Law of Collision Air Track or Demonstration Track
Law of Collision Air Track or Demonstration Track
Law of Collision Air Track or Demonstration Track
The volocities of two gliders, moving
without friction on an air-cushion
track, are measured before and after
collision, for both elastic and inelas-
tic collision.
PHYWE Systeme GmbH & Co. KG D - 37070 Gttingen Laboratory Experiments Physics 21
Laws of Collision / Air track 1.3.05
PHYWE series of publications Laboratory Experiments Physics PHYWE SYSTEME GMBH & Co. KG D-37070 Gttingen 21305-01 1
1.3.05 Laws of Collision / Air track
Fig. 2: Elastic collision: momenta after the collision as func- Fig. 4: Elastic collision: calculated momenta after the collision
tions of the mass ratio of the gliders. as functions of the mass ratio of the gliders.
1.4 In accordance with the mean value of the measured 2.1 The impulse values are plotted as in Task 1.1.
energy of the first glider before the collision, the theo-
retical values of the energy after the collision are plot- 2.2 The energy values are plotted as in Task 1.2.
ted analogously to Task 1.3. In the process, the meas- 2.3 The theoretical and measured impulse values are com-
ured values are compared with the theoretical curves. pared as in Task 1.3.
2. Inelastic collision 2.4 As in Task 1.4, the theoretical an measured energy val-
A glider, whose mass always remains unchanged, collides ues are compared. In order to clearly illustrate the ener-
with a constant velocity with a second resting glider. A gy loss and its dependence on the mass ratios, the
measurement series with different masses of the resting theoretical functions of the total energy of both gliders
glider is performed: the velocities of the first glider before and the energy loss after the collision are plotted.
the collision and those of both gliders, which have equal
velocities, after it are to be measured.
Set up and procedure
The experimental set-up is performed as shown in Fig. 1. The
starting device serves to start the glider; three defined and
reproducible initial energies can be selected with the various
latch positions. It is recommended that the second position be
used for all measurements.
The momentum is determined by measuring the velocity of the
glider. For this purpose, the time during which the screen fit-
ted on the glider impinges on the light barrier is used, in accor-
dance with:
Connect the light barriers with input jacks 1 and 3 on the timer
[connect jacks having the same colours (red and yellow) and
the two earth (ground) jacks to each other]. Select the
Collision experiments operating mode (2 double arrows
printed on the front panel). In this mode, up to two shading
periods are measured and displayed for each light barrier.
When varying the mass ratios, ensure that the additional
Fig. 3: Elastic collision: energy after the collision as functions masses are added symmetrically in each case. Before initiat-
of the mass ratio of the gliders. ing the measurements, check the tracks adjustment.
2 21305-01 PHYWE series of publications Laboratory Experiments Physics PHYWE SYSTEME GMBH & Co. KG D-37070 Gttingen
Laws of Collision / Air track 1.3.05
Fig. 5: Elastic collision: calculated energies after the collision Fig. 7: Inelastic collision: energy after the collision as functions
as functions of the mass ratio of the gliders. of the mass ratio of the gliders.
p2 m1m2 m2
p'1 p p1
2m1 2m2 2m1 2m2 m1m2 1 m1
p 1 p 2 p '1 p '2 , 2m2 2
p'2 p p1
m1m2 1 m1
where p1, p2 are the moments before the collision and p1', p2' 1
those after the collision. m2
Fig. 6: Inelastic collision: momenta after the collision as func- Fig. 8: Inelastic collision: calculated momenta after the collisi-
tions of the mass ratio fo the gliders. on as functions of the mass ratio of the gliders.
PHYWE series of publications Laboratory Experiments Physics PHYWE SYSTEME GMBH & Co. KG D-37070 Gttingen 21305-01 3
1.3.05 Laws of Collision / Air track
Fig. 9: Inelastic collision: claculated energies after the collision In an inelastic collision, only the momentum is conserved. In
and energy loss as functions of the mass ratio of the addition, the velocities after the collision are equal:
p'1 p'2
p'1 p1
p'2 p1
E '1 E1
m2 2
a 1 b
1 m1
From the contribution of the impulse p, the energies E can be E '2 2
m1 m2
calculated according to E = p2/2m: a 1 b
m1 2
1 The evaluation of a sample measurement (Fig. 6 and Fig. 7)
E '1 E1 shows that also for an inelastic collision, the total impulse is
1 conserved; whereas, depending on m1/m2, a substantial ener-
m2 gy loss occurs.
4 21305-01 PHYWE series of publications Laboratory Experiments Physics PHYWE SYSTEME GMBH & Co. KG D-37070 Gttingen