Bachelor of Hotel management and Catering
Duration - 4 Years (8 Semesters)
Maximum Duration - 8 Years
Curriculum Structure
The program will enable the students to practice and exhibit in depth industry integrated
operational knowledge, technical skills regarding front office, housekeeping, F&B service
and food production in hospitality industry.
It provides the platform to the learners/students to become familiar with the practical aspects
of the hospitality industry. The program an avenue to the students, to move into hotels,
resorts, banquets, hospitals, airlines and catering. Academia is also an option open to them as
a career.
The program will give operational experience in industry through the way of industrial
Distribution of Marks
Total : 100
9 Absent Fail Ab 0
1. A student has to obtain minimum ‘D’ grade in theory & practical to pass in a course/subject
and to earn credit for that subject.
2. For award the Grade in a course/subject, marks obtained in Internal Assessment and
External Assessment are added together provided the student has obtained a minimum of
40% marks in Internal Assessment as well as External Assessment separately and
Combined Grade is awarded in the course/subject as per grading system given above. In
case a student fails to secure a minimum of 40% marks in Internal Assessment or
External Assessment or in both Internal Assessment and External Assessment, the
Combined Grade awarded is Grade F (Fail).
3. Student has to reappear in the external examination or internal examination or both of
theory & practical, if he/she has been awarded ‘F’ grade or Absent (Ab) in any
4. For non credit course only Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory shall be indicated instead of
letter grade and this will not be counted for computation of SGPA or CGPA.
5. Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA)
SGPA for a semester is calculated as under, after the student has passed in all the
courses/subjects of a semester.
Scheme & Syllabus of BHMCT For Session 2019-20 onwards Page 4
Om Sterling Global University
k k
SGPA Credits of Subject i Grade Points for Subject i Credits of Subject i
i 1 i 1
Table 2
A 3 B+ 7 3x7 21
B 3 A 8 3x8 24
C 3 A+ 9 3x9 27
D 2 A 8 2x8 16
TOTAL 11 88
Credits 11
Suppose the SGPA in two successive semesters are 7.0 and 8.0 with 26 and 24 respective course
credits, then the
Foundation Course in
2 Food and Beverage BTHM- 3 1 0 4 4 40 60 100 3
Service-I 102
Foundation Course in
4 Accommodation BTHM- 3 0 0 3 3 40 60 100 3
Operation - I 104
6 Applications BTCS-151 2 0 0 2 2 20 30 50 3
Foundation Course in
7 Food Production-I BTHM- 0 0 4 4 2 50 50 100 3
Practical 121
Foundation Course in
8 Food and Beverage BTHM- 0 0 2 2 1 50 50 100 3
Service-I (Practical) 122
Foundation Course in
9 Front Office – I BTHM- 0 0 2 2 1 50 50 100 3
Practical 123
Foundation Course in
10 Operation – I BTHM- 0 0 2 2 1 50 50 100 3
Practical 124
11 Applications- 0 0 2 2 1 25 25 50 3
Practical BTCS-121
Life Skill-
12 Communication Skill BTHM- 0 0 4 4 0 50 50 100 3
(Non- Gradial) 125
Evaluation Scheme
Teaching Total
Course Exam
Sr. No Course Title Schedule Hours Credit
Code Hours
L T P Internal External Total
Foundation Course
in Food Production- BTHM-
1 3 1 0 4 4 40 60 100 3
II 201
Foundation Course
in Food and BTHM-
2 3 1 0 4 4 40 60 100 3
Beverage Service-II 202
Foundation Course
in Accommodation BTHM-
4 3 0 0 3 3 40 60 100 3
Operation - II 204
5 Accountancy 205 2 0 0 2 2 40 60 100 3
Communication BTHM-
6 Skills 206 2 0 0 2 2 40 60 100 3
Foundation Course
in Food Production- BTHM-
7 0 0 4 4 2 50 50 100 3
II Practical 221
Foundation Course
in Food and
8 Beverage Service-II BTHM- 0 0 2 2 1 50 50 100 3
Practical 222
Foundation Course
in Front Office – II BTHM-
9 0 0 2 2 1 50 50 100 3
Practical 223
Foundation Course
in Accommodation
10 Operation – II BTHM- 0 0 2 2 1 50 50 100 3
Practical 224
Evaluation Scheme
Teaching Total
Sr. No Course Title Course Code Schedule Hours Credit
L T P Internal External Total
Advance Food
1 Production 3 1 0 4 4 40 60 100 3
Operations BTHM-301
Advance Food
2 and Beverage 2 1 0 3 3 40 60 100 3
Service BTHM-302
Advance Front
3 Office 2 1 0 3 3 40 60 100 3
Operations BTHM-303
4 Housekeeping BTHM-304 2 1 0 3 3 40 60 100 3
5 Methodology BTHM-306 2 0 0 2 2 40 60 100 3
6 Studies BSES-151 3 0 0 3 3 40 60 100 3
Advance Food
7 Operations 0 0 4 4 2 50 50 100 3
Practical BTHM- 321
Advance Food
and Beverage
8 Service - 0 0 2 2 1 50 50 100 3
Practical BTHM- 322
Advance Front
9 Operations- 0 0 2 2 1 50 50 100 3
Practical BTHM- 323
10 Housekeeping- 0 0 2 2 1 50 50 100 3
Practical BTHM- 324
Evaluation Scheme
Teaching Total
Sr. No Course Title Course Code Schedule Hours Credit
L T P Internal External Total
Advance Food
1 Production BTHM-401 3 1 0 4 4 40 60 100 3
Advance Food
and Beverage
2 Service 3 1 0 4 4 40 60 100 3
Operations BTHM-402
Advance Front
3 Office BTHM-403 3 1 0 4 4 40 60 100 3
4 Accommodation 3 1 0 4 4 40 60 100 3
Operation BTHM-404
5 Marketing BTHM-405 2 0 0 2 2 40 60 100 3
6 Planning BTHM-406 2 0 0 2 2 40 60 100 3
Advance Food
7 Production - 0 0 4 4 2 50 50 100 3
