Abstract of Indian Electricity Rules
Abstract of Indian Electricity Rules
Abstract of Indian Electricity Rules
2) Danger Notices:
The owner of every medium, high and extra-high voltage installation shall affix permanently in a conspicuous position a danger notice in Hindi or English and the local language of the district, with a sign of skull and Bones on (a) Every motor, generator, transformer and other electrical plant and equipment together with apparatus used for controlling or regulating the same; (b) All supports of high and extra-high voltage overhead lines which can be easily climb-upon without the aid of ladder or special appliances.
3) Cables :
Flexible cables shall not be used for portable or transportable motors, generators, transformer rectifiers, electric drills, electric sprayers, welding sets or any other portable or transportable apparatus unless they are heavily insulated and adequately protected from mechanical injury. Where the protection is by means of metallic covering, the covering shall be in metallic connection with the frame of any such apparatus and earth. The cables shall be three core type and four-core type for portable and transportable apparatus working on single phase and three phases supply respectively and the wire meant to be used for ground connection shall be easily Identifiable Where A.C. and D.C. circuits are installed on the same support they shall be so arranged and protected that they shall not come into contact with each other when live.
4) Safety:
Two or more gas masks shall be provided conspicuously and installed and maintained at accessible places in every generating station with capacity of 5 MW and above and enclosed sub-station with transformation capacity of 5 MVA and above for use in the event of fire or smoke. Provide that where more than one generator with capacity of 5 MW and above is installed in a power station, each generator would be provided with at least two separate gas masks in accessible and conspicuous position.
If there are any attachments or bare connections at the back of the switchboard, the space (if any) behind the switchboard shall be either less than 20 centimeters or more than 75 centimeters in width, measured from the farthest outstanding part of any attachment or conductor; If the space behind the switchboard exceeds 75 centimeters in width, there shall be a passage-way from either end of the switchboard clear to a height of 1.8 meters.
11) Transformer:
Where transformer or transformers are used, suitable provision shall be made, either by connecting with earth a point of the circuit at the lower voltage or otherwise, to guard against danger by reason of the said circuit becoming Accidentally charged above its normal voltage by leakage from or contact with the circuit at the higher voltage A sub-station or a switch station with apparatus having more than 2000 litres of oil shall not be located in the basement where proper oil draining arrangement cannot be provided. Where a sub-station or a switch station with apparatus having more than 2000 litres of oil is installed, whether indoor or out-doors, the following measures shall be taken, namely: -
The baffle walls 4[of 4 hour fire rating] shall be provided between the apparatus in the following cases: (1) Single phase banks in the switch-yards of generating stations and substations; (2) On the consumer premises; (3) Where adequate clearance between the units is not available. Provisions shall be made for suitable oil soakpit and where use of more than 9000 litres of oil in any one oil tank, receptacle or chamber is involved, provision shall be made for the draining away or removal of any oil which may leak or escape from the tanks receptacles or chambers containing the same. The transformer shall be protected by an automatic high velocity water spray system or by carbon dioxide or BCF (Bromo chlorodi feuromethane) or BTM (Bromo tri fluromethane) fixed installation system; and Oil filled transformers installed indoors shall not be on any floor above the ground or below the first basement. Isolators and the corresponding earthing switches shall be interlocked so that no earthing switch can be closed unless and until the corresponding isolator is in open position. When two or more transformers are operated in parallel, the system shall be so arranged as to trip the secondary breaker of a transformer in case the primary breaker of that transformer trips. Where two or more generators operate in parallel and neutral switching is adopted, inter-lock shall be provided to ensure that generator breaker cannot be closed unless one of the neutrals is connected to the earthing system. Gas pressure type protection to given alarm and tripping shall be provided on all transformers of ratings 1000 KVA and above. Transformers of capacity 10 MVA and above shall be protected against incipient faults by differential protection; and All generators with rating of 100 KVA and above shall be protected against earth fault/leakage. All generators of rating 1000KVA and above shall be protected against faults within the generator winding using restricted earth fault protection or differential protection or by both.