Hvac Specifications
Hvac Specifications
Hvac Specifications
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SECTION: 1 GENERAL SCOPE OF WORKS The works covered by this specification consists of supply, delivery, unloading at site, installation, testing, commissioning of the Air Conditioning equipment as outlined in the following pages. a. Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of FOUR ( 4 ) 8.75 TR DX ceiling suspended ductable split unit complete with all accessories to capacities shown on the Drawings or Schedules of equipment.
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b. Co ordination for installation of Air Distribution System complete with factory fabricated G.S.S. Ducting insulated acoustically and thermally G.I. / Aluminum Volume Control Dampers, Supply air and Return air Diffusers, to sizes shown on the Drawing or Schedule of materials.
c. Testing, Balancing and Commissioning of the entire ACMV installation and submission of duly filled up all testing, balancing and commissioning reports. d. Technical Data Sheets of all equipment, materials and Samples shall be submitted for Consultants for approval prior to installation works.
Shop drawings and descriptive technical brochures for all equipment shall be submitted for review by the Consultant prior to fabrication and installation works. The drawings shall include but not limited to detail room layouts, riser, floor and wall penetration details, builder's work requirements, bracket spacing, details of installation and dimensions, weights, control panel schematic and layouts and all other information related to the ACMV contractor's works. The ACMV Contractor shall provide all other information needed to complete related works by the Main Contractor and other sub-contractors. Relevant shop drawings and details shall be submitted to the Main Contractor and approval obtained for purposes of co-ordination with other trades. The ACMV Contractor shall carry out any other incidental works or supply and install accessories not specifically mentioned but considered necessary to bring the whole installation to proper and satisfactory working order. All other accessories required to comply fully with Local Authority Regulation/Requirements shall also be supplied and installed. No additional claims will be allowed if the ACMV Contractor fails to include these items in the tender, or Summary of Price Schedules. Submission of Six (6) hard-bound copies of Operation and Maintenance Manuals complete with as-built drawings.
Standards and codes STANDARD ASHRAE DESCRIPTION Standards for System and Equipment
SL NO 1 2
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Air Cleaning Devices Used in General Ventilation for Removing Particulate Matter
Rules for
INSIDE CONDITION Temp in Deg 241 241 241 241 RH in % 605 605 605 605
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The Air cooled SPLITS shall be with hermetic type scroll compressor of minimum capacity and performance as indicated in the schedule and /or as shown on the drawings. Each unit shall be completely factory assembled, piped, wired and tested and shall comprise of multiple scroll compressor, starter for compressors, condenser fans, Insulated cooler, air cooled condenser with microprocessor control panel.
The unit shall consist of galvanized steel cabinet mounted on a frame, the whole of which shall be rust proofed and finished with a scratched-resistant and wear resistant baked on enamel so as to resist marine environment corrosion. Removable panels shall be provided to enable all maintenance and repairs to be carried out without removal of the unit or structural alteration to prevent rattles and looseness after prolonged period of operation.
The air cooled chiller shall be fitted with two or more screw compressors of the semihermetic type. In either case, the availability of spare parts shall be assured. The compressors shall be driven by electric motors designed for operation on 415 6% volts, 50 cycles and three-phase. Compressors motors shall be cooled with suction gas or other approved means.
The compressors and motors shall be fully protected against abnormal operating conditions by high and low pressure switches, thermal relays, overload relays and safety controls and Phase Failure fuses. The compressors shall be fitted with gauge connections for reading oil, suction and discharge pressures and shall be fitted with a sight glass, crankcase heater, muffler, discharge manifold and internal motor protection. The capacity Control shall be step less control by use of a slide valve or step control by use of solenoid valves. The compressors shall be mounted on spring vibration isolators.
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Compressors should be provided with acoustic jacket for sound attenuation from the factory. Field assembly is not acceptable.
The condenser shall be of the air cooled cross-finned type with copper tube type to suit the capacity of the unit. Bonding of the fins to the tubes shall be by mechanical means to ensure a positive lasting bond. The condenser fan shall be the propeller type Low noise fans Please state noise criteria. This is a statically and dynamically balanced and shall be mounted on a solid steel shaft running in self-aligning ball bearings, amply sized for quiet operation and long life. The condenser fan shall be driven directly by resiliently mounted squirrel cage induction motor with adequate horsepower for the duty.
Each machine shall be furnished with a complete control centre in an enclosure, factory mounted, piped and wired. The capacity, operating and safety controls sequences shall be designed for completely fail safe, automatic operation. The control sequence shall provide for operation of oil heaters during normal shut down. Provision shall be made in the control centre for inter-locking of compressor motor starter, chilled water pump. Machine shall also be fitted with no-load center and shall contain the following in a weather proof compartment. Safety controls shall be electric or electronic fully automatic and shall be fail safe. Machine shall shut down for oil low pressure, chilled water low temperature, refrigerant low pressure, condenser high pressure, lubrication oil high and low temperature. Each shut down
shall be indicated with light individually. Controls center should be fitted with remote alarm indicating terminals. Machine shall not restart until manually reset. Machine shall be provided with start/stop, remote/local and reset switches. Terminals strips shall be clearly marked for field wiring connections.
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The unit shall be supplied with adequate number of level adjusting spring type isolation provided by the manufacturer.
SECTION: 4 SHEET METAL WORK Scope: The scope of this section comprises supply fabrication, installation and testing of all sheet metal ducts.