Practical BTHM-421
Advance Food
and Beverage
8 Service 0 0 2 2 1 50 50 100 3
Practical BTHM-422
Advance Front
9 Office- Practical BTHM-423 0 0 2 2 1 50 50 100 3
9 Operation- 0 0 2 2 1 50 50 100 3
Practical BTHM-424
Sr. Course Total Evaluation Scheme
Course Title Schedule Credit
No Code Hours Exam
L T P Internal External Total Hours
Industrial BTHM-
1 Training 0 0 48 48 24 500 500 1000 3
(22 weeks)
Sr. Course Total Evaluation Scheme Exam
Course Title Schedule Credit
No. Code Hours Hours
L T P Internal External Total
1 Production & BTHM- 601 3 1 0 4 4 40 60 100 3
Food &
2 Beverage BTHM- 602 3 1 0 4 4 40 60 100 3
3 BTHM- 603 2 0 0 2 2 40 60 100 3
for Hospitality
Finance and
4 Accounting for BTHM- 604 3 1 0 4 4 40 60 100 3
Production & BTHM- 621
8 0 0 4 4 2 50 50 100 3
Patisserie -
Research BTHM- 622
9 0 0 2 2 1 50 50 100 3
Total 18 4 6 28 25 380 520 900
Teaching Exam
Sr. Course Total Evaluation Scheme Hours
Course Title Schedule Credit
No Code Hours
L T P Internal External Total
Culinary History, Development of the culinary art from the middle ages to modern cookery,
Modern hotel kitchen, Understanding various operational areas of kitchen. Basic introduction
to nouvelle cuisine, Indian, French, Italian, Chinese cuisines.
Objectives of cooking food, Importance of cooking foods ,Heat transfer methods ,Effect of
heat on foods (proteins, carbohydrates ,fats etc),Principles of balanced and healthy diet.
Methods of cooking, Classifications using basic food chart with examples and uses in
cookery, Principles of cooking, Kitchen Equipment: Different types of the kitchen equipment,
Special equipments used during cooking.
Classification, Cereals, pulses, vegetables, fruits, eggs, flour, salt, sugar, fat, cheese, Major
nutrients- functions, sources and deficiency of carbohydrate protein fat, vitamin and mineral,
Thickening and binding agents, Leavening agents- their characteristics and their use in
cookery, Food and its relation to health. Kitchen hygiene, Personal hygiene and its
importance, Food handling and storage care, sanitation practices, Fumigation, HACCP -
Practices in food handling & storage, Conversion tables: American, British measures and its
Introduction to Food and Beverage Service, Types of catering operations– commercial,
welfare, Food and Beverage Service outlets.
Organization of F&B service department of hotel, Duties & responsibilities of F&B staff- Job
Descriptions, Attributes of Service personnel, Inter-departmental relationships.
Cutlery, Crockery, Glassware, Flatware, Furniture, Linen, Special Equipment (Trolleys,
Electrical equipment etc).
Pantry, Still Room, Food Pickup areas, Stores, Kitchen Stewarding, Accounts, Table Service –
English / Silver, American, French, Russian, Self Service – Buffet & Cafeteria
Specialized Service – Gueridon, Tray, Trolley, Lounge, Room etc, Single Point Service – Take
Away, Vending, Kiosks, Food Courts & Bars, Automats, Mis-en-place & Mis-en-scene.
Brief overview of hotel industry, Definition and introduction of Front office in hotel,
Importance and functions of front office, Different sections of the Front Office and their
importance, Coordination of front office with other departments
Classification based on various categories -Size, Clientele, Location, Ownership, Length of
stay, Affiliation, Time Share & condominiums, Meal plans, Star classification & Hotel chain,
Supplementary accommodation etc., Different types of rooms, Front Office information.
Front Office Hierarchy chart: Small, Medium and Large Hotels, Layout of the front office, Job
description & Job Specification of front office personnel, Duties and Responsibilities of
different front office personnel, Attributes of front office personnel.
Marginal productivity theory of factor pricing, Classical and modern theory of wage
determination. Rent-concept; Ricardian and modern theories of rent; Quasi-rent. Interest-
Concept and theories of interest; Profit: nature, concepts and theories of profit. Functional
planning of front office, Types of keys and key rack, Front office forms and formats, Front
office equipments, Telephone exchange
Meaning and definition of Housekeeping, Importance of Housekeeping, Responsibility of the
Housekeeping department, Organizational hierarchy of the Department (Large/Medium/Small
Hotel), Coordination with other departments.
Role' of Key Personnel in Housekeeping, Job Description, Job Specification, Attributes and
Qualities of the Housekeeping staff
Types & Layout of guest rooms, Layout of corridor and floor pantry, Rules of Guest Floor,
Maids Carts, Guest room, Guest public area, Furniture, Fixtures, Fittings, Furnishings soft :-(
FFFF), Accessories/Guest Supplies/Amenities in a guest room (to be dealt in brief only).
Briefing & Debriefing, Indenting from stores, Inventory of Housekeeping Items, House keeping
control desk and its Importance& Role, Lost & Found procedure, Handling of Guest queries &
Meaning and importance of Food science, Nutrition, Malnutrition, Food Science scope and
significance, Food chemistry, food microbiology & processing.
