MatheKat08 F Web
MatheKat08 F Web
MatheKat08 F Web
Autumn 2007
New and noteworthy books and journals
2nd ed.
Logic 4
Combinatorics 7
Number Theory / Lattice Theory 9
Algebra and Representation Theory 14
Geometry / Topology 28
Analysis / Operator Theory 39
Differential Equations / Dynamical Systems 63
Systems and Control 77
Probability and Statistics 81
Mathematical Physics / Physics 89
Numerical and Computational Mathematics / Applications 94
Of general interest 118
Journals 158
2nd ed.
A Beginner's Guide to
Discrete Mathematics
Wallis, W.D.
text and a useful companion for anybody presents one or more major theorems with
wondering how basic mathematical concepts detailed and nontrivial proofs, and states
can be rigorously developed within set without proof one or two other important
theory." Mathematical Reviews results. At the end of every chapter is an
ample collection of exercises."
2001. XVI, 415 p. 22 illus. Hardcover Mathematical Reviews
EUR 84.– / CHF 140.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4249-5
"...surprisingly, despite the extremely basic
nature of the subject, this monograph has
Handbook of Logic and Proof essentially no competition. But fortunately
Techniques for Computer Science the first entry proves a gem. Undergraduate
mathematics and computer science
Krantz, S. G.
majors will find the first chapters offering
background that will serve them well in
"This is really what it promises to be – a good many courses. The rest of the book, which
handbook: supple, self-contained, providing features many open problems, constitutes
the necessary and sufficient working an accessible and stimulating invitation to
resources … it is more than [one] expect[s]: research … Highly recommended." Choice
the rigor of usefulness and conciseness 2003. XVII, 391 p. 35 illus. Hardcover
exceeds or equals … the pleasure of reading EUR 68.– / CHF 120.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4128-3
it." Zentralblatt MATH
2002. XIX, 245 p. 16 illus. Hardcover Proofs and Fundamentals
EUR 54.90 / CHF 90.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4220-4
A First Course in Abstract
In Search of Infinity Bloch, E. D.
Vilenkin, N.Y.
"Perhaps the book’s greatest strength is the
"In fewer than 150 pages Vilenkin has author’s zeal and skill for helping students
packed a whole course on infinity: its history, write mathematics better. Careful guidance
philosophy, and mathematical theory. Abe is given throughout the book. Basic issues
Shenitzer's translation is very smooth and like not abusing equal signs are treated
natural... When fractals have gone out of explicitly. Attention is given to even relatively
style, and chaos is no longer the flavor of the
small issues, like not placing a mathematical
month, some kind of 'geometric set theory'
or 'set-theoretic geometry' may very well symbol directly after a punctuation mark.
remain, and In Search of Infinity may still be Throughout the book, theorems are often
the best introduction to it." followed first by informative ‘scratch work’
American Mathematical Monthly and only then by proofs. Thus students can
see many examples of what they should
EUR 38.– / CHF 48.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3819-1 think, what they should write, and how these
are usually not the same." MAA Online
Ordered Sets
2000. XXI, 424 p. Hardcover
EUR 48.– / CHF 78.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4111-5
An Introduction
Schröder, B. Set Theory
"This book is a most successful introduction Centre de Recerca Matemàtica
to the theory of ordered sets. The range of Barcelona, 2003-2004
topics covered is wide yet the exposition is Bagaria, J. / Todorcevic, S. (Eds)
self-contained … The focus on open problems TM – Trends in Mathematics
makes for enthusiastic writing and provides
continuity among the diverse topics that 2006. VI, 406 p. Hardcover
EUR 98.– / CHF 158.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7691-8
are discussed … in each chapter the author
proves a solid collection of basic results,
2nd ed.
Number Theory / Lattice Theory
2nd ed.
1st ed.
1987. 2nd
Number Theory / Lattice Theory
An Introduction to the
Topics in the Theory of Algebraic
Langlands Program
Function Fields Bernstein, J. / Gelbart, S. (Eds)
Villa Salvador, G.D., CINVESTAV del IPN,
"The six chapters of this monograph give
Mexico City, Mexico
a broad, user-friendly introduction to the
Langlands program, that is, the theory of
MTA – Mathematics: Theory & Applications
automorphic forms and its connection with
the theory of L-functions and other fields of
The fields of algebraic functions of
mathematics. First-year graduate students
one variable appear in several areas of
and researchers will benefit from this
mathematics: complex analysis, algebraic
beautiful text." Zentralblatt MATH
geometry, and number theory. This text
adopts the latter perspective by applying an 2003. VIII, 281 p. Softcover
EUR 38.– / CHF 62.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3211-3
arithmetic-algebraic viewpoint to the study
of function fields as part of the algebraic
theory of numbers. The examination explains Complex Numbers from A to ...Z
both the similarities and fundamental Andreescu, T. / Andrica, D.
differences between function fields and
"It is for the readers who seek to harness
number fields, including many exercises and
new techniques and to polish their mastery
examples to enhance understanding and
of the old ones. It is for somebody who made
motivate further study.
it their business to be solving problems on a
The only prerequisites are a basic regular basis. These readers will appreciate
knowledge of field theory, complex analysis, the scope of the methodological detail the
and some commutative algebra. The authors of the book bring to their attention,
book can serve as a text for a graduate they will appreciate the power of the
course in number theory or an advanced methods and the intricacy of the problems."
graduate topics course. Alternatively, MAA Reviews
chapters 1-4 can serve as the base of an 2005. XI, 321 p. 82 illus. Softcover
introductory undergraduate course for EUR 48.– / CHF 78.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4326-3
mathematics majors, while chapters 5-9
can support a second course for advanced Cryptographic Applications of
undergraduates. Researchers interested Analytic Number Theory
in number theory, field theory, and their
Complexity Lower Bounds and
interactions will also find the work an
excellent reference.
Shparlinski, I.
2006. XVI, 652 p. 20 illus. Hardcover
EUR 78.– / CHF 128.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4480-2 PCS – Progress in Computer Science and
Applied Logic, Vol. 22
2003. VIII, 411 p. Hardcover
EUR 99.– / CHF 169.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6654-4
Diophantine Equations and The Congruences of
Power Integral Bases in Algebraic a Finite Lattice
Number fields A Proof-by-Picture Approach
Gaal, I. Grätzer, G.
2002. XVII, 184 p. Softcover
EUR 59.90 / CHF 99.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4271-6 "The book is self-contained, with many
detailed proofs presented that can be
followed step-by-step. [I]n addition to
Near Polygons giving the full formal details of the proofs,
De Bruyn, B. the author chooses a somehow more
pedagogical way that he calls Proof-
FM – Frontiers in Mathematics by-Picture, somehow related to the
combinatorial (as opposed to algebraic)
"This is an important book. It fills a gap in the nature of many of the presented results.
literature ... The author is presently the major I believe that this book is a much-needed
authority on this topic. He is indeed the right tool for any mathematician wishing a gentle
author for such a book." (taken from reviews introduction to the field of congruences
of the book) representations of finite lattices, with
emphasis on the more 'geometric' aspects."
2006. XI, 263 p. Softcover
EUR 38.– / CHF 60.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7552-2
Mathematical Reviews
2006. XXII, 282 p. 110 illus. Hardcover
Prime Numbers and Computer EUR 48.– / CHF 72.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3224-3
Algebra and Representation Theory
Algebra and Representation Theory
Geometric Group Theory L'isomorphisme entre les tours de
Geneva and Barcelona Conferences Lubin-Tate et de Drinfield
Arzhantseva, G.N., Université de Genève, Fargues, L., Laboratoire de Mathématiques,
Switzerland / Bartholdi, L., Swiss Federal Orsay, France / Genestier, A., Laboratoire de
Institute of Technology, Lausanne / Mathématiques, Orsay, France / Lafforgue, V.,
Burillo, J., Universitat Politècnica de Université Paris 6, France
Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain / Ventura, E.,
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 262
Barcelona, Spain (Eds)
Due in September 2007
TM – Trends in Mathematics
This book gives a complete and thorough
This volume assembles research papers proof of the existence of an equivariant
in 'geometric' and 'combinatorial' group isomorphism between Lubin-Tate and
theory. This wide area may be defined as the Drinfeld towers in infinite level. The
'study of those groups that are defined by result is established in equal and inequal
their action on a combinatorial or geometric characteristics. Moreover, the book contains
object', in the spirit of Klein's programme. as an application the proof of the equality
The contributions range over a wide between the equivariant cohomology of both
spectrum: limit groups, groups associated towers, a result that has applications to
with equations, with cellular automata, the local Langlands correspondence. Along
their structure as metric objects, their the proof background and complements
decomposition, etc. Their common are given on the structure of both moduli
denominator is the language of group theory, spaces, p-divisible formal groups and p-adic
used to express and solve problems ranging rigid analytic geometry.
from geometry to logic.
2007. Approx. 400 p. Hardcover
EUR 59.90 / CHF 105.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-8455-5
2007. Approx. 300 p. Hardcover
EUR 109.– / CHF 179.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-8411-1
Algebra and Representation Theory
This volume uses a unified approach to The origins of the word problem are in
representation theory and automorphic group theory, decidability and complexity,
forms. The invited papers, written by leading but, through the vision of M. Gromov and
mathematicians in related fields, track the language of filling functions, the topic
recent progress in the ever expanding fields now impacts the world of large-scale
of representation theory and automorphic geometry, including topics such as soap
forms, and their association with number films, isoperimetry, coarse invariants and
theory and differential geometry. Both curvature.
graduate students and researchers will find
inspiration in this volume. The first part introduces van Kampen
diagrams in Cayley graphs of finitely
2007. Approx. 310 p. 10 illus. Hardcover
Approx. EUR 68.– / CHF 112.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4505-2
generated, infinite groups; it discusses
the van Kampen lemma, the isoperimetric
functions or Dehn functions, the theory
of small cancellation groups and an
introduction to hyperbolic groups.
The second part is dedicated to Dehn
functions, negatively curved groups, in
particular, CAT(0) groups, cubings and
cubical complexes. In the last part, filling
functions are presented from geometric,
algebraic and algorithmic points of view; it is
discussed how filling functions interact, and
applications to nilpotent groups, hyperbolic
groups and asymptotic cones are given.
