Aspiengirl) PDF
Aspiengirl) PDF
Aspiengirl) PDF
Aspien irl
Tania A. Marshall
I am AspienGirl®: The Unique Characteristics, Traits, and Gifts of Females
on the Autism Spectrum.
The moral rights of Tania A. Marshall to be identified as the author of this Introduction............................................................................................9
work have been asserted in accordance with the Copyright Act 1968.
First published in Australia 2014 by Tania A. Marshall
ISBN 978-0-9923609-0-0 - print book
ISBN 978-0-9923609-1-7 - e-book Foreword...............................................................................................17
Disclaimer Social....................................................................................................40
All the information, techniques, skills and concepts contained within this
publication are of the nature of general comment only, and are not in any Play.......................................................................................................57
way recommended as individual advice. The intent is to offer a variety
of information to provide a wider range of choices now and in the future, Sensory.................................................................................................62
recognising that we all have widely diverse circumstances and viewpoints.
Should any reader choose to make use of the information contained herein, Emotional.............................................................................................71
this is their decision, and the author and publisher does not assume any
responsibilities whatsoever under any conditions or circumstances. The Communication/Language....................................................................88
author and publisher does not take responsibility for the results of the
readers decision to use this information. It is recommended that the reader Interests................................................................................................91
obtain their own independent advice.
Models are for illustrative purposes only, unless clearly stated otherwise.
5 Important AspienGirl® needs........................................................... 117
Appendix 1.........................................................................................127
I AM Aspien
girl ®
Appendix 2.........................................................................................137
Appendix 3 ........................................................................................139
Appendix 4.........................................................................................146
References .........................................................................................151
Further Projects..................................................................................152
Future Titles.......................................................................................153
3. a female with a differently wired brain I wrote this book to help spread awareness of
this unique set of personality traits, preferences,
Over the years, I have worked with hundreds of characteristics, strengths, challenges and other
females, of all ages, who have a stunning array traits. This book is the first in a series, designed
of gifts and talents, in addition to challenges. to contribute to awareness and education. On each
This particular group of individuals all have the page, you will find a quotation directly from
characteristic traits of Asperger Syndrome or High an AspienGirl® that illustrates a characteristic
Functioning Autism. Many of them have discussed or trait, a photograph illustrating the trait and
feeling different, alone, from another planet, or era, lastly, a quotation from a parent, teacher,
hence the term Planet Aspien®. The use of terms, for family member or professional. Each picture
example “AspienGirl®” are used affectionately and has two different voices that both describe each
serve as an identity for a group of females who feel characteristic and contribute to making a powerful
isolated on populous planet Earth. visual description. Occasional quotes may be from
AspienWomen reflecting on their younger years.
Many individuals have expressed an interest in a
book such as this; from the individuals themselves to The traits in this book are not reflective of every
carers, parents, school personnel to professionals. person on the Spectrum and not every individual will
have every characteristic listed. The words “aspie”,
This book was written for three kinds of readers. First, “aspire”, “autie”, “aspiengirl”, “aspienwoman”,
I wrote this book for females, who themselves may “aspergirl”,“asperwoman”, and others are all terms
identify with some or all of the characteristics; who may used affectionately within the Autism Community.
I AM Aspien
girl ®
Research on the Autistic female profile is very Whilst the DSM-5 now refers to the term Autism
new, and as such, can be many years behind Spectrum Disorder, the term Asperger Syndrome is
clinical and anecdotal observations. The female still used in every day communication, within the
profile is a relatively new concept and field of Autism community, and by some professionals, and is
research, and as such, many of the characteristics not likely to disappear, nor should it, for it would be a
that are seen in clinics, inpatient and outpatient loss of identity in addition to ignoring the uniqueness No book comes to fruition on its own. I would like to acknowledge the following people’s contributions. This
settings, schools, written about in blogs and of the Asperger profile. So, with this all in mind, amazing group of females are trailblazers in their own right and I am most grateful to have their support. I
books, have yet to be confirmed by solid research. please enjoy the visuals, quotes and sometime would now like to acknowledge some extraordinary women who made it possible for this book to be read.
There is a great need for research that focuses humorous look at this unique group of females, of
on the female profile and includes females on the which there are millions around the world, who can Dr Judith Gould, thank you for writing the Foreword to this book and for your invaluable knowledge,
Spectrum. and do make significant contributions to humanity. experience, expertise and feedback.
