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UA Cell Biology Exam 1

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Cell Biology Test 1

1. Which of the followi ng Is a tenet of t he cell theory?

./A. All organisms are composed of one or more cells .
.JB. The cell is the structural unit of life.
Cells can arise only by division from a preexisting cell.
)11 of the above.
2. Cells grown in cult.l![e, outsi<!e the body are called _ _ cells.
{II: in vivo
jr. live
O vitr-o
if. in culture

3. The genetic material of a prokaryotic cell is present in a ____ _ __, a poorly demarcated region of the cell t hat l acks a
boundary membrane to separate it from the surrounding cytoplasm.
l'y nucleus

p. genetome
4. Bacteria will often pass a pi ece of DNA from a donor bacterial cell to a recipient bacteria presumably through a struct ure called a
pilus. What is this process called?
A. confirmation
B. transduction
C. transformation
@ conjugation
5. The process by which a relatively unspeci alized cell becomes a highly specialized cell is called. ___ ___ _
(!!I differentiation
B. determination
C. degeneracy
D. denaturation
6. A uni que organelle found only in pl ant cells is?
A Mitochondria
i!. Nucleus
ll. Golgi
7. Which of the followi ng groups bel ow is capable of only
-c. o i+
If #
A II If. I
1.::-1 - c. - .:::.- 1-
H 1-l
8. Which of the followi ng t ripepti des would be most likely to be soluble i n an organic ( hydrophobic solvent) like benzene?
VV' '\/'-
B.N glycinelysinehistldineC
-{C').proline-l eucine-phenyla Ia C
'If Narginineaspartic acidlysine - C
9. What type of bond resul ts from an unequal sharing of electrons?
~ o l a r covalent
-"'" H bond
.B: nonpolar covalent bond
10. Which interaction is most important in enhancing the solubilitY: of macromolecul es in water?
pt. hydrophobic interactions
J1. nonpol ar covalent bonds
C. hydrogen bonds
If van der Waals forces
11. Where are hydrophobic interact ions most likely to occur?
X on the surface of a water soluble protein
, B. the core of a water soluble protei n
)!: i n contact with water molecules
jf. between two charged mol ecules
12. A mol ecule that is capable of releasi ng or donating a hydrogen ion is t ermed a(n), _ _ _ _ _
A. base
B. hydrion
c. acid
0. anachronism
13. The low-molecular-weight building blocks of polymers are called _ ____ .
A. minipolymers
B. monoblocks
C. monomers
0. octomers
14. Why do sugars tend to be so highly water soluble?
K.Because they have only a few hydroxyl groups
@.because they have a large number of hydroxyl groups
,e:-because they have a large number of sulfhydryl groups
.1( because of there large number of methyl groups
15. Which of the following is not a macromolecule formed by polymerization?
A. proteins
B. lipi ds
C. polynucleotides
0. polysaccharides
16. What type of protein secondary structure is characterized by it' s coiled structure?
A.jl- pleated sheet
B. doubl e helix
c. a-helix
0. superbending
17. The 13-pleated sheet is characteri zed by orientation of _ _ _ _ _ __ t. he molecular axis.
A. Hydrogen bonds parallel to
~ Hydrogen bonds perpendicular to
C. ionic bonds both parallel and perpendi cul ar to
D. peptide bonds perpendicul ar to
18. Proteins are often composed of two or more distinct modules that fold up independently of one another. They often represent
parts of a protein that function i n a semi-i ndependent manner. These modules are called _ _ _ __ _
A. protein motifs
B. functionals
c. domains
D. dominoes
19. What l evel of structure i n proteins is held together by intermolecular R group interactions?
A. primary structure C <>va.u. .... t
B. secondary structure
C. tertiary structure
D. quaternary structure