Many examples and open problems are
2007. VII, 206 p. Softcover
EUR 28.– / CHF 44.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7949-0
Algebra and Representation Theory
1st ed.
1990. 2nd
103 Trigonometry Problems Coxeter Matroids
From the Training of the Borovik, A. V. / Gelfand, I. M. /
USA IMO Team White, N.
Andreescu, T. / Feng, Z.
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 216
2005. XII, 214 p. 79 illus. Softcover
EUR 48.– / CHF 78.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4334-8
"...this accessible and well-written
book, intended to be 'a cross between
Algebra a postgraduate text and a research
Gelfand, I.M. / Shen, A. monograph,' is well worth reading and makes
a good case for doing matroids with mirrors."
"Were Algebra to be used solely for SIAM Review
supplementary reading, it could be
2003. XXII, 264 p. Hardcover
wholeheartedly recommended to any high
EUR 108.– / CHF 168.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3764-4
school student of any teacher . . . In fact,
given the long tradition of mistreating algebra
as a disjointed collection of techniques in Dirac Operators in Representation
the schools, there should be some urgency Theory
in making this book compulsory reading for Huang, J.–S. / Pandzic, P.
anyone interested in learning mathematics."
The Mathematical Intelligencer MTA – Mathematics: Theory & Applications
1st ed. 1993. Corr. 2nd printing 2006. X, 199 p. Hardcover
2002. 27 illus. Softcover EUR 52.– / CHF 82.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3218-2
EUR 22.– / CHF 32.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3677-7
Algebra and Representation Theory
Introduction to Vertex Lectures on Algebraic Quantum
Operator Algebras and Groups
Their Representations Brown, K. A. / Goodearl, K. R.
Lepowsky, J. / Li, H.
ACM – Advanced Courses in Mathematics –
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 227 CRM Barcelona
Facchini, A. Poisson Structures and Their
Normal Forms
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 167 Dufour, J.–P. / Zung, N. T.
Geometry / Topology
2nd ed.
1st ed.
1999. 3rd
Geometry / Topology
A q-clan with q a power of 2 is equivalent The São Carlos Workshop on Real and
to a certain generalized quadrangle with a Complex Singularities is the longest running
family of subquadrangles each associated workshop in singularities. It is held every
with an oval in the Desarguesian plane of two years and is a key international event
order 2. It is also equivalent to a flock of a for people working in the field. This volume
quadratic cone, and hence to a line-spread contains papers presented at the eighth
of 3-dimensional projective space and thus workshop, held at the IML, Marseille, July
to a translation plane, and more. These 19-23, 2004.
geometric objects are tied together by the
so-called Fundamental Theorem of q-Clan The workshop offers the opportunity to
Geometry. The book gives a complete proof establish the state of the art and to present
of this theorem, followed by a detailed study new trends, new ideas and new results
of the known examples. The collineation in all of the branches of singularities.
groups of the associated generalized This is reflected by the contributions in
quadrangles and the stabilizers of their this book. The main topics discussed are
associated ovals are worked out completely. equisingularity of sets and mappings,
geometry of singular complex analytic sets,
2007. Approx. 200 p. Softcover singularities of mappings, characteristic
EUR 39.90 / CHF 69.90 / ISBN 978-3-7643-8507-1
classes, classification of singularities,
interaction of singularity theory with some
of the new ideas in algebraic geometry
imported from theoretical physics, and
applications of singularity theory to
geometry of surfaces in low dimensional
euclidean spaces, to differential equations
and to bifurcation theory.
2007. X, 364 p. Hardcover
EUR 128.– / CHF 208.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7775-5
Geometry / Topology
Symplectic Geometry of Integrable The Monodromy Group
Hamiltonian Systems Zoladek, H.
Audin, M. / Cannas da Silva, A. / Lerman, E. MMN – Monografie Matematyczne, Vol. 67
ACM – Advanced Courses in Mathematics – 2006. XI, 580 p. 134 illus. Hardcover
EUR 98.– / CHF 168.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7535-5
CRM Barcelona
Geometry / Topology
TM – Trends in Mathematics
2005. XXVIII, 297 p. Hardcover
EUR 99.– / CHF 169.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7214-9
Gray, A.
2nd ed.
Torus Actions on Symplectic
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 221
2nd revised ed. "The new book by Alfred Gray will do much to
Audin, M. make Weyl's tube formula more accessible
to modern readers. … Gray's pace is quite
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 93 leisurely, and a gradualte student who has
completed a basic differential geometry
"Through careful writing, this revised edition course will have little difficulty following the
achieves much more than that volume, presentation." Bulletin of the AMS
and can be considered, in fact, a new and
2004. XIII, 280 p. Hardcover
Analysis / Operator Theory
The second volume of this introduction The third and last volume of this series
into analysis deals with the integration deals with the theory of integration
theory of functions of one variable, the and the foundations of global analysis.
multidimensional differential calculus Again a modern and clear construction
and the theory of curves and line integrals. is emphasized which not only provides a
The modern and clear development that well-structured and beautiful theory, but
started in Volume I (3-7643-7153-6) also equips the reader with powerful tools
continues. In this way a sustainable basis for his further work in mathematics. On
will be created which allows to deal with this account, for instance, the Bochner-
interesting applications that sometimes go Lebesgue integral is presented which is
considerably beyond the material that is an indispensable resource for the modern
represented in traditional textbooks. This theory of partial differential equations.
applies, for instance, to the exploration Likewise a version of Stoke’s theorem is
of Nemytskii operators which enable a proven that meets the practical needs of
transparent introduction into the calculus mathematics and theoretical physics as far
of variations and the derivation of the as possible.
Euler-Lagrange equations. Another example
In the same way as in the previous volumes
is the presentation of the local theory of
numerous prospects of continuative
submanifolds of Rn.
theories also will be given, and this will
2007. Approx. 424 p. Softcover convey an impression of the importance and
EUR 58.– / CHF 92.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7472-3
the strength of the presented theories to
the reader. Additionally these parts will be
used to practice and to deepen the provided
Numerous examples, real calculations, a
large number of exercises and many figures
make this book a reliable escort for the
whole course of studies.
2008. Softcover
Approx. EUR 59.90 / CHF 105.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7479-2
Algebraic Multiplicity of Arithmetic and Geometry Around
Eigenvalues of Linear Operators Hypergeometric Functions
López-Gómez, J., Universidad Complutense Lecture Notes of a CIMPA Summer
de Madrid, Spain / Mora-Corral, C., School held at Galatasaray University,
University of Oxford, UK Istanbul, 2005
Holzapfel, R.-P., Humboldt University
OT – Operator Theory: Advances and Berlin, Germany / UludagÖ, A. Muhammed,
Applications, Vol. 177 Galatasaray University, Istanbul, Turkey /
Yoshida, M., Kyushu University, Fukuoka,
This book brings together all available Japan (Eds)
results about the theory of algebraic
multiplicities, from the most classic results, PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 260
like the Jordan Theorem, to the most recent
developments, like the uniqueness theorem This volume comprises lecture notes, survey
and the construction of the multiplicity for and research articles originating from the
non-analytic families. CIMPA Summer School Arithmetic and
Part I (first three chapters) is a classic Geometry around Hypergeometric Functions
course on finite-dimensional spectral theory, held at Galatasaray University, Istanbul
Part II (the next eight chapters) presents during June 13-25, 2005. A wide range of
the most general results available about topics related to hypergeometric functions
the existence and uniqueness of algebraic is covered, thus giving a broad perspective
multiplicities for real non-analytic operator of the state of the art in the field.
matrices and families, and Part III (last 9,,,SßJV+DUGFRYHU
chapter) transfers these results from linear EUR 79.90 / CHF 135.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-8283-4
to nonlinear analysis. The text is as self-
contained as possible and suitable for
students at the advanced undergraduate or
beginning graduate level.
2007. Approx. 332 p. Hardcover
EUR 99.– / CHF 169.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-8400-5
Analysis / Operator Theory
Functions in
the Plane and
Harmonic Analysis and Holomorphic Morse Inequalities
Applications and Bergman Kernels
In Honor of John J. Benedetto Ma, X., Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France /
Heil, C., Georgia Institute of Technology, Marinescu, G., University of Frankfurt,
Atlanta, GA, USA (Ed.) Germany
Modern Operator Theory and Modern Trends in Pseudo-
Applications Differential Operators
The Igor Borisovich Simonenko Toft, J., Växjö University, Växjö, Sweden /
Anniversary Volume Wong, M. W. / Zhu, H., both York University,
Erusalimsky, Y.M., Rostov State University, Toronto, ON, Canada (Eds)
Russia / Gohberg, I., Tel Aviv University, Israel /
Grudsky, S.M., CINVESTAV, Mexico-City, OT – Operator Theory: Advances and
Mexico / Rabinovich, V., IPN, Mexico-City, Applications, Vol. 172
Mexico / Vasilevski, N., CINVESTAV, Mexico-
City, Mexico (Eds) The ISAAC Group in Pseudo-Differential
Operators (IGPDO) met at the Fifth ISAAC
OT – Operator Theory: Advances and Congress held at Università di Catania in
Applications, Vol. 170 Italy in July, 2005. This volume consists
of papers based on lectures given at the
This volume is dedicated to the eminent special session on pseudodifferential
Russian mathematician Igor Borisovich operators and invited papers that bear on
Simonenko on the occasion of his 70th the themes of IGPDO.
birthday. The contributions are written by Nineteen peer-reviewed papers represent
leading experts and present the state of the modern trends in pseudo-differential
art in a number of areas originally initiated operators. Topics include partial differential
in pioneer works by I. B. Simonenko. Among equations, global analysis, geometry,
the topics covered are Fredholm theory for quantization, Wigner transforms, Weyl
singular integral and convolution operators, transforms on Lie groups, mathematical
estimates for singular integral operators physics and timefrequency analysis. The
on Carleson curves acting in Lp spaces articles will be of interest to graduate
with variable exponents, the finite section students and researchers in analysis,
method for band-dominated and Toeplitz mathematical physics and mathematical
operators, Szegö-type theorems, and the sciences. This collection of essays and
averaging method for nonlinear equations. research articles under the banner of IGPDO
The book testifies to the wide mathematical is a valuable complement to the volumes
interest of I. B. Simonenko and includes a "Advances in Pseudo-Differential Operators"
biography, his list of publications and a list and "Pseudo-Differential Operators and
of his Ph.D. students. Related Topics" published in the same
series in 2004 and 2006, respectively.
