Project Proposal
Project Proposal
Project Proposal
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Aatish Chiniah
Network, Security
Evaluation of security mechanisms for Grid Application
Grid Computing is the usage of available resources in the network to maximise the usage of it.
The Resources include CPU power, Memory, Disk Space and etc. However, some information
being transferred to the different parts of the network could be at stake, if proper security
measures are not applied. This project looks at the implementation of the same grid application
and applying different security mechanism.
Understand the concept of Grid Computing.
Develop a grid application.
Apply different security mechanisms to the grid application.
Perform different performance tests, and evaluate the optimal solution.
Produce an Application capable of
(i) Identifying available clients
(ii) Define a rule to distribute work to clients
(iii) Spilt and distribute tasks to clients.
(iv) Apply different security mechanisms to application.
Java, switch, PCs.
Anuja Meetoo-Appavoo
Algorithm, Artificial Intelligence
Real-Time Prediction of Traffic Accidents
There has been an increase in human mobility and hence in vehicles on the road. Growth in the
number of vehicles has also led to stressful travelling experience and a rise in the the number
of road accidents. Hence, the effective management of traffic on the roads is a pressing issue.
Traffic surveillance using monitoring cameras is a current practice for traffic management in
Mauritius. Many drivers also make use of navigation systems which uses GPS, e.g. Tom Tom
navigation system. However, there is no system in place that allows real-time prediction of
possible vehicle crash and eventually notify the drivers concerned with the aim of preventing the
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
The aim of this project is to develop a verhicle crash prediction system by tracking moving
vehicles and eventually preventing the accident. The objectives are to:
- Study existing vehicle crash prediction systems, in particular the algorithms used.
- Identify the limitations of existing systems and algorithms.
- Propose a novel system and/or prediction algorithm to determine the possibility of a crash.
- Design the architecture of the system for predicting traffic accidents in a real-time manner and
alerting the drivers concerned with further procedures to avoid the traffic accidents.
- Evaluate the performance of the proposed system and/or prediction algorithm in terms of
accuracy and success rate.
- Evaluate the proposed system and/or prediction algorithm with respect to other existing ones
using specific metrics with the aim of showing how the proposed one is better.
A novel system and/or algorithm for for real-time prediction of traffic accidents and alerting the
drivers concerned, and its/their evaluation with respect to existing similar systems.
Software open to students, Android phone.
Anuja Meetoo-Appavoo
Web, Artificial Intelligence
Student Performance Monitoring System
Every academic year, students fail in introductory Computer Science modules or are terminated
from their studies. A major reason for this is large class sizes, especially in the first year of the
programmes. One possible solution is to monitor the weekly performance of individual students.
This will help to find out if a weaker students is falling behind or a gifted students is losing
motivation due to not being challenged. Hence, such issues can be resolved as soon as they
arise, thus leading to a lower failure rate or termination cases. However, monitoring student
performance on a weekly basis for a large cohort requires many time consuming tasks such as
documenting, storing and interpreting performance data.
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
The aim of this project is to design and implement a system to help in monitoring the weekly
performance of individual students as well as the whole class in practical sessions, and make
use of the performance data to solve the problem of difference in students' aptitudes. The
objectives are to:
- Identify requirements of the performance monitoring system.
- Study existing performance monitoring systems and applications / tools that can be used to
evaluate the performance of students.
- Evaluate the existing systems / applications / tools.
- Propose a performance monitoring system for the CSE department that will solve the problem
of weaker students failling and brighter students losing motivation.
- Design, implement and test the proposed performance monitoring system.
- Evaluate the proposed system.
A student performance monitoring system that provides better visibility on student performance
by reducing the difficulty and time needed to interpret student performance data, automates the
task of documenting student performance data on a weekly basis and securely managing the
data, among others.
Open to students.
Baby Gobin
Mobile Computing
A mobile application to detect speed cameras
computing capability. Not to mention, the ability to connect to Wi-Fi networks, which can provide
large amount of information like feeds, access social networks and get traffic information.
Furthermore the use of GPS system has also become prevalent nowadays with the great
availability of smartphones. All these technical abilities make smartphones, an ideal platform for
new software which can be carried anywhere with the user. These technologies could be used
to implement a system that can reduce if not eliminate accidents by analyzing traffic flow and
giving relevant alerts to drivers.
Speed cameras are one of the most used equipment by police force in Mauritius nowadays and
statistics show that a huge amount of vehicle drivers are getting fined for excess speed limits.
An application for smart phones using the latest technologies can be very helpful to drivers.
They can be used alert the driver about potential speed camera location and speed greatly help
in reducing excess speed and potentially accidents too. The mobile application can also
indicate by how much the driver is excessing in speed so that he/she can reduce the speed,
and eventually prevent getting fined.
The aim of this project is to develop a nearby speed camera alert system by tracking the
moving vehicles and eventually inform the user to regulate its speed with respect to the speed
limit. The objectives are to:
-Study existing speed camera location applications
-investigate about GPS tracking
-Research on ways of detecting a user location from his/her phone
-Design an application for alerting the driver about a nearby speed camera
-Detect the user speed and compare it to the speed limit
-track user GPS path
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Ontologies play an important role for the semantic web which aims at capturing domain
knowledge and provide a commonly agreed understanding of a domain, which may be reused
and shared across applications and groups. The various ontologies need to be evaluated and
for this purpose many metrics and tools have been proposed. However each tool concentrate
on specific metrics and if ontology engineers have to evaluate ontologies they need to use the
tools separately. It is also not easy to get hold of the evaluation tool. Ontology engineer will
benefit a lot if a tool is provided which contains a maximum number of metrics.
