Assignment Questions
Assignment Questions
Assignment Questions
Civil Engineering CE 9304 - Water Supply Engineering, Assignment III Answer All Questions 1. What are the types of joints used in the pipeline construction? (2)
2. Write a brief note on different types of valves used in water supply distribution systems. (4) 3. What are the minimum residual pressure to be maintained in the single-storyed, doublestoryed, three-storyed & multi-storyed building? (2) 4. Write a brief note on different types of pipe materials used for conveying water in water supply scheme. (4) 5. With the help of neat sketch, explain the different components of a house service connection from a municipal water main. (6)
6. Illustrate with sketches, the different types of layouts of pipe systems in distributing water and compare their merits & demerits. (8) 7. Compare the merits and demerits of the continous and intermittent systems of water supply. (2) 8. What are the requirements of a good water supply distribution system? (2)
9. Determine the balanced flows and headlosses in the water supply distribution network shown in fig.1 using Hardy-Cross Method (stop with two iterations). Hazen Williams coefficient (C) for all pipes=100. (16) Pipe AB BC CD AE ED Diameter (mm) 450 350 220 380 280 119 L/s 416 L/s A B C 89L/s Length(m) 600 500 650 200 1190
10. The estimated hourly consumption for a town for one day are given in Table1. Determine the capacity of the distribution reservoir if the pump installed can supply water in the reservoir at a uniform rate of 1.45m3/s. (10) Table1 Hr Demand hr Demand 1 2.45 13 7.55 2 2.25 14 6.35 3 2.14 15 5.95 4 2.3 16 5.75 5 2.55 17 5.65 6 2.60 18 7.45 7 3.5 19 7.30 8 5.25 20 7.25 9 6.10 21 5.65 10 6.55 22 4.50 11 7.25 23 3.70 12 7.35 24 2.85
11. A 200m long, 300mm diameter new CI pipe is connected in series to a 100m long, 150mm diameter new CI pipe. The series combination carries water at a rate of 0.05m3/s. If the series combination of above two pipes is replaced by a single equivalent pipe, determine, a)The discharge through the equivalent pipe, b)The headloss of the equivalent pipe, c)The length of the equivalent pipe, if the diameter of the equivalent pipe is 0.2m, d)The diameter of the equivalent pipe, if the length of equivalent pipe is 300m. Assume Hazen Williams coefficient as 130 for the pipe material. (12)
12.Estimate the hydraulic gradient in a 2m diameter smooth concrete pipe carrying discharge of 3m3/s at 10C by Darcy- Weisbach equation (Assume f=0.011). (2)
13. From a clear water reservoir 3m deep, water is pumped to an elevated reservoir at the constant rate of 9,00,000 L/h. The maximum water level at clear water reservoir and elevated reservoir will be +30.00m & +75.00m respectively. If the length of the rising main is 1500m, determine the economical diameter of the rising main. Also determine BHP of the pump, assuming pump efficiency as 60%. Assume Darcy-Weisbachs friction factor as 0.04.(8)
14. Design gravity transmission pipeline of MS pipe to carry a discharge of 65,000lpm. Length of pipeline is 4.200m. Available head difference between source and discharge level is 12m. Assume residual pressure required at discharge end as 2m. Assume Hazen-Williams
15. A centrifugal pump is required to lift 2.5m3 of water/s to a height of 7m. Assuming total headloss in pipe as 0.3m, calculate BHP of the pump, if its efficiency is 70%. (2)
16. What is an intake structure? Enumerate the various types of intake structures and discuss in detail any two intake structures with the help of neat sketches. (10)
17. During a recuperation test, the water level in an open well was depressed by pumping by 2.5m and is recuperated by an amount of 1.6m in 70min. a)Determine the yield from a well of 3m dia under a depression head of 3.5m b)Also determine the dia of the well to yield 10L/s under a depression head of 2.5m. (8)
18.. A pumping test was made in a medium sand and gravel to a depth of 15m where a bed of clay was encountered. The normal GW level was at surface. Observation holes were located at distances of 3m and 7.5m from the pumping well. At a discharge of 3.6L/s from the pumping well, a steady state was attained in about 24h. The drawdown at 3m was 1.65m and at 7.5m was 0.36m. Compute the coefficient of permeability of soil. (8)
19.In fine sand aquifer region, design a well to get 10L/s yield under depression head of 2.7m. Values of (C`/A) in m3/h/m2/m of area may be taken as 0.6. (2)
20. What are infiltration galleries and infiltration wells? Explain both neat sketches. (8)
22. Estimate quantity & Quality of the waste stream and the total quantity of water that must be processed from a Reverse Osmosis(RO) facility that is to produce 4000 m3/d of water to be used for industrial cooling operations. Assume that both recovery and rejection rates are equal to 90% and that the concentration of the feed stream is 400 g/m3. (8)
23. Describe the reverse osmosis process. What pre - treatment is required before applying Reverse Osmosis process? (6)
24. List the various types of membrane processes used in the Advanced treatment of water.(4) 25. Write short note on: a)Reverse Osmosis Feed Water Quality b) Comparison of Sea Water and Brackish water RO membranes c)Trihalomethanes (THMs) commonly found in drinking water d)Ion Exchange Resins for Water Softening 26. Explain the construction and operation of the following membrane module designs. a)Plate and Frame b)Hollow Fiber c)Spiral-wound (6) (16)
27. Chlorine used in a Water Treatment Plant for treating 15,000m3 per day is 18kg/day. The residual Chlorine observed after 30 minimum contact is 0.2mg/L. Determine Chlorine dosage and Chlorine demand in mg/L. (6)
28. List the various water borne diseases caused by Bacteria, Virus, Protozoa and Worms.(6) 29. List the various disinfectants used in the treatment of water and compare their properties.(6) 30. What is the significance of break point chlorination in water disinfection? (2)
31. Describe different methods of Iron and Manganese removal in groundwater. 32. What methods are commonly used for desalination of water?
(8) (4)
33. State the significances and drinking water quality standards of the following water quality Parameters. a)Iron b)Manganese c)Fluoride (6)