\ ,. ... ft
'Yit e
20. Which of the following is a nucleoti de?
A. phosphate + ribose
B. adenine + deoxyribose
C. sugar + nitrogenous base
v D. adenine + ribose+ phosphate
21. Molecules having both hydrophobic and hydrophilic regi ons i nclude:
A. i ons W.
B. phospholipi ds 6:>
C. Hydrocarbons
D. carbohydrates
22. CJD ( Mad Cow Disease) is a degenerative disease of the nervous system believed t o be caused by which agent ?
A. virus
B. bacterium
C. viroid
D. prion
23. What are proteins called whose functi on is to help unfolded or misfolded proteins achi eve thei r proper t hree dimensional
A. cold shock proteins
B. refoldases
C. unfoldases
D. chaperones
24. What enzyme is responsi ble for t he destruction of a type of f ree radical formed when molecular oxygen pi cks up an extra
A. Oxygen reductase
B. Superoxide oxidase
C. Superoxide dismutase
D. Oxygen oxidase
25. Saturated fatty acids differ from unsaturated fatty acids in what
,/(.Saturated fatty acids have more double bonds
Jt. Saturated fatty aci ds have a lower melting point
S'a1-- no dovb bONis'
j. Saturated fatty acids are more likely to be liquids
D. Saturated fatty acids don't contain double bonds
26. What characterizes a prokaryotic cell?
/(. the presence of mitochondria
@ the lack of a membrane-enclosed nucleus
)X the lack of ribosomes
p-. all of the above
27. Which of the following are not considered to belong to Archaea?
- y'A. Methanogens
./'B. Halophiles
.(;; Eubacteria
v-o. Acldophiles
28. Which of the following chemical groups does not parti cipate in hydrogen bonding in biological molecules?
.t A. methyl ( -CH3) 'i
B. hydroxyl (-OH) - c -u
C. amino (-NH3) I
D. carbonyl (CO)
29. Oils are fats that are liquid at room t emperature. How woul d you characterize their fatty acid chains?
A. L l)rf.Qt'\AI-ated
B. stra1ght
"'c. ki nked
-.lo. unsaturated
@ candO
30. What type of molecules serve as concentrated food reserves?
A. proteins
B. phospholipids
C. Steroids
' D. triacylglycerols
31. The First Law of Thermodynamics states that
./A. energy can be neither created nor destroyed
B. energy can be both created and destroyed
-Jc. energy can be transduced
<.9} A and Cl:
32. What Is the change in free energy at chemical eq.!Jili9.ill!!lJ?
A. slightly increasi ng
B. greatly increasing
C. slightly decreasing
D. no net change
-" - -
33. Entropy is associated with the r O.nd !.?frmovement of particles of mat ter, which because they are ( AYltf.'C'fnilot accomplish
a directed work process.
A. rapid, rapid
B. random, random
C. rapid, random
D .slow, rapid
( E. random, sl ow
34. A spontaneous process _ _ _ __ _
A. has a oAG
B. has a -IIG
P eeeeds ''erv
D. does not necessarily proceed very quickly
vf. Band D
35. Which property below isjj2.t a characteristic of enzymes?
,._ @ They are required only i n large amounts
v B. They can be altered reversibly duri ng the reaction
/ C. They do not alter the IIG of a reaction.
--r D. They can be used over and over again.
36. Enzymes work by- - - ---
./1<. increasing t he activation energy of a reaction and thus speeding it up
{j)loweri ng the activation energy of a reaction and thus speeding it up
.,el oweri ng the IIG of a reaction
9- changi ng the free energy of t he products
37. What kind of interaction is not Involved i n the binding of a substrate to a normally functioning enzyme?
A. Hydrogen bonds"'
B. a transient covalent
C. i oni c bonds ,
@) permanent covalent bond
38. Thermodynamics i s ___ _ _
st udy of changes in matter that accompany events in the universe
B. The study of changes in energy !hat accompany events i n the univberse
y.'rhe study of the rates of chemifal reactions f:l n c n c.. -S
A:!. A and C
39. Reactions that lose heat are termed ____ _
A. endothermic
exothermi c
C. polythermic
D. entropothermi c
40. Enzymes can be conjugated with nonprotei n components that carry out activities for whi ch ami no acid R groups are not suited.
These components _ __ .
./A. are often referred to as col actors
V B. can be organic and are then called coenzymes
vc. can be metal ions
'- pall of t he above
41. What kind of inhibitor binds very tightly to an enzyme often formi ng a coval ent bond with an amino acid in the active site.
B. reversible
C. uncompetitive
D. competitive
42. Competit ive enzyme i nhibitors. _ _ ___ _
J A. are reversible Inhibitors
" B. compete with a substrate for access t o the act ive site of an enzyme
J C. must resemble the substrate
@ ail of the above
43. In noncompet itive inhibition 1\'1 'rllb O.!llJ L
y. the i nhibitor binds to t he enzyme active site !>\ l
B. the level of inhi bition depends only on the concentration or t he inhibitor
J C. t he maximum velocit y of t he enzyme cannot be reached
D. Band c
44. What two amino aci ds are di rectly invol ved in the reaction cat alyzed by chymotrypsin?
A. alanine and proline
B. glutamic aci d and tyrosi ne
c. hi st idine and serine
D. vali ne and methi onine
45. Penicillin works as an antibi ot ic by _____ _
A. Inhibi ting enzymes involved i n t he synthesis of the bacteri al cell wall.
B. Inhibiting bacterial replicat ion
C. Inhibi ti ng bact erial transcription
D. inhibiting bacterial translation
46. Name t he following amino aci ds:


. .., t1- c- c- o
' I I
H 0
' K N-C-<-O"
' 1 '
H 0

H 0
o, ;()

-... o
H 0



H 0
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,..c ... ,

H 0


H 0

' II N- c- c- o-
H 0

o.,.<,... e-n,
' H N-C -<- ()'
> I I
H 0

w N-! - c- o
t II
H 0
ISOi tuul\e.

M 0



-M N- e - e - o


" 0

H 0
H C- NI-1 '
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" 0

..- tt-c- c:-o
I 0
H 0

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