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All ducting shall be fabricated of LFQ (Lock Forming Quality) grade prime G.I. raw material furnished with accompanying Mill Test Certificates. Galvanizing shall be of 120 gms/ Sqmt. (Total coating on both sides) In addition, if deemed necessary, samples of raw material, selected at random by PMCs site representative shall be subject to approval and tested for thickness and zinc coating at contractors expense. G.I. raw material should be used in coil form (instead of sheets) so as to limit the longitudinal joints at the edges only irrespective of cross-section dimensions.
All transverse duct connectors (flanges /cleats) and accessories / related hardware are such as support system shall be zinc coated (galvanized).
All ductwork including straight sections, tapers, elbows, branches, shoe pieces, collars, terminal diffuse boxes and other transformation pieces must be factory fabricated Coil line to ensure location of longitudinal seams at corners / folded edges only to obtain the required duct rigidity and low leakage characteristics. No longitudinal seams permitted along any face side of the duct. All ducts, transformation pieces and fittings to be made on CNC profile cutters for required accuracy of dimensions, location and dimensions of notches at the folding lines.
o o
All edges to be machine treated using lock formers, flanges and roller for turning up edges. Sealant dispensing equipment for applying built in sealant in Pittsburgh lock where sealing of longitudinal joints are specified.
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SELECTION OF G.I. GAUGE AND TRANSVERSE CONNECTORS Duct Construction shall be in compliance with 1 (250 Pa) w.g Static norms as per SMACNA. All transverse connectors shall be 4 bolt slip on flange system with built-in sealant. The specific class of transverse connector and duct gauge for a given duct dimension will be as per Table 1 below for 1 (250 Pa) pressure class. Non toxic, AC applications grade P.E. or PVC Gaskets are required in between all mating flanged joints. Gasket sizes should conform to flange duct manufacturers specification.
J-18 J-16
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*1- SMACNA- Sheet Metal and Air conditioning Contractors National Association IncHVAC Duct Construction Standards- Metal and Flexible-1995, U.S.A. *2- Reading Guide- For duct sizes between, say, 651 mm and 700 mm, when the pressure class is 1 w.g. static, require aE class flange and duct gauge of 24. For the same size range but with static pressure at 4 w.g. a H class flange with duct gauge of 24 should be used. *3- The flange classes are designated E, H and J. For E & H class of flanges use gasket size 10 mm wide and 4.5 mm thick. For J-class use 15 mm wide and 6 mm thick gasket. *4- For pressure class 6 w.g. static and above gasket type and size shall be as per manufacturers recommendation. *5- (Not Applicable for Current Specifications) for non-critical comfort cooling applications (1 w.g. pressure class), optional C & S or C & SS cleat joints can be used. Upto 450 mm duct size use C & S cleats. 451 to 750 mm duct size use C & SS cleats. Over 750 mm duct size use flanges. 9 A higher class flange can always be substituted for a lower class (e.g. classJ for classH, classH for class E).
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DUCT CONSTRUCTION o The fabricated duct dimensions should be as per approved drawings and all connecting sections are dimensionally matched to avoid any gaps. o Dimensional Tolerances: All fabricated dimensions will be within +/- 1.0mm of specified dimension. To obtain required perpendicularity, permissible diagonal tolerances shall be +/- 1.0 mm per meter. 6.3 Each and every duct pieces should be identified by colour coded sticker which shows specific part numbers, job name, drawing number, duct sizes and gauge. o Ducts shall be straight and smooth on the inside. Longitudinal seams shall be Airtight and at corners only, which shall be either Pittsburgh or Snap Button Punch as SMACNA practice, to ensure air tightness. 6.5 Changes in dimensions and shape of ducts shall be gradual (between 1:4 and 1:7). Turning vanes or air splitters shall be installed in all bends and duct collars designed to permit the air to make the turn without appreciable turbulence. o Plenums shall be factory fabricated panel type and assembled at site. To be supplied along with Air Handling Units by AHU supplier only. o The deflection of transverse joints should be within specified limit for rectangular duct deflection as given in SMACNA. Page No. 7.6. o Reinforcement of ducts shall be achieved by either cross breaking or straight beading depending on length of ducts. As per SMACNA page no. 1. 74, fig 1-8 Duct sizes 19 (483 mm) wide and larger which have more than 10 Sqft. of unbraced panel shall be beaded or cross broken unless ducts will have insulation covering or acoustical liner. This requirement is applicable to 20 G (1.00 mm) or less and 3 W.G. (750 Pa) pressure or less. Ducts for 4 W.G. (1000 Pa) or more do not require beads or cross brackets.
SUPPORT SYSTEM A completely galvanized system consisting of fully threaded rods, double L bottom brackets (made out of 3.0 mm M.S. sheet) nuts, Washers and anchor bolts as supplied by Rolaster or approved equivalent or generally conforming to SMACNA standards should be used.
Table 3 Support for Horizontal duct-Rectangular Sr. Maximum No. Duct Size(mm)
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o As an alternative, slotted galvanized brackets attached to the top two bolts of the system may also be used as appropriate for the site condition. o To provide the required thermal brake effect, Neoprene or equivalent material of suitable thickness shall be used between duct supports and duct profiles in all supply air ducts not enclosed by return air plenums.