The aim is to develop a tool which can be used to evaluate ontologies. The objectives are:
- In-depth analysis of exising ontology evaluation metrics
- Investigate on existing tools used for ontology evaluation
- Propose a tool to evaluate ontologies
A plugin for Protege 2000 for ontology evaluation
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Bikash Sonah
Data hiding in text
Problem Definition:
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Data hidden in text has a variety of applications, including copyright verification, authentication,
and annotation. However, text is the most difficult media to hide data due to lack of redundant
information and due to highly perceptible modifications made to it. Thus, data hiding in text is an
exercise in the discovery of modifications that are not noticed by readers. To achieve this,
several major methods of encoding data exists, for instance, open space methods that encode
through manipulation of white space (unused space on the printed page), syntactic methods
that utilize punctuation, and semantic methods that encode using manipulation of the words
The students are expected:
- To study techniques of encoding data into text
- To implement a combination of techniques, demonstrate and compare them
- To propose an improvement to an existing technique and demonstrate the strength of
any innovative features
Bikash Sonah
Real-time Systems
Applying Evolutionary Algorithms for Job-shop Scheduling
The Job-shop Scheduling problem consists of scheduling a set of operations in a predefined
sequence on a number of processors subject to various constraints. The resultant schedule
shows the temporal assignment of operations to the processors with the aim of minimizing the
makespan. Exact methods such as branch and bound and dynamic programming take
considerable computing time. The aim of this project is to look into evolutionary algorithms
(search and optimization algorithms inspired by the process of natural selection) to find a nearoptimal solution to the job-shop scheduling problem.
Dassen Sathan
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Programming and graphics detection algorithms
Road traffic signs detection and voice communication
With the introduction of the driving license penalty system , drivers have to be careful not to
violate road traffic regulations such as no-entry, speed limit. Very often due to lack of attention,
we can drive into a no -entry road or exceeds speed limit.And if caught by police officer will
entail a penalty on our DLC.
The main aim is to be able to capture the road signs using a camera and then send alert to
drivers based on no-entry signs, speed limits signs etc.
Voice output alert system.
Dassen Sathan
Programming and graphics detection algorithms
Traffic law enforcement using camera
With the introduction of the point penalty system for the driving license, the government is trying
to minimise the number of road accidents, but unfortunately the police officers can be on the
road all day all night to track people committing offences such as not stopping at red light,
using mobile phone while driving, not stopping at a pedestrian crossing, overtaking when there
is white line etc. And because of these drivers not abiding to road regulations, there can be
accidents with disastrous consequences. Since the government is placing cameras all over the
country , we could take the images form these cameras and identify drivers comitting these
offences, get their license number from the picture.
To identify driver commiting road violations through the pictures captured by camera.To extract
the license number of the vehicle.
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Get the offences made by the driver and the vehicle plate number (using existing algorithms)
Hema Puttay Dowlut
Software Engineering / Any other Applicable Engineering disciplines - for e.g Chemical Eng
Development of a tool for the Interpretation and Use of Energy Indicators in Mauritius
The aim of this project is to capture, analyse, synthesise and develop an appropriate and userfriednly tool that could be used by Scientifics/Researchers working with Energy Indicators.
Energy : Electricity [Power], Gas/Gasoline [Domestic], Fuel [Land Transportation ]
To review the current list of available published data in the Energy Sector
Perform a survey to determine the effectiveness and use of the energy data.
To develop a user-friendly tool for the capture and processing of the data
To analyse the data for determining trends and for forcasting purposes.
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
User-friendly software that enables easy capture, processing and chart generation facilities.
Java / or any other applicable tech
Jeetendranath Seetohul
Web Technologies, Database Systems.
Online Voting System
Statistics confirm that manual voting systems as there is a lot of paper work and human effort
for the counting of votes. Manual voting consumes almost 2-4 hours to every voter, which is a
setback. With an online voting system, people can vote from home or from any other place.
With most current systems, people have to visit the booth to cast their vote across a country.
The aim of the project is to create and manage polling and election details. This system, being
online, will enable people who live out of their home town to vote. A database of all the eligible
citizens and candidates will be maintained by the system.
Web-based voting system.
Based on technological analysis.
Jeetendranath Seetohul
Mobile Communications
Mobile Payment Service
The Internet has revolutionized the way business is done. E-business has slowly flourished and
e-payments were introduced. However, the models, as well as the technology necessary to
support E-business, are getting more complex day by day. M-business can be seen as the
natural successor to E-business, exploiting the capabilities of wireless media for the
development and provision of advanced business and customer services. Mobile payments are
seen as the natural evolution of existing e-payment schemes that will complement them.
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Kavi Khedo
Mobile Computing
Implementation of a Guidance System for the Visually Impaired Persons
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
The most important travelling aid for the visually impaired person is still the white cane. It is
after all an excellent example of a good travelling aid: multifunctional, cheap and reliable. It also
tells to others that the person is visually impaired. In studies about visually impaired person
navigation it has been noted that even a small amount of extra information about the
environment makes a remarkable increase in performance. Therefore, the provision of extra
information that can help the visually impaired people needs to be investigated.
When people walk from one place to another, they make use of several different inputs. When
a visually impaired person walks from one location to another, he would lack many useful
inputs. The goal of the project is to develop a system to augment a visually impaired persons
pedestrian experience with enough information to make them feel comfortable on a walk from
one location to another. The system should constantly guides the blind user to navigate based
on static and dynamic data. Environmental conditions and landmark information queried from a
spatial database along their route are provided on the fly through detailed explanatory voice
Students are expected to implement a functional proof of concept prototype which enables
users to obtain spoken GPS navigational information using an intuitive speech recognition
interface. The prototype system can advise the user where he/she is currently located, and
provide spoken directions to travel to a destination.
J2ME, Android SDK, Android Mobile Phone
Kevin Sungkur
Image Processing
Eye Tracking System for enhanced learning
In online learning, there is a need to create more effective interaction between e-learning
content and learners. In particular, increasing the learners' motivation by stimulating their
interests is very important. However, for any e-learning system to be effective, the knowledge
transfer must occur in a usable, accessible, and functional manner.
