Winds Of Change
Executive summary
Strategic brand management
Advertising & Public Relations
1.1 Product History
1.2 Product Profile
1.3 Why Horlicks...Key Nutritional Facts
1.4 Research Design and Methodology
2.1 Glaxo SmithKline Consumer Healthcare Ltd. (Gskch)
3.1 Competitors
3.2 Market Share
3.3 Marketing Landmarks
5.1 Product
5.2 Packaging
5.2.1 Repositioning of Horlicks
5.3 Price
5.3.1 Price of Horlicks
5.4 Promotion
5.4.1 Seminars About Health Concerns & Health Supplements
5.4.2 Claims
5.4.3 Advertising
5.4.4 Promotions To Consumers
5.4.5 Promotions To Retailers
5.5 Distribution
Strategic Brand Management
"Strategic brand management involves the design and
implementation of marketing programs and activities to build,
measure, and manage brand equity. These concepts and
techniques are to improve the long-term profitability of brand
Coca-cola is the most valuable brand in the world,
with the name alone worth billions of dollars. But
why? What is a brand?
Brand management is a total approach to
managing brands that is sometimes extended, by
those who understand the power of brands, to cover
the whole approach to managing the company.
A brand is a promise
creating associations about everything. A tree has
an implied promise of beauty and shade. Even words
are brands. When I say 'speed', you will conjure up
images of fast cars, etc.
People are brands, too. When people see you, or
even hear your name, they will recall the image they
have of you, (which is something you can actively
manage or 'let happen'). In a company where people
are visible to customers, such as a service business,
the people are very much a part the brand.
Marketing is sometimes wrongly defined within the narrow
context of advertising or selling, but this is not the whole
story. Marketing is a key management discipline that
enables the producers of goods and services to interpret
customer wants, needs and desires — and match, or exceed
them, in delivery to their target consumers.
The 7Ps of marketing
Successful marketing depends upon addressing a number of
key issues. These include: what a company is going to
produce; how much it is going to charge; how it is going to
deliver its products or services to the customer; and how it
is going to tell its customers about its products and
1. Product:
There is no point in developing a product or service that no
one wants to buy, yet many businesses decide what to offer
first, and then hope to find a market for it afterwards. In
contrast, the successful company will find out what
customers need or want and then develop the right product
— with the right level of quality to meet those needs now
and in the future.
• The perfect product must provide value for the customer.
This value is in the eye of the beholder — we must give our
customers what they want, not what we think they want
• A product does not have to be tangible — an insurance
policy can be a product.
• Ask yourself whether you have a system in place to
regularly check what your customers think of your product,
your supporting services, etc, what their needs are now and
whether they see them changing.
• Beware going too far with product quality. Don’t try to
sell a Rolls-Royce when the customer really wants a Nissan
A product is only worth what customers are prepared to pay
for it. The price also needs to be competitive, but this does
not necessarily mean the cheapest; the small business may
be able to compete with larger rivals by adding extra
services or details that will offer customers better value for
money. Your pricing must also provide a profit. It is the
only element of the marketing mix that generates revenue
— everything else represents a cost.
• Thinking of price as ‘cost’ to the customer helps to
underscore why it is so important.
• Price positions you in the marketplace — the more you
charge, the more value or quality your customers will
expect for their money.
• Existing customers are generally less sensitive about price
than new customers — a good reason for looking after
them well.
• If you decide in favour of a higher priced added-value
approach, remember that price ‘positions’ you in the
marketplace. This means it gives an indication to potential
and existing customers of where to place you in relation to
your competitors. Expectations will generally be higher;
customers will assume a higher quality product or service.
Everything about your dealings with customers must live
up to the expectations of this positioning. Anything that can
be seen by the customer must be consistent with these
higher quality expectations — packaging, environment,
promotional materials, letterheads, invoices, etc.
3. Place:
The place where customers buy a product, and the means of
distributing your product to that place, must be appropriate
and convenient for the customer. The product must be
available in the right place, at the right time and in the right
quantity, while keeping storage, inventory and distribution
costs to an acceptable level.