The duct installation shall confirm to SMACNA norms. For duct assembly and Installation the use of suitable tools and tackles should be used to give the required duct quality and speed of installation including (but not restricted to) a) Electric Pittsburgh Seamer used for closing Pittsburgh joints. b) Electric Slitting shear to make cut outs. c) Drilling machine with drill bits for drilling holes in sheet metal work. d) Hammer drill machine with drill bits for drilling holes in building structures for anchors. e) Hoisting system for lifting the duct assembly upto mounting heights.
All ducts shall be installed as per tender drawings and in strict accordance with approved shop drawing to be prepared by the Contractor. The Contractor shall provide and neatly erect all sheet metal work as may be required to carry out the intent of these specifications and drawings. The
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work shall meet with the approval of Consultants and PMCs site representative in all its parts and details. All necessary allowances and provision shall be made by the Contactor for beams, pipes, or other obstructions in the building whether or not the same are shown on the drawings. Where there is interference/ fouling with other beams, structural work, plumbing and conduits, the ducts shall be suitably as per actual site conditions. 8.2.3 Ducting over false ceiling shall be supported from the slab above, or from beams. In no case shall any duct be supported from false ceilings hangers or be permitted to rest on false ceiling. All metal work in dead or furred down spaces shall be erected in time to occasion no delay to other contractors work in the building. Where ducts pass through brick or masonry openings, it shall be provided with 25 mm thick appropriate insulation around the duct and totally covered with fire barrio mortar for complete sealing. All ducts shall be totally free from vibration under all conditions of operation. Whenever ductwork is connected to fans, air handling units that may cause vibration in the ducts, ducts shall be provided with a flexible connection, located at the unit discharge.
All ducts fabricated and installed should be accompanied and supported by following documentation: For each drawing, all supply of ductwork must be accompanied by computer generated detailed bill of materials indicating all relevant duct sizes, dimensions and quantities. In addition, summary sheets are also to be provided showing duct area by gauge and duct size range as applicable. Measurement sheet covering each fabricated duct piece showing dimensions and external surface area along with summary of external surface area of duct gauge-wise. All duct pieces to have a part number, which should correspond to the serial number, assigned to it in the measurement sheet. The above system will ensure speedy and proper site measurement, verification and approvals.
After duct installation, a part of duct section (approximately 5 % of total ductwork) may be selected at random and tested for leakage. The procedure for leak testing should be followed as per SMACNA HVAC Air Duct Leakage Test Manual (First Edition)
i. DUCTWORK LEAKAGE TESTS Type All ductwork shall be pressure tested for leakage, smoke test is not acceptable. The Sub-contractor shall provide the necessary test equipment and skilled labour
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Tests shall be witnessed and certified by the Consultant or his representative. Prior to witness of final tests, the sub-contractor shall carry out preliminary tests to ensure the test results are within specified limits.
All ductwork shall be tested for leakage without duct insulation or duct enclosure at the joints.
The test apparatus shall have a calibration certificate, chart or graph dated not earlier than one year before the test for which it is used.
The section of ductwork to be tested for air leakage shall be sealed. Main ducts shall be provided with flanged joints to enable blanking plates to be fitted, while small open ends may be sealed with polythene or inflatable bags, which shall be left in position until final connections, are made.
The section of ductwork to be tested shall have an area large enough to enable the test equipment to register a measurable leakage.
Complete Parts 1, 2 and 3 of the TEST SHEET, sample appended in Item 7. Connect test apparatus to section of ductwork to be tested.
Maintain the test for fifteen (15) minutes and check that the leakage rate has not increased. Reduce pressure in ductwork to zero by switching off the fan, then immediately reapply test pressure to establish that the air leakage rate is not greater than previous reading. Record details on Part 4 of the TEST SHEET.
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The air leakage rate for any section of ductwork shall not be in excess of the permitted rate for that section. If the first test produces leakage in excess of the permitted maximum the section shall be resealed and re-tested until a leakage not greater than the permitted maximum for that section is achieved.
When satisfied with the results of the above preliminary tests the sub-contractor shall make arrangement to carry out the final tests which shall be conducted in the presence of the Consultant or his representative. Test particulars shall be recorded in Part 4 of the TEST SHEET and signed by the Consultant or his representative.
The surface area of the section of the ductwork under test shall be estimated. Details of the estimation shall accompany the TEST SHEET in the following format: Area ( Square Meters )
Leakage Factor Table (As per SMACNA STANDARDS) The leakage factor is determined by the specified Pressure Classification and Test Static Pressure. It is used to compute the maximum permitted leakage by multiplying it by the estimated duct area.
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Maximum Leakage Per Sq.Meter Duct Work in l / s Low Press Med Pressure High Pressure Class A Class B Class C Class D 0.54 0.18 0.84 0.28 1.10 0.37 1.32 0.44 1.53 0.51 0.58 0.19 0.64 0.21 0.69 0.23 0.75 0.25 0.80 0.27
Part 3 - Test equipment (i) (ii) Manufacturer: Type of model: _________________________________ _________________________________
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SECTION: 5 DAMPERS Scope Volume damper sets shall be provided where specified and/or as shown on the drawings. Manually adjustable damper sets - opposed blade type. Manually adjustable dampers at duct branch takeoffs - opposed blade type. Manually adjustable dampers at air outlets and grilles - opposed blade type.
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All components of the damper set, including rod linkage and joints shall be rust-proof finished.