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Eye tracking can be used to improve the functionalities of an e-learning system. It can
dynamically capture users' behaviors in such a way that determines what they are doing, how
much attention they are giving to each topic, where they are stuck, at and in what order they are
reading content. The aim and objectives of this project are to implement an Eye Tracking
System for enhanced learning experiences and to be able to show how this offers a better
learning experience
Student are expected to implement an Eye Tracking system for enhanced learning
Open to students
Kevin Sungkur
Mobile Application Development
A Pedagogical Application for tablets to be used in Secondary Schools
The Government of Mauritius has been introducing tablets in schools for Form 4 students.
However there is still much to be done in terms of identifying potential pedagogical tools and
applications to be used on these tablets
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
The aim and objectives of this project are to identify and implement an appropriate pedagogical
tool that would be relevant for use in secondary schools for this specific age group
Students are expected to implement a Pedagogical Application for tablets to be used in
Secondary Schools
Open to students
Leckraj Nagowah
Software Testing
Scriptless Test Automation
Scriptless test automation does not use record and playback techniques. Instead it builds a
model of the Application Under Test (AUT) and then enables the tester to create test cases by
simply editing in test parameters and conditions. The problem is the model of the AUT is
actually implemented using test scripts, which have to be constantly maintained whenever
theres change to the AUT.
The aim of this project is to build a scriptless test automation tool that requires no scripting
skills, but has all the power and flexibility of a scripted approach. It should also dynamically recreate the model of the AUT in case there are changes in the AUT and provide support for
reusability of the existing test cases.
A Scriptless test automation tool
Excellent programming skills. Students will use Visual C# & ASP.NET to implement the tool.
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Leckraj Nagowah
Software Testing
Requirement/Test Case Management
With an increasing focus of delivering applications that meets the needs of the clients,
companies are putting much more emphasis on software testing. It is very important to manage
test cases and ensure that the system being developed meets all the identified set of
requirements. Hence there is a need to provide a system that manage testing from beginning to
end - track requirements, test cases, and test cycles
The aim of this project is to implement a tool that creates and manages requirements, releases,
test cases, test suites, bugs, and provides a comprehensive traceability matrix and dashboard
to view, track, and manage your development and testing.
A requirement/test case management tool
Excellent programming skills. Students will use Visual C# & ASP.NET to implement the tool.
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Gender recognition plays an important role in a wide range of applications in HCI and for many
commercial purposes. Gender recognition has not been widely explored. The entire human
body definitely contains information in determining the gender of a human being. However, in
most cases, the whole human silhouette cannot be used. An alternative solution to this is to use
the features human face to determine the gender of a human being.
Analyse features of the human face- Determine the core features that determine the gender of
a human being- Analyse techniques that classify gender- Extract the required features from the
images captured- Apply the appropriate techniques to the features extracted- Automatic
determination of the gender given an image
An automatic gender identification system
Open to the student
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Narainsamy Pavaday
A statistical simulation generator and verifier for Mauritian Horse Racing
Problem Definition:
Project Output:
In general a horse racing tipster uses a number of features to base their selection. Using simple
pen and paper, as it is the case now, makes it that few factors can be taken into consideration
else the process becomes too complicated and cumbersome. This project aims at building a
generator for helping the tipster to use as many features as possible and also customize his/her
own selection process. In order to improve over time the tipster should be able to see the
features that are not being obeyed and update them if need be. A survey of the number of
factors considered shows a categorization will simplify the process and provide the user with
greater customization possibility.
User will be able to input the criteria to base the selections
The user will copy the race card for each meeting and input it the database.
Based on the criteria defined previously by the user only the different lines that past the
criteria will be in the output file.
A number of reports will be made available to the user to select from.
The students will survey the web to see the different criteria that can be used in such a
The output will be a user friendly standalone software where the user will be able to input the
features on which to base the selection. S/he will only have to customize the software based on
his knowledge of horse racing by using different criteria that s/he finds appropriate. This is
usually done at the start of the season and every week s/he will have to copy paste the race
card from the internet and select horse to include in the selection. Each of the different lines of
outputs of the user will be stored in a text file. Once the race meeting is over the user should be
able to verify the conditions that have not been meet. The reports available should allow the
user to view applicability of those criteria.
Software/Hardware Requirements:
As mentioned above the project should be stand alone and will be developed as a package that
will be installed on each and every computer that will use the software.
The language expected to be used is C++ as most simulation packages are implemented
in C++. For the interface the students are expected to select the most appropriate one and data
will be stored in the MS Access database available on most computers nowadays..
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Oomesh Gukhool
Swarm Intelligence, AI, Algorithms
A traffic flow management tool for cities with few entry and exit points
Problem Definition:
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Cities such as Port Louis have always been regarded as highly congested areas due to few
entry and exit points. With the advent of daily growing traffics, cities with such characteristics
are more likely to have an overflow of traffic queued within road networks during peak hours.
Drivers tend to use alternate routes to avoid congested ones, and therefore are bottlenecked
when using the single entry/exit from the city. Few entry and exit points in a city create
stationary bottlenecks. This entails significant amount of vehicles to queue in most of the routes
available in the city, which in turns mitigates possibilities of finding alternate paths. In most
cases, vehicles come to a complete halt, leading to driver frustration, and environmental
impacts. Regulating the traffic flow in similar scenarios has been a major challenger for route
planners and engineers, due to its growing complexity. Such complexities are driven by entry
and exit rate, vehicle flow, road constraints, traffic lights, and many other constraints.
Identify parameters influencing stationary bottlenecks in a chosen city
Formulate a specific algorithm (E.g. Ant Colony Optimisation) that can dynamically adapt to
daily traffic flow in the chosen city
Develop a tool that harnesses the customised algorithm to find the optimal routes and improve
traffic flow
The developed tool will manage and adjust traffic flow dynamically within the city using an
adaptive algorithm.
Students may choose any suitable windows-based development platform
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Oomesh Gukhool
Swarm Intelligence, AI, Algorithms
An intelligent public transportation system
Public transportation is presently faced with growing social, environmental and economical
issues. With the rising number of travellers/passengers, the demand for buses have been
constantly increasing. It has been a major challenge for decision-makers to bring efficiency in
the public transportation sector due to limited number of buses, rising number of passengers,
as well as growing road complexities.