• Customer surveys have shown that delivery performance
is one of the most important criteria when choosing a
• Place also means ways of displaying your product to
customer groups. This could be in a shop window, but it
could also be via the internet.
Promotion is the way a company communicates what it
does and what it can offer customers. It includes activities
such as branding, advertising, PR, corporate identity, sales
management, special offers and exhibitions. Promotion
must gain attention, be appealing, tell a consistent message
and above all else give the customer a reason to choose
your product rather than someone else’s.
• Good promotion is not one-way communication — it
paves the way for a dialogue with customers.
• Promotion should communicate the benefits that a
customer obtains from a product, and not just the
features of that product.
• Whether your promotional material is a single sheet or
a complex brochure, folder or catalogue, it must grab
the attention of your customers. It should be easy to
read and enable the customer to identify why they
should buy your product.
• A brochure isn’t necessarily the best way of promoting
your business, the problem being that once a brochure
has been printed, the information is fixed. You can’t
change or remove anything should the need arise. A
more cost effective and flexible option might be a
folder with a professionally designed sheet inside,
over a series of your own information sheets produced
in-house. These sheets can be customized by varying
them to suit the target customers and/or changing them
as required.
Promotion does not just mean communicating to your
customers. It is just as important to ensure your internal
stakeholders are aware of the value and attributes of your
products. This means communicating effectively to your
staff/ fellow employees so that they can be knowledgeable
and share expertise with their customers.
have adequate after-sales support, or are you being
complacent with them? Could you enhance your
support without too much additional cost?
premises aren’t up to scratch, how would the customer
think your service is?
• The physical evidence demonstrated by an
organization must confirm the assumptions of the
customers – a financial services product will need to
be delivered in a formal setting, while a children’s
birthday entertainment company should adopt a
more relaxed approach.
"Advertising is the non-personal communication of
information usually paid for and usually persuasive in
nature about products, services or ideas by identified
sponsors through the various media."
The advertising is very important and vital part of a successful
business. Advertising can be of any kind, some of the popular
forms of advertising are:
3) Internet: The newest and increasingly getting popular form of
media is internet. As it is the widest platform for the advertisers. It
covers everything from a needle to a ship. These days more and
more companies are focusing on advertising through internet.
Internet advertising comprises of websites, portals, gadgets, feeds
and search engines.
With help of advertising the business firms publicize their
businesses to make it more popular and to create brand awareness.
Advertising help them in increasing revenues which directly
increases the profit of the companies. Many companies are having
separate departments for advertising. The function of these
departments is to make plan and make budgets for advertising.
Advertising helps in forecasting sales of a company. If the
company spends more on advertising then definitely the people
will be more aware about the brands of the company.
• building awareness and a favorable image for a company or
client within stories and articles found in relevant media
• closely monitoring numerous media channels for public
comment about a company and its products
• managing crises that threaten company or product image
•Stimulating Demand – A positive article in a newspaper, on a
TV news show or mentioned on the Internet, often results in a
discernable increase in product sales.
• Reinforcing the Brand – In many companies the public
relations function is also involved with brand reinforcement
by maintaining positive relationships with key audiences, and
thereby aiding in building a strong image. Today it is ever
more important for companies and brands to build a good
image. A strong image helps the company build its business
and it can help the company in times of crises as well.
Advantages of PR
Third, depending on the media outlet, a story mentioning a
company may be picked up by a large number of additional media,
thus, spreading a single story to many locations.
The MFD market in India has traditionally been divided, on the basis of their
'Complan' (Heinz India Private Limited) and 'Viva' (GSKCH) are prominent,
(GSKCH)and 'Maltova' (GSKCH) are the main brands. White MFDs can be
had with water or milk and account for approximately two-thirds of the
MFD market (by quantity). Brown MFDs are basically milk additives.
