Common Emitter
Common Emitter
Common Emitter
AIM: To Design and Study the response of a Common Emitter Amplifier without and with feedback. The gain and band width are to be calculated from the response. 2. COMPONENTS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. BJT (BC107BP) Resistors (33k, 6.8k, 1.5k, 470, 1k) Capacitors (10UF, 10UF, 47UF) DC source AC source Oscilloscope 1No. 5No. 3No. 1No. 1No. 1No.
3. THEORY: Very often CE configuration is used as a transistor amplifier. The function of the amplifier is to amplify the signal without any distortion. So it is important to stabilize the amplification of the amplifier. By stabilization of voltage or current gain, we mean that the amplification becomes essentially independent of the h-parameters of the transistor. A simple and effective way to obtain voltage gain stabilization is by adding an emitter resistor Re to the common emitter amplifier. But due to Re the gain of the amplifier decreases, to avoid this degeneration a large capacitor called bypass capacitor is connected in parallel with Re. Frequency response of an amplifier is defined as the variation of gain with respective frequency. The gain of the amplifier increases as the frequency increases from zero till it becomes maximum at lower cut-off frequency and remains constant till higher cut-off frequency and then it falls again as the frequency increases. At low frequencies the reactance of coupling capacitor CC and bypass capacitor Ce is quite high and which is responsible for gain loss. At high frequencies the reactance of inter electrode capacitance is very small and behaves as a short circuit. Due to these capacitors the voltage gain drops at high frequencies. At mid frequencies the effect of coupling capacitors and bypass capacitor is negligible and acts like short circuit, where as inter electrode capacitors acts like open circuit. So, the circuit becomes resistive at mid frequencies and the voltage gain remains constant during this range.
CE AMPLIFIER WITHOUT FEEDBACK 5. PROCEDURE: Without Feedback i. Open multisim software by clicking the icon on desktop. ii. Place the AC source, DC source, Ground, Oscilloscope and other components on circuit window by selecting them from component toolbar. iii. Connect the components as shown in the figure. iv. Simulate the circuit by clicking run button on simulation toolbar. v. Observe the input and output waveforms on oscilloscope by double on it. vi. Stop the simulation by clicking stop button on simulation toolbar. vii. Now select simulate analysis AC analysis for frequency response. viii. Set the start frequency, stop frequency, sweep frequency and vertical scale, then click the output tab select the output variable for analysis and click the simulate button. ix. Observe the graph on graph viewer. Note down the output voltage for different frequencies and calculate voltage gain, lower cutoff frequency, upper cutoff frequency and bandwidth by plotting on semi-log graph.
GAIN in dB =20*log(VOUT/VIN)
7. CALCULATIONS: i. Determine lower cut-off frequency (fL) and upper cut-off frequency (fH) from the graph. ii. Calculate Band width = (fH fL) 8. RESULT: Hence studied the response of a common emitter amplifier with and without feedback and calculated g ain and band width. i. ii. iii. Lower cut-off frequency (fL) = Upper cut-off frequency (fH) = Band width (fH fL) =