Harmful effects and factors effecting growth of bacteria; food spoilage and Putrefaction.
Food borne Illnesses, food poisoning and Food Spoilage. And antibiotics. Yeast: uses, role and
significance, Moulds, meaning and purpose; beneficial effects; cheese making.
Types, Dietary sources, functions, Daily dietary requirements; affects of dietary, Deficiency
and excess of carbohydrates, lipids, protein, vitamins, minerals and water, Balanced diet and
nutrition in Hotels, Definition and scope of therapeutic nutrition.
Need and scope of food preservation in Hotel Kitchen, Methods of preservation low
temperature treatment (refrigeration, freezing), Thermal preservation (pasteurization,
sterilizing, canning), Dehydration Chemical preservatives, Irradiation etc, Food Packaging:
types and functions, Food standards; food adulteration, adulterants and control measures, Food
Additives-Usage and importance, Ethical, legal and regulatory framework of food standard in
Hotels, HACCP in Hotels.
Introduction of Computers- Generations, Operating Systems, Types of Computers, Block
Diagram of Computers, Classifications of Computers, Memory & its types, Input devices,
output devices & memory devices, Applications of Computers
Number Systems, Positional & Non Positional Number System, binary number system,
octal number system, hexadecimal number system & their conversions. Operating System,
types of operating system, Networking, its types & applications, Virus & firewalls.
Network topologies, FTP. HTTP.
Introduction to windows, working with windows. Understanding MS Office, Word
Processing Basics, opening & closing document, working with its Menus. Introduction to
MS Excel, working with MS Excel
Introduction to MS Power point, creation of slides, working with its menus. Introduction to
MS Access, creating tables & working with Tables.
List of Practical
1. Proper usage of a kitchen knife & hand tools,
2. Understanding the usage of small equipments.
3. Familiarization, identification of commonly used raw material and commodities.
4. Usage of Basic hygiene practices in the kitchen,
5. First aid for cuts & burns.
6. Preparation of all Indian breakfasts
7. Basic Cuts of vegetables.
8. Demonstration of sanitation practices & Fumigation.
9. Preparation and Composition of basic Indian Masalas, Curries and gravies.
10. Demonstration of all cooking methods.
List of Practical
1. Briefing/debriefing
2. Identification of Tools, Equipment- Cutlery, Crockery, Glass & Chinaware, Flatware,
Hollowware, Table Appointments, Linen.
3. Laying and relaying a table cloth, Napkin folds- 7 to 10.
4. Rules for Laying a Basic Cover
5. Restaurant Etiquettes
6. Mis-En-Place & Mis-En–Scene
7. Carrying a Salver / Tray
8. Service of Water
9. Handling the Service Gear
10. Carrying Plates, Glasses & other Equipments
List of Practical
1. Communication skills - verbal, non verbal.
2. Preparation and study of countries, capitals, currencies, airlines and flags chart.
3. Identification of F.O. equipment.
4. Telephone handling.
5. Role plays of front office personnel.
6. Role play at Reception
7. Role play at Bell Desk
8. Role Play at Lobby
9. Role Play at Travel Desk
10. Room Key Handling.
List of Practical
1. Practice of Rooms layout and placement at guest room
2. Identification of cleaning equipments both manual and mechanical.
3. Uses of different Brushes, brooms, mops, identification of cleaning agents.
4. Maids Trolley: Set Up, Stocking and usage.
5. Planning of room Boucher and accessories.
6. Display of forms and formats.
7. Process of handling guest queries.
8. Display and types of cleaning.
9. Layout of Guest Room.
10. Placing of Guest Room Supplies.
List of Practical’s
1. Working with Windows, Changing system Date & Time.
2. Changing Display Properties, To Add or Remove, Changing Mouse
3. Working with MS Word,
4. Prepare Document by using various menus.
5. Working on Mail merge.
6. Introduction of MS Excel.
7. Prepare Mark sheet using MS Excel.
8. Introduction to MS Power Point.
9. Prepare Presentation by applying Formatting tools.
10. Prepare Presentation by inserting various Design animations.
11. Working with various menus of PowerPoint
12. Introduction to MS Access.
13. Creating tables using MS Access.
14. Working with various Menus of MS Access
Kitchen layout and functions, Layout of receiving area, storage area, Cold kitchen, cold
butchery, and garde manger, Main kitchen, bakery and confectionery, Kitchen brigade,
Duties, responsibilities and job description of the kitchen personnel.
Mise-en-place, Sub division and fractionalization, Combining and mixing in the preparation
of food, Vegetable cuts, Thickening, binding and leavening agents, Herbs and spices
Stocks – definition, Preparation of stocks, Soups - classification of soups and international
soups, Soup garnishes and accompaniments, Sauces- classification of mother sauce and their
importance, and their derivatives, Thickening agents & rectification of faulty sauces.
Introduction to egg cookery, Structure of an egg, Selection of eggs and grades, Uses of eggs in
cookery, Various types of methods of cooking egg (poached, scrambled, fried, en cocotte
etc.), Bakery ingredients and their role, yeast, shortening (fats and oil) sugar& salt, raising
agents, Principles of bread making, role of each ingredient in bread making, Bread faults and
bread improvers, temperature variation, Traditional breads, Equipments and utensils used in
Breakfast – Introduction, Types, Service, Brunch– Introduction, Types, Service, Lunch –
Introduction, Types, Service, Hi Tea– Introduction, Types, Service, Dinner– Introduction,
Types, Service, Supper– Introduction, Types, Service.
