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Cycle Efficiency

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Definition of cycle : The object of all heat engines is to convert heat into mechanical work. In all such engines we use some substance, termed the working substance or working fluid to which we supply heat, so causing the working substance to expand, and in overcoming some external resistance to perform a certain amount of mechanical work. After the expansion process , we have some cold body or receiver of heat to which the working substance rejects heat before taking in a new supply of heat from the hot body or source of heat. The working substance is said to have undergone a cycle of changes of state when, after starting from some definite initial condition receiving a supply of heat, expanding and performing mechanical work and finally rejecting that quantity of heat which can not be converted into work, it is brought back to its initial state or condition. A single cycle is shown below how it works : Q1 4 1 kg H20 1

2 1 kg H20

3 H20

1 Kg H20

State change from 4 to 1 ( in Boiler)

State change from 1 to 2 ( in Turbine)

State change from 2 to 3 (in condenser).

State change from 3 to 4 (in pump)

In the above cycle the working fluid is water. The burning of fuel is transferred to water in the Boiler (B) to generate steam at a high pressure and temperature , which then expand s in the turbine (T) to a low pressure to produce shaft work. The steam leaving the turbine is condensed into water in the condenser (C ) where cooling water takes the heat released during condensation. The water is then fed back to the boiler by the pump(P) and the cycle goes on repeating itself. The working substance water , thus follows along the B-T-C-P path. Since the fluid is undergoing a cyclic process, there will be no net change in its internal energy over the cycle ( d E = O) and subsequently the net energy transfer to work from the fluid. Cycle net = Cycle W net or Q1-Q2 = Wt Wp Where Q1 = heat transferred to the working fluid , KJ/kg. Wt = Work transferred from the working fluid KJ/Kg Wp = Work transferred into the working fluid KJ/Kg. The efficiency of the vapour power cycle would thus be Cycle = (W net / Q1) = (Wt Wp)/ (Q1-Q2) / (Q1) = 1- (Q2 ) / ( Q1)

The ideal rankine Cycle : Fig.-1 shows the simplified flow diagram of a Rankine cycle. Fig. -2 & Fig. 3 show ideal Rankine cycles on the PV & T-S diagrams respectively. The curved lines to the left of the critical point (CP) on both diagrams are loci of all saturated liquid lines. The regions to the left of these are the sub-cooled liquid regions. The curved lines to the right of CP are the loci of all saturated vapour points and are the saturated vapour lines . The regions to the right of these lines are the superheat regions. The regions under the dome represent the two phase (liquid)/vapour) mixure region, sometimes called wet region . Cycle 1-2-3-4-B-1 (Fig.2) is a saturated Rankine cycle , meaning that saturated vapour enters the turbine. Cycle 1 -2 -3-4-B-1 , Fig.3 is a superheat Rankine cycle, meaning that superheated vapour enters the turbine. The cycle consist of the following four processes . 1-2 OR 1 -2 : Adiabatic reversible expansion through the turbine. The exhaust vapour at 2 or 2 is usually in the two phase region. 2-3 or 2 -3 : Constant temperature and being a two phase mixture process constant pressure heat rejection at condenser. 3-4 : Adiabatic reversible compression of saturated liquid by the pump. Line 3-4 will be almost vertical line on the PV & T-3 diagram because the liquid is essentially incompressible and the pump is adiabatic reversible. 4-1 or 4-1 : Constant pressure heat addition in the boiler. The portion4-B represents bringing the sub-cooled liquid, 4 to saturated vapour at constant pressure and temperature . This occurs in the water wall portion of boiler). Portion 1-1 in the superheat cycle represent heating the saturated vapour at 1 to 1 (This occurs at superheater section) Cycle analysis : Consider unit mass of working fluid Heat added (from SFEE of Boiler Q1 = h1 -h4 Turbine work Wt = h1 h2 Heat rejected Q2 = h2-h3 Pump work Wp = h4-h3 Q1 - Q2 Wnet Efficiency = Rankine = = Q1 Q1 = (Wt Wp) / Q1 = (h1-h2) (h4-h3)/(h1-h4) .. (A) Now consider pump work : Since , pump handles incompressible fluid, its specific volume undergoes little change with an increase in pre. For reversible adiabatic compression, if we combine first and second law of thermo dynamics, we will get following result From first law,