Dr Temple Grandin, thank you for reviewing my book and for shining your bright light wherever you go. I am
most grateful to have your support in such an important endeavor and project.
Dr Shana Nichols, thank you for providing a testimonial for this book and for your important feedback,
expertise, knowledge and insight.
Dr Jennifer Imig Huffman, thank you for your valuable advice and support. You are a diamond in the rough!
Thank you to all the girls, teens and their families, friends, carers and professionals for sharing their
experiences and allowing me to showcase the unique characteristics, in their own words.
I would like to thank the amazing AspienGirl® Mentors Honey Parker and her mother Olley Edwards, Iris
Grace and her mother Arabella, Lydia Tay and Maja Nilsson, for agreeing to showcase their talents and act
as mentors of inspiration for other young females on the Spectrum.
I would like to thank the following people for perusing my drafts and providing me feedback: Dr Amanda
Webster, Jeanette Purkis, Renee Salas and Julie Clark.
Last and certainly not least, I would like to thank Kylee Legge of the Publishing Queen
( for her professionalism, support, editing and assistance in this process.
For years, the field of Autism has been dominated by a focus on how the condition impacts boys. The
research, assessments, diagnostic criteria and treatments were designed with a predominate bias toward
the male model of Autism. Now it is time for the girls with Autism to have a voice. Females on the Autism
spectrum do not develop or present with symptoms of Autism in the same ways as boys; however, the
impact on their functioning is just as significant as it is for boys.
In her book, Tania Marshall raises the flag for awareness of females with Autism spectrum. She gives
voice to the experiences of girls on the spectrum and their family members through a combination of
exquisite pictures and beautiful quotes from children, families, and professionals who live and work with
females on the spectrum.
For those impacted by Autism and for those who diagnose or treat this condition, this book is a must read
and own. It will be an invaluable resource to educate professionals and families on the unique traits and
gifts of girls on the spectrum. I plan to use it as an intro to Aspergers tool when I explain the diagnosis to
parents. I’m excited to have this to show parents so they understand the symptoms and condition better.
For parents of girls on the spectrum, congratulations! You have in front of you an invaluable resource for
educating your daughter on some of the more common traits of girls on the spectrum. As each child on the
spectrum is different, I recommend sharing this book with your daughter and discussing with her the pages that
remind her of herself and the ones that do not. This will help to recognise her unique experience and provide
an opportunity to problem solve her areas of concern while highlighting her strengths and unique perspective.
Thank you Tania Marshall for giving a voice to females with Autism spectrum; their families, the children
affected by this condition, and the field of Autism spectrum, particularly those who work with females on
the spectrum, owe you a debt of gratitude.
Dr Jennifer Imig Huffman –
Parent and Professional
I AM Aspien
girl ®
Where was this book when I was a child?! I related so very closely practically page-for-page. I even got a One of the brightest building blocks contributing to the emergence of a sisterhood of females on the
tear in my eye when I thought of the very lucky girls who will grow up being understood and appreciated. Autism spectrum and those who support and love them. I Am AspienGirl® is a true gift to the community.
Priceless. This is a much-needed book and you hit the nail on the head. It’s a book that makes you think.
And it’s a book written by a Professional extolling the positives and the gifts. Rare indeed! What a gem Dr Shana Nichols –
you’ve got on your hands! Clinical Psychologist and founder of ASPIRE Center for
Learning and Development in New York, USA
Renee Salas – Leading Author of Girls Growing Up on the Autism Spectrum
Author of Black and White: A colorful look at life on
the Autism Spectrum An imaginative book with a positive message for girls with Autism or Aspergers.
Dr Temple Grandin –
Author of The Autistic Brain
I love the quotes throughout the book. They show a real life experience and remind the reader of your
intense professional experience! Great idea.
Thank you so much for sending me your wonderful book. I think it is great, and fulfils a real need to
raise awareness about women on the spectrum. There is an urgent need for more research with women
Olley Edwards –
and girls on the Autism spectrum. We don’t yet know how much current diagnostic criteria and processes
Director of the Kindest Label and Author of
disadvantage females and whether those undiagnosed suffer in silence or manage to compensate
Why Aren’t Normal People Normal?
effectively. Raising awareness of Autism spectrum conditions in females is an important first step, which
this book achieves while reflecting the great diversity of experiences and opinions in this complex area.
