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Autumn 2007

New and noteworthy books and journals

Highlights Autumn 2007

2nd ed.

see page 118 see page 39 see page 125

see page 15 see page 43 see page 29


Logic 4
Combinatorics 7
Number Theory / Lattice Theory 9
Algebra and Representation Theory 14
Geometry / Topology 28
Analysis / Operator Theory 39
Differential Equations / Dynamical Systems 63
Systems and Control 77
Probability and Statistics 81
Mathematical Physics / Physics 89
Numerical and Computational Mathematics / Applications 94
Of general interest 118

History of Science 121

Titel in deutscher Sprache / German-language titles 130

Series Index 139

Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics 140
Series in History of Science 155

Journals 158

Authors and Editors Index 164

Contact Information 168


2nd ed.

Completeness Theory for Logica Universalis

Propositional Logics Towards a General Theory of Logic
Pogorzelski, W.A., University of Bialystok, Beziau, J.-Y., University of Neuchâtel,
Poland / Wojtylak, P., Silesian University Switzerland (Ed.)
Katowice, Poland
Universal Logic is not a new logic, but a
SUL – Studies in Universal Logic general theory of logics, considered as
mathematical structures. The name was
Due in December 2007 introduced about ten years ago, but the
subject is as old as the beginning of modern
The book develops the theory of one logic: Alfred Tarski and other Polish logicians
of the most important notions in the such as Adolf Lindenbaum developed a
methodology of formal systems. Particularly, general theory of logics at the end of the
completeness plays an important role in 1920s based on consequence operations
propositional logic where many variants and logical matrices. The subject was
of the notion have been defined. Global revived after the flowering of thousands of
variants of the notion mean the possibility new logics during the last thirty years: there
of getting all correct and reliable schemata was a need for a systematic theory of logics
of inference. Its local variants refer to the to put some order in this chaotic multiplicity.
notion of truth given by some semantics.
This book contains recent works on
A uniform theory of completeness in its universal logic by first-class researchers
general and local meaning is carried out and from all around the world. The book is full
it generalizes and systematizes some variety of new and challenging ideas that will guide
of the notion of completeness such as Post- the future of this exciting subject. It will be
completeness, structural completeness of interest for people who want to better
and many others. This approach allows understand what logic is. Tools and concepts
also for a more profound view upon some are provided here for those who want to
essential properties (e.g. two-valuedness) of study classes of already existing logics or
propositional systems. For these purposes, want to design and build new ones.
the theory of logical matrices, and the theory
2007. 246 p. Softcover
of consequence operations is exploited. EUR 49.90 / CHF 78.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-8353-4

2008. Approx. 180 p. Softcover

EUR 49.90 / CHF 85.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-8517-0

A Beginner's Guide to 
Discrete Mathematics
Wallis, W.D.

"Wallis's book on discrete mathematics is

a resource for an introductory course in a
subject fundamental to both mathematics
and computer science, a course that is
expected not only to cover certain specific
Universal Algebraic Logic topics but also to introduce students to
Dedicated to the Unity of Science important modes of thought specific to each
Andréka, H. / Németi, I. / Sain, I., all discipline… Lower-division undergraduates
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, through graduate students." Choice
Hungary 2003. 352 p. 43 illus. Softcover
EUR 48.– / CHF 85.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4269-3
SUL – Studies in Universal Logic
A Beginner's Guide to 
Due in January 2008 Finite Mathematics
The three main themes of this book are (i)
For Business, Management, and the
universal logic and the question of what Social Sciences
logic is, (ii) universal algebraic logic and Wallis, W.D.
duality theories between the world of logics
and the world of algebra, and (iii) algebraic "Requiring little mathematical background
logic proper including algebras of relations beyond high school algebra, the text will be
of various ranks, Tarski's cylindric algebras, especially useful for business and liberal arts
relation algebras, Halmos' polyadic algebras majors. Its straightforward treatment of the
and other kinds of algebras of logic. essential concepts in finite mathematics will
appeal to a wide audience of students and
Besides Tarskian algebraizations of teachers." Zentralblatt MATH
logics, category theoretical perspectives
2004. XII, 354 p. Softcover
are also touched upon. Following the EUR 44.90 / CHF 75.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4270-9
Tarskian tradition, besides the connections
between logic and algebra, related logical
connections with geometry and eventually
Foundations of Logic and 
spacetime geometry leading up to relativity Mathematics
are also part of the perspective of the Applications to Computer Science and
book. An introductory chapter contains the Cryptography
necessary algebraic basics, this can be used Nievergelt, Y.
in its own right as a quick introduction to
universal algebra. "The book under review covers the topics
2008. Approx. 260 p. Softcover which can usually be found in textbooks
EUR 59.90 / CHF 105.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-8505-7 of discrete mathematics for students in
computer science or mathematics … as well
as more advanced topics in mathematical
logic ... While the range of topics is relatively
standard, the way they are presented is
highly original. ...This is a valuable reference


text and a useful companion for anybody presents one or more major theorems with
wondering how basic mathematical concepts detailed and nontrivial proofs, and states
can be rigorously developed within set without proof one or two other important
theory." Mathematical Reviews results. At the end of every chapter is an
ample collection of exercises."
2001. XVI, 415 p. 22 illus. Hardcover Mathematical Reviews
EUR 84.– / CHF 140.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4249-5
"...surprisingly, despite the extremely basic
nature of the subject, this monograph has
Handbook of Logic and Proof essentially no competition. But fortunately
Techniques for Computer Science the first entry proves a gem. Undergraduate
mathematics and computer science
Krantz, S. G.
majors will find the first chapters offering
background that will serve them well in
"This is really what it promises to be – a good many courses. The rest of the book, which
handbook: supple, self-contained, providing features many open problems, constitutes
the necessary and sufficient working an accessible and stimulating invitation to
resources … it is more than [one] expect[s]: research … Highly recommended." Choice
the rigor of usefulness and conciseness 2003. XVII, 391 p. 35 illus. Hardcover
exceeds or equals … the pleasure of reading EUR 68.– / CHF 120.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4128-3
it." Zentralblatt MATH
2002. XIX, 245 p. 16 illus. Hardcover Proofs and Fundamentals 
EUR 54.90 / CHF 90.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4220-4
A First Course in Abstract
In Search of Infinity Bloch, E. D.
Vilenkin, N.Y.
"Perhaps the book’s greatest strength is the
"In fewer than 150 pages Vilenkin has author’s zeal and skill for helping students
packed a whole course on infinity: its history, write mathematics better. Careful guidance
philosophy, and mathematical theory. Abe is given throughout the book. Basic issues
Shenitzer's translation is very smooth and like not abusing equal signs are treated
natural... When fractals have gone out of explicitly. Attention is given to even relatively
style, and chaos is no longer the flavor of the
small issues, like not placing a mathematical
month, some kind of 'geometric set theory'
or 'set-theoretic geometry' may very well symbol directly after a punctuation mark.
remain, and In Search of Infinity may still be Throughout the book, theorems are often
the best introduction to it." followed first by informative ‘scratch work’
American Mathematical Monthly and only then by proofs. Thus students can
see many examples of what they should
EUR 38.– / CHF 48.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3819-1 think, what they should write, and how these
are usually not the same." MAA Online
Ordered Sets 
2000. XXI, 424 p. Hardcover
EUR 48.– / CHF 78.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4111-5
An Introduction
Schröder, B. Set Theory
"This book is a most successful introduction Centre de Recerca Matemàtica
to the theory of ordered sets. The range of Barcelona, 2003-2004
topics covered is wide yet the exposition is Bagaria, J. / Todorcevic, S. (Eds)
self-contained … The focus on open problems TM – Trends in Mathematics
makes for enthusiastic writing and provides
continuity among the diverse topics that 2006. VI, 406 p. Hardcover
EUR 98.– / CHF 158.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7691-8
are discussed … in each chapter the author
proves a solid collection of basic results,

2nd ed.

A Beginner's Guide to Walks on Ordinals and Their

Graph Theory Characteristics
Wallis, W.D., Southern Illinois University, Todorcevic, S., Université Paris VII - CNRS,
Carbondale, IL, USA France and University of Toronto, Canada
Graph theory continues to be one of PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 263
the fastest growing areas of modern
Due in September 2007
mathematics because of its wide applicability
in such diverse disciplines as computer The walks on ordinals and analysis of their
science, engineering, chemistry, management characteristics is a subject matter started
science, social science, and resource by the author some twenty years ago in
planning. Graphs arise as mathematical order to disprove a particular extension of
models in these fields, and the theory of the Ramsey theorem. A further analysis
graphs provides a spectrum of methods of has shown however that the resulting
proof. method is quite useful in detecting critical
mathematical objects in contexts where
This concisely written textbook is intended
only rough classifications are possible. For
for an introductory course in graph theory
example, many of the characteristics of
for undergraduate mathematics majors
walks on countable ordinals lead naturally
or advanced undergraduate and graduate
to uncountable linear orderings whose
students from the many fields that benefit
Cartesian squares can be covered by
from graph-theoretic applications.
countably many chains which turns out to be
This second edition includes new chapters on critical objects in the category of all linear
labeling and communications networks and orderings. Recently the method has lead us
small-worlds, as well as expanded beginner's to solutions to some other problems in a
material in the early chapters, including more variety of disciplines such as for example a
examples, exercises, hints and solutions natural extension of the unconditional basic
to key problems. Many additional changes, sequence problem from the Banach space
improvements, and corrections resulting theory or the famous L-space problem from
from classroom use and feedback have been topology.
added throughout. With a distinctly applied
"I strongly recommend that this important
flavor, this gentle introduction to graph theory
book should be published. It will be a "must
consists of carefully chosen topics to develop
read" for anyone working in combinatorial set
graph-theoretic reasoning for a mixed
theory, and should also be of great interest
to set-theoretic topologists and Banach
2007. XX, 260 p. 160 illus. Softcover space theorists." Prof. James W. Cummings,
EUR 34.90 / CHF 49.90 / ISBN 978-0-8176-4484-0
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA,
from a review of the draft
2007. Approx. 350 p. Hardcover
EUR 59.90 / CHF 105.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-8528-6

102 Combinatorial Problems  Combinatorics and 

From the Training of the USA Commutative Algebra
IMO Team Stanley, R. P.
Andreescu, T. / Feng, Z. 2nd ed.
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 41
"Each solution is given in full, and often 1996. VI, 164 p. Softcover
with alternative versions as well. Some EUR 62.– / CHF 98.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4369-0
solutions introduce standard combinatorial
tools like inclusion-exclusion, generating
functions, and graphs. Others stray into
probability, number theory, complex numbers,
inequalities and functional equations. The
book will be useful for teachers looking for
challenging problems for able students and
for those preparing for Olympiads."
The Mathematical Gazette
2003. XII, 115 p. 40 illus. Softcover
EUR 28.– / CHF 42.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4317-1

A Path to Combinatorics for 

Counting Strategies
Andreescu, T. / Feng, Z.

"This book is an introduction to counting

strategies in combinatorial theory. The main
mathematical ideas are carefully worked
into organized, challenging, and instructive
examples given in the nine chapters of
this book. In the last chapter we find 111
problems (without solutions). The greater
part of them are from various mathematical
contests. The…experience of the authors in
preparing students for various mathematical
competitions allowed them to present a
big collection of beautiful problems. By
studying this book, undergraduates will be
well-equipped to further their knowledge in
more abstract combinatorics and its related
fields." MAA Online
2004. XVIII, 228 p. Softcover
EUR 36.– / CHF 58.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4288-4

Number Theory / Lattice Theory

104 Number Theory Problems Algebraic Geometry and

From the Training of the USA IMO Team Number Theory
Andreescu, T., The University of Texas at In Honor of Vladimir Drinfeld's
Dallas, Richardson, TX, USA / Andrica, D., 50th Birthday
"Babes-Bolyai" University, Cluj-Napoca, Ginzburg, V., University of Chicago, IL, USA
Romania / Feng, Z., Phillips Exeter Academy, (Ed.)
Exeter, NH, USA
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 253
This challenging problem book by renowned
US Olympiad coaches, mathematics teachers, One of the most creative mathematicians
and researchers develops a multitude of of our times, Vladimir Drinfeld received the
problem-solving skills needed to excel in Fields Medal in 1990 for his groundbreaking
mathematical contests and research in contributions to the Langlands program and
number theory. Offering inspiration and to the theory of quantum groups.
intellectual delight, the problems throughout
the book encourage students to express their These ten original articles by prominent
ideas, conjectures, and conclusions in writing. mathematicians, dedicated to Drinfeld on
Applying specific techniques and strategies, the occasion of his 50th birthday, broadly
readers will acquire a solid understanding reflect the range of Drinfeld's own interests
of the fundamental concepts and ideas of in algebra, algebraic geometry, and number
number theory. theory.

The presentation begins by familiarizing 2006. XVIII, 643 p. 19 illus. Hardcover

EUR 108.– / CHF 172.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4471-0
students with typical examples that illustrate
central themes, followed by numerous
carefully selected problems and extensive
discussions of their solutions. The book
engages students in creative thinking
and stimulates them to express their
comprehension and mastery of the material
beyond the classroom.
104 Number Theory Problems is a valuable
resource for advanced high school
students, undergraduates, instructors,
and mathematics coaches preparing to
participate in mathematical contests and
those contemplating future research in
number theory and its related areas.
2007. XII, 204 p. Softcover
EUR 38.– / CHF 62.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4527-4
Number Theory / Lattice Theory

2nd ed.

General Lattice Theory Graph Theory in Paris

Grätzer, G., University of Manitoba, Proceedings of a Conference in Memory
Winnipeg, MB, Canada of Claude Berge
Bondy, A., Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1,
In this present edition, the work has been France / Fonlupt, J., Université Paris VI,
significantly updated and expanded. It France / Fouquet, J.-L., Laboratoire
contains an extensive new bibliography of d'Informatique Fondamentale d'Orléans,
530 items and has been supplemented by France / Fournier, J.-C., Université Paris VI,
eight appendices authored by an exceptional France / Ramírez Alfonsín, J.L., Université
group of experts. Paris VI, France (Eds)
The first appendix, written by the author,
briefly reviews developments in lattice TM – Trends in Mathematics
theory, specifically, the major results of
the last 20 years and solutions of the In July 2004, a conference on graph theory
problems proposed in the first edition. The was held in Paris in memory of Claude
other subjects concern distributive lattices Berge, one of the pioneers of the field. The
and duality (Brian A. Davey and Hilary A. event brought together many prominent
Priestley), continuous geometries (Friedrich specialists on topics such as perfect graphs
Wehrung), projective lattice geometries and matching theory, upon which Claude
(Marcus Greferath and Stefan E. Schmidt), Berge's work has had a major impact. This
varieties (Peter Jipsen and Henry Rose), volume includes contributions to these and
free lattices (Ralph Freese), formal concept other topics from many of the participants.
analysis (Bernhard Ganter and Rudolf Wille), 2007. VI, 389 p. 83 illus. Hardcover
and congruence lattices (Thomas Schmidt in EUR 128.– / CHF 199.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7228-6
collaboration with the author).
2007. XIX, 663 p. Softcover
EUR 74.90 / CHF 129.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6996-5


1st ed.
1987. 2nd

Number Theory Number Theory

An Introduction via the Distribution of An approach through history from
Primes Hammurapi to Legendre
Fine, B., Fairfield University, Fairfield, Weil, A.
CT, USA / Rosenberger, G., University of
MBC – Modern Birkhäuser Classics
Dortmund, Germany
Number Theory or arithmetic, as some
This book provides an introduction and prefer to call it, is the oldest, purest, liveliest,
overview of number theory based on the most elementary yet sophisticated field
distribution and properties of primes. This of mathematics. Indeed some of the most
unique approach provides both a firm complex conventions of the mathematical
background in the standard material as mind have evolved from the study of basic
well as an overview of the whole discipline. problems of number theory.
All the essential topics are covered:
fundamental theorem of arithmetic, theory André Weil, one of the outstanding
of congruences, quadratic reciprocity, contributors to number theory, has written an
arithmetic functions, and the distribution historical exposition of this subject; his study
of primes. Analytic number theory and examines texts that span roughly thirty-six
algebraic number theory both receive a solid centuries of arithmetical work – from an
introductory treatment. Old Babylonian tablet, datable to the time of
Hammurapi to Legendre’s Essai sur la Théorie
The book’s user-friendly style, historical des Nombres (1798). Motivated by a desire
context, and wide range of exercises from to present the substance of his field to the
simple to quite difficult (with solutions and educated reader, Weil employs an historical
hints provided for select ones) make it ideal approach in the analysis of problems and
for self study as well as classroom use. evolving methods of number theory and
Intended for upper level undergraduates their significance within mathematics. In
and beginning graduate students, the only the course of his study Weil accompanies
prerequisites are a basic knowledge of the reader into the workshops of four major
calculus, multivariable calculus, and some authors of modern number theory (Fermat,
linear algebra. All necessary concepts from Euler, Lagrange and Legendre) and there he
abstract algebra and complex analysis are conducts a detailed and critical examination
introduced in the book. of their work.
2007. XIII, 342 p. 12 illus. Softcover Enriched by a broad coverage of intellectual
EUR 48.– / CHF 78.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4472-7
history, Number Theory represents a major
contribution to the understanding of our
cultural heritage.
2007. XXII, 376 p. 18 illus. Softcover
EUR 34.90 / CHF 59.90 / ISBN 978-0-8176-4565-6

Number Theory / Lattice Theory

Algebraic K-Groups as Galois

Snaith, V. P.
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 206
2002. X, 309 pp. Hardcover
EUR 108.– / CHF 178.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6717-6

An Introduction to the
Topics in the Theory of Algebraic 
Langlands Program
Function Fields Bernstein, J. / Gelbart, S. (Eds)
Villa Salvador, G.D., CINVESTAV del IPN,
"The six chapters of this monograph give
Mexico City, Mexico
a broad, user-friendly introduction to the
Langlands program, that is, the theory of
MTA – Mathematics: Theory & Applications
automorphic forms and its connection with
the theory of L-functions and other fields of
The fields of algebraic functions of
mathematics. First-year graduate students
one variable appear in several areas of
and researchers will benefit from this
mathematics: complex analysis, algebraic
beautiful text." Zentralblatt MATH
geometry, and number theory. This text
adopts the latter perspective by applying an 2003. VIII, 281 p. Softcover
EUR 38.– / CHF 62.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3211-3
arithmetic-algebraic viewpoint to the study
of function fields as part of the algebraic
theory of numbers. The examination explains Complex Numbers from A to ...Z
both the similarities and fundamental Andreescu, T. / Andrica, D. 
differences between function fields and
"It is for the readers who seek to harness
number fields, including many exercises and
new techniques and to polish their mastery
examples to enhance understanding and
of the old ones. It is for somebody who made
motivate further study.
it their business to be solving problems on a
The only prerequisites are a basic regular basis. These readers will appreciate
knowledge of field theory, complex analysis, the scope of the methodological detail the
and some commutative algebra. The authors of the book bring to their attention,
book can serve as a text for a graduate they will appreciate the power of the
course in number theory or an advanced methods and the intricacy of the problems."
graduate topics course. Alternatively, MAA Reviews
chapters 1-4 can serve as the base of an 2005. XI, 321 p. 82 illus. Softcover
introductory undergraduate course for EUR 48.– / CHF 78.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4326-3
mathematics majors, while chapters 5-9
can support a second course for advanced Cryptographic Applications of
undergraduates. Researchers interested Analytic Number Theory
in number theory, field theory, and their
Complexity Lower Bounds and
interactions will also find the work an
excellent reference.
Shparlinski, I.
2006. XVI, 652 p. 20 illus. Hardcover
EUR 78.– / CHF 128.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4480-2 PCS – Progress in Computer Science and
Applied Logic, Vol. 22
2003. VIII, 411 p. Hardcover
EUR 99.– / CHF 169.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6654-4

Diophantine Equations and The Congruences of 
Power Integral Bases in Algebraic a Finite Lattice
Number fields A Proof-by-Picture Approach
Gaal, I. Grätzer, G.
2002. XVII, 184 p. Softcover
EUR 59.90 / CHF 99.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4271-6 "The book is self-contained, with many
detailed proofs presented that can be
followed step-by-step. [I]n addition to
Near Polygons giving the full formal details of the proofs,
De Bruyn, B. the author chooses a somehow more
pedagogical way that he calls Proof-
FM – Frontiers in Mathematics by-Picture, somehow related to the
combinatorial (as opposed to algebraic)
"This is an important book. It fills a gap in the nature of many of the presented results.
literature ... The author is presently the major I believe that this book is a much-needed
authority on this topic. He is indeed the right tool for any mathematician wishing a gentle
author for such a book." (taken from reviews introduction to the field of congruences
of the book) representations of finite lattices, with
emphasis on the more 'geometric' aspects."
2006. XI, 263 p. Softcover
EUR 38.– / CHF 60.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7552-2
Mathematical Reviews
2006. XXII, 282 p. 110 illus. Hardcover
Prime Numbers and Computer EUR 48.– / CHF 72.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3224-3

Methods for Factorization

Riesel, H. The Problem of Integrable
2nd. ed. Discretization:
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 126 Hamiltonian Approach
"Here is an outstanding technical monograph Suris, Y. B.
on recursive number theory and its numerous
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 219
automated techniques. It successfully passes
a critical milestone not allowed to many 2003. XXI, 1070 p. Hardcover
books, viz., a second edition. Many good EUR 149.– / CHF 249.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6995-8

things have happened to computational

number theory during the ten years since Value Distribution Theory Related
the first edition appeared and the author to Number Theory
includes their highlights in great depth. Hu, P.–C. / Yang, C.–C.
Several major sections have been rewritten
and totally new sections have been added. 2006. XI, 543 p. Hardcover
EUR 98.– / CHF 158.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7568-3
The new material includes advances on
applications of the elliptic curve method,
uses of the number field sieve, and two new
appendices on the basics of higher algebraic
number fields and elliptic curves. Further, the
table of prime factors of Fermat numbers has
been significantly up-dated." Zentralblatt
1994. XVI, 464 p. Hardcover
EUR 109.– / CHF 179.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3743-9

Algebra and Representation Theory

An Introduction to the Heisenberg An Invitation to Quantum

Group and the Sub-Riemannian Cohomology
Isoperimetric Problem Kontsevich's Formula for Rational
Capogna, L., University of Arkansas, Plane Curves
Fayetteville, AR, USA / Danielli, D., Purdue Kock, J., Universitat Autònoma de
University, West Lafayette, IN, USA / Barcelona, Spain / Vainsencher, I.,
Pauls, S.D., Dartmouth College, Hanover, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais,
NH, USA / Tyson, J.T., University of Illinois, Pampulha - Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 249
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 259
This book is an elementary introduction
This book provides an introduction to the to stable maps and quantum cohomology,
basics of sub-Riemannian differential starting with an introduction to stable
geometry and geometric analysis in the pointed curves, and culminating with a proof
Heisenberg group, focusing primarily on of the associativity of the quantum product.
the current state of knowledge regarding The viewpoint is mostly that of enumerative
Pierre Pansu's celebrated 1982 conjecture geometry, and the red thread of the
regarding the sub-Riemannian isoperimetric exposition is the problem of counting rational
profile. It presents a detailed description plane curves. Emphasis is given throughout
of Heisenberg submanifold geometry and the exposition to examples, heuristic
geometric measure theory, which provides discussions, and simple applications of
an opportunity to collect for the first time the basic tools to best convey the intuition
in one location the various known partial behind the subject. The book demystifies
results and methods of attack on Pansu's these new quantum techniques by showing
problem. As such it serves simultaneously how they fit into classical algebraic geometry.
as an introduction to the area for graduate
students and beginning researchers, and Some familiarity with basic algebraic
as a research monograph focused on the geometry and elementary intersection theory
isoperimetric problem suitable for experts in is assumed. Each chapter concludes with
the area. some historical comments and an outline of
key topics and themes as a guide for further
2007. XVI, 223 p. Hardcover study, followed by a collection of exercises.
EUR 44.90 / CHF 75.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-8132-5
The book will prove equally useful to
graduate students in the classroom setting
as to researchers in geometry and physics
who wish to learn about the subject.
2007. XII, 159 p. Hardcover
EUR 42.– / CHF 68.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4456-7


Artinian Modules over Group Rings Basic Algebra

Kurdachenko, L.A., Dnipropetrovsk National Knapp, A. W., State University of New York,
University, Ukraine / Otal, J., University of Stony Brook, NY, USA
Zaragoza, Spain / Subbotin, I.Y., National
University, Los Angeles, CA, USA COR - Cornerstones

FM – Frontiers in Mathematics Basic Algebra and Advanced Algebra

systematically develop concepts and
This book highlights important tools in algebra that are vital to every
developments on artinian modules over mathematician, whether pure or applied,
group rings of generalized nilpotent groups. aspiring or established.
Along with traditional topics such as direct
The exposition proceeds from the particular
decompositions of artinian modules, criteria
to the general, often providing examples
of complementability for some important
well before a theory that incorporates
modules, and criteria of semisimplicity of
them. The presentation includes blocks of
artinian modules, it also focuses on recent
problems that introduce additional topics
advanced results on these matters.
and applications to science and engineering
The theory of modules over groups has to guide further study. Many examples and
its own specific character that plays an hundreds of problems are included, along
imperative role here and, for example, with a separate 90-page section giving
allows a significant generalization of the hints or complete solutions for most of the
classical Maschke Theorem on some problems.
classes of infinite groups. Conversely, it
Basic Algebra presents the subject matter
leads to establishing direct decompositions
in a forward-looking way that takes into
of artinian modules related to important
account its historical development. It
natural formations, which, in turn, find very
is suitable as a text in a two-semester
efficient applications in infinite groups.
advanced undergraduate or first-year
As self-contained as possible, this book will graduate sequence in algebra, possibly
be useful for students as well as for experts supplemented by some material from
in group theory, ring theory, and module Advanced Algebra at the graduate level. It
theory. requires of the reader only familiarity with
matrix algebra, an understanding of the
2007. XII, 247 p. Softcover
EUR 42.– / CHF 68.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7764-9 geometry and reduction of linear equations,
and an acquaintance with proofs.
2006. XXII, 717 p. 42 illus. Hardcover
EUR 58.- / CHF 92.- / ISBN 978-0-8176-3248-9

Algebra and Representation Theory

Diophantine Geometry Functional Identities

Zannier, U., Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Bresar, M., University of Maribor, Slovenia /
Italy (Ed.) Chebotar, M.A., Kent State University,
USA / Martindale 3rd, W.S., University of
Publications of the Scuola Normale Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, USA
Superiore / CRM Series, Vol. 4
FM – Frontiers in Mathematics
This book contains research articles
on Diophantine Geometry, written by The theory of functional identities (FIs) is
participants of a research program held at a relatively new one - the first results were
the Ennio De Giorgi Mathematical Research published at the beginning of the 1990s, and
Center in Pisa, Italy, during the period this is the first book on this subject. An FI
April – July 2005. The authors are eminent can be informally described as an identical
experts in the field. Several subfields of the relation involving arbitrary elements in an
main topic are presented; the volume thus is associative ring together with arbitrary
particularly useful to get a broad overview of (unknown) functions. The goal of the general
recent research developments. FI theory is to describe these functions, or,
when this is not possible, to describe the
2007. Approx. 410 p. Softcover
EUR 25.– / CHF 40.– / ISBN 978-88-7642-206-5 structure of the ring admitting the FI in
The book is divided into three parts. Part I is
an introductory one. Part II is the core of the
book. It gives a full account of the general FI
theory, which is based on the concept of a d-
free set; various constructions and concrete
examples of d-free sets are given, and FI’s
on d-free sets are thoroughly studied. Part III
deals with applications. Its main purpose is
to demonstrate how one can find FI’s when
considering different problems, and then
effectively use the general theory exposed
in Part II. Perhaps the most illuminating
example of the applicability are solutions of
long-standing Herstein’s conjectures on Lie
homomorphisms and Lie derivations - in the
proofs practically the entire FI theory is used.
2007. Approx. 284 p. Softcover
EUR 39.90 / CHF 65.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7795-3

Geometric Group Theory L'isomorphisme entre les tours de
Geneva and Barcelona Conferences Lubin-Tate et de Drinfield
Arzhantseva, G.N., Université de Genève, Fargues, L., Laboratoire de Mathématiques,
Switzerland / Bartholdi, L., Swiss Federal Orsay, France / Genestier, A., Laboratoire de
Institute of Technology, Lausanne / Mathématiques, Orsay, France / Lafforgue, V.,
Burillo, J., Universitat Politècnica de Université Paris 6, France
Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain / Ventura, E.,
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 262
Barcelona, Spain (Eds)
Due in September 2007
TM – Trends in Mathematics
This book gives a complete and thorough
This volume assembles research papers proof of the existence of an equivariant
in 'geometric' and 'combinatorial' group isomorphism between Lubin-Tate and
theory. This wide area may be defined as the Drinfeld towers in infinite level. The
'study of those groups that are defined by result is established in equal and inequal
their action on a combinatorial or geometric characteristics. Moreover, the book contains
object', in the spirit of Klein's programme. as an application the proof of the equality
The contributions range over a wide between the equivariant cohomology of both
spectrum: limit groups, groups associated towers, a result that has applications to
with equations, with cellular automata, the local Langlands correspondence. Along
their structure as metric objects, their the proof background and complements
decomposition, etc. Their common are given on the structure of both moduli
denominator is the language of group theory, spaces, p-divisible formal groups and p-adic
used to express and solve problems ranging rigid analytic geometry.
from geometry to logic.
2007. Approx. 400 p. Hardcover
EUR 59.90 / CHF 105.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-8455-5
2007. Approx. 300 p. Hardcover
EUR 109.– / CHF 179.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-8411-1

Algebra and Representation Theory


Mathematical Bridges Quaternions, Clifford Algebras and

Andreescu, T., University of Texas at Dallas, Relativistic Physics
Richardson, TX, USA / Mortici, C., University Girard, P.R., INSA Lyon, France
of Targoviste, Romania
The use of Clifford algebras in mathematical
Due in February 2008 physics and engineering has grown
rapidly in recent years. Whereas other
Building bridges between classical results developments have privileged a geometric
and contemporary nonstandard problems, approach, the author uses an algebraic
Mathematical Bridges embraces important approach which can be introduced as a
topics in analysis and algebra from a tensor product of quaternion algebras and
problem-solving perspective. Blending old provides a unified calculus for much of
and new techniques, tactics and strategies physics.
used in solving challenging mathematical
problems, readers will discover numerous The book proposes a pedagogical
genuine mathematical gems throughout introduction to this new calculus, based
that will heighten their appreciation of the on quaternions, with applications
inherent beauty of mathematics. mainly in special relativity, classical
electromagnetism and general relativity. The
Most of the problems are original to volume is intended for students, researchers
the authors and are intertwined in a and instructors in physics, applied
well-motivated exposition driven by mathematics and engineering interested in
representative examples. The book this new quaternionic Clifford calculus.
is structured to assist the reader in
formulating and proving conjectures, as EUR 29.90 / CHF 49.90 / ISBN 978-3-7643-7790-8
well as devising solutions to important
mathematical problems by making
connections between various concepts and
ideas from different areas of mathematics.
2008. Approx. 300 p. 20 illus. Softcover
Approx. EUR 38.50 / CHF 63.50 / ISBN 978-0-8176-4394-2


Representation Theory and The Geometry of the Word

Automorphic Forms Problem for Finitely Generated
Kobayashi, T., Kyoto University, Japan / Groups
Schmid, W., Harvard University, Cambridge, Brady, N., University of Oklahoma, Norman,
MA, USA / Yang, J.-H., Inha University, OK, USA / Riley, T., Cornell University, Ithaca,
Incheon, Korea (Eds) NY, USA / Short, H., Université de Provence,
Marseille, France
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 255
ACM – Advanced Courses in Mathematics -
Due in October 2007 CRM Barcelona

This volume uses a unified approach to The origins of the word problem are in
representation theory and automorphic group theory, decidability and complexity,
forms. The invited papers, written by leading but, through the vision of M. Gromov and
mathematicians in related fields, track the language of filling functions, the topic
recent progress in the ever expanding fields now impacts the world of large-scale
of representation theory and automorphic geometry, including topics such as soap
forms, and their association with number films, isoperimetry, coarse invariants and
theory and differential geometry. Both curvature.
graduate students and researchers will find
inspiration in this volume. The first part introduces van Kampen
diagrams in Cayley graphs of finitely
2007. Approx. 310 p. 10 illus. Hardcover
Approx. EUR 68.– / CHF 112.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4505-2
generated, infinite groups; it discusses
the van Kampen lemma, the isoperimetric
functions or Dehn functions, the theory
of small cancellation groups and an
introduction to hyperbolic groups.
The second part is dedicated to Dehn
functions, negatively curved groups, in
particular, CAT(0) groups, cubings and
cubical complexes. In the last part, filling
functions are presented from geometric,
algebraic and algorithmic points of view; it is
discussed how filling functions interact, and
applications to nilpotent groups, hyperbolic
groups and asymptotic cones are given.
Many examples and open problems are
2007. VII, 206 p. Softcover
EUR 28.– / CHF 44.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7949-0
Algebra and Representation Theory

1st ed.
1990. 2nd

The Grothendieck Festschrift Grothendieck’s own interests, including:

Volume I functional analysis, algebraic geometry,
algebraic topology, number theory,
A Collection of Articles Written in Honor representation theory, K-theory, category
of the 60th Birthday of Alexander theory, and homological algebra.
2007. XX, 498 p. 13 illus. Softcover
Cartier, P., Institut des Hautes Études EUR 34.90 / CHF 59.90 / ISBN 978-0-8176-4566-3
Scientifiques, Bures-sur-Yvette, France /
Illusie, L., Université de Paris-Sud, Orsay,
France / Katz, N.M., Princeton University,
The Grothendieck Festschrift
Princeton, NJ, USA / Laumon, G., Université
de Paris-Sud, Orsay, France / Manin, Y.I., Volume II
Max-Planck Institut für Mathematik, 2007. VIII, 563 p. 7 illus. Softcover
Bonn, Germany / Ribet, K.A., University of EUR 34.90 / CHF 59.90 / ISBN 978-0-8176-4567-0
California, Berkeley, CA, USA (Eds)

MBC – Modern Birkhäuser Classics

The Grothendieck Festschrift
The many diverse articles presented in Volume III
these three volumes, collected on the 2007. VII, 495 p. Softcover
occasion of Alexander Grothendieck’s EUR 34.90 / CHF 59.90 / ISBN 978-0-8176-4568-7
sixtieth birthday and originally published
in 1990, were offered as a tribute to one of
the world’s greatest living mathematicians.
Grothendieck changed the very way we
think about many branches of mathematics.
Many of his ideas, revolutionary when
introduced, now seem so natural as to have
been inevitable. Indeed, it is difficult to fully
grasp the influence his vast contributions
to modern mathematics have subsequently
had on new generations of mathematicians.

Many of the groundbreaking contributions

in these volumes contain material that
is now considered foundational to the
subject. Topics addressed by these top-
notch contributors match the breadth of

103 Trigonometry Problems Coxeter Matroids
From the Training of the Borovik, A. V. / Gelfand, I. M. /
USA IMO Team White, N.
Andreescu, T. / Feng, Z.
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 216
2005. XII, 214 p. 79 illus. Softcover
EUR 48.– / CHF 78.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4334-8
"...this accessible and well-written
book, intended to be 'a cross between
Algebra a postgraduate text and a research

Gelfand, I.M. / Shen, A. monograph,' is well worth reading and makes
a good case for doing matroids with mirrors."
"Were Algebra to be used solely for SIAM Review
supplementary reading, it could be
2003. XXII, 264 p. Hardcover
wholeheartedly recommended to any high
EUR 108.– / CHF 168.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3764-4
school student of any teacher . . . In fact,
given the long tradition of mistreating algebra
as a disjointed collection of techniques in Dirac Operators in Representation
the schools, there should be some urgency Theory
in making this book compulsory reading for Huang, J.–S. / Pandzic, P.
anyone interested in learning mathematics."
The Mathematical Intelligencer MTA – Mathematics: Theory & Applications
1st ed. 1993. Corr. 2nd printing 2006. X, 199 p. Hardcover
2002. 27 illus. Softcover EUR 52.– / CHF 82.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3218-2
EUR 22.– / CHF 32.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3677-7

Discrete Groups, Expanding

Analysis on Lie Groups with  Graphs and Invariant Measures
Polynomial Growth Lubotzky, A.
Dungey, N. / ter Elst, A.F.M. / Robinson, D. W.
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 125
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 214
Award-winning monograph of the
"The book is written in a very concise, Ferran Sunyer i Balaguer Prize 1993.
clear, and elegant way. Misprints are rare… 1994. XI, 195 p. Hardcover
There are no exercises, but the book is well EUR 46.– / CHF 74.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-5075-8
equipped with examples, which help to
understand the assertions and are, as a rule, Discriminants, Resultants, and
of independent interest. To sum up, the text Multidimensional Determinants
presents an extremely interesting account of Gelfand, I. M. / Kapranov, M. M. /
some of the most important developments in Zelevinsky, A. V.
the chosen direction." Mathematical Reviews
2003. VIII, 312 p. Hardcover MTA – Mathematics: Theory & Applications
EUR 98.– / CHF 148.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3225-0
1994. X, 523 p. Hardcover
EUR 118.– / CHF 188.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3660-9

Algebra and Representation Theory

Dynamics of Foliations, Groups Infinite Dimensional Algebras and

and Pseudogroups Quantum Integrable Systems
Walczak, P. Kulish, P. P. / Manojlovic, N. / Samtleben, H.
MMN – Monografie Matematyczne, Vol. 64
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 237
"The classical theory of dynamical systems 2005. VIII, 263 p. Hardcover
has been greatly generalized to the rich EUR 89.90 / CHF 149.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7215-6
context of foliations and actions of groups
and pseudogroups on spaces. The book Infinite Groups: Geometric,
under review expounds on this theory in
considerable detail....
Combinatorial and Dynamical
Much of the material in this book is pertinent Aspects
to applied mathematics.... Experts in control Bartholdi, L. / Ceccherini-Silberstein, T. /
systems also recognize foliation theory Smirnova-Nagnibeda, T. / Zuk, A. (Eds)
as a cognate subject of some interest....
With the phenomenal interaction between PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 248
pure and applied mathematics over recent 2005. 413 p. 26 illus. Hardcover
decades, this book should be of considerable EUR 78.– / CHF 128.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7446-4
interest to many application-oriented
mathematicians." SIAM Book Reviews Introduction to Plane

2004. XI, 225 p. Hardcover Algebraic Curves
EUR 82.– / CHF 132.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7091-6
Kunz, E.

Geometric Methods in  "This text stands out by the author's...

Algebra and Number Theory writing style characterized by its systematic
Bogomolov, F. / Tschinkel, Y. (Eds) representations, didactical perfection,
comprehensiveness, mathematical rigor,
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 235 thematic determination, and striving for
self-containedness. Like in most of his other
2005. VIII, 362 p. 6 illus. Hardcover
EUR 64.90 / CHF 109.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4349-2
textbooks on algebra and algebraic geometry
[the author] focuses on the inseparable
interplay between those two branches
of mathematics, and again he presents
Groups with the Haagerup and hits for further reading. There is no
Property doubt that the international mathematical
Gromov's a-T-menability community, including students and teachers,
Cherix, P.–A. / Cowling, M. / Jolissaint, P. / will welcome the overdue English edition of
Julg, P. / Valette, A. this masterly textbook as a very special and
useful addition to the great standard texts on
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 197 plane curves." Zentralblatt MATH
2001. Hardcover 2005. XII, 293 p. 52 illus. Softcover
EUR 58.– / CHF 98.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6598-1 EUR 48.– / CHF 78.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4381-2

Introduction to Vertex Lectures on Algebraic Quantum

Operator Algebras and Groups
Their Representations Brown, K. A. / Goodearl, K. R.
Lepowsky, J. / Li, H.
ACM – Advanced Courses in Mathematics –
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 227 CRM Barcelona

"…[The] authors give a systematic "The proofs, sketches of proofs, and

introduction to the theory of vertex operator quotations from the literature are carefully
algebras and their representations. written. Numerous examples and exercises
Particular emphasis is put on the axiomatic are included, and bibliographical notes
development of the theory and the conclude each chapter. The second and third
construction theorems for vertex operator parts end with a discussion of open problems
algebras and their modules. The book and perspectives for further research."
provides a detailed study of most basic Mathematical Reviews
families of vertex operator algebras and 2002. IX, 348 p. Softcover
their representation theory. A number of EUR 37.– / CHF 58.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6714-5
new, original results are presented…. This
excellent book is written in a self-contained Lifting Modules
manner with detailed proofs." Mathematical Supplements and Projectivity in
Module Theory
2004. XI, 318 p. Hardcover Clark, J. / Lomp, C. / Vanaja, N. /
EUR 98.– / CHF 154.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3408-7
Wisbauer, R.