dQ = du +pdv (1) dQ = Heat transfer dv= Change in volume du= Change in internal energy P= Pressure From second law, we can define entropy and change in entropy is given by. dQ rev. = Tds . (2) T = Temperature Ds = Change in entropy Hence, Tds=du+pdv (3) From (1) & (2) again h=u + PV (H= Enthalpy constant ) Dh=du+pdv + vdp . (4) Hence, from (3) & (4) Tds = dh-pdv-vdp+pdv=dh-vdp So Tds-dh-vdp .. (5) Now, for adiabatic compression (reversible) work, ds = O Hence dh =vdp Now for our case (i.e. for unit mass of working fluid). Dh4 =vdp4= + vdp (for 3-4 process) h4-h3 =V(P4-P3) h4-h3 = V(P1-P2) (Since specific volume is constant for incompressible fluid. P4=P1 & P3=P2 from TS diagram Fog.3 Again from Fig.3 Pump work = (h4-h3 ) = V(P1-P2) usually pump work is very very small compared to turbine work sometimes neglected . Without pump work equation A; reduced to Rankine = (h1-h2) / (h1-h4) While portion (unshased area) = W net shaded area = Q2 . Fig.-A Q2 + W net = Q1

Various losses discussed on T-S plot (a) Piping loss: Pressure loss due to friction and heat loss to the surroundings are the most important piping losses. (b) Turbine losses : SFEE of turbine will give h1=h2 +Wt + Q loss Wt h1-h2 Q loss

For reversible expansion process, the path will be 1-2s. For an ordinary, Turbine the heat loss is small and actual turbine work is less than the reversible work out put and in that case h2> h2s, that means steam leveling the turbine will have more enthalpy than the ideal case. If heat loss is more, then the end state of steam from the turbine will be h2 . Isentropic efficiency of a turbine is given by T = (h1-h2) (h1-h2s) (c ) Condenser loss : CARNOT CYCLE The carnot cycle is an ideal but non-practical cycle giving the maximum possible thermal efficiency for a cycle operating on selected maximum and minimum.

Temperature ranges. For the Carnot cycle 1-2-3-4 in Fig.B compressing a very wet steam at state 3 would require a compressor of size and cost comparable with the turbine, it would absorb work comparable to that developed by the turbine and its life would be short because of blade erosion and cavitations problems due to excessive moisture. For the cycle 1-2-5-6-1, the pump work (h6-h5) is again very high and it is impossible to supply heat at infinite pressures and at constant temperature from state 6 to state -4. So the carnot cycle can not be realized in practice, but sets the upper limit to which the cycle efficiency of any thermal plant can be raised . For both the cycles 1-2-3-4-5-6, the cycle efficiency is given by max = 1 (T2)/(T1) = carnot MEAN TEMPERATURE OF HEAT ADDITION. If we draw a rectangle which ha sthe base equal to line 2-3 (Heat rejected to condenser) and its area bounded by the Rankine cycle process then height of the rectangle 3-5 defined as the mean temperature of heat addition . Q1 = h1 - h4 = Tm (S1-S4) Tm=( h1 - h4) / (S1-S4) ; Q2 = h2-h3 = T2(S1-S4) = 1-(T2)/ ( Tm). Where T2 is the temperature of heat rejection. The lower is the T2 for given Tm i.e. lower is the condenser pressure the higher will be the efficiency of the Rankine cycle . But the lowest practicable temperature of heat rejection is the temperature of surroundings. The saturation pressure corresponding to this temperature is the minimum pressure to which steam can be expanded in the Turbine. Effect of main steam pressure (Ref. Fig.5)

If the operating steam pressure at which heat is added in the boiler increases from P1 to P2 when the max temp. (T1) and exhaust pressure (Po) are fixed, the mean temperature Tm of heat addition will increase, since Tm between 7 & 5 is higher than between 4 & 1 = 1 (T2) / from this equation it is clear efficiency will increase.