The total market for MFDs was estimated to be around 70000 MT. After
at more than 10% p.a. in the last five years. 'Horlicks' dominates the whites
segment and accounts for more than three-fourths of the total sales in the
segment. 'Boost' is the second largest player in the browns segment and has a
market share of more than 30% in the segment. 'Horlicks' and 'Boost' together
The brand Horlicks came into existence way back in 1873. In its earlier days,
Horlicks was imported into the country from the U.K. Manufacture in India
began in the year 1960. Calcium was added to the product in 1988 as a nutritional
enhancement. In 1994, Horlicks was relaunched with the addition of vitamins and
minerals, which made the product even more wholesome. Now Horlicks has
again been relaunched with smart nutrients. The focus this time is clearly on
Horlicks is made from wheat, milk and malted barley. Horlicks is widely
known as an easy to prepare malted food drink. It is fortified with iron and
Horlicks is still the world's most widely consumed malted milk product. For
Horlicks can be enjoyed in over 15 countries worldwide. Malaysians are the third
largest consumers of the brand, after India and the United Kingdom. It is the
number one brand for Glaxo SmithKline (GSK). The enormous success of the
horlicks brand has been reflected in the ever rising sales graph for the product.
With a brand share of over 50% in the health food drink market, turnover of over
Rs. 400 crores in 1997 and a CAGR of over 20%, Horlicks remains the number
one health food drink in India. Its success is due to a mixture of factors. A strong
sugars that are easily assimilated by the body, making Horlicks easily
iron, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, and dietary fiber. As fresh milk.
Horlicks-The Winds Of Change
was done covering various aspects of the customer opinion regarding the
targeting the 18-30 age group consumers of health food drinks. The sample
The Winds Of Change
and sell malted milk food - 'Horlicks', which was hitherto being imported.
Beecham India Pvt. Ltd was merged with HMM Beecham India was
Beecham Group plc, UK, and SmithKline, USA in 1989, the name of the
Health Care with a change in business focus to "Science based health care
products". The company exited from toiletries, hair care etc. Major brands
Brylcream and Silvikrim were globally sold to Sara Lee. The parent
company SmithKline Beecham Plc. has been merged globally with Glaxo
and Smithkline has been merged in India. The Consumer business however
new association.
SmithKline Beecham plc, one of the world's largest healthcare companies,
the largest single shareholder of SBCH with a 40% stake and management
continually benefited from the technical and marketing inputs that have been
the domestic malted food industry. Its flagship product, Horlicks, is a widely
regarded and highly respected 110 year old brand. The company today
acquired two local brands - Maltova & Viva, further strengthening its
Maltova and biscuit brands Horlicks & Boost are outsourced by the
packing facilities at Hyderabad were recently awarded the prestigious ISO
9002 certification
over 1000 wholesalers and direct coverage of over 2,50,000 retail outlets.
chunk of GSK’s sales come from south and west India though it plans to
increase coverage in the northern and eastern parts of the country. GSK’s
main competitors are HJ Heinz, Cadbury India and Nestle India. But GSK’s
brand, Horlicks is the market leader and accounted for over 55% of the
market while Cadbury’s Bournvita accounted for 15% and Boost around 9%.
SMBE has a 70% volume share, followed by Cadbury (12%) and Heinz
(10%). Nestle and GCMMF have 3-4% market share each. In white food
SmithKline Consumer and Heinz have extended their malted drink brands to
the biscuit category. SmithKline has Horlicks and Boost range of biscuits
milk, which is the major raw material for manufacturing MFD. The other
major raw materials are malted barley, wheat flour and sugar. Vendors have
been developed for the supply of these products and raw material availability
is not a constraint.
ICRA expects the MFD market to maintain a steady growth rate of 8-10% in
the medium term. GSK, by virtue of its strong market position and well-
perceive any threat to the leadership position of GSK in the near future.
Operating Performance
GSK, India's largest player in the malted food drinks with a dominant 60%
market share is represented through Horlicks (52% market share) and Boost
GSK's sales primarily come from the MFD market where it has two
and 'Boost' and contribute about 6% to GSK’s operating income. GSK set its
Winds Of Change
Key issues
GSK continues to maintain its leadership position in the MFD market, with
'Horlicks' maintaining its dominant market share in the white MFD segment
and 'Boost' being positioned strongly in the browns segment. The financial
flexibility of the company remains strong due to its low gearing, sizeable
liquid investments and low bank limit utilization. ICRA expects GSKCH to
further consolidate its strong financial position with healthy cash accruals in
Horlicks-The Winds Of Change
The white malted category comprises 60 per cent of the overall Rs 1,200-
crore HFD market, and Horlicks, along with Junior Horlicks, is the market
leader with a 59 per cent market share. While 45 per cent of the brand's sales
comes from the South, especially Tamil Nadu, 49 per cent of its sales is
from the East, while the rest is from the North and West put together.