I always knew something was different about her from very early on, not anything bad ... she is amazing, she is
different, unique, eccentric, intuitive and highly sensitive. She is often described by others as an ‘old soul’ and
She never wanted to do what we were doing. She was off pretending to be
I’m often told she has been here before. People have referred to her as odd and once she was described as from animals, fairies, unicorns, or superheroes of some kind, and she constantly
another planet … she even has a dialect of her own! – Parent asked me questions. – Mother of 5-year-old
20 Tania A. Marshall I AM Aspien
girl ®
I was told I was My dad told me I was an out-of-
the-box thinker and I remember
reading chapter asking him, “What box?!” I loved
books before I had cardboard boxes!
started school.
They called it
I remember that she talked and read quite I could never think of
early on and tended to take things literally. the ideas she comes up
We would say, “Look sweetie, we’re home.” with. She is mostly anti-
She would say, “No we are not, we are in conformist and very
the driveway!” Also, once at the zoo, we creative. One time I told her
said to her “Look honey, it’s a dinosaur”. that her imagination was
She replied with, “No it’s not, that’s a running away with her and
Triceratops!” She was two years old then. she said, “My imagination
That’s when we decided we were going to does not know how to run!”
find a psychologist that understood her.” – Teacher of 10-year-old
– Mother and Father
22 Tania A. Marshall I AM Aspien
girl ®
Our mother told us we are both AspienGirls, but we are I was often called the “Little Philosopher”. At school and at home for a long time it
was remarked upon that I was ‘away with the fairies’ as I was a daydreamer. Mum
different from each other. would often say “Earth to Lynda” and it was a source of amusement along with my
‘lack of common sense’ and my constant asking of questions.
I have three girls, all on the Spectrum and each is one different. The It’s like a tsunami of information coming at her. She says she cannot keep up with her brain. She is an
twins are a Tomboy and a Princess. My teen Aspien is a total Bookworm. introverted deep thinker. She craves knowledge and I really struggle to keep up with her.
– Father of 8-year-old
– Mother of three
24 Tania A. Marshall I AM Aspien
girl ®
They tell me I I have never been able to sleep very well because my
brain doesn’t want to go to sleep.
worry too much
and I need to just
go and play.
Syndrome or le of
unique adult female profi
proach to introduce the Dr. Amanda Webster
characteristics, traits and
abilities, strengths unique to females, yes, and males, Tania Marshall, M.Sc.
is releasing this book
to fill a
ipsumqui volut ut
et. Working daily in priva
te Laborum quatem
superheroes, who have unique talents and strengths, lifespan, gender differences, interventions and
Tania spen support
ds her profe ssional time
te practice,
divided between priva
and who provide inspiration and hope to others on the for females, in as many languages and countries
resea rch, and writing
asand looks
next instal- Laborum quatem
ipsumqui volut ut
forward to releasing the based language, Tania quid millecu ptat
quamet omnis ad
Spectrum. Current interviews can be viewed on my blog possible. ment in her Aspien Girl series. Using positive strengths-
gifts and talents of the renimperrum lab inulp
a ilibus aut aut as
Marshall showcases the rro mod ma
has personally worked volupta tions ec usap is dolo
many females that she
at with. If you have been
describes what Aspiens
searching for a book that
CAN do, can accom-
verum quis sed ex
Dr. Amanda Webster
this is the book for you.
Philanthropy: AspienGirls seeking a diagnosis
ot isyothe
“Nthis er ag e renim perrum lab
accomplish, and can BE, then for you. This book providesDr.hope forson
Wendy Law
any AspienGirl’s future, by discussing and focusing on the .unique combination
is a devel-
Tania Marshall, M.Sc
of talents, strengths and gifts commonly seenopme in individuals
ntal psychologist spec
ition s, in
in Autism Spectrum Cond
Women with
Syndrome or Autism. This book is focused on what this remarkable
particular, Girls and
Asperger Syndrome or
High Func- group of
tioning Autism.
females can do and the positive future they can have, oncession they al time
focus on their
Tania spends her profe
strengths. divided between priva
research, and writing
te practice,
and looks
next instal-
forward to releasing the
ment in her Aspien Girl
152 TAnIA A. MArshAll Releasing soon in French, Italian, Spanish, Norwegian, German, Hungarian, Dutch, Chinese and Brazilian Portuguese.
About the Author Notes
Tania Marshall is a psychologist and author with 20
years of experience in the field of child and family
psychology, Autism, Asperger Syndrome and related
conditions, giftedness, Twice-Exceptional, Genius and
Savant Syndrome and highly sensitive individuals.
Dr Francesca Happe, President, International
Society for Autism Research (INSAR)