11r Syllabus 2014
11r Syllabus 2014
11r Syllabus 2014
1st: 20%
2nd: 20%
3rd: 20%
Absence: Illness, Trip, Music lesson: It is the responsibility of the
student to get the assignments and make up any missed work.
o Music lessons are not an excuse for taking a test or quiz late or
turning in work late. Stop in class first and get all
assignments. Know your due dates.
Lateness on Assignments:
o Major assignments lose 5 points per day
If you have printer problems, please email me the assignment.
Email: Nschwartz@obenschools.org
o Negotiate:
o If there is any serious illness or problem within your
family that will prohibit you from completing a task on
time, let me know and we will discuss an extension for
Lateness to class:
o Come to class on time.
o If you do come into class late, you must have a pass.
o Walking in late with food, drinks, or lack of a pass will be
o Participation is essential for our class discussions. Together we
will all be sharing our ideas, thoughts and opinions that will
open up our minds to literature and life.
o Attitude, promptness, and active engagement are all
elements of participation.
o All homework assignments will be meaningful towards
discussion in class and will be designed to encourage successful
o Respect is expected and key to our class discussion! Every
student must respect his/her classmate and teacher. Students
will grow as listeners, speakers and critics through our class
Homework / Unprepared for class:
o Homework is due on the assigned day at the beginning of class.
If there is a legitimate reason as to why your homework is not
completed, please bring in a note from your parent(s) or
guardian(s). Reading assignments are just as important as
written homework. Be prepared to answer questions about the
material either verbally or in writing. You begin the year with
a homework grade that equals 100%. With each missing
homework assignment, five points are negated.
Classroom Protocol:
o Please turn off all cell phones and electronic devices during
class. Class is dismissed not by the bell, but by the teacher.
Knowledge of Language:
Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in
different contexts, to make effective choices for meaning or style, and to
comprehend more fully when reading or listening.
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use:
Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown words, phrases, figures of
speech through the use of dictionaries, thesauri and web resources.
I have read this syllabus and I agree to follow the above guidelines in Ms.
Schwartzs English class. My parent(s) or guardian(s) have also read the course
description and requirements for English 11.
Students Signature
Date ___________