Amongst GSK's quality nutritional products, Horlicks stands out as the No.1
malt drink in Malaysia. As the leading nourishing malt drink in the region,
The nutritional drink or the health drink industry has been marked by
competition from various companies in the past few years. The health drink
There are two kinds of competitors GSK face in the industry, the direct
competitors and the indirect ones including the substitutes. Here the primary
competitors or direct ones are very easily identifiable and very visible.
Whereas the indirect ones may not be competing directly but still pose a
threat to the company. The key to success being strong product innovation,
marketing and the promotion efforts and distribution capabilities of the
Given here under is a percentage wise beak-up of the market shares enjoyed
The market size of health food drink is: Rs. 1,300 Crores.
MARKET SIZE : Rs.1300 crore
Amul has launched its new health beverage Amul Shakti in northeast India
year and Rasna has launched Rasna Shake UP, a pre-sweetened milkshake
The market growth will depend on the ability of the major players to drive
category penetration amongst the milk consuming masses in the North and
the West as well as their ability to drive penetration amongst the lower
• 1931: "Night Starvation" story developed to promote Horlicks as a
bedtime drink.1
• 2000: “Guess who didn't have their Horlicks last night?” Advertising
Campaign is launched.2
• The testimonial advertising campaign, “one for now, one for the
Marketing strategy is an integral part of business strategy, no matter what
focusing explicitly on the quest for long run competitive and Consumer
The Indian market for malted milk powders is very large, since the product
Cadbury’s India with its brand Bournvita, Glaxo Smithkline Beecham with
its brand Horlicks and Heinz, with its brand Complan. Historically, market
which could be mixed with just water were targeted a milk-short markets.
Over the years, the divide between milk-short and milk-surplus markets was
shortage in the milk deficit regions and the product-market segments ended
up being brown powder for those who were drinkers of liquid milk, and
white powders for those who were not. Bournvita was the leader in brown
launching a brown variant of their white powder – Chocolate Horlicks –
extended the Horlicks brand name along many dimensions into several sub
consumers, competitors are all in a state of flux and the traditional ‘rules of
and some by the players in the business. Though not very explicitly horlicks
tries to address the younger population i.e. kids under the age of 15 as it has
(brown and white powders) through there are signs that this is beginning to
4.2 Brand Extensions
GSK has introduced various brand extensions in the last few years and
notable among these are 'Mother Horlicks' and 'Junior Horlicks'. The former
caters to the nutritional needs of pregnant and lactating mothers while the
latter is targeted at the growing child in the age group of 1-3 years. Both the
brand extensions have been very well accepted in the market and have
During 2001, GSK launched another health drink under the brand name
Beecham Plc. In India, the product has been launched as an Amla based
Vitamin C drink. The brand launch has been successful and initial trial rates
are healthy.
GSK has already re-launched 'Horlicks' and 'Boost' to maintain the top of
mind recall for its products. Further the new products to be launched by the
company will strengthen the presence of the company in the MFD markets.
Various problems faced by the brand ultimately leading to its re-launch are:
1) Although the brand was proving out to be a cash cow for GSK, it was
having a boring nutrient image which made its market stagnant. After
nourishment drink.
consumers mind. The brand was earlier targeted towards Mothers whereas
3) In launching other products like Aquafresh, Boost etc. GSK ignored its
flagship brand.