2007. VI, 256 p. 12 illus. Hardcover
EUR 128.– / CHF 208.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7736-6 2007. VI, 342 p. Hardcover
EUR 139.– / CHF 229.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-8097-7
Analysis / Operator Theory
2007. VIII, 174 p. Hardcover
EUR 58.– / CHF 94.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-8095-3
of the
1994 ed.
Analysis / Operator Theory
2nd ed.
Analysis / Operator Theory
of the
1983 ed.
Reprint 1st ed.
of the 1991. 2nd
1984 ed. printing
MBC – Modern Birkhäuser Classics This volume is the third of three in a series
surveying the theory of theta functions
The second in a series of three volumes which play a central role in the fields of
surveying the theory of theta functions, complex analysis, algebraic geometry,
this volume gives emphasis to the special number theory and most recently particle
properties of the theta functions associated physics.
with compact Riemann surfaces and how Based on lectures given by the author at
they lead to solutions of the Korteweg-de- the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Vries equations as well as other non-linear in Bombay, these volumes constitute a
differential equations of mathematical systematic exposition of theta functions,
physics. beginning with their historical roots as
This book presents an explicit elementary analytic functions in one variable (Volume
construction of hyperelliptic Jacobian I), touching on some of the beautiful ways
varieties and is a self-contained introduction they can be used to describe moduli spaces
to the theory of the Jacobians. It also ties (Volume II), and culminating in a methodical
together nineteenth-century discoveries comparison of theta functions in analysis,
due to Jacobi, Neumann, and Frobenius algebraic geometry, and representation
with recent discoveries of Gelfand, McKean, theory (Volume III).
Moser, John Fay, and others. Researchers and graduate students in
A definitive body of information and research mathematics and physics will find these
on the subject of theta functions, this volumes to be valuable additions to their
volume will be a useful addition to individual libraries.
and mathematics research libraries. 2007. VIII, 202 p. 2 illus. Softcover
EUR 34.90 / CHF 59.90 / ISBN 978-0-8176-4570-0
2007. XIV, 272 p. 21 illus. Softcover
EUR 34.90 / CHF 59.90 / ISBN 978-0-8176-4569-4
Analysis / Operator Theory
A Concise Introduction
to the Theory of Integration
Stroock, D. W.
Analysis / Operator Theory
Approximation Theory Using students in Real Analysis so also for teachers
in this field." Zentralblatt MATH
Positive Linear Operators
Paltanea, R. 2005. XXIV, 656 p. 10 illus. Hardcover
EUR 58.– / CHF 92.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3250-2
Extremum Problems for function theory. But the author also studies
byways that come from analysis and
Eigenvalues of Elliptic Operators
algebra.... Altogether, the author treats
Henrot, A.
advanced topics that lead the reader to
modern areas of research. And what is
FM – Frontiers in Mathematics
important, the topics are presented with
2006. X, 202 p. 16 illus. Softcover an explanation of their interaction with
EUR 38.– / CHF 62.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7705-2 other important parts of mathematics. The
presentations of the topics are clear and
Fourier Analysis and Convexity the text makes [for] very good reading; basic
Brandolini, L. / Colzani, L. / Iosevich, A. / ideas of many concepts and proofs are
Travaglini, G. (Eds) carefully described, non-formal introductions
to each chapter are very helpful, a rich
ANHA – Applied and Numerical Harmonic collection of exercises is well composed
Analysis and helps the student to understand the
subject." Zentralblatt MATH
2004. VIII, 272 p. 32 illus. Hardcover
EUR 74.90 / CHF 125.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3263-2 2006. XIV, 314 p. 41 illus. Hardcover
EUR 58.– / CHF 88.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4339-3
Generalized Functions
Theory and Applications Geometry and Spectra of Compact
Kanwal, R. P. Riemann Surfaces
3rd ed. Buser, J.
"An exceptionally clear exposition... The MTA – Mathematics: Theory & Applications
exercises at the end of each chapter are
well-chosen." The American Mathematical "Notable results…are presented in this
Monthly (Review of a previous edition) book in a unified way, with complete
and enlightening proofs and comments.
2004. XX, 476 p. 41 illus. Softcover The authors have done fine work for the
EUR 86.– / CHF 136.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4343-0
mathematical community, providing a
valuable toolkit for researchers interested
Geometric Function Theory in non-associative structures, self-adjoint
Explorations in Complex Analysis operator algebras, or areas of functional
Krantz, S. G. analysis or mathematical physics where
aspects related to convexity and ordered
COR – Cornerstones spaces appear…." Zentralblatt MATH
2003. 480 p. Hardcover
"The geometric point of view is the unifying EUR 74.90 / CHF 125.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4319-5
theme in this fine textbook in complex
Global Riemannian Geometry: collected at the end of each chapter making
Curvature and Topology the book ideal as a graduate-level textbook."
SIAM Review
Markvorsen, S. / Min-Oo, M. 2003. XVII, 423 p. Softcover
EUR 79.90 / CHF 135.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6930-9
ACM – Advanced Courses in Mathematics –
CRM Barcelona Infinite Matrices and their Finite
2003. 100 p. Softcover Sections
EUR 24.90 / CHF 42.90 / ISBN 978-3-7643-2170-3
An Introduction to the Limit Operator
Gradient Flows Lindner, M.
In Metric Spaces and in the Space of
Probability Measures FM – Frontiers in Mathematics
Ambrosio, L. / Gigli, N. / Savaré, G.
2006. XV, 191 p. 12 illus. Softcover
EUR 38.– / CHF 62.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7766-3
LM – Lectures in Mathematics. ETH Zürich
2005. VII, 333 p. Softcover Interpolation, Schur Functions
EUR 34.90 / CHF 59.90 / ISBN 978-3-7643-2428-5
and Moment Problems
Alpay, D. / Gohberg, I. (Eds)
Harmonic Analysis, Signal
Processing, and Complexity LOLS – Linear Operators and Linear Systems /
Festschrift in Honor of the 60th OT – Operator Theory: Advances and
Birthday of Carlos A. Berenstein Applications, Vol. 165
Sabadini, I. / Struppa, D. C. / Walnut, D. F. 2006. XI, 302 p. Hardcover
(Eds) EUR 128.– / CHF 208.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7546-1
Analysis / Operator Theory
Measure Theory
Limit Operators and Their Cohn, D. L.
Applications in Operator Theory 1980. 388 p. Softcover
Rabinovich, V. / Roch, S. / Silbermann, B. EUR 42.– / CHF 68.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3003-4
these three major concerns...are artfully professional mathematicians, and scientists
intertwined to form a single, unified narrative. of other types." MathSciNet
This is not simply a book about mathematics,
2002. XI, 163 p. Hardcover
or even the history of mathematics; it is a EUR 88.– / CHF 118.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4285-3
story about how the discipline has been
applied (to borrow Fourier's expression) Theory of Function Spaces III
to 'the public good and the explanation
Triebel, H.
of natural phenomena.'...It is evident that
a great deal of effort has been spent in
MMA – Monographs in Mathematics,
the preparation of this book. The author
Vol. 100
has diligently worked to create a cogent,
sensibly organized exposition. The text is 2006. XII, 426 p. Hardcover
EUR 128.– / CHF 205.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7581-2
supplemented with dozens of interesting
pictures and graphs....[T]his book constitutes
a significant addition to the library of popular
The Structure of Functions
mathematical works, and a valuable resource Triebel, H.
for students of mathematics."
MAA Reviews MMA – Monographs in Mathematics, Vol. 97
2001. XII, 425 p. Hardcover
"The book under review is a unique and EUR 98.– / CHF 158.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6546-2
splendid telling of the triumphs of the fast
Fourier transform. I can recommend it
unconditionally." SIAM News
Time-Frequency and Time-Scale
2004. XIX, 349 p., 169 illus. Softcover
EUR 72.– / CHF 112.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4125-2 Adaptive Decompositions, Uncertainty
Principles, and Sampling
The Functional Calculus for Hogan, J. A. / Lakey, J. D.
Sectorial Operators
Haase, M. ANHA – Applied and Numerical Harmonic
OT – Operator Theory: Advances and
Applications, Vol. 169 "[The] book under review is written from
a relatively novel perspective: its goal is to
2006. XIV, 392 p. 8 illus. Hardcover
carefully and deeply study the similarities
EUR 78.– / CHF 128.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7697-0
and differences between time-frequency
and time-scale methods. Thus, one may view
The Implicit Function Theorem the present book as a continuation of the
History, Theory, and Applications famous textbook of Ingrid Daubechies [Ten
Krantz, S. G. / Parks, H. R. Lectures on Wavelets].... In my opinion, the
two books nicely complement each other
"This is an excellent book devoted to the and both are a 'must have' for everyone who
implicit function theorem and related is interested in a deeper understanding of
results (like the inverse function theorem) time-frequency and time-scale methods."
that play one of the most important roles Zentralblatt MATH
in modern mathematics...The book is
2005. XXII, 390p. 22 illus. Hardcover
mainly self-contained and undoubtedly will EUR 78.– / CHF 120.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4276-1
serve as a useful resource for advanced
undergraduates, graduate students,
Analysis / Operator Theory
Variational Problems in
Riemannian Geometry
Bubbles, Scans and Geometric Flows
Baird, P. / El Soufi, A. / Fardoun, A. /
Regbaoui, R. (Eds)
Differential Equations / Dynamical Systems
Differential Equations / Dynamical Systems
Differential Equations,
Chaos and Variational
Functional Analysis
and Evolution
Differential Equations / Dynamical Systems
Differential Equations / Dynamical Systems
Singularly Perturbed Spectral Theory of Infinite-Area
Boundary-Value Problems Hyperbolic Surfaces
Barbu, L., Ovidius Unversity, Constanta, Borthwick, D., Emory University, Atlanta, GA,
Romania / Moroúanu, G., Central European USA
University, Budapest, Hungary
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 256
ISNM – International Series of Numerical
Mathematics, Vol. 156 This book is a self-contained monograph on
spectral theory for non-compact Riemann
This book offers a detailed asymptotic surfaces, focused on the infinite-volume
analysis of some important classes of case. A hyperbolic surface of infinite volume
singularly perturbed boundary value provides for a qualitatively different context
problems which are mathematical models from either the compact or finite-volume
for various phenomena in biology, chemistry, cases, a context in which spectral theory
and engineering. of the Laplacian operator emerges as
scattering theory.