Develop a simulation tool that uses an adaptive algorithm (E.g. Ant Colony Optimisation
Algorithm) which can handle multi-objective constraints (E.g. number of passengers on bus
stops, number of bus stops, number of buses, traffic level, travelling time).
The developed of a simulation tool that will help decision makers to make efficient use of
present buses based on multi-objective constraints.
Students may choose any suitable windows-based development platform
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Oveeyen Moonian
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Project Output:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Oveeyen Moonian
An application-controlled communication protocol for Multimedia on IPV6 systems.
TCP provides for reliable data transmission, but there is significant overhead for
flow connection establishment, flow control and congestion control and
UDP doesnot have those overheads but the transmission can result in data loss or data
being delivered out of order. Multimedia transmission is not very stringent on
reliability and can tolerate some amount of data loss.
This project will use UDP transmission with the application deciding on amount of
data loss it can tolerate. Application will decide on when retransmission will
be required.
1. To develop the skill of using socket programming for UDP and TCP communication
2. To understand and use IPV6 UDP header information.
3. To use a network simulator for simulating data transmission
4. To understand how to perform streaming of multimedia data
5. To understand performance studies in data communication.
A software that performs UDP transmission in IPV6 with retransmission being based on
application choices.
Desirable to use Java with Netbeans, but students can also consider other possibilities
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Paramasiven Appavoo
Network, Web
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Project Output:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Design and implement an ad sites' manager, with an efficient and effective distributed adblocker algorithm, for an enterprise network
A number of existing ad blocker are plugged-in into browsers by end-users. At the same time a
number of sites are producing list of "ad sites" that can be downloaded and compiled by
"expert" users willing to block requests to the advertisements' sites. In this project, there will be
one ad sites' manager in the network that will automatically maintain a list of such sites and
make proper redirections as and when required. Updates on lists generated from one site's
traffic of the enterprise network will be replicated to other sites.
All web requests/replies will be scanned by the ad sites' local or network manager.
Effectively disseminate detected blocked sites using multicast.
Design and implement algorithms to automatically detect ad sites.
Implemented algorithm must be tested for zero false positives.
Proper use of tunnelling for an efficient and extensive dissemination.
Update the local DNS server, if exist, to offload the ad-block system.
Allow for the reporting of false negatives.
Consolidate lists of ad-block sites from online trusted sources.
Local ad manager can be implemented as a browser plugin while the network ad manager can
be implemented as a proxy or as part of an existing proxy
Open source/VMs
Paramasiven Appavoo
Bandwidth optimiser for LANs/WLANs
The overall demand for bandwidth generally exceeds what is available. Logical approaches
need to be devised to regulate and optimise the use of available bandwidth, which has a
physical limit, across network users.
Regularise bandwith usage with proper throttling mechanism.
Define several level of users with different requirements.
Monitor efficiently the bandwidth usage.
Define categories of protocols/data for filtering in case of high traffic.
Cache dns replies.
Cache video streams.
Cache admission and replacement are based on suitably designed algorithms, like for example
one which tracks resource popularity.
Implement a distributed caching system.
Return proper messages in appropriate protocol format when bandwidth-access is severely
Apply compression whenever same is not supported by network client.
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
A software that has a server component (may also include a client component) to optimise
available bandwidth. The system works transparently with any method of Internet-browsing.
Open source/VMs
Raj Moloo
3D on the web, Simulation
Visualisation of Large set of 3D models on the web
With the advent of HTML5 and WebGL, creating virtual environments with large set of 3D
models is possible. Nevertheless, there are several performance issues while loading 3D
models over the web. This project aims at identifying the several issues and algorithms to
loading large set of 3D objects over the web and try to come up with some enhanced
mechanism to improving the performance.
Understand the principles of 3D rendering over the web
Understand how 3D models are loaded in a virtual environment
Investigate algorithms for loading large set of 3D models in a virtual environment without
affecting performance
Try to come up with an enhanced mechanism/ algorithm for loading 3D models
-> create a simulated 3D environment over the web and test the enhanced algorithm
Produce a Simulated 3D environment over the web and test the enhanced algorithm
WebGL,HTML 5,3D Software eg 3DsMAx
Razvi Doomun
Computer Network Security
Security and Performance Analysis of Firewalls
Firewalls are considered an essential part of any Information security system. They are the first
defense line against any cyber attack. Firewalls are typically deployed at the edge of the
network or at the entry point of a private network. Incoming and outgoing Internet traffic is
inspected by network rewalls. Based on a set of rules, rewalls can allow or block incoming or
outgoing traffic. To accomplish this, network rewalls have a rule-based engine that
interrogates incoming packets sequentially rule by rule until a match is found. Incorporating a
firewall into a network structure is likely to increase processing and even create bottlenecks.
Hence, it is essential that the effects of firewalls on network performance and security are
Razvi Doomun
Information Security
Performance of Digital Signature Algorithms
A digital signature algorithm authenticates the integrity of the signed data (or message) and the
identity of the signatory. A digital signature algorithm may also be used in proving to a third
party that data was actually signed by the generator of the signature. This security element is
intended for use in applications that require data integrity assurance and data origin
authentication. Because digital signatures are analogous to hand-written signatures, they are
used in many of the applications of signatures on the Internet (e.g. e-voting, online banking,
online college applications, etc). A number of digital signature algorithms (RSA/DSA, ELgamal,
Eliptic) etc exist and no thorough comparison available to be able to select suitable technique
for a particular application requirement.