Introduction of Menu, Types –Ala Carte & Table D’hôte, Rules to be observed while planning
menus, Classical French Menu- 11 to 17 Course, Classical Foods & its Accompaniments with
Handling Table reservation, KOTs & BOTs Duplicate & Triplicate System, Computerized
K.O.T‟s, Billing Methods, Payment methods and Cash Handling, Cycle of service, Table
Clearing Process.
Classification of Non alcoholic Beverage & Uses, Tea - Origin, Manufacturing, Types &Brand
names, Coffee - Origin, Manufacturing, Types & Brand names, Juices, Soft Drinks & Health
Drinks – Introduction, Brand names, Service of Hot and Cold beverages, History & Uses,
Processing for cigarettes, pipe tobacco & cigars, Cigarettes – Types and Brand names, Pipe
Tobacco – Types and Brand names, Cigars & cigarettes – shapes, sizes, colors, Brand names,
Care and Storage.
Importance and Types of reservation, Channels and sources of reservation, Group reservation,
Reservation reports, Cancellation, Amendments and overbooking, room retention charges.
Records and forms used in registration process, Procedure for VIP & FIT arrival, Procedure for
group arrival, Registration process, Over-booking.
Information services and Hospitality desk, Message and mail handling, Key Handling, Guest
handling, Guest history, Change of room, Guest services and Guest relations.
Departure process – steps, Tasks performed at bell desk, cashier and reception, Role of Front desk
cashier, Checkout and account settlement, Modes of payment, Application of property
management system, Basics of computer operations for hotels, Handling computerized
reservations and registrations, Computerized cashiering, Role of Computers (IT) in hotels
Different types of Surfaces, Cleaning of Wall and floor covering, Care and Cleaning of
surfaces, Cleaning agents used to clean different surfaces, Cleaning equipments used to clean
different surfaces.
Cleaning of Public Areas: Cleaning process, Cleaning and upkeep of Public areas, Types of
Pest Control, Control procedures.
Process & procedures (Occupied/Departure/ vacant/Under Repair/VIP rooms), Weekly
cleaning and spring cleaning, Turn down service/Evening service & Second service, Forms
and Formats used in cleaning process, Replenishment of guest room supplies, process closing
down after cleaning.
Linen/Uniform Room: Layout, Planning the linen & uniform room, Types of Linen, Sizes of
linens and Linen exchange procedure, Selection of linen, Storage Facilities and conditions,
Par stock and calculation, Discard procedure and reuse of discard, Linen Inventory system,
Functions of uniform room: Importance, types, characteristics, selection, Tailor room.
Meaning and Definition, Types and Classification, Principles of accounting, Systems of
accounting, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
Meaning and Definition, Format of Journal, Rules of Debit and Credit, Opening entry, Simple
and Compound entries, Practical.
Meaning and Uses, Formats, Posting, Practical
Need and Use, Classification, Purchase Book, Sales Book, Purchase Returns, Sales Returns,
Journal Proper, Practical.
Business Communication – meaning & importance. Defining Communication, Purpose,
Process, elements, difficulties in communication, and conditions for successful
communication. Basic forms of Communication, Barriers to effective communication, basic
models & communication, 7C’s of for effective business communication
Organizational Communication: Importance of communication in management, Formal and
Informal Communication, Grapevine and how to handle it. Developing positive personal
attitudes, Communication training for managers, Communication structure in an
organization, Corporate Communication, PR skills.
Presentation Skills: Presentation on any chosen topic, oral presentations, principles of oral
presentations, factors affecting presentations, sales presentation.
Business Etiquette: Understanding etiquette, Cross-cultural etiquette, Business manners,
Business to business etiquette. Effective customer care.
List of Practical
List of Practicals
List of Practical
1. Registration of Guest:
2. Pre registration procedure
3. Filling up a guest registration card
4. Determining Room Avai Practicalility (Room Position) Formula
5. Errand card, Key card, Electronic Key, cutting replacement of lost electronic key
card, issue of duplicate)
6. Arrival & departure intimation to housekeeping and other departments
7. Step to step Taking Room Reservation On Telephone:
8. Practical of computer application on software, students should be able to:
9. Register- in a reservation, Amend a reservation, Cancel a reservation, Make a group
10. Register an arrival Post a charge Make a folio Make a room change Show a
departure/ checkout Print a folio Print reports such as expected arrivals and
departures for the day.
List of Practical
1. Procedure and demonstration of keeping linen in linen & uniform room
2. Procedure and demonstration of keeping uniform in linen & uniform room
3. Steps involve in cleaning of Public Areas.
4. Procedure of cleaning guestrooms (Vacant occupied, departure).
5. Placing/ Replacing guest Supplies and soiled linen.
6. Procedure of Cleaning of different surfaces e.g. windows, tabletops, and picture
7. Procedure of Cleaning frames, Under Beds, carpet, metal surfaces, tiles, marble and granite
8. Procedure of Weekly cleaning and spring cleaning.
9. Discard procedure and reuse of discard,
10. Linen Inventory system
Equipment required for mass/volume feeding, Heat and cold generating equipment, Care
and maintenance of this equipment, Modern developments in equipment manufacture.
Basic principles of menu planning – recapitulation, Points to consider in menu planning for
various volume feeding, Outlets such as Industrial, Institutional, Mobile Catering Units,.
Transport facilities, cruise lines, airlines, railway, and Nutritional factors for the above.
Indenting: Principles of Indenting for volume feeding, Portion sizes of various items for
different types of volume feeding, modifying recipes for indenting for large scale catering
,Practical difficulties while indenting for volume feeding, Planning: Principles of planning
for quantity food production with regard to, Space allocation, Equipment selection,
Introduction to Regional Indian Cuisine, Heritage of Indian Cuisine, Factors that affect
eating habits in different parts of the country, Cuisine and its highlights of different
states/regions/communities to be discussed under: Geographic location, Historical
background, Seasonal avai Practicalility, Special equipment, Staple diets, Specialty cuisine
for festivals and special occasions
Introduction and definition, Production of Alcohol, Fermentation process, Distillation process,
Classification with examples.
