Band GapGe
Band GapGe
Band GapGe
Set-up and procedure
The conductivity of a germanium testpiece is measured as a
The experimental set-up is shown in Fig.1. The test piece on
function of temperature. The energy gap is determined from
the board has to be put into the hall-effekt-modul via the
the measured values.
guide-groove. The module is directly connected with the
12 V~ output of the power unit over the ac-input on the back-
Equipment side of the module.
Hall effect module, 11801.00 1 The voltage across the sample is measured with a multimeter.
Hall effect, undot.-Ge, carrier board 11807.01 1 Therefore, use the two lower sockets on the front-side of the
Power supply 0-12 V DC/6 V, 12 V AC 13505.93 1 module. The current and temperature can be easily read on
Tripod base -PASS- 02002.55 1 the integrated display of the module. Be sure, that the display
Support rod -PASS-, square, l = 250 mm 02025.55 1 works in the temperature mode during the measurement. You
Right angle clamp -PASS- 02040.55 1 can change the mode with the ”Display”-knob. At the begin-
Digital multimeter 07134.00 1 ning, set the current to a value of 5 mA. The current remains
Connecting cord, l = 500 mm, black 07361.05 2 nearly constant during the measurement, but the voltage
Connecting cord, l = 100 mm, red 07359.01 1 changes according to a change in temperature. Set the dis-
Connecting cord, l = 100 mm, blue 07359.04 1 play in the temperature mode, now. Start the measurement by
activating the heating coil with the ”on/off”-knob on the back-
side of the module. Determine the change in voltage depen-
Tasks dent on the change in temperature for a temperature range of
1. The current and voltage are to be measured across a ger- room temperature to a maximum of 170°C.
manium test-piece as a function of temperature. You will receive a typical curve as shown in Fig.2.
Fig.1: Experimental set-up for the determination of the band gap of germanium
PHYWE series of publications • Laboratory Experiments • Physics • © PHYWE SYSTEME GMBH & Co. KG • D-37070 Göttingen 25304-01 1
5.3.04 Band gap of germanium
Theory and evaluation With the measured values from Fig. 2, the regression with the
The conductivity s is defined as following: expression
Eg 1
c d
1 l·I 1 ln s ln s0 ·
s 2k T
r A · U 7m
provides the slope b = (4.05 ± 0.06) · 103 K (Fig. 4).
with r = specific recistivity, l = length of test specimen,
A = cross section, I = current, U = voltage. With the Boltzmann’s constant k = 8.625 · 10–5 eV, we finally
(Dimensions of Ge-plate 20101 mm3) obtain
The conductivity of semiconductors is characteristically a Eg = b · 2 k = (0.70 ± 0.01) eV. (Literature value 0.67 eV)
function of temperature. Three ranges can be distinguished: at
low temperatures we have extrinsic conduction (range *), i.e.
as the temperature rises charge carriers are activated from the
impurities. At moderate temperatures (range ** we talk of
impurity depletion, since a further temperatue rise no longer
produces activition of impurities. At high temperatures (range Fig.3: Conductivity of a semi-conductor as a function of the
***) it is intrinsic conduction which finally predominates (see reciprocal of the temperature
Fig. 3). In this instance charge carriers are additionally trans-
ferred by thermal excitation from the valence band to the con-
duction band. The temperature dependence is in this case
essentially described by an exponential function.
s s0 · exp
2 kT
(Eg = energy gap, k = Boltzmann’s constant, T = absolute
Fig.2: Typical measurement of the probe-voltage as a func- Fig.4: Regression of the conductivity versus the reciprocal of
tion of the temperature the absolute temperature
2 25304-01 PHYWE series of publications • Laboratory Experiments • Physics • © PHYWE SYSTEME GMBH & Co. KG • D-37070 Göttingen