5) The market for milk food beverages has stagnated for the last three years.
three new variants — vanilla, honey and chocolate in addition to its regular
malt. The relaunch is done for the very specific purpose of changing focus
from nutrient value to the flavors of the product. This is done to change
style. The positioning has also been changed from mothers to children in the
been created. While the first phase of the campaign would talk about the re-
launch of Horlicks, the second phase will talk about the new features of the
Horlicks-The Winds Of Change
the existing line, what is the differentiating factor in the product and in what
Product attributes are the characteristics that describe a good or a service.
Marketers use these features to attract consumers. But they must be careful
when planning the campaign to create a fit between the product's attributes
Drink segment. Horlicks is made from milk, wheat and malted barley.
was realized that Horlicks was considered as a boring nourishment drink and
was beginning to lose its significance. The company research showed that
preference for flavours reigned higher than nutrients, and hence, the decision
The new formulation brings about a significant improvement in
this much liked health drink by incorporating vital micronutrients that are
physical activeness. These are Iron, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12,
resistance against infections. The SBCH research team has termed these
sharpness and physical activeness. New Horlicks with Smart Nutrients has
consumption. Two cups of New Horlicks with Smart Nutrients fully meet an
benefits, it continues to retain all the positive features and advantages of the
earlier formulation. This includes the unique delicious taste that has
Keeping this in mind the Horlicks has shown good understanding of both the
consumer and the buyer / influencer by addressing two issues with one
Winds Of Change
The focus this time is not only on enhancing the nutrient values of the
product but major emphasis has been given to different flavours. The
Horlicks-The Winds Of Change
The role of packaging has increased significantly in recent times, partly due
The packaging of the Great Family Nourisher has been made Modern &
Elxsi, the pack designing has been done by J. Walter Thomson. The new
avatar of Horlicks has the highest shelf appeal and maximum visibility. The
hues of bright blue and orange. It has also gone in for a packaging change
The new jars are more convenient to handle and dispense from.
Winds Of Change
Horlicks has substantially increased the value for money proposition for its
new and important benefit, it continues to retain all the positive features of
Horlicks-The Winds Of Change
The re-launch also includes a new look for the brand not only in terms of
mothers. Junior Horlicks, is now positioned for children in the one to three
Horlicks-The Winds Of Change
It is been realized that it is not only the mother who plays main role in
purchasing but the children which are indeed the main users of the product.
Although the relaunch has targeted the children segment this time, the
5.3 Price
The Marketing Department of any company does a lot of research work in
order to determine the price points that are most suitable to the company and
at the same time would generate maximum satisfaction for the target
pricing, and price skimming are the four main pricing policies or strategies,
advantage exists. Such high prices are charged for luxury products.
Penetration Pricing
The price charged for products and services is set lower than actual when
achieved, the price is increased. This approach is adopted in order to
This is a basic price of the product. The cost of marketing and manufacture
are kept at a bare minimum. Supermarkets often have economy brands for
Price Skimming
Horlicks-The Winds Of
come in you can make maximum profits. When Dove was launched in
the market it was the only soap with ¼ moisturizer and was priced at a
premium price of Rs. 45/- per soap, today the soap is available at a lower
Similarly the GSk has chosen the price for horlicks keeping in mind the
value addition done to the product by the company along with the
The company has not gone for reducing price as they believe that Price
alienation could translate into alienation with the product proposition itself.
Diehard Horlicks consumers who may have moved out of the brand and
learnt to live without it may not find a credible reason to go back if such a
Promotions are very important because health food drinks are generally not
done by GSK through both direct and indirect means. These involve:
5.4.1. Running seminars about health concerns and health
brands among school kids. About 1.5 million students from 3000 schools in
eight cities was involved in the mega programme called Activity 2003. The
Horlicks Activity 2003— The Kool Skool Fest, an inter-school literary and
cultural event. The event aims at encouraging the learning of `Life skills'—
fields such as literary art, creative speaking, singing, dancing and informal
events for students from 1st to 12th std. The Activity along with Horlicks
will hand out scholarships to two deserving students in each city. The
scholarships for the year 2003 are worth more than Rs 1,00,000. Over and
above the scholarships, Horlicks will also sponsor the complete one year
education for two students who emerge as the "Mr & Ms Live Wire
5.4.2. CLAIMS
GSK remains committed in inventing new reasons and ways for consumers
improved its formulation to keep up with the ever changing needs of the
children’s growth were added into Horlicks. After a few years, Horlicks
contained a new formula fortified with Vitamin C, B-12 and Iron. Now, its
latest relaunch
Horlicks-The Winds of
contained a new a new claim “twice the calcium of fresh milk”, which
hope to see their children grow up strong and healthy. This age-old fact is
a child’s future, hence it’s tagline: “Horlicks, nourishment for life”. In late
90s its ads reverberated through the television sets of every Indian household
and they just couldn’t get it out of their heads. Its campaign was well
consumers’ memory.
