Seek the Challenging Position of Electrical Electronics Engineering Technician to Give Unrelenting Support to Engineers for the Development, Manufacture and Maintenance of Company's Products and Interest.
Educational Qualifications:
Examination Discipline/ Specialization School/college Board/University Year of Passing % B.Tech Electronics Engineering BBDIT college ghaziabad Lucknow University
2010 67.08%
Intermediate Science + Maths Stream C.S.H.P MEM public school ghaziabad C.B.S.E.
2006 63.2%
S. S. C S.S.C SCHILLER INST. SR SEC ghaziabad C.B.S.E.
Excellent in the use of basic hand tools, soldering tools and other tools. Proficiency to analyze and handle semiconductors, transistors in problem applications. Electronic circuits and Integrated circuits design. Microprocessors and controllers design and analysis .
1. Key Academic Projects
Central Electronics Limited, Ghaziabad: Summer Trainee 2009 July 2009 Aug
Project Title: SPV(solar photovoltaics) creation of voltage from light and for this process device
is known as solar cell.
DESCRIPTION: In this project 7-segment display is used to provide information to the user in different areas. The number to be displayed is sent to the data lines 1-4 on the board. When the enable line is high ,data is transmitted through the latch chip to the decoder. the decoder converts this data into a form which will high the correct leds in the seven segment displays,frming the decimal number. when the enable bit is set low,the data lines is stored in the latch,holding the current number on the 7-segment display. Project2: 8052 microcontroller Language of Implementation: Operating System: C++ Windows XP prototype of metro train using
DESCRIPTION In this project ,we try to make prototype for these type of metro trains. It uses 8051 microcontroller as CPU. The motion of train is controlled by a stepper motor. LCD display of 2*16 characters is used for displaying messages in the train. The stoppage time at a staion is taken to be 3 seconds and the time taken between two executive stations is taken as 6 seconds. leds are used as indicators to show the train direction i.e UP and DOWN path. it also have BUZZER system as train is going to leave a station,busser blows. it also have a emergency brake system due to which train stops as son as brakes are applied.can resume journey after emergency situation is over.
Extra Curriculum Activities Member of NACO India in association with Arpan Society for awareness campaign. Member of Anti Ragging Squad. 3rd Prize holder in maths olympiad in st paul's academy,ghaziabad
Quick learning ability. Good interpersonal relationship skills Effective communication skills. Dynamic and Flexible. Innovative and proactive. Strong organizational and multi-tasking skills. Strong mix of Technical and soft skills. Eagerness to learn new concepts Adaptability to the given environment and situation, self-confident and hardworking.
Work Experience: fresher Qualification:- graduate Professional: - B.TECH
Personal Profile: Name Nishi Tyagi Fathers Name Y Tyagi .P Sex female Marital Status Single Nationality Indian Hobbies playing basketball,surfing,listening music,cooking Permanent Address R-7/164 Rajnagar Ghaziabad, U.P 201001 Phone No 09716346359 Date of Birth 06-11-1986 Reference Available on request.
Date: Place: (NISHI TYAGI)