The authors are particularly interested
in nonlinear problems, which have hardly By focusing on the scattering theory of
been examined so far in the literature hyperbolic surfaces, this work provides a
dedicated to singular perturbations. This compelling introductory example which
book proposes to fill in this gap, since most will be accessible to a broad audience.
applications are described by nonlinear The book opens with an introduction to
models. Their asymptotic analysis is very the geometry of hyperbolic surfaces. Then
interesting, but requires special methods a thorough development of the spectral
and tools. The treatment presented in theory of a geometrically finite hyperbolic
this volume combines some of the most surface of infinite volume is given, which
successful results from different parts serves also as an attractive introduction to
of mathematics, including functional geometric scattering theory and the theory
analysis, singular perturbation theory, of resonances. The final sections of the
partial differential equations, and evolution recent developments, for which no thorough
equations. Thus a complete justification expository account exists, include resonance
for the replacement of various perturbed counting (illustrating techniques developed
models with corresponding reduced models, for potential and obstacle scattering),
which are simpler but in general have a analysis of the Selberg zeta function, the
different character, is offered to the reader. Poisson formula relating the resonance set
Specific applications are addressed, such to the length spectrum, and the proof that
as propagation of electromagnetic or the resonance set determines a surface up
mechanical waves, fluid flows, or diffusion to finitely many possibilities.
2007. Approx. 240 p. 10 illus. Hardcover
2007. Approx. 248 p. Hardcover Approx. EUR 44.95 / CHF 74.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4524-3
EUR 89.90 / CHF 149.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-8330-5 69
Differential Equations / Dynamical Systems
Adaptive Finite Element Methods Continuum
for Differential Equations Thermomechanics
Bangerth, W. / Rannacher, R. Bermúdez de Castro, A.
PMP – Progress in Mathematical Physics,
LM – Lectures in Mathematics. ETH Zürich
Vol. 43
"Most graduate students in engineering and 2005. XII, 209 p. Hardcover
EUR 59.90 / CHF 105.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7265-1
physical sciences should be able to handle
the material without excessive difficulty. The
presentation is very much a tutorial approach Contributions to Nonlinear
promoting a hands-on experience, reinforced Analysis
with practical exercises at the end of each A Tribute to D.G. de Figueiredo on the
chapter, aimed towards practitioners.... [The] Occasion of his 70th Birthday
present book provides a gentler introduction
Cazenave, T. / Costa, D. / Lopes, O. /
for the beginning graduate student or
Manásevich, R. / Rabinowitz, P. / Ruf, B. /
nonspecialist practitioner." SIAM Review
Tomei, C. (Eds)
2003. VIII, 207 p. Softcover
EUR 24.90 / CHF 42.90 / ISBN 978-3-7643-7009-1 PNLDE – Progress in Nonlinear Differential
Equations and Their Applications, Vol. 66
Analysis of Dirac Systems
2006. XII, 518 p. Hardcover
and Computational Algebra EUR 138.– / CHF 248.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7149-4
Colombo, F. / Sabadini, I. / Sommen, F. /
Struppa, D. C. Differential Equations with
PMP – Progress in Mathematical Physics,
Symbolic Computation
Vol. 39 Wang, D. / Zheng, Z. (Eds)
Applications to Nonlinear PDEs and
Fluid Mechanics
l goes to plus Infinity
Chipot, M.
Antontsev, S.N. / Diaz, J.I. / Shmarev, S.
BAT – Birkhäuser Advanced Texts
PNLDE – Progress in Nonlinear Differential
Equations and Their Applications, Vol. 48 2002. 188 p. Hardcover
EUR 54.– / CHF 88.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6646-9
Differential Equations / Dynamical Systems
well as by advanced graduate students in circle of readers, from students to experts…
this field. They will appreciate the many and specialists in the field."
detailed examples, the clear proofs and Zentralblatt MATH
the elegant style of presentation, the fairly
2001. Hardcover
comprehensive and up-to-date bibliography EUR 48.– / CHF 78.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6545-5
and the very pertinent historical and
bibliographical comments at the end of each
chapter." Mathematical Reviews The Symmetry Perspective
2005. XII, 306 p. Hardcover From Equilibrium to Chaos
EUR 119.– / CHF 199.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4084-2 in Phase Space and Physical Space
2005. XII, 306 p. Softcover Golubitsky, M. / Stewart, I.
EUR 59.90 / CHF 99.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4336-2 1st ed. 2002. Corr. 2nd printing
Vortices in Bose-Einstein
Aftalion, A.
Systems and Control
2nd ed.
The subjects treated are among the central The book is structured into five parts. Part
topics of deterministic linear system theory: I reviews basic optimal control and game
controllability, observability, realization theory of finite dimensional systems, which
theory, stability and stabilization by serves as an introduction to the book.
feedback, LQ-optimal control theory. Kalman Part II deals with time evolution of some
filtering and LQC-control of stochastic generic controlled infinite dimensional
systems are also discussed, as are modeling, systems and contains a fairly complete
time series analysis and model specification, account of semigroup theory. It incorporates
along with model validation. Exercises using interpolation theory and exhibits the role
MATLAB, presented on an accompanying CD, of semigroup theory in delay differential
enhance the main concepts and techniques and partial differential equations. Part III
in the text. studies the generic qualitative properties of
controlled systems. Parts IV and V examine
2007. VII, 166 p. With CD-ROM. Softcover
EUR 38.– / CHF 62.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7548-5
the optimal control of systems when
performance is measured via a quadratic
cost. Boundary control of parabolic and
hyperbolic systems and exact controllability
are also covered.
2007. XXVI, 575 p. 5 illus. Hardcover
EUR 69.90 / CHF 119.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4461-1
Systems and Control
Optimal Control
Partially Observable Linear
An Introduction Systems Under Dependent Noises
Locatelli, A. Bashirov, A. E.
"The style of the book reflects the author’s SC – Systems & Control: Foundations &
wish to assist in the effective learning Applications
of optimal control by suitable choice of
topics, the mathematical level used, and by "The book is very well and carefully written.
including numerous illustrated examples. It is an excellent reference on the complete
The book has been written for undergraduate sets of equations for the optimal controls
and postgraduate students who already and for the optimal filters under wide
know control theory, basic linear systems and band noises and shifted white noises and
possess a background in calculus…. In my their possible application to navigation of
view the book suits its function and purpose, spacecraft. Independently, it can serve as
in that it gives a student a comprehensive a useful reference on the part of functional
coverage of optimal control in an easy-to- analysis that is needed for problems
read fashion." Measurement and Control of infinite-dimensional linear systems
theory. The book is written for both applied
2001. VIII, 294 p. Hardcover
EUR 45.– / CHF 72.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6408-3 mathematicians and theoretically oriented
engineers as well as for students at a
Optimal Control and Viscosity graduate level. The control community will
Solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi- find this reference an important contribution
to the modern control and estimation theory
Bellman Equations literature." Mathematical Reviews
Bardi, M. / Capuzzo-Dolcetta, I.
2003. XXVI, 334 p. Hardcover
SC – Systems & Control: Foundations & EUR 89.90 / CHF 149.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6999-6
"With an excellent printing and clear Switching in Systems
structure (including an extensive subject and Control
and symbol registry) the book offers a deep Liberzon, D.
insight into the praxis and theory of optimal
control for the mathematically skilled SC – Systems & Control: Foundations &
reader. All sections close with suggestions Applications
for exercises exciting to self control and
active collaboration. Finally, with more than "The book is written in depth, and all the
500 cited references, an overview on the topics are closely related to the basic
history and the main works of this modern problems in analysis and control of switched
mathematical discipline is given." ZAA systems. Furthermore, all the main results
SSßJV+DUGFRYHU presented here are contributed originally
EUR 208.– / CHF 278.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3640-1 by the author and his collaborators. These
results, along with the author's recent work
on nonlinear control, play a pioneering role in
the area of switched systems and switching
control. Therefore, the reviewer recommends
this book to all researchers who are
interested in studying switched/hybrid
systems and their applications. Control
theorists and mathematicians will find that
this book is a very comprehensive reference
Systems and Control
source. ...The author has made great efforts Uniform Output Regulation
in the arrangement of the book so that the
of Nonlinear Systems
content is easier to follow."
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
A Convergent Dynamics Approach
Pavlov, A. / van de Wouw, N. / Nijmeijer, H.
2003. XII, 234 p., 43 illus. Hardcover
EUR 108.– / CHF 158.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4297-6
SC – Systems & Control: Foundations &
The Mathematics of Internet
2006. IX, 172 p. 38 illus. Hardcover
Congestion Control EUR 48.– / CHF 78.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4445-1
Srikant, R.
Probability and Statistics
Probability and Statistics
Advances in
Statistical Methods
for the Health
3rd ed.
Probability and Statistics
applications to finance and biology. The first Analysis of Variance for Random
part of the book reviews basic probability Models, Volume 1: Balanced Data
and then covers the basic continuous time
processes such as Brownian motion, point
Theory, Methods, Applications, and
processes, etc.... The book will be useful Data Analysis
for applied mathematicians who are not Sahai, H. / Ojeda, M. M.
probabilists to get a quick flavour of the 2004. XXVIII, 484 p. 9 illus. Hardcover
techniques of stochastic calculus, and for EUR 98.– / CHF 152.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3230-4
professional probabilists to get a quick
flavour of the applications." Analysis of Variance for
Mathematical Reviews
Random Models,
2005. XI, 343 p. 13 illus. Hardcover Volume 2: Unbalanced Data
EUR 68.– / CHF 108.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3234-2
Theory, Methods, Applications, and
Data Analysis
An Introduction to Stochastic
Sahai, H. / Ojeda, M. M.
