %) and corresponding
Fig. 7 shows the influence of bamboo activated carbon residue in the electroplating industry wastewater is 1.85
for removing nickel ion from electroplating industry mg/L (Fig. 7) for the optimum adsorbent dosage of 1.5
wastewater at an optimum process parameters against g/L, agitation speed 75 rpm, particle size of 0.6 mm,
various contact time. From Fig. 7, it may be noted that concentration dilution of 75 % and the contact time of
as concentration reduced, nickel ions removal from 110 min.
electroplating industry wastewater by bamboo activated
carbon reduced. The removal percentage was increased Adsorption isotherm models
up to the concentration dilution of 75 %, beyond which Isotherm adsorbent models were used to design
there was no such variation in reduction of nickel ion from the adsorption system between adsorbate and
the electroplating industry wastewater using bamboo adsorbent (Malarvizhi, et al., 2013). The equilibrium
activated carbon. Further, up to 110 min. of contact time, concentration of nickel in an electroplating industry
the reduction nickel ion increased and beyond 110 min. wastewater for various concentration dilutions (Fig. 7)
contact time, there was no such variation. Hence, contact was used in the Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption
time of 110 min. is considered as optimum contact time. isotherm models. For developing sorption isotherm
Thus, the maximum uptake of nickel from electroplating models, varying the initial concentration of nickel
industry wastewater using bamboo activated carbon is electroplating industry wastewater and keeping

90 86.2 86.4
80 72.1
70 64.8
Removal (%)

0 25 50 75 100
Concentration dilution (%)
Fig. 6: Influence of bamboo activated carbon for removing nickel from electroplating
Fig. 6: Influence of bamboo activated
industrycarbon for removing
wastewater nickel
against the from electroplating
concentration industry wastewater against
the concentration dilution




Removal (%)


0 % Concentration Dilution
25 % Concentration Dilution
30 50 % Concentration Dilution
75 % Concentration Dilution
20 100 % Concentration Dilution


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Contact Time (min.)
Fig. 7: Influence
Fig. of
7: bamboo activated
Influence carbon for
of bamboo removingcarbon
activated nickel ion
forfrom electroplating
removing nickelindustry wastewater at an
ion from
optimum process parameters values against various contact time with the pH of 5.5
electroplating industry wastewater at an optimum process parameters values against
various contact time with the pH of 5.5
constant for all other associated parameters present pH of 5.5 and equilibrium contact time of 110 min.
in the nickel electroplating industry wastewater. The From Figs. 8 and 9, it was established that Langmuir
Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models are depicted isotherm fitted well with equilibrium experimental
in Figs. 8 and 9 respectively. data than Freundlich isotherm model. From Langmuir
Langmuir adsorption isotherm model (Fig. 8) isotherm (Fig. 8), it was found that the adsorption of
indicated that equilibrium experimental data fits nickel from electroplating industry wastewater using
well to Langmuir model equation with R2 value of bamboo activated layer is monolayer adsorption.
0.9976. The values of Langmuir constant qm and KL Further, dimensionless constant RL can also be used to
are obtained as 61.35 mg/g and 1.34 L/mg respectively determine, if adsorption is favarouble or unfavourable
for nickel removal from electroplating industry for Langmuir isotherm model. It is formulated as Eq. 7.
wastewater against the different concentration dilution 1
with the pH of 5.5 and an equilibrium contact time of RL =
1 + k L Ci (7)
110 min. Freundlich adsorption isotherm model (Fig.
9) indicated that equilibrium experimental data fits It is established that when RL > 1 shows unfavourable
well to Freundlich model equation with the R2 value adsorption, RL = 1 shows linear adsorption, 0 <RL<
of 0.7538. The values of Freundlich constant Kf and 1, shows favourable adsorption and RL = 0 shows
n are obtained as 1.02 and 35.46 respectively for the irreversible adsorption. In this study, RL value shows
nickel removal from electroplating industry wastewater 0.0058 (RL values are between 0 and 1) indicated the
against the different concentration dilution with the favourable adsorption process. As similar to Langmuir

y = 0.0163x + 0.0124
0.6 R² = 0.9976





0 10 20 30 40 50
Fig. 8: Langmuir isotherm
Fig. 8:model for removing
Langmuir nickel
isotherm fromfor
model electroplating industryfrom
removing nickel wastewater using bamboo
activated carbon
electroplating industry wastewater using bamboo activated carbon