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Understand the requirements of digital signatures and understand signature generation process
and signature verification process, in digital signature schemes and implement a
communication between two parties with a message/file that is digitally signed using following
procedure: (1) Encrypt the message using a symmetric key (2) Concatenate the symmetric key
+ Hash of symmetric key + Hash of message (3) Encrypt the concatenated string using the
receivers public key (4) Sign the data to be transmitted (Encrypted symmetric key + Hash of the
key + Hash of message) (5) Validate the Signature (6) Decrypt the message using Receiver
private key to get the symmetric key (7) Validate the integrity of the key using the Hash of the
key (8) Decrypt the actual message using the symmetric key which has been decrypted and
parsed and checked for integrity (9) Compute Message Digest of data (10) Validate if the
Message Digest of the decrypted text matches the Message Digest of the Original Message.
Performance results for applying digital signatures (processing time, memory, signature
strength, ...etc)
Student can choose appropriate software tool after analysis (can be implemented in Java)
Lecturer Name:
Roushdat Elaheebocus
Project Output:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Mobile Computing, Web Technologies, Cloud Computing
A Mobile Application for Analysing the Ingredients of Consummable products
level by governments and NGOs, people are becoming more concious about their food
consumption specially since this has a direct impact of their health. Since the mauritian
population is a multicultural society, people have varying dietary requirements, for example,
muslims do not consume pork, hindues do not consume beef, some people are vegetarians
etc. Also, some people suffer from health related problems such as diabetes (they have to
watch their glucose consumption), while others may suffer from a wide range of food-related
allergies. dietary requirements, allergenic , religion, vegetarians, image processing, character
recognition, database of ingredients, offline/online database. While it is mandatory for prepackaged food to list their ingredients on the packaging, consumers often have difficulties in
'deciphering' the real meaning of these, specially, when codes such as EXXXX are used. At
times, the text size for the ingredients' list is so small that with a weak eye-sight it becomes
difficult to read while in some situations, the list can be lengthy and thus taking much time to go
through. This project aims at tackling these problems through the use of smartphones which
are capable of taking pictures of the ingredients' list and processing it to provide users with a
investigate mobile application development frameworks/tools/techniques; investigate image
processing operations for character recognition; critically review similar/existing systems;
investigate how ingredients are displayed; design and develop a mobile application for the
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
A Mobile Application for Analysing the Ingredients of Consummable products which will work by
taking pictures of the product and retrieving the required information for further processing.
Smart phone running Android (Note that although the department may provide one such phone
for testing, it is highly advisable that students choosing this project make their own
Roushdat Elaheebocus
Social Computing
A tool for enabling social scientists and other non-technical people to create and administer
digital behaviour change interventions
Problem Definition:
behavior has been an important technique that social scientists have been putting into practice
to help individuals and also the society at large when employed upon large targeted groups.
BCIs have been used in a wide variety of situations ranging from chronic health issues such as
Cardiac Patient Rehabilitation , Cancer Risk Minimisation , HIV/AIDs Prevention and Diabetes
follow up to more trivial but nevertheless important to everyday life habits such as Physical
Activity and Eating Habits including obesity prevention, Personal Hygiene, smoking
cessationand energy conservation.
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
With the widespread and low cost access to the Internet, Behavior Change Interventions have
been adapted for online usage in what is referred to as Digital Behaviour Change Interventions
(DBCIs). Using the Internet for delivering these interventions tackle many of the drawbacks of
the offline and conventional BCIs. In addition to the cost-effectiveness factor of digital
interventions, other benefits include anonymity and confidentiality and accessibility, the
individuals get to choose their time and also the interventions can be personalized. However
such interventions are usually administered by social scientists and other non-technical people
The main objective of this project is to design and develop a tool which will enable social
scientists and other non-technical people to create, administer and analyse the outcome of
digital behaviour change interventions.
A web-based and/or mobile-based application which can generate digital behaviour change
Open to students
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Sameerchand Pudaruth
Agent-based and Natural Language Processing
Semi-automatic generation of bollywood-type songs using selected words as seeds
This is a very challenging problem in the field of Natural Language Processing. This is a
research-based problem where the student will need to investigate the different tools,
techniques and algorithms that can provide reasonable outputs.
The students should come up with an intelligent system/algorithm (using agent technology if
necessary) to generate bollywood-type songs from selected words. They should also carry out
a proper evaluation of the lyrics. This will include requesting one or more persons to sing the
songs and many others to rate it.
Lyrics in bollywood style
Java or Python, basic hardware to record and play the songs
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Sameerchand Pudaruth
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
You are required to develop a system which identifies the different styles of the students and
teacher. A software which allows real-time conversion of lecture material to suit the learning
style of the student also needs to be developed..
A software
To be discussed
Selvanaden Sathan
Mobile application development
A Museum Assistant.
Museum are wonderful place to learn. However local museum do not invest in innovative
technologies to present the information. Consequently children tend to find them rather boring,
unless sufficient efforts are made to present the information interactively.
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
The aim is to develop a tool which presents the information about the different artefacts in the
museum using multimedia. The system should also track the movement of the visitor in the
museum with a view to present him with the right info about the right artefact. Additionally the
system should link up with websites to provide additional information about the item.
A mobile application.
Web cameras, smart devices
Shakuntala Baichoo
Bioinformatics and Algorithms
A Consensus Sequences Analysis Tool (CSeqAT)
widely divergent organisms or genetic locations. It is a sequence of nucleotides (the basic
structural units of DNA or RNA) or amino acids in common between areas of homology in
different but related RNA or DNA protein sequences. The consensus sequence shows which
residues are always the same and which are variable. Variability can either be constrained
(where some but not all residues will work) or absolute (where any residue will work).
In molecular biology and bioinformatics, one major goal is to parse genetic sequences and
employ methods of statistical classification for the identification of consensus sequences.
Software is often employed to look for nucleotide or amino acid sequence patterns, with
biological significance, otherwise known as sequence motif, that plays major functional roles in
an organism. Examples include enhancers (or regulatory sequences) controlling biosynthesis,
or as signal sequences, such as protein targeting and signal peptide, that direct a molecule to a
specific site within the cell. The conserved sequence motifs are called consensus sequences.