Chung, K. L. / Williams, R. J. "This two-volume set provides an
2nd ed. encyclopedic and historical account of the
theory and application of classical random-
PA – Probability and its Applications effects models.… For users of random-
"An attractive text…written in [a] lean and effects models and those interested in the
precise style…eminently readable. Especially theoretical development of this topic, these
pleasant are the care and attention devoted books are a valuable resource.… Throuhgout
to details… A very fine book." Mathematical the [text], the authors go to great lengths to
Reviews provide references to original sources that
would allow the reader to fill in details that
1990. 300 p. Hardcover are not included in the text.… By selecting an
EUR 54.90 / CHF 90.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3386-8
appropriate subset of topics, an instructor
could create an outstanding graduate-level
Analysis of Variance course on random-effects models.… These
Fixed, Random and Mixed Models books provide an excellent unified reference
Sahai, H. / Ageel, M. I. on the methodological developments
associated with classical random-effects
"The student and practitioner will benefit
models over the past 50 years." Journal of
from a well-balanced mixture of statistical
the American Statistical Association
theory, formulas, and explanations and
the great care exercised by the authors in 2005. XXV, 480 p. 14 illus. Hardcover
EUR 98.– / CHF 152.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3229-8
discussing properties and analysis of fixed,
random, and mixed models in parallel….
The book employs several devices to aid Counting, Sampling and
readability…. In summary, the text is…a Integrating: Algorithms and
valuable source for the practitioner and Complexity
nonstatistics major… It is well organized and Jerrum, M.
well written at a difficulty level that precisely
meets the target audience’s needs." LM – Lectures in Mathematics. ETH Zürich
Journal of the American Statistical
Association 2003. XI, 112 p. Softcover
EUR 24.90 / CHF 42.90 / ISBN 978-3-7643-6946-0
2000. XXXV, 742 p. 13 illus. Hardcover
EUR 78.– / CHF 128.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4012-5
Probability and Statistics
Lagrangian Probability
Foundations of Statistical
Analyses and Applications
Consul, P. C. / Famoye, F.
with SAS
Falk, M. / Marohn, F. / Tewes, B. "The book is the first comprehensive
2002. X, 402 p. Softcover presentation of the theory of distributions
EUR 54.– / CHF 84.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6893-7 which are derived and/or closely connected
with Lagrange expansions. It gives an
In and Out of Equilibrium overview of the research on this topic
Probability with a Physics Flavor published during the last thirty-five years.
The text is illustrated with many surprising
Sidoravicius, V. (Ed.)
examples. The book can be recommended
for both applied and theoretical statistics."
PP – Progress in Probability, Vol. 51
Mathematical Reviews
2002. VI, 472 p. 35 illus. Hardcover
EUR 109.– / CHF 179.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4289-1 2006. XX, 352 p. 9 tables Hardcover
EUR 68.– / CHF 105.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4365-2
Invariant Probabilities of
Laws of Small Numbers:
Markov-Feller Operators and
Extremes and Rare Events
Their Supports Falk, M. / Hüsler, J. / Reiss, R.–D.
Zaharopol, R. 2nd ed.
take pleasure in recommending this volume a one-semester course for undergraduates,
to all interested readers." ISI Short Book but it can also serve as a basis for a high-
Reviews school course. The level of the book is very
2001. X, 415 p. 32 illus. Hardcover
elementary and in most of the chapters of
EUR 79.90 / CHF 135.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4167-2 the book only basic calculus is required. As
promised by the author “theory is kept to
Markov Chains and Invariant a minimum” and it is successfully tried to
“minimize the difficulties students often
have with calculus." Zentralblatt MATH
Hernández-Lerma, O. / Lasserre, J. B.
2001. XIII, 218 p., 25 illus. Softcover
EUR 64.– / CHF 85.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4247-1
PM – Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 211
Mathematical Physics / Physics
This book starts with a detailed introduction The Poincaré Seminar is held twice a year
to general relativity by world expert at the Institute Henri Poincaré in Paris. The
T. Damour. It includes a review of what may goal of this seminar is to provide up-to-date
lie beyond by string theorist I. Antoniadis, information about general topics of great
and collects up-to-date essays on the interest in physics. Both the theoretical
experimental tests of this theory. and experimental results are covered, with
some historical background. Particular care
Contrary to some beliefs, general relativity is devoted to the pedagogical nature of the
is now a theory extremely well confirmed by presentation.
detailed experiments, including the precise
timing of the double pulsar J0737-3039 This volume is devoted to Quantum
explained by M. Kramer, member of the team Decoherence. A broad perspective on the
which discovered it in 2003, and satellite subject is provided by the contributions of
missions such as Gravity Probe B described W. H. Zurek, H. D. Zeh and E. Joos, together
by leading team member J. Mester. The with clean up-to-date presentations of the
search for detecting gravitational waves is actual experiments on decoherence both in
also very much under way as reviewed by the mesoscopic systems of atomic physics,
J.-Y. Vinet. by J.M. Raimond and S. Haroche, and in the
"quantronic" or condensed matter context,
2007. Approx. 216 p. Hardcover
EUR 79.90 / CHF 135.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-8523-1 by D. Esteve et al. Further, the question of
quantum codes and error corrections is
discussed in the contribution of J. Kempe.
2007. VIII, 192 p. Hardcover
EUR 68.– / CHF 109.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7807-3
Mathematical Physics / Physics
Computer Algebra Recipes
for Mathematical Physics
Enns, R. H.
Mathematical Physics / Physics
The Kepler Problem
Group Theoretical Aspects,
Regularization and Quantization,
with Application to the Study of
Cordani, B.
Numerical and Computational Mathematics / Applications
Advances in Discrete Tomography Advances in Dynamic Game
and Its Applications Theory
Herman, G.T., The City University of New Numerical Methods, Algorithms, and
York, New York, NY, USA / Kuba, A., University Applications to Ecology and Economics
of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary (Eds) Jørgensen, S., University of Southern
Denmark, Odense, Denmark / Quincampoix, M.,
ANHA – Applied and Numerical Harmonic Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest,
Analysis France / Vincent, T.L., University of Arizona,
Tucson, AZ, USA (Eds)
This book is a unified presentation of
new methods, algorithms, and select AISDG – Annals of the International Society
applications that are the foundations of of Dynamic Games, Vol. 9
multidimensional image reconstruction by
discrete tomographic methods. The self- Written by experts in their respective
contained chapters, written by leading disciplines, the chapters in this book are
mathematicians, engineers, and computer an outgrowth of presentations from the
scientists, present cutting-edge research 11th International Symposium on Dynamic
and results in the field. Games and Applications.
Three main areas are covered: foundations, Key topics covered include stochastic and
algorithms, and practical applications. differential games; dynamic games and
Following an introduction that reports their applications in various areas, such as
the recent literature of the field, the ecology and economics; numerical methods
book explores various mathematical and algorithms in dynamic games; zero-
and computational problems of discrete and nonzero-sum games; pursuit-evasion
tomography including new applications. games; and evolutionary game theory and
Topics and features include introduction applications.
to discrete point X-rays, uniqueness The work will serve as a state-of-the art
and additivity in discrete tomography, account of recent advances in dynamic
network flow algorithms for discrete game theory and its applications for
tomography, convex programming and researchers, practitioners, and advanced
variational methods, and applications to students in applied mathematics,
electron microscopy, materials science, mathematical finance, and engineering.
nondestructive testing, and diagnostic
medicine. 2007. XXII, 717 p. 190 illus. Hardcover
EUR 159.– / CHF 258.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4399-7
2007. XX, 392 p. 140 illus. Hardcover
EUR 79.90 / CHF 135.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3614-2
Numerical and Computational Mathematics / Applications
Numerical and Computational Mathematics / Applications
Numerical and Computational Mathematics / Applications
Mathematical Modeling of Modeling of Biological Materials
Complex Biological Systems Mollica, F., Universita di Ferrara, Ferrara,
A Kinetic Theory Approach Italy / Preziosi, L., Politecnico di Torino,
Torino, Italy / Rajagopal, K.R., University of
Bellouquid, A., University Cadi Ayad, Ecole
Texas A&M, College Station, TX, USA (Eds)
Nationale des Sciences Appliquées, Safi,
Morocco / Delitala, M., Politecnico di Torino,
MSSET – Modeling and Simulation in
Science, Engineering and Technology
MSSET – Modeling and Simulation in
This interdisciplinary collection of surveys
Science, Engineering and Technology
highlights the central role played by the
mathematical modeling of mechanical
This book describes the evolution of
properties having an effect on the biology,
several socio-biological systems using
chemistry, and physics of living matter. One
mathematical kinetic theory. Specifically,
of the main goals of the book is to present –
it deals with modeling and simulations of
in a single, self-contained resource – topics
biological systems – comprised of large
that are widely scattered across the
populations of interacting cells – whose
literature in a variety of journals having
dynamics follow the rules of mechanics as
mutually nonintersecting communities of
well as rules governed by their own ability to
readers, such as applied mathematicians,
organize movement and biological functions.
engineers, biologists, and physicians.
The authors propose a new biological model
Readers from diverse backgrounds are
for the analysis of competition between
provided with basic modeling ideas and
cells of an aggressive host and cells of a
tools to address important problems in the
corresponding immune system.
medical and health sciences. Presented
The book follows a classical research are appropriate models as well as their
approach applied to modeling real systems, implementation through numerical and
linking the observation of biological computer simulations, which may lead to
phenomena, collection of experimental data, potential technological innovations useful in
modeling, and computational simulations medicine.
to validate the proposed models. Qualitative
2007. XV, 357 p. 71 illus. Hardcover
analysis techniques are used to identify the EUR 69.90 / CHF 119.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4410-9
prediction ability of specific models.