Damper sets shall be arranged in substantial supporting frames and each blade shall be mounted on a 12mm (1/2) shaft, which turns in sintered bronze bearings. All damper blades shall be inter-connected by means of a suitable bar linkage for ganged operation.
The maximum overall dimensions of any damper section shall not be greater than 2300mm (90) high or 1200mm (48) wide. Where manually adjustable damper sets are installed in ductwork or other accessible locations the operating shafts shall be extended through the duct and a lockable quadrant fitted.
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Diffusers and other air terminal fittings shall be of the types, sizes, numbers and positions as shown on the drawings and/or specified hereafter. The ceiling arrangement, type of suspension system, and type of air terminal fitting shall be checked with the Consultants and Architects prior to ordering of equipment. Engineering data shall be submitted in a manner to facilitate convenient review of the following factors: Aspiration ability, including temperature and velocity traverses, throw and drop of each unit, noise criteria ratings for each unit, sizes, free area and quality of construction. Each air supply outlet shall have the required capacity and shall be guaranteed to give the required draft with draft less diffusion. Where manufacturers recommendations require duct size differing from those on the drawings, the same shall be provided at no additional cost to the Client. Single blade stream splitter type volume controls shall be provided as shown on the drawings at the duct branch takeoffs to individual outlets in which case Diffuser Volume Control (DVC) and/or Opposed Blade Damper (OBD) throttling dampers are not required behind the outlet. Multi blade DVC stream splitter volume controls shall be provided behind registers mounted on the side of ductwork and at spigot takeoffs from duct branches serving more than one outlet. OBD volume controllers shall be provided behind all return air face exhaust air grilles to give even air flow over the face of the grilles. Diffusers or registers which do not have multi-blade DVC dampers, and which have spigot connections between the duct and the outlet of less length than the larger neck dimension of the diffuser or register, shall be fitted with equalising deflection grids to ensure even air distribution from the outlet. All volume controls where mounted behind grilles, registers and diffusers shall be finished in matt black paint. Where spiral duct connections are provided to ceiling diffusers with air quantities more than 350 cfm, they shall be supplied with a plenum box incorporating turning vanes as necessary to give even distribution of air through the neck of the diffuser. All diffusers, grilles and registers shall have performance data tested in accordance with the Air Diffusion Council (ADC) Code 1062: GRD-84 and ASHRAE
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Standard70-72. Diffusers without ADC and ASHRAE test performance data shall not be accepted. The material used shall be of not less than 16 gauge aluminium anodised. OBD and DVC dampers shall have blades linked together in sections for ganged operation from adjusting screws. Where OBD or DVC dampers are mounted on the back of outlets or grilles the screw shall be accessible through the blades of the outlet. Where the OBD or DVC damper is mounted in the duct spigot back from the outlet, then the screw adjustment shall be accessible through the removable core of the diffuser or by removing the register or grade. DVC dampers shall give volume control and even air distribution over the full face of the outlet without the introduction of noise. DVC dampers shall have a sheet metal frame enclosure around the blades to give reasonable robust construction and to ensure all the air diverted by the blades is directed through the outlet.
The whole diffuser assembly shall be constructed of aluminium. The diffuser shall consist of an outer frame assembly to facilitate mounting. A collar that follows connection to the air-conditioning duct shall be an integral part of the frame assembly. An inner core assembly consisting of fixed louvers capable of producing there required air flow discharge pattern shall be easily and fully removable from the installed diffuser frame for access dampers or other ductwork components located in or near the diffuser neck. The inner core shall be held securely in position by means of spring-loaded pins. The outer frame of the diffuser shall have a number of optional styles, flange for flush mounting on ceiling surface, recessed to enable flush mounting with ceiling tiles, recessed with clip-fixed detail or lay-in T Bar. Double flap or opposed blade volume control dampers mounted on the rear of the diffuser shall be provided. The finishing shall be anodized aluminium or baked enamel of colour to Architects selection. Diffuser shall have a high induction ratio capable of maintaining air distribution pattern without dumping from full flow down to 20% of full flow.
Galvanised woven mesh or weld mesh bird screens in rigid galvanised iron frames shall be installed behind all external louvers and over all relief and exhaust air openings to the outside of the building.
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The supply and return air ductwork shall be provided with insulating materials complying with the technical data specified herein.
Full technical data and specification in respect of the insulation offered shall be submitted with the tender.
Material: The insulation used shall be flexible closed cell elastomeric foam with the following requirements:
-20 C < 0.032 W/mK 0 C < 0.034 W/mK +20 C < 0.036 W/mK Thermal conductivity values shall be governed by a third party supervisory control agreement which shall be for attestation of conformity purpose. 2. Water Vapour Diffusion Resistant () DIN 53122 Part 2, DIN 52615 > 7000 3. Water vapour permeability 0.09 ugm / Nh, BS4370/2 4. Density 45 to 65 Kg. m3 or 3 lb / ft3 to 4 lb / ft3. 5. Closed cell content > 90% 6. Fire Rating: BS 476 Part 6 1989 (Fire Propagation): Class O rated. BS 476 Part 7 1987 (Surface spread of flame): Class I rated. 7. Corrosion risk assessment DIN 1988 / 7 certified. Material should be nitrite free and can contain no more that 0.2 % of ammonia. Insulating material for stainless steel must contain no more than 0.05 % of water soluble chloride ions. 8 Noise reduction DIN 4109 upto 32 dB( A ) 9 Manufacturer should be certified in accordance with ISO 9002 / UNI EN 29002 which includes production control procedures and systems as a pre-requisite. 10 All tests should be conducted by independent, accredited institutes and the supervisory (third party) control agreements should be available for attestation of conformity purposes.