A consensus sequence can vary in length and can have multiple instances in a single genome
(the full set of chromosomes of an individual, or the total number of genes in such a set). The
two primary features of any consensus sequence are its conserved residues and common
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
To develop an easy-to-use tool that will allow users to upload two/more sequences, extract
consensus sequences from the given sequences and provide for further analysis of the
consensus sequences
A software for the extraction and analysis of consensus sequences among given input
Java/BioJava or Python/BioPython or Perl/BioPerl
Shakuntala Baichoo
Bioinformatics and Algorithms
A Genome Rearrangement Analysis Tool (GRAT)
Given two genomes with a set of common genes, those genes are arranged in a different order
in different genomes. By comparing the ordering of those common genes, we aim to
understand how one genome evolves into another through rearrangements. By the principle of
parsimony, we hope to find the shortest rearrangement path. Depending on the allowed
rearrangement operations, we can solve the problem of rearrangement either by reversals,
translocations or by transpositions, amongst others.
To develop an easy-to-use tool that can analyse the rearrangement of given genomes and infer
evolution of one to the other using appropriate algorithms
A software for the determining the rearrangement of a given genome w.r.t. another
Java/BioJava or Python/BioPython or Perl/BioPerl
Sheeba Armoogum
Network Monitoring Systems
Efficient usage of computer networking is one of the major challenges for any organization.
Most of the time, users of the computer network in an organization are not aware that their
networking tasks are been monitored or logged or recorded. Accessing social networks,
downloading or watching video via youtube etc are carried out by many employees during their
working hours and many students during their lab hours. Management finds it difficult to monitor
every employee performing these kind of tasks.
The aim of the project is to: have a complete monitoring of the network resources usage by the
employees and student at the University; to track hardware and software assets; to track
software usage; to alert the administrator of unacceptable activities; to control the launch of
unauthorised applications; log all the network usage informations ; give information to the
respecitve user about the action taken;
Netowrk monitoring tool to monitor the complete network activities.
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Sheeba Armoogum
Network Packet Sniffer
Organisations are vulnarable to malicious activities. It will be difficult for an organisation to track
exactly whether or not a mail or attachment or files send or recieved are useful or harmful to the
The aim of the project is to develop a packet sniffer for the local area network in an
organisation. This sniffer should be able to monitor and save files transiting over the network .
The objective of the project is to a)Capture packets b) Analyse network traffic c) Record
network traffic d)Decrypt packets e)Convert decrypted data to readable format.
A secured system for the network administrator to protect an organisations daily network
Open to students
Shehzad Jaunbuccus
Java Programmer Assistant plug-in for Eclipse IDE
Many students use the Eclipse IDE as a development platform for the Object Oriented Software
Development and other courses. Although it provides basic documentation about the Java
language, there is a need for documentation relevant to the course. Students rarely see how
material from their lecture notes are applied in the development environment.
Giving them a mechanism to see lecture-related examples while coding may help them
understand the intricacies of the java language, and hence, enhance their understanding of
Object Oriented Programming in Java.
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Use an algorithm to compare different reports and programs (files which can be read in text)
You can choose to develop your own algorithm or adapt an existing anti-plagiarism algorithm.
Develop a tool based on the algorithm which shall:
Check the similarity between the different assignment returned.
Documents may consist of .doc, .docx, .xsl, .xsd, .html, .PHP and other formats.
Check sequence of characters using Bing/Google or other search engines.
Produce a report of the occurrence string in the relevant documents and give the severity of
the text found. For example, finding a whole paragraph match is more aggravating than finding
a sentence. The severity matrix is determined by you.
A software created in Java/ .Net or C++ which accomplishes the above.
Eclipse IDE, Visual Studio 2012, Microsoft Office.
Shravan Kumar Goorah
distributed multimedia based servers management
Load balancing among servers to support multimedia file transfer
The number of servers and the way they are organized in
different topologies vary. Multimedia files including audio files and video
files can have different characteristics (to be investigated). There are also
several multimedia file transfer protocols (to be investigated). The load
balancing among servers should demonstrate some scalability feature such as
with respect to increasing number of multimedia files and over varying server
topologies and also meet some multimedia file transfer objective (such as with
respect to transfer time).
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Mauritius being a Small Island Development State faces new environmental challenges such as
preserving its fragile ecosystem. One scourge that is actually hindering our environment is the
amount of waste that is being generated and ultimately landfilled. Much of the waste generated
is organic and can therefore be biodegraded into compost, a natural fertilizer which can
substitute chemical fertilizers. Moreover, compost has the pontential to enrich the soil content.
in-Vessel composting is one whereby organic waste is filled into a large vessel with special
mechanism to control the oxygen and moisture content and other factors that will help in the
production of the compost.
this project will deal with the simulation of an In-Vessel Composting system using Fuzzy Logic.
Making compost is not a straight forward science. understanding the different processes that
take place during composting can help in monitoring the different factors that influence the
production of quality compost.
investigate into the composting system, understand the use of fuzzy logic in uncertain variables,
critical analysis of existing system, design and develop a system with a decent user interface
that will allow for monitoring the composting process.
to develop a simulation software that will mimic the In-Vessel composting process and
eventually providing a monitoring system to predict type of compost.
Fuzzy Logic Toolbox, Python or C++ or C Sharp or matlab
Soulakshmee Nagowah
Mobile Computing/Context Awareness
A Context-Aware Friend Recommender System
Context-aware computing is a mobile computing paradigm in which applications can discover
and take advantage of contextual information (such as user location, time of day, nearby people
and devices, and user activity).
The goal of a recommender
system is to generate meaningful recommendations to a collection of users for items or
products that might interest them. Recommender systems are either content-based,
collaborative or hybrid. While research has been made on recommender systems, most
existing approaches focus on recommending the most relevant items to users without taking
into account any additional contextual information, such as time, location, activity or mood of
other people. Recently contextual information is being used in recommendation engines and
results show that it is providing better recommendations.
The aim of this project is to recommend friends to users based on appropriate strategies and to
take contextual information into account when providing recommendations.