It may be used for advanced graduate
courses and seminars in biological
systems modeling with applications to
collective social behavior, immunology, and
2006. X, 188 p. 47 illus. Hardcover
EUR 64.90 / CHF 109.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4395-9
Numerical and Computational Mathematics / Applications
MSSET – Modeling and Simulation in NNJ – Nexus Network Journal, Vol. 9,1
Science, Engineering and Technology
This self-contained book is an up-to-date This issue is dedicated to various kinds of
description of the basic theory of molecular patterns in architecture. Buthayna Eilouti
gas dynamics and its various applications. and Amer Al-Jokhadar address patterns
The progress in the field over the last thirty in shape grammars in the ground plans of
years has greatly enhanced the original Mamluk madrasas, religious schools. Giulio
theory and has stimulated interesting Magli goes back further in history, to the
and critical gas dynamic phenomena age of Greek colonies in Italy before they
and problems. Molecular Gas Dynamics, were conquered by the Romans, to examine
unique in the literature, presents working patterns in urban design. In Traditional
knowledge, theory, techniques, and typical Patterns in Pyrgi of Chios: Mathematics
phenomena in rarefied gases for theoretical and Community Charoula Stathopoulou
development and application. examines the geometric patterns that
decorate the buildings of the town of
Basic theory is developed in a systematic
Pyrgi, on the Greek island of Chios. Curve
way and presented in a form easily applied
Fitting is a study of ways to construct a
for practical use. After presenting various
function so that its graph most closely
simple flows, such as unidirectional or
approximates the pattern given by a set of
quasi-unidirectional flows, and flows
points. Dirk Huylebrouck’s paper examines
around a sphere, the author discusses
how a pattern of points extracted from
additional topics, including: flows induced
an arch might be associated to a precise
by temperature fields, which are typical in
mathematical curve. James Harris looks
rarefied gases, flows with evaporation and
at the designs of Frank Lloyd Wright and
condensation, bifurcation of flows in rarefied
Piet Mondrian to extract the rules of their
gases, the ghost effect in gases in the
pattern generation and propose possible
continuum limit.
2007. XII, 658 p. 179 illus. Hardcover
EUR 98.– / CHF 158.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4345-4 2007. 158 p. Softcover
EUR 49.90 / CHF 85.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-8443-2
NNJ – Nexus Network Journal, Vol. 9,2 PMP – Progress in Mathematical Physics,
Vol. 49
Due in December 2007
Steady progress in recent years has
This volume is dedicated to "Mechanics been made in understanding the special
in Architecture", that is, the science of mathematical features of certain exactly
structural mechanics, including the solvable models in statistical mechanics
behaviour of structures, internal forces, and and quantum field theory, including the
deformation, as well as the development of scaling limits of the 2-D Ising (lattice)
new structural systems to resist thrusts as a model, and more generally, a class of 2-D
result of new architectural forms. It is a field quantum fields known as holonomic fields.
of enquiry that examines a particular aspect New results have made it possible to obtain
of the relationships between architecture a detailed nonperturbative analysis of the
and the mathematical sciences. many spin correlations. In particular, the
book focuses on deformation analysis of
Some of the papers in this issue were the scaling functions of the Ising model,
presented at the Nexus 2006 conference and will appeal to graduate students,
during a special session dedicated to mathematicians, and physicists interested
mechanics. Other research papers focus in the mathematics of statistical mechanics
on an eighteenth-century Belgian pyramid, and quantum field theory.
aspects of "fractal" architecture, and
2007. Approx. XII, 372 p. 30 illus. Hardcover
properties of a family of irrational values. EUR 79.90 / CHF 135.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4248-8
The issue also includes a description and
evaluation of a university-level course in
architecture and mathematics, Rachel
Fletcher's Geometer's Angle column, and
book reviews.
2007. Approx. 150 p. Softcover
Approx. EUR 38.– / CHF 62.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-8444-9
Numerical and Computational Mathematics / Applications
and Many Body
Quantum Systems
Numerical and Computational Mathematics / Applications
"This volume is probably the most gentle "[The book has] many examples and
introduction to wavelet theory on the applications throughout the chapters.... It is
market. As such, it responds to a significant intended to be only a suggestive exposition
need. The intended audience will profit for graduate and senior undergraduate
from the motivation and common-sense students in engineering, applied
explanations in the text. Ultimately, it may mathematics and physics.... The book should
lead many readers, who may not otherwise be useful for students in these quoted areas
have been able to do so, to go further into and those people with some knowledge in
wavelet theory, Fourier analysis, and signal single-integral variational problems."
processing." SIAM Review Mathematical Reviews
2004. X, 346 p. Hardcover
1994. XVII, 300 p. Hardcover
EUR 69.90 / CHF 119.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3399-8
EUR 46.– / CHF 78.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3711-8
Numerical and Computational Mathematics / Applications
Engineering and Scientific understanding the text. Each part of the book
is followed by a copious list of references....
Computing with Scilab
Also, in appropriate places there are
Gomez, C. (Ed.)
indications how computer algebra (REDUCE/
EXCALC) can be used.... The printing and
"Highly recommended for students and
appearance of the book are excellent.... It can
professionals dealing with engineering and
be warmly recommended."
scientific computation – and seeking a
Zentralblatt MATH
powerful software alternative."
Simulation News Europe 2003. XIV, 410 p. Hardcover
EUR 94.– / CHF 144.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4222-8
EUR 128.– / CHF 158.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4009-5
Foundations of Time-Frequency
Essential Wavelets for Data Analysis
Gröchenig, K.
Ogden, T.
ANHA – Applied and Numerical Harmonic
"The clear and intuitive presentation makes
the book ideal for a broad audience."
"This book is written by one of the leading
Zentralblatt MATH
experts in Gabor analysis and deserves
1997. 224 p. Hardcover considerable interest. It gives a unified
EUR 51.– / CHF 86.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3864-1 approach to most of the modern theory
for time-frequency analysis from a
First Steps in LaTeX mathematician's point of view, with new
Grätzer, G. proofs of many recent results."
Zentralblatt MATH
"Fortunately, there are some excellent 2001. XV, 359 p. 14 illus. Hardcover
books for learning LaTeX. Grätzer’s book is EUR 64.90 / CHF 109.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4022-4
one of these superb books. Readers who
work through this book are likely to reuse Fundamentals of Multibody
it frequently as a reference while writing
papers with mathematical content."
Journal of Mathematical Psychology Theory and Applications
Amirouche, F.
1999. XX, 131 p. Softcover
EUR 28.– / CHF 45.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4132-0
"This textbook offers a comprehensive
exposition of contemporary multibody
Foundations of Classical dynamics elaborated by an expert in and an
Electrodynamics experienced teacher of the field. There are
Charge, Flux, and Metric five features that distinguish this publication:
Hehl, F. W. / Obukhov, Y. N. comprehensivity, orientation towards
computer implementation, utilization of
PMP – Progress in Mathematical Physics, matrix algebra, teaching-by-examples
Vol. 33 methodology, and embedding in the author's
own research accomplishments.... [T]his is
"Throughout this book, the rationalized an excellent textbook for undergraduate,
MKS system of units is used, making graduate, and doctoral students of
analysis more intelligible, and there are
many diagrams which are of great help in
Numerical and Computational Mathematics / Applications
Linear Systems
Math into LaTeX
Antsaklis, P. J. / Michel, A. N. Grätzer, G.
3rd ed.
"There are three words that characterize
this work: thoroughness, completeness "This book is truly unique in its focus on
and clarity. The authors are congratulated getting started fast yet keeping it simple. It is
for taking the time to write an excellent indispensable for the beginner and a handy
linear systems textbook! …The authors reference for the experienced user." Bulletin
have used their mastery of the subject to of the Mathematical Association of India
produce a textbook that very effectively
2000. XXXVIII, 584 p. 80 illus. Softcover
presents the theory of linear systems as EUR 42.– / CHF 66.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4131-3
it has evolved over the last thirty years.
The result is a comprehensive, complete Mathematical Finance
and clear exposition that serves as an
excellent foundation for more advanced
and Probability
topics in system theory and control." IEEE Koch Medina, P. / Merino, S.
Transactions on Automatic Control
"The style of presentation will appeal to
"In assessing the present book as a potential anyone who is seeking an elementary
textbook for our first graduate linear but rigorous introduction to the pricing of
systems course, I find...[that] Antsaklis derivative securities. The book is written
and Michel have contributed an expertly carefully and is very readable." Mathematical
written and high quality textbook to the Reviews
field and are to be congratulated…. Because 2003. VIII, 328 p. Softcover
of its mathematical sophistication and EUR 44.90 / CHF 75.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6921-7
completeness the present book is highly
recommended for use, both as a textbook as Multiscale Methods in
well as a reference." Automatica
Quantum Mechanics
1st ed. 1997. Corr. 2nd printing Theory and Experiment
2006. XVIII, 670 p. 85 illus. Hardcover
EUR 72.– / CHF 112.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4434-5 Blanchard, P. / Dell'Antonio, G. (Eds)
TM – Trends in Mathematics
Linear Systems Theory
A Structural Decomposition Approach 2004. X, 222 p. 39 illus. Hardcover
EUR 118.– / CHF 193.50 / ISBN 978-0-8176-3256-4
Chen, B. M. / Lin, Z. / Shamash, Y.
CE – Control Engineering
Neural Networks and Sea Time
2004. XVI, 416 p. 9 illus. Hardcover
EUR 88.– / CHF 140.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3779-8 Reconstruction and Extreme-Event
Tirozzi, B. / Puca, S. / Pittalis, S. /
Bruschi, A. / Morucci, S. / Ferraro, E. /
Corsini, S.
Numerical and Computational Mathematics / Applications
"The book reads like an unfolding story... SC – Systems & Control: Foundations &
Topics are motivated with great care and Applications
ingenuity that might be given to establishing 2000. XVII, 507 p. 13 illus. Hardcover
the drive behind characters in a good novel... EUR 148.– / CHF 168.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4075-0
Clarity is never sacrificed for elegance. Above
all, the pace is always lively and brisk, the Optimal Stopping and
writing concise, and the author never lets the
Free-Boundary Problems
exposition bog down... Both the theoretical
Peskir, G. / Shiryaev, A.
problems and machine assignments are a
great resource... This is a stylish, lucid, and
LM – Lectures in Mathematics. ETH Zürich
engaging book... [It] successfully conveys
the author's interest and experience in the 2006. XXII, 500 p. Hardcover
subject to the reader." SIAM Review EUR 48.– / CHF 78.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-2419-3
Perturbation Methods and Sampling, Wavelets, and
Semilinear Elliptic Problems on Rn Tomography
Ambrosetti, A. / Malchiodi, A. Benedetto, J. J. / Zayed, A. (Eds)
Numerical and Computational Mathematics / Applications
Transforms and Fast
the Fourier domain as the proper "window"
Algorithms for Signal or "looking glass" from which one can most
easily study wavelet theory.... Whatever his
Analysis and Representations or her level of expertise with the subject,
Bi, G. / Zeng, Y. a reader of this book will never be bored....
