C.Guru Raghavendra, Door no:4-5-13, Maruthi Bazaar Pulivendula, Kadada (DT), Pincode-516390, Andhra Pradesh. Career Objective: Looking forward to a challenging and competitive work atmosphere leading to a Professional experience with a dynamic and progressive organization where my skills, talents and abilities will be utilized to the maximum for mutual benefit. Educational Qualifications: Email: Ph no: 9966715712
Examination B.Tech
Diploma S. S. C
Discipline/ School/college Specialization ECE Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Rajampet ECE Loyola Polytechnic College (YSRR), Pulivendula S.S.C Pushpagiri High School, Pulivendula
% 66.66%
2008 2005
86.72% 86%
Achievements: y y Participated and won prizes in Quiz competition. Participated in Paper presentations at college level.
Academic project: Main project: y y y y y Title Technology Team Size Duration Work Location : A systematical data control of green house monitoring. : Embedded systems. :5 : 2 months : In College (A.I.T.S, Rajampet) for 7th Semester
Description : In this project we are monitoring the environment inside the room. That is temperature, humidity and carbon dioxide required for the plants growth in the room. Here we use sensors for sensing the required parameters and zig-bee module for wireless transmission of data from transmitter to receiver. Finally sensed voltages will be displayed as values on the LCD. Mini project:Maglev Train y y y y Title Technology Team size Duration : MAGLEV TRAIN : Magnetic Technology :5 : 1 month.
Description: This has been invented to increase the speed of the train with less consumption of electricity. It works on the principle of magnetic levitation due to magnetic properties of attraction and repulsion. At present these trains are in use in Japan, China etc. Personal Profile: Name Fathers Name Sex Nationality Hobbies Phone No Date of Birth Declaration: : C. Guru Raghavendra : C. Bala Gurrappa : Male : Indian : Hiking, Gardening. : 9966715712, 9494687074 : 01-05-1990
I hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge.
Place: Hyderabad Date: 10/08/2011 Guru Raghavendra C