Introduction and definition, Bar layout – physical layout of bar, Bar stock – alcohol & non
alcoholic beverages, Bar equipment.
Definition &History, Classification with examples, Table/Still/Natural, Sparkling, Fortified,
Aromatized, Production of each classification, Old World wines (Principal wine regions, wine
laws, grape varieties, production and brand names),France, German, Italy, Spain, Portugal.
New World Wines (Principal wine regions, wine laws, grape varieties, production and brand
names), USA, Australia, India, Chile, South Africa, Algeria, New Zealand, Food & Wine
Harmony. Storage of wines Wine terminology (English & French), Introduction & Definition,
Types of Beer, Production of Beer, Storage.
Role of information technology in the hospitality industry, Factors for need of a PMS in the
hotel, Factors for purchase of PMS by the hotel, Introduction to Fidelio & Amadeus
Accounting Fundamentals, Guest and non guest accounts, Accounting system, on automated
– Guest weekly bill, Visitors tabular ledger, Semi automated, Fully automated.
Guest accounts settlement, Cash and credit, Indian currency and foreign currency, Transfer
of guest accounts, Express check out.
Functions, Audit procedures (Non automated, semi automated and fully automated),
Importance of security systems, Safe deposit, Key control, Emergency situations (Accident,
illness, theft, fire, bomb).
Activities of the Linen Room, Layout and equipment in the Linen Room, Selection criteria
for various Linen Items & fabrics suitable for this purpose, Purchase of Linen, Calculation of
Linen requirements, Linen control-procedures and records, Stock-taking procedures and
records, Recycling of discarded linen, Linen Hire
Advantages of providing uniforms to staff, Issuing and exchange of uniforms; type of
uniforms, Selection and designing of uniforms, Layout of the Uniform room
Commercial and On-site Laundry, Flow process of Industrial Laundering-OPL, Stages in the
Wash Cycle, Laundry Equipment and Machines, Layout of the Laundry, Laundry Agents,
Dry Cleaning, Guest Laundry/Valet service, Stain removal
Flower arrangement in Hotels, Equipment and material required for flower arrangement,
Conditioning of plant material, Styles of flower arrangements, Principles of design as applied
to flower arrangement, Indoor Plants-Selection and care, Sewing Room-Activities and areas
to be provided, Equipments provided.
Meaning and objectives of Research ,Types of Research ,Research Approaches Significance
of Research, Research methods vs. Methodology ,Research Process ,Criteria of Good
Meaning and Need for Research Design, Features and important concepts relating to research
design, Different Research design, Important Experimental Designs.
Censure and sample Survey, Implication of Sample design, Steps in sampling design ,Criteria
for selecting a sampling procedure, Characteristics of a good sample design ,Different types
of Sample design, Measurement Scales ,Important scaling Techniques.
Collection of Primary Data ,Collection through Questionnaire and schedule collection of
secondary data, Difference in Questionnaire and schedule, Different methods to collect
secondary data, Hypothesis Testing ,Basic concepts concerning Hypothesis Testing
,Procedure and flow diagram for Hypothesis Testing ,Test of Significance ,Chi-Square
Analysis ,Report Presentation Techniques.
The Multi-disciplinary nature of Environmental Studies/Science, Definition, Scope, Importance,
and Need for public awareness.
Dams and their effects on forests and tribal people, Use and over-utilization of surface and
ground water, floods, drought, conflicts over water, Dams: Benefits and problems,
Environmental effects of extracting and using mineral resources, Effects of modern agriculture,
fertilizer-pesticide problems, water logging, salinity, case studies, Renewable and non-renewable
energy sources, use of alternate energy sources.
Ecosystems, Concept of an ecosystem, Structure and function of an ecosystem; producers,
consumers and decomposers, Energy flow in the ecosystem, Ecological succession, Food chains,
food webs and ecological pyramids.
Biodiversity and its conservation, Hot-spots of biodiversity, Threats to biodiversity,
Conservation of biodiversity: In-situ and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity
Environmental Pollution: Definition, causes, effects and control measures of: Air pollution,
Water pollution, Soil pollution, Marine pollution, Noise pollution, Thermal pollution, Nuclear
Solid waste Management: Causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrial wastes.
Fireworks, their impacts and hazards
Pollution case studies
Social Issues and the Environment, From Unsustainable to Sustainable development, Urban
problems related to energy, Water conservation, rain water harvesting, watershed management,
Resettlement and rehabilitation of people; its problems and concerns, Environmental ethics:
Issues and possible solutions, Consumerism and waste products, Environmental Legislation
(Acts and Laws), Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation
Human Population and the Environment, Population growth, variation among nations with case
studies, Population explosion – Family Welfare Programmes and Family Planning Programmes,
Human Rights, Value Education, Women and Child Welfare.
Disaster management: floods, earthquake, cyclone and landslides. Man-made Disaster: such as
Fire, Industrial Pollution,Nuclear Disaster, Biological Disasters, Accidents (Air, Sea,Rail &
Road), Structural failures (Building and Bridge) War & Terrorism etc.Causes, effects and
practical examples for all disasters.
Prediction, Early Warnings and Safety Measures of Disaster.
Role of Information, Education, Communication, and Training in disaster management
List of Practicals
List of Practicals
List of Practicals
List of Practical
Cuisines of Kashmir, Himachal & Uttarakhand : Introduction, Geographical Perspectives,
Brief Historical Background, Characteristics & Salient Features of Cuisine, Key Ingredients,
Popular Foods, Seasonal Foods, Special Equipments, Staple Diets, Specialties during
Festivals and Other Occasions, Community Foods.
