Anatomysyllabus Auble
Anatomysyllabus Auble
Anatomysyllabus Auble
Ms. Auble
Table of Contents
Course Description
Course Objectives
Grading Policy
Keys To Be Successful in
Anatomy and Physiology
Course Outline
Course Description
Human Anatomy and Physiology is a laboratory-based course that investigates the structure and function of the human body. Topics
covered will include the basic organization of the body; biochemical composition; and major body systems along with the impact of
diseases on certain systems. Students will engage in many topics and competencies related to truly understanding the structure and
function of the human body. Working from the topics of basic anatomical terminology to the biochemical composition of the human
body, all the way into great detail of each of the major systems of the body, students will learn through reading materials, study guides,
unit worksheets, group work, projects, and labs. Students will be responsible for proper use of lab equipment, lab reports, and projects
assigned throughout each unit.
Course Objectives
Students will be able to describe how the human body is studied including the use of specific terminology.
Students will be able to navigate the biological levels of organization in this field and demonstrate knowledge of how they
relate to each other.
Students will understand the functions of each organ system and how structure related to function.
Students will develop the skills of scientific inquiry while learning concepts in the classroom, lab, and field.
Students will understand how biological and social concepts related to the content apply to their everyday lives and develop an
increased knowledge of these concepts.
Kleenex box
$20 Lab Voucher
Dry erase marker
Digital Materials
Mustangs account
Google Classroom app
Remind account
Grading Policy
Grading Category
% of Final Grade
You will be required to complete various assignments both in class and as homework. These assignments are designed to
prepare you for upcoming activities and/or provide you with practice using skills or concepts that have been introduced in class.
Remember, all of your assignments will lead to a
major lab reports, project and/or assessment
. Be sure to save all work, keep
organized and avoid falling behind. All legitimately completed assignments will receive full credit.
Throughout the course, you will take both comprehensive Unit Exams and shorter Quizzes that will consist of multiple choice,
matching, completion, short answer, and essay-type questions. Unit exams are typically worth between 40 and 60 points;
quizzes are typically worth between 1 and 10 points. You will be given at least one-week prior notice before a Unit Exam, and
typically less than one week notice for Quizzes. There will be no in class time dedicated to review for any unit test. Study guides
for Unit Exams will always be provided
You demonstrate mastery of content when you are formally assessed at the end of a
unit of study, and therefore exams constitute a large portion of a students grade.
Quick, targeted checks for understanding - what we call quizzes - help you recognize if youre getting it at important points in
the unit. Since you are still developing content mastery, quizzes will not constitute a large portion of your grade. However, since
they are targeted, quizzes act as good predictors of mastery and therefore you will be held responsible to document your
performance on quizzes in order to track your progress from ignorance to mastery. More about this tracking protocol will be
discussed in class.
All scientific knowledge is discovered through the process of inquiry - the process of systematically asking questions and
collecting evidence to create explanations about the world around us. Anatomy & Physiology will help develop students
necessary inquiry skills, and as such, includes a laboratory and fieldwork component - students will perform at minimum one
hands-on laboratory or fieldwork investigation per week in order to collect and analyze experimental data pertaining to the
environment and the natural world. Experimental data will often serve as the foundation for statistical and mathematical
analysis and calculation. These inquiry skills facilitate the development of the College Boards Seven Science Practices:
The student can use representations and models to communicate scientific phenomena and solve scientific
The student can use mathematics appropriately.
The student can engage in scientific questioning to extend thinking or to guide investigations within the context of
the AP course.
The student can plan and implement data collection strategies appropriate to a particular scientific question.
The student can perform data analysis and evaluation of evidence.
The student can work with scientific explanations and theories.
The student is able to connect and relate knowledge across various scales, concepts and representations in and
across domains.
Prior to entering the lab, a student must pass the Lab Safety Test with 100% proficiency and sign a Lab Safety Agreement. Once
a semester, Labs will be formally assessed with a formal scientific paper; otherwise, you will be assessed on your practical
laboratory technique, analytical skills, and ability to understand and employ experimental design on a regular basis.
In order to succeed in this course, it becomes vital to actively engage with the subject matter. Therefore, students will be held
accountable for in-class participation and preparedness. The most effective method for measuring preparedness is by
completion of reading guides and quizzes prior to class. These reading guides will form the bulk of your participation grade.
For any
absence, the following will apply:
If the student is absent on the due date, BUT was present when it was assigned, the assignment is due when the
student returns to class.
If absent on the due date AND when it was assigned, the student will have one week from their return to submit the
If absent on the date it was assigned, but present the date it is due, no extension will be offered unless arrangements
are made in advance.
Also note, being out the day before a test does not mean you get an extra day to study.
It is the
responsibility of the student
to get notes and assignments missed when absent. Tests and labs can be made
up by appointment only. Any extenuating circumstances need to be discussed with the teacher. It is most important
that you are here EVERY day that it is possible.
: Students who are absent from class will have one extra day to complete their assignment per day of class missed.
Students will notify the teacher of any pre-planned absences. Missed work can be obtained from the class folders at the
student resource center. Students who miss class are responsible for picking up these materials.
Review: After completing assignments, dont forget to go back and review what you have done. This is also a great time to
the corresponding section in your Study Guides
and review vocabulary. If there are any questions that arise, there is still time
to ask before the test!
Course Outline
Unit 1: Organization and Orientation
Lesson 1
Ch. 1
Lesson 2
Ch. 1
Organ Systems
Lesson 3
Ch. 1
Lesson 4
Ch. 1
Homeostasis Activity
Lesson 5
Ch. 1
Lesson 6
Unit 1 Exam
Ch. 3
Lesson 2
Ch. 3
Lesson 3
Unit 2 Exam
Ch. 5
Lesson 2
Ch. 5
Lesson 3
Ch. 5
Lesson 4
Ch. 5
Lesson 5
Ch. 5
Lesson 6
Ch. 5
Lesson 7
Ch. 5
Lesson 8
Unit 3 Exam
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Muscle Dissection
Lesson 5
Muscle Movements
Lesson 6
Unit 4 Exam
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Brain Dissection
Lesson 6
Lesson 7
Lesson 8
Reflex Activity
Lesson 9
Lesson 10
Unit 5 Exam
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Eye Dissection
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
Lesson 7
Lesson 8
Unit 6 Exam
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Blood Types
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
Lesson 7
Heart Dissection
Lesson 8
Lesson 9
Lesson 10
Lesson 11
Unit 7 Exam
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Gas Exchange
Lesson 4
Control of Respiration
Lesson 5
Unit 8 Exam
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Unit 9 Exam
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
Lesson 7
Lesson 8
Unit 10 Exam