Nampally Hyd. Since 26 Years: Volume - Iii
Nampally Hyd. Since 26 Years: Volume - Iii
Nampally Hyd. Since 26 Years: Volume - Iii
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Name Of Work :
HVAC System for Employees State Insurance (ESI) Hospital and PG College of Maniktala,Kolkata
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Total Amount( Rs.) 3+5
Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of 290 TR actual cooling capacity water chilling machines each comprising of screw compressors,motors,autotransformers, starters,air cooled condensers with fans,insulated chillers ,flow switch,vibration isolators,integral refrigerant piping and wiring accessories as per specifications,automatic capacity safety,controls centralised microprocessor control panel and all mounted on a steel frame. Motor shall be suitable for 415V10%V,3ph/50Hz AC power supply.Starting current of the compressor shall not exceed 2 times the full load current. chilled water temperatures will be as given below. a. Chilled Water IN to chilling machine:54 Deg F(12.2 Deg C) b. Chilled Water OUT from Chilling Machine :44 Deg F(6.7 Deg C) c Fouling Factor : 0.0005 Cost of chiller card for conection to BMS shall be included. The refrigerant used shall be ozone friendly - R-134 A .Initial charge of refrigerant and oil shall be supplied with the chilling machine. Air In temperature to condenser is 37.8DB/28.3WB. The maximum IKW/TR at actual conditions shall not exceed 1.26 (compressor s+ condenser fans + heaters) Water Chilling Machine as described above and in the specifications and complete in all respects. Chilled water and Hot water Pumps :
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Project :HVAC System for ESI Hospital and PG College at Maniktala -West Bengal Bill of Quantities (BOQ) of the HVAC works :
Amount 26000000
Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of end suction split casing type water pump sets factory mounted on a common base with electric motor for recirculation of water for the central air-conditioning system.All pumps shall be aligned. The pump motor shall be suitable for 415_+10% V, 50cycles, 3 phase power supply.The qouted rates shall be inclusive of insulation and cladding.
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Pump performance characteristics shall be as follows as per drawings and specifications. a) Chilled water Primary Pumps system : Water flow Rate : 700 US GPM Head : 18 m ( Including one standby) b) Chilled water secondary Pumps with VFDs system : Water flow Rate : 700 US GPM Head : 18 m ( Including one standby) c) Hot Water Pumps for winter Heating : Water Flow Rate : 300 US GPM Head : 24 m ( Including one standby) Hot Water Generators : 3
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640000 1120000 459000 890000
Project :HVAC System for ESI Hospital and PG College at Maniktala -West Bengal Bill of Quantities (BOQ) of the HVAC works :
Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of electrical Hot water Generator equipped with sufficient no.of flanges and electric immersion heaters.The pressure Vessel shall be constructed as per ASME standards and insulated on all sides with 2 layers of 50 mm thick fiberglass with 28 guage Aluminium cladding as per specifications. The hot water generator shall be equipped with all automatic and safety controls such as manual reset , high temperature water outlet,step controller and recycling relay,on/off switch type thermostat,pilot light, low water cut off and other controls as per manufacturers recommendations.All basic controls and terminals shall be located in an integral control cabinet factory wired and tested. The hot water generator shall be suitable for 41510%volts/50 cycles,3phase power supply The entire hot water generator shall be factory assembled and tested requiring only connection to services of 300 KW Water in - 110 Deg Water out - 120 Deg Floor Mounted AHUs :
This is trial 2 version ESIC Hospital and PGI at Maniktala If you want get full version, please register it, thank you.