But at the same time , if inlet pressure increases from P1 P2, the ideal expansion line shifts to the left and the moisture content at the turbine exhausts increases because (X6< X2 ). If moisture content of steam in the later stages of turbine is high, the water prarticles along with the vapour coming out with high velocity strikes the blade and erode their surfaces as a result of which the longevity of the blade decreases. From this consideration, the moisture content at the turbine exhaust is not allowed to exceed 12%, from this limitation we can get maximum operating steam pressure. Rated pressure at Bk.TPP is 149 KSC. Effect of superheat : If the initial temperature T1 increases (Fig.6) to T1 mean temperature of heat addition Tm will increase . If steam expansion is finished in the two phase region, an increase of the initial steam; temperature will diminish the wetness fraction of the steam in the last stages of turbine. Normal initial temperature, maintained at 540C in thermal power plants . A further increase of the temperature of superheating is restricted by the possibility of modern metallurgy and requires substantially higher expanses on power station construction. Effect of Exhaust pressure on Rankine Cycle: Exhaust pressure of turbine is commonly known as back pressure and it is equal to vacuum value maintained in condenser of Thermal Power Plant. A decrease of the pressure of exhaust steam.Po at the same initial steam parameters, lower the temperature

of heat rejection. A decrease of final pressure results in a higher average temperature difference between the supplied and removed heat, therefore, a higher available heat drop and hence a higher thermal efficiency of the cycle. The theoretical limit of pressure reduction in a cycle is determined by the saturation temperature at the final pressure (Po) which must not be less than the temperature of surroundings otherwise, it would not be possible to transfer heat during condensation, the surroundings. At lower value of pressure , specific volume of steam increases, for that reason to get lower value of exhaust pressure (means higher value of vacuum) in condenser, a greater cross section and dimensions of the last stages of the turbine ,(which makes the turbine more expensive), to accommodate large volume of steam flow . Again maintenance of high vacuum in the condenser is trouble some due to air ingress from outside and noncondensable gasses in feed water. An increase in the exhaust pressure increases the temperature of heat rejection. Here change in mean temperature of heat addition is negligible. From the equation of Rankine Cycle efficiency Rankine = (1-(To/Tm), it can be easily decided that Rankine will be less for higher value of exhaust pressure of Turbine (lower value of vacuum). So, efficiency of Rankine cycle will be less for low vacuum of condenser . Practically, it is seen that, lower value of vacuum, increases exhaust temperature. Lower value of vacuum reduces the driving force of steam, which is required for driving out the steam from turbine into condenser. For this reason, steam delays to be driven out from the turbine and last stages of LP turbine are subjected to charning effect. As a result LP turbine blades and glands are subjected to higher temperature than the designed temperature . Effect of Reheat: It has been already seen that initial temperature of Rankine cycle is restricted because of limitation of high temperature metallurgy and related expanses . If very high pressure is used in power plant, keeping initial temperature constant (540C ), then dryness fraction at the turbine exhaust reduces and for that reason to limit the dryness fraction at the LP turbine exhaust to 0.88, reheat has to be adopted. In that case all the steam after partial expansion in the HP turbine is brought back to the boiler, reheated by combustion gases and then fed back to the turbine for further expansions in IP/LP turbine. The flow, T-S & h-s diagrams for the ideal Rankine cycle with reheat are shown in the figure . In the first step, steam expands in the higher pressure (H.P) turbine from initial state to some intermediate pressure (1-2). The steam is reheated at constant pressure in the Boiler (2-3) and the remaining expansion (process-3-4) of steam is carried out in the low pressure (L.P) turbine . For 1Kg of steam . Q1= h1-h6s +h3 -h2s Q2= h4s -hs Q2 = Wt = h1-h2s+h3-h4s, Wp=h6s-h5 = (WT Wp) / Q1= (h1-h2s+h3-h4s) Steam rate =3600 / Wnet kg/kwh Heat rate =3600/ kg/KWH If higher pressure (P1) is used without reheat, the ideal Rankine cycle would have been 1-4-5-6 with the use of reheat , the area 2-3-4-4 has been added to the basic cycle. It is obvious that net work out of plant increases with reheat, because (h3-h4) is greater than (h2-h4 ) and hence the steam rate decreases whether the cycle efficiency improves with