Cuisines of Punjab, Haryana & Delhi : Introduction, Geographical Perspectives, Brief
Historical Background, Characteristics & Salient Features of Cuisine , Key Ingredients,
Popular Foods, Seasonal Foods, Special Equipments, Staple Diets, Specialties during
Festivals and Other Occasions, Community Foods.
Cuisines of Rajasthan: Introduction, Geographical Perspectives, Brief Historical
Background, Characteristics & Salient Features of Cuisine , Key Ingredients, Popular
Foods, Seasonal Foods, Special Equipments, Staple Diets, Specialties during Festivals and
Other Occasions, Community Foods.
Cuisines of Gujarat: Introduction, Geographical Perspectives, Brief Historical Background,
Characteristics & Salient Features of Cuisine, Key Ingredients, Popular Foods, Seasonal
Foods, Special Equipments, Staple Diets, Specialties during Festivals and Other Occasions,
Community Foods.
Introduction to Spirits, Whisky - Types, Production, Brands Indian and International &
Brandy &Rum : Types, Production, Brands Indian and International & Service
Vodka, Gin: Types, Production, Brands Indian and International & Service
Tequila : Types, Production, Brands Indian and International & Service, Liqueurs : Types,
Production, Brands & Service – Indian and International
Importance of inspection, Check- list for inspection, Typical areas usually neglected where
special attention is required, Self- supervision techniques for cleaning staff, Degree of
discretion/ delegation to cleaning staff., staffing matrix, duty roasters, staff appraisals.
Planning Guest rooms, Bathrooms, Suites, Lounges, landscaping, plan for the provision of
Leisure facilities for the guest, Boutique hotel concept. Planning and Organizing in the House
Keeping: Area Inventory list, Frequency schedules, Performance standards, Productivity
Standards, Inventory Levels, Standard Operating Procedures & Manuals, Job Allocation,
Manpower Planning, Planning duty roster.
Budget and budgetary controls, The budget process, Planning capital budget, Planning
operation budget, Operating budget – controlling expenses – income statement, Purchasing
systems – methods of buying, Stock records – issuing and control
Types of contract services, Guidelines for hiring contract services, Advantages &
disadvantages of contract services.
1. Accommodation & Cleaning Services, Vol. I & II, David, Allen, Hutchinson.
2. Hotel and Catering Studies – Ursula Jones.
3. Hotel Hostel and Hospital Housekeeping – Joan C Branson & Margaret Lennox (ELBS).
4. Hotel House Keeping – Sudhir Andrews Publisher: Tata Mc Graw Hill.
Importance of inspection, Check- list for inspection, Typical areas usually neglected where
special attention is required, Self- supervision techniques for cleaning staff, Degree of
discretion/ delegation to cleaning staff., staffing matrix, duty roasters, staff appraisals.
Planning Guest rooms, Bathrooms, Suites, Lounges, landscaping, plan for the provision of Leisure
facilities for the guest, Boutique hotel concept. Planning and Organizing in the House Keeping:
Area Inventory list, Frequency schedules, Performance standards, Productivity Standards,
Inventory Levels, Standard Operating Procedures & Manuals, Job Allocation, Manpower
Planning, Planning duty roster.
Budget and budgetary controls, The budget process, Planning capital budget, Planning operation
budget, Operating budget – controlling expenses – income statement, Purchasing systems –
methods of buying, Stock records – issuing and control.
Setting Room Rates (Details/Calculations thereof) - Hubbart Formula, market condition approach
& Thumb Rule - Types of discounted rates – corporate, rack etc, Forecasting techniques,
Forecasting Room avai Practicalility, Useful forecasting data % of walking % of overstaying %
of under stay, Forecast formula, Types of forecast , Sample forecast forms, Factors for evaluating
front office operations.
Introduction to Marketing: Needs, Wants and Demands; Products and Services; Markets;
Marketing; The Production Concept, The Product Concept, The Selling Concept, The
Marketing Concept, The Societal Marketing Concept; The Marketing Process, Service
Characteristic of Hospitality and Tourism Business.
Marketing Environment, Consumer Markets and Consumer Buyer Behavior: Micro and Micro
Environment, Characteristics, Factors Affecting Consumer Behavior, Buying Decision
Behavior, The Buyer Decision Process.
Nature and Importance of Distribution System, Marketing Intermediaries, What is Product,
Product Classification, Individual Product Decisions, Product Life Cycle and Approaches to
hospitality service pricing.
The Marketing Communications Mix, The Changing Face of Marketing Communications,
Integrated Marketing Communications, Socially Responsible Marketing Communication,
Advertising, Sales Promotion, Public Relations, The Public Relation Process, Personnel Selling,
Direct Marketing, Technology and its applications in Marketing.
Introduction, Hotel Classifications, Design Considerations, Facility Guidelines for Physically
Challenge, Blue Print, Parking, walks and drives
Types and their themes of Restaurant, Designing and planning a Restaurant &Bar, Layout of
Kitchen & Area required, Commercial kitchen Shapes & Environmental Conditions, Features
of Good Kitchen, Care and maintenance of Kitchen Equipment, Kitchen Stewarding
Food store Definition, Types Layout, Role of Store Keeper, Beverage Storage Facilities
(cellar), Energy conservation programme in hotel industry; Introduction, Major Resources of
Energy, Energy Conservation.
Introduction, Duties and Responsibilities of Project Manager, Network Models(CPM/PERT),
Network Design, Cost Analysis
List of Practicals
1. Cuisines of Kashmir.
Two Menus about 3-5 dishes per menu per state.
