Application version:
HW 8.0SR1 & above
Computer hardware:
All HW supported platform.
Categories: Subcategories
FBD Cross Section, Resultant Force & Moment Utility in HyperMesh
Topic details:
HyperMesh allows you to create or edit Free Body Diagrams (FBD) using several tools from the Post
(HW-9.0) and Results (HM 8.0SR1) pull down menu. This is available in OptiStruct, Radioss Linear,
Nastran and Abaqus User Profiles.
FBD Utility
Free Body Diagram (FBD) utilities facilitate the extraction and post-processing of Grid Point Force
(GPFORCE) results. FBD extractions are typically utilized where balanced "free body" sub-cases are
extracted from a coarse grid model and applied to a fine grid sub-model for eventual optimization and/or
analysis. FBD is also used to extract cross-sectional resultant forces and moments (typically at the
centroid of a cross-section) for use in traditional strength calculations.
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Summary table
7. One can also use the FBD Results Manager to graphically review and manage the load
collectors generated from all FBD and Resultant Force and Moment utilities.
8. Finally the CSV/FBD file generated would have all the Force and Moment data which can be input
in HyperGraph in order to plot the Shear Moment/Potato Curves as shown below.
FBD Utility in HG
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Altair HyperWorks Technical Support Group (sg)
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