11 The insulation labourers shall be trained by the manufacturers local agents before commencement of works. The manufacturers local agents shall visit the site periodically to inspect the insulation work. 12 The insulation thickness shall be as follows:
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12.1 Supply air ducts, return air ducts, transfer duct etc. within the building and in the return air path (i.e. all ducts in conditioned areas) to be 9 mm thickness. (thermal) 12.2 Supply, air ducts, return air ducts, transfer ducts within the building and in the return air path (i.e. All ducts in conditioned areas) to be 15mm thickness (acoustical) 12.3 All ducts outside the building or not in return air path (i.e. all ducts in unconditioned areas and in vertical service shaft to be 25 mm thickness. (Exposed) 12.4 Note: In areas with non U.V. (inside the building) radiation no vapour barriers / coatings are required. 12.5 Protection against high U.V. light radiation, e.g. area exposed to sunlight, two coats of Arm finish paint metal shall be used.
Clean area of duct to be insulated to make it dust free, apply thinner / cleaner wherever necessary to make the area grease free. Apply glue recommended by manufacturer with an even spread on complete surface of insulation sheet. Once the glue on the sheet gets dry, apply glue on the G.I. duct and let it dry, then stick the sheet on one end and slowly press the sheet on the duct from one end to the other so as to ensure that the sheet sticks on the G.I. duct completely avoiding air bubbles between the insulation sheet and G.I duct. In areas where the G.I. duct comes in contact with the duct hangers, rigid support is recommended such as section of wood. The wood piece should be glued on to the duct hanger and a layer of rubber to be glued on the wood, so that there is no direct contact between the duct insulation and the wooden piece thus preventing tearing of the duct insulation. In case the positioning of the support is available in advance, wood by itself can be used. In this case it has to be made sure that the insulation will be glued to the wood from both sides accordingly. For proper wood thickness selection please contact manufacturers representative.
Avoid working under direct sunlight and exposure of glued joints to sunlight for at least 12 hrs after glue application as sunlight prevents proper curing. Prolonged exposure of elastomeric foam to direct sunlight is not recommended as this will
eventually result in deterioration of the surface. Do not keep the glue under direct sunlight as this will result in rapid evaporation of the solvent and affects the performance of the glue.
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SECTION: 8 MEASUREMENT Scope The following procedure for measurement shall be followed for the purpose of billing in case of items subject to variation in quantities.
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Payment for ducting shall be on the basis of the external surface area of the ducting. The rate per square meter of the external surface shall include flanges, gaskets for joints, bolts and nuts, duct supports and hangers, vibration isolation pads or suspenders, flexible connections, inspection doors, dampers, turning vanes, straightening vanes, and any other item which will be required to complete the duct installation except external insulation and finish thereon. The external area shall be calculated by measuring the over-all width and depth (including the corner joints) in the centre of the duct section and over-all length of each duct section from flange face to flange face in case of duct lengths with uniform cross section. Total area will be arrived at by adding up the areas of all duct sections.
Width and depth in the case of taper pieces shall be measured at the edge of the collar of the flange for duct/sections fitted with angle iron flanges: otherwise at the bottom of the flange where the flanges are of GSS. Face to face length for taper piece shall be the mean of the lengths measured face to face from the centre of width and depth flanges.
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For special pieces like bends, branches, and tees, etc., the same principle of area measurement as for linear lengths shall be adopted, except for bends and elbows, the length of which shall be the average of the lengths of inner and outer periphery along with curvature of angle of the piece. Duct measurements for calculation of area shall be taken before application of insulation.
The area of ducts to be insulated shall be measured before the application of insulation. Payment will be made for the areas calculated directly from such measurements.
Payment of LT armored cables shall be on the basis of linear measurements measured from gland to gland. The rate shall include extra cables left in the panel. Measurements will be taken as straight runs along the route. No claims for balance cable remaining after the completion of work will be entertained. No joints in straight runs will be permitted. The contractor has to take the actual measurement of the cable at site along with approved route before procuring cables. The rates quoted for the cables laid in the underground trenches shall include excavation, sand cushioning, standard burnt brick protection, refilling, consolidating etc., as per specifications. No extra payment will be made for any miscellaneous work associated with cable laying.
The rate quoted for termination shall include copper lugs, brass compressed glands, copper earth clamps for glands, taping, crimping, yellow paste, etc.,
Payment for Cable Trays shall be made on the basis of linear measurement. No extra payment will be made for bends, offset pieces and other accessories like supports, clamps and grouting, etc. The cable tray shall be mounted as specified in relevant specifications
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All testing and balancing shall be made in the presence of the Engineer or his representative or other inspecting authority. Give not less than 7 days prior notice, in writing, to these parties before making any tests. Supply all necessary skilled labour, helpers, equipment and materials for tests, operating and adjusting the systems and for fully instructing the Employer or his representatives in the operation of the system.
Protect valves and equipment from damage during tests. Include connection to previously tested sections, if the systems are tested in sections.