2.Cuisines of Himachal
Two Menus about 3-5 dishes per menu per state.
3.Cuisines of Uttarakhand
Two Menus about 3-5 dishes per menu per state.
4.Cuisines of Punjab
Two Menus about 3-5 dishes per menu per state.
5.Cuisines of Haryana
Two Menus about 3-5 dishes per menu per state
6.Cuisines of Delhi
Two Menus about 3-5 dishes per menu per state
7.Cuisines of Rajasthan
Two Menus about 3-5 dishes per menu per state
8.Cuisines of Gujarat
Two Menus about 3-5 dishes per menu per state
9.Cuisines of Maharashtra
Two Menus about 3-5 dishes per menu per state
10.Cuisines of Goa
Two Menus about 3-5 dishes per menu per state
List of Practical’s
1. Service of Alcoholic Beverages: Wines, Spirits.
2. Opening & closing of wines corks (Champagne, Red & White wines)
3. Service of Spirits & Liqueurs
4. Bar setup and operations
5. Cocktail Mock tail Preparation, presentation and service
6. Service of Cigars & cigarettes
7. Conduction Briefing/ De- Briefing for F & B outlets
8. Service of Beer, Snake and Other Fermented & Brewed Beverages
9. Service of Sparkling, Aromatized, Fortified, Still Wines.
10. Set up a table with Prepared Menu with wines
List of Practical
1. Preparing Guestroom
2. Public area checklists
3. Preparing Duty Roasters, Understanding Staff Matrix.
4. Planning layouts of Guest Rooms.
5. Boutique hotels
6. PowerPoint’s on salient features in respect to accommodation of Hotels.
7. Understanding Hotel Accommodation Budgets
8. Preparing for Interviews of Assistants as Supervisors and Facing Supervisors Interviews.
9. Complete guest cycle process in Software.
10. Night Audit Process.
List of Practicals
1. Preparing Guestroom
2. Public area checklists
3. Preparing Duty Roasters, Understanding Staff Matrix.
4. Planning layouts of Guest Rooms.
5. Boutique hotels
6. PowerPoint’s on salient features in respect to accommodation of Hotels.
7. Understanding Hotel Accommodation Budgets
8. Preparing for Interviews of Assistants as Supervisors and Facing Supervisors Interviews.
9. Complete guest cycle process in Software.
10. Night Audit Process.
Fifth Semester
BTHM-521: Industrial Training
Credit: 24 Max. Marks: 1000 (Internal:-500, External: 500)
0L+0T+48P End Term Exam: 3 Hours
International Cuisine : Geographic Location, Historical Background, Staple food with regional
influences, Specialties, Recipes, Equipment in relation to: Great Britain, France, Italy, Spain &
Portugal, Scandinavia, Germany, Middle East Oriental, Mexican, Arabic, Chinese:Introduction to
Chinese foods, Historical background, Regional cooking styles, Methods of cooking, Equipment &
Bakery & Confectionery: Icings & Toppings - Varieties of icings, Using of Icings, Difference
between icings & Toppings, Recipes, Frozen Desserts - Types and classification of Frozen desserts,
Ice-creams – Definitions, Methods of preparation, Additives and preservatives used in Ice-cream
manufacture, Meringues - Making of Meringues, Factors affecting the stability, Cooking
Meringues, Types of Meringues, Uses of Meringues, Bread Making - Role of ingredients in bread
Making, Bread Faults, Bread Improvers, Chocolate – History, Sources, Manufacture & Processing
of Chocolate, Types of chocolate, Tempering of chocolate, Cocoa butter, white chocolate and its
Production Management : Kitchen Organization, Allocation of Work - Job Description, Duty
Rosters, Production Planning, Production Scheduling, Production Quality & Quantity Control,
Forecasting & Budgeting, Yield Management, Product & Research Development, Testing new
equipment, Developing new recipes, Food Trails, Organoleptic & Sensory Evaluation.
Culinary French, Classical recipes (recettes classique), Historical Background of Classical
Garnishes, Offals/Game, Larder terminology and vocabulary.
The Beverage Industry`: Introduction, Yesterday & Today, Responsible Alcohol Service, Creating
and Maintaining a Bar Business, Sanitation and Bar Setup, Legal Aspects, Professional Services
Bar Management: Introduction, Purchasing, Storing, Receiving, Issuing; Controlling, marketing
Beverage Products Responsibly, Employee Management, Art of Mixology, Planning for Profits,
Bar Menus.
Food & Beverage Control: Definition of control, Objectives of F & B control, F & B control
cycle, Problems in F & B control, Methodology of F & B control, Personnel management in F &
B control.
Cost Concept: cost concept, control Practicalle and non-control Practicalle cost, sales concept,
cost to sales ratio, classification of cost, cost/volume/profit relationship, break even point,
Budgeting: budgeting, objectives, types of budget, advantages of budgeting, disadvantages of
budgeting, budgetary control process, budgeting for food & beverage operations, development of
sales budget, budgeted profit & loss account, Practical our cost budget, factors considered in
preparation of Practical our cost budget.
Introduction to Human Resource Management: Introduction, Definition & Concept, Growth
Drivers in India, Importance of HRM, Hospitality Industry Characteristics, Human Resource
Roles, HR Challenges. Manpower Planning, Process, Managing Workers.
Recruitments, Learning & Development: Recruitments, Introduction, Concept, Sources, What to
look for in prospective candidates, Recruitments Policy and Techniques. Learning &
Development, Introduction, Concept, Functions, Training Cycle, Evaluation, Methods,
Organisational Culture & Training.
Performance Appraisal: Introduction, Purpose, Process, Challenges, Underlying Theories,
Balance Score Card, The 360 Degree Feedback System, Managing Employee Performance.
Employee Motivation, Compensation & Benefit Management: Employee Motivation,
Concept, Various Motivation Theories (Maslow's Theory, Herzberg's Theory, Adam's Equity
Theory, B.F Skinners Reinforcement Theory), Motivating Employees & Measurement.
Compensation & Benefits: Policy, Components, Determinants, Theories, Employee
Compensation Practices in India.
Accounting: Needs, Wants and Demands; Products and Services; Markets; Marketing; The
Production Concept, The Product Concept, The Selling Concept, The Marketing Concept, The
Societal Marketing Concept; The Marketing Process, Service Characteristic of Hospitality and
Tourism Business.
Account Records: Principles of Double Entry System, Journal Entries, Ledger
Subsidiary Books: Cash, Sales & Purchase books, Bank Reconciliation statement.
Funds Flow Statement, Cash Flow Statement Selecting and shutting a Company; Backup and
Restore data of a Company, Financial Statement: Basic Financial Statements, Trial Balance,
Preparation of Final Accounts, Basic Adjustments to final Accounts, Methods of Presenting
Final Accounts Practical Problem, Depreciation Reserves and Provisions : Meaning, basic
Methods, Computer Application- Preparation of Records and Financial Statements.
Introduction, Legal Perspectives, Key Issues, The legal requirements Prior and at the time of
doing Hotel Business.
Doing Hotel Business in India, Business Contracts, Hotel Licenses and Regulations, Hotel
Introduction and Overview of Practicalor Laws, Hospitality Laws, Public Health and
Environmental Laws, Food Legislation and Liquor Licensing
Credit Card Laws, Catering Contracts, No Smoking Laws, and Restriction in playing recorded
music in guestrooms/ public areas.
Introduction on Disaster : Different Types of Disaster : A) Natural Disaster: such as Flood,
Cyclone, Earthquakes, Landslides etc B) Man-made Disaster: such as Fire, Industrial Pollution,
Nuclear Disaster, Biological Disasters, Accidents (Air, Sea, Rail and Road), Structural
failures(Building and Bridge), War and Terrorism etc. Causes, effects and practical examples for
all disasters.
Risk and Vulnerability Analysis: Risk: 1. Its concept and analysis 2. Risk Reduction 3.
Vulnerability: Its concept and analysis 4. Strategic Development for Vulnerability Reduction
Disaster Preparedness : Disaster Preparedness: Concept and Nature, Disaster Preparedness Plan
Prediction, Early Warnings and Safety Measures of Disaster, Role of Information, Education,
Communication, and Training, Role of Government, International and NGO Bodies, Role of IT in
Disaster Preparedness. Role of Engineers on Disaster Management.
Disaster Response: Introduction Disaster Response Plan Communication, Participation, and
Activation of Emergency Preparedness Plan Search, Rescue, Evacuation and Logistic
Management Role of Government, International and NGO Bodies Psychological Response and
Management (Trauma, Stress, Rumor and Panic). Relief and Recovery Medical Health
Response to Different Disasters, Rehabilitation, Reconstruction and Recovery: Reconstruction
and Rehabilitation as a Means of Development. Damage Assessment Post Disaster effects and
Remedial Measures. Creation of Long-term Job Opportunities and Livelihood Options, Disaster
Resistant House Construction Sanitation and Hygiene Education and Awareness, Dealing with
Victims’ Psychology, Long-term Counter Disaster Planning Role of Educational Institute.
Yield Management : Concept and importance, Applicability to rooms division - Capacity
management, Discount allocation, Duration control, Measurement yield, Potential high and low
demand tactics, Yield management software, Yield management team.
Definition and types of timeshare options, Difficulties faced in marketing timeshare business,
Advantages & disadvantages of timeshare business, Exchange companies- Resort Condominium
International, Intervals International, How to improve the timeshare / referral/condominium
concept in India- Government’s role/industry role.
Sizes of rooms, sizes of furniture, furniture arrangement, Principles of design, Refurbishing and
Safety awareness and accident prevention, Fire safety and fire fighting, Crime prevention and
dealing with emergency situation.
Cost Dynamics: Elements of Cost, Classification of Cost
Sales Concepts: Various Sales Concept, Uses of Sales Concept
Inventory Control: Importance, Objective, Method, Levels and Technique, Perpetual Inventory,
Monthly Inventory, Pricing of Commodities, Comparison of Physical and Perpetual Inventory.
Demat Trading: Meaning and Significance; SEBI Guidelines and other Regulations Relating to
Demat Trading; Procedure of Demat Trading; Role of Depositories and Custodial Services,
Beverage Control : Purchasing, Receiving, Storing, Issuing, Production Control, Standard
Recipe, Standard Portion Size, Bar Frauds, Books maintained, Beverage Control.
List of Practical
Prawn Ball Soup
Fried Wantons
Stir Fried Chicken & Peppers
Chinese Fried Rice
Hot & Sour soup
Beans Sichwan
Tung-Po Mutton
Hakka Noddles
Wanton Soup
Spring Rolls
Stir Fried Beef & Celery
Chow Mein
Pollo En Pepitoria
Fritata De Patata
Pastel De Mazaana
Ravioli Arabeata
Fettocine Carbonara
Pollo Alla Cacciatore
Medanzane Parmigiane
Scotch Broth
Roast Beef
Yorkshire Pudding
Glazed Carrots & Turnips
Scheme & Syllabus of BHMCT For Session 2019-20 onwards Page 67
Om Sterling Global University
Roast Potato