ANHA – Applied and Numerical Harmonic Each chapter begins with an introductory
Analysis section accessible to the layperson, often
containing some historical background, and
2004. XVIII, 422 p., 92 illus. Hardcover
often extremely entertaining.... This is a fun
EUR 88.– / CHF 136.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4279-2
book, full of exciting new results, written by
two world-renowned experts in the field,
Variational Methods in Shape which makes connections between a variety
Optimization Problems of important areas in pure and applied
Bucur, D. / Buttazzo, G. mathematics." SIAM Review
2002. XX, 398 p. 122 illus. Hardcover
PNLDE – Progress in Nonlinear Differential EUR 59.90 / CHF 99.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4280-8
Equations and Their Applications, Vol. 65
2005. VIII, 216 p. 19 illus. Hardcover
EUR 58.– / CHF 88.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4359-1
Vibration Problems in
Practical Guidelines
Bachmann, H. / Ammann, W. J. / Deischl, F. /
Eisenmann, J. / Floegl, I. / Hirsch, G. H. /
Klein, G. K. / Lande, G. J. / Mahrenholtz, O. /
Natke, H. G. / Nussbaumer, H. / Pretlove, A. J. /
Rainer, J. H. / Saemann, E.–U. /
Steinbeisser, L.
1995. XVII, 234 p. Hardcover
EUR 49.– / CHF 78.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-5148-9
Wavelets Through a
Looking Glass
The World of the Spectrum
Bratteli, O. / Jorgensen, P.
2nd ed.
Of general interest
History of Science
Works of
History of Science
Jacopo da
History of Science
Labyrinth of
2nd ed.
Euler Euler
Tercentenary Tercentenary
2007 2007
History of Mathematics
1st ed.
1999. 2nd
Lise Meitner and the Dawn of the The Legacy of Mario Pieri in
Nuclear Age Geometry and Arithmetic
Rife, P., University of Maryland, Adelphi, MD, Marchisotto, E.A., California State
USA University, Northridge, CA, USA /
Smith, J.T., San Francisco State University,
In this captivating biography, Patricia Rife San Francisco, CA, USA
interprets both the life and times of Lise
Meitner (1878-1968), the female physicist The Legacy of Mario Pieri in Geometry and
at the heart of the discovery of nuclear Arithmetic introduces readers to Pieri’s
fission. She was a colleague and friend of career and his studies in foundations, from
many of the giants of 20th century physics: both historical and modern viewpoints,
M. Planck, her Berlin mentor, A. Einstein, M. placing his life and research in context and
von Laue, Madame M. Curie, J. Chadwick, tracing his influence on his contemporaries
W. Pauli, and N. Bohr. Meitner was the as well as more recent mathematicians.
first woman to earn a Ph.D. in physics at The text also provides a glimpse of the
the University of Vienna, a pioneer in the Italian academic world of Pieri's time,
research of radioactive processes and, and its relationship with the developing
together with her nephew Otto Robert Frisch, international mathematics community.
an interpreter of the process of nuclear
Combining an engaging exposition, little-
fission in 1938. Yet at the end of World War
known historical information, exhaustive
II, her colleague of thirty years, radiochemist
references and an excellent index,
Otto Hahn alone was awarded the 1944
this text will be of interest to graduate
Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the "discovery"
students, researchers and historians with
of nuclear fission – a discovery based on
a general knowledge of logic and advanced
years of research in which Meitner was
mathematics, and it requires no specialized
directly involved before her secret escape
experience in mathematical logic or the
from Nazi Germany.
foundations of geometry.
2007. XVIII, 432 p. 35 illus. Softcover
EUR 39.90 / CHF 65.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4559-5 2007. XIX, 494 p. 67 illus. Hardcover
EUR 109.– / CHF 179.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3210-6
Bernhard Riemann 1826-1866
Turning Points in the Conception of
Laugwitz, D. / Shenitzer, A.
"...the author has succeeded admirably...
stating the technical details clearly
and correctly while writing an engaging
and readable account of Riemann’s life
Tool and Object and work... Any reader of this book with
A History and Philosophy of Category even a passing interest in the history or
philosophy of mathematics is certain to
become engaged in a mental conversation
Krömer, R., University of Nancy, France with the author... The format of the book is
excellent, especially the plentiful supply of
SNHS – Science Networks. Historical photographs of people and places... The book
Studies, Vol. 32 will serve as an interesting read and also a
useful reference... It is highly recommended."
Category theory is a general mathematical Bulletin of the AMS
theory of structures and of structures of
1998. 380 p. Hardcover
structures. It occupied a central position EUR 79.90 / CHF 135.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-4040-8
in contemporary mathematics as well as
computer science. This book describes
the history of category theory whereby Gnomes in the Fog
illuminating its symbiotic relationship to The Reception of Brouwer's
algebraic topology, homological algebra, Intuitionism in the 1920s
algebraic geometry and mathematical logic Hesseling, D. E.
and elaboratively develops the connections
with the epistemological significance. SNHS – Science Networks. Historical
Studies, Vol. 28
2007. XXXVI, 367 p. Hardcover
EUR 99.– / CHF 169.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7523-2
"…Gnomes in the Fog tells the story of that
important and influential episode in the
history of mathematics, in fascinating and
delicious detail.... [A]nyone with an interest in
mathematics and its history and philosophy,
should enjoy this book. Mathematicians
(especially logicians) may find some
surprises in the first chapter, on Brouwer's
predecessors; philosophers and science
study scholars should especially appreciate
the final chapter on the cultural context of
the debate.... One of the many treasures
to be discovered in reading this book is the
rich collection of original quotes in the many
languages in which the debate took place,
along with the author's translations."
MAA Online
2003. XXIII, 447 p. Hardcover
EUR 109.– / CHF 179.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6536-3
History of Mathematics
1996. Hardcover
Essays on the History of EUR 54.90 / CHF 90.– / ISBN 978-0-8176-3866-5
In Memory of Clifford Ambrose Italian Mathematics Between the
Truesdell and Edoardo Benvenuto Two World Wars
Becchi, A. / Corradi, M. / Foce, F. / Guerraggio, A. / Nastasi, P.
Pedemonte, O. (Eds)
SNHS – Science Networks. Historical
2003. 256 p. Hardcover Studies, Vol. 29
EUR 44.90 / CHF 75.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-1476-7
Modern Algebra and the Rise of Writing the History of
Mathematical Structures Mathematics – Its Historical
Corry, L. Development
2nd revised ed. Dauben, J. W. / Scriba, C. J. (Eds)
2004. 451 p. Softcover
EUR 64.90 / CHF 109.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-7002-2 SNHS – Science Networks. Historical
Studies, Vol. 27
Titel in Deutscher Sprache
Titel in Deutscher Sprache
Numerik Stochastik
Numerik Stochastik
Band 2: Instationäre Probleme Band 1: Eine Einführung
Zulehner, W., Universität Linz, Austria Kersting, G. / Wakolbinger, A., both
Universität Frankfurt, Germany
Erscheint zum Sommersemester 2008
Erscheint zum Sommersemester 2008
Aus dem Inhalt:
Anfangsrandwertprobleme parabolischer In der modernen Stochastik werden
Differentialgleichungen Wahrscheinlichkeiten immer im
Semidiskretisierung Zusammenhang mit Zufallsvariablen
Runge-Kutta-Verfahren für gedacht. Damit macht dieses Lehrbuch
Anfangswertprobleme Ernst, schon die Welt uniform verteilter
Anfangsrandwertprobleme hyperbolischer Zufallsgrößen wird dann farbig und
Differentialgleichungen reichhaltig.
Runge-Kutta-Verfahren für
Das Konzept der Zufallsgrößen prägt den
Differentialgleichungen 2. Ordnung
Aufbau des auf zwei Bände ausgelegten
Partitionierte Runge-Kutta-Verfahren
Textes. Der erste Band stellt diskrete
2008. Etwa 150 S. Brosch. Zufallsvariable in den Vordergrund, bis
EUR (D) 18.90 / EUR (A) 19.43 / CHF 29.90
ISBN 978-3-7643-8428-9
zu zufälligen Pfaden und den Anfängen
der Markovketten. Kontinuierliche
Zufallsvariable mit ihren Dichten werden
in wichtigen Beispielen diskutiert. Je
ein Kapitel ist Ideen der Statistik und
der Informationstheorie gewidmet. Der
zweite Band vertieft zentrale Themen in
allgemeinerem Rahmen. Damit liefert
das Buch Orientierung und Material für
verschiedene Varianten einführender
Lehrveranstaltungen, 2-stündig, oder in
Verbindung mit Band 2 auch 4-stündig.
2008. Etwa 150 S. Brosch.
EUR (D) 18.90 / EUR (A) 19.43 / CHF 29.90
ISBN 978-3-7643-8430-2
3. Aufl.
Stochastik Analysis I
Band 2: Die Mathematik der Amann, H., Universität Zürich / Escher, J.,
Zufallsgrößen Universität Hannover
Kersting, G. / Wakolbinger, A., beide
Universität Frankfurt, Germany GM – Grundstudium Mathematik
Erscheint zum Sommersemester 2008 Dieses Lehrbuch ist der erste Band einer
dreiteiligen Einführung in die Analysis.
Dies ist der zweite Band in dem zentrale Es ist durch einen modernen und klaren
Themen in allgemeinerem Rahmen vertieft Aufbau geprägt, der versucht den Blick
werden. Damit liefert das Buch Orientierung auf das Wesentliche zu richten. Anders als
und Material für verschiedene Varianten in den üblichen Lehrbüchern wird keine
einführender Lehrveranstaltungen. In künstliche Trennung zwischen der Theorie
Verbindung mit diesem Band 2 ist dies gut einer Variablen und derjenigen mehrerer
auch für 4-stündige Vorlesungen geeignet. Veränderlicher vorgenommen. Der Leser soll
2008. Etwa 150 p. Brosch.
in dem Erkennen der wesentlichen Inhalte
EUR (D) 18.90 / EUR (A) 19.43 / CHF 29.90 und Ideen der Analysis geschult werden und
ISBN 978-3-7643-8432-6 sich ein solides Fundament für das Studium
tieferliegender Theorien erwerben.
