Calculating A Students Gpa PDF
Calculating A Students Gpa PDF
Calculating A Students Gpa PDF
On a traditional schedule, a one semester course (55 minutes a day) carries unit of credit.
On a block schedule, a one semester course (90 minutes a day) carries 1 unit of credit.
Quality Point When a student completes a course, a final grade is determined and recorded on the students high
school transcript. A Grade Point Average can be determined when a grade is given a number of Quality Points. In
Cobb County, we are on a 4.0 Grade Point System. An A earns 4 quality points, a B earns 3 quality points, a
C earns 2 quality points, a D earns 1 quality point, and an F earns no quality points. Sometimes Bonus
Quality Points (BQPs), also referred to as weighting, are earned if the course is an honors course or Advanced
Placement (AP) course.
In Cobb County Honors courses (except for H Ninth Lit, H Physical Science, and Pre-AP Soc. Stud.) are given
.5 BQP. AP courses, For. Lang. level IV and higher, and some upper level courses (like Analysis and Chemistry II)
are given 1.0 BQP. See your schools Profile or web site for a complete list of weighted courses. NOTE: A
course with a grade of P or NC would not be used in a GPA calculation.
Colleges Colleges vary in how they review GPAs. Some colleges will use a students overall weighted GPA.
This would mean they would take all courses the student had taken in high school at that time, convert the grades
earned to Quality Points, and include any Bonus Quality Points awarded for honors or AP courses taken. This is
the GPA listed on a Cobb County SchoolMax transcript. Some colleges will only use a weighted core or academic
GPA. This means they would recalculate the students GPA using only grades earned in core courses (Eng. Math,
Science, Social Studies, and For. Lang). Core courses taken as academic electives are included. They would
include any BQPs awarded for honors or AP courses taken. Grades earned in non-core elective areas (P.E., Fine
Arts, Business, Technology/Career, etc.) are not used in this GPA calculation. Some Colleges want to recalculate a
students GPA using an unweighted academic or core GPA. This is the same as just described, but no BQPs are
allowed for any honors or AP courses taken Also, colleges may choose to allow different BQPs than the high
school does. Some colleges will award BQPs like Cobb County (see above), some only weight AP courses, and
may only award .5 BQPs for them (this is what UGA does). You may find out how a college calculates a students
GPAs on their website, by calling or e-mailing the admissions office, or speaking with an admission counselor.
HOPE The HOPE Scholarship pays for tuition and fees at any Georgia public college or university, and some
tuition at any Georgia private college. A high school students eligibility for the HOPE Scholarship is
determined by their GPA in all core courses upon graduation from high school. Students earning a College
Prep Diploma must earn a 3.0 HOPE GPA to be eligible for the scholarship for the first 30 credit hours of
college work, and students earning a Technology Career diploma must earn a 3.2 HOPE GPA to be eligible.
The Georgia Student Finance Commission determines eligibility and will calculate a students GPAs using the
students high schools grading system, but they do not give any weight or BQPs for honors courses taken.
They will weight AP courses taken, but only with .5 BQP. They do not allow any quality points higher than 4.0
for any given course (so an A in an AP course would be awarded 4.0 quality points, not 4.5).
How to Compute a Students GPA
Find the sum of Calculating the
Find the final
Determine the quality points earned for Determine
the final quality GPA Divide
each course. Determine if calculating units of credit quality points
points earned and the sum of the
attempted for earned Multiply
for an overall GPA or core GPA.
quality points
each course.
final quality
Grading scale: A 100-90 B- 89-80
the sum of the
earned by class by
C-79-74 D-73-70 F- below 70
units attempted. points earned
the number of units
by the sum of
(for Cobb County)
attempted for that
the units
Quality points awarded by grade:
A=4 B=3 C=2 D=1 F=0
BQPs awarded for honors and AP
courses based on the entity (i.e. Cobb
County/Pope, the college, HOPE)
Example 1
Note: For this example, this school is on a 4x4 block schedule and weights their courses like Cobb County. We are determining a
core unweighted GPA (only core courses will be evaluated (non-core electives will not be included) and no BQPs are awarded
for honors and AP courses).
AP US History
Hon. Amer Lit.
Hon. Alg. II
Hon. Chemistry
P.E. course
Example 2
Note: For this example this school is on a 4x4 block schedule and we are determining the students HOPE GPA. All
core courses will be evaluated (non-core electives will not be included), no BQPs are being allowed for honors courses,
and .5 BQPs are being allowed for AP courses, up to 4.0 max.
AP Economics
AP Government
Hon. Alg. II
P.E. course
Example 3
Note: For this example, this school is on a traditional schedule and weights their courses like Cobb County (see
definitions above). We are determining an overall weighted GPA (All courses will be evaluated and BQPs
are awarded for honors and AP courses).
AP Biology
On-level English
Alg. II Honors
Spanish IV
P.E. course
Business Course