1.79 y = 0.0282x + 1.7299

R² = 0.7538

Log qe





0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
Log Ce

Fig. 9: Freundlich Fig. 9: Freundlich

isotherm isothermnickel
model for removing model forelectroplating
from removing nickel
wastewater using bamboo
electroplating industry wastewater
carbonbamboo activated carbon
isotherm, 1/n can be used for finding if the adsorption rpm, particle size of 0.6 mm and concentration dilution
is favourable or unfavourable for Freundlich isotherm of 75 % with the pH of 5.5 and contact time of 110 min.
model. From Fig. 9, it was noted that the 1/n value is effectively used for removing nickel and associated
less than 1, indicated that adsorption is favourable, but parameters from electroplating industry wastewater
the correlation between the model and equilibrium data, using bamboo activated carbon. The maximum uptake
the study suggested that Langmuir adsorption isotherm of nickel by different adsorbents is presented in Table 5.
model is most suited model for determining maximum In addition to previous studies concentrated for
uptake of nickel from electroplating industry wastewater nickel removal from wastewater and aqueous solution
using bamboo activated carbon. The Langmuir and (Table 5), Ince, 2014 studied the maximum removal
Freundlich isotherm parameters based on the equilibrium was observed as 19.4 mg/g of nickel on to clay mineral
experimental data are presented in Table 3. in an aqueous solution. Further, Ince, 2014 used tea
waste, astragalus plant and chestnut shell for removing
Validation of experimentation nickel from aqueous solution with adsorption capacity
The associated parameters in any water and of 5.4, 1.3 and 5.6 mg/g respectively. Karami, 2013,
wastewater influenced the removal percentage studied nickel removal from an aqueous solution
of particular ions. Vijayaraghavan, et al., 2004 using nanomagnetite and the adsorption capacity was
observed that the other ions like copper, cobalt, zinc observed to be 95.42 mg/g. Qi and Aldrich, 2008
and magnesium was influenced the nickel removal reported that tobacco dust was successfully used to
efficiency using crab shell. This study also validates the remove nickel in an aqueous solution 24.5 mg/g of
experimentation on removal percentage of nickel from maximum removal efficiency. The maximum uptake
electroplating industry wastewater with associated of 192.3 mg/g of nickel was removed by nettle ash from
parameters. The removal of associated parameters from wastewater (Zavvar and Seyedi, 2011). The adsorption
the electroplating industry wastewater was determined capacity of granular activated carbon for removing
at the optimum adsorbent dosage of 1.5 g/L, agitation nickel from aqueous solution was found to be 7.65
speed 75 rpm, particle size of 0.6 mm and concentration mg/g (Dimple, et al., 2016). The maximum adsorption
dilution of 75 % with pH 5.5 and contact time 110 capacity of oil cake activated carbon for nickel removal
min. The percentage removal of associated parameters in a wastewater was observed as 54.95 mg/g (Hema and
from electroplating industry wastewater using bamboo Srinivasan, 2010). The adsorption maximum capacity
activated carbon is presented in Table 4. of T. viride was observed as 47.6 mg/g for nickel ion
From Table 4, it may be concluded that the an at the pH of 4.5 (Sujatha, et al., 2013). In this study,
optimum adsorbent dosage of 1.5 g, agitation speed 75 maximum removal of nickel from electroplating

Table 3: Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm parameters for removing nickel

Table 3: Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm parameters for removing nickel from electroplating industry waster using bamboo activated carbon
from electroplating industry waster using bamboo activated carbon
Type of adsorption isotherm model Parameters
qm = 61.35 mg/g
KL = 1.34 L/mg
Langmuir Isotherm Parameters
RL = 0.0058
R2 = 0.9976
Kf = 1.02
Freundlich Isotherm Parameters 1/n = 35.46
R2 = 0.9976

Table 4:
Table 4: Percentage removal ofPercentage
associated removal of associated
parameters parameters
from electroplating from electroplating
industry industry
wastewater using bamboo activated carbon
wastewater using bamboo activated carbon
Sl. No. Parameters Percentage removal (%)
1 Biochemical oxygen demand 94.6
2 Chemical oxygen demand 88.4
3 Chloride 90.2
4 Sulphates 92.6
5 Total dissolved solids 96.7
Nickel removal from electroplating wastewater

Table 5:
5: Maximum
Maximum adsorption
adsorption capacity
capacity by
by different adsorbents
different adsorbents