Prior to the balancing procedure, operate all systems for at feast 16 consecutive hours or longer if required, to prove satisfactory automatic operation. If systems shutdown is I experienced for any reason, repeat and test until 16 consecutive hours are achieved. Operate equipment as recommended by the equipment manufacturers and in such a manner as to avoid damage to the work of other trades. Submit to the Consulting Engineers for review a log of all tests made which shall include time, temperature, pressure and other readings necessary to indicate that the systems have been operated and tested as required by the Specification. Upon completion of testing and balancing submit six (6) copies of the recorded test data for the Consulting Engineers evaluation and approval.
The Medium and Low Pressure ducts shall be tested for air leaks in accordance with the below mentioned table under heading Duct work Leak Test.
PRE BALANCE CHECKS AND START UP The Air Systems will be checked out at specified below, and started and started up prior to balancing.
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c) Install all dampers and other balancing devices as called for in the construction documents and verify the same are properly installed, indexed and in good working order.
d) Check all motor starters and verify that the heater sizing is correct, taking length of electrical feeders into consideration. Record amp readings on all motors. e) Check out and align all equipment drives. f) Set all fan sheaves to provide the indicated capacities at specified static pressures (RPM as specified). g) Set all manual balancing dampers, valves and balancing valves at 100% open position. Verify that all fire dampers are open. h) All adjustable pitch pulleys shall be removed from the motor shaft. The shaft and pulley threads shall be cleaned, lightly oiled, and pulley remounted, aligned and properly adjusted. i) Clean interior of all plenums, casings and ducts and install all filters before starting systems.
I) Operate systems for 16 consecutive hours without shutdown with all equipment in perfect working order. Manufacturers representative must be present at initial start- up all equipment.
o) Provide availability of personnel from all the related mechanical and controls contractors during balancing.
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Test forms used for testing and balancing shall be set up to include the following information. Each sheet shall have job name and address, name of air conditioning subcontractor, architect and engineer instruments used to perform tests, and name of test technician or test engineer. All forms shall be submitted in typewritten form. A minimum of 6 copies shall submitted. Test sheets shall be similar to those shown in.
Each Report shall contain a single line drawing of air distribution system with fan system and zone number indicated. Each and every out/et, supply, and return shall be indicated on this drawing by a number corresponding to the number on the outlet test sheet, enabling the Engineer to locate each outlet for this drawing.
Drawing shall be clear and neat and shall list name of job and location of same. Temperature Test Sheets Temperature test sheets shall list both specified and test conditions in opposite columns. Items listed on this sheet shall be as follows: a) Entering Air D.B. & W.B. Temperature b) Leaving Air D.B. & W.B. Temperature c) Entering Coil Water Temperature d) Leaving Coil Water Temperature
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AIR SIDE TESTING AND BALANCING The Air System shall be tested and balanced as under: a) Test and adjust fan RPM to design requirements
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m) Size, type and manufacturer of diffusers and all tested equipment shall be identified and listed. Manufacturers ratings on all equipment shall be used to make required calculations. n) Readings and tests of diffusers shall include required velocity and test resultant velocity. Required 1/5 and test resultant CFM after adjustments.
q) As part of the work of this contract, the Contractor shall make any changes in the pulleys and belts for correct balance as required at no additional cost to Owner.
DUCTWORK LEAKAGE TESTS General o o Specification describes the ductwork leakage testing procedure. ductwork shall be pressure tested for leakage The Sub-contractor shall provide the necessary test equipment and skilled labour to carry out the tests satisfactorily. Tests shall be witnessed and certified by the Client or his representative. Prior to witness of final tests, the sub-contractor shall carry out preliminary tests to ensure the test results are within specified limits.
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All ductwork shall be tested for leakage without duct insulation or duct enclosure at the joints.
The test apparatus shall have a calibration certificate, chart or graph dated not earlier than one year before the test for which it is used.
The section of ductwork to be tested for air leakage shall be sealed. Main ducts shall be provided with flanged joints to enable blanking plates to be fitted, while small open ends may be sealed with polythene or inflatable bags, which shall be left in position until final connections, are made. The section of ductwork to be tested shall have an area large enough to enable the test equipment to register a measurable leakage.
Maintain the test for fifteen (15) minutes and check that the leakage rate has not increased. Reduce pressure in ductwork to zero by switching off the fan, then immediately reapply test pressure to establish that the air leakage rate is not greater than previous reading.
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Re-testing The air leakage rate for any section of ductwork shall not be in excess of the permitted rate for that section. If the first test produces leakage in excess of the permitted maximum the section shall be resealed and re-tested until a leakage not greater than the permitted maximum for that section is achieved.
Certified Tests When satisfied with the results of the above preliminary tests the sub-contractor shall make arrangement to carry out the final tests which shall be conducted in the presence of the Client or his representative. Test particulars shall be recorded in Part 4 of the TEST SHEET and signed by the Client or his representative.
Duct Area Estimation The surface area of the section of the ductwork under test shall be estimated. Details of the estimation shall accompany the TEST SHEET in the following format: Width and Depth Periphery Length Area or Diameter
STATIC PRESS DIFF (Pa) 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500
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MAX. LEAKAGE PER SQ.METER DUCT WORK IN L/S LOW PR.CLASS MED.CLASS PR. HIGH PRESSURE A B CLASS C CLASS D 0.54 0.18 0.84 0.28 1.10 0.37 1.32 0.44 1.53 0.51 0.58 0.19 0.64 0.21 0.69 0.23 0.75 0.25 0.80 0.27 0.29 0.10 0.30 0.10 0.32 0.11 0.33 0.11 0.35 0.12 0.36 0.12 0.38 0.13 0.39 0.13 0.40 0.14 0.42 0.14 0.14 0.15 0.15 0.16 0.16
(ii) Test static pressure: Part 2 - Physical details (i) Section of ductwork: (ii) Drawing ref:
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The Scope of this section sets out the requirements for the supply of all materials, labour and all necessary accessories for the proper and efficient maintenance of the Air Conditioning Plant and Ancillary Equipment for this project.