Students should develop a Context-Aware Recommender System that can recommend friends
to users. They should thoroughly test the application.
Java/J2ME, Android phones required
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Soulakshmee Nagowah
Software Engineering
A Case-Based Reasoning system for workflow management
Case Based Reasoning (CBR) deals with the solving of new problems. The solution to these
new problems is derived by comparing them to past similar cases which have already been
solved successfully. Normally no case matches exactly the new problem exactly, so new
solutions can be adapted from one of the retrieved case that was successful. Case-based
reasoning is the method of dealing with a new situation by retrieving and reusing a previous
event. Software project managers usually base their estimates for a new project on data they
have on similar past projects. Project Managers need to look for past cases to find an optimum
solution to a particular problem. They often try to adapt from the existing cases to improve
planning and reduce the risk of project failures. The aim of the project is to use a case-base
reasoning system that compares past similar projects that have been completed successfully to
predict the workflow and find an optimum solution.
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Students should develop software for project managers to allocate resources efficiently using
the case-based reasoning and mathematically justify that their software give logical results.
Java or any other software
Sudha Cheerkoot-Jalim
Databases, Algorithms
Data Integration
Organisations keep large databases for their own use, but it is often the case that the
information of one organisation could be useful to another and vice versa. Therefore, if
organisations could share their information, their information power could increase, which can
be beneficial in various ways.
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Students will be required to investigate the Data Integration approach and how the mapping
between the different schemas is done (database schema integration). The students will
choose two database applications of their choice and perform data integration. This will involve
development of a global schema, based on local schemas. The project will involve the process
to combine the data sources and the development of a common user interface which will be
used to query and update the integrated database.
Combination of different data sources and a tool to query the integrated data.
Open to students.
Sudha Cheerkoot-Jalim
Databases, Graphics
Visual Query Explanation/Evaluation Tool
SQL (Structured Query Language) forms a major part in any basic undergraduate Database
course. Students learn how to write and execute SQL statements for a database. However,
after evaluation of the SQL command on a database platform, they can only see the result of
the query without really understanding how the evaluation was done.
Students will be expected to investigate how different databases evaluate queries. They will
then develop a visual tool to show how their SQL queries are evaluated and more importantly to
explain how the final result was obtained. The different steps in the evaluation should be shown
visually until the final result. The tool should be cross platform, i.e., it should be usable for
different DBMSs.
A visual query evaluation and explanation tool which will help students better understand SQL
in basic undergraduate Databases course
Open to Students. Possible use of XML.
Sunilduth Baichoo
Computer Vision/Image processing
Formation of a 3D face model from 2D face images
Pictures taken from cameras are normally in 2D, hence no depth information is available. To
obtain depth information we require at least 2 cameras.
To generate a 3D face from 2 pictures (frontal and side).
A 3D face model
At least 2 Cameras; Visual C++, OpenCV
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Sunilduth Baichoo
Computer Vision/Image Processing
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Form a panoramic face from at least 3 face images taken from 3 angles. Perform face
recognition from sections of the panoramic image. Evaluate performance of developed system.
Panoramic face image. Recognition rate
3 cameras; Visual C++/OpenCV
Sunilduth Baichoo
Image processing and analysis
Hiding Information in images
Steganography is the art and science of writing hidden messages in such a way that no
one, apart from the sender and intended recipient, suspects the
existence of the message, a form of security through obscurity.
Study the different types of steganography algorithmns. Analyse the robustness of each
algorithm. Implement one algorithm and evaluate it's robustness to all sorts of image
manipulations such as resizing, croping.
An Information Hiding software. Only intended recipient should be see hidden information.
Visual c++ and OpenCV
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Swadeq Rosun
Data mining
Website evaluator
A weblog keeps track of visitors' details when they visit a website. Sometimes the design of the
website is inadequate hence forcing visitors to brwose through a large number of pages before
reaching their destination.
Assess the design of a website with respect to visitors tracks and propose an alternative
A redesigned website
PC with internet connection, Free software
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Swadeq Rosun
Data mining
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Project Aim and Objectives:
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
to Investigate existing routing protocols and modify or design a new one which will optimise
routes as well as take into consideration scalabilty,performance and QoS of network
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Visham Hurbungs
Mobile, Web, Database
Mobile micropayment using QR code
Problem Definition:
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
At the end of each month, everyone get their electricity, telephone, insurance or water bill. The
normal process is either go to the counter and make the payment or pay using direct debit from
your bank account. The first method will take much of your time due to waiting time in queues
and for the second option, you need to pay an additional fee for each direct debit operation.
The main objective of this project to promote cashless payment using a camera/web-enabled
smart phone. QR (Quick Response) codes is one of the most popular types of two-dimensional
barcodes that contains information that could be scanned using the camera of the mobile
phone. The QR codes would contain payment information that would enable the transaction to
take place.
1) The system should generate a personalised QR code
2) The customer gets the bill, scans the QR code using his/her smartphone. The mobile
application automatically reads the QR code.
3) The payment page appears on the mobile application and the user enters the amount of the
4) Once the transaction is complete, the user may receive an email or SMS to confirm the
The output of this project is to build a system that would support this kind of payment via mobile
phone. The main challenge is to prototype the payment part so that a user may have several
payments options like credit card, paypal or prepaid account. The security features should also
be taken into consideration.
Android, HTML/PHP/XML/XSLT/WSDL/SOAP, Camera-enabled mobile phone
Visham Hurbungs
Real-time Passenger Information System
All of us have been travelling by bus at some point in time and we have all waited at the busstop, sometimes for several minutes or hours. Imagine having an electronic board available
next to each bus-stop, which diplays a google map with the location of a particular bus, the time
taken by the bus to reach a particular bus-stop or any other relevant information such as
congestion on the road network during peak hours or delays during bad weather conditions.