Kac-Moody Groups, their Flag FM – Frontiers in Mathematics

Varieties and Representation 2006. XII, 394 p. Softcover
Theory EUR 48.– / CHF 78.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7572-0
Kumar, S.
Lie Groups Beyond an 
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 204 Introduction
2nd ed.
"A lot of different topics are treated in this
Knapp, A. W.
monumental work. . . . many of the topics
of the book will be useful for those only
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 140
interested in the finite-dimensional case.
The book is self contained, but is on the level
"Anthony Knapp's Lie Groups Beyond an
of advanced graduate students. . . . For the
Introduction, 2nd edition, is a beautiful
motivated reader who is willing to spend
introduction to this area of mathematics,
considerable time on the material, the book
appropriate for a variety different
can be a gold mine. " Zentralblatt MATH
audiences.... The book is well-organized
2002. 632 p. 86 illus. Hardcover with concise, focused introductions to each
EUR 58.– / CHF 92.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4227-3 chapter, a very thorough index of notation,
and appendices.... In addition, there are
hints to the hundreds of exercises, and a
section on historical notes.... Knapp's writing
is clear, and he avoids excessive notation.
The first few chapters comprise a standard
introductory course in Lie theory, while
Algebra and Representation Theory

numerous second courses could be taught Lie Theory

out of the later chapters. Its breadth of Unitary Representations and
coverage and extensive tables also make the
Compactifications of Symmetric
book a valuable reference for researchers in
representation theory." MAA Reviews
Anker, J.–P. / Orsted, B. (Eds)
"This is a wonderful choice of material. Any
graduate student interested in Lie groups, PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 229
differential geometry, or representation
theory will find useful ideas on almost 2005. X, 207 p. 20 illus. Hardcover
EUR 59.90 / CHF 99.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3526-8
every page. Each chapter is followed by
a long collection of problems [that] are
interesting and enlightening [and] there are Lie Theory
extensive hints at the back of the book. The Harmonic Analysis on Symmetric
exposition...is very careful and complete.... Spaces – General Plancherel Theorems
Altogether this book is delightful and should Anker, J.–P. / Orsted, B. (Eds)
serve many different audiences well. It
would make a fine text for a second graduate PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 230
course in Lie theory." Bulletin of the AMS
2002. XVIII, 812 p. 8 illus. Hardcover "This book is a remarkable and highly
EUR 78.– / CHF 128.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4259-4 commendable effort by three leading experts,
Erik P. van den Ban, Henrik Schlichtkrull, and
Lie Theory Patrick Delorme, to survey the fascinating
Lie Algebras and Representations progress made in the last decade on the
Plancherel theorem for reductive symmetric
Anker, J.–P. / Orsted, B. (Eds)
spaces." Mathematical Reviews
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 228 2005. VIII, 175 p. 3 illus. Hardcover
EUR 59.90 / CHF 99.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3777-4
"This is the first volume in a series of three
on the theory of semisimple Lie groups. It
consists of two independent articles, which Linear Algebra
both are devoted to realtions between A Pure Mathematical 
representation theory and adjoint or Approach
coadjoint orbits." Rose, H. E.
Monatshefte für Mathematik
"Some of Jantzen's techniques seem to "Rose's Linear Algebra is a highly
be unmotivated at first, but he rewards sophisticated undergraduate work . . . This
the patient reader with background and book would be excellent for mathematics
motivation as he moves through the majors or for non-majors with access to a
book, often starting with a simple case in second course in which applications were
a classical group/algebra and providing presented. Summing Up: Recommended for
motivation by generalizing the situation lower- and upper-division undergraduates."
later. The detailed work is also surprisingly Choice
free of logical and typographical errors; 2002. XIV, 250 p. Hardcover
Jantzen has been very careful at every turn.... EUR 45.– / CHF 72.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6905-7
Neeb's article is a good starting point for 2002. XIV, 250 p. Softcover
learning about the analytic side of the unitary EUR 23.– / CHF 38.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6792-3
representation theory of infinite-dimensional
groups." SIAM Book Reviews
2004. IX, 328 p. Hardcover
24 EUR 78.– / CHF 120.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3373-8
Linear Algebra sum decompositions and many of the main
 results in this book include his own work."
Kwak, J. H. / Hong, S.
2nd ed. EMS Newsletter
1998. Hardcover
"This is a standard book on Linear Algebra EUR 108.– / CHF 168.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-5908-9
for science and engineering students. It
covers the usual topics, including the Jordan Momentum Maps and

canonical form, a topic that is omitted Hamiltonian Reduction
in many recent books at this level…. In
Ortega, J.–P. / Ratiu, T. S.
summary, the book can be safely used as the
basis for a course on Linear Algebra for the
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 222
intended audience." MAA Reviews
2004. XIV, 390 p. Softcover Winner of the Ferran Sunyer i Balaguer
EUR 58.– / CHF 94.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4294-5 Prize in 2000

Linear Algebraic Groups "…The present book offers a thorough

description of [reduction] theory and
2nd ed.
a unified treatment of most of its
Springer, T.A.
developments and generalizations, with
a particular emphasis on those due to
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 9
the authors. It contains many important
results which cannot be found in other
"[The first] ten chapters...are an efficient,
books, and covers a large part of the recent
accessible, and self-contained introduction
developments related to momentum maps
to affine algebraic groups over an
and reduction. This book fills a need and will
algebraically closed field. The author includes
be appreciated by specialists as well as by
exercises and the book is certainly usable by
persons new to the field…." Mathematical
graduate students as a text or for self-study...
the author [has a] student-friendly style…
[The following] seven chapters... would also 2004. XXXIV, 497 p. Hardcover
be a good introduction to rationality issues EUR 59.90 / CHF 99.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4307-2

for algebraic groups. A number of results

from the literature…appear for the first time Number Fields and Function
in a text." Mathematical Reviews Fields – Two Parallel Worlds
1998. 352 p. Hardcover van der Geer, G. / Moonen, B. / Schoof, R.
EUR 118.– / CHF 148.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4021-7 (Eds)

Module Theory PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 239

Endomorphism rings and direct sum 2005. XIV, 318 p. 7 tables. Hardcover
decompositions in some classes of EUR 72.– / CHF 108.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4397-3

Facchini, A. Poisson Structures and Their
Normal Forms
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 167 Dufour, J.–P. / Zung, N. T.

"Written in an attractive and fresh PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 242

mathematical style. Each topic is arranged
2005. XV, 321 p. Hardcover
well and lucidly. The author has made EUR 49.90 / CHF 85.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7334-4
important contributions to the study of direct
Algebra and Representation Theory

Polynomial Automorphisms quickly developing direction in modern

and the Jacobian Conjecture mathematics…The book of A. Lubotzky and
D.Segal, leading specialists in group theory,
van den Essen, A.
answers…questions in a beautiful way .…It
was natural to expect a text on the subject
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 190
that would summarize the achievements in
the field and we are very lucky to witness
"…This book is a valuable reference for the
the appearance of this wonderful book.
study of polynomial automorphisms, due
…Readers will be impressed with the
to its breadth of coverage and clarity of
encyclopedic scope of the text. It includes
exposition." Mathematical Reviews
all, or almost all, topics related to subgroup
2000. XVIII, 329 p. Hardcover growth ….The book also includes plenty of
EUR 88.– / CHF 138.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6350-5
general information on topics that are well
known to algebraic audiences and should
Polynomial Identity Rings be part of the background for every modern
Drensky, V. / Formanek, E. researcher in mathematics. …a wonderful
methodological tool introduced by the
ACM – Advanced Courses in Mathematics –
authors." Bulletin of the AMS
CRM Barcelona
2003. XXII, 454 p. Hardcover
EUR 99.– / CHF 169.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6989-7
"The book under review consists of two
excellent monographs on the PI-theory by
two leading researchers, V. Drensky and E. Symmetry in Mechanics

Formanek … In summary, both expositions A Gentle, Modern Introduction
are very well written, and the book is Singer, S. F.
recommended both for graduate students
and researchers." Mathematical Reviews "This is a very interesting book. Those
2004. VI, 200 p. Softcover educated in traditional mechanics will
EUR 29.90 / CHF 49.90 / ISBN 978-3-7643-7126-5 acquire [from reading it] knowledge of
modern mathematics hidden beyond
Studies in Lie Theory traditional concepts in the realm of celestial
mechanics, [and] . . . pure mathematicians
Dedicated to A. Joseph on his Sixtieth
will understand how their discipline enters
into practical problems. The author shows
Bernstein, J. / Hinich, V. / Melnikov, A. (Eds) how fundamental concepts of symplectic
geometry implicitly occur in mechanics . . .
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 243 the mathematical presentation is ingenious
2006. XXII, 494 p. 2 illus. Hardcover and subtle. There are a lot of exercises for
EUR 88.– / CHF 138.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4342-3 the reader and the solutions of most of them
are given in a separate chapter. I can highly
Subgroup Growth recommend this book to undergraduate
Lubotzky, A. / Segal, D. and PhD students … it is ideally suited
for teaching a course on the subject."
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 212 Mathematical Reviews
2001. XII, 193 p. 30 illus. Softcover
Awarded with the Ferran Sunyer i EUR 34.90 / CHF 59.90 / ISBN 978-0-8176-4145-0
Balaguer Prize 2002

"[Subgroup growth] is one of the first books

on Asymptotic Group Theory – a new,
The Fourfold Way in Real Analysis
An Alternative to the Metaplectic
Unterberger, A.

PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 250

2006. X, 220 p. Hardcover
EUR 78.– / CHF 128.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7544-7

The Lie Algebras su(N)

An Introduction
Pfeifer, W.
2003. VI, 116 p. Softcover
EUR 39.90 / CHF 65.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-2418-6

Topics in Factorization of Abelian

Szabo, S.
2004. VI, 334 p. Hardcover
EUR 99.– / CHF 169.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7158-6

Topology of Singular Spaces and

Constructible Sheaves
Schürmann, J.

MMN – Monografie Matematyczne, Vol. 63

2003. X, 452 p. Hardcover
EUR 99.– / CHF 169.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-2189-5

Geometry / Topology

2nd ed.

Classical Geometries in Modern From Geometry to Quantum

Contexts Mechanics
Geometry of Real Inner Product Spaces In Honor of Hideki Omori
Benz, W., University of Hamburg, Germany Maeda, Y., Keio University, Yokohama-shi,
Japan / Michor, P., Universität Wien, Austria /
"…also mathematicians who have not so
Ochiai, T., Nippon Sport Science University,
far been especially interested in geometry
Tokyo, Japan / Yoshioka, A., Tokyo University
may study and understand great ideas
of Science, Tokyo, Japan (Eds)
of classical geometries in modern and
general contexts. Proofs of newer theorems,
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 252
characterizing isometries and Lorentz
transformations under mild hypotheses
This volume is composed of invited
are included, like for instance infinite
expository articles by well-known
dimensional versions of famous theorems of
mathematicians in differential geometry
A.D. Alexandrov on Lorentz transformations.
and mathematical physics that have been
A real benefit is the dimension-free approach
arranged in celebration of Hideki Omori's
to important geometrical theories. Only
recent retirement from Tokyo University of
prerequisites are basic linear algebra and
Science and in honor of his fundamental
basic 2- and 3-dimensional real geometry."
contributions to these areas.
L'Enseignement Mathématique
2008. Approx. 250 p. Hardcover
The papers focus on recent trends and
Approx. EUR 79.90 / CHF 129.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-8540-9 future directions in symplectic and
Poisson geometry, global analysis, infinite-
dimensional Lie group theory, quantizations
and noncommutative geometry, as well as
applications of partial differential equations
and variational methods to geometry. These
articles will appeal to graduate students in
mathematics and quantum mechanics, as
well as researchers, differential geometers,
and mathematical physicists.
Contributors include: M. Cahen, D. Elworthy,
A. Fujioka, M. Goto, J. Grabowski, S. Gutt, J.
Inoguchi, M. Karasev, O. Kobayashi, Y. Maeda,
K. Mikami, N. Miyazaki, T. Mizutani, H.
Moriyoshi, H. Omori, T. Sasai, D. Sternheimer,
A. Weinstein, K. Yamaguchi, T. Yatsui, and A.
2007. XVII, 324 p., 7 illus. Hardcover

28 EUR 82.– / CHF 132.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4512-0

1st ed.
1999. 3rd

Introduction to Classical Metric Structures for Riemannian

Geometries and Non-Riemannian Spaces
Ramírez Galarza, A.I., Universidad Gromov, M., Institut des Hautes Etudes
Nacional Autónoma de México / Seade, J., Scientifiques, Bures-sur-Yvette, France
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
MBC – Modern Birkhäuser Classics
This book follows Klein’s proposal of
studying geometry by looking at the
Metric theory has undergone a dramatic
symmetries (or rigid motions) of the space
phase transition in the last decades when
in question. In this way the classical
its focus moved from the foundations of
geometries are studied: Euclidean,
real analysis to Riemannian geometry and
affine, elliptic, projective and hyperbolic.
algebraic topology, to the theory of infinite
For simplicity the focus is on the two-
groups and probability theory. The present
dimensional case, which is already rich
English translation of that work has been
enough, though some aspects of the 3 or
enriched and expanded with new material
n-dimensional geometries are included.
to reflect recent progress. Additionally, four
Once plane geometry is well understood, it is
appendices – by Gromov on Levy's inequality,
much easier to go into higher dimensions.
by Pansu on "quasiconvex" domains, by
The book appeals to, and develops, the Katz on systoles of Riemannian manifolds,
geometric intuition of the reader. Some and by Semmes overviewing analysis on
basic notions of algebra and analysis are metric spaces with measures – as well as an
also used to get better understandings of extensive bibliography and index round out
various concepts and results. this unique and beautiful book.
2007. VIII, 219 p. Softcover 2007. XX, 586 p. 100 illus. Softcover
EUR 29.90 / CHF 49.90 / ISBN 978-3-7643-7517-1 EUR 34.90 / CHF 59.90 / ISBN 978-0-8176-4582-3

Geometry / Topology

q-Clan Geometries in Real and Complex Singularities

Characteristic 2 São Carlos Workshop 2004
Cardinali, I., Università degli Studi di Siena, Brasselet, J.-P., IML-CNRS, Marseille, France /
Italy / Payne, S.E., University of Colorado, Soares Ruas, M.A., USP-São Carlos, Brasil
Denver, CO, USA (Eds)

FM – Frontiers in Mathematics TM – Trends in Mathematics

A q-clan with q a power of 2 is equivalent The São Carlos Workshop on Real and
to a certain generalized quadrangle with a Complex Singularities is the longest running
family of subquadrangles each associated workshop in singularities. It is held every
with an oval in the Desarguesian plane of two years and is a key international event
order 2. It is also equivalent to a flock of a for people working in the field. This volume
quadratic cone, and hence to a line-spread contains papers presented at the eighth
of 3-dimensional projective space and thus workshop, held at the IML, Marseille, July
to a translation plane, and more. These 19-23, 2004.
geometric objects are tied together by the
so-called Fundamental Theorem of q-Clan The workshop offers the opportunity to
Geometry. The book gives a complete proof establish the state of the art and to present
of this theorem, followed by a detailed study new trends, new ideas and new results
of the known examples. The collineation in all of the branches of singularities.
groups of the associated generalized This is reflected by the contributions in
quadrangles and the stabilizers of their this book. The main topics discussed are
associated ovals are worked out completely. equisingularity of sets and mappings,
geometry of singular complex analytic sets,
2007. Approx. 200 p. Softcover singularities of mappings, characteristic
EUR 39.90 / CHF 69.90 / ISBN 978-3-7643-8507-1
classes, classification of singularities,
interaction of singularity theory with some
of the new ideas in algebraic geometry
imported from theoretical physics, and
applications of singularity theory to
geometry of surfaces in low dimensional
euclidean spaces, to differential equations
and to bifurcation theory.
2007. X, 364 p. Hardcover
EUR 128.– / CHF 208.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7775-5


Topological and Bivariant K-theory Tropical Algebraic Geometry

Cuntz, J., Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Itenberg, I., Université Louis Pasteur,
Münster, Germany / Meyer, R., Georg- Strasbourg, France / Mikhalkin, G.,
August-Universität, Göttingen, Germany / University of Toronto, ON, Canada /
Rosenberg, J.M., University of Maryland, Shustin, E., Tel Aviv University, Israel
College Park, MD, USA
OWS – Oberwolfach Seminars, Vol. 35
OWS – Oberwolfach Seminars, Vol. 37
Tropical geometry is algebraic geometry over
Topological K-theory is one of the most the semifield of tropical numbers, i.e., the
important invariants for noncommutative real numbers and negative infinity enhanced
algebras. Bott periodicity, homotopy with the (max,+)-arithmetics. Geometrically,
invariance, and various long exact tropical varieties are much simpler than
sequences distinguish it from algebraic their classical counterparts. Yet they
K-theory. This book describes bivariant carry information about complex and real
K-theory for bornological algebras, varieties.
which provides a vast generalization of
These notes present an introduction
topological K-theory. In addition, it details
to tropical geometry and contain some
other approaches to bivariant K-theories
applications of this rapidly developing
for operator algebras. The book studies a
and attractive subject. It consists of three
number of applications, including K-theory
chapters which complete each other and
of crossed products, the Baum-Connes
give a possibility for non-specialists to
assembly map, twisted K-theory with some
make the first steps in the subject which is
of its applications, and some variants of the
not yet well represented in the literature.
Atiyah-Singer Index Theorem.
The intended audience is graduate, post-
2007. 276 p. Softcover graduate, and Ph.D. students as well as
EUR 29.90 / CHF 49.90 / ISBN 978-3-7643-8398-5
established researchers in mathematics.
2007. VIII, 103 p. 30 illus. Softcover
EUR 19.90 / CHF 32.90 / ISBN 978-3-7643-8309-1

Geometry / Topology

A First Course in Geometric Compactifications of Symmetric

Topology and Differential and Locally Symmetric Spaces
Geometry Borel, A. / Ji, L.
Bloch, E.
MTA – Mathematics: Theory & Applications
"The exposition is clear, nicely organized, and
2006. XIII, 479 p. Hardcover
generally easy to read." Zentralblatt MATH EUR 68.– / CHF 105.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3247-2

1996. 440 p. Hardcover

EUR 64.– / CHF 104.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3840-5
Cycle Spaces of Flag Domains
A General Topology A Complex Geometric Viewpoint

Workbook Fels, G. / Huckleberry, A. / Wolf, J. A.
Adamson, I. T.
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 245
"Ideal for independent study."
The American Mathematical Monthly "Cycle spaces can be a useful tool in the
study of real semisimple Lie groups, and the
1995. VIII, 152 p. Softcover
EUR 38.– / CHF 62.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3844-3
research monograph which is reviewed here
is devoted to describing their features. The
exposition … is in principle self-contained
A History of Algebraic and for a good graduate reader, who will also
Differential Topology, 1900-1960 find a wealth of concrete examples. … the
Dieudonne, J. approach used by the authors throughout
1989. 675 p. Hardcover
this monograph is based on a combination
EUR 59.90 / CHF 99.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3388-2 of group-theoretical methods … the result is
an intriguing melting pot, opening interesting
perspectives of interaction among different
Canonical Metrics in Kähler research branches." Mathematical Reviews
2006. XX, 339 p. Hardcover
Tian, G. EUR 58.– / CHF 88.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4391-1

LM – Lectures in Mathematics. ETH Zürich Differentiable Manifolds

Conlon, L.
"This little monograph offers an essentially 2nd ed.
self-contained introduction to the theory
of canonical Kähler metrics on complex BAT – Birkhäuser Advanced Texts
manifolds. …The author presents some
"This is a carefully written and wide-
advanced topics which are hard [to] find
ranging textbook suitable mainly for
elsewhere… This graduate course on Kähler-
graduate courses, although some advanced
Einstein metrics can be recommended to
undergraduate courses may benefit from
all those interested in recent developments
the early chapters. The subject matter is
within complex differential geometry."
differential topology and geometry, that is,
Publicationes Mathematicae
the study of curves, surfaces and manifolds
2000. VII, 101 p. Softcover where the assumption of differentiability
EUR 21.– / CHF 32.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6194-5
adds the tools of differentiable and integral
calculus to those of topology. Within this
area, the book is unusually comprehensive….
The style is clear and precise, and this makes confronted with almost 700 pages of rather
the book a good reference text. There are difficult and delicate mathematics."
many good exercises." The Mathematical Journal of Operator Theory
Gazette 2001. XVII, 685 p. Hardcover
EUR 64.90 / CHF 109.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4124-5
2001. XIII, 418 p. 48 illus. Hardcover
EUR 68.– / CHF 108.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4134-4
Flow Lines and Algebraic
Differential Geometry and Invariants in Contact Form
Analysis on CR Manifolds Geometry
Dragomir, S. / Tomassini, G. Bahri, A.
PNLDE – Progress in Nonlinear Differential
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 246 Equations and Their Applications, Vol. 53
2006. XIV, 487 p. Hardcover
EUR 92.– / CHF 142.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4388-1 "This text features a careful treatment of
flow lines and algebraic invariants in contact
Differential Geometry of form geometry, a vast area of research

Curves and Surfaces connected to symplectic field theory, pseudo-
holomorphic curves, and Gromov-Witten
A Concise Guide
invariants (contact cohomology)... Fully
Toponogov, V. A.
detailed, explicit proofs and a number of
suggestions for further research are provided
"This book by the late author covers … the
throughout." L'enseignement Mathématique
subjects which are normally taught in a
course on the differential geometry of curves 2003. VII, 219 p. Hardcover
EUR 79.90 / CHF 135.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4318-8
and surfaces. … It can be recommended
for first-year graduate students and also
for use in the classroom. … the book is rich Geometric Mechanics on
in geometry and concrete examples. … the Riemannian Manifolds 
book is very welcome since it is an original Applications to Partial Differential
contribution in various aspects and gives a Equations
number of geometric insights … Numerous
illustrations make the reading enjoyable." Calin, O. / Chang, D.–C.
Mathematical Reviews
ANHA – Applied and Numerical Harmonic
2006. XII, 206 p. 70 illus. Softcover Analysis
EUR 48.– / CHF 78.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4384-3
"The book is well written and contains a
Elements of wealth of material. The authors make a

concerted effort to simplify proofs taken
Noncommutative Geometry
from many sources [so] researchers will
Gracia-Bondia, J. M. / Varilly, J. C. /
readily find the informations they seek, while
Figueroa, H.
students can develop their skills by filling
in details of proofs, as well as by using the
BAT – Birkhäuser Advanced Texts
problem sets that end each chapter. The
book provides the reader with an in-depth
"The style of the book is lively, exempt of the
introduction to a rich and rapidly developing
stereotypes one encounters rather often in
research area that has already produced
the mathematical literature. The authors
remarkable results." Zentralblatt MATH
know how to tell stories and enjoy doing
it. The friendly tone could be of some help 2005. XV, 278 p. Hardcover
for an hypothetical unexperienced reader EUR 74.90 / CHF 125.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4354-6
Geometry / Topology

Geometric Problems on 

Homotopy Theoretic Methods
Maxima and Minima in Group Cohomology 
Andreescu, T. / Mushkarov, O. / Stoyanov, L. Dwyer, W. G. / Henn, H.–W.
ACM – Advanced Courses in Mathematics –
"As an avid problem solver with a strong
CRM Barcelona
interest in inequalities…I am delighted
to supplement my repertoire with the 2001. IX, 98 p. Softcover
EUR 22.– / CHF 36.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6605-6
techniques illustrated in this volume….
The book contains hundreds of problems,
classical and modern, all with hints or Hyperbolic Manifolds and Discrete
complete solutions…. Over the years, Titu Groups Notes on Thurston's
Andreescu and various collaborators have Hyperbolization
used their experiences as teachers and as Kapovich, M.
Olympiad coaches to produce a series of
excellent problem-solving manuals…. The PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 183
present volume continues that tradition and
"The book is very clearly written and
should appeal to a wide audience ranging
fairly self-contained. It will be useful
from advanced high school students to
to researchers and advanced graduate
professional mathematicians." MAA
students in the field and can serve as an
2006. X, 264 p., 262 illus. Softcover ideal guide to Thurston's work and its recent
EUR 58.– / CHF 88.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3517-6 developments."
Mathematical Reviews
Geometric Qp Functions
"We recommend the excellent introduction
Xiao, J.
of the present book for the history of the
various contributions, and also for a sketch
FM – Frontiers in Mathematics
of the proof itself. . . . This is an important
2006. X, 240 p. Softcover book which had to be written . . . the book
EUR 38.– / CHF 62.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7762-5
contains a lot of material which will be useful
for various other directions of research."
Handbook of Normal Frames and Zentralblatt MATH
Coordinates 2001. XXV, 467 p. 75 illus. Hardcover
Iliev, B. Z. EUR 79.90 / CHF 135.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3904-4

PMP – Progress in Mathematical Physics, Index Theory for Symplectic Paths

Vol. 42 with Applications
2006. XV, 441 p. Hardcover Long, Y.
EUR 98.– / CHF 158.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7618-5
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 207
Homology of Linear Groups 2002. VII, 380 p. Hardcover
Knudson, K. P. EUR 118.– / CHF 188.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6647-6

PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 193 Introduction to the Baum-Connes

"This marks the first time that many of Valette, A.
these results have been collected in a single
LM – Lectures in Mathematics. ETH Zürich
volume…" Mathematical Reviews
2001. XI, 192 p. Hardcover
"Overall, the book is a very valuable addition
to the literature on the Baum-Connes
34 EUR 88.– / CHF 128.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6415-1
conjecture. It is highly recommended reading Modern Differential Geometry in
for anyone interested in learning more about
Gauge Theories
the conjecture, or who does research in areas
related to it. Of course, the reader who wants Maxwell Fields, Volume I
to be an expert will eventually have to consult Mallios, A.
the original literature, but such is inevitable 2006. XVII, 293 p. Softcover
in a book of this size (around 100 pages) and EUR 98.– / CHF 152.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4378-2
not necessarily a bad thing."
Mathematical Reviews Moduli of Abelian Varieties
van der Geer, G. / Faber, C. / Oort, F. (Eds)
2002. X, 104 p. Softcover
EUR 21.– / CHF 38.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6706-0
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 195
Lectures on Clifford 2001. XII, 518 p. Hardcover
 EUR 128.– / CHF 198.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6517-2
(Geometric) Algebras and
Applications Projective Geometry and Formal
Ablamowicz, R. / Sobczyk, G. (Eds) Geometry
"This text contains a set of lectures Badescu, L.
presented by P. Lounesto, I. Porteous, J. Ryan,
W.E. Baylis, J.M. Selig, T. Branson, and an MMN – Monografie Matematyczne, Vol. 65
appendix by R. Ablamowicz and G. Sobczyk 2004. XIV, 209 p. Hardcover
describing software for solving different EUR 74.90 / CHF 129.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7123-4
kinds of problems involving computations
with Clifford algebras. Each one of the Proper Group Actions and 
lectures is a jewel and will be appreciated
the Baum-Connes Conjecture
[by] newcomers wanting an introduction
to a rapidly developing field as well [as] by Mislin, G. / Valette, A.
practitioners, [who] for pleasure certainly will
enjoy reading the texts of those well-known ACM – Advanced Courses in Mathematics –
experts...." Zentralblatt MATH CRM Barcelona
2003. 131 p. Softcover
2004. XVII, 221 p. Softcover
EUR 29.90 / CHF 49.90 / ISBN 978-3-7643-0408-9
EUR 29.90 / CHF 49.90 / ISBN 978-0-8176-3257-1

Lines and Curves Riemannian Geometry 

 do Carmo, M. P.
A Practical Geometry
MTA – Mathematics: Theory & Applications
Gutenmacher, V. / Vasilyev, N.B.
"This is one of the best (if even not just
"If only some for the ideas of this book would the best) book for those who want to get a
slip in teaching at school the pupils would not good, smooth and quick, but yet thorough
lament for boring mathematics. And if you introduction to modern Riemannian
[are looking] for a fascinating, exciting, but by geometry."
no means trivial approach to the beginnings Publicationes Mathematicae
of the theory of algebraic curves buy this
book!" Monatshefte für Mathematik "This is a very nice introduction to global
2004. XVIII, 158 p. 350 illus. Softcover Riemannian geometry, which leads the
EUR 42.– / CHF 70.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4161-0 reader quickly to the heart of the topic.
Nevertheless, classical results are also
Geometry / Topology

discussed on many occasions, and almost 60 Selected Topics in Convex 

pages are devoted to exercises." Geometry
Newsletter of the EMS
Moszynska, M.
1992. XVI, 300 p. 53 illus. Hardcover
EUR 39.90 / CHF 65.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3490-2
"This book is the translation and revision of
the original Polish 2001 edition. Its focus is
Riemannian Geometry of Contact on studying convexity for its own sake rather
and Symplectic Manifolds than on applications of convexity … . The
Blair, D. E. readable book contains numerous examples
and some exercises. … the book could be
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 203 used by students for courses or seminars in
several geometric fields."
"The book . . . supplies a lot of examples, and Mathematical Reviews
includes many recent results. It can be used 2006. XVI, 226 p. 30 illus. Also available online. Softcover
either as an introduction to the subject or EUR 48.– / CHF 78.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4396-6
as a reference for students and researchers
. . . [it] gives a clear and complete account Simplicial Homotopy Theory
of the main ideas . . . and studies a vast Goerss, P. G. / Jardine, J. F.
amount of related subjects such as integral
submanifolds, symplectic structure of PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 174
tangent bundles, curvature of contact metric
1999. XV, 510 p. Hardcover
manifolds and curvature functionals on EUR 88.– / CHF 138.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6064-1
spaces of associated metrics."
Mathematical Reviews
2002. XII, 260 p. 5 illus. Hardcover
String Topology and Cyclic

EUR 98.– / CHF 158.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4261-7 Homology
Cohen, R. L. / Hess, K. / Voronov, A. A.
Rigid Analytic Geometry and Its
Applications ACM – Advanced Courses in Mathematics –
Fresnel, J. / van der Put, M. CRM Barcelona
2006. VI, 163 p. 29 illus. Softcover
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 218 EUR 22.– / CHF 35.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-2182-6

"When I was a graduate student, we used Symplectic Geometry and

the original (French) version of this book in
an informal seminar on rigid geometry. It
Quantum Mechanics
was quite helpful then, and it is much better de Gosson, M.
now. The authors have updated the material,
added quite a bit on new applications and APDE – Advances in Partial Differential
new results, and changed languages. Despite Equations / OT – Operator Theory: Advances
the competition it now has, this is still one of and Applications, Vol. 166
the best places in which to start learning this 2006. XX, 392 p. Hardcover
theory." MAA Reviews EUR 138.– / CHF 218.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7574-4

2003. XII, 312 p. 10 illus. Hardcover

EUR 95.– / CHF 144.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4206-8

Symplectic Geometry of Integrable The Monodromy Group
Hamiltonian Systems Zoladek, H.
Audin, M. / Cannas da Silva, A. / Lerman, E. MMN – Monografie Matematyczne, Vol. 67

ACM – Advanced Courses in Mathematics – 2006. XI, 580 p. 134 illus. Hardcover
EUR 98.– / CHF 168.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7535-5
CRM Barcelona

"This book, an expanded version of the The Non-Euclidean Revolution

lectures delivered by the authors at the Trudeau, R. J.
'Centre de Recerca Matemàtica' Barcelona
"...the author, in this remarkable book,
in July 2001, is designed for a modern
describes in an incomparable way the
introduction to symplectic and contact
fascinating path taken by the geometry
geometry to graduate students. It can also
of the plane in its historical evolution
be useful to research mathematicians
from antiquity up to the discovery of non-
interested in integrable systems."
Euclidean geometry. This 'non-Euclidean
Zentralblatt MATH
revolution', in all its aspects, is described very
2003. 236 p. Softcover strikingly here...Many illustrations and some
EUR 29.90 / CHF 49.90 / ISBN 978-3-7643-2167-3 amusing sketches complement the very
vividly written text." Mathematical Reviews
Symplectic Invariants and  2001. XIV, 270 p., 257 illus. Softcover
Hamiltonian Dynamics EUR 62.– / CHF 98.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4237-2
Hofer, H. / Zehnder, E.
The Novikov Conjecture 
BAT – Birkhäuser Advanced Texts Geometry and Algebra
1994. XIII, 341 p. Hardcover Kreck, M. / Lück, W.
EUR 49.– / CHF 88.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-5066-6

OWS – Oberwolfach Seminars, Vol. 33

The Algebra of Secondary
Cohomology Operations “This very readable book provides an
Baues, H.–J. excellent introduction to the circle of
ideas related to the Novikov conjecture.”
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 247 Monatshefte für Mathematik
2006. XXXII, 483 p. Hardcover
EUR 118.– / CHF 198.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7448-8 "Overall, the book is very suitable both as
an introduction and as a reference, and
The Breadth of Symplectic and finds exactly the right balance between
Poisson Geometry detail, comprehensiveness and length of the
presentation. It is recommended to everyone
Festschrift in Honor of Alan Weinstein with a background in algebraic topology who
Marsden, J. E. / Ratiu, T. S. (Eds) wants to learn about one or some of the
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 232 aspects covered." Mathematical Reviews
2005. XV, 266 p. Softcover
2005. XXIII, 654 p. 30 illus. Hardcover
EUR 39.90 / CHF 65.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7141-8
EUR 98.– / CHF 162.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3565-7

Geometry / Topology

The Unity of Mathematics improved book. The second edition contains

In Honor of the Ninetieth Birthday of more material, and includes several new
results and techniques. Topics included in
I.M. Gelfand
the first edition are now presented more
Etingof, P. / Retakh, V. / Singer, I.M. (Eds)
thoroughly, with more results, illustrated
by well-chosen examples, and many new
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 244
exercises. The author has systematically
addressed suggestions made in the review
"This book is a unique and wonderful
of the first edition. The book is nicely written,
collection of papers presented at a
and is a good reference book. By including
conference honoring one of the most
detailed proofs, illuminating examples and
productive, influential and still young
figures, and numerous exercises, the author
mathematicians of the 20th century, I. M.
has made this book a suitable text for a
Gelfand. As the title suggests, the articles
graduate course, especially one centered
refer to the connections between several
on Hamiltonian torus actions and their
fields: geometry, physics, representation
applications." Mathematical Reviews
theory, algebraic geometry.... The authors
of the papers are some of the best 2004. VIII, 325 p. Hardcover
EUR 78.– / CHF 128.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-2176-5
mathematicians of present day...[and] most
of them emphasize the crucial contribution
that Gelfand's work had in many different Trigonometry 
ways.... [T]he papers are unique, very deep Gelfand, I.M. / Saul, M.
and very well written. Mathematicians
and graduate students will find lots of "The authors tried to explain the results of
connections, ideas and inspiration in this trigonometry as simply as possible…. The
wonderful collection of papers." MAA exercises include a few problems of each
routine type. Most of the problems exhibit a
2006. XXII, 632 p. 41 illus. Hardcover
EUR 98.– / CHF 152.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4076-7 new aspect of the technique or object under
discussion. One of the goals of this book is to
Topics in Cohomological Studies of prepare students for a course in calculus. We
Algebraic Varieties recommend it for teachers and students."
Publicationes Mathematicae
Impanga Lecture Notes
Pragacz, P. (Ed.) 2001. X, 229 p. 185 illus. Softcover
EUR 22.– / CHF 38.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3914-3

TM – Trends in Mathematics
2005. XXVIII, 297 p. Hardcover
EUR 99.– / CHF 169.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7214-9
Gray, A.
2nd ed.
Torus Actions on Symplectic
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 221
2nd revised ed. "The new book by Alfred Gray will do much to
Audin, M. make Weyl's tube formula more accessible
to modern readers. … Gray's pace is quite
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 93 leisurely, and a gradualte student who has
completed a basic differential geometry
"Through careful writing, this revised edition course will have little difficulty following the
achieves much more than that volume, presentation." Bulletin of the AMS
and can be considered, in fact, a new and
2004. XIII, 280 p. Hardcover

38 EUR 69.90 / CHF 119.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6907-1

Analysis / Operator Theory


A Geometric Approach to Analysis I

Differential Forms Amann, H., University of Zürich, Switzerland /
Bachman, D., Pitzer College, Claremont, CA, Escher, J., University of Hannover, Germany
This book is the first of a three volume
The modern subject of differential forms introduction to analysis. It is distinguished
subsumes classical vector calculus. This text by its modern and clear presentation,
presents differential forms from a geometric concentrating always on the essential
perspective accessible at the undergraduate concepts. In contrast to most other
level. The book begins with basic concepts textbooks, there is no artificial separation
such as partial differentiation and multiple between the theories of one variable
integration and gently develops the entire and that of many variables. Emphasis is
machinery of differential forms. The author placed on the early development of a solid
approaches the subject with the idea that foundation in topology. As well, the basics of
complex concepts can be built up by analogy complex analysis are covered.
from simpler cases, which, being inherently
geometric, often can be best understood This book is directed primarily to the
visually. students and instructors of beginning
courses in analysis. But, with the many
Each new concept is presented with a examples, exercises and the supplementary
natural picture that students can easily material, it is also suitable for self-study,
grasp. Algebraic properties then follow. This as preparation for advanced study, and as a
facilitates the development of differential basis for other research in mathematics and
forms without assuming a background physics.
in linear algebra. Throughout the text,
emphasis is placed on applications in 3 "This textbook provides an outstanding
dimensions, but all definitions are given introduction to analysis. It is distinguished by
so as to be easily generalized to higher its high level of presentation and its focus on
dimensions. Containing excellent motivation, the essential." (review of the first German
numerous illustrations and solutions to edition)
selected problems in an appendix, the
material has been tested in the classroom "One advantage of this presentation is that
along all three potential course tracks. the power of the abstract concepts are
2006. XVI, 133 p. 39 illus. Softcover convincingly demonstrated using concrete
EUR 32.– / CHF 52.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4499-4 applications." (review of the first German
2005. XV, 426 p. Softcover
EUR 59.90 / CHF 105.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7153-1

Analysis / Operator Theory


Analysis II Analysis III

Amann, H., University of Zürich, Switzerland / Amann, H., University of Zürich, Switzerland /
Escher, J., University of Hannover, Germany Escher, J., University of Hannover, Germany

Due in November 2007 Due in April 2008

The second volume of this introduction The third and last volume of this series
into analysis deals with the integration deals with the theory of integration
theory of functions of one variable, the and the foundations of global analysis.
multidimensional differential calculus Again a modern and clear construction
and the theory of curves and line integrals. is emphasized which not only provides a
The modern and clear development that well-structured and beautiful theory, but
started in Volume I (3-7643-7153-6) also equips the reader with powerful tools
continues. In this way a sustainable basis for his further work in mathematics. On
will be created which allows to deal with this account, for instance, the Bochner-
interesting applications that sometimes go Lebesgue integral is presented which is
considerably beyond the material that is an indispensable resource for the modern
represented in traditional textbooks. This theory of partial differential equations.
applies, for instance, to the exploration Likewise a version of Stoke’s theorem is
of Nemytskii operators which enable a proven that meets the practical needs of
transparent introduction into the calculus mathematics and theoretical physics as far
of variations and the derivation of the as possible.
Euler-Lagrange equations. Another example
In the same way as in the previous volumes
is the presentation of the local theory of
numerous prospects of continuative
submanifolds of Rn.
theories also will be given, and this will
2007. Approx. 424 p. Softcover convey an impression of the importance and
EUR 58.– / CHF 92.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7472-3
the strength of the presented theories to
the reader. Additionally these parts will be
used to practice and to deepen the provided
Numerous examples, real calculations, a
large number of exercises and many figures
make this book a reliable escort for the
whole course of studies.
2008. Softcover
Approx. EUR 59.90 / CHF 105.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7479-2

Algebraic Multiplicity of Arithmetic and Geometry Around
Eigenvalues of Linear Operators Hypergeometric Functions
López-Gómez, J., Universidad Complutense Lecture Notes of a CIMPA Summer
de Madrid, Spain / Mora-Corral, C., School held at Galatasaray University,
University of Oxford, UK Istanbul, 2005
Holzapfel, R.-P., Humboldt University
OT – Operator Theory: Advances and Berlin, Germany / UludagÖ, A. Muhammed,
Applications, Vol. 177 Galatasaray University, Istanbul, Turkey /
Yoshida, M., Kyushu University, Fukuoka,
This book brings together all available Japan (Eds)
results about the theory of algebraic
multiplicities, from the most classic results, PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 260
like the Jordan Theorem, to the most recent
developments, like the uniqueness theorem This volume comprises lecture notes, survey
and the construction of the multiplicity for and research articles originating from the
non-analytic families. CIMPA Summer School Arithmetic and
Part I (first three chapters) is a classic Geometry around Hypergeometric Functions
course on finite-dimensional spectral theory, held at Galatasaray University, Istanbul
Part II (the next eight chapters) presents during June 13-25, 2005. A wide range of
the most general results available about topics related to hypergeometric functions
the existence and uniqueness of algebraic is covered, thus giving a broad perspective
multiplicities for real non-analytic operator of the state of the art in the field.
matrices and families, and Part III (last 9,,,SßJV+DUGFRYHU
chapter) transfers these results from linear EUR 79.90 / CHF 135.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-8283-4
to nonlinear analysis. The text is as self-
contained as possible and suitable for
students at the advanced undergraduate or
beginning graduate level.
2007. Approx. 332 p. Hardcover
EUR 99.– / CHF 169.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-8400-5

Analysis / Operator Theory

Functions in
the Plane and

Holomorphic Functions in the Factorization of Matrix and

Plane and n-dimensional Space Operator Functions:
Gürlebeck, K., Bauhaus University Weimar, The State Space Method
Germany / Habetha, K., RWTH Aachen, Bart, H., Erasmus University Rotterdam, The
Germany / Sprößig, W., TU Freiberg, Netherlands / Gohberg, I., Tel Aviv University,
Germany Israel / Kaashoek, M.A. / Ran, A.C.M.,
both Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The
Complex analysis nowadays has higher- Netherlands
dimensional analoga: the algebra of complex
numbers is replaced then by the non- OT – Operator Theory: Advances and
commutative algebra of real quaternions or Applications, Vol. 178
Clifford-algebras. During the last 30 years
the so-called quaternionic and Clifford The present book deals with various types
or hypercomplex analysis successfully of factorization problems for matrix and
developed to a powerful theory with many operator functions. The problems originate
applications in analysis, engineering and from, or are motivated by, the theory of
mathematical physics. non-selfadjoint operators, the theory
This textbook introduces both to classical of matrix polynomials, mathematical
and higher-dimensional results based on systems and control theory, the theory of
a uniform notion of holomorphy. Historical Riccati equations, inversion of convolution
remarks, lots of examples, figures and operators, theory of job scheduling in
exercises accompany each chapter. operations research. The book presents a
geometric principle of factorization which
2007. Approx. 420 p. With CD-ROM. Softcover
EUR 34.90 / CHF 59.90 / ISBN 978-3-7643-8271-1
has its origins in the state space theory
of linear input-output systems and in the
theory of characteristic operator functions.
This principle allows one to deal with
various factorizations from one point of
view. Covered are canonical factorization,
minimal and non-minimal factorizations,
pseudo-canonical factorization, degree one
factorizations and others. Considerable
attention is given to the matter of stability
of factorization which in terms of the state
space method involves stability of invariant
2007. Approx. 400 p. Hardcover
EUR 129.– / CHF 219.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-8267-4

Harmonic Analysis and Holomorphic Morse Inequalities
Applications and Bergman Kernels
In Honor of John J. Benedetto Ma, X., Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France /
Heil, C., Georgia Institute of Technology, Marinescu, G., University of Frankfurt,
Atlanta, GA, USA (Ed.) Germany

ANHA – Applied and Numerical Harmonic PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 254

Winner of the Ferran Sunyer i Balaguer
This self-contained volume in honor of Prize 2006.
John J. Benedetto covers a wide range
of topics in harmonic analysis and This book gives for the first time a self-
related areas, including weighted-norm contained and unified approach of
inequalities, frame theory, wavelet theory, holomorphic Morse inequalities and the
time-frequency analysis, and sampling asymptotic expansion of the Bergman kernel
theory. The invited chapters pay tribute to on manifolds by using the heat kernel, and
John’s many achievements and express an presents also various applications. The point
appreciation for both the mathematical and of view comes from local index theory. The
personal inspiration he has given to so many book opens perspectives on several active
students, coauthors, and colleagues. areas of research in complex, Kähler and
Although the scope of the book is broad, symplectic geometry. A large number of
chapters are clustered by topic to provide applications are included, e.g., an analytic
authoritative expositions that will be of proof of Kodaira's embedding theorem, a
lasting interest. The original papers collected solution of the Grauert-Riemenschneider
here are written by prominent, well- and Shiffman conjectures, compactification
respected researchers and professionals in of complete Kähler manifolds of pinched
the field of harmonic analysis. negative curvature, Berezin-Toeplitz
quantization, weak Lefschetz theorems,
Contributors: A. Aldroubi, L. Baggett, and asymptotics of the Ray-Singer analytic
G. Benke, C. Cabrelli, P.G. Casazza, O. torsion.
Christensen, W. Czaja, M. Fickus, J.-P.
2007. Approx. 438 p. Hardcover
Gabardo, K. Gröchenig, K. Guo, E. Hayashi, C. EUR 59.90 / CHF 105.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-8096-0
Heil, H.P. Heinig, J.A. Hogan, E. Kovacevic, D.
Labate, J.D. Lakey, D. Larson, M.T. Leon, S. Li,
W.-Q Lim, A. Lindner, U. Molter, A.M. Powell,
B. Rom, E. Schulz, T. Sorrells, D. Speegle,
K.F. Taylor, J. Tremain, D. Walnut, G. Weiss, E.
Wilson, G. Zimmermann
2006. XXVIII, 374 p. 13 illus. Hardcover
EUR 78.– / CHF 128.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3778-1
Analysis / Operator Theory


Mathematical Analysis Methods of Nonlinear Analysis

Linear and Metric Structures and Applications to Differential Equations
Continuity Drabek, P., University West Bohemia,
Giaquinta, M., Scuola Normale Superiore, Plzen, Czech Republic / Milota, J., Charles
Pisa, Italy / Modica, G., Università degli Studi University Prague, Czech Republic
di Firenze, Italy
BAT – Birkhäuser Advanced Texts
Due in October 2007
In this book, the basic methods of nonlinear
This self-contained work on linear and analysis are emphasized and illustrated in
metric structures focuses on studying simple examples. Every considered method
continuity and its applications to finite- and is motivated, explained in a general form but
infinite-dimensional spaces. in the simplest possible abstract framework,
and its applications are shown, particularly
The book is divided into three parts. The to boundary value problems for elementary
first part introduces the basic ideas of ordinary or partial differential equations.
linear and metric spaces, including the The text is organized in two levels –
Jordan canonical form of matrices and the a self-contained basic and, organized in
spectral theorem for self-adjoint and normal appendices, an advanced level for the more
operators. The second part examines the experienced reader.
role of general topology in the context of
metric spaces and includes the notions of 2007. 580 p. Hardcover
EUR 69.90 / CHF 119.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-8146-2
homotopy and degree. The third and final
part is a discussion on Banach spaces of
continuous functions, Hilbert spaces and
the spectral theory of compact operators.
This book motivates the study of linear
and metric structures with examples,
observations, exercises, and illustrations.
It may be used in the classroom setting or
for self-study by advanced undergraduate
and graduate students and as a valuable
reference for researchers in mathematics,
physics, and engineering.
2007. XVIII, 470 p. 128 illus. Softcover
EUR 58.– / CHF 98.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4375-1

2007. XVIII, 465 p. 128 illus. Hardcover

EUR 128.– / CHF 208.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4374-4

Modern Operator Theory and Modern Trends in Pseudo-
Applications Differential Operators
The Igor Borisovich Simonenko Toft, J., Växjö University, Växjö, Sweden /
Anniversary Volume Wong, M. W. / Zhu, H., both York University,
Erusalimsky, Y.M., Rostov State University, Toronto, ON, Canada (Eds)
Russia / Gohberg, I., Tel Aviv University, Israel /
Grudsky, S.M., CINVESTAV, Mexico-City, OT – Operator Theory: Advances and
Mexico / Rabinovich, V., IPN, Mexico-City, Applications, Vol. 172
Mexico / Vasilevski, N., CINVESTAV, Mexico-
City, Mexico (Eds) The ISAAC Group in Pseudo-Differential
Operators (IGPDO) met at the Fifth ISAAC
OT – Operator Theory: Advances and Congress held at Università di Catania in
Applications, Vol. 170 Italy in July, 2005. This volume consists
of papers based on lectures given at the
This volume is dedicated to the eminent special session on pseudodifferential
Russian mathematician Igor Borisovich operators and invited papers that bear on
Simonenko on the occasion of his 70th the themes of IGPDO.
birthday. The contributions are written by Nineteen peer-reviewed papers represent
leading experts and present the state of the modern trends in pseudo-differential
art in a number of areas originally initiated operators. Topics include partial differential
in pioneer works by I. B. Simonenko. Among equations, global analysis, geometry,
the topics covered are Fredholm theory for quantization, Wigner transforms, Weyl
singular integral and convolution operators, transforms on Lie groups, mathematical
estimates for singular integral operators physics and timefrequency analysis. The
on Carleson curves acting in Lp spaces articles will be of interest to graduate
with variable exponents, the finite section students and researchers in analysis,
method for band-dominated and Toeplitz mathematical physics and mathematical
operators, Szegö-type theorems, and the sciences. This collection of essays and
averaging method for nonlinear equations. research articles under the banner of IGPDO
The book testifies to the wide mathematical is a valuable complement to the volumes
interest of I. B. Simonenko and includes a "Advances in Pseudo-Differential Operators"
biography, his list of publications and a list and "Pseudo-Differential Operators and
of his Ph.D. students. Related Topics" published in the same
series in 2004 and 2006, respectively.
2007. VI, 256 p. 12 illus. Hardcover
EUR 128.– / CHF 208.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7736-6 2007. VI, 342 p. Hardcover
EUR 139.– / CHF 229.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-8097-7

Analysis / Operator Theory

Non-spectral Asymptotic Analysis Nonstandard Analysis

of One-Parameter Operator Väth, M., Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
This book presents an introduction into
Emel'yanov, E.Y., Middle East University,
Robinson's nonstandard analysis.
Ankara, Turkey
Nonstandard analysis is the application
of model theory in analysis. However,
OT – Operator Theory: Advances and
the reader is not expected to have any
Applications, Vol. 173
background in model theory; instead,
some background in analysis, topology,
In this book, non-spectral methods are
or functional analysis would be useful -
presented and discussed that have been
although the book is as much self-contained
developed over the last two decades for
as possible and can be understood after
the investigation of asymptotic behavior
a basic calculus course. Unlike some
of operator semigroups. This concerns in
other texts, it does not attempt to teach
particular Markov semigroups in L1-spaces,
elementary calculus on the basis of
motivated by applications to probability
nonstandard analysis, but it points to some
theory and dynamical systems. Recently
applications in more advanced analysis.
many results on the asymptotic behaviour
Such applications can hardly be obtained
of Markov semigroups were extended to
by standard methods such as a deeper
positive semigroups in Banach lattices with
investigation of Hahn-Banach limits or of
order-continuous norm, and to positive
finitely additive measures.
semigroups in non-commutative L1-spaces.
Related results, historical notes, exercises, 2007. VIII, 252 p. Hardcover
and open problems accompany each EUR 38.– / CHF 62.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7773-1

2007. VIII, 174 p. Hardcover
EUR 58.– / CHF 94.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-8095-3

of the
1994 ed.