reheat depends upon whether the mean temperature of heat addition of reheat cycle is higher than the basic cycle. In practice , reheat gives a marginal increase in cycle efficiency by in increases net work out of the cycle as it makes possible the use of higher pressure, keeping the quality of steam at turbine exhaust within permissible limit. The quality improves from (X- X4 ) by use of reheat. A low reheat pressure may bring down mean temperature of heat addition and hence cycle efficiency. A high reheat pressure increases the moisture content at LP turbine exhaust. Thus the reheat pressure is optimized, and the optimum reheat pressure for most of the power plant is about 0.2 to 2.5 of initial steam pressure. Effect of Regeneration: In order to increase the mean temperature of head addition , attention was so far confined to increasing the amount of heat supplied at high temperatures such as increasing super-heat , using higher pressure and temperature of steam and using reheat . The mean temperature of heat addition can also be increased by decreasing the amount of heat added at low temperature in Boiler.

Let us calculate the mean temperature of heat addition at regenerative feed heating system and without regenerative system. In first case Tm = (h1-h10)/(S1-S10) And in second case Tm = (h1-h6) / (S1-S6) It is clear from the T-S diagram that (h1-h6) > (h1-h10) So Tm > Tm from this relation it can be said that the cycle efficiency with regenerative feed heating is greater than without regeneration.

Efficiencies in a Steam Power Plant: Boiler efficiency = boiler (rate of energy absorption by water to form steam) rate of energy release by the combustion of fuel). Ws(h1-h4) / (Wf x C.V.). Where Ws = Steam generation rate Wf = Fuel burning rate C.V. = Calorific Value. generator = (Electrical output at generator terminal)/(brake output of the turbine). Aux. = (Net power transmitted by generator) / (gross power produced by the plant). So, boiler x cycle x turbine (mech.) X generator X Aux. = overall For modern power plants typical values are: boiler = 0.92; cycle = 0.44; turbine = 0.95; generator = 0.93; Aux. = 0.95 So overall = 0.92 x 0.44 x 0.95 x 0.93 x 0.95 = 0.34 = 34% TURBINE EFFICIENCY For the steady flow operation of a turbine, neglecting changes in K.E. and P.E. Maximum or ideal work output per unit mass of steam (WT) max = (WT) Ideal = (h1-h2s ) = Reversible and adiabatic enthalpy drop in turbine. This work is however , not obtainable , since no real process is reversible. The expansion process is accompanied by irreversibilities . The actual final state 2 can be defined, since the temperature, pressure and quality can be found by actual measurement. The actual path 1-2 is not known and its nature is immaterial, since the work output is here being expressed in terms of change of a property, enthalpy. Accordingly, the work done by the turbine in irreversible adiabatic expansion from 1 to 2 is (WT ) actual = h1-h2 This work is known as internal work, since only the irreversibilities within the flow passages of turbine are affecting the state of steam at the turbine exhaust. So, Internal output = Ideal output Friction and other losses within the turbine casing. If Ws is steam flow rate in kg/h. Internal output =Ws(h1-h2) KJ/h. The internal efficiency of turbine is defined as

