Girls and Autism
Girls and Autism
Girls and Autism
10 Au t i s m | e y e I s s u e 3 1 2 0 1 8 Au t i s m | e y e I s s u e 3 1 2 0 1 8 11
Research Speaking through pictures
Further reading
Dr Heather Stone
Wodis’s book, A patented ‘high-tech’
Girls with Autism Communication Aid
Becoming Women, uniquely developed
investigates the
experiences of
for non-verbal
seven women as they communicators
transition from childhood to familiar with physical
adulthood. Education, sexuality, Picture Exchange and
career paths and social networks
are among the things that impact based on Drag and Drop with voice output.
their lives – but a supportive family
and a diagnosis in childhood help
them to deal with their challenges.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers,
£13.99/$19.95 paperback ● Familiar and easily recognisable
to physical Picture Exchange
In addition, “the gender users
expectations of the parents may
have had an influence on their
reporting”. she says. ● Choice of popular image sets:
In her book Girls with Autism
Becoming Women, Dr Heather
PCS, SymbolStix or Widgit
Stone Wodis investigates the
experiences of seven women as
they transition from childhood to
● Drag & Drop encourages
adulthood. Stone Wodis, who lives “intentional” communication
with obsessive compulsive
disorder (OCD) and is visually and more control
impaired, says growing numbers
of women are now being
diagnosed later in life. ● Simple and quick to configure
and personalise
Reflect on their condition
And Stone Wodis, who as a result
of her visual impairment and OCD
describes herself as neurodivergent,
● Ability to add voice recording
says seeing one of their own and digital photos , e.g. family,
children diagnosed is often the
trigger that compels women to
friends, carers etc.
reflect on their own condition. Chicago, says this can see autistic Like mother,
She says: “Their child gets Something that teens marginalized as they begin like daughter:
diagnosed and they start to realise to struggle with everyday aspects author Dr
and relate to a lot of the experiences she used to do of life – such as flirting with the Heather Stone
their child has gone through. when she was seven opposite sex. Wodis believes
“And then it gives them pause to growing Available on Windows
be like, ‘Wait a second, I used to and was fine, now, at Comfortable to them numbers
10 Tablets or as
do this. I didn’t talk until I was nine. 14, when her friends “They see all their peers doing it of women
Software Only
I was obsessed with pink stuffed (flirting) effortlessly and so then are being
animals. Wait a second – this are going on dates, they start to retreat into what is diagnosed with
seems a little odd”
seems really familiar.’” comfortable to them, whether it be autism later
Stone Wodis is unconvinced by sitting in a rocking chair for hours in life after
the notion that autism appears or brushing their doll’s hair. recognising
later in girls; instead, she believes pathology or is this just kids’ stuff’? “And at 14 brushing a doll’s hair symptoms in 30 DAY TRIAL
their more subtle symptoms simply “And as they grow older and is no longer socially acceptable or their autistic AVAILABLE FROM OUR WEBSITE
go unnoticed. relationships and social norms appropriate. So something that she children that
She says: “It becomes more
apparent and obvious (in
become more complex, they have
increasing difficulty keeping up
used to do when she was seven,
eight and was totally fine, now, at
they themselves
showed in
adolescence) because when with it.” 14, when her friends are going on childhood Tel: 044 (0)330 555 0220 Email:
you’re a kid people are like, ‘Is this Stone Wodis, who lives near dates, seems a little odd.”
12 Au t i s m | e y e I s s u e 3 1 2 0 1 8