Water Treatment Assignment
Water Treatment Assignment
Water Treatment Assignment
2. Design a square rapid mixing basin for a water treatment plant with a design flow of
8000m3/d. The basin depth is equal to 1.25 times the width. The design velocity gradient
will be 1000 s-l at 15°C and the detention time is to be 30 s. Determine the basin
dimensions, and the input power required.
3. A water treatment plant is processing a flow of 42000 m3/d. The flocculation system consists of three
identical parallel units. A side view of one of the units is shown in the sketch below. The dimensions of
each flocculation unit are 4.5 m wide by 4.5 m deep by 18.8 m long. The inlet baffle is located 0.3 m from
the front wall. Each unit has three sets of paddles mounted on a horizontal shaft. There are three sets of
paddles attached to the shaft. The first set of paddles has four paddles on each arm (total of eight paddles)
with centers located at 1.9, 1.7, 1.5, and 1.3 m from the shaft. The second set has three paddles on each arm
with centers located at 1.9, 1.7, and 1.5 m from the shaft, and the third set has two paddles per arm with
centers located at 1.9 and 1.5 m from the shaft. Each paddle is 0.1 m wide and 4.5 m long. The first paddle
set is 0.8 m from the inlet baffle and the paddle set are separated by a distance of 0.8 m. At
temperatures of 2 and 25°c what is the rotational speed of the shaft to achieve a mean velocity gradient of
20 s-l in a unit? What is the local velocity gradient for each paddle set? CD = 1.8, k = 0.25.
μ (*10-4 N. ρ
T( c) s / m2) (kg/m3)
0 17.53 999.8
2 16.624 999.78
10 13 999.7
20 10.02 998.21
25 8.996 996.955
30 7.972 995.7
4. A flocculation basin designed to treat 50,000 m3/d of water is 21 m long, 15 m wide and
3.60 m deep. The paddle-wheel units consist of four horizontal shafts that rotate at 4 rpm.
The shafts are located perpendicular to the direction of flow at mid-depth of the basin.
Each shaft is equipped with four paddle wheels 3 m in diameter and each wheel has four
blades3.30 m long and 150 mm wide with two blades located on each side of the wheel.
The blades are 300 mm apart. Assume the water velocity to be 30% of the velocity of the
paddles and that the water temperature is 10oc. Determine:
7. A water treatment plan uses Ferrous sulphate and lime as a coagulant at the rate of
10mg/l of water .Find out the quantity of Ferrous sulphate and the required to treat 27
million liters of water.
8. A water treatment plant is to treat 25 MGD (94.6250 MLD) of raw water from a large
stream. Water treatment consists of chemical feeding, rapid mixing, filtration, corrosion
control, and disinfection. Assume: (a) 1 square rapid mixing basin with a detention time
of 30 s and a depth of 10 ft (3.0480 m); (b) four rectangular flocculation basins with a
detention of 30 min, length/width ratio of 2, and a depth of 15 ft (4.5720 m). Determine
the dimensions of the rapid mixing basin and four flocculation basins.
9. Calculate the volume and dimension (L × W × H) of a square rapid mixing basin and
design the mechanical mixer, assuming (a) maximum design flow = 100 MLD = 26.42
MGD; (b) number of mixing basins = 4; (c) number of mixing stages = 1; (d) mixing
detention time = 30 seconds; (e) mixer velocity gradient (G) = 950/seconds; (f) depth-to-
width ratio of the mixing basin = 1.5; (g) raw water temperature range = 5◦C to 29◦C; (h)
efficiency of mechanical mixer’s gearbox = 90%; (i) power number of the impeller given
by the manufacturer Np = 2.75; and (j) Reynolds number equation for rapid mixers R =
d2 n𝜌/𝜇, where d = impeller diameter, m; n = impeller rotation speed, revolution per
second, or rps; 𝜌 = mass density, kg/m3; and 𝜇 = dynamic viscosity = 1.518 × 10-3 N-
s/m2 at 5◦C.
10. A plant treating 50 MGD (189.25 MLD) of water is using 50 mg/L of alum
[Al2(SO4)3⋅14.3H2O] as a coagulant. The water contains a natural alkalinity of 30 mg/L
as 3Ca(HCO3)2. Compute the number of pounds of lime as CaO required per day.