internal = (Internal output) / Ideal output) = (h1-h2) / (h1-h2s) . Work output available at the shaft is less than the internal output because of the external losses in the bearings etc. So, Brake output or shaft output. = Internal output Internal and external losses. The brake efficiency of turbine is defined as mech = (brake output)/ (Internal output) = (KW x 3600) / Ws (h1-h2s). The mechanical efficiency of turbine is defined as mech = (brake output)/ (Internal output) = (KW x 3600) / Ws (h1-h2). Work output available at the shaft is less than the internal output because of the external losses in the bearings etc. So, Brake output or shaft output. = Internal output External losses. = Ideal output Internal and External losses. The brake efficiency of turbine is refind as brake = (brake output)/ (Ideal output) = (KW x 3600) / Ws (h1-h2s). The Mechanical efficiency of turbine is defined as mech = (brake output)/ (Internal output) = (KW x 3600) / Ws (h1-h2). So, brake = internal X mech TURBINE HEAT RATE CALCULATION What is heat rate? The heat rate is defined as the amount of heat required to generate unit power, i.e. heat required to produce 1 KWH.

Turbine heat rate is defined as the heat required i.e. supplied through main steam to generate one (1) KWH electricity. Calculation formula for the heat rate Heat Rate = Main steam Enthalpy) - (Final Feed water flow x final feed water Enthalpy) + (Hot Reheat Steam Flow X Hot Reheat Steam Enthalpy) Cold Reheat Steam Flow X Cold Reheat Steam Enthalpy) Unit T/H K Cal/Kg. T/H T/H K Cal/Kg. K Cal/Kg. T/H K Cal/Kg. MW K Cal/Kg. Generator output

Parameter M.S. Flow M.S. Enthalpy F.F. Flow HRH Steam Flow FF flow Enthalpy HRH Steam Flow Enthalpy CRH Steam Flow CRH Steam Enthalpy Generator output Turbine Heat Rate Turbine Heat Rate at Test Load


: : : : : : : : : :

MS flow Enthalpy of MS Final feed water flow Enthalpy of final feed water HRH steam flow Enthalpy of HRH flow CRH steam flow Enthalpy of CRH flow Reheat Attemperation spray flow

Correction for Turbine Heat Rate When the actual operating conditions are deviated from those specified for the guarantee values or expected values at the tests, the measured turbine heat rate shall be corrected according to the following formula. HRT/GM x (1-1 + 2+ 3 + 4+ 5+ 6+ 7+ 8+ 9+ 10) HRT/GC= 100 Where , HRT /GC HRT/GM Correction factor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

: : : : : : : : : : : : :

Corrected Turbine heat rate at test load Measured turbine heat rate at test load

MS pressure


MS temperature( % ) HRH Temperature (%) Condenser Vacuum (%) Reheater Pressure drop (%) Make up water flow (%) Power factor (%) Auxiliary Steam flow (%) Reheater spray water flow (%) Final feed water Temperature (%)

All the above calculations are done according to the test code ASME PTC 6 Steam turbine HP turbine efficiency IP turbine efficiency LP turbine efficiency Unit Heat rate Net turbine heat rate

: : : : :