Notions of Convexity Operator Theory in Inner Product

Hörmander, L., University of Lund, Sweden Spaces
Förster, K.-H., TU Berlin, Germany /
MBC – Modern Birkhäuser Classics Jonas, P., TU Berlin, Germany / Langer, H.,
TU Vienna, Austria / Trunk, C., TU Berlin,
The first two chapters of this book are Germany (Eds)
devoted to convexity in the classical
sense, for functions of one and several OT – Operator Theory: Advances and
real variables respectively. This gives a Applications, Vol. 175
background for the study in the following
chapters of related notions which occur This volume contains contributions written
in the theory of linear partial differential by participants of the 4th Workshop on
equations and complex analysis such Operator Theory in Krein Spaces and
as (pluri-)subharmonic functions, Applications, which was held at the TU
pseudoconvex sets, and sets which are Berlin, Germany, December 17 to 19,
convex for supports or singular supports 2004. The workshop covered topics from
with respect to a differential operator. In spectral, perturbation and extension
addition, the convexity conditions which theory of linear operators and relations in
are relevant for local or global existence inner product spaces, including spectral
of holomorphic differential equations are analysis of differential operators, the theory
discussed, leading up to Trépreau’s theorem of generalized Nevanlinna functions and
on sufficiency of condition (capital Greek related classes of functions, spectral theory
letter Psi) for microlocal solvability in the of matrix polynomials, and problems from
analytic category. scattering theory.
At the beginning of the book, no 2007. VI, 240 p. Hardcover
prerequisites are assumed beyond calculus EUR 129.– / CHF 219.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-8269-8

and linear algebra. Later on, basic facts

from distribution theory and functional
analysis are needed. The major part of the
book should therefore be accessible to
graduate students so that it can serve as an
introduction to complex analysis in one and
several variables. The last sections, however,
are written mainly for readers familiar with
microlocal analysis.
2007. VIII, 414 p. Softcover
EUR 34.90 / CHF 59.90 / ISBN 978-0-8176-4584-7

Analysis / Operator Theory

Operator Theory, Analysis and Polynomial Convexity

Mathematical Physics Stout, E.L., University of Washington,
Janas, J., IMPAN, Warsaw, Poland / Seattle, USA
Kurasov, P., Lund Institute of Technology,
Lund, Sweden / Laptev, A., Royal Institute of PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 261
Technology, Stockholm, Sweden /
Naboko, S., St. Petersburg University, St. This comprehensive monograph is devoted
Petersburg, Russia / Stolz, G., University of to the study of polynomially convex sets,
Alabama at Birmingham, AL, USA (Eds) which play an important role in the theory of
functions of several complex variables.
OT – Operator Theory: Advances and Important features of Polynomial Convexity:
Applications, Vol. 174 · Presents the general properties of
polynomially convex sets with particular
This volume contains lectures delivered attention to the theory of the hulls of one-
by the participants of the International dimensional sets.
Conference Operator Theory and its · Motivates the theory with numerous
Applications in Mathematical Physics examples and counterexamples, which
(OTAMP 2004), held at the Mathematical serve to illustrate the general theory and
Research and Conference Center in Bedlewo to delineate its boundaries.
near Poznan, Poland. The idea behind · Examines in considerable detail questions
these lectures was to present interesting of uniform approximation, especially on
ramifications of operator methods in current totally real sets, for the most part on
research of mathematical physics. The compact sets but with some attention
main topics are functional models of non- to questions of global approximation on
selfadjoint operators, spectral properties noncompact sets.
of Dirac and Jacobi matrices, Dirichlet-to- · Discusses important applications, e.g., to
Neumann techniques, Lyapunov exponents the study of analytic varieties and to the
methods, and inverse spectral problems for theory of removable singularities for CR
quantum graphs. functions.
2007. VI, 257 p. Hardcover
EUR 129.– / CHF 219.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-8134-9 This beautiful exposition of a rich and
complex theory, which contains much
material not available in other texts, is
destined to be the standard reference for
many years, and will appeal to all those with
an interest in multivariate complex analysis.
2007. X, 439 p. Hardcover
EUR 69.90 / CHF 119.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4537-3


2nd ed.

Positivity Spectral Theory of Linear

Boulabiar, K., Carthago University, Tunesia / Operators
Buskes, G., University of Mississippi, Oxford, and Spectral Systems in Banach
MS, USA / Triki, A., Tunis University, Tunesia Algebras
Müller, V., Czech Academy of Sciences,
Prague, Czech Republic
Trends in Mathematics
OT – Operator Theory: Advances and
Due in October 2007
Applications, Vol. 139
This book contains nine well-organized
Due in September 2007
survey articles dealing with topics around
positivity, with a strong emphasis on
This book is dedicated to the spectral theory
functional analysis. It provides insight
of linear operators on Banach spaces and of
into more classical areas like spaces of
elements in Banach algebras. It presents a
continuous functions, f-algebras, and
survey of results concerning various types
integral operators; also, modern areas are
of spectra, both of single and n-tuples of
touched, such as vector measures, operator
elements. Typical examples are the one-
spaces, ordered tensor products, and non-
sided spectra, the approximate point,
commutative Banach function spaces.
essential, local and Taylor spectrum, and
2007. Approx. 350 p. Hardcover their variants.
EUR 99.– / CHF 169.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-8477-7
The theory is presented in a unified,
axiomatic and elementary way. Many
results appear here for the first time in a
monograph. The material is self-contained.
Only a basic knowledge of functional
analysis, topology, and complex analysis is
The monograph should appeal both to
students who would like to learn about
spectral theory and to experts in the field. It
can also serve as a reference book.
2007. Approx. 424 p. Hardcover
EUR 129.– / CHF 219.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-8264-3

Analysis / Operator Theory

of the
1983 ed.

System Theory, the Schur Tata Lectures on Theta I

Algorithm and Multidimensional Mumford, D., Brown University, Providence,
Analysis RI, USA
Alpay, D. / Vinnikov, V., both University of the
MBC – Modern Birkhäuser Classics
Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel (Eds)

The first of a series of three volumes

OT – Operator Theory: Advances and
surveying the theory of theta functions
Applications, Vol. 176
and its significance in the fields of
representation theory and algebraic
This volume contains six peer-refereed
geometry, this volume deals with the basic
articles written on the occasion of the
theory of theta functions in one and several
workshop 'Operator theory, system theory
variables, and some of its number theoretic
and scattering theory: multidimensional
generalizations and related topics', held
at the Department of Mathematics of the Requiring no background in advanced
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev during algebraic geometry, the text serves as a
the period June 26-July 1, 2005. The papers modern introduction to the subject.
present the newest developments in key
2007. XIII, 235 p. 7 illus. Softcover
directions of current research in complex EUR 34.90 / CHF 59.90 / ISBN 978-0-8176-4572-4
analysis and operator theory.
Topics considered include Schur analysis,
hierarchical semiseparable matrices,
canonical forms for pairs of quaternionic
matrices, the theory of homogeneous
operators, algebras of fractions of
continuous functions, and moment
problems. Schur analysis in its various
aspects occupies more than half of the
volume, and moments problems have also
an important place in the papers presented
The volume will be of interest to a
wide audience of pure and applied
mathematicians, electrical engineers and
theoretical physicists.
2007. IX, 322 p. Hardcover
EUR 129.– / CHF 219.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-8136-3

Reprint 1st ed.
of the 1991. 2nd
1984 ed. printing

Tata Lectures on Theta II Tata Lectures on Theta III

Jacobian theta functions and Mumford, D., Brown University, Providence,
differential equations RI, USA
Mumford, D., Brown University, Providence,
RI, USA MBC – Modern Birkhäuser Classics

MBC – Modern Birkhäuser Classics This volume is the third of three in a series
surveying the theory of theta functions
The second in a series of three volumes which play a central role in the fields of
surveying the theory of theta functions, complex analysis, algebraic geometry,
this volume gives emphasis to the special number theory and most recently particle
properties of the theta functions associated physics.
with compact Riemann surfaces and how Based on lectures given by the author at
they lead to solutions of the Korteweg-de- the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Vries equations as well as other non-linear in Bombay, these volumes constitute a
differential equations of mathematical systematic exposition of theta functions,
physics. beginning with their historical roots as
This book presents an explicit elementary analytic functions in one variable (Volume
construction of hyperelliptic Jacobian I), touching on some of the beautiful ways
varieties and is a self-contained introduction they can be used to describe moduli spaces
to the theory of the Jacobians. It also ties (Volume II), and culminating in a methodical
together nineteenth-century discoveries comparison of theta functions in analysis,
due to Jacobi, Neumann, and Frobenius algebraic geometry, and representation
with recent discoveries of Gelfand, McKean, theory (Volume III).
Moser, John Fay, and others. Researchers and graduate students in
A definitive body of information and research mathematics and physics will find these
on the subject of theta functions, this volumes to be valuable additions to their
volume will be a useful addition to individual libraries.
and mathematics research libraries. 2007. VIII, 202 p. 2 illus. Softcover
EUR 34.90 / CHF 59.90 / ISBN 978-0-8176-4570-0
2007. XIV, 272 p. 21 illus. Softcover
EUR 34.90 / CHF 59.90 / ISBN 978-0-8176-4569-4

Analysis / Operator Theory

The Extended Field of Operator The Maximum Principle

Theory Pucci, P., Università degli Studi di Perugia,
Dritschel, M.A., University of Newcastle, UK Italy / Serrin, J., University of Minnesota,
(Ed.) MN, USA

OT – Operator Theory: Advances and PNLDE – Progress in Nonlinear Differential

Applications, Vol. 171 Equations and Their Applications, Vol. 73

This volume contains contributions Due in September 2007

originating from the International Workshop
on Operator Theory and Its Applications Maximum principles are bedrock results in
(IWOTA) held in Newcastle upon Tyne in July the theory of second order elliptic equations.
2004. The articles expertly cover a broad This principle, simple enough in essence,
range of material at the cutting edge of lends itself to a quite remarkable number of
functional analysis and its applications. subtle uses when combined appropriately
with other notions.
Topics include scattering and time varying
systems, pseudodifferential and singular Intended for a wide audience, the book
operators, weighted composition operators provides a clear and comprehensive
and hyperinvariant subspaces, and explanation of the various maximum
interpolation and lifting problems on Hilbert principles available in elliptic theory, from
and Krein spaces. their beginning for linear equations to recent
work on nonlinear and singular equations.
2007. XV, 388 p. Hardcover
EUR 149.– / CHF 249.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7979-7 2007. Approx. 200 p. Hardcover
EUR 49.90 / CHF 85.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-8144-8

A Concise Introduction 
to the Theory of Integration
Stroock, D. W.

"The author succeeded in choosing the right

level of generality and showed how a good
combination of a measure and integration
course and advanced calculus can be done.
Strongly recommended to students as well
Wavelet Analysis and Applications as to teachers." EMS Newsletter
Qian, T., University of Macao, China / Vai, M.I,
3rd ed.1998. 262 p. Hardcover
University of Macao, China / Xu, Y., University EUR 42.– / CHF 50.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4073-6
of Syracuse, NY, USA (Eds)
A Topological Introduction
ANHA – Applied and Numerical Harmonic 
to Nonlinear Analysis
Brown, R. F.
This volume reflects the latest developments 2nd ed.
in the area of wavelet analysis and its
applications. Since the cornerstone lecture "Written by an expert in fixed point
of Yves Meyer presented at the ICM 1990 theory who is well aware of the important
in Kyoto, to some extent, wavelet analysis applications of this area to nonlinear
has often been said to be mainly an applied analysis and differential equations, the
area. However, a significant percentage first edition of this book has been very well
of contributions now are connected to received, and has helped both topologists in
theoretical mathematical areas, and the learning nonlinear analysis and analysts in
concept of wavelets continuously stretches appreciating topological fixed point theory.
across various disciplines of mathematics. The second edition has kept the freshness
and clarity of style of the first one. The new
Key topics: Approximation and Fourier version remains more than even an excellent
Analysis / Construction of Wavelets and introduction to the sue of topological
Frame Theory / Fractal and Multifractal techniques in dealing with nonlinear
Theory / Wavelets in Numerical Analysis / problems." Mathematical Society
Time-Frequency Analysis / Adaptive
2004. XI, 184 p. Softcover
Representation of Nonlinear and Non- EUR 39.90 / CHF 65.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3258-8
stationary Signals / Applications,
particularly in image processing
Advanced Calculus

Through the broad spectrum, ranging from A Differential Forms
pure and applied mathematics to real Approach
applications, the book will be most useful for Edwards, H. M.
researchers, engineers and developers alike.
2007. XIV, 574 p. With CD-ROM. Hardcover "An inviting, unusual, high-level introduction
EUR 128.– / CHF 208.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7777-9 to vector calculus, based solidly on
differential forms. Superb exposition:
informal but sophisticated, down-to-earth
but general, geometrically and physically
intuitive but mathematically rigorous,

Analysis / Operator Theory

entertaining but serious. Remarkably diverse An Introduction to the Uncertainty

applications, physical and mathematical." Principle
The American Mathematical Monthly
Hardy's Theorem on Lie Groups
$SSUR[SßJV+DUGFRYHU Thangavelu, S.
EUR 48.– / CHF 78.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3707-1

PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 217

Advanced Real Analysis

Knapp, A. W. "This nicely written book by Thangavelu
COR – Cornerstones is concerned with extensions of Hardy's
theorem to settings that arise from
"It is useful both as a course text and for noncommutative harmonic analysis.... Each
self-study. One can see, that its content is chapter contains several applications to
near all areas of pure mathematics, as well the heat equation in various settings and
as applied mathematics, including statistics, ends with an extensive presentation of
mathematical physics, and differential related topics, current research, detailed
equations. I think that and this volume turns references to the literature, and lists of
to be useful for any mathematical library open problems. This makes the book an
and can be recommended to students and invaluable resource for graduate students
lecturers." Zentralblatt MATH and researchers in harmonic analysis and
2005. XXIV, 468 p. 6 illus. Hardcover applied mathematics." SIAM Review
EUR 48.– / CHF 78.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4382-9
2004. XII, 174 p. Hardcover
EUR 88.– / CHF 130.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4330-0

An Introduction to Frames Approximation Theory

and Riesz Bases 
From Taylor Polynomials to
Christensen, O.
Christensen, O. / Christensen, K. L.
ANHA – Applied and Numerical Harmonic
ANHA – Applied and Numerical Harmonic
"The book is well written, the proofs are clear
and not too terse, and the work is well suited
"Approximation methods and wavelets
for use as a textbook. The author has made
have found many important applications in
many contributions to the theory of frames
signal processing. This well-written textbook
and Riesz bases, and the book benefits from
provides an elementary introduction
his scope and perspective." Zentralblatt
to approximation theory. The authors
concentrate on the presentation of main
ideas and demonstrate the great influence
"This is the first book giving a comprehensive
of classical approximation theory on modern
overview over the theory of frames and
applied mathematics. This book, with many
Riesz basis … The book provides a gentle
illustrative examples, is easy to read…[and]
introduction into the field, is suitable for self-
will be very useful for anyone interested
study or for the design of a course, and leads
in approximation theory and wavelets."
from the beginnings to active research areas.
Zentralblatt MATH
Hence it should be found in any library."
Monatshefte für Mathematik 1st ed. 2004., Corr. 2nd printing 2005, Corr. 3rd printing 2006
2006. XI, 176 p. Softcover
2003. 464 p. 16 illus. Hardcover EUR 28.– / CHF 48.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3600-5
EUR 88.– / CHF 149.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4295-2

Approximation Theory Using students in Real Analysis so also for teachers
in this field." Zentralblatt MATH
Positive Linear Operators
Paltanea, R. 2005. XXIV, 656 p. 10 illus. Hardcover
EUR 58.– / CHF 92.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3250-2

"This monograph will be of interest to those

working in the field of approximation, and C*-algebras and Elliptic Theory
it may serve as a good supplementary text Bojarski, B. / Mishchenko, A. / Troitsky, E. /
for courses in approximation theory, or as a Weber, A. (Eds)
reference text on the subject."
Zentralblatt MATH TM – Trends in Mathematics
2004. VIII, 202 p. Softcover 2006. IX, 327 p. Hardcover
EUR 69.90 / CHF 119.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4350-8 EUR 98.– / CHF 158.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7686-4

Basic Classes of Linear 

Complex Variables with

Operators Applications
Gohberg, I. / Goldberg, S. / Kaashoek, M. A. Ponnusamy, S. / Silverman, H.
2006. XIII, 513 p. 109 illus. Hardcover
"With a name like Gohberg–Goldberg– EUR 48.– / CHF 78.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4457-4
Kaashoek, it has got to be good. But let
me count the ways. If you are interested in Determining Spectra in Quantum
learning the basic theories of Hilbert and
Banach spaces together with the well-
known operators that act on them, this Demuth, M. / Krishna, M.
book is for you. It is intended for advanced
undergraduate and beginning graduate PMP – Progress in Mathematical Physics,
students in mathematics.... The volume is Vol. 44
actually a second edition of Basic Operator
Theory by Gohberg and Goldberg.... Exercises "In my opinion, the basic idea of the
and examples have been added.... The text is monograph is to help graduate students
well written, clear, and readable.... A student working on spectral theory and beginning
at the specified level will have no difficulty researchers in the field to build a toolkit.
understanding the presentation." The book definitely has more than enough
SIAM Review material for this purpose, some of which is
quite advanced, and it is very up to date. In
2003. XVII, 423 p. Softcover conclusion, I believe that this book will prove
EUR 79.90 / CHF 135.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6930-9
extremely useful for its target audience
(advanced graduate students with an
Basic Real Analysis interest in this area). Moreover, it will also

Knapp, A. W. very much feel at home on the bookshelf of
an expert." Mathematical Reviews
COR – Cornerstones
2005. X, 219 p. Hardcover
EUR 79.90 / CHF 135.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4366-9
"The volume contains more than 300
problems and a separate section gives hints
or complete solutions to them. The book
Equations with Involutive
seems to be completely unified, carefully Operators
reasoned, rich in concepts, methods and Karapetiants, N. / Samko, S.
results, and indubitably useful as for 2001. XIII, 427 p. Hardcover
EUR 109.– / CHF 179.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4157-3
Analysis / Operator Theory

Extremum Problems for function theory. But the author also studies
byways that come from analysis and
Eigenvalues of Elliptic Operators
algebra.... Altogether, the author treats
Henrot, A.
advanced topics that lead the reader to
modern areas of research. And what is
FM – Frontiers in Mathematics
important, the topics are presented with
2006. X, 202 p. 16 illus. Softcover an explanation of their interaction with
EUR 38.– / CHF 62.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7705-2 other important parts of mathematics. The
presentations of the topics are clear and
Fourier Analysis and Convexity the text makes [for] very good reading; basic
Brandolini, L. / Colzani, L. / Iosevich, A. / ideas of many concepts and proofs are
Travaglini, G. (Eds) carefully described, non-formal introductions
to each chapter are very helpful, a rich
ANHA – Applied and Numerical Harmonic collection of exercises is well composed
Analysis and helps the student to understand the
subject." Zentralblatt MATH
2004. VIII, 272 p. 32 illus. Hardcover
EUR 74.90 / CHF 125.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3263-2 2006. XIV, 314 p. 41 illus. Hardcover
EUR 58.– / CHF 88.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4339-3

Generalized Functions
Theory and Applications  Geometry and Spectra of Compact
Kanwal, R. P. Riemann Surfaces
3rd ed. Buser, J.

"The advantage of this text is in carefully PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 106

gathered examples explaining how to 1992. 476 p. Hardcover
use corresponding properties.... Even EUR 92.– / CHF 151.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3406-3
the standard material connecting with
partial and ordinary differential equations Geometry of State Spaces
is rewritten in modern terminology." 
of Operator Algebras
Zentralblatt MATH (Review of a previous
edition) Alfsen, E. M. / Shultz, F. W.

"An exceptionally clear exposition... The MTA – Mathematics: Theory & Applications
exercises at the end of each chapter are
well-chosen." The American Mathematical "Notable results…are presented in this
Monthly (Review of a previous edition) book in a unified way, with complete
and enlightening proofs and comments.
2004. XX, 476 p. 41 illus. Softcover The authors have done fine work for the
EUR 86.– / CHF 136.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4343-0
mathematical community, providing a
valuable toolkit for researchers interested
Geometric Function Theory in non-associative structures, self-adjoint
Explorations in Complex Analysis operator algebras, or areas of functional
Krantz, S. G. analysis or mathematical physics where
aspects related to convexity and ordered
COR – Cornerstones spaces appear…." Zentralblatt MATH
2003. 480 p. Hardcover
"The geometric point of view is the unifying EUR 74.90 / CHF 125.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4319-5
theme in this fine textbook in complex

Global Riemannian Geometry: collected at the end of each chapter making
Curvature and Topology  the book ideal as a graduate-level textbook."
SIAM Review
Markvorsen, S. / Min-Oo, M. 2003. XVII, 423 p. Softcover
EUR 79.90 / CHF 135.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6930-9
ACM – Advanced Courses in Mathematics –
CRM Barcelona Infinite Matrices and their Finite
2003. 100 p. Softcover Sections
EUR 24.90 / CHF 42.90 / ISBN 978-3-7643-2170-3
An Introduction to the Limit Operator
Gradient Flows Lindner, M.
In Metric Spaces and in the Space of
Probability Measures FM – Frontiers in Mathematics
Ambrosio, L. / Gigli, N. / Savaré, G.
2006. XV, 191 p. 12 illus. Softcover
EUR 38.– / CHF 62.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7766-3
LM – Lectures in Mathematics. ETH Zürich
2005. VII, 333 p. Softcover Interpolation, Schur Functions
EUR 34.90 / CHF 59.90 / ISBN 978-3-7643-2428-5
and Moment Problems
Alpay, D. / Gohberg, I. (Eds)
Harmonic Analysis, Signal
Processing, and Complexity LOLS – Linear Operators and Linear Systems /
Festschrift in Honor of the 60th OT – Operator Theory: Advances and
Birthday of Carlos A. Berenstein Applications, Vol. 165
Sabadini, I. / Struppa, D. C. / Walnut, D. F. 2006. XI, 302 p. Hardcover
(Eds) EUR 128.– / CHF 208.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7546-1

PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 238 Introduction to Complex 

2005. XI, 162 p. 15 illus. Hardcover Analysis in Several Variables
EUR 64.90 / CHF 109.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4358-4 Scheidemann, V.

Indefinite Linear Algebra “This is a book written with the student

and Applications in mind: it offers a concise treatment of
Gohberg, I. / Lancaster, P. / Rodman, L. complex analysis in several variables, by
focusing on special topics rather than
"This is a splendidly written book, one of a trying to be a comprehensive treatment of
number by three of the world’s leading linear the subject. ... The main importance of this
algebraists, that collects many results on book is the fact that it fills a void: there are
indefinite linear algebra from the literature relatively few books on several complex
and puts them all in a single place. The variables. Any (graduate) student beginning
book is based in part on a 1983 book titled work in this area and any instructor
Matrices and Indefinite Scalar Products by considering teaching a course in several
the same authors and publisher but includes complex variables should definitely take a
many contemporary results from the journal look at Professor Scheidemann's work.”
literature and elsewhere. In fact, the ends MAA Reviews
of many of the chapters provide a guide to 2005. VIII, 171 p. Softcover
sources where further materials are to be EUR 24.90 / CHF 42.90 / ISBN 978-3-7643-7490-7
found. There are some excellent exercises

Analysis / Operator Theory

Introduction to the Theory of Mathematical Analysis

Toeplitz Operators with Infinite Approximation and Discrete
Index Processes
Dybin, V. / Grudsky, S. M. Giaquinta, M. / Modica, G.

OT – Operator Theory: Advances and "This self-contained book aims to introduce

Applications, Vol. 137 the main ideas for studying approximation
processes, more generally discrete processes
2002. IX, 299 p. Hardcover
EUR 159.– / CHF 269.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6728-2 at graduate level... A key feature this lively
yet rigorous and systematic treatment is the
historical accounts of ideas and methods of
Isomorphisms Between H¹ Spaces the subject. Ideas in mathematics develop in
Müller, P. F.X. cultural, historical and economical contexts,
thus the authors made brief accounts of
MMN – Monografie Matematyczne, Vol. 66 those aspects and used a large number of
beautiful illustrations.... Each chapter has a
"Ein bedeutendes, in Inhalt und Form short summary where the most important
vorzügliches Standardwerk über facts discussed are collected and described.
faszinierende, tiefliegende mathematische There is also a large number of exercises
Probleme vor, zu deren Lösung viele der inserted at various points into the text."
besten Mathematiker beigetragen haben." Zentralblatt MATH
Monatshefte für Mathematik
2005. XII, 388 p. 152 illus. Softcover
2005. XIV, 453 p. Hardcover EUR 58.– / CHF 98.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4337-9
EUR 99.– / CHF 169.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-2431-5

Measure Theory
Limit Operators and Their Cohn, D. L.
Applications in Operator Theory 1980. 388 p. Softcover
Rabinovich, V. / Roch, S. / Silbermann, B. EUR 42.– / CHF 68.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3003-4

OT – Operator Theory: Advances and Measure Theory and

Applications, Vol. 150
2004. XV, 392 p. Hardcover Adams, M. / Guillemin, V.
EUR 169.– / CHF 279.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7081-7
1996. XIV, 205 p. Hardcover
EUR 32.– / CHF 52.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3884-9
Linear and Quasilinear Parabolic
Problems Multiscale Potential Theory
Volume I: Abstract Linear Theory 
With Applications to Geoscience
Amann, H. Freeden, W. / Michel, V.

MMA – Monographs in Mathematics, Vol. 89 ANHA – Applied and Numerical Harmonic

1995. XXXV, 335 p. Hardcover Analysis
EUR 118.– / CHF 188.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-5114-4

"The present book is written for applications

in geodesy and geophysics and is hence
devoted to classical potential theory
with particular attention to wavelet
approximation.... Each chapter is concluded
with exercises which have solution hints Operator Theory, Systems
at the end of the book.... The book is a Theory and Scattering Theory:
self-contained and unique presentation of
multiscale potential theory, interesting for
Multidimensional Generalizations
applied mathematicians, geophysicists, etc. Alpay, D. / Vinnikov, V. (Eds)
and proper even for students." OT – Operator Theory: Advances and
Mathematical Reviews Applications, Vol. 157
2004. XVI, 509 p., 127 illus. Hardcover 2005. XVI, 310 p. Hardcover
EUR 92.– / CHF 148.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4105-4 EUR 129.– / CHF 219.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7212-5

New Difference Schemes for Operator Theory and Indefinite

Partial Differential Equations Inner Product Spaces
Ashyralyev, A. / Sobolevskii, P. E. Presented on the Occasion of the
OT – Operator Theory: Advances and Retirement of Heinz Langer in the
Applications, Vol. 148 Colloquium on Operator Theory, Vienna,
2004. IX, 443 p. Hardcover
March 2004
EUR 169.– / CHF 279.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7054-1 Langer, M. / Luger, A. / Woracek, H. (Eds)

Noncommutative Harmonic OT – Operator Theory: Advances and

Applications, Vol. 163
In Honor of Jacques Carmona 2006. XXXII, 379 p. Hardcover
EUR 148.– / CHF 238.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7515-7
Delorme, P. / Vergne, M. (Eds)
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 220 Operator Theory in Krein Spaces
2004. XVI, 509 p., 15 illus. Hardcover and Nonlinear Eigenvalue
EUR 79.90 / CHF 135.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3207-6
Förster, K.-H. / Jonas, P. / Langer, H. (Eds)
Nonlinear Elliptic and Parabolic
Problems OT – Operator Theory: Advances and
A Special Tribute to the Work of Herbert Applications, Vol. 162
Amann 2006. VI, 308 p. Hardcover
Chipot, M. / Escher, J. (Eds) EUR 128.– / CHF 208.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7452-5

PNLDE – Progress in Nonlinear Differential

Equations and Their Applications, Vol. 64 Pseudo-Differential Operators and
2005. VII, 536 p. Hardcover
Related Topics
EUR 168.– / CHF 278.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7266-8 Boggiatto, P. / Rodino, L. / Toft, J. /
Wong, M. W. (Eds)
On the Topology of Isolated
OT – Operator Theory: Advances and
Singularities in Analytic Spaces
Applications, Vol. 164
Seade, J.
2006. VI, 244 p. Hardcover
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 241 EUR 108.– / CHF 178.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7513-3

Winner of the Ferran Sunyer i Balaguer

Prize 2005
2006. XIV, 238 p. Hardcover
EUR 48.– / CHF 78.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7322-1
Analysis / Operator Theory

Ramsey Methods in Analysis Selected Chapters in the Calculus

Argyros, S. A. / Todorcevic, S. of Variations
Lecture Notes by Oliver Knill
ACM – Advanced Courses in Mathematics –
Moser, J.
CRM Barcelona
2005. VI, 257 p. Softcover LM – Lectures in Mathematics. ETH Zürich
EUR 39.90 / CHF 65.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7264-4
2003. 132 p. Softcover
EUR 24.90 / CHF 42.90 / ISBN 978-3-7643-2185-7
Real Analysis
DiBenedetto, E. Selected Topics in Complex 
BAT – Birkhäuser Advanced Texts
The S. Ya. Khavinson Memorial Volume
"The book serves as a solid building block Eiderman, V. Y. / Samokhin, M. V. (Eds)
for research in analysis, PDEs, the calculus
of variations, probability theory and OT – Operator Theory: Advances and
approximation theory; it provides an excellent Applications, Vol. 158
foundation of real analysis." 2005. 222 p. Hardcover
Zentralblatt MATH EUR 119.– / CHF 199.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7251-4

2002. XXIV, 485 p. Hardcover

EUR 74.90 / CHF 125.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4231-0 Shift-invariant Uniform Algebras
on Groups
Recent Advances in Operator Grigoryan, S. A. / Tonev, T. V.
Theory, Operator Algebras, and
their Applications MMN – Monografie Matematyczne, Vol. 68
XIXth International Conference on 2006. IX, 284 p. Hardcover
EUR 78.– / CHF 128.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7606-2
Operator Theory, Timisoara (Romania),
Gaspar, D. / Gohberg, I. / Timotin, D. / Sturm-Liouville Theory
Vasilescu, F. H. / Zsido, L. (Eds) Past and Present
Amrein, W. O. / Hinz, A. M. / Pearson, D. B.
OT – Operator Theory: Advances and (Eds)
Applications, Vol. 153
2005. XX, 335 p. Hardcover
2005. XVI, 344 p. Hardcover EUR 69.90 / CHF 119.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7066-4
EUR 128.– / CHF 208.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7127-2
The Evolution of Applied Harmonic
Reconstructive Integral Geometry Analysis
Palamodov, V. Models of the Real World
Prestini, E.
MMA – Monographs in Mathematics, Vol. 98
2004. IX, 164 p. Hardcover ANHA – Applied and Numerical Harmonic
EUR 68.– / CHF 108.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7129-6 Analysis

"The goal of this text is to introduce readers

to the topic of harmonic analysis, its history,
and its applications. Throughout the book,

these three major concerns...are artfully professional mathematicians, and scientists
intertwined to form a single, unified narrative. of other types." MathSciNet
This is not simply a book about mathematics,
2002. XI, 163 p. Hardcover
or even the history of mathematics; it is a EUR 88.– / CHF 118.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4285-3
story about how the discipline has been
applied (to borrow Fourier's expression) Theory of Function Spaces III
to 'the public good and the explanation
Triebel, H.
of natural phenomena.'...It is evident that
a great deal of effort has been spent in
MMA – Monographs in Mathematics,
the preparation of this book. The author
Vol. 100
has diligently worked to create a cogent,
sensibly organized exposition. The text is 2006. XII, 426 p. Hardcover
EUR 128.– / CHF 205.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7581-2
supplemented with dozens of interesting
pictures and graphs....[T]his book constitutes
a significant addition to the library of popular
The Structure of Functions
mathematical works, and a valuable resource Triebel, H.
for students of mathematics."
MAA Reviews MMA – Monographs in Mathematics, Vol. 97
2001. XII, 425 p. Hardcover
"The book under review is a unique and EUR 98.– / CHF 158.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6546-2
splendid telling of the triumphs of the fast
Fourier transform. I can recommend it
unconditionally." SIAM News
Time-Frequency and Time-Scale
2004. XIX, 349 p., 169 illus. Softcover
EUR 72.– / CHF 112.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4125-2 Adaptive Decompositions, Uncertainty
Principles, and Sampling
The Functional Calculus for Hogan, J. A. / Lakey, J. D.
Sectorial Operators
Haase, M. ANHA – Applied and Numerical Harmonic
OT – Operator Theory: Advances and
Applications, Vol. 169 "[The] book under review is written from
a relatively novel perspective: its goal is to
2006. XIV, 392 p. 8 illus. Hardcover
carefully and deeply study the similarities
EUR 78.– / CHF 128.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7697-0
and differences between time-frequency
and time-scale methods. Thus, one may view
The Implicit Function Theorem the present book as a continuation of the
History, Theory, and Applications famous textbook of Ingrid Daubechies [Ten
Krantz, S. G. / Parks, H. R. Lectures on Wavelets].... In my opinion, the
two books nicely complement each other
"This is an excellent book devoted to the and both are a 'must have' for everyone who
implicit function theorem and related is interested in a deeper understanding of
results (like the inverse function theorem) time-frequency and time-scale methods."
that play one of the most important roles Zentralblatt MATH
in modern mathematics...The book is
2005. XXII, 390p. 22 illus. Hardcover
mainly self-contained and undoubtedly will EUR 78.– / CHF 120.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4276-1
serve as a useful resource for advanced
undergraduates, graduate students,

Analysis / Operator Theory

Toeplitz Matrices, Wavelets, Multiscale Systems and

Asymptotic Linear Algebra, Hypercomplex Analysis
and Functional Analysis Alpay, D. (Ed.)
Böttcher, A. / Grudsky, S. M.
OT – Operator Theory: Advances and
2000. 124 p. Hardcover
Applications, Vol. 167
EUR 31.– / CHF 52.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6290-4
2006. XI, 190 p. Hardcover
EUR 128.– / CHF 199.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7587-4
Torsions of 3-dimensional
Wavelets and Signal Processing
Turaev, V.
Debnath, L. (Ed.)
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 208
ANHA – Applied and Numerical Harmonic
"The present monograph covers in great
detail the work of the author spanning
"A mathematically sound and self-contained
almost three decades. …[Establishing an
presentation on recent advances in the
explicit formula given a 3-manifold] is a
highly applicable field of Gabor analysis.…
truly remarkable feat… This monograph
This book is a must for all interested in
contains a wealth of information many
signal analysis, and, of course, in particular
topologists will find very handy. …Many of
in Gabor analysis." Monatshefte für
the new points of view pioneered by Turaev
are gradually becoming mainstream and
are spreading beyond the pure topology 2003. XXV, 435 p. Hardcover
world. This monograph is a timely and very EUR 108.– / CHF 158.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4235-8

useful addition to the scientific literature."

