Production of Ammonia
Production of Ammonia
Production of Ammonia
The product gas from the primary reformer is a mixture of H2, CO,
CO2, unreacted CH4, and steam.
The main steam reforming reactions are:
For the production of methanol, this mixture could be used directly with
no further treatment except adjusting the H2/(CO + CO2) ratio to approx-
imately 2:1.
For producing hydrogen for ammonia synthesis, however, further
treatment steps are needed. First, the required amount of nitrogen for
ammonia must be obtained from atmospheric air. This is done by par-
tially oxidizing unreacted methane in the exit gas mixture from the first
reactor in another reactor (secondary reforming).
The main reaction occurring in the secondary reformer is the partial oxi-
dation of methane with a limited amount of air. The product is a mixture of
hydrogen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, plus nitrogen, which does not
react under these conditions. The reaction is represented as follows:
The reactor temperature can reach over 900°C in the secondary reformer
due to the exothermic reaction heat. Typical analysis of the exit gas from
the primary and the secondary reformers is shown in Table 5-1.
The second step after secondary reforming is removing carbon
monoxide, which poisons the catalyst used for ammonia synthesis. This
is done in three further steps, shift conversion, carbon dioxide removal,
and methanation of the remaining CO and CO2.
Table 5-1
Typical analysis of effluent from primary and secondary reformers
Constituent Primary reformer Secondary reformer
H2 47 39.0
CO 10.2 12.2
CO2 6.3 4.2
CH4 7.0 0.6
H2O 29.4 27.0
N2 0.02 17.0
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Shift Conversion
The product gas mixture from the secondary reformer is cooled then
subjected to shift conversion.
In the shift converter, carbon monoxide is reacted with steam to give
carbon dioxide and hydrogen. The reaction is exothermic and independ-
ent of pressure:
The forward reactions are also favored at higher pressures. However, the
space velocity becomes high with increased pressures, and contact time
becomes shorter, decreasing the yield. The actual process conditions of
pressure, temperature, and space velocity are practically a compromise of
several factors. Rany nickel is the preferred catalyst. Typical methanation
reactor operating conditions are 200–300°C and approximately 10
atmospheres. The product is a gas mixture of hydrogen and nitrogen hav-
ing an approximate ratio of 3:1 for ammonia production. Figure 5-2
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Figure 5-2. The ICI process for producing synthesis gas and ammonia:6 (1) desul-
furization, (2) feed gas saturator, (3) primary reformer, (4) secondary reformer, (5)
shift converter, (6) methanator, (7) ammonia reactor.
shows the ICI process for the production of synthesis gas for the manu-
facture of ammonia.6