84.71% 92% 88.8% 2551 K cal/KWH 2289 K cal/KWH


TABLE 1 OFF DESIGN CONDITIONS APPROXIMATE EFFECT ON ACTUAL HEAT RATE Parameter Main Steam Temp. Main Steam Pr. Reheat Temp. Reheat Spray Back Pressure Excess O2 Flue Gas Temp. Excess Make up Auxiliary Power Deviation -5C -1Kg/cm -5C + 1% (Throttle flow) + 1mm HgA +1% O2 +5C + 1% + 1% Effect on Heat Rate +2.3 k cal /KWH +1 k cal /KWH +2.3 k cal /KWH 2.4 to 3.6 k cal /KWH +2.0 k cal /KWH +7.2 k cal /KWH +4.6 k cal /KWH + 6 k cal /KWH +20 k cal /KWH TABLE - 2 VALUE OF TURBINE EFFICIENCY LEVEL IMPROVEMENT ON A UNIT HEAT RATE OR 2500 K CAL/KWH One % improvement in Effect on Turbine cycle heat Effect on Heat Rate efficiency On rate HP turbine 0.2% Heat Rate 5 kcal KWH IP turbine 0.2% Heat Rate 5 kcal KWH LP turbine 0.5% Heat Rate 12.55 kcal KWH Calculation formula for the heat Rate (Heat Rate = (( Main Steam flow X Main steam enthalpy ) -(Final feedwater flow X final feedwater enthalpy) + (Hot heat steam flow x hot reheat steam enthalpy) - (Cold reheat steam flow x cold reheat steam enthalpy)) / Generator output Ex. 100% load no.FE GN-179-100-001-1/50 PARAMETER Unit Data MAIN STEAM FLOW T/H 623.798 MAIN STEAM K cal /Kg 816.03 ENTHALPY FINAL FEED WATER T/H 623.798 FLOW FINAL FEED WATER K cal /Kg 253.82 ENTHALPY HRH STM FLOW T/H 559.367 HRH STM ENTHALPY K cal /Kg 844.25 CRH STM FLOW T/H 559.367 CRH STM ENTHALPY K cal /Kg 735.73 GENERATOR OUTPUT LW 210


K CAL/kwh


Calculation procedure of turbine heat rate A. CLACULATION FLOW: Measured flow Deaerator inlet condensate water flow (QDEA) Deaerator inlet condensate water flow is measured by the flow element for the test (F540) HP turbine leak off steam flow (QGL1) HP turbine leak off steam flow is measured by the flow orifice for the test (F150) Make up water flow is measured by the station instrument (F460) Auxiliary steam attemperator spray water flow (QSPA) Auxiliary steam attemperator spray water flow is measured by the station instrument (F590) Turbine auxiliary steam flow (QTAS) Turbine auxiliary steam flow (total) is measured by the station instrument (F800) Boiler auxiliary steam flow (QBAS) Boiler auxiliary steam flow (total) is measured by the station instrument (F810) Re-heater attemperator spray water flow is measured by the station instrument (850) B. Calculation of flow Main steam flow (QMS) QMS =Qfw -QRSP QBAS-QCL Where : Qfw : HP Heater No.06 outlet feedwater flow (t/h) QRSP: Reheater attemperator spray water flow (t/h) QBAS: Boiler Auxiliary steam flow (t/h) QCL : Cycle loss = MU hot dia Boiler (t/h) Where QMU = Make up water fbw from condensate storage tank (I/A) hot storage increase as decrease of hotwell dia storage increased as decrease of decreator Boiler storage increase or decrease of boiles drum HP heater No.6 outlet feed water flow (Qfw )
GI=1+ + hHsd(hfw - hfw1 ) HE4 ( HE6 -hH6d ) (Hh6d-Hh5d) (hfw-hfw1) (HE5 -hH5d ) (HE-Hh6d) + hHsd( hfw1 - hfw2 ) Hfw-hfw1 HE4 ( HE5 -hH5d ) HE6 hH6d Hh5d(hfw-hfw1)(Hh6d Hh5d) Hfw3 HE4 Htw1-htw2 Hh5D


G2 = QDEA Qfw


G2 G1

hDEa ) HE4

Where : QDEA hfw hfw1 hfw2 Hfw3 HE6 HE5 HE4 hh6d hh5d hDEA

: : : : : : : : : : :

Deaerator I/L condensate water flow HP Heater No.6 O/L (feed water enthalpy) HP Heater No.6 L/L (feed water enthalpy) HP Heater No.5 I/L (feed water enthalpy) Deaerator O/L feed water enthalpy HP Heater No.6 I/L extraction steam enthalpy HP Heater No.5 I/L extraction steam enthalpy Deaerator I/L extraction steam enthalpy HP heater no.6 O/L drain enthalpy HP heater no.5 drain enthalpy Deaerator I/L condensate water enthalpy

t/h (Kcal/kg) (Kcal/kg) (Kcal/kg) (Kcal/kg) (Kcal/kg) (Kcal/kg) (Kcal/kg) (Kcal/kg) (Kcal/kg) (Kcal/kg)