Mathematical Reviews
2003. X, 196 p. Hardcover
EUR 82.– / CHF 132.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6911-8

Variational Problems in
Riemannian Geometry
Bubbles, Scans and Geometric Flows
Baird, P. / El Soufi, A. / Fardoun, A. /
Regbaoui, R. (Eds)

PNLDE – Progress in Nonlinear Differential

Equations and Their Applications, Vol. 59
2004. XVII, 148 p. Hardcover
EUR 89.90 / CHF 149.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-2432-2

Differential Equations / Dynamical Systems

An Invitation to Variational Analysis and Simulation of Fluid

Methods in Differential Equations Dynamics
Costa, D.G., University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Calgaro, C. / Coulombel, J.-F. / Goudon, T.,
NV, USA all Université Lille, Villeneuve, France (Eds)

This book is a short introductory text to AMFM – Advances in Mathematical Fluid

variational techniques with applications to Mechanics
differential equations. It presents a sampling
of topics in critical point theory with This volume collects the contributions
applications to existence and multiplicity of a conference held in June 2005, at the
of solutions in nonlinear problems involving laboratoire Paul Painlevé (UMR CNRS 8524)
ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and in Lille, France. The meeting was intended
partial differential equations (PDEs). to review hot topics and future trends in
fluid dynamics, with the objective to foster
Five simple problems in ODEs which
exchanges of theoretical and numerical
illustrate existence of solutions from a
variational point of view are introduced
in the first chapter. These problems set The content of the volume can be split into
the stage for the topics covered, including three categories:
minimization, deformation results, the A first set of contributions is devoted to
mountain-pass theorem, the saddle-point the description of the connection between
theorem, critical points under constraints, different models of fluid dynamics. An
a duality principle, critical points in the important part of these papers relies on
presence of symmetry, and problems the discussion of the modeling issues, the
with lack of compactness. Each topic is identification of the relevant dimensionless
presented in a straightforward manner, coefficients, and on the physical
and followed by one or two illustrative interpretation of the models.
applications. A second set of contributions considers
the question of the stability of particular
The concise, straightforward, user-friendly
structures in fluid mechanics equations.
approach of this textbook will appeal
The third set of contributions is concerned
to graduate students and researchers
with numerical issues; it is indeed a crucial
interested in differential equations, analysis,
challenge to design numerical schemes that
and functional analysis.
are able to capture the complex features
2007. XII, 140 p., 9 illus. Softcover generated by fluid flows.
EUR 39.90 / CHF 65.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4535-9
2007. VIII, 246 p. 55 illus., 8 tab. Hardcover
EUR 69.90 / CHF 119.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7741-0

Differential Equations / Dynamical Systems

Differential Equations,
Chaos and Variational

Control of Coupled Partial Differential Equations, Chaos and

Differential Equations Variational Problems
Kunisch, K., Universität Graz, Austria / Staicu, V., University of Aveiro, Portugal (Ed.)
Leugering, G., Universität Erlangen-
Nürnberg, Germany / Sprekels, J., PNLDE – Progress in Nonlinear Differential
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany / Equations and Their Applications, Vol. 75
Tröltzsch, F., Technische Universität Berlin,
Germany (Eds) Due in November 2007

ISNM – International Series of Numerical This collection of original articles and

Mathematics, Vol. 155 surveys written by leading experts in their
fields is dedicated to Arrigo Cellina and
This volume contains selected contributions James A. Yorke on the occasion of their 65th
originating from the ‘Conference on birthday. The purpose of the volume is to
Optimal Control of Coupled Systems of bring the reader to the border of research
Partial Differential Equations’, held at in differential equations, a fast evolving
the ‘Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut branch of mathematics that, besides being
Oberwolfach’ in April 2005. a main subject for mathematicians, is one of
the mathematical tools most used both by
With their articles, leading scientists cover a
scientists and engineers.
broad range of topics such as controllability,
feedback-control, optimality systems, It treats the nonlinear aspects of the theory
model-reduction techniques, analysis and of differential equations, of the calculus
optimal control of flow problems, and fluid- of variations, dynamical systems, as well
structure interactions, as well as problems as topics related to chaotic systems and
of shape and topology optimization. their relations with physical problems. The
reader will find both some surveys of the
Applications affected by these findings are
more recent developments in several topics
distributed over all time and length scales
related with differential equations, chaos
starting with optimization and control of
and variational problems, as well as new
quantum mechanical systems, the design
contributions in active and important areas
of piezoelectric acoustic micro-mechanical
of research as young measures, optimal
devices, or optimal control of crystal growth
control, differential and delay-differential
to the control of bodies immersed into a
equations and inclusions.
fluid, airfoil design, and much more.
2007. Approx. 500 p. Hardcover
2007. VI, 388 p. 54 illus. Hardcover Approx. EUR 148.– / CHF 238.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-8481-4
EUR 99.– / CHF 158.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7720-5


Functional Analysis
and Evolution

Fuchsian Reduction Functional Analysis and Evolution

Applications to Geometry, Cosmology Equations
and Mathematical Physics Dedicated to Gunter Lumer
Kichenassamy, S., Université de Reims Amann, H., Universität Zürich, Switzerland /
Champagne-Ardenne, Reims, France Arendt, W., Universität Ulm, Germany /
Hieber, M., TU Darmstadt, Germany /
PNLDE – Progress in Nonlinear Differential Nagel, R., Universität Tübingen, Germany /
Equations and Their Applications, Vol. 71 Neubrander, F., Lousiana State University,
Baton Rouge, LA, USA / Nicaise, S.,
Due in September 2007
Université Valenciennes, France (Eds)
Fuchsian Reduction is a method for explicitly
representing solutions of nonlinear PDEs Due in November 2007
near singularities. The technique has
multiple applications in soliton theory, Gunter Lumer was an outstanding
Einstein's equations and cosmology, mathematician whose works have great
stellar models, laser collapse, conformal influence on the research community
geometry and combustion. Developed in in mathematical analysis and evolution
the 1990s for semilinear wave equations, equations. He was at the origin of the
Fuchsian Reduction research has grown breath-taking development the theory of
in response to those problems in pure and semigroups saw after the pioneering book
applied mathematics, where numerical of Hille and Phillips from 1957. This volume
computations fail. contains invited contributions presenting
the state of the art of these topics and
This work unfolds systematically in four
reflecting the broad interests of Gunter
parts, with theory and applications nicely
interwoven. The methods used in various
applications examined in Part III may serve
Particular care is taken of the many
as prototypes for future new applications.
applications to linear and nonlinear
Background results in weighted Sobolev
partial differential equations and concrete
and Holder spaces as well as Nash-Moser
evolutionary models from natural sciences
implicit function theorem are provided. Most
and technology.
chapters contain a problem section and
notes with references to the literature. 2007. Approx. 400 p. Hardcover
Approx. EUR 98.– / CHF 159.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7793-9
This volume can be used as a text in
graduate courses in PDEs and/or Algebra or
as a resource for researchers working with
applications to Fuchsian Reduction.
2007. Approx. 316 p. Hardcover
Approx. EUR 109.95 / CHF 180.50 / ISBN 978-0-8176-4352-2

Differential Equations / Dynamical Systems

Hyperbolic Problems and Limit Cycles of Differential

Regularity Questions Equations
Padula, M. / Zanghirati, L., both Università Christopher, C., Plymouth University, UK /
di Ferrara, Italy (Eds) Li, C., Beijing University, China

TM – Trends in Mathematics ACM – Advanced Courses in Mathematics -

CRM Barcelona
This book discusses new challenges in
the quickly developing field of hyperbolic This textbook contains the lecture series
problems. Particular emphasis lies on originally delivered at the "Advanced Course
the interaction between nonlinear partial on Limit Cycles of Differential Equations"
differential equations, functional analysis in the Centre de Rechercha Mathematica
and applied analysis as well as mechanics. Barcelona in 2006.
The book originates from a recent The topics covered are the center-focus
conference focusing on hyperbolic problems problem for polynomial vector fields, and
and regularity questions. It is intended for the application of abelian integrals to limit
researchers in functional analysis, PDE, fluid cycle bifurcations. Both topics are related to
dynamics and differential geometry. the authors' interests in Hilbert's sixteenth
problem, but would also be of interest
2007. VI, 231 p. Hardcover to those working more generally in the
EUR 88.– / CHF 138.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7450-1 qualitative theory of dynamical systems.
2007. 180 p. Softcover
EUR 29.90 / CHF 49.90 / ISBN 978-3-7643-8409-8


4th ed. 2nd ed.

Linear Partial Differential Partial Differential Equations

Equations for Scientists and DiBenedetto, E., Vanderbilt University,
Engineers Nashville, TN, USA
Myint-U, T., Manhattan College, New York,
COR – Cornerstones
NY, USA / Debnath, L., University of Texas
Pan-American, Edinburgh, TX, USA
Due in October 2007
This significantly expanded fourth edition
This self-contained text offers an
is designed as an introduction to the theory
elementary introduction to partial
and applications of linear PDEs. The authors
differential equations (pdes), primarily
provide fundamental concepts, underlying
focusing on linear equations, but also
principles, a wide range of applications, and
providing some perspective on nonlinear
various methods of solutions to PDEs. In
equations. The classical treatment is
addition to essential standard material on
mathematically rigorous with a generally
the subject, the book contains new material
theoretical layout, though indications to
that is not usually covered in similar texts
some of the physical origins of pdes are
and reference books, including conservation
made throughout.
laws, the spherical wave equation,
the cylindrical wave equation, higher- Large parts of this revised second edition
dimensional boundary-value problems, the have been streamlined and rewritten to
finite element method, fractional partial incorporate years of classroom feedback,
differential equations, and nonlinear partial correct errors, and improve clarity. Most
differential equations with applications. of the necessary background material has
been incorporated into the complements
This book will primarily serve as a textbook
and certain nonessential topics have
for the first two courses in PDEs, or
been given reduced attention (noticeably,
in a course on advanced engineering
numerical methods) to improve the flow of
mathematics. The book may also be used
as a reference for graduate students,
researchers, and professionals in modern The exposition is replete with examples,
applied mathematics, mathematical problems and solutions that complement
physics, and engineering. Readers will the material to enhance understanding
gain a solid mathematical background in and solidify comprehension. The only
PDEs, sufficient to start interdisciplinary prerequisites are advanced differential
collaborative research in a variety of fields. calculus and some basic Lp theory.
2007. XXII, 778 p. 79 illus. Hardcover 2008. Approx. 350 p. 10 illus. Hardcover
EUR 78.– / CHF 128.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4393-5 Approx. EUR 48.– / CHF 78.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4551-9

Differential Equations / Dynamical Systems

Phase Space Analysis of Partial Self-Dual Gauge Field Vortices

Differential Equations An Analytical Approach
Bove, A., Università di Bologna, Italy / Tarantello, G., Università di Roma "Tor
Colombini, F., Università di Pisa, Italy / Vergata", Italy
Del Santo, D., Università di Trieste, Italy (Eds)
PNLDE – Progress in Nonlinear Differential
PNLDE – Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Applications, Vol. 72
Equations and Their Applications, Vol. 69
In modern theoretical physics, gauge field
This collection of original articles and theories are of great importance since they
surveys treats linear and nonlinear keep internal symmetries and account for
aspects of the theory of partial differential phenomena such as spontaneous symmetry
equations. Phase space analysis methods, breaking, the quantum Hall effect, charge
also known as microlocal analysis, have fractionalization, superconductivity and
yielded striking results over the past years supergravity. This monograph discusses
and have become one of the main tools of specific examples of self-dual gauge field
investigation. Equally important is their role structures, including the Chern-Simons
in many applications to physics, for example, model, the abelian-Higgs model, and Yang-
in quantum and spectral theory. Mills gauge field theory.
Key topics: The author builds a foundation for gauge
The Cauchy problem for linear and nonlinear theory and self-dual vortices by introducing
hyperbolic equations / Scattering theory / the basic mathematical language of gauge
Inverse problems / Hyperbolic systems / theory and formulating examples of Chern-
Gevrey regularity of solutions of PDEs / Simons-Higgs theories. Thereafter, the
Analytic hypoellipticity Electroweak theory and self-gravitating
Electroweak strings are examined. The final
Unique features: Original articles are self-
chapters treat elliptic problems involving
contained with full proofs / Survey articles
ChernSimmons models, concentration-
give a quick and direct introduction to
compactness principles, and Maxwell-
selected topics evolving at a fast pace
Chern-Simons vortices. Many open
Graduate students at various levels as well questions still remain in the field and are
as researchers in PDEs and related fields examined in this work in connection with
will find this an excellent resource. Liouville-type equations and systems. The
goal of this text is to form an understanding
2007. XIV, 329 p. Hardcover
EUR 118.– / CHF 188.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4511-3 of self-dual solutions arising in a variety of
physical contexts.
2007. XIV, 334 p. Hardcover
Approx. EUR 58.– / CHF 88.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4310-2

Singularly Perturbed Spectral Theory of Infinite-Area
Boundary-Value Problems Hyperbolic Surfaces
Barbu, L., Ovidius Unversity, Constanta, Borthwick, D., Emory University, Atlanta, GA,
Romania / Moroúanu, G., Central European USA
University, Budapest, Hungary
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 256
ISNM – International Series of Numerical
Mathematics, Vol. 156 This book is a self-contained monograph on
spectral theory for non-compact Riemann
This book offers a detailed asymptotic surfaces, focused on the infinite-volume
analysis of some important classes of case. A hyperbolic surface of infinite volume
singularly perturbed boundary value provides for a qualitatively different context
problems which are mathematical models from either the compact or finite-volume
for various phenomena in biology, chemistry, cases, a context in which spectral theory
and engineering. of the Laplacian operator emerges as
scattering theory.
The authors are particularly interested
in nonlinear problems, which have hardly By focusing on the scattering theory of
been examined so far in the literature hyperbolic surfaces, this work provides a
dedicated to singular perturbations. This compelling introductory example which
book proposes to fill in this gap, since most will be accessible to a broad audience.
applications are described by nonlinear The book opens with an introduction to
models. Their asymptotic analysis is very the geometry of hyperbolic surfaces. Then
interesting, but requires special methods a thorough development of the spectral
and tools. The treatment presented in theory of a geometrically finite hyperbolic
this volume combines some of the most surface of infinite volume is given, which
successful results from different parts serves also as an attractive introduction to
of mathematics, including functional geometric scattering theory and the theory
analysis, singular perturbation theory, of resonances. The final sections of the
partial differential equations, and evolution recent developments, for which no thorough
equations. Thus a complete justification expository account exists, include resonance
for the replacement of various perturbed counting (illustrating techniques developed
models with corresponding reduced models, for potential and obstacle scattering),
which are simpler but in general have a analysis of the Selberg zeta function, the
different character, is offered to the reader. Poisson formula relating the resonance set
Specific applications are addressed, such to the length spectrum, and the proof that
as propagation of electromagnetic or the resonance set determines a surface up
mechanical waves, fluid flows, or diffusion to finitely many possibilities.
2007. Approx. 240 p. 10 illus. Hardcover
2007. Approx. 248 p. Hardcover Approx. EUR 44.95 / CHF 74.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4524-3
EUR 89.90 / CHF 149.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-8330-5 69
Differential Equations / Dynamical Systems

Superlinear Parabolic Problems Vortices in the Magnetic Ginzburg-

Blow-up, Global Existence and Steady Landau Model
States Sandier, E., Université Paris-XII Val-de-
Quittner, P., University of Bratislava, Slovakia / Marne, Créteil, France / Serfaty, S., Courant
Souplet, P., Université Paris XIII, France Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New
York, NY, USA
BAT – Birkhäuser Advanced Texts
PNLDE – Progress in Nonlinear Differential
This book is devoted to the qualitative Equations and Their Applications, Vol. 70
study of solutions of superlinear elliptic
and parabolic partial differential equations With the discovery of type-II
and systems. This class of problems superconductivity by Abrikosov, the
contains, in particular, a number of prediction of vortex lattices, and their
reaction-diffusion systems which arise in experimental observation, quantized
various mathematical models, especially in vortices have become a central object of
chemistry, physics and biology. study in superconductivity, superfluidity,
and Bose-Einstein condensation. This
2007. Approx. 550 p. Hardcover
EUR 69.90 / CHF 119.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-8441-8 book presents the mathematics of
superconducting vortices in the framework
of the acclaimed two-dimensional Ginzburg-
Landau model, with or without magnetic
field, and in the limit of a large Ginzburg-
Landau parameter, kappa.
It begins by introducing mathematical tools
such as the vortex balls construction and
Jacobian estimates. Among the applications
presented are: the determination of the
vortex densities and vortex locations
for energy minimizers in a wide range
of regimes of applied fields, the precise
expansion of the so-called first critical
field in a bounded domain, the existence of
branches of solutions with given numbers
of vortices, and the derivation of a criticality
condition for vortex densities of non-
minimizing solutions.
2007. XII, 322 p. 13 illus. Hardcover
EUR 98.– / CHF 158.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4316-4

Adaptive Finite Element Methods Continuum 
for Differential Equations Thermomechanics
Bangerth, W. / Rannacher, R. Bermúdez de Castro, A.
PMP – Progress in Mathematical Physics,
LM – Lectures in Mathematics. ETH Zürich
Vol. 43
"Most graduate students in engineering and 2005. XII, 209 p. Hardcover
EUR 59.90 / CHF 105.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7265-1
physical sciences should be able to handle
the material without excessive difficulty. The
presentation is very much a tutorial approach Contributions to Nonlinear
promoting a hands-on experience, reinforced Analysis
with practical exercises at the end of each A Tribute to D.G. de Figueiredo on the
chapter, aimed towards practitioners.... [The] Occasion of his 70th Birthday
present book provides a gentler introduction
Cazenave, T. / Costa, D. / Lopes, O. /
for the beginning graduate student or
Manásevich, R. / Rabinowitz, P. / Ruf, B. /
nonspecialist practitioner." SIAM Review
Tomei, C. (Eds)
2003. VIII, 207 p. Softcover
EUR 24.90 / CHF 42.90 / ISBN 978-3-7643-7009-1 PNLDE – Progress in Nonlinear Differential
Equations and Their Applications, Vol. 66
Analysis of Dirac Systems 
2006. XII, 518 p. Hardcover
and Computational Algebra EUR 138.– / CHF 248.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7149-4
Colombo, F. / Sabadini, I. / Sommen, F. /
Struppa, D. C. Differential Equations with
PMP – Progress in Mathematical Physics,
Symbolic Computation
Vol. 39 Wang, D. / Zheng, Z. (Eds)

"Altogether the book is a pioneering, TM – Trends in Mathematics

and quite successful, attempt to apply 2005. VIII, 374 p. Hardcover
computational and algebraic techniques to EUR 79.90 / CHF 135.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7368-9
several branches of hypercomplex analysis …
The book provides a very different way to look Elements of Nonlinear Analysis
at some important questions which arise Chipot, M.
when one tries to develop multi-dimensional
theories." Mathematical Reviews BAT – Birkhäuser Advanced Texts
2004. XIV, 332 p. Hardcover
EUR 79.90 / CHF 135.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4255-6 "This book covers some of the main aspects
of nonlinear analysis. It concentrates on
Conformal and Potential Analysis stressing the fundamental ideas instead
in Hele-Shaw Cells of elaborating on the intricacies of them
more esoteric ones…it encompass[es] many
Gustafsson, B. / Vasil'ev, A.
methods of dynamical systems in quite
simple and original settings. I recommend
AMFM – Advances in Mathematical Fluid
this book to anyone interested in the main
and essential concepts of nonlinear analysis
2006. X, 231 p. Hardcover as well as the relevant methodologies and
EUR 58.– / CHF 92.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7703-8
applications." Mathematical Reviews
2000. VII, 256 p. Hardcover
EUR 46.– / CHF 78.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6406-9
Differential Equations / Dynamical Systems

Elliptic and Parabolic Problems belongs on the bookshelf of specialists in

A Special Tribute to the Work of Haim nonlinear pde/math biology."
Brezis Bulletin of the AMS
Bandle, C. / Berestycki, H. / Brighi, B. / 2005. XIII, 366 p. 7 illus. Hardcover
EUR 118.– / CHF 188.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4302-7
Brillard, A. / Chipot, M. / Coron, J.–M. /
Sbordone, C. / Shafrir, I. / Valente, V. /
Vergara Caffarelli, G. (Eds) Homogenization of Partial
Differential Equations
PNLDE – Progress in Nonlinear Differential Marchenko, V. A. / Khruslov, E. Y.
Equations and Their Applications, Vol. 63
2005. VIII, 470 p. Hardcover PMP – Progress in Mathematical Physics,
EUR 139.– / CHF 229.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7249-1 Vol. 46
2006. XII, 398 p. 28 illus. Hardcover
Energy Methods for Free Boundary EUR 108.– / CHF 168.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4351-5

Applications to Nonlinear PDEs and
Fluid Mechanics
l goes to plus Infinity
Chipot, M.
Antontsev, S.N. / Diaz, J.I. / Shmarev, S.
BAT – Birkhäuser Advanced Texts
PNLDE – Progress in Nonlinear Differential
Equations and Their Applications, Vol. 48 2002. 188 p. Hardcover
EUR 54.– / CHF 88.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6646-9

"… very important and useful monograph

…The book is addressed to pure or applied Integral Methods in Science and
mathematicians at universities and in Engineering
industry and also to graduate level students. Theoretical and Practical Aspects
All results are presented in a systematic
Constanda, C. / Nashed, Z. / Rollins, D. (Eds)
and self-contained manner, precise proofs
being usually sufficiently detailed. The topic 2006. XVI, 312 p. 51 illus. Hardcover
EUR 72.– / CHF 112.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4377-5
makes the book appealing for any specialist
interested in applications of energy methods
for free boundary problems in nonlinear PDEs Introduction to Partial

and fluid mechanics." Mathematical Reviews Differential Equations
2002. XI, 329 p. 16 illus. Hardcover with MATLAB
EUR 148.– / CHF 208.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4123-8 Cooper, J. M.

Free Energy and Self-Interacting ANHA – Applied and Numerical Harmonic

Particles Analysis
Suzuki, T.
"Cooper's book stands out among a host
PNLDE – Progress in Nonlinear Differential of PDE works. It not only adequately treats
Equations and Their Applications, Vol. 62 traditional core partial differential equation
methods but also integrates analytic
"The book itself is well organized and solutions with numerical schemes through
readable although very technical. It is a book the implementation of Matlab routines. As
about the mathematics of systems and not an application-oriented book that provides
biology or thermodynamics…. [It] certainly the basic definitions, theorems, and analyses
of the solutions, it contains the core topics
needed for a sound background in partial Nonlinear Analysis and
differential equations.... One of the book's Differential Equations
excellent features is the availability of
Grossinho, M.R. / Ramos, M. / Rebelo, C. /
illustrative and challenging problems, some
Sanchez, L. (Eds)
of which have been cast in the form of
MATLAB projects. Such features undoubtedly
PNLDE – Progress in Nonlinear Differential
make this a suitable work for a laboratory
Equations and Their Applications, Vol. 43
component of an introductory PDEs course.
Recommended. Undergraduates through 2001. XIII, 380 p. Hardcover
EUR 109.– / CHF 179.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4188-7
faculty." Choice
1st ed. 1998. Corr. 2nd printing
2000. 550 p. 50 illus. Hardcover
Nonlinear Partial 
EUR 84.– / CHF 118.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3967-9 Differential Equations for
Scientists and Engineers
Kolmogorov Equations for Debnath, L.

Stochastic PDEs 2nd ed.
Da Prato, G.
"Nonlinear partial differential equations is
ACM – Advanced Courses in Mathematics – an old and vast area of research. There is a
CRM Barcelona big and well-developed theory as well as a
huge variety of applications. It seems to be
"Many of the results presented here are impossible to embrace this subject in a single
appearing in book form for the first time. (...) monograph. The book of Lokenath Debnath
The writing style is clear. Needless to say, the is a quite successful attempt. It is a second
level of mathematics is high and will no doubt edition of the book, considerably extended
tax the average mathematics and physics and revised. The author is trying to balance
graduate student. For the devoted student, the deep and rigorous theory and a variety
however, this book offers an excellent basis of approaches and often seminal examples.
for a 1-year course on the subject. It is To examples, he gives the leading, more than
definitely recommended." JASA Reviews just an illustrative, role.... The book could
serve as a good selection of choices for a
2004. VII, 182 p. Softcover
EUR 34.90 / CHF 59.90 / ISBN 978-3-7643-7216-3 kernel of a graduate or even undergraduate
module in Applied Mathematics or
Engineering Sciences. For more fundamental
New Trends in the Theory of
courses the book is also useful, since it
Hyperbolic Equations contains a lot of motivations and well
Reissig, M. / Schulze, B.–W. (Eds) elaborated exercises.... Overall, it is a useful
book for teaching, a rich source of examples,
APDE – Advances in Partial Differential and I am happy to have it on a shelf of my
Equations / OT – Operator Theory: Advances library." UK Nonlinear News
and Applications, Vol. 159
"Exceptionally well written. Highly
2005. XIII, 511 p. Hardcover
EUR 149.– / CHF 249.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7283-5
recommended." Choice
2005. XXII, 737p. 77illus. Hardcover
EUR 78.– / CHF 128.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4323-2

Differential Equations / Dynamical Systems

Nonlinear Partial Differential  special emphasis on the applications related

Equations with Applications to image restoration and nonlinear filters....
The book is written with great care, paying
Roubicek, T.
also a lot of attention to the bibliographical
ISNM – International Series of Numerical and historical notes. It is a recommended
Mathematics, Vol. 153 reading for all researchers interested in this
field." Zentralblatt MATH
2005. XVIII, 405 p. Hardcover
EUR 109.– / CHF 179.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7293-4 2004. XIV, 340 p. Hardcover
EUR 89.90 / CHF 149.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6619-3

Nonlinear Stability of Finite

Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations and
Conservation Laws Functional Analysis
and Well-Balanced Schemes for The Philippe Clément Festschrift
Sources Koelink, E. / van Neerven, J. / de Pagter, B. /
Sweers, G. (Eds)
Bouchut, F.

FM – Frontiers in Mathematics OT – Operator Theory: Advances and

Applications, Vol. 168
"This is a very interesting and useful book
which provides a systematic presentation 2006. VI, 294 p. Hardcover
EUR 128.– / CHF 198.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7600-0
of the theory of finite volume methods and
numerical simulations for hyperbolic systems
of conservation laws. The author provides a Pseudodifferential Operators and
unified approach and notation to the study of Nonlinear PDEs
nonlinear stability of finite volume methods Taylor, M.
for hyperbolic systems of conservation laws as
the accent is put on the development of tools PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 100
and design of schemes. The exposition of the
1991. Softcover
book is very clear. It will be a very useful tool EUR 79.90 / CHF 135.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3595-4
for the researchers in this field as well as for
engineers." Zentralblatt MATH Semiconcave Functions, 
2004. VIII, 134 p. Softcover
EUR 29.90 / CHF 49.90 / ISBN 978-3-7643-6665-0
Hamilton-Jacobi Equations,
and Optimal Control
Parabolic Quasilinear Equations Cannarsa, P. / Sinestrari, C.
Minimizing Linear Growth
"One of the most attractive features of
Functionals this book is the interplay between several
Andreu-Vaillo, F. / Caselles, V. / Mazon, J. M. fields of mathematical analysis.... Despite
the many topics addressed in the book,
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 223 the required mathematical background
for reading it is limited because all the
Award-winning monograph of the necessary notions are not only recalled, but
Ferran Sunyer i Balaguer Prize 2003. also carefully explained, and the main results
"This book is devoted to PDE's of elliptic and The book will be found very useful by
parabolic type associated to functionals experts in nonsmooth analysis, nonlinear
having a linear growth in the gradient, with a control theory and PDEs, in particular, as

well as by advanced graduate students in circle of readers, from students to experts…
this field. They will appreciate the many and specialists in the field."
detailed examples, the clear proofs and Zentralblatt MATH
the elegant style of presentation, the fairly
2001. Hardcover
comprehensive and up-to-date bibliography EUR 48.– / CHF 78.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6545-5
and the very pertinent historical and
bibliographical comments at the end of each
chapter." Mathematical Reviews The Symmetry Perspective 
2005. XII, 306 p. Hardcover From Equilibrium to Chaos
EUR 119.– / CHF 199.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4084-2 in Phase Space and Physical Space
2005. XII, 306 p. Softcover Golubitsky, M. / Stewart, I.
EUR 59.90 / CHF 99.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4336-2 1st ed. 2002. Corr. 2nd printing

PM - Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 200

Slow Rarefied Flows
Theory and Application to Micro- Winner of the Ferran Sunyer i Balaguer
Electro-Mechanical Systems Prize 2000
Cercignani, C.
"This book was awarded the Ferran Sunyier
PMP – Progress in Mathematical Physics, i Balaguer Prize for 2001, and I am sure that
Vol. 41 it will be a very useful resource not only for
researchers in this area but also for those
2006. XI, 166 p. Hardcover
EUR 58.– / CHF 98.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7534-8 who want to obtain the benefits of using this
approach in applications."
Bulletin of the AMS
Surface Evolution Equations
A Level Set Approach "[The] rich collection of examples makes the
Giga, Y. book … extremely useful for motivation and
for spreading the ideas to a large Community.
MMA – Monographs in Mathematics, Vol. 99 This [review] is far from complete and cannot
reflect the authors’ unique way of presenting
"In view of its detailed and thorough examples, asking questions, giving answers
presentation this book will be a valuable or forming an intuition."
source for everyone interested in the level set Mathematical Reviews
approach to surface evolution equations."
2003. XVII, 325 p. Hardcover
Zentralblatt MATH EUR 78.– / CHF 148.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6609-4
2006. XII, 264 p. Hardcover
2003. XVII, 325 p. Softcover
EUR 88.– / CHF 148.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-2430-8
EUR 44.90 / CHF 75.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-2171-0

The Navier-Stokes Equations

An Elementary Functional  Time-Dependant Partial
Analytic Approach Differential Equations and Their
Sohr, H. Numerical Solution
Kreiss, H.–O. / Ulmer Busenhart, H.
BAT – Birkhäuser Advanced Texts LM – Lectures in Mathematics. ETH Zürich
2001. VII, 82 p. Softcover
"The book is written in a well-arranged way, EUR 21.– / CHF 34.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6125-9
easy to survey and with utilization of the
newest results..it is [written] for an extensive
Differential Equations / Dynamical Systems

Travelling Waves in Nonlinear

Diffusion-Convection Reaction
Gilding, B. H. / Kersner, R.

PNLDE – Progress in Nonlinear Differential

Equations and Their Applications, Vol. 60
2004. IX, 208 p. Hardcover
EUR 89.90 / CHF 149.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7071-8

Trends in Partial Differential

Equations of Mathematical
Rodrigues, J. F. / Seregin, G. / Urbano, J. M.

PNLDE – Progress in Nonlinear Differential

Equations and Their Applications, Vol. 61
2005. XIV, 282 p. Hardcover
EUR 109.– / CHF 179.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7165-4

Vector-valued Laplace Transforms

and Cauchy Problems
Arendt, W. / Batty, C. J. K. / Hieber, M. /
Neubrander, F.

MMA – Monographs in Mathematics, Vol. 96

2001. XI, 523 p. Hardcover
EUR 99.– / CHF 158.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6549-3

Vortices in Bose-Einstein
Aftalion, A.

PNLDE – Progress in Nonlinear Differential

Equations and Their Applications, Vol. 67
2006. XII, 203 p. 18 illus. Hardcover
EUR 84.– / CHF 132.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4392-8

Systems and Control

2nd ed.

Introduction to Mathematical Representation and Control of

Systems Theory Infinite Dimensional Systems
Linear Systems, Identification and Bensoussan, A., University of Texas
Control Richardson, TX, USA / Da Prato, G., Scuola
Heij, C., Erasmus University Rotterdam, Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy /
The Netherlands / Ran, A. / Schagen, F., Delfour, M.C., Université de Montréal,
both Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Montreal, QC, Canada / Mitter, S.K.,
Netherlands Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, MA, USA
This book provides an introduction to
the theory of linear systems and control SC – Systems & Control: Foundations &
for students in business mathematics, Applications
econometrics, computer science, and
engineering. The focus is on discrete time This reorganized, revised, and expanded
systems, which are the most relevant edition of a two-volume set is a self-
in business applications, as opposed to contained account of quadratic cost
continuous time systems, requiring less optimal control for a large class of infinite
mathematical preliminaries. dimensional systems.

The subjects treated are among the central The book is structured into five parts. Part
topics of deterministic linear system theory: I reviews basic optimal control and game
controllability, observability, realization theory of finite dimensional systems, which
theory, stability and stabilization by serves as an introduction to the book.
feedback, LQ-optimal control theory. Kalman Part II deals with time evolution of some
filtering and LQC-control of stochastic generic controlled infinite dimensional
systems are also discussed, as are modeling, systems and contains a fairly complete
time series analysis and model specification, account of semigroup theory. It incorporates
along with model validation. Exercises using interpolation theory and exhibits the role
MATLAB, presented on an accompanying CD, of semigroup theory in delay differential
enhance the main concepts and techniques and partial differential equations. Part III
in the text. studies the generic qualitative properties of
controlled systems. Parts IV and V examine
2007. VII, 166 p. With CD-ROM. Softcover
EUR 38.– / CHF 62.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7548-5
the optimal control of systems when
performance is measured via a quadratic
cost. Boundary control of parabolic and
hyperbolic systems and exact controllability
are also covered.
2007. XXVI, 575 p. 5 illus. Hardcover
EUR 69.90 / CHF 119.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4461-1

Systems and Control

Advances in Control, Hybrid Dynamical Systems

Communication Networks, and Controller and Sensor Switching
Transportation Systems Problems
In Honor of Pravin Varaiya Savkin, A. V. / Evans, R. J.
Abed, E. H. (Ed.)
CE – Control Engineering
SC – Systems & Control: Foundations &
Applications "The book is a self-contained text assuming
only a basic mathematical knowledge of
2005. XXXV, 358 p. 80 illus. Hardcover
modern control theory. It is an excellent
EUR 68.– / CHF 108.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4385-0
up-to-date authoritative reference covering
original results with complete mathematical
Convex Functional Analysis proofs and illustrative examples. The
Kurdila, A. J. / Zabarankin, M. monograph is intended both for researchers
and advanced postgraduate students
SC – Systems & Control: Foundations & working in the areas of control engineering,
Applications theoretical computer science, and applied
mathematics interested in the emerging field
"The book provides not only the bare of hybrid dynamic systems."
minimum of the theory required to Zentralblatt MATH
understand the principles of functional,
2002. X, 154 p. 22 illus. Hardcover
convex and set-valued analysis, but also
EUR 108.– / CHF 178.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4224-2
a concise summary of definitions and
theorems so that the text is self-contained."
Zentralblatt MATH Max-Plus Methods for Nonlinear
Control and Estimation
2005. XIV, 228 p. Hardcover
EUR 79.90 / CHF 135.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-2198-7 McEneaney, W. M.

SC – Systems & Control: Foundations &

Current Trends in Nonlinear
Systems and Control
In Honor of Petar Kokotovic and "As is well known, control and estimation
Turi Nicosia of continuous time and continuous space
Menini, L. / Zaccarian, L. / Abdallah, C. T. nonlinear systems are difficult to handle.
One frequently uses dynamic programming
SC – Systems & Control: Foundations & methods to treat such problems. Central to
Applications this approach are solutions of the associated
Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equations.
2006. XX, 560 p. 162 illus. Hardcover
EUR 98.– / CHF 152.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4383-6 The book under review is motivated by
solutions of such problems.... The entire
book is divided into nine chapters and an
appendix. Chapter 1 provides an introduction,
and states why the problem to be studied
and methods are needed. Concepts of max-
plus methods are also provided.... All in all,
this is a nicely written book that introduces
important topics." Mathematical Reviews
2006. XIII, 241 p. 17 illus. Hardcover
EUR 72.– / CHF 112.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3534-3

Optimal Control 
Partially Observable Linear
An Introduction Systems Under Dependent Noises
Locatelli, A. Bashirov, A. E.

"The style of the book reflects the author’s SC – Systems & Control: Foundations &
wish to assist in the effective learning Applications
of optimal control by suitable choice of
topics, the mathematical level used, and by "The book is very well and carefully written.
including numerous illustrated examples. It is an excellent reference on the complete
The book has been written for undergraduate sets of equations for the optimal controls
and postgraduate students who already and for the optimal filters under wide
know control theory, basic linear systems and band noises and shifted white noises and
possess a background in calculus…. In my their possible application to navigation of
view the book suits its function and purpose, spacecraft. Independently, it can serve as
in that it gives a student a comprehensive a useful reference on the part of functional
coverage of optimal control in an easy-to- analysis that is needed for problems
read fashion." Measurement and Control of infinite-dimensional linear systems
theory. The book is written for both applied
2001. VIII, 294 p. Hardcover
EUR 45.– / CHF 72.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6408-3 mathematicians and theoretically oriented
engineers as well as for students at a
Optimal Control and Viscosity graduate level. The control community will
Solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi- find this reference an important contribution
to the modern control and estimation theory
Bellman Equations literature." Mathematical Reviews
Bardi, M. / Capuzzo-Dolcetta, I.
2003. XXVI, 334 p. Hardcover
SC – Systems & Control: Foundations & EUR 89.90 / CHF 149.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6999-6
"With an excellent printing and clear Switching in Systems

structure (including an extensive subject and Control
and symbol registry) the book offers a deep Liberzon, D.
insight into the praxis and theory of optimal
control for the mathematically skilled SC – Systems & Control: Foundations &
reader. All sections close with suggestions Applications
for exercises exciting to self control and
active collaboration. Finally, with more than "The book is written in depth, and all the
500 cited references, an overview on the topics are closely related to the basic
history and the main works of this modern problems in analysis and control of switched
mathematical discipline is given." ZAA systems. Furthermore, all the main results
SSßJV+DUGFRYHU presented here are contributed originally
EUR 208.– / CHF 278.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3640-1 by the author and his collaborators. These
results, along with the author's recent work
on nonlinear control, play a pioneering role in
the area of switched systems and switching
control. Therefore, the reviewer recommends
this book to all researchers who are
interested in studying switched/hybrid
systems and their applications. Control
theorists and mathematicians will find that
this book is a very comprehensive reference
Systems and Control

source. ...The author has made great efforts Uniform Output Regulation
in the arrangement of the book so that the 
of Nonlinear Systems
content is easier to follow."
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
A Convergent Dynamics Approach
Pavlov, A. / van de Wouw, N. / Nijmeijer, H.
2003. XII, 234 p., 43 illus. Hardcover
EUR 108.– / CHF 158.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4297-6
SC – Systems & Control: Foundations &
The Mathematics of Internet
2006. IX, 172 p. 38 illus. Hardcover
Congestion Control EUR 48.– / CHF 78.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4445-1
Srikant, R.

SC – Systems & Control: Foundations &


"This first book on the mathematics of

congestion control [is] very useful for both
students and researchers, but also for
system engineers developing new Internet
protocols. This is an elementary book for
graduate students that uses a rich pallet
of mathematical tools: convex optimization
and control theory (Lyapunov stability and
Nyquist criteria and stochastic processes).
The tools are summarized well in appendices
which makes the book self-contained and
easy to read. The book is very well written
and will undoubtedly remain a major
reference on the topic for years to come."
Mathematical Reviews
2004. XII, 164 p. Hardcover
EUR 62.– / CHF 95.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3227-4

The State Space Method

Generalizations and Applications
Alpay, D. / Gohberg, I. (Eds)

LOLS – Linear Operators and Linear Systems /

OT – Operator Theory: Advances and
Applications, Vol. 161
2006. VII, 270 p. Hardcover
EUR 128.– / CHF 208.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7370-2

Probability and Statistics

A First Course in Statistics for Advances in Distribution Theory,

Signal Analysis Order Statistics, and Inference
Woyczynski, W.A., Case Western Reserve Balakrishnan, N., McMaster University,
University, Cleveland, OH, USA Hamilton, ON, Canada / Castillo, E.,
University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain /
This essentially self-contained, deliberately Sarabia, J.M., University of Cantabria,
compact, and user-friendly textbook is Santander, Spain (Eds)
designed for a first, one-semester course
in statistical signal analysis for a broad SIT – Statistics for Industry and Technology
audience of students in engineering and
the physical sciences. The emphasis Barry Arnold has made fundamental
throughout is on fundamental concepts contributions to many different areas of
and relationships in the statistical theory statistics, including distribution theory,
of stationary random signals, explained in a Bayesian inference, multivariate analysis,
concise, yet fairly rigorous presentation. bounds and orderings, and characterization
Topics and Features: Fourier series and problems. Organized to honor Arnold’s
transforms are developed from scratch, significant contributions to the field, this
emphasizing the time-domain vs. frequency- volume is an outgrowth of the "International
domain duality. Basic concepts of probability Conference on Distribution Theory, Order
theory, laws of large numbers, the stability of Statistics, and Inference," held at the
fluctuations law, and statistical parametric University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain.
inference procedures are presented. Several distinguished and active
Introduction of the fundamental concept researchers highlight some of the recent
of a stationary random signal and its developments in statistical distribution
autocorrelation structure. Many diverse theory, order statistics and their properties,
examples as well as end-of-chapter as well as inferential methods associated
problems and exercises. with them. Applications to survival analysis,
reliability, quality control, and environmental
Developed by the author over the course problems are emphasized.
of several years of classroom use, A First
Course in Statistics for Signal Analysis may This comprehensive reference work
be used by junior/senior undergraduates will serve the statistical and applied
or graduate students in electrical, systems, mathematics communities, as well as
computer, and biomedical engineering, as practitioners, researchers, and graduate
well as the physical sciences. students in applied probability and
statistics, reliability engineering, and
2006. XII, 206 p. 65 illus. Softcover biostatistics.
EUR 38.– / CHF 68.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4398-0
2006. LIII, 483 p. 26 illus. Hardcover
EUR 108.– / CHF 172.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4361-4

Probability and Statistics

Advances in
Statistical Methods
for the Health

Advances in Statistical Methods Introduction to Probability with

for the Health Sciences Statistical Applications
Applications to Cancer and AIDS Schay, G., University of Massachusetts,
Studies, Genome Sequence Analysis, Boston, MA, USA
and Survival Analysis
Auget, J.-L., UFR des Sciences Due in September 2007
Pharmaceutiques, Nantes, France /
Balakrishnan, N., McMaster University, Introduction to Probability with Statistical
Hamilton, ON, Canada / Mesbah, M., Applications targets non-mathematics
Université de Bretagne Sud, Vannes, France / students, undergraduates and graduates,
Molenberghs, G., Hasselt University, who do not need an exhaustive treatment
Diepenbeek, Belgium (Eds) of the subject. While the presentation is
rigorous and contains theorems and proofs,
SIT – Statistics for Industry and Technology linear algebra is largely avoided and only a
minimal amount of multivariable calculus is
Statistical methods have become an needed.
increasingly important and integral part Key features:
of research in the health sciences. Many Clear definitions, simplified notation and
sophisticated methodologies have been techniques of statistical analysis, combined
developed for specific applications and with well-chosen examples and exercises,
problems. This self-contained volume covers motivate the exposition / Theory and
a wide range of topics pertaining to new applications carefully balanced / Topics
statistical methods in the health sciences. include random phenomena – discrete and
The chapters, written by leading experts continuous random variables – expectations
in their respective fields, are thematically and variance, and common probability
divided into the following areas: prognostic distributions such as the binomial, Poisson,
studies and general epidemiology, and normal / Combinatorial principles
pharmacovigilance, quality of life, survival involve all four arithmetic operations;
analysis, clustering, safety and efficacy emphasis on tree diagrams / References to
assessment, clinical design, models for the more advanced concepts throughout the
environment, genomic analysis, and animal book, but may be safely skipped, depending
health. on the reader
This comprehensive volume will serve For students in a variety of disciplines,
the health science community as well as including computer science, engineering,
practitioners, researchers, and graduate natural and social sciences.
students in applied probability, statistics,
2007. Approx. 328 p. 44 illus. Softcover
and biostatistics. Approx. EUR 39.95 / CHF 65.50 / ISBN 978-0-8176-4497-0
2007. XL, 540 p. 86 illus. Hardcover
EUR 118.– / CHF 192.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4368-3

3rd ed.