S. No Adsorbents 𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 (mg/g) References

1 Peat 61.27 Wilson, et al., 2006
2 Tobacco dust 24.50 Qi and Aldrich, 2008
3 Oil cake activated carbon 54.95 Hema and Srinivasan, 2010
4 Holly sawdust 22.47 Samarghandi, 2011
5 Papaya seeds 30.58 Hema and Swamy, 2011
6 Araucaria cookie 37.03 Deepa, and Suresha, 2014
7 Pentaclethra macrophylla shell 2.45 Adeyemi and Dauda, 2014
8 Tea waste 5.40 Ince, 2014
9 Astragalus plant 1.30 Ince, 2014
10 Chestnut shell 5.60 Ince, 2014
11 Coconut coir pith 24.39 Ratan, et al., 2016
12 Mango leaf powder 16.62 Rajiv and Sarah, 2017
13 Coal fly ash 3.25 Ahmad, et al., 2017
14 Bamboo activated carbon 61.35 Present study

industry wastewater was at pH 5.5. But, maximum CONCLUSION

sorption capacity of nickel in an aqueous solution was This study concentrated for nickel removal from
observed at pH 4.5 (Vijayaraghavan, et al., 2004) and electroplating industry wastewater using bamboo
maximum removal of nickel in an aqueous solution activated carbon. The selected process parameters
using Trichoderma viride was obtained at the pH for this study are adsorbent dosages, agitation speeds,
of 4.5 (Sujatha, et al., 2013). The variation of pH particle sizes and concentration dilutions. The
between this study and previous studies are due to characterization of bamboo activated carbon indicated
presence of associated parameters in the electroplating that the prepared carbon is having good properties
industry wastewater than the aqueous solution. for removing nickel from electroplating industry
Maximum removal of nickel from electroplating wastewater. The results revealed that the maximum
industry wastewater using bamboo activated carbon removal of nickel (98.7 %) from electroplating industry
was observed in this study as 98.7 %. Dimple, et wastewater using bamboo activated carbon was
al., 2016 studied the nickel removal using activated observed at an optimum adsorbent dosage of 1.5 g/L,
carbon from an aqueous solution with the efficiency of optimum agitation speed of 75 rpm, optimum particle
87.52 %. The Maximum removal percentage size of 0.6 mm, and optimum concentration dilution of
of nickel in an aqueous solution using Leaves of 75% with the contact time of 110 min. and pH of 5.5.
Araucaria cookie was found to be 96.95 % at pH From FTIR analysis, alkanes, carboxylic acids, esters,
of 6 with 40 min. contact time. In this study, amine, amides, amines, aromatic compounds, alkyl halides,
hydroxyl and alcoholic functional groups in bamboo ethers, alcohols, carboxylic acids, aldehydes functional
activated carbon was involved for removing nickel groups in bamboo activated carbon was contributed
from the electroplating industry wastewater. Further, for removing nickel from the electroplating industry
an electrostatic attraction of nickel ions onto various wastewater. The equilibrium experimental data was
oxygen containing functional groups is the main fitted to isotherm models and model results indicated
property for removing nickel from electroplating that Langmuir adsorption isotherm model is fitted well
industry wastewater (Muharrem and Ince, 2017). (R2=0.9976) with equilibrium experimental data than the
The same observation was made by Sujatha, et al., Freundlich adsorption isotherm model. Because of high
2013. The Langmuir model was used for predicting adsorption capacity of bamboo activated carbon and low
maximum nickel uptake when situation was not cost of preparation, it may be used to purify water. The
suitable for determining the nickel concentration using weak acid ion exchange character of bamboo activated
experimental investigation. Further, the Langmuir carbon is effectively used for removing various ions
constant depends on the pH values, as pH values are present in any type industry wastewater. The capacity
increased, the both Langmuir constant and maximum of bamboo activated carbon for removing nickel is
nickel uptake also increased (Vijayaraghavan, et al., increased by activating the carbon with both acidic and
2004). alkaline solutions. Thus, this study concluded that the
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Sivakumar, D., Ph.D., Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Vel Tech High Tech Dr.Rangarajan Dr.Sakunthala Engineering
College, Avadi, Chennai, India. Email: sivakumar.gjesm@gmail.com
Nouri, J., APh.D., Professor, Department of Environmental Health Engineering, School of Public Heath, Tehran University of Medical
Sciences, Tehran, Iran.. Email: jnouri@tums.ac.ir
Modhini, T.M., B.E., Graduate Student. Department of Civil Engineering, Vel Tech High Tech Dr.Rangarajan Dr.Sakunthala
Engineering College, Avadi, Chennai, India. Email: tatamodhini31@gmail.com
Deepalakshmi, K., B.E., Graduate Student. Department of Civil Engineering, Vel Tech High Tech Dr.Rangarajan Dr.Sakunthala
Engineering College, Avadi, Chennai, India.. Email: deepakesavan19@gmail.com

Copyright for this article is retained by the author(s), with publication rights granted to the GJESM Journal.
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution
License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).


Sivakumar, D.; Nouri, J.; Modhini, T.M.; Deepalakshmi, K., (2018). Nickel removal from electroplating
industry wastewater: A bamboo activated carbon. Global. J. Environ. Sci. Manage., 4(3) 325-338.

DOI: 10.22034/gjesm.2018.03.006

url: http://www.gjesm.net/article_31501.html


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