a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) I) j) k) l) m) n)
Demo (
Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of sheet metal sectionalised construction draw thru type in Double skin construction with thermal break profile.Each Air Hndling Units shall be with filter section with prefilters and microvee filters,chilled water cooling coil of copper tube & Al.Fins construction,squirrel cage induction motor,centrifugal fan, mixing chamber for connecting the outside fresh air to AHUs,belt drive and vibration isolators.Coil size shall be selected for a max.face velocity of 500 FPM and static shall be 50 mm.Motor shall be suitable for 415 V/3ph/50Hz AC supply. Air moving capacities shall be as follows as per drawings and specifications. 22,700 cfm with 4 row cooling coil 19,000 cfm with 4 row cooling coil 18,200 cfm with 4 row cooling coil 16,500 cfm with 4 row cooling coil 15,700 cfm with 4 row cooling coil 15,500 cfm with 4 row cooling coil 14,750 cfm with 4 row cooling coil 14,000 cfm with 4 row cooling coil 13,500 cfm with 4 row cooling coil 13,000 cfm with 4 row cooling coil 12,700 cfm with 4 row cooling coil 12,250 cfm with 4 row cooling coil 12,000 cfm with 4 row cooling coil 11,150 cfm with 4 row cooling coil (All AHUs shall be with thermal break profile) Ceiling Suspended TFA Units :
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1300000 630000 1260000 1040000 500000 500000 500000 475000 1425000 425000 425000 400000 400000 360000 75000 60000
Project :HVAC System for ESI Hospital and PG College at Maniktala -West Bengal Bill of Quantities (BOQ) of the HVAC works :
Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of sheet metal construction draw thru type Air Handling Units in Double Skin construction. Each Air Hndling Units shall be with filter section with prefilters ,chilled water cooling coils of copper tube & Al.Fins construction,squirrel cage induction motor centrifugal fan, belt drive and vibration isolators.Coil size shall be selected for a maximum face velocity of 500 FPM and static shall be 40 mm.Motor shall be suitable for 415V/3ph/50hz Air moving capacities shall be as given below as per drawings and specifications. a) 2,200 cfm with 6 row cooling coil b) 1,750 cfm with 6 row cooling coil
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a) b) c) d) 7
Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of sheet metal construction draw thru type AHUs in double skin construction Each AHU shall have filter section with prefilters, microvee filters ,HEPA filters,3# 3KW strip heaters,mixing chamber,chilled water cooling coil of copper tube & Al.Fins construction,squirrel cage induction motor,centrifugal fan,belt drive,vibration isolators etc.Coil size of the of these air handling units shall be selected for a maximum face velocity of 500 FPM and static pressure shall be 125 mm WG The air moving capacities shall be as detailed below.These units shall be in accordance with drawings and specifications. 2,400 cfm with 6 row cooling coil 2,200 cfm with 6 row cooling coil 2,000 cfm with 6 row cooling coil 1,000 cfm with 6 row cooling coil (All AHUs shall be with thermal break profile) Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of Heat exchanger units(HRV) in double skin construction,constructed out of extruded Aluminium section frame with puf insulated panels,blowers,plate to plate type Aluminium heat exchanger and filters.The unit will have two separate passages one for supply of fresh air and the other for exhaust of cool air from the rooms after the revovery of energy. Efficiency of these heat exchangers shall be 60-65%.The plate to plate heat exchanger shall be rigid thermally bonded seamless Aluminium channels separated by extruded aluminium spacers of the 2000 cmh capacity.The unit shall be complete with its panels. as per drawings and specifications.(For Operation Theatres only) Fan Coil Units :
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(All AHUs shall be with thermal break profile) Ceiling Suspended AHUs for OTs:
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175000 163000 1350000 110000 1705000 0 0
Project :HVAC System for ESI Hospital and PG College at Maniktala -West Bengal Bill of Quantities (BOQ) of the HVAC works :
Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of horizontal hide away type fan coil unit complete with fan ,fan motor,cooling coil,filters, 2-way motarised with snap acting thermostat and ball valve set etc.and complete as per specifications and drawings of below capacities. a) 1.5 TR (600 cfm) b) 2.0 TR (800 cfm)
This is trial 4 version ESIC Hospital and PGI at Maniktala If you want get full version, please register it, thank you.