gifts (like katoris). Promotions include special discounted bundled packs and
Periodic price discounts of between 5% and 10% off the recommended retail
price are also being provided by the company from time to time.
floor displays and value added promotions from time to time. Recently they
background. The rationale behind this is that bottles arranged in this fashion
attract consumers’ attention. Moreover after 45 days the GSK people will
conduct a lucky draw of the retailers who participated in this scheme and
There are also various sampling programmes in schools, shopping malls and
at sponsored events. All this is done in an effort to vie for the top spot in
consumers’ minds.
The brand had begun to look dated and was losing its significance. The
In this sector, one of the most critical success factors is the ability to build,
which is so vital to derive profits Availability near the consumer is vital for
where products are available (almost always). It takes enormous time and
effort to build a chain of stockists, retailers, dealers etc and establish their
loyalties. There are entry barriers for a new entrant as a new product is
typically slow moving and has lesser consumer demand. Therefore dealers/
The first link in the channel is the factory situated at Sonepat, which has
26,000 tonnes per annum capacity. GSK has total workforce of over 3,000
packing facilities are located at Hyderabad and Ballabgarh. GSK has four
regional Sales Offices in the four metros which co-ordinate the sales,
company now has 34 sales depots (one in each State), as against 28 in 1998.
direct coverage of over 4,25,000 retail outlets. Its wholesaler network has
Winds Of Change
supply to 425,000 retail outlets across the country.. SBCH has increased its
reach over the years, which has helped it gain incremental market share.
Horlicks-The Winds Of Change
the consumer opinion in the Northern Region. The main objectives being
b) To find out what they actually look for from a health food drink
g) To find out the image of horlicks
Q1).What Brand(s) comes to your mind first in the Milk based health food
8 2 1 1 5 11 0
Choice of Brands
0% Horlicks
29% Boost
18% 4% Others
Horlicks-The Winds Of Change
The survey indicates that Bournvita enjoys the most recognized brand
among the milk based health food drink category, followed by Horlicks.
Even complan have a good recognition. Thus Horlicks should work upon
building such promotional programs which increase its visibility among the
4% 0% Value
It is evident from the survey that people consume health food drink mainly
for its nutritional value rather than taste or to change color of milk. Thus
9% 4%
70% Honey
It is clear that chocolate remains ever preferred choice of health food drink
6 8 10 4
Less than 1
14% 21%
1-3 years
3-5 years
36% 29%
More than 5
It is seen that in case of health food drinks the consumers are more or less
loyal towards their brand. Hence horlicks should concentrate on tapping new
Q5).Satisfaction level
Satisfaction Level
Q6).What do you think is the most effective in creating an impact on
Medium of information
4% Magazines
16% Newspaper
Word of Mouth
It is evident from the survey that T.V. plays an important role in forming the
opinion of the consumer regarding choice of health food drink. Hence GSK
Yes No
8 15
Contrary to the popular opinion, survey indicates that parents are still the
deciding force in the health food drink segment. Though pester power also
plays its part. So GSK should concentrate over both segments to build
1 21 2
Image of Horlicks
8% 4% Fun Drink
No matter how hard GSK is trying, it is not been able to break its image of
Nutritional Drink. Most of the respondents in the survey are carrying image
Yes No
4 19
New Variants
Most of the respondents of the study have not tried the new variants of
horlicks. GSK should take efforts in this field. It should plan proper channels
machine form?