All works to be performed under this specification shall be in accordance with manufacturers recommendations with the specification.
All works to be performed shall be carried out by workman skilled in the service maintenance and repair of Air Conditioning plant of all types and shall be executed in accordance with the best Commercial practice. All materials used in connection with the work shall be new and unused and generally be original spares from the manufacturers.
The repair and maintenance work shall be carried out under the supervision of a Foreman in charge of the servicing. The foreman shall be thoroughly competent and experienced in the supervising, maintenance and repair of Air Conditioning plant and accessories of all types and be in. the direct employ of the Sub-Contractor and acceptable to the Client/Owner.
All workmen employed shall be skilled in the service, maintenance and repair of Air Conditioning Plant and accessories of all types and be in the direct employ of the Sub- Contractor.
The Sub-Contractor shall inspect and service all Machinery and equipment comprising the complete Air Conditioning plant and accessories in accordance with the Schedule listed below.
The Sub-Contractor shall advise the Client/Owner of any defects in any part or parts of the complete Air Conditioning Plant and Accessories observed during the routine inspection and servicing and shall repair such defects at the Client/Owners approval. The Sub-Contractor shall also provide emergency repair service during normal working hours and also outside normal working hours if required to do by the Client/Owners.
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The Sub-Contractor shall inspect and service all machinery and equipment comprising the Complete Air Conditioning Plant and accessories at least once a month, except where otherwise directed by the Owners/Client. At each such monthly inspection and service of the complete Air Conditioning Plant and Accessories, the work detailed below shall be performed by the Sub-Contractor.
Inspect all refrigerant compressors and refrigeration systems and check the following:
Check all refrigerant and oil levels, and charge refrigerant and oil into refrigerant systems as necessary. Check the operation of all refrigerant controls, and clean, adjusts and lubricate as necessary.
Check the operation of all safety devices, and clean, adjusts and lubricate. as necessary.
Check the suction and discharge pressures of all refrigerant compressors, and if abnormal trace the faults and rectify as necessary.
ELECTRICAL MOTORS Inspect all electric motors, and check the following: i) ii) Check all motor bearings and lubricate with grease as necessary. Check carbon brushes and slip rings of all motors, and clean as necessary. Renew carbon brushes as necessary.
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Check safety devices fitted to all motors and clean, adjust and lubricate as necessary.
Inspect and check the routine operation of all electrical starters, electrical control gears, and ancillary electrical apparatus and check the following: Check, adjust and lubricate all bearings, pivots and other moving parts as necessary
Inspect and check the routine operation of all automatic temperature controls and relays, and Clean adjust and lubricate all bearings, pivots and other moving parts as necessary.
Instruct the operators responsible for the operation of the plant and equipment on correct method of operating the plant and equipment, and on the maintenance points to be watched. Report in writing to the Client/Owner any defect (s) observed in any part or parts of the complete air conditioning plant and accessories. The report shall state the cause (s) of the defect (s) observed and shall include an estimate of the cost of repairs required.
CONSUMABLE MATERIALS The Sub-Contractor shall supply the following consumable materials as and when required: a) b) Lubrication oil required for lubrication of compressors, grease for fan bearings, motor bearings, pivots and other moving parts. All refrigerant required to replace refrigerant losses in the refrigerant system. All consumable filter elements.
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All electric contact points required to replace worn electric contact points in switch gears, motor starter gears, electric control gears and electric relays. All cotton waste, soap detergent and other cleaning materials required for cleaning purposes.
The costs of these consumable materials shall not be charged for separately by the SubContractor, but shall be included in the fixed monthly quoted by the Sub-Contractor for the service and maintenance of the complete Air Conditioning Plant and Accessories. All other non consumable materials shall be charged with prior approval from the Clients.
The Sub-Contractor shall repair defects in the ductable split units and Accessories on the instructions of the Owner/Client.
The costs of such repairs shall not be included in the fixed monthly rate quoted by the SubContractor for the service and maintenance of the completely Air Conditioning Plant and Accessories but shall be charged for separately by the Sub-Contractor.
All repairs on the complete Air Conditioning Plant and accessories shall be guaranteed by the Sub-Contractor against defects in workmanship and materials for a period of one year to take effect from date of completion of the repairs. During the guarantee period, the SubContractor shall rectify defects in repairs carried out by him with no additional charge to the Client/Owner.
SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE RECORDS o The Sub-Contractor shall provide a service and maintenance record book for the complete Air Conditioning Plant and accessories being serviced and maintained, and brief details of all service, maintenance and repairs carried out on shall be entered by the Sub- Contractor into this book for checking purposes. The address and telephone number of the Sub-Contractor's service station shall also be entered into the record book to facilitate emergency service calls. The Sub-Contractor shall also keep an accurate detailed record in duplicate of all service, maintenance and repair work carried out by him on the complete Air Conditioning Plant and accessories. This record shall be in the form of a Maintenance/Repair sheet, and shall be countersigned by the Owner/Client each time the Air Conditioning Plant and accessories is attended to the Sub-Contractor.
