C I FSHLG (BTHCH D Conversion of Shale Gas (Both CH and C H) To Chemicals: Relocating The Usgc T Pa Usgc To Pa
C I FSHLG (BTHCH D Conversion of Shale Gas (Both CH and C H) To Chemicals: Relocating The Usgc T Pa Usgc To Pa
C I FSHLG (BTHCH D Conversion of Shale Gas (Both CH and C H) To Chemicals: Relocating The Usgc T Pa Usgc To Pa
Robert M Rioux Department of Chemical Engineering The Pennsylvania State University Pennsylvania Institutes for Energy and Environment 165 Fenske Laboratory University Park, PA 16801
439 kJ/mol
350 kJ/mol
423 kJ/mol
Most reactions involving these reactions are endergonic (not p ), so heat must be added spontaneous), This is the primary reason why we burn methane, lots of energy harnessed in one little molecule
Dry reforming allows access to different CO:H2 ratio but process is not established on an industrial scale CH4 + CO2 2CO + 2H2
(Hrxn = 220 kJ/mol)
Deconstruct CH4 to oxidized carbon intermediate which is subsequently re-reduced CO + 2H2 CH3OH (methanol synthesis) nCO + (2n+1) H2 CnH(2n+2) + nH2O (Fischer-Tropsch synthesis) Methanol formaldehyde; Methanol gasoline (MTG)
CH3CH3 2 CH3
CH3CH2 CH2=CH2 + H
T t l Developmental Total D l t l cost t is i $1.5 $1 5 billion billi 1 Estimated Marcellus ethane output is 12 billion lbs/yr amounts to 4 world-scale crackers2
1http://www.glgroup.com/News/Shell-First-to-Announce-Large-Ethylene-Unit-in-Marcellus-Region-%28Part-1-of-2%29-54290.html 2http://www.glgroup.com/News/Is-Ethylene-Production-in-the-Cards-for-the-Marcellus-Shale-Region--52340.html