Seminar on Stochastic Analysis, Statistical Analysis of Extreme

Random Fields and Applications V Values
Centro Stefano Franscini, Ascona, May with Applications to Insurance, Finance,
2005 Hydrology and Other Fields
Dalang, R.C., Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale, Reiss, R.-D. / Thomas, M., University of
Lausanne, Switzerland / Dozzi, M., Siegen, Germany
Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy, France /
Russo, F., Université de Paris XIII, The statistical analysis of extreme data is
Villetaneuse (Eds) important for various disciplines, including
hydrology, insurance, finance, engineering
PP – Progress in Probability, Vol. 59 and environmental sciences. This book
provides a self-contained introduction to the
Due in September 2007 parametric modeling, exploratory analysis
and statistical interference for extreme
This volume contains twenty-eight refereed values.
research or review papers presented at
The entire text of this third edition has been
the 5th Seminar on Stochastic Processes,
thoroughly updated and rearranged to meet
Random Fields and Applications, which
the new requirements. Additional sections
took place at the Centro Stefano Franscini
and chapters, elaborated on more than
(Monte Verità) in Ascona, Switzerland, from
100 pages, are particularly concerned with
May 30 to June 3, 2005. The seminar focused
topics like dependencies, the conditional
mainly on stochastic partial differential
analysis and the multivariate modeling
equations, random dynamical systems,
of extreme data. Parts I–III about the
infinite-dimensional analysis, approximation
basic extreme value methodology remain
problems, and financial engineering.
unchanged to some larger extent, yet
2007. Approx 500 p. Hardcover notable are, e.g., the new sections about
EUR 129.– / CHF 219.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-8457-9
"An Overview of Reduced-Bias Estimation"
(co-authored by M.I. Gomes), "The Spectral
Decomposition Methodology", and "About
Tail Independence" (co-authored by M.
Frick), and the new chapter about "Extreme
Value Statistics of Dependent Random
Variables" (co-authored by H. Drees).
Other new topics, e.g., a chapter about
"Environmental Sciences", (co-authored by
R.W. Katz), are collected within Parts IV–VI.
2007. Approx. 530 p. Softcover
EUR 55.98 / CHF 99.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7230-9

Probability and Statistics

A Modern Approach to as it is used in statistics, engineering, biology

Probability Theory and finance." Publications of the Int’l
Statistical Institute
Fristedt, B. E. / Gray, L. F.
1st ed. 1998. 3rd printing
2003. 230 p. 10 illus. Hardcover
PA – Probability and its Applications EUR 52.– / CHF 78.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4055-2

"Covers the essentials in a clear and

readable fashion… A must for professionals
A Stochastic Control Framework
and an attractive text for a graduate course." for Real Options in Strategic
American Mathematical Monthly Valuation
1996. 780 p. Hardcover
Vollert, A.
EUR 88.– / CHF 138.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3807-8
"The present book develops a framework
A Natural Introduction to of stochastic control for real options. The
 tools are stochastic impulse control systems
Probability Theory
leading to partial differential equations
Meester, R.
and variational inequalities. The book is
particularly useful for readers interested
"Most textbooks designed for a one-year
in applications in management science."
course in mathematical statistics cover
Monatshefte für Mathematik
probability in the first few chapters as
preparation for the statistics to come. This 2003. 288 p. 77 illus. Hardcover
EUR 79.90 / CHF 135.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4258-7
book in some ways resembles the first
part of such textbooks: it's all probability,
no statistics. But it does the probability Adventures in Stochastic
more fully than usual, spending lots of time Processes
on motivation, explanation, and rigorous Resnick, S. I.
development of the mathematics…. The
exposition is usually clear and eloquent…. "Definitely the best textbook for a second
Overall, this is a five-star book on probability course in probability now available. Written
that could be used as a textbook or as a with excruciating lucidity, and with an
supplement." MAA Online excellent choice of exercises." —Gian-Carlo
2003. XI, 191 p. Softcover
Rota, The Bulletin of Mathematics Books
EUR 24.90 / CHF 42.90 / ISBN 978-3-7643-2188-8
1992. 640 p. Hardcover
EUR 59.90 / CHF 99.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3591-6
A Probability Path

Resnick, S. An Introduction to Continuous-
Time Stochastic Processes
"This book is different from the classical
Theory, Models, and Applications to
textbooks on probability theory in that it
Finance, Biology, and Medicine
treats the measure theoretic background
not as a prerequisite but as an integral part Capasso, V. / Bakstein, D.
of probability theory. The result is that the
reader gets a thorough and well-structured MSSET – Modeling and Simulation in
framework needed to understand the deeper Science, Engineering and Technology
concepts of current day advanced probability
"This is an introductory text on continuous
time stochastic processes and their

applications to finance and biology. The first Analysis of Variance for Random
part of the book reviews basic probability Models, Volume 1: Balanced Data
and then covers the basic continuous time
processes such as Brownian motion, point
Theory, Methods, Applications, and
processes, etc.... The book will be useful Data Analysis

for applied mathematicians who are not Sahai, H. / Ojeda, M. M.
probabilists to get a quick flavour of the 2004. XXVIII, 484 p. 9 illus. Hardcover
techniques of stochastic calculus, and for EUR 98.– / CHF 152.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3230-4
professional probabilists to get a quick
flavour of the applications." Analysis of Variance for
Mathematical Reviews 
Random Models,
2005. XI, 343 p. 13 illus. Hardcover Volume 2: Unbalanced Data
EUR 68.– / CHF 108.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3234-2
Theory, Methods, Applications, and
Data Analysis
An Introduction to Stochastic
Sahai, H. / Ojeda, M. M.
Chung, K. L. / Williams, R. J. "This two-volume set provides an
2nd ed. encyclopedic and historical account of the
theory and application of classical random-
PA – Probability and its Applications effects models.… For users of random-
"An attractive text…written in [a] lean and effects models and those interested in the
precise style…eminently readable. Especially theoretical development of this topic, these
pleasant are the care and attention devoted books are a valuable resource.… Throuhgout
to details… A very fine book." Mathematical the [text], the authors go to great lengths to
Reviews provide references to original sources that
would allow the reader to fill in details that
1990. 300 p. Hardcover are not included in the text.… By selecting an
EUR 54.90 / CHF 90.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3386-8
appropriate subset of topics, an instructor
could create an outstanding graduate-level
Analysis of Variance course on random-effects models.… These
Fixed, Random and Mixed Models books provide an excellent unified reference
Sahai, H. / Ageel, M. I. on the methodological developments
associated with classical random-effects
"The student and practitioner will benefit
models over the past 50 years." Journal of
from a well-balanced mixture of statistical
the American Statistical Association
theory, formulas, and explanations and
the great care exercised by the authors in 2005. XXV, 480 p. 14 illus. Hardcover
EUR 98.– / CHF 152.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3229-8
discussing properties and analysis of fixed,
random, and mixed models in parallel….
The book employs several devices to aid Counting, Sampling and
readability…. In summary, the text is…a Integrating: Algorithms and
valuable source for the practitioner and Complexity
nonstatistics major… It is well organized and Jerrum, M.
well written at a difficulty level that precisely
meets the target audience’s needs." LM – Lectures in Mathematics. ETH Zürich
Journal of the American Statistical
Association 2003. XI, 112 p. Softcover
EUR 24.90 / CHF 42.90 / ISBN 978-3-7643-6946-0
2000. XXXV, 742 p. 13 illus. Hardcover
EUR 78.– / CHF 128.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4012-5
Probability and Statistics

Empirical Process Techniques for measures, but everybody interested in

Markov operators who may find the author's
Dependent Data
approach inspiring in many respects."
Dehling, H. / Mikosch, T. / Sörensen, M.
Applications of Mathematics
2005. XII, 108 p. Softcover
2002. 400 p. 2 illus. Hardcover EUR 29.90 / CHF 49.90 / ISBN 978-3-7643-7134-0
EUR 79.90 / CHF 135.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4201-3

Lagrangian Probability
Foundations of Statistical
Analyses and Applications
Consul, P. C. / Famoye, F.
with SAS
Falk, M. / Marohn, F. / Tewes, B. "The book is the first comprehensive
2002. X, 402 p. Softcover presentation of the theory of distributions
EUR 54.– / CHF 84.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6893-7 which are derived and/or closely connected
with Lagrange expansions. It gives an
In and Out of Equilibrium overview of the research on this topic
Probability with a Physics Flavor published during the last thirty-five years.
The text is illustrated with many surprising
Sidoravicius, V. (Ed.)
examples. The book can be recommended
for both applied and theoretical statistics."
PP – Progress in Probability, Vol. 51
Mathematical Reviews
2002. VI, 472 p. 35 illus. Hardcover
EUR 109.– / CHF 179.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4289-1 2006. XX, 352 p. 9 tables Hardcover
EUR 68.– / CHF 105.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4365-2

Invariant Probabilities of
Laws of Small Numbers: 
Markov-Feller Operators and
Extremes and Rare Events
Their Supports Falk, M. / Hüsler, J. / Reiss, R.–D.
Zaharopol, R. 2nd ed.

FM – Frontiers in Mathematics 2004. XIII, 376 p. Softcover

EUR 39.90 / CHF 65.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-2416-2

"This short monograph is a very useful

reference for researchers wishing to enter Lévy Processes
the area of stationary Markov processes both Theory and Applications
from a probabilistic and a dynamical point of Barndorff-Nielsen, O. E. / Mikosch, T. /
view and opens the way to an interesting and Resnick, S. I. (Eds)
active research area."
Monatshefte für Mathematik "This volume presents a useful summary of
some of the recent scientific developments
"All proofs are detailed, many illuminating concerning Lévy processes. Both introductory
examples are included, and familiarity with and more advanced articles are included.
only basics of measure theory, general The interested researcher will get a good
topology of metric spaces and functional overview of 'where the action is' whereas
analysis is sufficient to follow the exposition. students will find numerous interesting
Therefore, potential readers of this research topics to work on . . . I am convinced
monograph are not only those looking for that the text will contribute further to making
information about supports of invariant stochastic models based on general Lévy
processes even more popular. I, therefore,

take pleasure in recommending this volume a one-semester course for undergraduates,
to all interested readers." ISI Short Book but it can also serve as a basis for a high-
Reviews school course. The level of the book is very
2001. X, 415 p. 32 illus. Hardcover
elementary and in most of the chapters of
EUR 79.90 / CHF 135.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4167-2 the book only basic calculus is required. As
promised by the author “theory is kept to
Markov Chains and Invariant a minimum” and it is successfully tried to
“minimize the difficulties students often
have with calculus." Zentralblatt MATH
Hernández-Lerma, O. / Lasserre, J. B.
2001. XIII, 218 p., 25 illus. Softcover
EUR 64.– / CHF 85.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4247-1
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 211

"It should be stressed that an important part Resampling Methods

of the results presented is due to the authors. A Practical Guide to
. . . In the reviewer's opinion, this is an elegant Data Analysis
and most welcome addition to the rich Good, P. I.
literature of Markov processes." MathSciNet 3rd ed.
2003. XVI, 210 p. Hardcover
EUR 64.90 / CHF 109.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7000-8 "I enjoyed this book. The style of writing
suggests that statistics is fun and
Point Process Theory and exploratory (which it often is). The reader is
 helped and encouraged to understand the
problem (how the data were obtained) and
Marked Point and Piecewise how they might analyze it using resampling
Deterministic Processes methods." The American Statistician
Jacobsen, M.
"...the author has packaged an excellent
PA – Probability and its Applications and modern set of topics around the
development and use of quantitative
"The most remarkable aspect of the book is models.... If you need to learn about
the reader-friendly structure and the style resampling, this book would be a good place
in which it has been written. The importance to start." Technometrics
of the book both from the practical and from
the theoretical standpoint is unquestionable. 2006. XX, 218 p. 40 illus. Hardcover
EUR 58.– / CHF 90.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4386-7
This book will be an essential part of every
mathematical library." Zentralblatt MATH
Stochastic Calculus
2006. X, 328 p. Hardcover
EUR 48.– / CHF 78.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4215-0 Applications in Science and
Probability with Statistical Grigoriu, M.
"This is an impressive compendium, which,
Schinazi, R. B.
on its first 280 pages, provides a quite
thorough review of probability theory,
"This book is well-written and the
stochastic processes, Itô’s formula and
presentation is clear and concise. The
stochastic differential equations.... Although
textbook is an introduction to probability
the focus is on the mathematical theory,
theory and statistics. The text is intended for
many examples from sciences or engineering
illustrate the concepts and methods. Each
Probability and Statistics

chapter ends with a number of problems. Theory and Applications of Recent

This book will be of substantial interest to the
Robust Methods
applied scientists seeking methods to solve
Hubert, M. / Pison, G. / Struyf, A. /
stochastic problems."
Van Aelst, S. (Eds)
Monatshefte für Mathematik
2003. XII, 774 p. 177 illus. Hardcover SIT – Statistics for Industry and Technology
EUR 108.– / CHF 188.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4242-6
2004. X, 400 p. Hardcover
EUR 109.– / CHF 179.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7060-2
Stochastic Processes in Quantum
Nagasawa, M.

MMA – Monographs in Mathematics, Vol. 94

EUR 158.– / CHF 238.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6208-9

The Laplace Distribution 

and Generalizations
A Revisit with Applications to
Communications, Economics,
Engineering, and Finance
Kotz, S. / Kozubowski, T. / Podgorski, K.

"This book will be useful for those who are

interested in tractable models which allow
one to go beyond the normal distribution."
ISI Short Book Reviews
2001. XVIII, 349 p., 37 illus. Hardcover
EUR 74.90 / CHF 125.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4166-5

Theory and Applications of 

Long-Range Dependence
Doukhan, P. / Oppenheim, G. / Taqqu, M. S.

"This book is a valuable and unique collection

of material on LRD. It gathers together a
large amount of material; the papers and
their extensive references here give a broad
and current summary of the research on the
topic of long-range dependence." Journal of
Statistical Physics
2003. 736 p. 72 illus. Hardcover
EUR 79.90 / CHF 135.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4168-9

Mathematical Physics / Physics

Gravitation and Experiment Quantum Decoherence

Poincaré Seminar 2006 Poincaré Seminar 2005
Damour, T., IHES, Bures-sur-Yvette, France / Duplantier, B., CEA Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette,
Duplantier, B., CEA Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France / Raimond, J.-M., ENS Paris, France /
France / Rivasseau, V., Université de Paris- Rivasseau, V., Université Paris XI, France
Sud, Orsay, France (Eds) (Eds)

PMP – Progress in Mathematical Physics, PMP – Progress in Mathematical Physics,

Vol. 52 Vol. 48

This book starts with a detailed introduction The Poincaré Seminar is held twice a year
to general relativity by world expert at the Institute Henri Poincaré in Paris. The
T. Damour. It includes a review of what may goal of this seminar is to provide up-to-date
lie beyond by string theorist I. Antoniadis, information about general topics of great
and collects up-to-date essays on the interest in physics. Both the theoretical
experimental tests of this theory. and experimental results are covered, with
some historical background. Particular care
Contrary to some beliefs, general relativity is devoted to the pedagogical nature of the
is now a theory extremely well confirmed by presentation.
detailed experiments, including the precise
timing of the double pulsar J0737-3039 This volume is devoted to Quantum
explained by M. Kramer, member of the team Decoherence. A broad perspective on the
which discovered it in 2003, and satellite subject is provided by the contributions of
missions such as Gravity Probe B described W. H. Zurek, H. D. Zeh and E. Joos, together
by leading team member J. Mester. The with clean up-to-date presentations of the
search for detecting gravitational waves is actual experiments on decoherence both in
also very much under way as reviewed by the mesoscopic systems of atomic physics,
J.-Y. Vinet. by J.M. Raimond and S. Haroche, and in the
"quantronic" or condensed matter context,
2007. Approx. 216 p. Hardcover
EUR 79.90 / CHF 135.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-8523-1 by D. Esteve et al. Further, the question of
quantum codes and error corrections is
discussed in the contribution of J. Kempe.
2007. VIII, 192 p. Hardcover
EUR 68.– / CHF 109.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7807-3

Mathematical Physics / Physics

Quantum Gravity Quantum Spaces

Mathematical Models and Poincaré Seminar 2007
Experimental Bounds Duplantier, B., CEA Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette,
Fauser, B. / Tolksdorf, J. / Zeidler, E., all MPI France / Rivasseau, V., Université de Paris
for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig, Sud, Orsay, France (Eds)
Germany (Eds)
PMP – Progress in Mathematical Physics,
Vol. 53
The construction of a quantum theory of
gravity is the most fundamental challenge
This book starts with an introduction by
confronting contemporary theoretical
V. Pasquier on the usefulness of non-
physics. The different physical ideas evolved
commutative geometry, especially in the
in developing a theory of quantum gravity
condensed matter context of the Hall
require highly advanced mathematical
effect. This theme is further developped by
methods. This book provides the reader with
A. Polychronakos, which together with L.
an overview of the different mathematical
Susskind introduced the concept of non-
attempts to quantize gravity written by
commutative fluids.
leading experts in this field. Also discussed
are the possible experimental bounds Jean-Michel Maillet compares the
on quantum gravity effects. All of the experimental results on one dimensional
contributions have been strictly refereed. magnetic chains to the theoretical
predictions based on the algebraic Bethe
The present volume emerged from the 2nd
Ansatz and related to quantum group
Blaubeuren Workshop "Mathematical and
symmetries that he actively developped with
Physical Aspects of Quantum Gravity''. In
many collaborators.
general, these Workshops are intended to
bring together experts in mathematics and On the high energy side of non-commutative
physics to discuss in an open atmosphere geometry the book includes two
the fundamental questions at the frontier of complementary reviews. A. Connes describes
theoretical physics. the striking progress recently made in
gathering all the interactions and fields of
2007. XVI, 336 p. Hardcover
EUR 89.90 / CHF 149.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7977-3 the standard model into a non-commutative
geometry on a simple internal space, while
V. Rivasseau describes in a large review the
very recent technique of renormalization of
quantum field theories on non-commutative
space-time, which lead to the surprising
discovery of their improved short-distance
2007. Approx. 216 p. Hardcover
EUR 79.90 / CHF 135.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-8521-7

Computer Algebra Recipes 
for Mathematical Physics
Enns, R. H.

"This textbook shows in an easy-to-read

way how a computer algebra system, in this
case Maple, can be used to solve problems
from physics. It is suitable for undergraduate
students and requires no previous knowledge
Rigorous Quantum Field Theory of Maple.… It is a nice complement to a
A Festschrift for Jacques Bros traditional mathematical methods in physics
Boutet de Monvel, A., Université Paris VII, course, with plenty of problems for the
France / Buchholz, D., Universität Göttingen, teacher to choose from."
Germany / Iagolnitzer, D., CEA/Saclay, Monatshefte für Mathematik
Gif-sur-Yvette, France / Moschella, U., 2005. XIV, 390 p. 106 illus. 2 tabs. With CD-ROM. Softcover
Università dell’Insubria, Como, Italy (Eds) EUR 68.– / CHF 108.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3223-6

PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 251 Continuum Mechanics

using Mathematica®
Jacques Bros has greatly advanced
our present understanding of rigorous Fundamentals, Applications and
quantum field theory through numerous Scientific Computing
fundamental contributions. The impact of Romano, A. / Lancellotta, R. / Marasco, A.
his work is also visible in several articles in
this book. Quantum fields are considered MSSET – Modeling and Simulation in
as genuine mathematical objects, whose Science, Engineering and Technology
various properties and relevant physical
interpretations have to be studied in a well- "The book will be an invaluable reference for
defined mathematical framework. all those with active interest in the areas of
continuum mechanics and its fundamental
Key topics: Analytic structures of QFT, applications: balance laws, constitutive
renormalization group methods, gauge QFT, axioms, linear elasticity, fluid dynamics,
stability properties and extension of the waves, etc. It may serve as a supplement
axiomatic framework, QFT on models of to any of the standard textbooks for
curved spacetimes, QFT on noncommutative undergraduate students, graduate students,
Minkowski spacetime. and researchers in applied mathematics,
2007. VI, 326 p. Hardcover mathematical physics, and engineering."
EUR 68.– / CHF 118.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7433-4 Zentralblatt MATH
2006. XII, 388 p. 66 illus. With CD-ROM. Hardcover
EUR 68.– / CHF 98.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3240-3

Mathematical Physics / Physics

Analytic Methods in the Theory Nonlinear Physics with

of Differential and MAPLE for Scientists and
Pseudo-Differential Equations Engineers
of Parabolic Type Enns, R. H. / McGuire, G. C.
Eidelman, S. D. / Ivasyshen, S. D. / 2nd ed.
Kochubei, A. N.
"The care that the authors have taken to
OT – Operator Theory: Advances and ensure that their text is as comprehensive,
Applications, Vol. 152 versatile, interactive, and student-friendly
as possible place this book far above the
2004. IX, 386 p. Hardcover
EUR 139.– / CHF 229.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7115-9
average." Scientific Computing World
2000. XV, 661 p. 282 illus. Hardcover
EUR 74.90 / CHF 125.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4119-1
Einstein, 1905-2005
Poincaré Seminar 2005
Nonlinear Physics with
Damour, T. / Darrigol, O. / Duplantier, B. / 
Rivasseau, V. (Eds) Mathematica for Scientists
and Engineers
PMP – Progress in Mathematical Physics, Enns, R. H. / McGuire, G. C.
Vol. 47
"The authors do an extraordinary job of
2006. VIII, 293 p. 48 illus. Hardcover
EUR 78.– / CHF 128.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7435-8 integrating application and theory. They
provide applications from a variety of
Electrodynamics disciplines throughout the sections that
 introduce the theory and that look at
A Modern Geometric Approach methods of analysis and consider the
Baylis, W. E. various approaches to addressing nonlinear
problems. It is not an exaggeration to say that
PMP – Progress in Mathematical Physics, this book considers all areas of interest in
Vol. 17 nonlinear analysis with solid introductions.
(This reviewer, having taught the basics of
"[The book] has a nice blend of mathematical nonlinear physics over the last 15 years,
physics, fundamentals of electromagnetic wishes he had had this book as a tutor.)
theory and practical applications.... It Added to this are 33 experimental activities
is extremely well written and contains using MATHEMATICA® that demonstrate
numerous exercises and problems to concepts and applied examples." Choice
help the reader gain familiarity with new
concepts." Current Science 2001. XV, 691 p. 282 illus. With CD-ROM. Hardcover
EUR 74.90 / CHF 125.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4223-5
1st ed. 1998. Corr. 2nd printing
2001. 400 p. 43 illus. Hardcover
EUR 54.90 / CHF 90.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4025-5 Poincaré Seminar 2003
Bose-Einstein Condensation –
Dalibard, J. / Duplantier, B. / Rivasseau, V.
2004. 264 p. Softcover
EUR 39.90 / CHF 65.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7116-6

The Kepler Problem
Group Theoretical Aspects,
Regularization and Quantization,
with Application to the Study of
Cordani, B.

PMP – Progress in Mathematical Physics,

Vol. 29

"This is an interesting book, which well

organizes the group-geometric aspects of
the Kepler problem on which a great number
of articles have been published along with
the advance of symmetry theory. . . . a nice
reference not only for graduate students
but also for scientists who are interested
in dynamical systems with symmetry."
2003. 456 p. Hardcover
EUR 89.90 / CHF 149.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6902-6

The Quantum Hall Effect

Poincaré Seminar 2004
Douçot, B. / Duplantier, B. / Pasquier, V. /
Rivasseau, V. (Eds)

PMP – Progress in Mathematical Physics,

Vol. 45
2005. 197 p. Hardcover
EUR 69.90 / CHF 119.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7300-9

Numerical and Computational Mathematics / Applications


A Graph-Theoretic Approach to A Software-Defined GPS and

Enterprise Network Dynamics Galileo Receiver
Bunke, H., University of Bern, Switzerland / A Single-Frequency Approach
Dickinson, P.J. / Kraetzl, M., both Defense Borre, K., Aalborg University, Aalborg,
Science and Technology Organization, Denmark / Akos, D.M., University of
Adelaide, SA, Australia / Wallis, W.D., Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA / Bertelsen, N.,
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL, Klarup, Denmark / Rinder, P., Aalborg,
USA Denmark / Jensen, S.H., Aalborg University,
Aalborg, Denmark
PCS – Progress in Computer Science and
Applied Logic, Vol. 24 ANHA – Applied and Numerical Harmonic
Networks have become nearly ubiquitous
and increasingly complex, and their support Satellite navigation receivers are used to
of modern enterprise environments has receive, process, and decode space-based
become fundamental. Accordingly, robust navigation signals, such as those provided
network management techniques are by the GPS constellation of satellites. There
essential to ensure optimal performance is an increasing need for a unified open
of these networks. This monograph treats platform that will enable enhanced receiver
the application of numerous graph- development and design, as well as cost-
theoretic algorithms to a comprehensive effective testing procedures for various
analysis of dynamic enterprise networks. applications. This book and companion
Network dynamics analysis yields valuable DVD provide hands-on exploration of new
information about network performance, technologies in this rapidly growing field.
efficiency, fault prediction, cost optimization, One of the unique features of the work
indicators and warnings. is the interactive approach used, giving
Based on many years of applied research of readers the ability to construct their own
generic network dynamics, this work covers Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS)
a number of elegant applications (including receivers.
many new and experimental results) of The presentation unfolds in a systematic,
traditional graph theory algorithms and user-friendly style and goes from the basics
techniques to computationally tractable to cutting-edge research.
network dynamics analysis to motivate
2007. XXI, 176 p. 98 illus. With DVD. Softcover
network analysts, practitioners and EUR 68.– / CHF 108.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4390-4
researchers alike.
2007. XIII, 225 p. 110 illus. Hardcover
EUR 58.– / CHF 98.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4485-7

Advances in Discrete Tomography Advances in Dynamic Game
and Its Applications Theory
Herman, G.T., The City University of New Numerical Methods, Algorithms, and
York, New York, NY, USA / Kuba, A., University Applications to Ecology and Economics
of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary (Eds) Jørgensen, S., University of Southern
Denmark, Odense, Denmark / Quincampoix, M.,
ANHA – Applied and Numerical Harmonic Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest,
Analysis France / Vincent, T.L., University of Arizona,
Tucson, AZ, USA (Eds)
This book is a unified presentation of
new methods, algorithms, and select AISDG – Annals of the International Society
applications that are the foundations of of Dynamic Games, Vol. 9
multidimensional image reconstruction by
discrete tomographic methods. The self- Written by experts in their respective
contained chapters, written by leading disciplines, the chapters in this book are
mathematicians, engineers, and computer an outgrowth of presentations from the
scientists, present cutting-edge research 11th International Symposium on Dynamic
and results in the field. Games and Applications.
Three main areas are covered: foundations, Key topics covered include stochastic and
algorithms, and practical applications. differential games; dynamic games and
Following an introduction that reports their applications in various areas, such as
the recent literature of the field, the ecology and economics; numerical methods
book explores various mathematical and algorithms in dynamic games; zero-
and computational problems of discrete and nonzero-sum games; pursuit-evasion
tomography including new applications. games; and evolutionary game theory and
Topics and features include introduction applications.
to discrete point X-rays, uniqueness The work will serve as a state-of-the art
and additivity in discrete tomography, account of recent advances in dynamic
network flow algorithms for discrete game theory and its applications for
tomography, convex programming and researchers, practitioners, and advanced
variational methods, and applications to students in applied mathematics,
electron microscopy, materials science, mathematical finance, and engineering.
nondestructive testing, and diagnostic
medicine. 2007. XXII, 717 p. 190 illus. Hardcover
EUR 159.– / CHF 258.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4399-7
2007. XX, 392 p. 140 illus. Hardcover
EUR 79.90 / CHF 135.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3614-2

Numerical and Computational Mathematics / Applications

Advances in Dynamic Games Advances in Mathematical

Applications to Economics, Finance
Management Science, Engineering, and Fu, M.C., University of Maryland, College
Environmental Management Park, MD, USA / Jarrow, R.A., Cornell
Haurie, A., ORDECSYS, Chêne-Bougeries, University, Ithaca, NY, USA / Yen, J.-Y.J.,
Switzerland / Muto, S., Institute of Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA /
Technology of Tokyo, Japan / Petrosjan, L.A., Elliott, R.J., University of Calgary, AB,
State University of St. Petersburg, Russia / Canada (Eds)
Raghavan, T.E.S., University of Illinois at
Chicago, IL, USA (Eds) ANHA – Applied and Numerical Harmonic
AISDG – Annals of the International Society
of Dynamic Games, Vol. 8 This self-contained volume brings together
a collection of chapters by some of the most
The paradigms of dynamic games play an distinguished researchers and practitioners
important role in the development of multi- in the field of mathematical finance and
agent models in engineering, economics, financial engineering. Presenting state-of-
and management science. The applicability the-art developments in theory and practice,
of their concepts stems from the ability the work is a valuable resource for graduate
to encompass situations with uncertainty, students, researchers, and practitioners
incomplete information, fluctuating coalition in mathematical finance and financial
structure, and coupled constraints imposed engineering.
on the strategies of all the players. This book Contributors: H. Albrecher, D.C. Brody, P. Carr,
presents current developments of the theory E. Eberlein, R.J. Elliott, M.C. Fu, H. Geman,
of dynamic games and its applications M. Heidari, A. Hirsa, L.P. Hughston, R.A.
to various domains, in particular energy- Jarrow, X. Jin, W. Kluge, S.A. Ladoucette, A.
environment economics and management Macrina, D.B. Madan, F. Milne, M. Musiela,
sciences. P. Protter, W. Schoutens, E. Seneta, K.
The volume uses dynamic game models Shimbo, R. Sircar, J. van der Hoek, M. Yor, T.
of various sorts to approach and solve Zariphopoulou
several problems pertaining to pursuit- 2007. Approx. 368 pp. 41 illus. Hardcover
evasion, marketing, finance, climate EUR 64.90 / CHF 79.95 / ISBN 978-0-8176-4544-1
and environmental economics, resource
exploitation, as well as auditing and tax
evasions. In addition, it includes some
chapters on cooperative games, which are
increasingly drawing dynamic approaches to
their classical solutions.
2006. XIX, 420 p. 60 illus. Hardcover
96 EUR 82.– / CHF 128.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4500-7

Atmospheric and Space Flight Cluster Analysis for Data Mining

Dynamics and System Identification
Modeling and Simulation with Abonyi, J. / Feil, B., both Pannon University,
MATLAB® and Simulink® Hungary
Tewari, A., Indian Institute of Technology,
Kanpur, India This book presents new approaches to data
mining and system identification. Algorithms
MSSET – Modeling and Simulation in that can be used for the clustering of data
Science, Engineering and Technology have been overviewed. New techniques and
tools are presented for the clustering,
Modern aerospace vehicles, such as the classification, regression and visualization
space shuttle, other launch vehicles, of complex datasets. Special attention is
and long-range ballistic missiles, do not given to the analysis of historical process
discriminate between atmospheric and data, tailored algorithms are presented
space flight. Most texts on flight dynamics, for the data driven modeling of dynamical
however, make this artificial distinction systems, determining the model order of
and therefore do not simultaneously cover nonlinear input-output black box models,
aircraft and spacecraft. Bridging this gap and the segmentation of multivariate time-
in the literature, Atmospheric and Space series.
Flight Dynamics is a unified presentation, The main methods and techniques are
demonstrating that the two disciplines illustrated through several simulated and
have actually evolved from the same set of real-world applications from data mining
physical principles. and process engineering practice.
Key features include an introduction to The books is aimed primarily at
a broad range of modern topics in an practitioners, researches, and professionals
accessible, yet mathematically rigorous in statistics, data mining, business
presentation; many numerical examples intelligence, and systems engineering,
and simulations utilizing MATLAB® but it is also accessible to graduate
and Simulink®; software used as an and undergraduate students in applied
instructional, hands-on tool, moving away mathematics, computer science, electrical
from the "cookbook" approach found in and process engineering. Familiarity with
other works; and numerous illustrations and the basics of system identification and fuzzy
end-of-chapter exercises. systems is helpful but not required.
2007. XX, 576 p. 207 illus. Hardcover 2007. Approx. 324 p. Hardcover
EUR 78.– / CHF 128.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4437-6 Approx. EUR 99.– / CHF 158.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7987-2
2007. 576 p. 207 illus. Softcover
EUR 52.– / CHF 78.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4373-7

Numerical and Computational Mathematics / Applications

Filtering Theory Free Boundary Problems

With Applications to Fault Detection, Theory and Applications
Isolation, and Estimation Figueiredo, I.N., University Coimbra,
Saberi, A., Washington State University, Portugal / Rodrigues, J.F., University of
Pullman, WA, USA / Stoorvogel, A.A., Lissabon, Portugal / Santos, L., University of
Eindhoven University of Technology, Minho, Braga, Portugal (Eds)
Eindhoven, The Netherlands / Sannuti, P.,
Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ, USA ISNM – International Series of Numerical
Mathematics, Vol. 154
SC – Systems & Control: Foundations &
Applications This book gathers a collection of refereed
articles containing original results reporting
The focus of this book is on filtering for the recent contributions of the lectures
linear processes, and its primary goal is to and communications presented at the Free
design filters from a class of linear stable Boundary Problems Conference that took
unbiased filters that yield an estimation place at the University of Coimbra, Portugal,
error with the lowest root-mean-square from June 7 to 12, 2005 (FBP2005). They
(RMS) norm. Various hierarchical classes deal with the mathematics of a broad class
of filtering problems are defined based on of models and problems involving nonlinear
the availability of statistical knowledge partial differential equations arising in
regarding noise, disturbances, and other physics, engineering, biology and finance.
uncertainties. Among the main topics, the talks considered
free boundary problems in biomedicine, in
Key features include an in-depth structural porous media, in thermodynamic modeling,
study of powerful tools such as Riccati in fluid mechanics, in image processing, in
equations, linear matrix inequalities, and financial mathematics or in computations
quadratic matrix inequalities; a general for inter-scale problems.
and structural theory of H2 and H-infinity
optimal filtering; several hierarchically The mathematical analysis and fine
ordered layers of noise decoupled filtering properties of solutions and interfaces in
problems under a single umbrella; and free boundary problems have been an active
the application of filtering theory to fault subject in the last three decades and their
detection, isolation, and estimation. mathematical understanding continues to
be an important interdisciplinary
2007. XIV, 723 p. 44 illus. Hardcover
EUR 108.– / CHF 178.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4301-0 tool for the scientific applications, on
one hand, and an intrinsic aspect of the
current development of several important
mathematical disciplines.
2007. X, 460 p. Hardcover
EUR 119.– / CHF 199.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7718-2


Fuzzy Modeling and Fuzzy Control Hemodynamical Flows

Zhang, H., Northeastern University, Liaoning, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation
China / Liu, D., University of Illinois at Galdi, G.P., University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA /
Chicago, IL, USA Rannacher, R., Universität Heidelberg,
Germany / Robertson, A.M., University of
CE – Control Engineering Pittsburgh, PA, USA / Turek, S., Universität
Dortmund, Germany
Fuzzy logic methodology has been proven
effective in dealing with complex nonlinear OWS – Oberwolfach Seminars, Vol. 37
systems containing uncertainties that are
otherwise difficult to model. Technology Due in November 2007
based on this methodology has been applied
to many real-world problems, especially in This book surveys results on the physical
the area of consumer products. and mathematical modeling as well as the
This book presents the first unified and numerical simulation of hemodynamical
thorough treatment of fuzzy modeling and flows, i.e., of fluid and structural mechanical
fuzzy control, providing necessary tools for processes occurring in the human blood
the control of complex nonlinear systems. circuit.
Careful consideration is given to questions The topics treated are continuum
concerning model complexity, model mechanical description, choice of suitable
precision, and computing time. liquid and wall models, mathematical
In addition to being an excellent reference analysis of coupled models, numerical
for electrical, computer, chemical, industrial, methods for flow simulation, parameter
civil, manufacturing, mechanical and identification and model calibration, fluid-
aeronautical engineers, the book may solid interaction, mathematical analysis
also be appropriate for classroom use in a of piping systems, particle transport in
graduate course in electrical engineering, channels and pipes, artificial boundary
computer engineering, and computer conditions, and many more.
science. Applied mathematicians, control Hemodynamics is an area of active current
engineers, computer scientists, and research, and this book provides an
physicists will benefit from the presentation entry into the field for graduate students
as well. and researchers. It has grown out of a
2006. XIII, 416 p. 161 illus. Hardcover series of lectures given by the authors
EUR 78.– / CHF 128.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4491-8 at the Oberwolfach Research Institute in
November, 2005.
2007. Approx. 400 p. Softcover
EUR 39.90 / CHF 65.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7805-9

Numerical and Computational Mathematics / Applications

Mathematical Modeling of Mathematical Modeling of

Biological Systems, Volume I Biological Systems, Volume II
Cellular Biophysics, Regulatory Epidemiology, Evolution and Ecology,
Networks, Development, Biomedicine, Immunology, Neural Systems and the
and Data Analysis Brain, and Innovative Mathematical
Deutsch, A. / Brusch, L., both Technical Methods
University of Dresden, Germany / Byrne, H., Deutsch, A., Technical University of Dresden,
University of Nottingham, UK / de Vries, G., Germany / Bravo de la Parra, R., University
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada / of Alcala, Madrid, Spain / de Boer, R.J. /
Herzel, H., Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Diekmann, O., both Utrecht University,
Berlin, Germany (Eds) The Netherlands / Jagers, P., Chalmers
University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden /
MSSET – Modeling and Simulation in Kisdi, E., University of Helsinki, Finland /
Science, Engineering and Technology Kretzschmar, M., University of Bielefeld,
Germany / Lansky, P., Academy of Sciences
Volume I of this two-volume, of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech
interdisciplinary work is a unified Republic / Metz, H., University of Leiden, The
presentation of a broad range of state-of- Netherlands (Eds)
the-art topics in the rapidly growing field
of mathematical modeling in the biological MSSET – Modeling and Simulation in
sciences. Highlighted throughout the work Science, Engineering and Technology
are mathematical and computational
approaches to solving central problems Due in November 2007
in the life sciences, ranging from the
organizational principles of individual cells Volume II of this two-volume,
to the dynamics of large populations. interdisciplinary work is a unified
presentation of a broad range of state-of-
The chapters are thematically organized
the-art topics in the rapidly growing field
into the following main areas: Cellular
of mathematical modeling in the biological
Biophysics; Regulatory Networks;
Developmental Biology; Biomedical
Applications; Data Analysis and Model The chapters are thematically organized
Validation. into the following main areas: Epidemiology,
2007. XVIII, 382 p. 120 illus. Hardcover
Evolution and Ecology, Immunology,
EUR 89.90 / CHF 149.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4557-1 Neural Systems and the Brain, Innovative
Mathematical Methods and Education.
2008. Approx. 432 p. 122 illus. Hardcover
EUR 89.90 / CHF 149.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4555-7

Mathematical Modeling of Modeling of Biological Materials
Complex Biological Systems Mollica, F., Universita di Ferrara, Ferrara,
A Kinetic Theory Approach Italy / Preziosi, L., Politecnico di Torino,
Torino, Italy / Rajagopal, K.R., University of
Bellouquid, A., University Cadi Ayad, Ecole
Texas A&M, College Station, TX, USA (Eds)
Nationale des Sciences Appliquées, Safi,
Morocco / Delitala, M., Politecnico di Torino,
MSSET – Modeling and Simulation in
Science, Engineering and Technology
MSSET – Modeling and Simulation in
This interdisciplinary collection of surveys
Science, Engineering and Technology
highlights the central role played by the
mathematical modeling of mechanical
This book describes the evolution of
properties having an effect on the biology,
several socio-biological systems using
chemistry, and physics of living matter. One
mathematical kinetic theory. Specifically,
of the main goals of the book is to present –
it deals with modeling and simulations of
in a single, self-contained resource – topics
biological systems – comprised of large
that are widely scattered across the
populations of interacting cells – whose
literature in a variety of journals having
dynamics follow the rules of mechanics as
mutually nonintersecting communities of
well as rules governed by their own ability to
readers, such as applied mathematicians,
organize movement and biological functions.
engineers, biologists, and physicians.
The authors propose a new biological model
Readers from diverse backgrounds are
for the analysis of competition between
provided with basic modeling ideas and
cells of an aggressive host and cells of a
tools to address important problems in the
corresponding immune system.
medical and health sciences. Presented
The book follows a classical research are appropriate models as well as their
approach applied to modeling real systems, implementation through numerical and
linking the observation of biological computer simulations, which may lead to
phenomena, collection of experimental data, potential technological innovations useful in
modeling, and computational simulations medicine.
to validate the proposed models. Qualitative
2007. XV, 357 p. 71 illus. Hardcover
analysis techniques are used to identify the EUR 69.90 / CHF 119.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4410-9
prediction ability of specific models.
It may be used for advanced graduate
courses and seminars in biological
systems modeling with applications to
collective social behavior, immunology, and
2006. X, 188 p. 47 illus. Hardcover
EUR 64.90 / CHF 109.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4395-9
Numerical and Computational Mathematics / Applications

Molecular Gas Dynamics Nexus Network Journal 9,1

Theory, Techniques, and Applications Architecture and Mathematics
Sone, Y., Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan Williams, K., Torino, Italy (Ed.)

MSSET – Modeling and Simulation in NNJ – Nexus Network Journal, Vol. 9,1
Science, Engineering and Technology
This self-contained book is an up-to-date This issue is dedicated to various kinds of
description of the basic theory of molecular patterns in architecture. Buthayna Eilouti
gas dynamics and its various applications. and Amer Al-Jokhadar address patterns
The progress in the field over the last thirty in shape grammars in the ground plans of
years has greatly enhanced the original Mamluk madrasas, religious schools. Giulio
theory and has stimulated interesting Magli goes back further in history, to the
and critical gas dynamic phenomena age of Greek colonies in Italy before they
and problems. Molecular Gas Dynamics, were conquered by the Romans, to examine
unique in the literature, presents working patterns in urban design. In Traditional
knowledge, theory, techniques, and typical Patterns in Pyrgi of Chios: Mathematics
phenomena in rarefied gases for theoretical and Community Charoula Stathopoulou
development and application. examines the geometric patterns that
decorate the buildings of the town of
Basic theory is developed in a systematic
Pyrgi, on the Greek island of Chios. Curve
way and presented in a form easily applied
Fitting is a study of ways to construct a
for practical use. After presenting various
function so that its graph most closely
simple flows, such as unidirectional or
approximates the pattern given by a set of
quasi-unidirectional flows, and flows
points. Dirk Huylebrouck’s paper examines
around a sphere, the author discusses
how a pattern of points extracted from
additional topics, including: flows induced
an arch might be associated to a precise
by temperature fields, which are typical in
mathematical curve. James Harris looks
rarefied gases, flows with evaporation and
at the designs of Frank Lloyd Wright and
condensation, bifurcation of flows in rarefied
Piet Mondrian to extract the rules of their
gases, the ghost effect in gases in the
pattern generation and propose possible
continuum limit.
2007. XII, 658 p. 179 illus. Hardcover
EUR 98.– / CHF 158.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4345-4 2007. 158 p. Softcover
EUR 49.90 / CHF 85.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-8443-2


Nexus Network Journal 9,2 Planar Ising Correlations

Architecture and Mathematics Palmer, J., University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ,
Williams, K., Torino, Italy (Ed.) USA

NNJ – Nexus Network Journal, Vol. 9,2 PMP – Progress in Mathematical Physics,
Vol. 49
Due in December 2007
Steady progress in recent years has
This volume is dedicated to "Mechanics been made in understanding the special
in Architecture", that is, the science of mathematical features of certain exactly
structural mechanics, including the solvable models in statistical mechanics
behaviour of structures, internal forces, and and quantum field theory, including the
deformation, as well as the development of scaling limits of the 2-D Ising (lattice)
new structural systems to resist thrusts as a model, and more generally, a class of 2-D
result of new architectural forms. It is a field quantum fields known as holonomic fields.
of enquiry that examines a particular aspect New results have made it possible to obtain
of the relationships between architecture a detailed nonperturbative analysis of the
and the mathematical sciences. many spin correlations. In particular, the
book focuses on deformation analysis of
Some of the papers in this issue were the scaling functions of the Ising model,
presented at the Nexus 2006 conference and will appeal to graduate students,
during a special session dedicated to mathematicians, and physicists interested
mechanics. Other research papers focus in the mathematics of statistical mechanics
on an eighteenth-century Belgian pyramid, and quantum field theory.
aspects of "fractal" architecture, and
2007. Approx. XII, 372 p. 30 illus. Hardcover
properties of a family of irrational values. EUR 79.90 / CHF 135.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4248-8
The issue also includes a description and
evaluation of a university-level course in
architecture and mathematics, Rachel
Fletcher's Geometer's Angle column, and
book reviews.
2007. Approx. 150 p. Softcover
Approx. EUR 38.– / CHF 62.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-8444-9

Numerical and Computational Mathematics / Applications

and Many Body
Quantum Systems

Quantum Information and Many Supervisory Control of Concurrent

Body Quantum Systems Systems
Ericsson, M., University of Cambridge, U.K. A Petri Net Structural Approach
(Ed.) Iordache, M.V., LeTourneau University,
Longview, TX, USA / Antsaklis, P.J., University
Publications of the Scuola Normale of Notre Dame, IN, USA
Superiore / CRM Series, Vol. 5
SC – Systems & Control: Foundations &
Due in January 2008 Applications

In the last years a growing attention has Increasing complexity in engineering

been dedicated to many body quantum projects raises difficult challenges in
systems from the point of view of quantum industry and requires effective tools for
information. Indeed, after the initial correct-by-construction design or design
investigation of simple systems as single verification. This book addresses the design
or two qubits, the needs of understanding of such tools for correct-by-construction
the characteristics of a realistic quantum synthesis of supervisors for systems and
information device leads necessary to the specifications represented in the discrete-
study of many body quantum systems. event framework. The approach employed
These studies are also driven by the very uses Petri nets as discrete-event models
fast development of experiments which in and structural methods for the synthesis
the last years reach the goal of coherent of supervisors, and may lead to significant
control of a few qubits (ion traps, charge computational benefits. Highlighting recent
qubits, etc...) with a roadmap for further progress in the design of supervisors by
scaling and improvement of coherent structural methods, the book represents a
control and manipulation techniques. novel contribution to the field. One of the
This book gives a selection of current main features of the presentation is the
research topics in the field of quantum demonstration that structural methods
information for many body quantum can address a variety of supervisor
systems together with open problems. specifications under diverse supervision
2008. Approx. 400 p. Softcover
EUR 25.– / CHF 42.– / ISBN 978-88-7642-307-9 The work is self-contained and includes
necessary background on Petri nets
and supervision. Requiring only basic
knowledge of undergraduate-level discrete
mathematics, the text is accessible to a
broad audience.
2006. XIV, 281 p. 100 illus. Hardcover
EUR 68.– / CHF 108.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4357-7
Symbolic-Numeric Computation Transport Equations in Biology
Wang, D., Beihang University, Beijing, China Perthame, B., Ecole Normale Supérieure,
and Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris / Paris, France
Zhi, L., Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Beijing (Eds) FM – Frontiers in Mathematics

TM – Trends in Mathematics This book presents models written

as partial differential equations and
The growing demand of speed, accuracy, originating from various questions in
and reliability in scientific and engineering population biology, such as physiologically
computing has been accelerating structured equations, adaptive dynamics,
the merging of symbolic and numeric and bacterial movement. Its purpose is to
computations, two types of computation derive appropriate mathematical tools and
coexisting in mathematics yet separated qualitative properties of the solutions (long
in traditional research of mathematical time behavior, concentration phenomena,
computation. asymptotic behavior, regularizing
effects, blow-up or dispersion). Original
This book presents 23 research articles on
mathematical methods described are,
the integration and interaction of symbolic
among others, the generalized relative
and numeric computation.
entropy method - a unique method to tackle
9,,,SßJVWDEV+DUGFRYHU most of the problems in population biology,
EUR 79.90 / CHF 135.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7983-4 the description of Dirac concentration
effects using a new type of Hamilton-Jacobi
equations, and a general point of view on
chemotaxis including various scales of
description leading to kinetic, parabolic or
hyperbolic equations.
2007. VIII, 198 p. 28 illus. Softcover
EUR 38.– / CHF 62.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7841-7

Numerical and Computational Mathematics / Applications

3-D Spinors, Spin-Weighted 

Functions and their
Torres del Castillo, G. F.