Cold reheat steam flow to the boiler (QCRS) QCRS = QMS-QGL-QE6 Where QMS : Main Steam flow QGL : HP turbine leak off steam flow QE6 : HP heater no.6 I/L extraction steam flow Hot reheat steam flow (QHRS) QHRS = QCRS + QRSP Where ; QCRS : Cold reheat steam flow to the boiler QRSP : Reheater attemperator spray water flow HP heater No. 6 I/L extraction steam flow (QE6) QE6 = Qfw x (hfw-hfw1)/HE6-hH6d) Where : Qfw hfw Hfw1 HE6 hH6d

(t/h) (t/h) (t/h)

(t/h) (t/h)

: : : :

HP Heater No.6 O/L feed water flow HP Heater No.6 O/L feed water enthalpy HP Heater No.6 O/L feed water enthalpy HP Heater No.6 I/L extraction stream enthalpy HP Heater No.6 O/L drain enthalpy

t/h (Kcal/kg) (Kcal/kg) (Kcal/kg) (Kcal/kg)

HP Turbine leak off flow (QGL) QGL = QGL1 + QGL2 + QVLL

Where : QGL1 : Gland leak off flow measured by test orifice QGL2 : Other gland leak off flow QVLL : HP turbine control valve leak off flow HP Turbine other gland leak off flow (QGL2) HP turbine other gland leak of flow (QGL2) HP turbine other gland leak off flow for which the following design value is taken At 100% load : 0.811 (t/h) At 75% load : 0.61 (t/h) HP turbine control valve leak off flow (QVLL) HP turbine control valve leak off flow, for which the following design value is taken At 100% load : 0.53 At 75% load : 0.53 C. Calculation of Enthalpy Enthalpy of HP turbine inlet steam (HMS ) (Kcal/kg) This enthalpy is calculated from HP turbine inlet steam pressure (P100, P102) and temperature (T100,T102,T103). Enthalpy HP turbine outlet steam (HCRH ) (Kcal/kg) This enthalpy is calculated from HP turbine outlet steam pressure (P110) and temperature (T110,T111). Enthalpy of Hot reheat turbine inlet steam (HCRH ) (Kcal/kg) This enthalpy is calculated for LP turbine inlet steam pressure (P206,P207) and temperature (T200, T201,T202,T203). Enthalpy final feedwater (hfw) (Kcal/kg) This enthalpy is calculated from HP heater no.5 O/L feed water temp.(T612), HP heater No.6 I/L feed water pressure (P620) and temp. (T610,611). Enthalpy deaerator O/L feedwater (hfw3) Kcal/kg) This enthalpy is calculated from deaerator outlet feed water pressure (P600, P602, P603, P604) and temp. (T600, T601,T602,T604,T605) Enthalpy of deaerator I/L condensate water (hDEA) ( kcal/kg) This enthalpy is calculated from deaerator inlet condensate water pressure (p540) and temp. (T540,541). Enthalpy of HP Heater No.6 I/L extraction steam (HE6 ) (kcal/kg) This enthalpy is calculated from HPH heater No.6 I/L steam pressure (P660) and temp. (T660,T661). Enthalpy of HP Heater No.5 I/L extraction steam (HE3 ) (kcal/kg) (t/h) (t.h) (t/h) (t/h) (t/h)

This enthalpy is calculated from HP heater No.5 inlet steam pressure (P650) and temp. (T650,T651). Enthalpy of deaerator I/L extraction steam (HE4 ) (kcal/kg) This enthalpy is calculated from deaerator I/L steam pressure (P580) and temp (T580,T581). Enthalpy of HP heater No.6 drain (hH6d) (kcal/kg) This enthalpy is calculated from HP heater No.6 I/L steam pressure (P660) and temp. (T662, T663). Enthalpy of HP heater no.5 drain (hHsd) (kcal/kg) This enthalpy is calculated from HP heater No.5 I/L steam pressure (P650) and temperature (T652,T653).

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