2007 Ghana Budget Highlights
2007 Ghana Budget Highlights
2007 Ghana Budget Highlights
The key milestone for the country is
to become a transport hub for West
Ministry of Food and Agriculture Africa. To achieve this, the
(MOFA) will focus on the policies government will be pursuing a
and programmes aimed at
number of measures during the
enhancing agricultural output in
2007 financial year. Key among
order to achieve poverty reduction
these is continuing with the
as well as food security in the
maintenance and completion of on-
country. going projects as well as initiating
new development projects. These
To ensure the welfare of cocoa developments will largely be
farmers, the government has financed with the support of the
resolved to pay a bonus for cocoa nation’s development partners.
purchases for the 2005/06 main
crop season.
To raise additional revenue for road
maintenance, the government has
The government is also to promote proposed an increase in the fuel
the use of local rice and poultry by levy of US$0.02 as well as
all public institutions. increases in other road user fees
and levies.
In a bid to enhance transport
management, the government will
In response to the increasing
be developing strategies to
demand for energy in the country,
systemise annual registration of
the government will restore and
vehicles in the country.
upgrade various energy generating
facilities. The government, in
collaboration with its development Information Communication Technology
partners, will initiate new energy (ICT)
generation projects around the
country. During 2006 the telecommunication
industry experienced significant
The Petroleum Exploration law is growth marked by increased
expected to be reviewed in order to subscriber numbers.
make Ghana an attractive
destination for investments in hydro The government will focus on
carbon exploration. developing the legal and regulatory
framework for the sector. In
The government has also reiterated addition, it will adopt ICT in its
its commitment to fully implement operations in order to promote
the liberalisation of the downstream accountability, transparency and
sector. In the context of the efficiency in its service delivery.
liberalisation, the private sector will
be allowed to import crude oil for Health
The National Health Insurance Fund
Tourism (NHIF) experienced a growth in its
registered members in 2006 and the
As part of promoting Ghana as a target is to continue expanding the
tourist destination, the government coverage in 2007. The government
will also continue to intensify its
The Economy
“Golden Jubilee Budget”
“Focusing on growth
within an environment of
“Focusing on growth within an environment of economic
stability for economic
stability towards economic renaissance”
The Economy in 2006 Real GDP growth of 6.2% is
projected, ahead of the target of
6%. The agriculture sector
Based on the significant
contributed 35.8% of GDP, the
improvement in the socio-economic
industrial sector 25.4% and the
landscape over the past six years,
service sector 30.1%;
the government is confident that it is
on schedule to achieve “Middle
Income Status by 2015” target. This End year-on-year inflation as
confidence is further buoyed by the measured by changes in CPI
improvement in the country’s was reported at 10.5%.
Year end inflation is international ratings. Inflation is expected to end the
expected to be 11.2% year at 11.2%;
The growth in the domestic
economy in 2006 corresponds with The average inflation rate is
growth in the world economy. projected to end the year at
In spite of challenges posed to most
economies by high crude oil prices, Gross international reserves are
consumer spending and projected to fall from 4 months
government infrastructure financing import cover (2005) to 3.6
Driving national
continued to spur on economies to months;
development through positive growth. Economies such
Private Sector as, the USA, Japan, China and the
Development Euro Zone contributed significantly The domestic primary deficit
Human Resource to this growth. Low income was reported to be 2.1% of
Development and countries also rode on the back of GDP (end of September 2006),
buoyant prices on the commodities compared to a target of 1.4%;
Good governance and
(oil and metals, especially gold)
Civic Responsibility.
markets to record reasonable
The overall budget balance was
growth rates.
in deficit at 4.9% of GDP
Overall budget balance compared to the year’s target of
in deficit of 4.9% Ghana, in spite of the slower growth 4.5% of GDP;
compared to a targeted projected for Sub-Saharan Africa, is
likely to achieve its key macro-
4.5% of GDP. The average commercial
economic targets for 2006:
lending rates generally
decreased, underpinned by a
For the first three quarters of 2006, Real interest rates that enhance
wages and salaries amounted to effective mobilisation of savings
¢8,422.5 billion, higher than the and make credits affordable to
budgeted amount of ¢7,588 billion. the private sector; and
This is projected to hit ¢10,972.5
billion by the end of 2006, thereby
exceeding the budget of ¢9,999 Relatively stable real exchange
billion. During the year there were a rates that promote international
significant number of labour issues trade.
involving public sector workers.
Millennium Challenge For 2007, with expected inflows The first phase of the
from MDRI of ¢1,598.65 billion and Millennium Challenge Account
Account (MCA) project
HIPC debt relief of ¢2,210.83 billion, (MCA) project takes off in 2007
takes off in 2007. planned total poverty reduction with estimated expenditure of
expenditure will go up to ¢12,926.83 US$74.8 million;
billion representing 32.7 per cent of
the total government expenditure.
The government is to support at
least 5 large and 10 medium
The Power Sector and small scale salt producers
to expand production in the
The government plans to increase coastal basins of Western,
generation capacity through various Central, Greater Accra, and
measures. Additional power supply Volta Regions;
generated upon implementing these
measures is expected to be 20,000 hectares of oil palm will
1,141MW. be planted and one specialized
Direct Taxation
Expectation gaps still persist.
and insurance premiums should,
Final Withholding Taxes also be proportionately reduced.
Final withholding
Final withholding taxes on Capital Gains
taxes reduced for
dividends, management and
dividends, technical services, and rent have
management and been reduced. The capital gains tax rate has been
technical services, reduced from 10% to 5%.
and rent payments
The following reduced rates will be
applicable from 2007: The change was made to
encourage the public to register
changes in the ownership of
Capital gains tax Dividends - 8% (previously properties.
reduced from 10% to 10%);
National Reconstruction Levy
Management and technical
services - 15% (previously
20%); and The elimination of the NRL to all
companies, which had previously
been announced in the 2006 budget
Rent - 8% (previously 10%) has been reconfirmed.
computerisation of Verification of customs clearance Rationalisation of Excise Taxes
status of vehicles;
During 2007, a comprehensive bill
Provision of vehicle database; will be prepared to convert excise tax
and on alcoholic drinks, malt drinks,
carbonated soft drinks, cigarettes and
Excise taxes to be other tobacco products from the
revised from current Electronic transmission of current ad valorem regime to a
ad valorem regime to permits, licences and other specific rate structure. Details of
specific rate structure authorisation to CEPS via GcNet. implementation will be finalised by
the end of March 2007.
These measures are intended to
facilitate the clearing of goods and
Sectoral Outlook
Sectoral Performance and outlook for 2007
development of the rural
The Ministries, Departments and economy through the
Agencies (MDAs) continue to follow modernisation of agriculture led
the development agenda outlined in by a vibrant and competitive
agenda of the the GPRS II. private sector;
government still
based on direction
Thus selected policies, programmes enhanced infrastructure
and activities of MDAs have been development; and
geared towards addressing structural
constraints from the previous year to
increase productivity, adopt new sustained environmental
technologies and further enhance the protection through re-
Three thematic competitiveness of the private sector afforestation.
areas identified in relation to the agriculture, industry
under GPRS II
and service sectors. Agricultural Sector
The MLFM will continue to assist will be allowed to import crude oil for
small scale mining cooperatives. refining.
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) This measure will not only facilitate
clearance of goods but also eliminate
The IRS will undertake the following fraudulent practices by both traders
activities: and officials in the procurement and
utilization of such facilities.
The GCNet Unit in the Research The Ministry of Public Sector Reform
Division will be made fully will continue its activities in close
operational to capture taxpayers collaboration with implementing
Ministry of Justice