PMP – Progress in Mathematical Physics,

Vol. 32

"In summary…the book gathers much of

Transport Phenomena and Kinetic what can be done with 3-D spinors in an
Theory easy-to-read, self-contained form designed
Applications to Gases, Semiconductors, for applications that will supplement
Photons, and Biological Systems many available spinor treatments. The
book…should be appealing to graduate
Cercignani, C., Politecnico di Milano, Milano,
students and researchers in relativity and
Italy / Gabetta, E., Università degli Studi di
mathematical physics."
Pavia, Pavia, Italy (Eds)
Mathematical Reviews
MSSET – Modeling and Simulation in 2003. VIII, 246 p. Hardcover
Science, Engineering and Technology EUR 79.90 / CHF 135.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3249-6

The study of kinetic equations related to A Crash Course in

gases, semiconductors, photons, traffic Mathematica
flow, and other systems has developed Kaufmann, S.
rapidly in recent years because of its role as
a mathematical tool in many applications "Written with the beginner in mind...[the
in areas such as engineering, meteorology, book] is easier to handle than the standard
biology, chemistry, materials science, manual... Exercises are set throughout the
nanotechnology, and pharmacy. Written by text...to provide a graduated introduction...
leading specialists in their respective fields, This crash course will appeal to teachers
this book presents an overview of recent and to enthusiastic computer literate
developments in the field of mathematical students wanting to be ‘fast-tracked’ into
kinetic theory with a focus on modeling MATHEMATICA®. It is clearly written, and
complex systems, emphasizing both should work well as a tutorial text."
mathematical properties and their physical The Australian Mathematics Teacher
1999. 200 S. Softcover
The overall presentation covers not only EUR 29.– / CHF 46.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6127-3
modeling aspects and qualitative analysis
of mathematical problems, but also A Friendly Guide to Wavelets 
inverse problems, which lead to a detailed Kaiser, G.
assessment of models in connection with
their applications, and to computational "The book is indeed what its title promises:
problems, which lead to an effective link A friendly guide to wavelets...In short,
of models to the analysis of real-world Kaiser's book is excellently written and can
systems. be considered as one of the best textbooks
2007. XIII, 271 p. 26 illus. Hardcover on this topic presently available...it will enjoy
EUR 68.– / CHF 108.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4489-5 wide distribution among mathematicians and
physicists interested in wavelet analysis." Int.
Math. Nachrichten
"I found this to be an excellent book. It is An Introduction to Modern
eminently more readable than the books... 
Variational Techniques in
which might be considered the principal
alternatives for textbooks on wavelets."
Mechanics and Engineering
Physics Today Vujanovic, B. Z. / Atanackovic, T. M.

"This volume is probably the most gentle "[The book has] many examples and
introduction to wavelet theory on the applications throughout the chapters.... It is
market. As such, it responds to a significant intended to be only a suggestive exposition
need. The intended audience will profit for graduate and senior undergraduate
from the motivation and common-sense students in engineering, applied
explanations in the text. Ultimately, it may mathematics and physics.... The book should
lead many readers, who may not otherwise be useful for students in these quoted areas
have been able to do so, to go further into and those people with some knowledge in
wavelet theory, Fourier analysis, and signal single-integral variational problems."
processing." SIAM Review Mathematical Reviews
2004. X, 346 p. Hardcover
1994. XVII, 300 p. Hardcover
EUR 69.90 / CHF 119.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3399-8
EUR 46.– / CHF 78.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3711-8

Advances in Dynamic Games An Introduction to Quantum

Applications to Economics, Finance, Computing Algorithms
Optimization, and Stochastic Control Pittenger, A. O.
Nowak, A. S. / Szajowski, K. (Eds)
PCS – Progress in Computer Science and
Applied Logic, Vol. 19
AISDG – Annals of the International Society
of Dynamic Games, Vol. 7
"An Introduction to Quantum Computing
2005. XV, 679 p. 30 illus. Hardcover Algorithms reflects its author's own
EUR 149.– / CHF 249.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4362-1
experience in learning the mathematics and
theoretical physics required for the subject,
An Introduction to Data as he writes in the acknowledgements. It is

Structures and Algorithms generally written in a pleasant and informal
Storer, J.A. style, with much motivation in between the
mathematics.... In just 150 pages this book
"The author has done a commendable job in manages to explain much of the core of
outlining various algorithms for a problem, quantum computing, and to explain it well."
and also in comparing their merits... [The] Quantum Information and Computation
approach of the book is easy to understand
for students with a strong mathematical "If you have a general (fuzzy) background on
background." ACM Computing Reviews quantum physics and on computer science,
I recommend reading this book.... It is well
2002. XVII, 599 p. 186 illus. Hardcover
EUR 64.90 / CHF 109.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4253-2 written, easy to read, with many illustrating
examples, and many exercises."
Zentralblatt MATH
1st ed. 2000. Corr. 2nd printing
2001. XII, 140 p. Hardcover
EUR 44.90 / CHF 75.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4127-6

Numerical and Computational Mathematics / Applications

An Introduction to the 

and then the discrete wavelet transform .
Mathematics of Biology . . The applications to image compression
are wonderful, and the best I have seen in
Yeargers, E. K. / Herod, J. V. /
books at this level. I also found the analysis
Shonkweiler, R. W.
of the best choice of basis, and wavelet
packet, especially attractive. The later
"A very well balanced combination of biology
chapters include MATLAB codes. Highly
and mathematics. Mathematics students
recommended!" Bulletin of the AMS
have an opportunity to learn enough biology
to make good models, and biology students 2001. XII, 452 p. 66 illus. Hardcover
will see it as an opportunity to understand EUR 58.– / CHF 92.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3962-4

the dynamics of a biological system. It can

serve as the source of many good models Applied Laplace Transforms 
with possible applications in different areas and z-Transforms for
of biological research." Scientists and Engineers
Gen. Physiol. Biophysics
A Computational Approach Using a
1996. 432 p. Hardcover Mathematica Package
EUR 68.– / CHF 111.50 / ISBN 978-0-8176-3809-2
Graf, U.

An Introduction to the "This book is a very good tool for scientists

Mechanics of Fluids 
and engineers that work in the fields of
Truesdell, C. / Rajagopal, K.R. applications, especially on practical problems
leading to ordinary differential equations
MSSET – Modeling and Simulation in which could be solved through Laplace
Science, Engineering and Technology transformation." Zentralblatt MATH
2004. X, 500 p. With CD-ROM. Hardcover
"The writing style is quintessential EUR 89.90 / CHF 149.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-2427-8
Truesdellania: purely mathematical,
breathtaking, irrepressible, irreverent,
Automata Theory and its
uncompromising, taking no prisoners… 
The book is filled with historical nuggets… Applications
Its pure, exact mathematics will baptize, Khoussainov, B. / Nerode, A.
enlighten and exhilarate."
Applied Mechanics Review PCS – Progress in Computer Science and
Applied Logic, Vol. 21
2000. XIV, 277 p. Hardcover
EUR 74.90 / CHF 125.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4014-9
"The aim of this book is to present a
theory of several types of automata
An Introduction to Wavelet and applications of these facts in logic,

Analysis concurrency and algebra. ...The book contains
Walnut, D. F. suitable material for a two-semester
course for students of computer science or
ANHA – Applied and Numerical Harmonic mathematics. It is completely self-contained
Analysis and one can really enjoy reading it."
Bulletin of the EMS
"D. Walnut's lovely book aims at the upper
2001. XIV, 430 p. 111 illus. Hardcover
undergraduate level, and so it includes EUR 74.90 / CHF 125.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4207-5
relatively more preliminary material . . . than
is typically the case in a graduate text. It
goes from Haar systems to multiresolutions,
Cellular Automaton Modeling of ordinary and partial differential equations to
Biological Pattern Formation the study of market analysis. Solutions are
computed symbolically, numerically, or by
Characterization, Applications, and means of Monte-Carlo simulations.... A very
Analysis useful and valuable book for researchers,
Deutsch, A. / Dormann, S. students, professionals, and individual
investors." Choice
MSSET – Modeling and Simulation in
2003. XI, 481 p. 250 illus. With CD-ROM. Hardcover
Science, Engineering and Technology EUR 64.90 / CHF 109.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4197-9

"The book is a good starting point for

scientists and students [who] would like
Computational Signal Processing
to move into the field of studying effects with Wavelets
of spatial pattern formation in biology. The Teolis, A.
introductory chapters are fun reading....
The introduction to the lattice-gas method ANHA – Applied and Numerical Harmonic
is thorough and sound, and the array of Analysis
applications of the method to systems of 1996. 352 p. 128 illus. Hardcover
biological pattern formation is impressive EUR 118.– / CHF 158.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3909-9
and inspiring.... I particularly like the format
of suggesting potential further projects Contemporary Cryptology 
at the end of each chapter, which shows Catalano, D. / Cramer, R. / Damgard, I. /
that the field is only starting and many Di Crescenzo, G. / Pointcheval, D. / Takagi, T.
research questions still have to be explored."
Mathematical Biosciences ACM – Advanced Courses in Mathematics –
2005. XXVI, 334 p. 131 illus. Hardcover
CRM Barcelona
EUR 92.– / CHF 148.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4281-5
2005. VIII, 237 p. Softcover
EUR 34.90 / CHF 59.90 / ISBN 978-3-7643-7294-1
Classical and Quantum
 Differential Galois Theory and
with C++ and Java Simulations Non-Integrability of Hamiltonian
Hardy, Y. / Steeb, W. H. Systems
Morales Ruiz, J. J.
2001. XXIII, 589 p. Softcover
EUR 55.– / CHF 88.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6610-0
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 179

Computational Financial Award-winning monograph of the

Mathematics using Ferran Sunyer i Balaguer Prize 1998.
"...[an] account of recent work of the
Optimal Trading in Stocks and Options
author and co-workers on obstructions
Stojanovic, S.
to the complete integrability of complex
Hamiltonian systems. The methods are of
"Stojanovic offers an excellent, user-friendly
considerable importance to practitioners...
presentation of advanced mathematical
The book provides all the needed
techniques and Mathematica programming
background...and presents concrete
for solving problems in finance and trading.
examples in considerable detail... The final
He demonstrates the value of probability,
chapter...includes a fascinating account
mathematical statistics, calculus of
of work-in-progress by the author and his
variations, and optimal control of stochastic,
Numerical and Computational Mathematics / Applications

collaborators... Of particular interest...is Dynamical Systems with 

the program of extending the differential Applications using MATLAB®
Galois theory to higher-order variational
Lynch, S.
equations... [an] excellent introduction to
non-integrability methods in Hamiltonian
"The book is a good introduction to dynamical
mechanics [that] brings the reader to
systems theory. ...The theory and applications
the forefront of research in the area. The
are presented with the aid of the MATLAB
inclusion of a large number of worked-out
package. Throughout the book, MATLAB
examples, many of wide applied interest, is
is viewed as a tool for solving systems or
commendable. There are many historical
producing exciting graphics....The MATLAB
references, and an extensive bibliography."
programs are kept as simple as possible and
Mathematical Reviews
the author's experience has shown that this
1999. XIV, 167 p. Hardcover method of teaching using MATLAB works well
EUR 78.– / CHF 124.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6078-8
with computer laboratory classes of small
sizes. I recommend 'Dynamical Systems
with Applications using MATLAB' as a good
Domain Decomposition Methods handbook for a diverse readership: graduates
in Optimal Control of Partial and professionals in mathematics, physics,
Differential Equations science and engineering." Mathematica
Lagnese, J. E. / Leugering, G. 2004. XVIII, 462 p. Softcover
EUR 48.– / CHF 78.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4321-8
ISNM – International Series of Numerical
Mathematics, Vol. 148
Elementary Functions
2004. XIII, 443 p. Hardcover
EUR 129.– / CHF 219.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-2194-9 Algorithms and Implementation
Muller, J.-M.
Dynamical Systems with 2nd ed.

Applications using MAPLE
"There a few classic books on algorithms for
Lynch, S.
computing elementary functions.... These
books focused on software implementation
"… a very nice tutorial on Maple in which
using polynomial approximations. Perhaps
quite a few mathematical and graphical
Muller's book is destined to become a new
commands are illustrated. A student could
classic in this subject, but only time will
quickly work through this tutorial and then
tell.... Muller's book contains few theorems
be ready to do quite a bit with Maple…
and even fewer proofs. It does contain many
Lynch’s book provides great references, as
numerical examples, complete with Maple
well as Maple code that could be easily
code.... In summary, this book seems like an
modified by readers who have the tools
essential reference for the experts (which I'm
to quickly engage in quite sophisticated
not). More importantly, this is an interesting
numerical experimentation." SIAM Review
book for the curious (which I am). In this
2000. XIII, 398 p. 200 illus. Softcover case, you'll probably learn many interesting
EUR 78.– / CHF 124.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4150-4 things from this book. If you teach numerical
analysis or approximation theory, then this
book will give you some good examples to
discuss in class." MAA Reviews
2006. XXII, 266 p. 36 illus. Hardcover
EUR 48.– / CHF 78.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4372-0

Engineering and Scientific understanding the text. Each part of the book
is followed by a copious list of references....
Computing with Scilab
Also, in appropriate places there are
Gomez, C. (Ed.)
indications how computer algebra (REDUCE/
EXCALC) can be used.... The printing and
"Highly recommended for students and
appearance of the book are excellent.... It can
professionals dealing with engineering and
be warmly recommended."
scientific computation – and seeking a
Zentralblatt MATH
powerful software alternative."
Simulation News Europe 2003. XIV, 410 p. Hardcover
EUR 94.– / CHF 144.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4222-8
EUR 128.– / CHF 158.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4009-5
Foundations of Time-Frequency
Essential Wavelets for Data Analysis
Gröchenig, K.
Ogden, T.
ANHA – Applied and Numerical Harmonic
"The clear and intuitive presentation makes
the book ideal for a broad audience."
"This book is written by one of the leading
Zentralblatt MATH
experts in Gabor analysis and deserves
1997. 224 p. Hardcover considerable interest. It gives a unified
EUR 51.– / CHF 86.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3864-1 approach to most of the modern theory
for time-frequency analysis from a
First Steps in LaTeX mathematician's point of view, with new
Grätzer, G. proofs of many recent results."
Zentralblatt MATH
"Fortunately, there are some excellent 2001. XV, 359 p. 14 illus. Hardcover
books for learning LaTeX. Grätzer’s book is EUR 64.90 / CHF 109.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4022-4
one of these superb books. Readers who
work through this book are likely to reuse Fundamentals of Multibody
it frequently as a reference while writing 
papers with mathematical content."
Journal of Mathematical Psychology Theory and Applications
Amirouche, F.
1999. XX, 131 p. Softcover
EUR 28.– / CHF 45.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4132-0
"This textbook offers a comprehensive
exposition of contemporary multibody
Foundations of Classical dynamics elaborated by an expert in and an
Electrodynamics experienced teacher of the field. There are
Charge, Flux, and Metric five features that distinguish this publication:
Hehl, F. W. / Obukhov, Y. N. comprehensivity, orientation towards
computer implementation, utilization of
PMP – Progress in Mathematical Physics, matrix algebra, teaching-by-examples
Vol. 33 methodology, and embedding in the author's
own research accomplishments.... [T]his is
"Throughout this book, the rationalized an excellent textbook for undergraduate,
MKS system of units is used, making graduate, and doctoral students of
analysis more intelligible, and there are
many diagrams which are of great help in
Numerical and Computational Mathematics / Applications

mechanical engineering, industrial physics Handbook of Computational and

and robotics; it may also be recommended Numerical Methods in Finance
as a reference text for researchers in these
Rachev, S. T. (Ed.)
areas." Mathematical Reviews
2004. VI, 435 p. Hardcover
2006. XV, 684 p. 216 illus. Hardcover EUR 74.90 / CHF 125.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3219-9
EUR 128.– / CHF 208.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4236-5

Handbook of Networked and

Geometric Phases in
 Embedded Control Systems
Classical and Quantum
Hristu-Varsakelis, D. / Levine, W. S. (Eds)
Chruscinski, D. / Jamiolkowski, A. CE – Control Engineering

PMP – Progress in Mathematical Physics, "...The articles cover a broad spectrum of

Vol. 36 state-of-the-art embedded control systems,
related networking, and tools-of-the-trade
"The book under review provides a unified topics. Though primarily a resource book
treatment of geometric phases in quantum intended for control system researchers
and classical mechanics, which is mainly and practitioners, it can serve as a course
based on fiber bundle theory...[T]his is resource or supplemental reading for an
a nice and well-written book about an upper-level undergraduate- or master's-
interesting subject. It can be recommended level control systems course. Summing
to students and researchers in mathematics Up: Recommended. Upper-division
and theoretical physics with interests in undergraduates through professionals."
geometric structures of theoretical physics Choice
and with sufficient knowledge about
differential geometry." Zentralblatt MATH 2005. X, 822 p. 256 illus. Hardcover
EUR 68.– / CHF 108.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3239-7
2004. XVIII, 344 p. 47 illus. Hardcover
EUR 79.90 / CHF 135.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4282-2 Hyperbolic Systems of
Conservation Laws
Global Smoothness and Shape The Theory of Classical and
Preserving Interpolation by Nonclassical Shock Waves
Classical Operators LeFloch, P. G.
Gal, S. G.
LM – Lectures in Mathematics. ETH Zürich
"Many of the presented results are published
2002. X, 294 p. Softcover
in this monograph for the first time.… EUR 27.– / CHF 44.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6687-2
This book is written for researchers in
approximation theory, and it contains a large
number of results, presented in a concise
way." SIAM Book Reviews
2005. XIII, 146 p. 20 illus. Hardcover
EUR 74.90 / CHF 125.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4387-4

Linear Systems 
Math into LaTeX
Antsaklis, P. J. / Michel, A. N. Grätzer, G.
3rd ed.
"There are three words that characterize
this work: thoroughness, completeness "This book is truly unique in its focus on
and clarity. The authors are congratulated getting started fast yet keeping it simple. It is
for taking the time to write an excellent indispensable for the beginner and a handy
linear systems textbook! …The authors reference for the experienced user." Bulletin
have used their mastery of the subject to of the Mathematical Association of India
produce a textbook that very effectively
2000. XXXVIII, 584 p. 80 illus. Softcover
presents the theory of linear systems as EUR 42.– / CHF 66.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4131-3
it has evolved over the last thirty years.
The result is a comprehensive, complete Mathematical Finance
and clear exposition that serves as an 
excellent foundation for more advanced
and Probability
topics in system theory and control." IEEE Koch Medina, P. / Merino, S.
Transactions on Automatic Control
"The style of presentation will appeal to
"In assessing the present book as a potential anyone who is seeking an elementary
textbook for our first graduate linear but rigorous introduction to the pricing of
systems course, I find...[that] Antsaklis derivative securities. The book is written
and Michel have contributed an expertly carefully and is very readable." Mathematical
written and high quality textbook to the Reviews
field and are to be congratulated…. Because 2003. VIII, 328 p. Softcover
of its mathematical sophistication and EUR 44.90 / CHF 75.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6921-7
completeness the present book is highly
recommended for use, both as a textbook as Multiscale Methods in
well as a reference." Automatica 
Quantum Mechanics
1st ed. 1997. Corr. 2nd printing Theory and Experiment
2006. XVIII, 670 p. 85 illus. Hardcover
EUR 72.– / CHF 112.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4434-5 Blanchard, P. / Dell'Antonio, G. (Eds)

TM – Trends in Mathematics
Linear Systems Theory
A Structural Decomposition Approach 2004. X, 222 p. 39 illus. Hardcover
EUR 118.– / CHF 193.50 / ISBN 978-0-8176-3256-4
Chen, B. M. / Lin, Z. / Shamash, Y.

CE – Control Engineering
Neural Networks and Sea Time
2004. XVI, 416 p. 9 illus. Hardcover
EUR 88.– / CHF 140.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3779-8 Reconstruction and Extreme-Event
Tirozzi, B. / Puca, S. / Pittalis, S. /
Bruschi, A. / Morucci, S. / Ferraro, E. /
Corsini, S.

MSSET – Modeling and Simulation in

Science, Engineering and Technology
2006. X, 179 p. 64 illus. Hardcover
EUR 72.– / CHF 112.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4347-8

Numerical and Computational Mathematics / Applications

Nexus Network Journal 8,1 Numerical Methods for 

Williams, K. (Ed.) Conservation Laws
LeVeque, R. J.
NNJ – Nexus Network Journal, Vol. 8,1 2nd ed.
2006. 144 p. Softcover
EUR 38.– / CHF 58.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7747-2 LM – Lectures in Mathematics. ETH Zürich

Nexus Network Journal 8,2 "The computing community needs a good

Architecture and Mathematics text on modern methods for conservation
laws, and these notes provide an excellent
Williams, K. (Ed.)
start on that text. Equally important,
LeVeque's perspective and writing style make
NNJ – Nexus Network Journal, Vol. 8,2
for wonderful reading and learning. (How
2006. 121 p. 77 illus. Softcover often do we find important content and good
EUR 38.– / CHF 58.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7761-8
writing in one book?)" SIAM Reviews
Nonlinear Multiobjective 1992. 214 p. 57 illus. Softcover
Optimization EUR 23.– / CHF 38.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-2723-1

A Generalized Homotopy Approach

Hillermeier, C.
Numerical Methods for

Scientists and Engineers
ISNM – International Series of Numerical Antia, H.M.
Mathematics, Vol. 135 2nd ed.
2001. VII, 135 p. Hardcover 2002. XXII, 842 p. With CD-ROM. Hardcover
EUR 78.– / CHF 118.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6498-4 EUR 49.– / CHF 86.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6715-2

Numerical Analysis Optimal Control

Gautschi, W.  Vinter, R.

"The book reads like an unfolding story... SC – Systems & Control: Foundations &
Topics are motivated with great care and Applications
ingenuity that might be given to establishing 2000. XVII, 507 p. 13 illus. Hardcover
the drive behind characters in a good novel... EUR 148.– / CHF 168.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4075-0
Clarity is never sacrificed for elegance. Above
all, the pace is always lively and brisk, the Optimal Stopping and
writing concise, and the author never lets the
Free-Boundary Problems
exposition bog down... Both the theoretical
Peskir, G. / Shiryaev, A.
problems and machine assignments are a
great resource... This is a stylish, lucid, and
LM – Lectures in Mathematics. ETH Zürich
engaging book... [It] successfully conveys
the author's interest and experience in the 2006. XXII, 500 p. Hardcover
subject to the reader." SIAM Review EUR 48.– / CHF 78.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-2419-3

1996. 524 p. Hardcover

EUR 69.90 / CHF 119.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3895-5

Perturbation Methods and Sampling, Wavelets, and
Semilinear Elliptic Problems on Rn Tomography
Ambrosetti, A. / Malchiodi, A. Benedetto, J. J. / Zayed, A. (Eds)

PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 240 ANHA – Applied and Numerical Harmonic

Winner of the Ferran Sunyer i Balaguer
Prize 2005 "This state-of-the-art book not only presents
new results… but it also demonstrates the
2006. IX, 183 p. Hardcover
EUR 42.– / CHF 68.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7321-4 role of sampling in both wavelet theory and
tomography.… The topics covered (from
frame theory, time-frequency analysis, to
PID Controllers for Time-Delay
tomography or new results on wavelets) show
Systems the wide range in the high level of activity in
Silva, G. J. / Datta, A. / Bhattacharyya, S. P. this area." Monatshefte für Mathematik
2004. XXI, 344 p. Hardcover
CE – Control Engineering EUR 64.90 / CHF 109.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4304-1

"Those who have followed the area closely

will notice that the authors of PID Controllers
Singular Sets of Minimizers for the
for Time-Delay Systems have taken a path Mumford-Shah Functional
quite different from other researchers. In David, G.
particular, the authors have concentrated
on characterizing the complete set of PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 233
PID controls that stabilize a system. This
approach gives the old topic a rather modern Award-winning monograph of the
flavor. The significance of this line of research Ferran Sunyer i Balaguer Prize 2004.
is obvious…. The authors do an excellent
job presenting the materials systematically, "This monograph is the Ferran Sunyer i
striking a balance between mathematical Balaguer 2004 prize winner.The book under
rigor and accessibility to average readers. review gives an excellent overview of a part
The book contains numerous diagrams and of the work done in recent years on this
many illustrative examples to enhance its problem … and the book is therefore a useful
readability...[and] is very well written and can source for mathematicians working in this
be used for self-study and as a reference." field." Mathematical Reviews
IEEE Control Systems Magazine 2005. XIV, 581 p. Hardcover
EUR 109.– / CHF 179.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7182-1
2005. XII, 330 p. 137 illus. Hardcover
EUR 82.– / CHF 130.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4266-2
Stability of Time-Delay Systems
Relaxation and Decomposition Gu, K. / Kharitonov, V. L. / Chen, J.
Methods for Mixed Integer
Nonlinear Programming CE – Control Engineering
Nowak, I. 2003. XXII, 354 p., 16 illus. Hardcover
EUR 108.– / CHF 158.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4212-9

ISNM – International Series of Numerical

Mathematics, Vol. 152
2005. XVI, 213 p. Hardcover
EUR 94.90 / CHF 159.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7238-5

Numerical and Computational Mathematics / Applications

Statistics and Analysis 

The Mathematics of the Bose 
of Shapes Gas and its Condensation
Krim, H. / Yezzi, Jr., A. (Eds) Lieb, E. H. / Seiringer, R. / Solovej, J. P. /
Yngvason, J.
MSSET – Modeling and Simulation in
Science, Engineering and Technology OWS – Oberwolfach Seminars, Vol. 34
2006. XI, 395 p. 143 illus. Hardcover
EUR 68.– / CHF 108.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4376-8 "The presentation provides significant
insight into a large part of the current issues
Stochastic Switching Systems of interest in the physics of Bose systems
and especially into the "kitchen" of several
Analysis and Design relevant mathematical techniques. As such,
Boukas, E.–K. it is highly recommended to both advanced
researchers and students preparing to work
CE – Control Engineering in this field." Mathematical Reviews

"The text contains a large number of 2005. VIII, 208 p. Softcover

EUR 29.90 / CHF 49.90 / ISBN 978-3-7643-7336-8
simple examples. The appendix collects
together results from linear systems
theory and probability, which may be The Topos of Music
helpful in understanding the material. Geometric Logic of Concepts, Theory,
The bibliography...is accurate and up-to- and Performance
date. The treatment of robust stability and Mazzola, G.
stabilization is carried out in parallel with the
corresponding results for nominal systems "Topos of Music is an extensive and
models; this feature will be particularly elaborate body of mathematical
useful to practicing engineers. Also, almost investigations into music and involves
all of the results are expressed in terms of several and ontologically different levels
LMIs and/or their solutions; this is a unifying of musical description. Albeit the author
characteristic and is indeed advantageous on Guerino Mazzola lists 17 contributors
account of readily available complete catalog and 2 collaborators, the book should be
of the results in the area of MLSs; practicing characterized as a monograph. Large
engineers, in particular, will find it useful." portions of the content represent original
Mathematical Reviews research of Mazzola himself, and the
2006. X, 405 p. 7 illus. Hardcover
material from other work is exposed
EUR 78.– / CHF 118.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3782-8 from Mazzola's point of view and is well
referenced. The preface preintimates an
The Linearized Theory of Elasticity intended double meaning of the term
Slaughter, W. S. topos in the title. On the one hand, it
provides a mathematical anchor, which is
"This very accessible book will be of interest programmatic for the entire approach: the
in teaching or learning linear elasticity." concept of a cartesian closed category with
Zentralblatt MATH a subobject classifier." Zentralblatt MATH
2002. 1368 p. Hardcover
2002. XVI, 543 p. 36 illus. Hardcover
EUR 129.– / CHF 219.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-5731-3
EUR 108.– / CHF 178.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4117-7

Transforms and Fast 
the Fourier domain as the proper "window"
Algorithms for Signal or "looking glass" from which one can most
easily study wavelet theory.... Whatever his
Analysis and Representations or her level of expertise with the subject,
Bi, G. / Zeng, Y. a reader of this book will never be bored....
ANHA – Applied and Numerical Harmonic Each chapter begins with an introductory
Analysis section accessible to the layperson, often
containing some historical background, and
2004. XVIII, 422 p., 92 illus. Hardcover
often extremely entertaining.... This is a fun
EUR 88.– / CHF 136.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4279-2
book, full of exciting new results, written by
two world-renowned experts in the field,
Variational Methods in Shape which makes connections between a variety

Optimization Problems of important areas in pure and applied
Bucur, D. / Buttazzo, G. mathematics." SIAM Review
2002. XX, 398 p. 122 illus. Hardcover
PNLDE – Progress in Nonlinear Differential EUR 59.90 / CHF 99.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4280-8
Equations and Their Applications, Vol. 65
2005. VIII, 216 p. 19 illus. Hardcover
EUR 58.– / CHF 88.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4359-1

Vibration Problems in

Practical Guidelines
Bachmann, H. / Ammann, W. J. / Deischl, F. /
Eisenmann, J. / Floegl, I. / Hirsch, G. H. /
Klein, G. K. / Lande, G. J. / Mahrenholtz, O. /
Natke, H. G. / Nussbaumer, H. / Pretlove, A. J. /
Rainer, J. H. / Saemann, E.–U. /
Steinbeisser, L.
1995. XVII, 234 p. Hardcover
EUR 49.– / CHF 78.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-5148-9

Wavelets Through a

Looking Glass
The World of the Spectrum
Bratteli, O. / Jorgensen, P.

ANHA – Applied and Numerical Harmonic


"Mere words cannot adequately describe all

the great features of the book...which has
something for everyone of all mathematical
persuasions.... This book has quite a different
perspective from the other monographs on
wavelets...mainly because it emphasizes
Of general interest

2nd ed.

Colloquium De Giorgi 2006 Mathematical Olympiad

Zannier, U., Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Challenges
Italy (Ed.) Second Edition
Andreescu, T., University of Texas at Dallas,
Publications of the Scuola Normale
Richardson, TX, USA / Gelca, R., Texas Tech
Superiore / Colloquia, Vol. 1
University, Lubbock, TX, USA
This book contains expositions of talks of
Due in October 2007
the Colloquio De Giorgi, given by eminent
experts and addressed to a ‘general’ public This significantly revised and expanded
(audience) of mathematicians. The topics second edition of Mathematical Olympiad
are prepared in such a way that readers will Challenges is a rich collection of problems
get some idea of recent progress in several put together by two experienced and well-
mathematical fields. known professors and coaches of the U.S.
International Mathematical Olympiad Team.
2007. 61 p. Softcover
EUR 16.– / CHF 28.– / ISBN 978-88-7642-212-6 Hundreds of beautiful, challenging, and
instructive problems from algebra, geometry,
trigonometry, combinatorics, and number
theory from numerous mathematical
competitions and journals have been
selected and updated. The problems are
clustered by topic into self-contained
sections with solutions provided separately.
Historical insights and asides are presented
to stimulate further inquiry. The emphasis
throughout is on creative solutions to open-
ended problems.
With many new or expanded examples,
problems, and solutions, this second edition
includes completely rewritten discussions
preceding each of the 30 units, as well
as a more user-friendly style with more
accessible and inviting examples. This
text can be used for creative problem-
solving courses, for professional teacher
development seminars and workshops, for
self-study, or as a resource for training for
mathematical competitions.
2007. Approx. 320 p. Softcover

118 Approx. EUR 24.95 / CHF 41.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4528-1


Symmetry The Math Problems Notebook

Cultural-historical and Ontological Boju, V., MontrealTech, Institute de
Aspects of Science-Arts Relations; the Technologie de Montreal, Quebec, Canada /
Natural and Man-made World in an Funar, L., CNRS, Université de Grenoble I,
Interdisciplinary Approach France
Darvas, G., Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
Due in September 2007
Budapest, Hungary
The Math Problems Notebook is a collection
The first comprehensive book on the topic
of non-trivial, unconventional problems
in half a century explores recent discoveries
requiring deep insight and imagination
related to symmetry and symmetry breaking,
nostalgic of those discussed at the
discussing the questions and answers
Sunday Math Circles. These circles are
they raise in a broad range of disciplines:
comprised of college students who have
particle and high-energy physics, structural
a common passion for mathematics, and
chemistry and the biochemistry of proteins,
have become a place for disseminating
genetic code study, brain research, as well
beautiful mathematics at an elementary
as architectural structures and business
level. Following in the tradition of the math
decision-making, to name but a few
circles, the authors hope to inspire further
enjoyment of mathematics with their
2007. XI, 508 p. 420 illus., 66 in color. Softcover collection of problems.
EUR 59.90 / CHF 105.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7554-6
The problems cover many topics, including
number theory, algebra, combinatorics,
geometry and analysis, of varying levels of
difficulty; beginning with simple exercises
and following with more difficult problems,
challenging enough even for the experienced
problem solver. The introductory problems
focus on the basic methods and tools while
the advanced problems aim to develop
problem solving techniques, intuition and to
promote further research in the area.
Undergraduates and teachers of advanced
mathematics, as well as the casual
mathematician will mutually enjoy The Math
Problems Notebook.
2007. Approx. 282 p. 21 illus. Softcover
Approx. EUR 29.95 / CHF 49.50 / ISBN 978-0-8176-4546-5

Of general interest

Exploring, Investigating and Mathematical Olympiad

Discovering in Mathematics Challenges
Berinde, V. Andreescu, T. / Gelca, R.
Second Edition
"Each of the 24 chapters begins with a
source or starting problem and its solution. "This [book] is…much more than just
Then the fun begins! Remarks about the another collection of interesting, challenging
"essence" of the problem and its solution problems, but is instead organized
suggest new directions to explore, and these specifically for learning. The book expertly
investigations lead to generalizations and the weaves together related problems, so that
formulation of related problems, sometimes insights gradually become techniques,
building a "factory" of new problems. From tricks slowly become methods, and
the first page I eagerly grabbed my pencil and methods eventually evolve into mastery….
a stack of scratch paper, and set to work as I I strongly recommend this book for anyone
happily read along.... I recommend the book interested in creative problem-solving in
for all lovers of mathematics, but especially mathematics…. It has already taken up a
students and teachers who participate in prized position in my personal library, and
mathematics contests and practice problem is bound to provide me with many hours of
solving." MAA Online intellectual pleasure."
The Mathematical Gazette
2004. XIX, 246 p. Softcover
EUR 34.90 / CHF 59.90 / ISBN 978-3-7643-7019-0 1st ed. 2000. Corr. 2nd printing
2001. XVII, 260 p. 80 illus. Softcover
EUR 28.– / CHF 38.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4155-9
Fibonacci Numbers
Vorobiev, N.N.
Mathematical Olympiad

"This is a wonderful book with a huge amount Treasures
of information on Fibonacci numbers. First Andreescu, T. / Enescu, B.
published in the 1950s for high school
students enrolled in a mathematical "I took great pleasure in reading
circle at the Leningrad State University, Mathematical Olympiad Treasures, by
the book only assumes knowledge of high Titu Andreescu and Bogdan Enescu. This
school mathematics, but the reader will book is the fruit of the prodigious activity of
need the sophistication of a good upper- two well-known creators of mathematics
level mathematics major. The warmth and problems in various mathematical journals....
enthusiasm of the late author comes through I believe strongly that Mathematical
Mircea Martin's English translation.... This Olympiad Treasures will reveal the beauty of
book would be useful to any mathematician mathematics to all students, teachers and
with a desire to know more about the all math lovers." MAA Online
Fibonacci numbers. A student could use it for 2004. VI, 234 p. Softcover
a reading project on the Fibonacci numbers.... EUR 28.– / CHF 48.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4305-8
Overall, I enjoyed the book and highly
recommend it." MAA Online Two Cultures
2002. X, 176 p. Softcover Essays in Honour of David Speiser
EUR 29.90 / CHF 49.90 / ISBN 978-3-7643-6135-8
Williams, K. (Ed.)
2006. 201 p. Hardcover
EUR 68.– / CHF 108.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7186-9

History of Science

Works of

A History of Abstract Algebra Complete Works of

Kleiner, I., York University, Toronto, ON, Charles-François Sturm
Canada Pont, J.-C., Université de Genève,
Switzerland (Ed.)
Due in September 2007
Due in Autumn 2007
Prior to the nineteenth century, algebra
meant the study of the solution of Charles François Sturm was born in Geneva,
polynomial equations. By the twentieth Switzerland, on September 29, 1803. He
century it came to encompass the study of obtained his scientific education in this
abstract, axiomatic systems such as groups, city and Geneva honoured his memory on
rings, and fields. This presentation provides the occasion of the 200th anniversary of
an account of the intellectual lineage behind his birth by a colloquium and workshop in
many of the basic concepts, results, and Geneva held in 2003.
theories of abstract algebra.
This volume is based on lectures
The development of abstract algebra was presented at this colloquium. The focus
propelled by the need for new tools to is on C.F. Sturm's own work. The book
address certain classical problems that contains particular reproductions of his
appeared unsolvable by classical means. A scientific publications. Sturm contributed
major theme of the approach in this book is notably to geometry, algebra, analysis,
to show how abstract algebra has arisen in optics, mechanics, other work in physics
attempts to solve some of these classical (particularly fluid mechanics and speed of
problems, providing a context from which sound in water).
the reader may gain a deeper appreciation of
the mathematics involved. These original papers are accompanied by
contributions from internationally renowned
Mathematics instructors, algebraists, and experts thereby deepening topics like
historians of science will find the work differential equations, optics and algebraic
a valuable reference. The book may also curves. The volume complements the book
serve as a supplemental text for courses on the development of Sturm-Liouville
in abstract algebra or the history of theory (ISBN 978-3-7643-7066-4) that also
mathematics. originates from that colloquium.
2007. Approx. 176 p. 24 illus. Softcover 2007. Approx. 630 p. Hardcover
Approx. EUR 42.– / CHF 68.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4684-4 EUR 88.– / CHF 140.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7989-6

History of Science

Die Werke von

Johann I und
Nicolaus II
Bernoulli /
Band 6

Die Werke von Johann I und Geometry and Monadology

Nicolaus II Bernoulli / Band 6 Leibniz's Analysis Situs and Philosophy
Bernoulli, J. I / Bernoulli, N. II of Space
Volume Editor: Villaggio, P., University of De Risi, V., Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa,
Pisa, Italy Italy

This volume on mechanics of rigid and SNHS – Science Networks. Historical

elastic bodies contains early papers Studies, Vol. 33
concerning geometric statics, accompanied
by works dealing with the motion of This book reconstructs, both from the
compound pendula and the deformation historical and theoretical points of view,
of beams. The papers on mechanics in Leibniz’s geometrical studies, focusing in
this volume do not encompass the area of particular on the research Leibniz carried on
hydraulics, which occupies approximately in the last years of his life.
one half of the papers dealing with
mechanical problems and which are The main purpose of the work is to offer
included in volume 7. This collection a better understanding of the philosophy
constitutes, roughly, one eighth of the entire of space and in general of the mature
work written by Bernoulli. Leibnizean metaphysics, through a pressing
confrontation with the problems of
2007. Approx. 400 p. Cloth bound geometric foundation. Regarding this scope
EUR 198.– / CHF 328.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7367-2
of problems, the book also deals quite in
depth with Leibniz’s theory of sensibility,
thus favouring the comparison and contrast
between Leibniz’s philosophy and Kant’s
transcendentalist solution. The Appendix
gives editing to a number of previously
unpublished manuscripts on geometry from
the Leibniz Archiv.
2007. XX, 658 p. Hardcover
EUR 139.– / CHF 229.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7985-8

Jacopo da

History of Banach Spaces and Jacopo da Firenze.

Linear Operators Tractatus algorismi
Pietsch, A., University of Jena, Germany Høyrup, J., Roskilde University, Denmark

Written by a distinguished specialist in SNHS – Science Networks. Historical

functional analysis, this book presents a Studies, Vol. 34
comprehensive treatment of the history
of Banach spaces and (abstract bounded) Due in January 2008
linear operators. Banach space theory is
presented as a part of a broad mathematics The book deals with a Tractatus algorismi
context, using tools from such areas as set written in 1307 in Montpellier by a certain
theory, topology, algebra, combinatorics, Jacopo da Firenze. This work is one of the
probability theory, logic, etc. Equal emphasis earliest surviving "abbacus" treatises,
is given to both spaces and operators. that is, textbooks for the vernacular school
for merchant youth which sprung up in
The book may serve as a reference for
Northern Italy in the later 13th century, and
researchers and as an introduction for
by far more orderly than any of the extant
graduate students who want to learn
predecessors. It is also the first to contain a
Banach space theory with some historical
presentation of algebra.
The book contains an edition and an English
2007. XXIII, 855 p. 82 illus. Hardcover
EUR 109.– / CHF 179.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4367-6 translation of a manuscript from c. 1450
which is a meticulous copy of a meticulous
copy; a critical edition of an abridged version
of which two manuscripts exist, and an
extensive discussion of the contents of
the treatise and its location within early
abbacus culture – including evidence that
this culture was transnational and probably
older in the Catalan-Provençal area than in
2008. Approx. 500 p. Hardcover
EUR 99.– / CHF 169.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-8390-9

History of Science

Labyrinth of

2nd ed.