Das Werk richtet sich an Hörer und Dozenten
der Anfängervorlesung der Analysis. Durch
zahlreiche Beispiele, Übungsaufgaben und
Ergänzungen zum üblichen Vorlesungsstoff
ist der Text ausserdem zum Selbststudium,
als Vorlage für vertiefende Seminare und
als Grundlage für das gesamte Mathematik-
bzw. Physikstudium geeignet.
2006. XV, 445 p. Brosch.
EUR (D) 29.95 / EUR (A) 30.79 / CHF 45.–
ISBN 978-3-7643-7755-7
Titel in Deutscher Sprache
2., korr.
2007. Brosch.
EUR (D) 29.90 / CHF 42.– / ISBN 978-3-7643-6613-1
Titel in Deutscher Sprache
Berechenbares Chaos in von einem Kenner der modernen Physik
verfasst worden ist, der seine Kenntnisse in
dynamischen Systemen
den Dienst an den Leser stellt. Vor dem Leser
Stoop, R. / Steeb, W.–H.
wir ein farbenprächtiges Gemälde entfaltet,
das die Einheit und Schönheit der Physik
"The monograph gives the profound
betont und dieser Wissenschaft sicherlich
presentation in scientific computing
neue Freunde gewinnen wird. Ich denke,
methods for the theory of chaotic dynamic
dass auch Studenten der Physik von diesem
systems…. [It] contains about 180 examples
Büchlein profitieren werden, weil es ihren
and exercises on various objects of
Blick für die Physik als Ganzes schärft."
chaotic dynamical systems, description of
Physik Journal
computational programs."
Zentralblatt MATH 2005. 96 S. Brosch.
EUR (D) 24.95 / EUR (A) 25.65 / CHF 39.–
2006. XII, 264 S. Brosch. ISBN 978-3-7643-7235-4
EUR (D) 29.90 / EUR (A) 30.73 / CHF 45.–
ISBN 978-3-7643-7550-8
Einführung in die
Bernhard Riemann 1826-1866 mathematische Behandlung
Wendepunkte in der Auffassung der der Naturwissenschaften 2
Mathematik Storrer, H. H.
Laugwitz, D.
BS – Birkhäuser Skripten, Vol. 8
VM – Vita Mathematica, Vol. 10 $Xà.RUU1DFKGUXFN
1995. 369 S. Brosch.
1996. 343 S. 39 Abb. Geb. EUR (D) 29.90 / EUR (A) 30.73 / CHF 46.90
EUR (D) 58.– / EUR (A) 59.63 / CHF 88.– ISBN 978-3-7643-5325-4
ISBN 978-3-7643-5189-2
Matrizen, Geometrie,
Lineare Algebra
Gabriel, P.
Series Index
Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics
Colloquia Monographs
The volumes of this series reflect
lectures held at the “Colloquio Selections
De Giorgi” which regularly takes The volumes of this series
place at the Scuola Normale arise from conferences and
Superiore in Pisa. The Colloquia symposiums and focuse on
address a general mathematical a particular topic of current
audience, particularly attracting research in mathematics or
advanced undergraduate and physics.
graduate students.
CRM Series This series gathers a selection
The Ennio De Giorgi Mathematical of outstanding Ph.D. theses
Research Center in Pisa, Italy, was defended at the Scuola Normale
established in 2001 and organizes Superiore since 1992.
research periods focusing on
specific fields of current interest,
including pure mathematics as
well as applications in the natural
and social sciences like physics,
biology, finance and economics.
The CRM series publishes
volumes originating from these
research periods, thus advancing
particular areas of mathematics
and their application to problems
in the industrial and technological
Lecture Notes
This series publishes polished
notes dealing with topics of
current research and originating
from lectures and seminars held
at the Scuola Normale Superiore
in Pisa.
Advanced Courses in
Mathematics -
CRM Barcelona
Series Editor:
Manuel Castellet
Universitat Autònoma de
Barcelona, Spain
Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics
that has flourished, evolved,
Applied and Numerical and deepened with continued
Harmonic Analysis research and exploration. The
intricate and fundamental
relationship between
Series Editor:
harmonic analysis and general
John J. Benedetto disciplines such as signal
University of Maryland, College processing, partial differential
Park, USA equations, and image
processing is reflected in the
Applied and Numerical ANHA series.
Harmonic Analysis (ANHA) This series provides a means
publishes works in harmonic of disseminating important,
analysis as well as in current information along
engineering and scientific with computational tools for
subjects having a significant harmonic analysis.
harmonic analysis component.
The interface among applied
mathematics, science, and
engineering is the theme of all
books in the series.
Harmonic analysis is a
wellspring of ideas and
applicability in mathematics,
engineering, and the sciences
Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics
International Series of
Numerical Mathematics is open
to all aspects of numerical
mathematics. Some of the
topics of particular interest
include free boundary value
problems for differential
equations, phase transitions,
problems of optimal control
and optimization, other
nonlinear phenomena in
analysis, nonlinear partial
differential equations, efficient
Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics
Lectures in Mathematics –
ETH Zürich
Oberwolfach Seminars
Originally published as
«Seminare der Deutschen
Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics
Series Editor:
Israel Gohberg, School of
Mathematical Sciences, Tel Aviv
University, Israel
Series Editors:
Newman, C., New York University,
Resnick, S. I., Cornell University,
Ithaka, USA
Progress in Mathematical D. Sternheimer, Université de
Physics Bourgogne, Dijon, France
C. Tracy, University of California,
Editors-in-chief Davis, U.S.A.
A. Boutet de Monvel, Université
Paris VII Denis Diderot, France Progress in Mathematical
G. Kaiser, The Center for Physics is a book series
Signals and Waves, Austin, TX, encompassing all areas of
U.S.A. theoretical and mathematical
physics. It is intended for
Editorial Board mathematicians, physicists,
C. Berenstein, University of and other scientists, as well
Maryland, College Park, U.S.A. as graduate students in the
Sir M. Berry, University of above related areas. This
Bristol, U.K. distinguished collection of
P. Blanchard, books includes authored
Universität Bielefeld, monographs and textbooks, the
Germany latter primarily at the senior
M. Eastwood, The University of undergraduate and graduate
Adelaide, Australia levels. Edited collections of
A.S. Fokas, Imperial College articles on important research
of Science, Technology, and developments or expositions of
Medicine, London, U.K. particular subject areas may
also be included.
Progress in Mathematics is a
series of books intended for
professional mathematicians
and scientists, encompassing
all areas of pure mathematics.
This distinguished series,
which began in 1979, includes
research level monographs,
polished notes arising from
seminars or lecture series,
graduate level textbooks,
and proceedings of focused
and refereed conferences. It
Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics
Progress in Probability
Series Editors:
Newman, C., New York University,
Resnick, S. I., Cornell University,
Ithaka, USA
Progress in Probability is
designed for the publication
of workshops, seminars and
conference proceedings on all
aspects of probability theory and
stochastic processes, as well
as their connections with and
applications to other areas such
as mathematical statistics and
statistical physics.
Statistics for Industry and
Series Editor:
Balakrishnan, N., McMaster
University, Hamilton, Canada
Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics
Trends in Mathematics
Series in History of Science
Einstein Studies is a
multidisciplinary series,
reflecting the wide variety of
Einstein’s own contributions
to our century. The series
emphasizes the history of
twentieth-century science, but
will also welcome works in the
philosophy of science, as well
Series in History of Science
Vita Mathematica
Series Editor:
E.A. Fellmann, Basel, Switzerland
Leonhard Euler: Opera Omnia and its applications. The Opera
Edited by the Euler Committee Omnia edition (Series I, II and III)
of the Swiss Academy of Science is limited, for the most part, to
in collaboration with numerous republication of works that Euler
specialists himself prepared for press. The
texts are reprinted in the original
Editorial Board of Series I–III: language, most frequently French
Im Hof, H.-C. (Chief Editor) / or Latin. Series IV A contains Euler‘s
Steiner, Th. / Tammann, G.A. extensive scientifi c correspondence.
The series IV B will contain Euler’s
Editorial Board of Series IV: hitherto unpublished manuscripts,
Kleinert, A. (Chief Editor) / notebooks and diaries.
Bodenmann, S. /
Fellmann, E.A. / Frei, G. / Series prima
Mattmüller, M. / Mikhajlov, G.K. / Opera Mathematica (29 vols)
Steiner, Th. Series secunda
Opera Mechanica et Astronomica
Euler‘s papers and books are (31 vols)
fundamental to every branch of Series tertia
the mathematical sciences. They Opera Physica, Miscellanea (12 vols)
are clearly and beautifully written, Series quarta A
well explained and illustrated Commercium Epistolicum (9 vols)
by examples. The Opera Omnia Series quarta B
belong in any major working library Manuscripta (planned)
concerned with mathematics
Journal of Fixed Point
Theory and Applications
First published in 2007
2 volumes per year, 2 issues per volume
Format: 17 x 24 cm
2008. Volume 3,4
ISSN 1661-7738 (print)
ISSN 1661-7746 (electronic)
Logica Universalis
First published in 2007
1 volume per year, 2 issues per volume
Format: 17 x 24 cm
2008. Volume 2
ISSN 1661-8297 (print)
ISSN 1661-8300 (online)
Mathematics in Computer
First published in 2007
1 volume per year, 4 issues per volume
Format: 17 x 24 cm
2008. Volume 2
ISSN 1661-8270 (print)
ISSN 1661-8289 (electronic)
Abstracted / Indexed in
MathSciNet, SCOPUS, Zentralblatt Math
Nonlinear Differential Equations Transformation Groups
and Applications NoDEA 1083-4362 (print)
1021-9722 (print) 1531-586X (electronic)
1420-9004 (electronic)
Zeitschrift für angewandte
NTM – Zeitschrift für Geschichte Mathematik und Physik
der Naturwissenschaften, Technik 0044-2275 (print)
und Medizin 1420 9039 (electronic)
Journal of History of Natural
Sciences, Technology and Medicine
0036-6978 (print)
1420-9144 (electronic)
Physics in Perspective
1422-6944 (print)
1422-6960 (electronic)
1385-1292 (print)
1572-9281 (electronic)
Results in Mathematics
1422-6383 (print)
1422-9012 (electronic)
Selecta Mathematica
1022-1824 (print)
1420-9020 (electronic)
Authors and Editors Index
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