Yes No
15 9
Most of the respondents from the study are willing to consume Horlicks
ouof-home ready to drink form. GSK should go ahead with its plan to setup
The health food drinks industry has been facing testing times with stagnant
markets. Market leader GlaxoSmithKline is looking to put the spring back in
its brands and the market through repositioning and relaunches of the
Milk food drinks, the category in which GSKCH operates, offers scope for
line extensions, new formulations and packaging innovations. So, the market
growth in the health food drinks will depend on the ability of the major
the North and the West as well as their ability to drive penetration amongst
increase its visibility among the health food drink segment as the Bournvita
enjoys the most recognized brand among the milk based health food drink
2. Horlicks should not change its positioning of Nutritional Health Drink but
irrespective of gender.
4. In case of health food drinks the consumers are more or less loyal towards
existing customers.
5. Customers are more or less satisfied with their current brand but Horlicks
should try to tap new customers as promotion and marketing strategies play
6. People rarely shift their brands but they do so when they are being enticed
7. Parents are still the deciding force in the health food drink segment. GSK
should concentrate over both segments parents and children to build equity.
Winds Of Change
8. Horlicks has not been able to break its image of Nutritional Drink in the
northern region.
9. GSK should go ahead with its plan to setup Vending machines to sell
drink form.
The market growth will depend on the ability of the major players to drive
category penetration amongst the milk consuming masses in the North and
the West as well as their ability to drive penetration amongst the lower
SECs, which is currently low. Apart from this GSK has to focus it’s energy
towards rural markets which have huge potentials and are highly
Horlicks-The Winds Of Change
The white powder has become a boring flavour so GSK should promote it’s
The company should focus upon vending machines and introduce the brand
reach to the consumer which is so vital to derive profits. .So GSK will do
competitive advantage.
Winds Of Change
The concept is to make the product different from those of its competitor.
GSK should constantly differentiate itself from the competitors on the basis
Horlicks-The Winds Of Change
1) Which is the Brand that comes to your mind first in the Health Food
Horlicks Boost Maltova
Milo Complan Bournvita Others
Winds Of Change
Yes No
If Yes, to which
And Why
Horlicks-The Winds Of Change
Key Nutrients
Horlicks is a nourishing malted food drink which combines the wholesome
Nutrient Function
Energy Essential for the basic metabolic processes of the body
Protein Essential for healthy growth and development in children
sucrose (ordinary table sugar) and more complex
Fat The most concentrated form of dietary energy.
Vitamin A Required for healthy eyes and skin.
nervous system.
Vitamin B2 Helps to keep skin and eyes healthy. Involved in energy
nerve fibres.
Vitamin E An important dietary antioxidant.
Vitamin B6 Important for a healthy nervous system, for healthy blood
Calcium Essential for healthy bones and teeth; required for the
proper functioning of nerves and muscles. An adequate
Annexure III -
• Horlicks is consumed by over 120million people daily and enjoy an
• Where there’s a problem taking solid food, Horlicks can provide the
• People on special diets, including liquid diets or any diet devised for
Annexure IV -
For You
Horlicks, in one form or another, has been around for yonks and yonks, and
devouring a cup of it before turning over and going off to enjoy a sound
nights sleep. Today it comes in various flavours and you can buy pack etc.
sachets as well as the jars which are the version I am most familiar with.
What is Horlicks? Well it is a very nutritional malted food and health drink.
It is said to aid sleep and is a veritable breeze to prepare. Out two or three
spoonfuls in a cup, add some boiling water and a bit of milk, and by jingo
you have a thoroughly nice drink at a cost which is a lot cheaper than coffee,
Winds Of Change
Wheat Flour
Malted Barley
Dried Whey
Milk Protein
Malt Extract
Vegetable Fats
like its creamy malt flavour. At times I find drinking chocolate a tad boring
and I don’t like to drink coffee late at night but I enjoy a cup of Horlicks just
before turning in for a good night's sleep. Needless to say it comes with a
Winds Of Change
1. Pande, Bhanu, “Cup Half Empty”. “The Economic Times- Brand
Equity “, New Delhi.
2. “ Glaxo SmithKline consumer not in pink of health”