La correspondance entre Henri Labyrinth of Thought

Poincaré et les physiciens, A History of Set Theory and Its Role in
chimistes et ingénieurs Modern Mathematics
Walter, S. / Bolmont, E. / Coret, A., all Ferreirós, J., Universidad de Sevilla, Spain.
Université Nancy 2, France (Eds)
"José Ferreirós has written a magisterial
PAHP – Publications des Archives Henri account of the history of set theory which
Poincaré / Publications of the Henri Poincaré is panoramic, balanced, and engaging.
Archives Not only does this book synthesize much
previous work and provide fresh insights and
L'intérêt que portait Henri Poincaré (1854- points of view, but it also features a major
1912) à des questions d'ordre physique a innovation, a full-fledged treatment of the
été durable et profond; elle couvre presque emergence of the set-theoretic approach
toute sa carrière, et marque l'histoire de in mathematics from the early nineteenth
la physique tout au long du 20ème siècle. century. This takes up Part One of the book.
Sa correspondance avec cinquante-et- Part Two analyzes the crucial developments
un physiciens, quatre chimistes, et cinq in the last quarter of the nineteenth
ingénieurs commence dès 1879, lorsqu'il century, above all the work of Cantor, but
s'engage activement dans la recherche also Dedekind and the interaction between
scientifique. Elle est rythmée par des the two. Lastly, Part Three details the
grandes découvertes d'ordre expérimental, development of set theory up to 1950, taking
instrumental, et théorique. account of foundational questions and the
emergence of the modern axiomatization."
Henri Poincaré, while well-known as the (Bulletin of Symbolic Logic)
most brilliant mathematician at the close of
the 19th century, is also a founder of 20th- 2007. Approx. 464 p. 7 illus. Softcover
EUR 59.90 / CHF 105.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-8349-7
century physics, in virtue of his fundamental
contributions to Maxwell's theory, systems
dynamics, electron theory, relativity and
quantum theory. These subjects and others
are discussed in this critical edition of
his correspondence with sixty physicists,
chemists, and engineers.
2007. 515 p. Hardcover
EUR 199.– / CHF 329.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7136-4

Euler Euler
Tercentenary Tercentenary
2007 2007

Leonhard Euler Leonhard Euler

Fellmann, E.A., Basel, Switzerland A Man to Be Reckoned with
Heyne, A.K. / Heyne, A.K. (Text) / Pini, E.
Euler was not only by far the most (Illustrations)
productive mathematician in the history
of mankind, but also one of the greatest His ideas turned the mathematical world
scholars of all time. He attained, like only on its head. He calculated the currents of
a few scholars, a degree of popularity and liquids, the moment of inertia, developed
fame which may well be compared with that the calculus of variations and the modern
of Galilei, Newton, or Einstein. number theory. As scientist he should be
Moreover he was a cosmopolitan in the placed on the same level as Newton and
truest sense of the word; he lived during Einstein.
his first twenty years in Basel, was active Engineers all over the world use his
altogether for more than thirty years in formulas every day – whether it be for
Petersburg and for a quarter of a century in constructing the hull of the "Alinghi" or for
Berlin. calculating the vibrations of the "Viaduc
Leonhard Euler’s unusually rich life and de Millau", the world's highest motorway
broadly diversified activity in the immediate bridge.
vicinity of important personalities which He was, however, a man who loved the peace
have made history, may well justify an and quiet of his home life – not easy at the
exposition. time of the foundation of St. Petersburg,
This book is based in part on unpublished when murdering czars was daily business;
sources and comes right out of the current or in Berlin at the time of the Silesian wars;
research on Euler. It is entirely free of and particularly not in the midst of a crowd
formulae as it has been written for a broad of children.
audience with interests in the history of The comic by Elena Pini (illustrations) and
culture and science. Alice and Andreas K. Heyne (text) follows
2007. XV, 179 p. 58 illus. Hardcover the life of the genius from Basel, who, born
EUR 29.90 / CHF 49.90 / ISBN 978-3-7643-7538-6 300 years ago, would set out to change the
scientific world.
2007. 45 p. Hardcover
EUR 19.90 / CHF 32.90 / ISBN 978-3-7643-8332-9

History of Mathematics

1st ed.
1999. 2nd

Lise Meitner and the Dawn of the The Legacy of Mario Pieri in
Nuclear Age Geometry and Arithmetic
Rife, P., University of Maryland, Adelphi, MD, Marchisotto, E.A., California State
USA University, Northridge, CA, USA /
Smith, J.T., San Francisco State University,
In this captivating biography, Patricia Rife San Francisco, CA, USA
interprets both the life and times of Lise
Meitner (1878-1968), the female physicist The Legacy of Mario Pieri in Geometry and
at the heart of the discovery of nuclear Arithmetic introduces readers to Pieri’s
fission. She was a colleague and friend of career and his studies in foundations, from
many of the giants of 20th century physics: both historical and modern viewpoints,
M. Planck, her Berlin mentor, A. Einstein, M. placing his life and research in context and
von Laue, Madame M. Curie, J. Chadwick, tracing his influence on his contemporaries
W. Pauli, and N. Bohr. Meitner was the as well as more recent mathematicians.
first woman to earn a Ph.D. in physics at The text also provides a glimpse of the
the University of Vienna, a pioneer in the Italian academic world of Pieri's time,
research of radioactive processes and, and its relationship with the developing
together with her nephew Otto Robert Frisch, international mathematics community.
an interpreter of the process of nuclear
Combining an engaging exposition, little-
fission in 1938. Yet at the end of World War
known historical information, exhaustive
II, her colleague of thirty years, radiochemist
references and an excellent index,
Otto Hahn alone was awarded the 1944
this text will be of interest to graduate
Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the "discovery"
students, researchers and historians with
of nuclear fission – a discovery based on
a general knowledge of logic and advanced
years of research in which Meitner was
mathematics, and it requires no specialized
directly involved before her secret escape
experience in mathematical logic or the
from Nazi Germany.
foundations of geometry.
2007. XVIII, 432 p. 35 illus. Softcover
EUR 39.90 / CHF 65.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4559-5 2007. XIX, 494 p. 67 illus. Hardcover
EUR 109.– / CHF 179.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3210-6

Bernhard Riemann 1826-1866
Turning Points in the Conception of
Laugwitz, D. / Shenitzer, A.
"...the author has succeeded admirably...
stating the technical details clearly
and correctly while writing an engaging
and readable account of Riemann’s life
Tool and Object and work... Any reader of this book with
A History and Philosophy of Category even a passing interest in the history or
philosophy of mathematics is certain to
become engaged in a mental conversation
Krömer, R., University of Nancy, France with the author... The format of the book is
excellent, especially the plentiful supply of
SNHS – Science Networks. Historical photographs of people and places... The book
Studies, Vol. 32 will serve as an interesting read and also a
useful reference... It is highly recommended."
Category theory is a general mathematical Bulletin of the AMS
theory of structures and of structures of
1998. 380 p. Hardcover
structures. It occupied a central position EUR 79.90 / CHF 135.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4040-8
in contemporary mathematics as well as
computer science. This book describes
the history of category theory whereby Gnomes in the Fog
illuminating its symbiotic relationship to The Reception of Brouwer's
algebraic topology, homological algebra, Intuitionism in the 1920s
algebraic geometry and mathematical logic Hesseling, D. E.
and elaboratively develops the connections
with the epistemological significance. SNHS – Science Networks. Historical
Studies, Vol. 28
2007. XXXVI, 367 p. Hardcover
EUR 99.– / CHF 169.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7523-2
"…Gnomes in the Fog tells the story of that
important and influential episode in the
history of mathematics, in fascinating and
delicious detail.... [A]nyone with an interest in
mathematics and its history and philosophy,
should enjoy this book. Mathematicians
(especially logicians) may find some
surprises in the first chapter, on Brouwer's
predecessors; philosophers and science
study scholars should especially appreciate
the final chapter on the cultural context of
the debate.... One of the many treasures
to be discovered in reading this book is the
rich collection of original quotes in the many
languages in which the debate took place,
along with the author's translations."
MAA Online
2003. XXIII, 447 p. Hardcover
EUR 109.– / CHF 179.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6536-3
History of Mathematics

Hermann Weyl's Raum – recommend and that every mathematical

Zeit – Materie and a General library should have."
Numerical Algorithms
Introduction to his Scientific Work
Scholz, E. (Ed.) 1996. 163 p. Softcover
EUR 20.– / CHF 34.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-5410-7

OWS – Oberwolfach Seminars, Vol. 30

Expounding the
2001. Softcover
EUR 46.– / CHF 74.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6476-2 Mathematical Seed
A Translation of Bhaskara I on
Einstein from 'B' to 'Z' the Mathematical Chapter of the
Stachel, J. Aryabhatiya
Keller, A.
ES – Einstein Studies, Vol. 9
SNHS – Science Networks. Historical
Studies, Vols. 31/32
"The book does manage to paint a human
picture of Einstein rather than try to build 2006. LXIV, 412 p. 128 illus. (2-volume-set)
EUR 128.– / CHF 208.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7299-6
on the popular legend and there is no doubt
that it will be used by historians as well
as mathematicians and natural scientists Indiscrete Thoughts
as one of the most reliable studies of the Rota, G.-C. / Palombi, F.
man. It is the sort of book that one would
expect to find in the library of all schools and "Read Indiscrete Thoughts for its account of
universities." The Mathematical Gazette the way we were and what we have become;
for its sensible advice and its exuberant
2002. XI, 556 p. 5 illus. Hardcover
rhetoric." The Mathematical Intelligencer
EUR 64.90 / CHF 109.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4143-6

1996. Hardcover
Essays on the History of EUR 54.90 / CHF 90.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3866-5

In Memory of Clifford Ambrose Italian Mathematics Between the
Truesdell and Edoardo Benvenuto Two World Wars
Becchi, A. / Corradi, M. / Foce, F. / Guerraggio, A. / Nastasi, P.
Pedemonte, O. (Eds)
SNHS – Science Networks. Historical
2003. 256 p. Hardcover Studies, Vol. 29
EUR 44.90 / CHF 75.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-1476-7

“What the book conveys is the richness of

Evariste Galois (1811-1832) Italian mathematics throughout the period
Toti Rigatelli, L. and, despite being expert in none of these
fields, the authors captured my imagination
VM – Vita Mathematica, Vol. 11 and made me want to know more of such
mathematical ideas … immensely enjoyable
"This very pleasant, interesting and well- for all that.” MAA Reviews
written biography is based on the analysis
2006. X, 299 p. Hardcover
and interpretation of a series of hitherto EUR 88.– / CHF 148.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6555-4
neglected documents found by the author
in the French archives. Certainly a book to

Modern Algebra and the Rise of Writing the History of
Mathematical Structures Mathematics – Its Historical
Corry, L. Development
2nd revised ed. Dauben, J. W. / Scriba, C. J. (Eds)
2004. 451 p. Softcover
EUR 64.90 / CHF 109.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7002-2 SNHS – Science Networks. Historical
Studies, Vol. 27

The History of Approximation "This book, a historiographical one, is very

Theory useful as a reference.... The book is unique.
It should be in all libraries that support
From Euler to Bernstein
graduate level history and philosophy of
Steffens, K.-G. science and mathematics. Other libraries
should consider purchasing it. Individuals
"The discussion of mathematical results and familiar with the subject may wish to own
ideas constitutes the main part of the book – it. Beginners should start with histories."
always accompanied by moving stories, Mathematical Reviews
marked by devotion to science, by humanity,
and often by the cruelty of the political 2002. IXX, 689 p. Softcover
EUR 89.90 / CHF 149.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6167-9
turbulence of Russian history. Undoubtedly,
the author has succeeded in catching the
spirit both of the Russian atmosphere of that
time and of the depth and richness of the
human relationships of the people involved."
Mathematical Reviews
2006. XIX, 219 p. 22 illus. Softcover
EUR 68.– / CHF 98.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4353-9

The Power of Images in Early

Modern Sciences
Lefèvre, W. / Renn, J. / Schoepflin, U.
2003. IX, 308 p. Softcover
EUR 119.– / CHF 199.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-2434-6

The Universe of General Relativity

Kox, A. J. / Eisenstaedt, J. (Eds)

ES – Einstein Studies, Vol. 11

2005. X, 383 p., 17 illus. Hardcover
EUR 79.90 / CHF 135.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4380-5

Titel in Deutscher Sprache


Mathematik Kompakt Algorithmische Methoden

Die neue Lehrbuchreihe für den Band 1: Zahlen, Vektoren, Polynome
Bachelor- und Masterstudiengang Kügler, P., Universität Linz, Austria /
Windsteiger, W., Universität Linz, Austria
Martin Brokate, TU München Erscheint zum Wintersemester 2007/08
Heinz W. Engl, Universität Wien
Karl-Heinz Hoffmann, TU München Algorithmische Methoden ist ein Lehrbuch
Götz Kersting, Universität Frankfurt / Main zur Computer-orientierten Begleitung
Gernot Stroth, Universität Halle der Analysis und Linearen Algebra.
Es werden gängige Fragestellungen
Die neu konzipierte Lehrbuchreihe der Analysis und linearen Algebra
Mathematik Kompakt ist eine Reaktion auf diskutiert und unter Verwendung der
die Umstellung der Diplomstudiengänge Softwarepakete Matlab und Mathematica
in Mathematik zu Bachelor- und auch am Computer beantwortet.
Masterabschlüssen. Ähnlich wie die Mathematische Standard-Algorithmen
neuen Studiengänge selbst ist die Reihe werden im Detail vorgestellt und deren
modular aufgebaut und als Unterstützung Umsetzung in Computerprogramme
der Dozenten wie als Material zum besprochen. Zusätzlich wird erläutert, wie
Selbststudium für Studenten gedacht. Der in Mathematica und Matlab eingebaute
Umfang eines Bandes orientiert sich an Funktionen zur Lösung der diskutierten
der möglichen Stofffülle einer Vorlesung Probleme herangezogen werden können.
von zwei Semesterwochenstunden. Die Inhalte sind nach den verschiedenen
Der Inhalt greift neue Entwicklungen Datentypen, etwa Polynome, reelle
des Faches auf und bezieht auch die Funktionen und Matrizen, gegliedert. Im
Möglichkeiten der neuen Medien mit ein. Vordergrund stehen die Repräsentierung der
Viele anwendungsrelevante Beispiele Objekte am Computer, Grundoperationen
geben dem Benutzer Übungsmöglichkeiten. auf diesen Objekten und typische
Zusätzlich betont die Reihe Bezüge der Fragestellungen, die im Zusammenhang mit
Einzeldisziplinen untereinander. diesen Objekten auftreten. Im Buch werden
Mit Mathematik Kompakt entsteht die Algorithmen dazu in Pseudocode erklärt.
eine Reihe, die neue Studienstrukturen Elektronisches Begleitmaterial beinhaltet
unterstützt und für Dozenten und Studenten konkrete Programme für Mathematica
ein breites Spektrum an Wahlmöglichkeiten und Matlab, alle Beispiele aus dem Buch,
bereitstellt. Grafiken und auch interaktive Elemente zum
Erlernen des vorgestellten Stoffes.
www.birkhauser.ch/mathekompakt 2007. Etwa 150 S. Brosch.
EUR (D) 18.90 / EUR (A) 19.43 / CHF 29.90
ISBN 978-3-7643-8434-0


Algorithmische Methoden Numerik

Band 2: Folgen, Funktionen, Matrizen Band 1: Stationäre Probleme
Kügler, P. / Windsteiger, W., beide Universität Zulehner, W., Universität Linz, Austria
Linz, Austria
Erscheint zum Wintersemester 2007/08
Erscheint zum Sommersemester 2008
Numerik, aufgeteilt in zwei
Dies ist der zweite Band von Algorithmische Bände, ist eine Einführung in die
Methoden, ein Lehrbuch zur Computer- Numerische Mathematik anhand von
orientierten Begleitung der Analysis und Differentialgleichungsproblemen. Gegliedert
Linearen Algebra. nach elliptischen, parabolischen und
hyperbolischen Differentialgleichungen
Aus dem Inhalt:
wird zunächst jeweils die Diskretisierung
1) Folgen und Reihen
solcher Probleme besprochen. Als
2) Funktionen von R nach R:
Diskretisierungstechniken stehen
Finite-Elemente-Methoden im Raum
und (partitionierte) Runge-Kutta-
Methoden in der Zeit im Vordergrund. Die
3) Matrizen: Darstellung und
diskretisierten Gleichungen dienen als
Motivation zur Diskussion von Methoden
für endlichdimensionale lineare und
Lineare Gleichungssysteme
nichtlineare Gleichungen, die anschließend
als eigenständige Themen behandelt
4) Multivariate Polynome
werden. Auf diese Weise wird versucht, nicht
5) Funktionen von Rm nach Rn:
nur ein einführendes sondern auch ein in
sich abgeschlossenes Bild der Numerischen
Nichtlineare Gleichungssysteme
Mathematik, zumindest in einem zentralen
Nichtlineare Ausgleichsrechnung
Aufgabenbereich, zu vermitteln.
2008. Etwa 150 S. Brosch.
EUR (D) 18.90 / EUR (A) 19.43 / CHF 29.90 2007. Etwa 150 S. Brosch.
ISBN 978-3-7643-8515-6 EUR (D) 18.90 / EUR (A) 19.43 / CHF 29.90
ISBN 978-3-7643-8426-5

Titel in Deutscher Sprache

Numerik Stochastik

Numerik Stochastik
Band 2: Instationäre Probleme Band 1: Eine Einführung
Zulehner, W., Universität Linz, Austria Kersting, G. / Wakolbinger, A., both
Universität Frankfurt, Germany
Erscheint zum Sommersemester 2008
Erscheint zum Sommersemester 2008
Aus dem Inhalt:
Anfangsrandwertprobleme parabolischer In der modernen Stochastik werden
Differentialgleichungen Wahrscheinlichkeiten immer im
Semidiskretisierung Zusammenhang mit Zufallsvariablen
Runge-Kutta-Verfahren für gedacht. Damit macht dieses Lehrbuch
Anfangswertprobleme Ernst, schon die Welt uniform verteilter
Anfangsrandwertprobleme hyperbolischer Zufallsgrößen wird dann farbig und
Differentialgleichungen reichhaltig.
Runge-Kutta-Verfahren für
Das Konzept der Zufallsgrößen prägt den
Differentialgleichungen 2. Ordnung
Aufbau des auf zwei Bände ausgelegten
Partitionierte Runge-Kutta-Verfahren
Textes. Der erste Band stellt diskrete
2008. Etwa 150 S. Brosch. Zufallsvariable in den Vordergrund, bis
EUR (D) 18.90 / EUR (A) 19.43 / CHF 29.90
ISBN 978-3-7643-8428-9
zu zufälligen Pfaden und den Anfängen
der Markovketten. Kontinuierliche
Zufallsvariable mit ihren Dichten werden
in wichtigen Beispielen diskutiert. Je
ein Kapitel ist Ideen der Statistik und
der Informationstheorie gewidmet. Der
zweite Band vertieft zentrale Themen in
allgemeinerem Rahmen. Damit liefert
das Buch Orientierung und Material für
verschiedene Varianten einführender
Lehrveranstaltungen, 2-stündig, oder in
Verbindung mit Band 2 auch 4-stündig.
2008. Etwa 150 S. Brosch.
EUR (D) 18.90 / EUR (A) 19.43 / CHF 29.90
ISBN 978-3-7643-8430-2


3. Aufl.

Stochastik Analysis I
Band 2: Die Mathematik der Amann, H., Universität Zürich / Escher, J.,
Zufallsgrößen Universität Hannover
Kersting, G. / Wakolbinger, A., beide
Universität Frankfurt, Germany GM – Grundstudium Mathematik

Erscheint zum Sommersemester 2008 Dieses Lehrbuch ist der erste Band einer
dreiteiligen Einführung in die Analysis.
Dies ist der zweite Band in dem zentrale Es ist durch einen modernen und klaren
Themen in allgemeinerem Rahmen vertieft Aufbau geprägt, der versucht den Blick
werden. Damit liefert das Buch Orientierung auf das Wesentliche zu richten. Anders als
und Material für verschiedene Varianten in den üblichen Lehrbüchern wird keine
einführender Lehrveranstaltungen. In künstliche Trennung zwischen der Theorie
Verbindung mit diesem Band 2 ist dies gut einer Variablen und derjenigen mehrerer
auch für 4-stündige Vorlesungen geeignet. Veränderlicher vorgenommen. Der Leser soll
2008. Etwa 150 p. Brosch.
in dem Erkennen der wesentlichen Inhalte
EUR (D) 18.90 / EUR (A) 19.43 / CHF 29.90 und Ideen der Analysis geschult werden und
ISBN 978-3-7643-8432-6 sich ein solides Fundament für das Studium
tieferliegender Theorien erwerben.
Das Werk richtet sich an Hörer und Dozenten
der Anfängervorlesung der Analysis. Durch
zahlreiche Beispiele, Übungsaufgaben und
Ergänzungen zum üblichen Vorlesungsstoff
ist der Text ausserdem zum Selbststudium,
als Vorlage für vertiefende Seminare und
als Grundlage für das gesamte Mathematik-
bzw. Physikstudium geeignet.
2006. XV, 445 p. Brosch.
EUR (D) 29.95 / EUR (A) 30.79 / CHF 45.–
ISBN 978-3-7643-7755-7

Titel in Deutscher Sprache


2., korr.

Analysis II Analysis III

Amann, H., Universität Zürich / Escher, J., Amann, H., Universität Zürich / Escher, J.,
Universität Hannover Universität Hannover

GM – Grundstudium Mathematik Der dritte und letzte Band dieser

Reihe ist der Integrationstheorie und
Der zweite Band dieser Einführung in die den Grundlagen der globalen Analysis
Analysis behandelt die Integrationstheorie gewidmet. Es wird wiederum viel Wert
von Funktionen einer Variablen, die auf einen modernen und klaren Aufbau
mehrdimensionale Differentialrechnung und gelegt, der nicht nur eine wohlstrukturierte
die Theorie der Kurven und Kurvenintegrale. schöne Theorie liefert, sondern dem
Der im ersten Band begonnene moderne Leser auch schlagkräftige Werkzeuge
und klare Aufbau wird konsequent für seine weitere Beschäftigung mit der
fortgesetzt. Dadurch wird ein tragfähiges Mathematik in die Hand gibt. Aus diesem
Fundament geschaffen, das es erlaubt, Grund wird beispielsweise konsequent
interessante Anwendungen zu behandeln, das Bochner-Lebesguesche Integral
die zum Teil weit über den in der üblichen entwickelt, welches ein unverzichtbares
Lehrbuchliteratur behandelten Stoff Hilfsmittel für die moderne Theorie der
hinausgehen. partiellen Differentialgleichungen darstellt.
Ebenso wird eine Version des Stokesschen
Zahlreiche Übungsaufgaben von
Satzes bewiesen, welche den praktischen
unterschiedlichem Schwierigkeitsgrad und
Bedürfnissen der Mathematik und
viele informative Abbildungen runden dieses
theoretischen Physik weitgehend Rechnung
Lehrbuch ab.
2006. XII, 415 S. Brosch.
EUR (D) 28.– / EUR (A) 28.79 / CHF 42.– Wie bereits in den früheren Bänden,
ISBN 978-3-7643-7105-0 werden auch hier zahlreiche Ausblicke auf
weiterführende Theorien gegeben, die dem
Leser einen Eindruck von der Bedeutung
und der Stärke der entwickelten Theorien
vermitteln sollen. Daneben dienen diese
Abschnitte dazu, den bereitgestellten
Stoff weiter einzuüben und zu vertiefen.
Zahlreiche Beispiele, konkrete Rechnungen,
eine Vielzahl von Übungsaufgaben und viele
Abbildungen machen dieses Lehrbuch zu
einem verlässlichen Begleiter durch das
gesamte Studium.

2007. Brosch.
EUR (D) 29.90 / CHF 42.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6613-1

Eine kleine Nachtphysik Erhabene Welten

Geschichten aus der Physik Das Leben Rolf Nevanlinnas
Rößler, W., Linz, Österreich Lehto, O., Helsinki University of Technology,
Die Physik besitzt eine eigene Geschichte.
Eine Geschichte, die geprägt ist von Erfolg VM – Vita Mathematica, Vol. 14
und Scheitern, Hoffnung und zerschlagenen
Träumen, Missgunst und Neid, Großzügigkeit Erscheint im Frühling 2008
und Charakterstärke, schöpferischem
Denken und einfacher Menschlichkeit. Rolf Herman Nevanlinna (1895-1980) war
eine aussergewöhnliche und charismatische
Der Autor erzählt in allgemein verständlicher Persönlichkeit: Ein brillianter Mathematiker
Sprache von großen Ideen der Physik und und umstrittener Politiker mit enormem
insbesondere von den Menschen, die sie Charme. Der Autor des Buches kannte
schufen. Der Bogen ist dabei weit gespannt. Nevanlinna seid mehr als 30 Jahren
Von Newton und Galilei zu Einstein, und so gelang ihm eine ausgewogene
Feynman, Fermi und Bohr. Von Faraday und Charakterisierung des wissenschaftlichen
Maxwell zu Schrödinger, Dirac, Heisenberg wie politischen Nevanlinna.
und Pauli. Von den ersten Anfängen der
Wissenschaft in der Antike zu den Fragen 2008. Ca. 330 p. Geb.
Ca. EUR 68.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7701-4
nach dem Wesen von Raum und Zeit und
der Natur von Licht und Wärme. Von der
Entdeckung des Atoms zur Formulierung
der Quantenmechanik. Von Beobachtungen
des Sternenhimmels zu grundlegenden
Entdeckungen und Gedanken der modernen
Astronomie und Kosmologie.
Die Ideen mögen mitunter abstrakt sein,
aber die Physik selbst, als eine ganz eigene
Art, die Welt zu sehen, ist voller Leben - und
Menschlichkeit. Davon erzählt dieses Buch.
2007. 288 p. Geb.
EUR (D) 19.90 / EUR (A) 20.46 / CHF 29.90
ISBN 978-3-7643-7743-4

Titel in Deutscher Sprache


Grundkurs Mathematik in den Leonhard Euler

Biowissenschaften Ein Mann, mit dem man rechnen kann
Braunß, H.-A. / Junek, H. / Krainer, T., alle Heyne, A.K. / Heyne, A.K. (Text) / Pini, E.
Universität Potsdam (Zeichnungen)

Das vorliegende Lehrbuch wendet In seinem Kopf stellte er die

sich speziell an Studierende mathematische Welt auf den Kopf. Er
biowissenschaftlicher Fachrichtungen berechnete Flüssigkeitsströmungen,
und trägt den Anforderungen der neuen das Trägheitsmoment, entwickelte die
Bachelor-Studienabschlüsse Rechnung. Es Variationsrechnung und die moderne
eignet sich sowohl als Referenz als auch Zahlentheorie. Als Wissenschaftler steht er
als Begleitbuch für einen 1-2 semestrigen auf einer Stufe mit Newton und Einstein.
Kurs. Im Zentrum stehen Funktionen Konstrukteure in aller Welt arbeiten
in einer reellen Variablen und ihre tagtäglich mit seinen Formeln – egal ob
Anwendungen in den Biowissenschaften, es um den Schiffsrumpf der "Alinghi" geht
insbesondere Fourieranalyse und oder um die Schwingungen des "Viaduc de
Differentialgleichungsmodelle. Eine Vielzahl Millau", der Welt höchster Autobahnbrücke.
von Aufgaben dient der Vertiefung und Dabei war er ein Mensch, der bürgerliche
aktiven Aneignung des Stoffes. Behaglichkeit und Ruhe liebte. Nicht
ganz einfach zur Gründungszeit von St.
2007. 206 S. 63 Abb. Brosch.
EUR (D) 22.– / EUR (A) 22.62 / CHF 33.– Petersburg inmitten russischer Kaisermorde
ISBN 978-3-7643-7709-0 oder im Berlin zur Zeit der schlesischen
Kriege. Und erst recht nicht inmitten einer
grossen Kinderschar.
Der Comic von Elena Pini (Graphik) und
Alice und Andreas K. Heyne (Text) zeichnet
das Leben des genialen Baslers nach, der
vor 300 Jahren geboren wurde, mit zwanzig
Jahren seine Heimatstadt verliess – und nie
wieder zurückkehrte.
2007. 45 S. Farbig ill. Geb.
EUR (D) 19.90 / EUR (A) 20.46 / CHF 28.–
ISBN 978-3-7643-7779-3

Berechenbares Chaos in von einem Kenner der modernen Physik
 verfasst worden ist, der seine Kenntnisse in
dynamischen Systemen
den Dienst an den Leser stellt. Vor dem Leser
Stoop, R. / Steeb, W.–H.
wir ein farbenprächtiges Gemälde entfaltet,
das die Einheit und Schönheit der Physik
"The monograph gives the profound
betont und dieser Wissenschaft sicherlich
presentation in scientific computing
neue Freunde gewinnen wird. Ich denke,
methods for the theory of chaotic dynamic
dass auch Studenten der Physik von diesem
systems…. [It] contains about 180 examples
Büchlein profitieren werden, weil es ihren
and exercises on various objects of
Blick für die Physik als Ganzes schärft."
chaotic dynamical systems, description of
Physik Journal
computational programs."
Zentralblatt MATH 2005. 96 S. Brosch.
EUR (D) 24.95 / EUR (A) 25.65 / CHF 39.–
2006. XII, 264 S. Brosch. ISBN 978-3-7643-7235-4
EUR (D) 29.90 / EUR (A) 30.73 / CHF 45.–
ISBN 978-3-7643-7550-8
Einführung in die 
Bernhard Riemann 1826-1866 mathematische Behandlung
Wendepunkte in der Auffassung der der Naturwissenschaften 2
Mathematik Storrer, H. H.
Laugwitz, D.
BS – Birkhäuser Skripten, Vol. 8
VM – Vita Mathematica, Vol. 10 $Xà.RUU1DFKGUXFN
1995. 369 S. Brosch.
1996. 343 S. 39 Abb. Geb. EUR (D) 29.90 / EUR (A) 30.73 / CHF 46.90
EUR (D) 58.– / EUR (A) 59.63 / CHF 88.– ISBN 978-3-7643-5325-4
ISBN 978-3-7643-5189-2

Elementare Zahlentheorie 

Der jugendliche Einstein und Remmert, R. / Ullrich, P.
Aarau 2. Aufl.
Einsteins letztes Schuljahr –
Relativität, Brownsche Bewegung, GM – Grundstudium Mathematik
Lichtquanten und Astrophysik 1995. 276 S. Brosch.
Hunziker, H. (Hrsg.) EUR (D) 24.50 / EUR (A) 25.19 / CHF 38.–
ISBN 978-3-7643-5197-7

"Wer sich darauf einlässt, wird schwitzen,

aber auch an Einblick gewinnen." Elemente der Musikinformatik
Aargauer Zeitung Mazzola, G.

2005. IX, 205 S. Brosch.
EUR (D) 24.– / EUR (A) 24.67 / CHF 35.– "Kaum jemand wäre prädestinierter
ISBN 978-3-7643-7444-0 als G. Mazzola, um kompetent in diese
Thematik einzuführen. Da das Buch auf
Die Gleichungen der Physik 
seinen Vorlesungen basiert, die sich in
Meilensteine des Wissens der Kommunikation mit Studierenden
bewähren mussten, ist auch ein hoher
Bais, S.
Verständlichkeitsgrad gewährleistet."
Bernd Enders, Universität Osnabrück
"Der Autor beschränkt sich bewusst darauf,
allgemeine Zusammenhänge verbal zu 2006. X, 245 S. 168 Abb. Brosch.
EUR (D) 29.90 / EUR (A) 30.73 / CHF 48.–
erläutern, was ihm sehr gut gelungen ist.
ISBN 978-3-7643-7745-8
Man hat immer den Eindruck, dass der Text 137
Titel in Deutscher Sprache

Funktionentheorie in der 

Optimierung, Operations 
Ebene und im Raum Research, Spieltheorie
Gürlebeck, K. / Habetha, K. / Sprössig, W. Mathematische Grundlagen
Borgwardt, K. H.
GM – Grundstudium Mathematik
2001. 642 S. Brosch.
2006. XIII, 406 S. Mit CD-ROM. Brosch. EUR (D) 47.50 / EUR (A) 48.83 / CHF 68.–
EUR (D) 28.– / EUR (A) 28.79 / CHF 44.– ISBN 978-3-7643-6519-6
ISBN 978-3-7643-7369-6
Traumjob Mathematik!
Graßmann Berufswege von Frauen und Männern in
Petsche, H.–J. der Mathematik
Abele, A. E. / Neunzert, H. / Tobies, R.
VM – Vita Mathematica, Vol. 13
"Nicht alle Schüler lieben den
"Mathematische Allgememeinbildung ist Mathematikunterricht. Doch auch jene,
weitgehend ausreichend für das Verständnis die durchaus von diesem Fach begeistert
des sehr gehaltvollen und empfehlenserten sind, scheuen in den meisten Fällen ein
Textes." entsprechendes Hochschulstudium. … Doch
ekz-Bibliotheksservice / Informationsdienst eine interdisziplinäre Studie belegt: es lohnt
2006. XXII, 326 p. 47 Abb. Geb. sich, Mathematik zu studieren. …Dieses
EUR (D) 58.– / EUR (A) 59.63 / CHF 88.– Buch stellt Ergebnisse der Studie vor und
ISBN 978-3-7643-7257-6
zeichnet interessante Biographien von
Mathematiker(inne)n nach. Schüler(innen),
Mathematica – Kurz und bündig die gut in Mathematik sind, sollten dieses
Kaufmann, S. Buch unbedingt lesen – und vielleicht auch
deren Eltern." Die Welt
1998. 200 S. Brosch.
EUR (D) 30.20 / EUR (A) 31.04 / CHF 44.–
2004. IX, 192 S. Brosch.
ISBN 978-3-7643-6008-5
EUR (D) 28.– / EUR (A) 28.79 / CHF 44.–
ISBN 978-3-7643-6749-7
Mathematik entdecken mit
DERIVE – von der Algebra bis zur
Glynn, J.
1995. X, 154 S. Brosch.
EUR (D) 23.– / EUR (A) 23.65 / CHF 36.–
ISBN 978-3-7643-5001-7

Matrizen, Geometrie,

Lineare Algebra
Gabriel, P.

BAT – Birkhäuser Advanced Texts

1996. XII, 634 S. Geb.

EUR (D) 42.– / EUR (A) 43.18 / CHF 64.–
ISBN 978-3-7643-5376-6

Series Index

Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics

ACM Advanced Courses in Mathematics
AMFM Advances in Mathematical Fluid Mechanics
AISDG Annals of the International Society of Dynamic Games
ANHA Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis
APDE Advances in Partial Differential Equations
BAT Birkhäuser Advanced Texts
CE Control Engineering
COR Cornerstones
FM Frontiers in Mathematics
GM Grundstudium Mathematik
ISNM International Series of Numerical Mathematics
LM Lectures in Mathematics
LOLS Linear Operators and Linear Systems
Mathematik Kompakt
MBC Modern Birkhäuser Classics
MMA Monographs in Mathematics
MMN Monografie Matematyczne
MSSET Modeling and Simulation in Science, Engineering and Technology
MTA Mathematics: Theory and Applications
OWS Oberwolfach Seminars
OT Operator Theory: Advances and Applications
PA Probability and its Applications
PCS Progress in Computer Science and Applied Logic
PM Progress in Mathematics
PMP Progress in Mathematical Physics
PNLDE Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Applications
PP Progress in Probability
SIT Statistics for Industry and Technolgy
SC Systems and Control: Foundations and Applications
TM Trends in Mathematics

Series in History of Science

CM Contemporary Mathematicians
The Collected Scientific Papers of the Bernoulli Family
ES Einstein Studies
Leonhard Euler: Opera Omnia
SNHS Science Networks • Historical Studies
VM Vita Mathematica

Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics

Edizioni della Normale

New Birkhäuser has taken over the
Series international distribution of the
English-language scientific titles
of the Edizioni della Normale.
The Edizioni della Normale
are published by the Scuola
Normale Superiore (SNS), the
internationally renowned study
and research centre in Pisa, Italy.

See also www.birkhauser.ch/sns

Series in Edizioni della Normale

Colloquia Monographs
The volumes of this series reflect
lectures held at the “Colloquio Selections
De Giorgi” which regularly takes The volumes of this series
place at the Scuola Normale arise from conferences and
Superiore in Pisa. The Colloquia symposiums and focuse on
address a general mathematical a particular topic of current
audience, particularly attracting research in mathematics or
advanced undergraduate and physics.
graduate students.
CRM Series This series gathers a selection
The Ennio De Giorgi Mathematical of outstanding Ph.D. theses
Research Center in Pisa, Italy, was defended at the Scuola Normale
established in 2001 and organizes Superiore since 1992.
research periods focusing on
specific fields of current interest,
including pure mathematics as
well as applications in the natural
and social sciences like physics,
biology, finance and economics.
The CRM series publishes
volumes originating from these
research periods, thus advancing
particular areas of mathematics
and their application to problems
in the industrial and technological

Lecture Notes
This series publishes polished
notes dealing with topics of
current research and originating
from lectures and seminars held
at the Scuola Normale Superiore
in Pisa.
Advanced Courses in
Mathematics -
CRM Barcelona
Series Editor:
Manuel Castellet
Universitat Autònoma de
Barcelona, Spain

Since 1995 the Centre de

Recerca Matemàtica (CRM)
in Barcelona has conducted
a number of annual Summer
Schools at the post-doctoral
or advanced graduate level.
Sponsored mainly by the
European Community, these
Advanced Courses have usually
been held at the CRM in
The books in this series consist
essentially of the expanded and
embellished material presented
by the authors in their lectures.

Advances in Mathematical Advances in Mathematical

Fluid Mechanics Fluid Mechanics is a forum for
Series Editors: the publication of high quality
Giovanni P. Galdi monographs, or collections of
University of Pittsburgh, works, on the mathematical
Pittsburgh, USA theory of fluid mechanics,
with special regards to the
John G. Heywood Navier-Stokes equations.
University of British Columbia, Its mathematical aims and
Vancouver, Canada scope are similar to those of
Rolf Rannacher the Journal of Mathematial
University of Heidelberg, Fluid Mechanics. In particular,
Heidelberg, Germany mathematical aspects of
computational methods and
of applications to science and
engineering are welcome as an
important part of the theory.
So also are works in related
areas of mathematics that
have a direct bearing on fluid

Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics

Advances in Partial Differential The subseries Advances in Partial

Equations Differential Equations is intended
A subseries of: Operator Theory: to report on recent developments
Advances and Applications in all areas of partial differential
equations, in particular, on those
Subseries Editors: belonging to the tradition defined
by the series Operator Theory:
Bert-Wolfgang Schulze
Advances and Applications and
University of Potsdam, Potsdam,
new areas. The Advances volumes
will consist primarily of expository
Sergio Albeverio research articles, presenting
University of Bonn, Bonn, both an overview of the state of
Germany a field and new results, in such
Michael Demuth areas as microlocal analysis and
TU Clausthal, Clausthal- its applications to asymptotic
Zellerfeld, Germany phenomena, mathematical
Jerome A. Goldstein physics, spectral theory, as
University of Memphis, Memphis, well as symplectic geometry,
USA the analysis of singularities of
solutions, and geometric analysis.
Nobuyuki Tose Selected articles of this kind
Keio University, Yokohama, Japan may also appear as a separate
monographic volume. A certain
number of short communications
will also be published.

Annals of the International current activities and results

Society of Dynamic Games in this area; and to enhance
the visibility of dynamic games
Series Editor: research and its vast potential
Tamar Baúar
University of Illinois, Urbana, USA

Annals of the International

Society of Dynamic Games is a
publication, which consists of
refereed papers representing the
latest developments concerning
the theory and applications
of dynamic games. This is an
outgrowth of the activities of The
International Society of Dynamic
Games (ISDG), which was founded
in 1990. The primary goals of
ISDG are to promote interactions
among researchers interested
in the theory and applications
of dynamic games; to facilitate
dissemination of information on

that has flourished, evolved,
Applied and Numerical and deepened with continued
Harmonic Analysis research and exploration. The
intricate and fundamental
relationship between
Series Editor:
harmonic analysis and general
John J. Benedetto disciplines such as signal
University of Maryland, College processing, partial differential
Park, USA equations, and image
processing is reflected in the
Applied and Numerical ANHA series.
Harmonic Analysis (ANHA) This series provides a means
publishes works in harmonic of disseminating important,
analysis as well as in current information along
engineering and scientific with computational tools for
subjects having a significant harmonic analysis.
harmonic analysis component.
The interface among applied
mathematics, science, and
engineering is the theme of all
books in the series.
Harmonic analysis is a
wellspring of ideas and
applicability in mathematics,
engineering, and the sciences

Birkhäuser Advanced Texts This series presents, at an

advanced level, introductions
Series Editors: to some of the fields of current
interest in mathematics.
Herbert Amann
Starting with basic concepts,
University of Zürich, Zürich,
fundamental results and
techniques are covered, and
Steven G. Krantz important applications and
Washington University, new developments discussed.
St. Louis, USA The textbooks are suitable as
Shrawan Kumar an introduction for students
University of North Carolina at and non–specialists, and
Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, USA they can also be used as
Jan NekováĜ background material for
University Pierre et Marie Curie advanced courses and
(Paris VI), Paris, France seminars.

Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics

Control Engineering Problems and examples use

the least amount of abstraction
Series Editor: required, remaining committed
William S. Levine to issues of consequence, such
University of Maryland, College as cost, tradeoffs, reliability, and
Park, USA power consumption.

The Birkhäuser Series Systems

and Control: Foundations &
Applications examines the
abstract and theoretical
mathematical aspects of
control. Control Engineering
complements this effort through
a study of the industrial and
applied implementation of
control – from techniques for
analysis and design to hardware
implementation, test, and
evaluation. While recognizing
the harmony between abstract
theory and physical application,
these publications emphasize
real-world results and concerns.

Cornerstones to the second-year graduate

level, books that appear in this
Series Editors: series are intended to serve
Charles L. Epstein as the definitive advanced
University of Pennsylvania, texts for the next generation of
Philadelphia, USA mathematicians. By enlisting
only expert mathematicians
Steven G. Krantz
and leading researchers in
Washington University, St. Louis,
each field who are top-notch
expositors with established
track records, Cornerstones
Editorial Advisory Board
volumes are models of clarity
Anthony W. Knapp
that provide authoritative modern
State University of New York at
treatments of the essential
Stony Brook, Professor Emeritus,
subjects of pure and applied
Stony Brook, USA
mathematics while capturing
the beauty and excitement of
Cornerstones comprises
mathematics for the reader. The
textbooks that focus on what
Series Editors themselves are
students need to know and what
accomplished researchers with
faculty should teach regarding
considerable writing experience,
various selected topics in pure
and seek to infuse each text with
and applied mathematics and
excellence and purpose through a
related subjects. Aimed at
collaborative, yet highly rigorous
aspiring young mathematicians
144 at the advanced undergraduate
selection and reviewing protocol.
Frontiers in Mathematics
This series is designed to be
Advisory Board a repository for up-to-date
Luigi Ambrosio research results which have
Scuola Normale Superiore, been prepared for a wider
Pisa, Italy audience. Graduates and
postgraduates as well as
Leonid A. Bunimovich
scientists will benefit from
Georgia Institute of Technology,
the latest developments
Atlanta, USA
at the research frontiers
Benoît Perthame in mathematics and at
Ecole Normale Supérieure, the «frontiers» between
Paris, France mathematics and other fields
Gennady Samorodnitsky like computer science, physics,
Cornell University, Rodes Hall, biology, economics, finance, etc.
USA All volumes are online available
Igor Shparlinski at SpringerLink.
Macquarie University, Sydney,
Wolfgang Sprössig
TU Bergakademie Freiberg,
Freiberg, Germany

International Series of solution methods, bifurcation

Numerical Mathematics problems and approximation
theory. When possible, the topic
Managing Editors: of each volume is discussed
Karl-Heinz Hoffmann from three different angles,
Technische Universität namely those of mathematical
München, Germany modeling, mathematical
analysis, and numerical case
Hans D. Mittelmann
Arizona State University, Tempe,

International Series of
Numerical Mathematics is open
to all aspects of numerical
mathematics. Some of the
topics of particular interest
include free boundary value
problems for differential
equations, phase transitions,
problems of optimal control
and optimization, other
nonlinear phenomena in
analysis, nonlinear partial
differential equations, efficient
Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics

Lectures in Mathematics –
ETH Zürich

Each year the Eidgenössische

Technische Hochschule (ETH)
at Zürich invites a selected
group of mathematicians to
give postgraduate seminars in
various areas of pure and applied
mathematics. These seminars
are directed to an audience of
many levels and backgrounds.
Now some of the most successful
lectures are being published for
a wider audience through the
Lectures in Mathematics, ETH
Zürich series. Lively and informal
in style, moderate in size and
price, these books will appeal to
professionals and students alike,
bringing a quick understanding of
some important areas of current

Linear Operators and Linear The subseries Linear Operators

Systems and Linear Systems (LOLS) is
A subseries of: Operator Theory: dedicated to these connections
Advances and Applications between the theory of linear
operators and the mathematical
Subseries Editors: theory of linear systems. LOLS will
continue in the tradition of the
Daniel Alpay
series Operator Theory: Advances
Ben Gurion University of the
and Applications and maintain
Negev, Beer-Sheeva, Israel
the high quality of the volumes.
Joseph A. Ball Books published in LOLS will be
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, USA either monographs or consist of
André C. M. Ran essays presenting the state of the
Vrije University of Amsterdam, art and new results.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands The volumes will be addressed to
a wide range of mathematicians
The theory of linear operators has from beginners to experts in
had an important influence on these fields.
the development of mathematical
systems theory. On the other
hand, mathematical systems
theory serves as a direct
source of motivation and new
techniques for the theory of linear
146 operators and its applications.
Mathematics: Theory & complete in their coverage and
Applications bibliographies and to stand as
definitive reports on the state-
Series Editor: of-the-art for many years to
Nolan Wallach come.
University of California,
San Diego, USA

Mathematics: Theory and

Applications is a series of
advanced level monographs
and graduate textbooks that are
designed to be of lasting value
in the archival literature and to
professional mathematicians
and graduate students as
comprehensive treatments of
the subjects they cover. The
series is open to all areas of
pure and applied mathematics.
The books are expected to be

Modeling and Simulation in framework is that of applied

Science, Engineering and and industrial mathematics.
Technology The series aim is to provide
general science and engineering
Series Editor: readerships with the essential
Nicola Bellomo (and practical) methodological
Politecnico di Torino, Torino, information on modeling
Italy methods while developing
guidelines to formulate and
The MSSET series publishes solve technical problems.
advanced textbooks, expository
monographs, problem-solving
guides, handbooks, and general
references. Books examine
and utilize the modeling and
simulation of systems in
applied sciences, mathematics,
and engineering. The goal is to
create a bridge between applied
mathematicians, scientists, and
research engineers utilizing
modeling methods, tools,
and techniques for complex
problem solving. The general
Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics

Modern Birkhäuser Classics

Many of the original research and
survey monographs in pure and
applied mathematics published
by Birkhäuser in recent decades
have been groundbreaking and
have come to be regarded as
foundational to the subject.
Through the MBC Series, a select
number of these modern classics,
entirely uncorrected, are being
re-released in paperback (and
as eBooks) to ensure that these
treasures remain accessible to
new generations of students,
scholars, and researchers.