Project Output:
The system would consist of 3 modules: the client side (simulated by a GPS-enabled mobile
device: smart phone or laptop), the server side (web server) and the database side. The
students should be able to build the system by interfacing a gps-enabled mobile device to
capture the bus location and saving that information an a server via an internet connection
(GPRS,3G/4G..). Given that server would handle several buses and bus-stops simultaneously,
students should also taken into consideration load balancing and performance issues.
Examples of services at a bus station: Which service is operated by the next vehicle to arrive,
including its route and destination? When this vehicle will arrive? How closely it is running to
timetable? General advice on current travel disruptions.
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Examples of services in the bus: What is the next station or stop? When it will arrive? How
closely it is running to timetable? Advice on connecting services.
Choice of student
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Zarine Cadersaib
Enterprise Application Integration
Systems integration using EAI
In 2011/2012, the project "ERP integration" did make use of EAI to connect an ERP system
with a CRM system but the solution provided was not flexible enough. For example, the solution
was restricted to the integration of data from one table only, the solution had not been tried with
other enterprise systems, the user interface provided for integration had some limitations and
so on
Make use of the existing knowledge aquired over the previous project. Build a more robust
solution to connect enterprise applications & legacy system using EAI and open source tools.
Implement basic features of some enterprise applications. Identify integration requirements.
Perform different types of integration - one table, multiple tables, shema mappings. Explore
other types of integration apart from data integration.
Have a standard interface which provides flexible integration facilities from different packages.
The interface should hide all the complexitites behind the EAI. Integration can be two-way,
batch mode, real-time mode and from different source and destination
Can consider netbeans IDE, Apache Axis, Glassfish Application server, XML etc
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Zarine Cadersaib
ERP Automation
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Project Output:
Problem Definition:
Project Aim and Objectives:
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Project Output:
Moving data automatically to/from and ERP, launching processes automatically, trigerring
processes based on events are required when managing ERP systems
Connect ERP applications to other business applications with event-based scheduling and
integrated workflows. Monitor, manage and trigger dependencies between ERP processes and
external processes. Maintain complete audit trail of process events. Use ERP events (like endof-day processing) to trigger workflows and tasks.
Provide reporting including automated exporting of data to PDF, HTML, CSV etc. Offer
calendar options for scheduling ERP processes
Automation of ERP processes, managing dependencies between ERP processes and external
processes, create event-driven launch of jobs, writing scripts to aumote processes, launch
event etc
Open source ERP and open source tools.
Zahra Mungloo-Dilmohamud
A tool to study the amino acid usage in different organisms
Amino acids serve as the building blocks of proteins, which are linear chains of amino acids
and unlike the two other basic nutrients sugar and fatty acids, amino acids contain nitrogen
about 16%. Amino acids can be linked together in varying sequences to form a vast variety of
proteins. Twenty amino acids are naturally incorporated into polypeptides and are called
proteinogenic or standard amino acids. These 20 are encoded by the universal genetic code.
Nine standard amino acids are called "essential" for humans because they cannot be created
from other compounds by the human body, and so must be taken in as food.
Amino acid usage: comparing protein compositions from different organisms eg across the
phylogeny between undifferentiated species like algae and highly differentiated species like
mammals. Is there a relationship with the proportion of amino acids that are used in these
differrent organisms?
1. A tool to load data from the internet or some other source.
2. Analyse the protein composition of different organisms
3. Present the results in the form of table, graphs or reports.
4. Evaluation of the results obtained.
The project aims at producing standalone software that will be delivered to end
users as package to be installed on their pc. The software will provide the
user the possibility to either get data from existing databases or data
already on the machine of the user. The data will then be analysed by the
software and produce results in a form acceptable to the user - tables,
graphs, reports.
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Lecturer Name:
Zahra Mungloo-Dilmohamud
A tool to find protein motifs
Protein structures have conserved features motifs, which have a sufficient influence on the
protein function.
The term motif is used in two different ways in structural biology. The first refers to a particular
amino-acid sequence that is characteristic of a specific biochemical function.
The second, equally common, use of the term motif refers to a set of contiguous secondary
structure elements that either have a particular functional significance or define a portion of an
independently folded domain. Along with the functional sequence motifs, the former are known
generally as functional motifs.
Protein motifs may be defined by their primary sequence or by the arrangement of secondary
structure elements.
With the avalanche of protein sequences generated in the post-genomic age aand the large
number of databases available, it is highly desired to develop automated methods for efficiently
identifying protein motifs. Sequence and structure motifs have applications in drug design. They
are used in tertiary structure and secondary structure prediction processes. Sequence motifs
can be defined as a pattern without or with probabilistic preferences; for the latter use of hidden
Markov models (HMM) is often made.
A tool that makes of use of data from existing databases or downloaded data.
A tool that predicts protein motifs using existing algorithms.
A tool that presents the data in a format that is useful to the user.
The project aims at producing standalone software that will be delivered to end users as
package to be installed on their pc. The software should accept data either from existing
databases or from some other source. The tool will then produce the protein motifs in a format
useful to the user.
Biojava and Java, Google Chart
- MSDmotif: exploring protein sites and motifs
Yasser Chuttur
Project No:
Project Title:
Problem Definition:
Project Aim and Objectives:
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements:
Machine Learning
Automatic translation of web page contents to Mauritian Kreol
English is the predominant language used for websites developed by the Government of
While many languages can be automatically translated online, there is no publicly available
Lecturer Name:
Project No:
Project Title:
Yasser Chuttur
Knowledge Based Systems
Ontology based approach for expert matching
Encouraging higher level education has been one of the main focus of the present Government.
The University of Mauritius has taken up the challenge of educating a large number of students
and for that the service of part-timers are often required to meet with the high demand of
The University of Mauritius receives applications from part-timers using an online service.
Cover letters along with cvs are manually scanned to match skills/qualifications with courses
that require servicing. Can this process be automated?
Implement a system that can automatically read a CV and match expertise with
requirements for a module.
Evaluation of system.
perl/python/mysql/sql/protege (to be determined in lit. review)
PC (Pentium 4 and above), server (can be local host)
Problem Definition:
Project Output:
Software/Hardware Requirements: