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Introduction To Physics & Chemistry Ipc I & Ii: MR - Enright

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Introduction to Physics & Chemistry


Mission Statement:
To Restore All Things in Christ by educating in the Catholic tradition through
prayer, service and study.
Absence Policy (taken from student handbook)
P. Testing and Absence Semester Final Exams
Students must be present during all scheduled finals. The only excused absence is
one due to illness verified by a doctors note. All other absences may result in the
student receiving 80% of its total value.
Q.Testing and Absence non Semester Exam Days
Teachers will work in a spirit of Christian cooperation with students on making up
tests after absences. For consistency, the following guidelines are to be observed:
If a student has an unexcused absence (see Attendance II-B) the day of an
announced test/quiz, the student will be assessed a grade 94% of its total value.
If a student is absent the day before a test, but present the day of the test, the
student may request a one-day grace period prior to the start of the test.
Students who are absent the day of the test but present the previous day are
responsible for making up the missed test the day they return to school and
assessed a grade 94% of its total value if unexcused.
Students who arrive at school on the day a test has been given but who have come
too late to take the test during their scheduled class may be required to take the
test that day during a study period.
Teachers and students should work together on making up tests after an extended
absence. However, students who are absent only two to three days should, under
normal circumstances, make up all work within one calendar week.
Grading Scale



Below 65



This course has been designed to address the specific academic requirements of the
Diocese and the State of Ohio. With these in mind, the main objectives of the course are
as follows:
1. To understand the principles of science as a basis for future study in high
school and college.
Scientific Method
Branches of science
Mathematics of science
2. To prepare for required standardized tests.
Use scientific data and graphs to make predictions
Apply, demonstrate and conduct metric measurements in
experimental and calculation situations
Apply laws of conservation of matter, energy, and mass energy
to problem solving situations
3. To prepare for professional careers that require a science background.
All medical fields, chemists, biochemists, etc.
4. To develop an appreciation for and an understanding of science as it pertains
to our lives.
Understand some basic concepts of geology, weather, and
Describe motion, velocity, and acceleration
State and give examples of Newtons Laws of Motion

Published by Holt, Rinehart and Winston
2001 (Standard Classes)

During the course of the year, our intention is to study the following chapters:
Chapter 1: Introduction to Science
Chapters11-16: Physics
Chapters 2-7: Chemistry
Chapters 19-23: Earth & Space Science

Classroom Policies, Procedures and Expectations:

You are to bring with you to class EVERYDAY:

Spiral Notebook
Writing Utensils (pencils on exam days)
Bottle of liquid paper for exam days
Assignment book
Any homework assignments that may be due
Have the items listed above ready and be in your assigned seat when the bell rings.
Do not cheat, plagiarize or partake in any type of unfair or dishonest activity. Such
behavior will result in notification of Dean and parents.
Lights, fans, windows, etc. are to be operated by the teacher ONLY!!
Prep rooms are off limits to students.
You are also responsible for any damage to your work area and you are expected to
inspect your work area at the beginning and end of each period. Report any damage
immediately to the teacher.
Any willful damage done to the classroom or equipment will result in notification of
parents, either a 45 minute detention. A second offense is a major violation of school
policy and will be dealt with accordingly. This class is run in accordance with the
Bishop Watterson Student Handbook and all provisions apply.
If you do not understand something in class, ASK! If you are unclear on a topic,
someone else in the class is as well, I guarantee it! Unless you ask, I assume you
understand and will hold you responsible for knowing the material.
I rarely offer extra credit activities; do not ask me for extra work. If you complete all
homework assignments, participate in class and adequately prepare for assessments,
there will be no need for anything extra.
Assignments are due when they are due! Late homework is not accepted; however
partial credit will be given for incomplete homework. Questions regarding any
assignment must be asked prior to any deadline. With advance notice, we can arrange
a time to meet that is convenient for both of us as needed. If you dont understand
something, get help a.s.a.p. Dont wait!
I do not believe in assigning busywork. The assignments you complete are important
for the mastery of the major concepts that will be covered on tests. If you complete

the review work and practice problems and understand your notes, you WILL be
successful in this class.
Grades are earned on a point basis for tests, quizzes, projects, labs and graded
assignments. You will be given cumulative exams at the end of each quarter, and a
comprehensive final exam at the end of the year.
Homework is worth 5-10 points. Lab reports are worth 25 points. Projects are worth
50-150 points depending on the level of complexity. Students will receive credit for
one free homework assignment each quarter (5-10 point assignment). There are no
free passes for labs or projects.
If you were absent the day before, it is your responsibility to see me in order to get
what you missed. In the morning before homeroom is the best time to find out what
you missed.
After a test or quiz, we will go over them during class. If a student has a question
about how it was graded, he/she should write their question on a separate sheet of
paper and staple it to the exam sheet and turn it back in. Debating grades during class
is not acceptable. I am more than happy to answer any questions about test scores
before or after school (NOT BEFORE OR AFTER CLASS).
Assignments will be announced well in advance and no new information will be covered
the day before an assessment. Hence, missing the day before an assessment does not
provide an excuse for not taking it with the class. If you are absent the day the
assignment is due, then it is due the first day you return. It is your responsibility to
make sure you have you books at home. Have your parents call the school to pick up
assignments if you are out for an extended period of time. This will improve the
chances that you will not fall behind.
Missing assignments and assessments is academically irresponsible. See the first page
for the school policy on missing quizzes and tests. For all other assignments, projects,
etc., not including nightly assignments, which cannot be made up, you will have a
maximum of 1 week. (Extenuating circumstances will be addressed on an individual
basis in conjunction with the students counselor.)
Class will begin with attendance, prayer and then assignments. As high school
students at Bishop Watterson, you are expected to treat everyone with respect. Being
disrespectful during prayer is a serious offense and will result in a call home and
notification of the Dean. A repeated offense will result in a detention.
Participation during class and labs is important. Being prepared for class each day is
part of your participation. If you participate actively and are prepared for class
everyday (i.e. you have all your materials). It will help your grade at the end of the
quarter. There are a total of 25 points available for participation every quarter, (50
points in my basic class). I never deduct points from work for lack of participation; you
simply wont earn these easy points if you chose not to participate.

This class will utilize many formats which include but are not limited to lecture, labs,
group work, simulation, student led instruction, small group work and projects.

Classroom Rules:
In order to maintain a positive learning environment for all
members of our class, we must all abide by the following
1. Follow the guidelines outlines in this syllabus.
2. Be RESPECTFUL and RESPONSIBLE to yourself and to others at ALL times.
3. At the end of class, remain in your seats and wait for the teacher to dismiss the

Laboratory Safety Procedures

It is for your own safety and the safety of the members or your class that you follow all lab and
classroom rules when performing experiments in class. Some of the substances we will be using are
harmful, and therefore must be handled carefully. Any equipment used during lab must also be
handled carefully so that accurate readings from the instruments can be obtained and so equipment
does not get broken.
1. Absolutely no food, candy, drink or gum in class, especially during lab procedures.
2. Do not throw anything in the lab. Doing so will result in the loss of lab privileges.
3. When safety gear needs to be worn, i.e. goggles, there are no exceptions.
4. Never taste or touch chemicals unless instructed to do so.
5. Be cautious of those around you, sudden movements may result in mishaps.
6. Report any accident, injury, spills, breakage or incorrect procedure to Mr. Enright immediately.
7. If you come into contact with any harmful chemical substances during an investigation, wash the
affected area with plenty of water and inform the teacher right away.
8. Follow all directions and observe all demonstrations of how to handle lab equipment and
chemicals; dispose of all waste and various chemicals only as instructed. Never throw broken
glass in the trash can, Mr. Enright will show you where to dispose of it.
9. Keep your work areas neat, clean and free of trash.
10. Clean all equipment and return it to where you found it at the end of lab and do an inspection of
your space at the conclusion of the class.
11. When using computers during lab procedures, only visit websites indicated on the lab procedure
itself. Failure to do so can result in all computer lab privileges in the future

12. Wash hands with soap and water when you have finished your lab work with chemicals.
13. While data may be collected in groups, analysis of this data must be done individually. Do not
collaborate with the group when completing lab questions or forming conclusions regarding the
lab exercises. This is a form of plagiarism and will result in failure of the assignment.
14. Units of measurement are important in science. ALWAYS include units of measurement in your
answerslisting them at the top of your data table IS acceptable.
15. Papers/lab reports are to be typed, double spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt. font. Anything else
will result in a lower grade. The highest grade possible for a typed paper using a different font or
font size will be a 92%. Hand written papers will not be accepted. (If this presents a hardship, i.e.
you dont have a computer, see me and we will make other arrangements).
16. Lab reports and projects are to be turned in at the beginning of your normal class time. If they are
turned in after your class meets, they are late and will lose point accordingly.
17. DO NOT PERFORM UNAUTHORIZED EXPERIMENTS. If you perform unauthorized experiments,
(including changing the amount of chemicals used in an experiment) you will lose your lab
privileges for a minimum of 1 quarter.
18. Agree to always be thinking about safety.
19. Sign and turn in the lab contract by August 31st. Failure to do so will result in the inability to
participate in labs until the contract is turned in and loss of homework points.

STUDENTS and PARENTS: Sign and return this form to Mr. Enright
by Monday, August 31st.

For the student:

I ____________________________________ have read the syllabus and lab procedures for
Introduction to Physics and Chemistry and I understand them. Any questions I had about
the syllabus and/or the class were answered by Mr. Enright. I will be held responsible for
complying with these guidelines.


Signature of the student


For the parent/guardian:

I _____________________
___________ have read the syllabus and lab procedures and have
discussed them with my son/daughter. Any questions that I had were answered by my
son/daughter. I understand that I can contact Mr.Enright at anytime regarding the content
of this syllabus, regarding the class in general, or regarding my childs progress in the
Signature of parent/guardian



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