Monografie Matematyczne Gilles Pisier, Université Paris 6,

Founded by: Banach, S., Knaster, Piotr Pragacz, Institute of
B., Kuratowski, K., Mazurkiewicz, Mathematics, Polish Academy of
S., Sierpinski, W., Steinhaus, H. Sciences
Grzegorz ŚwiaÛtek, Pennsylvania
Originally published by Polish State University, USA
Scientific Publishers, Warsaw Jerzy Zabczyk, Institute of
Mathematics, Polish Academy of
Managing Editor Sciences
Przemyslaw Wojtaszczyk, IMPAN
and Warsaw University, Poland Starting in the 1930s with
volumes written by such
Editorial Board
distinguished mathematicians
Jean Bourgain, IAS, Princeton,
as Banach, Saks, Kuratowski,
and Sierpinski, the original series
Tadeusz Iwaniec, Syracuse
grew to comprise 62 excellent
University, USA
monographs up to the 1980s. In
Tom Körner, Cambridge, UK
cooperation with the Institute
Krystyna Kuperberg, Auburn
of Mathematics of the Polish
University, USA
Academy of Sciences (IMPAN),
Tomasz Luczak, Poznan
Birkhäuser now resumes this
University, Poland
tradition to publish high quality
Ludomir Newelski, Wrocñaw
research monographs in all areas
University, Poland
of pure and applied mathematics.
Monographs in Mathematics only monographs of excellent
quality are published in this
Managing Editors collection. Comprehensive,
Amann, H., Universität Zürich, in-depth treatments of areas of
Switzerland current interest are presented
Bourguignon, J.-P., IHES, to a readership ranging
Bures-sur-Yvette, France from graduate students to
Grove, K., University of professional mathematicians.
Maryland, College Park, USA Concrete examples and
Lions, P.-L., Université de Paris- applications both within and
Dauphine, France beyond the immediate domain
of mathematics illustrate the
The foundations of this import and consequences of
outstanding book series the theory under discussion.
were laid in 1944. Until the
end of the 1970s, a total
of 77 volumes appeared,
including works of such
distinguished mathematicians
as Carathéodory, Nevanlinna
and Shafarevich, to name a
few. The series came to its
name and present appearance
in the 1980s. In keeping its
well-established tradition,

Oberwolfach Seminars
Originally published as
«Seminare der Deutschen

The workshops organized

by the Mathematisches
Oberwolfach are intended to
introduce students and young
mathematicians to current
fields of research. By means of
these well-organized seminars,
also scientists from other
fields will be introduced to
new mathematical ideas. The
publication of these workshops
in the series Oberwolfach
Seminars (formerly DMV
seminar) makes the material
available to an even larger

Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics

Operator Theory: Advances and


Series Editor:
Israel Gohberg, School of
Mathematical Sciences, Tel Aviv
University, Israel

This series is devoted to the

publication of current research in
operator theory, with particular
emphasis on applications to
classical analysis and the theory
of integral equations, as well as to
numerical analysis, mathematical
physics and mathematical
methods in electrical engineering.

Probability and its Applications

Series Editors:
Newman, C., New York University,
Resnick, S. I., Cornell University,
Ithaka, USA

Probability and its Applications

publishes research-level
monographs and advanced
graduate texts dealing with all
aspects of probability theory and
stochastic processes, as well
as their connections with and
applications to other areas such
as mathematical statistics and
statistical physics.

Progress in Mathematical D. Sternheimer, Université de
Physics Bourgogne, Dijon, France
C. Tracy, University of California,
Editors-in-chief Davis, U.S.A.
A. Boutet de Monvel, Université
Paris VII Denis Diderot, France Progress in Mathematical
G. Kaiser, The Center for Physics is a book series
Signals and Waves, Austin, TX, encompassing all areas of
U.S.A. theoretical and mathematical
physics. It is intended for
Editorial Board mathematicians, physicists,
C. Berenstein, University of and other scientists, as well
Maryland, College Park, U.S.A. as graduate students in the
Sir M. Berry, University of above related areas. This
Bristol, U.K. distinguished collection of
P. Blanchard, books includes authored
Universität Bielefeld, monographs and textbooks, the
Germany latter primarily at the senior
M. Eastwood, The University of undergraduate and graduate
Adelaide, Australia levels. Edited collections of
A.S. Fokas, Imperial College articles on important research
of Science, Technology, and developments or expositions of
Medicine, London, U.K. particular subject areas may
also be included.

Progress in Mathematics is designed as a vehicle for

reporting ongoing research as
Series Editors: well as expositions of particular
Hyman Bass, University of subject areas.
Michigan, USA
Joseph Oesterlé, Institut Henri
Poincaré, Université Paris VI,
Alan Weinstein, University of
California, Berkeley, USA

Progress in Mathematics is a
series of books intended for
professional mathematicians
and scientists, encompassing
all areas of pure mathematics.
This distinguished series,
which began in 1979, includes
research level monographs,
polished notes arising from
seminars or lecture series,
graduate level textbooks,
and proceedings of focused
and refereed conferences. It
Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics

Progress in Nonlinear stimulating a fruitful interaction

Differential Equations and Their between the two sides. It will
Applications publish monographs, polished
notes arising from lectures and
Series Editor: seminars, graduate level texts,
Brezis, H., Université de Paris, and proceedings of focused and
France, and Rutgers University, refereed conferences.

Progress in Nonlinear Differential

Equations and Their Applications
is a book series that lies at the
interface of pure and applied
mathematics. Many differential
equations are motivated by
problems arising in diversified
fields such as mechanics, physics,
differential geometry, engineering,
control theory, biology and
economics. This series is open
to both the theoretical and
applied aspects, hopefully

Progress in Probability

Series Editors:
Newman, C., New York University,
Resnick, S. I., Cornell University,
Ithaka, USA

Progress in Probability is
designed for the publication
of workshops, seminars and
conference proceedings on all
aspects of probability theory and
stochastic processes, as well
as their connections with and
applications to other areas such
as mathematical statistics and
statistical physics.

Statistics for Industry and

Series Editor:
Balakrishnan, N., McMaster
University, Hamilton, Canada

Publications in the series

will contain statistical
information that is accessible
to an interdisciplinary
audience: carefully organized
authoritative presentations,
numerous illustrative examples
based on current practice,
reliable methods, realistic data
sets, and discussions of select
new emerging methods and
their application potential.

Studies in Universal Logic of logic. Three types of books

will appear in the series:
Series Editor: graduate textbooks, research
Jean-Yves Beziau monographs, and volumes with
contributed papers.
This series is devoted to the
universal approach to logic and
the development of a general
theory of logics. It covers topics
such as global set-ups for
fundamental theorems of logic
and frameworks for the study
of logics, in particular logical
matrices, Kripke structures,
combination of logics,
categorical logic, abstract proof
theory, consequence operators,
and algebraic logic. It includes
also books with historical and
philosophical discussions
about the nature and scope

Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics

Systems & Control: Foundations communication networks), to

& Applications biotechnology (particularly
mathematical biology) and
Series Editor: economics.
Tamer Baúar, University of Illinois, The Birkhäuser Series
Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA Control Engineering examines
the industrial and applied
Systems and Control: Foundations implementation of control.
and Applications aims to Systems and Control
publish top quality state-of- complements this effort through
the-art textbooks and research a study of the abstract and
monographs at the graduate and theoretical mathematical aspects
post-graduate levels in systems, of control. The series attempts
control, and related fields. Books to find the latest innovations in
in the series take care to explain theory and analysis; innovations
and build upon the essential that are often the backbone for
foundational elements of the real-world applications.
field. Additionally, established
and emerging applications are
developed and utilized in an
effort to demonstrate the most
recent advances in systems and
control. The study spans the
gamut of areas from information
technology (particularly

Trends in Mathematics

Trends in Mathematics is a series

devoted to the publications of
volumes arising from conferences
and lecture series focusing on a
particular topic from any area of
mathematics. Its aim is to make
current developments available
to the community as rapidly as
possible without compromise to
quality and to archive these for

Series in History of Science

Contemporary generations of mathematicians

Mathematicians will find these collected works
to be of lasting significance.
Series Editor:
Joseph P. Kung, University of
North Texas, Denton, USA

Publishing the collected works

of outstanding mathematicians
remains a vital tradition in
scientific publishing. Very often
the works of a mathematician
are in a scattered state,
published in diffuse forms,
and inaccessible. The bringing
together of these works
and papers into organized,
annotated volumes creates
a unique opportunity for
historical, biographical, and
mathematical perspectives
to emerge. Present and future

Einstein Studies as social, cultural, and political

history. Original research
Published under the in physics, mathematics,
sponsorship of the Center and philosophy will also be
for Einstein Studies, Boston published in cases where
University, USA such research explores the
implications of Einstein’s work
Series Editors: for contemporary issues.
Howard, D., University of
Kentucky, Lexington, USA,
Center for Einstein Studies,
Boston University, USA
Stachel, J., Center for Einstein
Studies, Boston University, USA

Einstein Studies is a
multidisciplinary series,
reflecting the wide variety of
Einstein’s own contributions
to our century. The series
emphasizes the history of
twentieth-century science, but
will also welcome works in the
philosophy of science, as well
Series in History of Science

Science Networks – Historical might be accepted in rare cases.

Studies The series is aimed primarily
Founded by: Hiebert, E., at historians of science and
Wußing, H. libraries; it should also appeal to
interested specialists, students,
Series Editors: and diploma and doctoral
Knobloch, E., Technische candidates. In cooperation with
Universität Berlin, Germany their international editorial board,
Scholz, E., Bergische Universität, the editors hope to place a unique
Gesamthochschule Wuppertal, publication at the disposal of
Germany science historians throughout the
In cooperation with an
international editorial board

The publications in this series

are limited to the fields of
mathematics, physics, astronomy,
and their applications. The
publication language is
preferentially English. The series
is primarily designed to publish
monographs. Annotated sources
and exceptional biographies

Vita Mathematica

Series Editor:
E.A. Fellmann, Basel, Switzerland

The series Vita Mathematica

traces the professional lives
of many of the world’s great
mathematicians – from antiquity
to the present day. These books
are written broadly following
the same pattern and take into
consideration the research
carried out on the history of
science in recent decades.

Leonhard Euler: Opera Omnia and its applications. The Opera
Edited by the Euler Committee Omnia edition (Series I, II and III)
of the Swiss Academy of Science is limited, for the most part, to
in collaboration with numerous republication of works that Euler
specialists himself prepared for press. The
texts are reprinted in the original
Editorial Board of Series I–III: language, most frequently French
Im Hof, H.-C. (Chief Editor) / or Latin. Series IV A contains Euler‘s
Steiner, Th. / Tammann, G.A. extensive scientifi c correspondence.
The series IV B will contain Euler’s
Editorial Board of Series IV: hitherto unpublished manuscripts,
Kleinert, A. (Chief Editor) / notebooks and diaries.
Bodenmann, S. /
Fellmann, E.A. / Frei, G. / Series prima
Mattmüller, M. / Mikhajlov, G.K. / Opera Mathematica (29 vols)
Steiner, Th. Series secunda
Opera Mechanica et Astronomica
Euler‘s papers and books are (31 vols)
fundamental to every branch of Series tertia
the mathematical sciences. They Opera Physica, Miscellanea (12 vols)
are clearly and beautifully written, Series quarta A
well explained and illustrated Commercium Epistolicum (9 vols)
by examples. The Opera Omnia Series quarta B
belong in any major working library Manuscripta (planned)
concerned with mathematics

The Collected Scientific Papers The Bernoulli Edition establishes

of the Mathematicians and an authoritative version of the
Physicists of the Bernoulli source texts, starting from either
Family the original publications or the
manuscripts. The commentaries
General Editor: facilitate access to the historical
Patricia Radelet-de Grave texts for the modern reader
by providing interpretative
introductions, explanatory
The Bernoulli Edition occupies a notes and indexes. All texts are
special position among the great printed in the original language;
editions of scientific works of the commentaries are mostly
the 17th and 18th centuries. It in English. Copious illustrations
presents a critical, fully annotated present figures from original
edition of the collected works and printings as well as samples from
correspondence of a group of nine holographs.
closely related authors. It includes
The Bernoulli Edition is divided
their scientific publications, the
into two sections, one for the
most important of those texts
Collected Works and one for the
which exist only in manuscript
Correspondence. Each section is
form, and an extensive selection
composed of several series, each
of their correspondence, for the
of these being dedicated to one or,
most part hitherto unpublished.
in some cases, to two of the nine

Complex Analysis and

Operator Theory
First published in 2007
1 volume per year, 4 issues per volume
Format: 17 x 24 cm
2008. Volume 2
ISSN 1661-8254 (print)
ISSN 1661-8262 (electronic)


Aims and Scope Editorial Board

Complex Analysis and Operator Theory Joseph Ball / Laurent Baratchart / Hari
(CAOT) is devoted to the publication Bercovici / Alain Berlinet / Aad Dijksma /
of current research developments in Harry Dym / Aurelian Gheondea / Israel
the closely related fields of complex Gohberg / Palle Jorgensen / H.Turgay
analysis and operator theory as well as in Kaptanoglu / Victor Katsnelson / Bernd
applications to system theory, harmonic Kirstein / Heinz Langer / Jürgen Leiterer /
analysis, probability, statistics, learning Scott McCullough / Gadadhar Misra / Mihai
theory, and other related fields. Putinar / Leiba Rodman / Cora Sadosky /
Articles using the theory of reproducing Saburou Saitoh / Michael Shapiro / David
kernel spaces are in particular welcomed. Shoikhet / Frank Sommen / Olof Staffans /
Victor Vinnikov / Dan Volok / George Weiss /
Abstracted / Indexed in Ding-Xuan Zhou
MathSciNet, SCOPUS, Zentralblatt Math
Daniel Alpay
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Journal of Fixed Point
Theory and Applications
First published in 2007
2 volumes per year, 2 issues per volume
Format: 17 x 24 cm
2008. Volume 3,4
ISSN 1661-7738 (print)
ISSN 1661-7746 (electronic)


Aims and Scope - Games, Economics and Computation

The Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Theory (Fon-Che Liu)
Applications (JFPTA) publishes high-quality - Surveys and Research Expository Papers
peer-reviewed research papers in all (Richard Palais)
disciplines in which the use of tools of the - Short Communications and Open
fixed point theory plays an essential role. Problems (Alberto Abbondandolo)
Research topics include but are not limited
to: Abstracted / Indexed in
- New developments in fixed point theory as MathSciNet, SCOPUS, Zentralblatt Math
well as in related topological methods
- Ramifications to symplectic topology, Editor-in-Chief
dynamical systems and global analysis
Andrzej Granas
- Significant applications in nonlinear
Université de Montréal
analysis, mathematical economics and
Montréal (Québec), Canada
computation theory
- Contributions to important problems
in geometry, fluid dynamics and Managing Editor / Editorial Office
mathematical physics. Gilles Gauthier
A limited number of expository and survey Faculté des sciences
articles will also be published. Université du Québec à Montréal
The journal will be organized into eight Montréal (Québec), Canada
sections each coordinated by an editor jfpt@uqam.ca
whose name appears in parentheses:
- Algebraic and Geometric Topology www.birkhauser.ch/JFPTA
(Michael Crabb)
- Dynamical Systems ( Krystyna Kuperberg)
- Symplectic Topology and Global Analysis
(Octav Cornea)
- Nonlinear Analysis (Norman Dancer)
- Classical Topics (Simeon Reich)


Logica Universalis
First published in 2007
1 volume per year, 2 issues per volume
Format: 17 x 24 cm
2008. Volume 2
ISSN 1661-8297 (print)
ISSN 1661-8300 (online)


Aims and Scope Editorial Board

Logica Universalis (LU) publishes peer- Musa Akrami / Arnon Avron / Diderik Batens /
reviewed research papers related to Johan van Benthem / Carlos Caleiro /
universal features of logics. Topics include Walter Carnielli / Leo Corry /
general tools and techniques for studying Newton da Costa / Janusz Czelakowski /
already existing logics and building new Michael Dunn / Hartry Field / Dov Gabbay /
ones, the study of classes of logics, Valentin Goranko / Petr Hájek /
the scope of validity and the domain of Huacan He / Lloyd Humberstone /
application of fundamental theorems, and Gerhard Jaeger / Ramon Jansana /
also philosophical and historical aspects of Marcus Kracht / Raja Natarajan /
general concepts of logic. Istvan Németi / Sergei Odintsov /
Francesco Paoli / Valeria de Paiva /
Abstracted / Indexed in Andrei Rodin / Krister Segerberg /
MathSciNet, SCOPUS, Zentralblatt Math Jürgis Skilters / Jouko Väänänen /
Heinrich Wansing
Jean-Yves Béziau www.birkhauser.ch/LU
Swiss National Science Foundation

Mathematics in Computer
First published in 2007
1 volume per year, 4 issues per volume
Format: 17 x 24 cm
2008. Volume 2
ISSN 1661-8270 (print)
ISSN 1661-8289 (electronic)


Aims and Scope Editors-in-Chief

Mathematics in Computer Science publishes Dongming Wang (Managing Editor)
high-quality original research papers on Zhiming Zheng
the development of theories and methods School of Science
for computer and information sciences, Beihang University
the design, implementation, and analysis Beijing, China
of algorithms and software tools for wang@calfor.lip6.fr
mathematical computation and reasoning,
and the integration of mathematics Editorial Board
and computer science for scientific and Yaneer Bar-Yam, Cambridge, USA
engineering application. Insightful survey Luis M. A. Bettencourt, Los Alamos, USA
articles may be submitted for publication Jean-Charles Faugère, Paris, France
by invitation. As one of its distinct features, Ilias S. Kotsireas, Waterloo, Canada
the journal will publish only special issues Stefan Ratschan, Prague, Czech Republic
on carefully selected topics, reflecting the Peter F. Stadler, Leipzig, Germany
trends of development in the broad area Bican Xia, Beijing, China
of Mathematics in Computer Science. Chee K. Yap, New York, USA
Submission of proposals for special issues Kazuhiro Yokoyama, Tokyo, Japan
is welcome. Riccardo Zecchina, Trieste, Italy

Abstracted / Indexed in
MathSciNet, SCOPUS, Zentralblatt Math


Advances in Applied Clifford GAFA Geometric And Functional

Algebras Analysis
0188-7009 (print) 1016-443X (print)
1661-4909 (electronic) 1420-8970 (electronic)
www.birkhauser.ch/AACA www.birkhauser.ch/GAFA

aequationes mathematicae Journal of Evolution Equations

0001-9054 (print) 1424-3199 (print)
1420-8903 (electronic) 1424-3202 (electronic)
www.birkhauser.ch/AEM www.birkhauser.ch/JEE

algebra universalis Journal of Fourier Analysis and

0002-5240 (print) Applications
1420-8911 (electronic) ISSN: 1069-5869 (print)
www.birkhauser.ch/AU ISSN: 1531-5851 (electronic)
Annales Henri Poincaré
1424-0637 (print) Journal of Geometry
1424-0661 (electronic) 0047-2468 (print)
www.birkhauser.ch/AHP 1420-8997 (electronic)
Annals of Combinatorics
0218-0006 (print) Journal of Mathematical Fluid
0219-3094 (electronic) Mechanics
1422-6928 (print)
1422-6952 (electronic)
Archiv der Mathematik www.birkhauser.ch/JMFM
0003-889X (print)
1420-8938 (electronic) Mediterranean Journal of
1660-5446 (print)
Circuits, Systems & Signal 1660-5454 (electronic)
Processing www.birkhauser.ch/MedJM
ISSN: 0278-081X (print)
ISSN: 1531-5878 (electronic) Milan Journal of Mathematics
1424-9286 (print)
1424-9294 (electronic)
computational complexity www.birkhauser.ch/MJM
1016-3328 (print)
1420-8954 (electronic) Nexus Network Journal
Architecture and Mathematics
1590-5896 (print)
1522-4600 (electronic)

Nonlinear Differential Equations Transformation Groups
and Applications NoDEA 1083-4362 (print)
1021-9722 (print) 1531-586X (electronic)
1420-9004 (electronic) www.birkhauser.ch/TG
Zeitschrift für angewandte
NTM – Zeitschrift für Geschichte Mathematik und Physik
der Naturwissenschaften, Technik 0044-2275 (print)
und Medizin 1420 9039 (electronic)
Journal of History of Natural
Sciences, Technology and Medicine
0036-6978 (print)
1420-9144 (electronic)

Physics in Perspective
1422-6944 (print)
1422-6960 (electronic)

1385-1292 (print)
1572-9281 (electronic)

Results in Mathematics
1422-6383 (print)
1422-9012 (electronic)

Selecta Mathematica
1022-1824 (print)
1420-9020 (electronic)

Authors and Editors Index

Abdallah, C. T. 78 Bartholdi, L. 17, 22 Buchholz, D. 91 92, 93

Abed, E.H. 78 Bashirov, A.E. 79 Costa, D.G. 63, 71 Dwyer, W.G. 34
Abele, A. E. 138 Batty, C.J.K. 76 Coulombel, J.-F. 63 Edwards, H.M. 53
Ablamowicz, R. 35 Baues, H.–J. 37 Cowling, M. 22 Eidelman, S.D. 92
Abonyi, J. 97 Baylis, W.E. 92 Cramer, R. 109 Eiderman, V. Y. 60
Adams, M. 58 Becchi, A. 128 Cuntz, J. 31 Eisenmann, J. 117
Adamson, I. T. 32 Bellouquid, A. 101 Dalang, R.C. 83 Eisenstaedt, J. 129
Aftalion, A. 76 Benedetto, J.J. 115 Dalibard, J. 92 Elliott, R.J. 96
Ageel, M. I. 85 Bensoussan, A. 77 Damgard, I 109 El Soufi, A. 62
Akos, D.M. 94 Benz, W. 28 Damour, T. 89, 92 Emel'yanov, E.Y. 46
Alfsen, E.M. 56 Berestycki, H. 72 Danielli, D. 14 Enescu, B. 120
Alpay, D. 50, 57, 62, 80 Berinde, V. 120 Darrigol, O. 92 Enns, R.H. 91, 92
Amann, H. 39, 40, 58, 65, Bermúdez de Castro, Darvas, G. 119 Ericsson, M. 104
133, 134 A. 71 Datta, A. 115 Erusalimsky, Y.M. 45
Ambrosetti, A. 115 Bernstein, J. 12, 26 Dauben, J. W. 129 Escher, J. 39, 40, 133, 134
Ambrosio, L. 57 Bertelsen, N. 94 David, G. 115 Evans, R. J. 78
Amirouche, F. 111 Beziau, J.-Y. 4 Da Prato, G. 73, 77 Faber, C. 35
Ammann, W. J. 117 Bhattacharyya, S.P. 115 Debnath, L. 62, 67, 73 Facchini, A. 25
Amrein, W.O. 60 Bi, G. 117 de Boer, R.J. 100 Falk, M. 86
Andreescu, T. 8, 9, 12, 18, Blair, D.E. 36 De Bruyn, B. 13 Famoye, F. 86
21, 34, 118, 120 Blanchard, P. 113 de Gosson, M. 36 Fardoun, A. 62
Andréka, H. 5 Bloch, E.D. 6, 32 Dehling, H. 86 Fargues, L. 17
Andreu-Vaillo, F. 74 Boggiatto, P. 59 Deischl, F. 117 Fauser, B. 90
Andrica, D. 9, 12 Bogomolov, F. 22 Delfour, M.C. 77 Feil, B. 97
Anker, J.–P. 24 Bojarski, B. 55 Delitala, M. 101 Fellmann, E.A. 125
Antia, H.M. 114 Boju, V. 119 Dell'Antonio, G. 113 Fels, G. 32
Antontsev, S.N. 72 Bolmont, E. 124 Del Santo, D. 68 Feng, Z. 8, 9, 21
Antsaklis, P.J. 104, 113 Bondy, A. 10 Demuth, M. 55 Ferraro, E. 113
Arendt, W. 65, 76 Borel, A. 32 de Pagter, B. 74 Ferreirós, J. 124
Argyros, S. A. 60 Borgwardt, K.H. 138 De Risi, V. 122 Figueiredo, I.N. 98
Arzhantseva, G.N. 17 Borovik, A. V. 21 Deutsch, A. 100, 109 Figueroa, H. 33
Atanackovic, T. M. 107 Borre, K. 94 de Vries, G. 100 Fine, B. 11
Audin, M. 37, 38 Böttcher, A. 62 Diaz, J.I. 72 Floegl, I. 117
Auget, J.-L. 82 Bouchut, F. 74 DiBenedetto, E. 60, 67 Foce, F. 128
Bachman, D. 39 Boukas, E.–K. 116 Dickinson, P.J. 94 Fonlupt, J. 10
Bachmann, H. 117 Boulabiar, K. 49 Diekmann, O. 100 Formanek, E. 26
Badescu, L. 35 Boutet de Monvel, A. 91 Dieudonne, J. 32 Förster, K.-H. 47, 59
Bagaria, J. 6 Bove, A. 68 Di Crescenzo, G. 109 Fouquet, J.-L. 10
Bahri, A. 33 Brady, N. 19 Dormann, S. 109 Fournier, J.-C. 10
Baird, P. 62 Brasselet, J.-P. 30 Douçot, B. 93 Freeden, W. 58
Bais, S. 137 Bratteli, O. 117 Doukhan, P. 88 Fresnel, J. 36
Bakstein, D. 84 Braunß, H.-A. 136 Dozzi, M. 83 Fristedt, B. E. 84
Balakrishnan, N. 81, 82 Bravo de la Parra, R. 100 do Carmo, M.P. 35 Fu, M.C. 96
Bandle, C. 72 Bresar, M. 16 Drabek, P. 44 Funar, L. 119
Bangerth, W. 71 Brighi, B. 72 Dragomir, S. 33 Gaal, I. 13
Barbu, L. 69 Brillard, A. 72 Drensky, V. 26 Gabetta, E. 106
Bardi, M. 79 Brown, K.A. 23 Dritschel, M.A. 52 Gabriel, P 138
Barndorff-Nielsen, O. Brown, R.F. 53 Dufour, J.–P. 25 Gal, S.G. 112
E. 86 Brusch, L. 100 Dungey, N. 21 Galdi, G.P. 99
Bart, H. 42 Bruschi, A. 113 Duplantier, B. 89, 90, Gaspar, D. 60
Gautschi, W. 114 Herod, J. V. 108 Kaufmann, S. 106, 138 Lasserre, J.B. 87
Gelbart, S. 12 Herzel, H 100 Keller, A. 128 Laugwitz, D. 127, 137
Gelca, R. 118, 120 Hess, K. 36 Kersner, R. 76 Laumon, G. 20
Gelfand, I.M. 21, 38 Hesseling, D. E. 127 Kersting, G. 132, 133 Lefèvre, W. 129
Genestier, A. 17 Heyne, A.K. 125, 136 Kharitonov, V. L. 115 LeFloch, P.G. 112
Giaquinta, M. 44, 58 Hieber, M. 65, 76 Khoussainov, B. 108 Lehto, O. 135
Giga, Y. 75 Hinich, V. 26 Khruslov, E. Y. 72 Lepowsky, J. 23
Gigli, N. 57 Hinz, A. M. 60 Kichenassamy, S. 65 Lerman, E. 37
Gilding, B.H. 76 Hirsch, G. H. 117 Kisdi, E. 100 Leugering, G. 64, 110
Ginzburg, V. 9 Hofer, H. 37 Klein, G. K. 117 LeVeque, R.J. 114
Girard, P.R. 18 Hogan, J.A. 61 Kleiner, I. 121 Levine, W. S. 112
Glynn, J. 138 Holzapfel, R.-P. 41 Knapp, A.W. 15, 23, 54, 55 Li, C. 66
Goerss, P.G. 36 Hong, S. 25 Knudson, K.P. 34 Li, H. 23
Gohberg, I. 42, 45, 55, 57, Hörmander, L. 47 Kobayashi, T. 19 Liberzon, D. 79
60, 80 Høyrup, J. 123 Kochubei, A.N. 92 Lieb, E.H. 116
Goldberg, S. 55 Hristu-Varsakelis, D. 112 Koch Medina, P. 113 Lin, Z. 113
Golubitsky, M. 75 Hu, P.–C. 13 Kock, J. 14 Lindner, M. 57
Gomez, C. 111 Huang, J.–S. 21 Koelink, E. 74 Liu, D. 99
Good, P.I. 87 Hubert, M. 88 Kotz, S. 88 Locatelli, A. 79
Goodearl, K.R. 23 Huckleberry, A. 32 Kox, A.J. 129 Lomp, C. 23
Goudon, T. 63 Hunziker, H. 137 Kozubowski, T. 88 Long, Y. 34
Gracia-Bondia, J. M. 33 Hüsler, J. 86 Kraetzl, M. 94 Lopes, O. 71
Graf, U. 108 Iagolnitzer, D. 91 Krainer, T. 136 López-Gómez, J. 41
Grätzer, G. 10, 13, 111, Iliev, B. Z. 34 Krantz, S.G. 6, 56, 61 Lubotzky, A. 21, 26
113 Illusie, L. 20 Kreck, M. 37 Luger, A. 59
Gray, A. 38 Iordache, M.V. 104 Kreiss, H.–O. 75 Lynch, S. 110
Gray, L. F. 84 Itenberg, I. 31 Kretzschmar, M. 100 Ma, X. 43
Grigoriu, M. 87 Ivasyshen, S.D. 92 Krim, H. 116 Maeda, Y. 28
Grigoryan, S. A. 60 Jacobsen, M. 87 Krishna, M. 55 Mahrenholtz, O. 117
Gröchenig, K. 111 Jagers, P. 100 Krömer, R. 127 Malchiodi, A. 115
Gromov, M. 29 Jamiolkowski, A. 112 Kuba, A. 95 Mallios, A. 35
Grossinho, M.R. 73 Janas, J. 48 Kügler, P. 130, 131 Manásevich, R. 71
Grudsky, S.M. 45, 62 Jardine, J.F. 36 Kulish, P. P. 22 Manin, Y.I. 20
Gu, K. 115 Jarrow, R.A. 96 Kumar, S. 23 Manojlovic, N. 22
Guerraggio, A. 128 Jensen, S.H. 94 Kunisch, K. 64 Marasco, A. 91
Guillemin, V. 58 Jerrum, M. 85 Kunz, E. 22 Marchenko, V. A. 72
Gürlebeck, K. 42, 138 Ji, L. 32 Kurasov, P. 48 Marchisotto, E.A. 126
Gustafsson, B. 71 Jolissaint, P. 22 Kurdachenko, L.A. 15 Marinescu, G. 43
Gutenmacher, V. 35 Jonas, P. 47, 59 Kurdila, A. J. 78 Markvorsen, S. 57
Haase, M. 61 Jorgensen, P. 117 Kwak, J.H. 25 Marohn, F. 86
Habetha, K. 42, 138 Jørgensen, S. 95 Lafforgue, V. 17 Marsden, J. E. 37
Hardy, Y. 109 Julg, P. 22 Lagnese, J.E. 110 Martindale 3rd, W.S. 16
Haurie, A. 96 Junek, H. 136 Lakey, J.D. 61 Mazon, J. M. 74
Hehl, F. W. 111 Kaashoek, M.A. 42, 55 Lancaster, P. 57 Mazzola, G. 116, 137
Heij, C. 77 Kaiser, G. 106 Lancellotta, R. 91 McEneaney, W. M. 78
Heil, C. 43 Kanwal, R.P. 56 Lande, G. J. 117 McGuire, G.C. 92
Henn, H.–W. 34 Kapovich, M. 34 Langer, H. 47, 59 Meester, R. 84
Henrot, A. 56 Kapranov, M.M. 21 Langer, M. 59 Melnikov, A. 26
Herman, G.T. 95 Karapetiants, N. 55 Lansky, P. 100 Menini, L. 78
Hernández-Lerma, O. 87 Katz, N.M. 20 Laptev, A. 48 Merino, S. 113
Authors and Editors Index

Mesbah, M. 82 Ojeda, M.M. 85 Ramírez Galarza, A.I. 29 Sbordone, C. 72

Metz, H. 100 Oort, F. 35 Ramos, M. 73 Schagen, F. 77
Meyer, R. 31 Oppenheim, G. 88 Ran, A.C.M. 42, 77 Schay, G. 82
Michel, A. N. 113 Orsted, B. 24 Rannacher, R. 71, 99 Scheidemann, V. 57
Michel, V. 58 Ortega, J.–P. 25 Ratiu, T. S. 25, 37 Schinazi, R. B. 87
Michor, P. 28 Otal, J. 15 Rebelo, C. 73 Schmid, W. 19
Mikhalkin, G. 31 Padula, M. 66 Regbaoui, R. 62 Schoepflin, U. 129
Mikosch, T. 86 Palamodov, V. 60 Reiss, R.-D. 83, 86 Scholz, E. 128
Milota, J. 44 Palmer, J. 103 Reissig, M. 73 Schoof, R. 25
Min-Oo, M. 57 Palombi, F. 128 Remmert, R. 137 Schröder, B. 6
Mishchenko, A. 55 Paltanea, R. 55 Renn, J. 129 Schulze, B.–W. 73
Mislin, G. 35 Pandzic, P. 21 Resnick, S. I. 84, 86 Scriba, C.J. 129
Mitter, S.K. 77 Parks, H.R. 61 Ribet, K.A. 20 Seade, J. 29
Modica, G. 44, 58 Pasquier, V. 93 Riesel, H. 13 Segal, D. 26
Molenberghs, G. 82 Pauls, S.D., 14 Rife, P. 126 Seiringer, R. 116
Mollica, F. 101 Pavlov, A. 80 Riley, T. 19 Seregin, G. 76
Moonen, B. 25 Pearson, D. B. 60 Rinder, P. 94 Serfaty, S. 70
Mora-Corral, C. 41 Pedemonte, O. 128 Rivasseau, V. 89, 90, Serrin, J. 52
Morales Ruiz, J.J. 109 Perthame, B. 105 92, 93 Shafrir, I. 72
Morosanu, G. 69 Peskir, G. 114 Robertson, A.M. 99 Shamash, Y. 113
Mortici, C. 18 Petrosjan, L.A. 96 Robinson, D. W. 21 Shen, A. 21
Morucci, S. 113 Petsche, H.–J. 138 Roch, S. 58 Shenitzer, A. 127
Moschella, U. 91 Pfeifer, W. 27 Rodino, L. 59 Shiryaev, A. 114
Moser, J. 60 Pietsch, A. 123 Rodman, L. 57 Shmarev, S. 72
Moszynska, M. 36 Pini, E. 125, 136 Rodrigues, J.F. 76, 98 Shonkweiler, R. W. 108
Muller, J.–M. 110 Pison, G. 88 Rollins, D. 72 Short, H. 19
Müller, P.F.X. 58 Pittalis, S. 113 Romano, A. 91 Shparlinski, I. 12
Müller, V. 49 Pittenger, A.O. 107 Rose, H.E. 24 Shultz, F.W. 56
Mumford, D. 50, 51 Podgorski, K. 88 Rosenberg, J.M. 31 Shustin, E. 31
Mushkarov, O. 34 Pogorzelski, W.A. 4 Rosenberger, G. 11 Sidoravicius, V. 86
Muto, S. 96 Pointcheval, D. 109 Rößler, W. 135 Silbermann, B. 58
Myint-U, T. 67 Ponnusamy, S. 55 Rota, G.–C. 128 Silva, G.J. 115
Naboko, S. 48 Pont, J.-C. 121 Roubicek, T. 74 Silverman, H. 55
Nagasawa, M. 88 Pragacz, P. (Ed.) 38 Ruf, B. 71 Sinestrari, C. 74
Nashed, Z. 72 Prestini, E. 60 Russo, F. 83 Singer, S.F. 26
Nastasi, P. 128 Pretlove, A. J. 117 Sabadini, I. 57, 71 Slaughter, W.S. 116
Natke, H. G. 117 Preziosi, L. 101 Saberi, A. 98 Smirnova-Nagnibeda,
Németi, I. 5 Puca, S. 113 Saemann, E.–U. 117 T. 22
Nerode, A. 108 Pucci, P. 52 Sahai, H. 85 Smith, J.T. 126
Neubrander, F. 65, 76 Qian, T. 53 Sain, I. 5 Snaith, V.P. 12
Neunzert, H. 138 Quincampoix, M. 95 Samko, S. 55 Soares Ruas, M.A. 30
Nicaise, S. 65 Quittner, P. 70 Samokhin, M. V. 60 Sobczyk, G. 35
Nievergelt, Y. 5 Rabinovich, V. 45, 58 Samtleben, H. 22 Sohr, H. 75
Nijmeijer, H. 80 Rabinowitz, P. 71 Sandier, E. 70 Solovej, J. P. 116
Nowak, A.S. 107 Rachev, S.T. 112 Sannuti, P. 98 Sommen, F. 71
Nowak, I. 115 Raghavan, T.E.S. 96 Santos, L. 98 Sone, Y. 102
Nussbaumer, H. 117 Raimond, J.-M. 89 Sarabia, J.M. 81 Sörensen, M. 86
Obukhov, Y.N. 111 Rainer, J. H. 117 Saul, M. 38 Souplet, P. 70
Ochiai, T. 28 Rajagopal, K.R. 101, 108 Savaré, G. 57 Sprekels, J. 64
Ogden, T. 111 Ramírez Alfonsín, J.L. 10 Savkin, A. V. 78 Springer, T.A. 25
Sprössig, W. 42, 138 Triki, A. 49 White, N. 21
Srikant, R. 80 Troitsky, E. 55 Williams, K. 102, 103,
Stachel, J. 128 Tröltzsch, F. 64 114, 120
Staicu, V. 64 Trudeau, R.J. 37 Williams, R. J. 85
Stanley, R.P. 8 Truesdell, C. 108 Windsteiger, W. 130, 131
Steeb, W. H. 109, 137 Trunk, C. 47 Wojtylak, P. 4
Steffens, K.–G. 129 Tschinkel, Y. 22 Wolf, J.A. 32
Steinbeisser, L. 117 Turaev, V. 62 Wong, M.W. 45, 59
Stewart, I. 75 Turek, S. 99 Woracek, H. 59
Stojanovic, S. 109 Tyson, J.T. 14 Woyczynski, W.A. 81
Stolz, G. 48 Ullrich, P. 137 Xiao, J. 34
Stoop, R. 137 Ulmer Busenhart, H. 75 Xu, Y. 53
Stoorvogel, A.A. 98 Uludag, A. M. Yang, C.–C. 13
Storer, J.A. 107 Unterberger, A. 27 Yang, J.-H. 19
Storrer, H.H. 137 Urbano, J.M. 76 Yeargers, E. K. 108
Stout, E.L. 48 Vai, M.I 53 Yen, J.-Y.J. 96
Stoyanov, L. 34 Vainsencher, I. 14 Yezzi, Jr., A. 116
Stroock, D. W. 53 Valente, V. 72 Yngvason, J. 116
Struppa, D.C. 57, 71 Valette, A. 22, 34, 35 Yoshida, M. 41
Struyf, A. 88 Vanaja, N. 23 Yoshioka, A. 28
Subbotin, I.Y. 15 Van Aelst, S. 88 Zabarankin, M. 78
Suris, Y.B. 13 van den Essen, A. 26 Zaccarian, L. 78
Suzuki, T. 72 van der Geer, G. 25, 35 Zaharopol, R. 86
Sweers, G. 74 van der Put, M. 36 Zanghirati, L. 66
Szabo, S 27 van de Wouw, N. 80 Zannier, U. 16, 118
Szajowski, K. 107 van Neerven, J. 74 Zayed, A. 115
Takagi, T. 109 Varilly, J. C. 33 Zehnder, E. 37
Taqqu, M.S. 88 Vasil'ev, A. 71 Zeidler, E. 90
Tarantello, G. 68 Vasilescu, F.H. 60 Zelevinsky, A.V. 21
Taylor, M. 74 Vasilevski, N. 45 Zeng, Y. 117
Teolis, A. 109 Vasilyev, N.B. 35 Zhang, H. 99
ter Elst, A.F.M. 21 Väth, M. 46 Zheng, Z. 71
Tewari, A. 97 Ventura, E. 17 Zhi, L. 105
Tewes, B. 86 Vergara Caffarelli, G. 72 Zhu, H. 45
Thangavelu, S. 54 Vilenkin, N.Y. 6 Zoladek, H. 37
Thomas, M. 83 Villaggio, P. 122 Zsido, L. 60
Tian, G. 32 Villa Salvador, G.D. 12 Zuk, A. 22
Timotin, D. 60 Vincent, T.L. 95 Zulehner, W. 131, 132
Tirozzi, B. 113 Vinnikov, V. 50 Zung, N. T. 25
Tobies, R. 138 Vollert, A. 84
Todorcevic, S. 6, 7, 60 Vorobiev, N.N. 120
Toft, J. 45, 59 Voronov, A.A. 36
Tolksdorf, J. 90 Vujanovic, B. Z. 107
Tomassini, G. 33 Walczak, P. 22
Tomei, C. 71 Wallis, W.D. 5, 7, 94
Tonev, T. V. 60 Walnut, D.F. 57, 108
Toponogov, V.A. 33 Walter, S. 124
Torres del Castillo, G.F. Wang, D. 71, 105
106 Weber, A. 55
Triebel, H. 61 Weil, A. 11
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