a) b) c) d)
Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of hydronic type chilled water cassette units complete with fan, fan motor,decorative grilles/panel,drain pump,cooling coil,filters, 2-way motarised valve with snap acting thermostat and ball valve set etc.and complete as per specifications and drawings of below capacities. 1.00 TR (630 cmh) 1.62 TR (1000 cmh) 1.98 TR (1250 cmh) 2.50 TR (1600 cmh) Pressurisation Fan sections :
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870000 1480000 675000 50000 260000 180000 560000 100000 182000 43500 13000 11000
Project :HVAC System for ESI Hospital and PG College at Maniktala -West Bengal Bill of Quantities (BOQ) of the HVAC works :
Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of DIDW centrifugal fan section with motor,drives set mounting frame,GI sheet casing of 16 Guage complete as per specifications and drawings of below capacities for staircase pressurisation. a) 15000 cfm at 15 mm static b) 8000 cfm at 15 mm static b) 6000 cfm at 15 mm static Ducted Inline Type Exhaust fans :
a) b) c) d) e)
Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of ducted Inline type exhaust fans complete with motor ,fan, exhaust Louvers as per drawings and specifications. of following sizes : 1000 cfm at 20mm static 800 cfm at 20 mm static 900 cfm at 20 mm static 450 cfm at 20 mm static 250 cfm at 20 mm static Propeller Type Exhaust fans :
Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of propeller type free discharge exhaust fans complete with motor , fan ,exhaust Louvers as per drawings and specifications.
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of following sizes : a) 225 mm dia (free discharge) 13 Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of decorative High Wall type split units complete with indoor and outdoor units,refrigerant pipes with insulation, stablisers,ms frame for outdoor units interconnecting all wiring,cabling and complete in all respects as per drawings and specifications. (2 TR cooling capacity) 14 Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of decorative High Wall type split units complete with indoor and outdoor units,refrigerant pipes with insulation, stablisers,ms frame for outdoor units interconnecting all wiring,cabling and complete in all respects as per drawings and specifications.(1.5 TR cooling capacity) Main A/C Panel
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Project :HVAC System for ESI Hospital and PG College at Maniktala -West Bengal Bill of Quantities (BOQ) of the HVAC works :
49005 R.O. Nos. 41440 0 R.O. Nos. 36720 0
15 Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of the following integrated, cubicle type dead front, extensible sheet steel control panels,anchoring the panel to the foundation.The panel shall be suitable for 690 Volts/ 3PH/50Hz. Quoted price shall include rubber mats etc.The Panel shall have separate compartment for Bus bar and cable alleys.The following components and accessories shall be mounted within each control panel. a) I)
INCOMING FROM PANEL One No. 2000 Amps Electrically operated draw out type 4 pole Air Circuit Breaker (ACB) with 6 NO & 6 NC contacts 1 set and complete with the following : 0-500 Volts digital type voltmeter with selector switch 1 set 0-2000 Amps digital type ammetre with 2000/5 Amps CTs and selector switches. 1 set Over voltage tripping mechanism for persistent voltage exceeding 110% of the rated voltage for more than five minutes. 1 set CT operated overcurrent and earth fault relay (IDMT) with
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f) g)
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vi) b)
CTs, 1600/5A, SP 10 protection class 15 VA burden. 1 set Phase indicating Lamps with toggle switches & control fuses 1 set BUS BARS : Aluminium bus bar with heat shrikable sleaves rated at 2000 amps for three phase and neutral phase.Bus bar shall have maximum current density of 1 amp per and the neutral phase bus bar of not less than 50% capacity. 2 sets OUTGOINGS FROM BUSBAR : 4 nos. 1000 Amps. motorised TP MCCB (50KA) with neutral link and 6 NO & 6 NC auxilliary contacts on outgoing feeders for 290 TR air cooled chilling unit compressor motors. The compartment shall shall contain CT operated ammeter of 0-1000 Amps range with selector switch and indicating lamps with fuse and toggle switch for ON and TRIP status of motor. 4 Nos.125 Amps TP MCCB (35 KA) with neutral link outgoing feeders for chilled water primary pumps .The compartment shall contain star delta starter with single phase preventor and CT operated ammeter of 0-150 Amps.range with for ON and TRIP status of motor. 4 Nos.125 Amps TP MCCB (35 KA) with neutral link outgoing feeders for chilled water secondary pumps.the compartment shall contain star delta starter with single phase preventor and CT operated ammeter of 0-150 Amps.range with for ON and TRIP status of motor. 3 Nos.63 Amps TP MCCB (35 KA) with neutral link outgoing feeders for hot water pumps.The compartment shall contain star delta starter with single phase preventor and CT operated ammeter of 0-63 Amps.range with for ON and TRIP status of motor. 2 nos. 800 Amps. motorised TP MCCB (50KA) with neutral link and 6 NO & 6 NC auxilliary contacts on outgoing feeders for 300 KW Hot water Generator as per the details . The compartment shall shall contain CT operated ammeter of 0-800 Amps range with selector switch and indicating lamps Necessary cable alleys of all equipment shall be included. All switch gears/controls gears shall be of motor duty rating. Auto/Manual stop change over switch to each equipment and necessary potential free contacts. Control Panel in Air Handling Unit Rooms :
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Project :HVAC System for ESI Hospital and PG College at Maniktala -West Bengal Bill of Quantities (BOQ) of the HVAC works :
This is trial 7 version ESIC Hospital and PGI at Maniktala If you want get full version, please register it, thank you.