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The rates for the service and maintenance of the complete Air Conditioning plant and accessories shall be as shown in the Appendix to Form of Tender. These rates shall be quoted for by the Sub-Contractor the time he submits his tender, and shall hold good for the period of three years commencing from the end of the free maintenance period. The Sub-Contractor may be required to enter into a Contract for the above period with Client/Owner. The contractor should indicate the response time in their offers for all breakdown calls and service calls.
SECTION: 11 TESTS The following readings shall be taken (and results computed) during the performance tests on the plant. AIR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM a. Dry bulb and wet bulb
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SECTION: 13 APPROVED MAKE OF MATERIALS FOR AIR CONDITIONING EQUIPMENT 1. 2. 3. 4. DX Ductable split units Supply & Return Diffusers Filters : : LG / Bluestar / Voltas Ravi Star / Air Master / Air Guide/ System air Aerosol / Erofil / John Fowler / EMW SAIL / Jindal
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1. The drawings furnished to the tenderer shall be interpreted by the use of given routing and nomenclature only; they shall not be scaled under any circumstances. Drawings to a large scale have precedence over those to a smaller scale. These drawings are general in nature and cannot be regarded as working drawings.
2. Drawings have been prepared showing the areas to be air conditioned and the space allocated for plant room, equipment rooms, etc. The equipment offered shall be accommodated within the space provided as far as possible. If nevertheless additional space is required for the equipment offered the tenderer shall bring out this point clearly in the tender itself. He shall note in this context that claims for additional space, if made at a later date will not be entertained.
3. Space allocated for major air conditioning equipment shall be taken into consideration before ordering the equipment and they shall fit into the space provided with required clearance all round as per relevant I.S.S sand I.E Rules.
4. Layout of equipment, duct routings, etc., as shown on the drawings, represent a feasible scheme. Apparatus may be re-arranged in the space allocated subject to the approval of the Consultants/Owner.
6. Prior to the execution of the work, the contractor shall check all drawings, specifications and shall within fifteen days report any errors, discrepancies and or omissions discovered therein to the Engineer-in-Charge and obtain appropriate orders
on the same. Any adjustment made by the contractor without prior approval of the Consultants/Owner shall be at his own risk and cost. 7. The drawings attached to these specifications are general in nature and cannot be regarded as working drawings. The contractor shall prepare his own detailed working drawings and get them approved by Consultants/Owner before execution. For any further drawings or specification that may be required for the execution of the works or otherwise under the contract, the contractor shall give adequate notice in writing to the Consultants.
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8. Prior to submission for approval, the contractor shall be responsible for thoroughly checking all drawings to ensure that they comply with the intent and the requirements of the contract specifications and that they fit in with the overall building layout.
9. The contractor shall obtain the approval in writing of the Consultants/Owner for his detailed working drawings before proceeding with the work. For this purpose, he shall submit 8 sets of drawings to the Consultants/Owner. Any alterations proposed by the Consultants/Owner shall be incorporated in the drawings by the contractor and the corrected drawings shall be submitted once again in 8 sets to the Owner.
10. The working drawings to be submitted by the contractor shall comprise shall aspects of air distribution, refrigerant piping, foundations, equipment layouts, routing of ducts, cables, etc. 11. After installation is completed, 8 sets of "As built drawings" shall be prepared in full details and submitted to the Consultants/Owner within 3 weeks from the date of completion of installation.
ANNEXURE-I TENDER BOQ FOR HVAC SYSTEM Sl. NO 1 DESCRIPTION DX - DUCTABLE SPLIT UNIT 8.75TR air conditioning capacity with 3500 cfm evaporator blower cool and dehumidified air capacity, air cooled type Ductable split package air conditioner complete with an outdoor unit with hermatic / semihermatic scroll compressor, high efficiency condenser coil and fan housed in a corrosion resistant heavy gauge GI powder coated casing complete with factory built electrical control center. Indoor unit comprising of heavy duty centrifugal blowers, high efficiency direct expansion cooling coil, synthetic woven slide. In type filter, automatic refrigeration controls etc. housed in a hide away type corrosion resistant heavy gauge GI casing with sandwiched type insulated drain pan. Vibration isolators and the interconnected refrigerant piping in copper complete with heatlon pipe section insulation of suction line shall be in the scope. Consider on average circuit length for the refrigerant piping and power control/cabling. as under Suction Line - Refrigerant piping complete with insulation Liquid Line - Refrigerant piping complete with insulation Fire retardent Mouth Canvass connections with Zip opening for outlet 4 60 60 4 Nos RM RM Sqm Sqm Sqm Kgs QTY UNIT
Masked fresh air louvers at inlet with 45 deg. fixed blades covered with weldmesh bird screen with 50% Free Areas. 6 1.2mm Thick GSS Volume control dampers with extended linkage rods for manual operation, channels, flanges suitable for DX UNIT OULET and with a manual operating handle. 5 MS support arrangement of indoor and outdoor unit 150 HDPE/PVC drain pipe Hard PVC drain piping with elbows, bends, tees etc. with insulation as per specification. 40 mm dia 70 AIR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM
Sqm Sqm
Nos Nos
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