viii) ix) x) a) b) c) d) e)
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Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of the following cubicle type openable front ,sheet steel wall mounted control panels sleeve type Al. bus bar including anchoring into the wall.These panels shall be complete in all respects as per the drawings and the specifications. The panel shall include the following accessories : MCCB as per rating given below. Terminal block for power distribution. Single Phase Preventor. Phase indicating lights and indicating lights for ON/TRIP status Digital type Ammeter and suitable size CT and selector switche. Time delay relay for automatic restart of AHUs motors. Auto/Manual stop selector switch shall be provided in each AHU Panel.The same should provide potential free contact for position monitoring to BMS system. All starters shall have suitable potential free contacts Wiring for microswitch for stopping the fan when fire dampers closes. Bypass starter for BMS (AHUs VFDs) The number of AHU panel shall be as detailed below : 63 amps TPN MCCB with 1 No.2.0 HP DOL Starter for AHU fan motor and & 16 Amps. 63 amps TPN MCCB with 1 No.3.0 HP DOL Starter for AHU fan motor and & 16 Amps. 63 amps TPN MCCB with 1 No.10 HP Star Delta Starter for AHU fan motor and & 16 Amps. 63 amps TPN MCCB with 1 No.12.5 HP Star Delta Starter for AHU fan motor and & 16 Amps. 63 amps TPN MCCB with 1 No.15 HP Star Delta Starter for AHU fan motor and & 16 Amps. Control Panel for ventilation and pressurisation fans :
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20000 300000 630000 90000 90000 12 sets 25000 14 2 sets 45000 sets 45000 45000 2 sets
Project :HVAC System for ESI Hospital and PG College at Maniktala -West Bengal Bill of Quantities (BOQ) of the HVAC works :
Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of the following cubicle type openable front ,sheet steel wall mounted control panels sleeve type Al. bus bar including anchoring into the wall.These panels shall be complete in all respects
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as per the drawings and the specifications. The panels shall include the following accessories : MCCB as per rating given below. Terminal block for power distribution. Single Phase Preventor. Phase indicating lights and indicating lights for ON/TRIP status Digital type Ammeter and suitable size CT and selector switche. Time delay relay for automatic restart of Fan motors. Auto/Manual stop selector switch shall be provided in each Fan Panel All starters shall have suitable potential free contacts The number of El. Panels shall be as detailed below : 32 amps TPN MCCB with 1 No. 5.0 HP DOL Starter 63 amps TPN MCCB with 1 No. 10 HP DOL Starter Chilled Water Piping :
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250000 90000 840000 262500 268750 57060 659200 526900 121050 47880 31405 51300 231000 30000
Project :HVAC System for ESI Hospital and PG College at Maniktala -West Bengal Bill of Quantities (BOQ) of the HVAC works :
a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l)
Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of "C"class mild steel Chilled water piping with all necessary fittings like flanges ,supports,bends, tees,reducers,sockets & TF quality Expanded polystyrene(EPS) insulation & 28 guage Al.cladding as per the thickness and densities as mentioned in the drawings and the specifications. 300 mm dia 200 mm dia. 150 mm dia. 125 mm dia. 100 mm dia. 80 mm dia 65 mm dia 50 mm dia. 40 mm dia. 32 mm dia. 25 mm dia. 20 mm dia. Chilled Water Circuit /hot water lines Valves :
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e) f)
Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of following type of valves as per drawings and specifications for the chilled/hot water circuit with all fittings and insulations and 28 guage Al.cladding. Butterfly Valves 300 mm dia 150 mm dia 125 mm dia. 100 mm dia. 80 mm dia. 65 mm dia. 50 mm dia 40 mm dia Ball valve for CS AHUs 32 mm dia. 25 mm dia. Balancing Valve 150 mm dia 125 mm dia. 100 mm dia 80 mm dia. 65 mm dia. 50 mm dia 40 mm dia 32 mm dia. 25 mm dia. Check Valve 150 mm dia. 100 mm dia. Y-Strainers 80 mm dia. 65 mm dia. 32 mm dia 40 mm dia 25 mm dia Pot Strainer 300 mm dia Flexible pipe Connection 150 mm dia 125 mm dia.
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175000 138570 10288 21090 44128 14520 0 0 39200 1912 192000 0 17488 75698 15910 0 0 16800 950 60000 9000 62565 17765 46350 0 16500 140000 0 288000 0 6 R.O. 2 14 5 R.O. R.O. 14 1 8 3 Nos Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos Nos 32000 11957 8744 5407 3182 2279 1622 1200 950 7500 3000 15 5 15 R.O. 11 1 Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos No 4171 3553 3090 2626 1500 140000 12000 10041 24 R.O. Nos Nos
Project :HVAC System for ESI Hospital and PG College at Maniktala -West Bengal Bill of Quantities (BOQ) of the HVAC works :
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a) b) c) d) e)
Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of following Globe type UL/CE Approved 2-way motorised valves for AHUs with status feedback for the chilled water and hot water circuit with actuators, linkage, control wiring and all fittings and insulation and 28 Guage Al.cladding as per drawings and specifications. 100 mm dia.pipe size 80 mm dia.pipe size 65 mm dia. pipe size 32 mm dia.pipe size 25 mm dia.pipe size AHUs Thermostats :
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10 28 10 28 2 4
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Project :HVAC System for ESI Hospital and PG College at Maniktala -West Bengal Bill of Quantities (BOQ) of the HVAC works :
77240 181664 49430 95172 4800 20228 0 731682 233375 210000 8500 494500 63630 66885
Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of proportional type cooling and heating thermostats for the various Air Handling Units complet with required control wiring/installation kit etc. as per drawings and specifications
Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of following Thermameters and pressure guage as per drawings and specifications for the Chilled/hot water circuit complete with syphon and fitttings a) Pressure guage b) Thermometer Expansion Tank :
Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of 1000 litres capacity expansion tank fabricated from 3mm MS sheet and having 19 mm thick nitrile
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rubber foam insulation covered with 28 Ga Aluminium sheet with man hole cover, drain ,overflow,quick fill,water supply connections,valves and complete in all respects as per drawings and specification 1000mm X 1000mm X 1000 mm Drain Piping : 24
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70000 R.O. 75 300 75 50 350 Rmt Rmt Rmt Rmt Rmt Rmt 900 700 600 500 400 300 0 52500 180000 37500 20000 105000 75 Nos 1400 105000 150 Nos 956 143400 3450 2300 800 400 M2 M2 M2 M2 690 790 930 1065 2380500 1817000 744000 426000
Project :HVAC System for ESI Hospital and PG College at Maniktala -West Bengal Bill of Quantities (BOQ) of the HVAC works :
a) b) c) d) e) f) 25
Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of "B" class GI drain piping complete with fitting etc & nitrile foam insulation with sealing tapes & 28 G Aluminium cladding complete as per drawings & specifications of below sizes. 80 mm dia. 65 mm dia. 50 mm dia. 40 mm dia. 32 mm dia. 25 mm dia. Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of Air Vents 15 mm dia.
Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of 1" dia Ball valves for drain with fittings etc. Rectangular Ductwork :
a) b) c) d)
Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of rectangular sheet metal ductwork complete with supports, dampers/splitters/vanes/fasteners/nuts/washers and all ancilliary items as per specifications and drawings of the following guauges / thickness.: 24 Gauge 22 Guage 20 Guage 18 Guage XPE Insulation :
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Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of expanded polyethylene insulation on ducts complete as per the drawings and specifications of following sizes. a) 9 mm thickness Duct Accoustic Lining :
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2904300 457200 32996 110 M2 6477 712470 78 M2 12342 962676 20 M2 8000 160000 6 M2 7500 45000 15 M2 4400 66000
Project :HVAC System for ESI Hospital and PG College at Maniktala -West Bengal Bill of Quantities (BOQ) of the HVAC works :
Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of 25 mm thick & 32 kg/m3 density fiberglass insulation boards fixed on GI frame & covered with 26 guage perforated Aluminium sheet with nuts,bolts and complete as per drawings and specifications for the accoustic lining of a/c ducts. Grilles/Diffusers/Louvers/VCDs/FDs :
Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of Supply air grilles with dampers in extruded Aluminium construction and powder coated finish as per specifications and drawings. Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of Return air grilles without dampers in extruded Aluminium construction and powder coated finish as per specifications and drawings Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of Supply air Diffusers with dampers in extruded Aluminium construction and powder coated finish as per specifications and drawings. Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of Return air Diffusers without dampers in extruded Aluminium construction and powder coated finish as per specifications and drawings. Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of MS powder coated grilles with dampers,louvers and filters for Fresh air intake. Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of GI construction Volume control Dampers lever operated type as per specifications and drawings Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of motorised combined smoke and fire dampers complete with
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control panel interconnecting wiring at locations shown in the drawings and as per specifications AHU Room Accoustic Lining : Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of accoustic lining on all side walls of each AHU Rooms with fiberglass ,tissue paper and 24 guage perforated aluminium sheet. The Fibreglass insulation shall be 50 mm X 32Kg/m3 of board tyoe and shall be fixed on GI Frame as per the drawings and the specifications. Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of of powder coated extruded aluminium air transfer grilles with rear side frame as per drawings and specifications Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of flexible duct connections constructed of fire resistance flexible double canvas sleeve as per the drawings and specifications. Power Cabling :
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Project :HVAC System for ESI Hospital and PG College at Maniktala -West Bengal Bill of Quantities (BOQ) of the HVAC works :
625000 1179000 18300 30 M2 3400 102000 200 200 75 85 150 450 400 RM RM RM RM RM RM RM 4000 2000 700 600 500 400 300 800000 400000 52500 51000 75000 180000 120000
a) b) c) d) e) f) g)
Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of PVC insulated sheathed 1.1 KV grade armoured Al. Power cables from various panels upto their respective equipment on MS painted perforated trays with appropriate clamps/fixing arrangements as per specifications and drawings. 3.5 C X 400 mm2 Aluminium Cable 3.5 C X 240 mm2 Aluminium Cable 3 C X 25 mm2 Aluminium Cable 3 C X 16 mm2 Aluminium Cable 3 C X 10 mm2 Aluminium Cable 3 C X 6 mm2 Aluminium Cable 3 C X 4 mm2 Aluminium Cable Control Cabling :
Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of PVC insulated sheathed 1.1 KV grade armoured Copper control cables for various equipment through walls/ceilings with appropriate clamps / fixing arrangements and complete with termination
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Earthing : 42
Supply,installation,testing and commissioning of double earthing continuity conductor of GSS from Panels to respective equipment as per drawings and specifications. a) 25 mm X 3 mm strip b) 6 SWG wire c) 8 SWG wire
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Project :HVAC System for ESI Hospital and PG College at Maniktala -West Bengal Bill of Quantities (BOQ) of the HVAC works :
30000 125 350 250 RM RM RM 95 25 17 Grand Total 11875 8750 4250 72977607
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