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English 114b Syllabus

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California State University, Northridge

English 114B: Approaches to University Writing

Ticket Number: 13979

Instructor: Eric Barnhart
Classroom: Sierra Hall 182
Time: T/TH 12:30pm 1:45pm

Office Hours: Tuesday 11:00am 12:00pm

or by appointment
Office Location: Santa Susana 405
Email: eric.barnhart.998@my.csun.edu

Required Texts

The Road by Cormac McCarthy. ISBN: 978-0307387899

The Walking Dead. Volume 1: Days Gone By by Robert Kirkman. ISBN: 978-1582406725
Season One of The Walking Dead. This should be available from the CSUN library.
Various Supplemental Readings Available on the Class Moodle Site.

Suggested Texts
New Voices

Required Materials

Working CSUN email.

Online access for regular participation on designated Class Blog and Moodle Site.
Binder or other means of storing all course material for the semester.
Spiral/bound notebook. For notes.
2 green books for in class essays/writing assignments.
2-pocket folder for essay/portfolio submissions.

Welcome to Approaches to University Writing Part B: The Sequel where we will continue where
Semester I left off, with a new method called The Projects and a new theme: Monsters, Humans,
and Apocalypses.
As we learned in Semester I, reading and writing develops recursively. The rhetorical nature of
reading and writing requires that you consider how to use language effectively for a particular
audience, within a particular context, and using appropriate conventions. Attention to rhetoric,
genre, and conventions can help you determine what can be said in a given set of circumstances
as well as how it can be said. It is equally important to note that reading and writing are
interconnected processes. All writers enter conversations and communities through their words,
so writers must also be readers of texts, contexts, and situations. We will continue to work on
these concepts throughout this semester.
As with part A, English 114B is a workshop of peers. This class will heavily rely on discussion and
conversation. Our success depends on each individuals willingness to share their ideas, review
each others work, and, as always, maintain an open and supportive learning environment. We
will survive this semester, but only as long as we work together.

Course Description
Prerequisite: Successful completion of English 114A.
This course is an expository writing course with a focus on both content and form. Specific
emphases will include the exercise of logical thought and clear expression, the development of
effective organizational strategies, and the appropriate gathering and utilization of evidence. This
course includes instruction on diction, syntax, and grammar, as well as the elements of prose
style. Students receive credit for only one course chosen from AAS, CAS, CHS, ENGL, and PAS
This course aspires to continue establishing the concept that writing is not a formulaic enterprise
and that there is no one blueprint of recipe for college level writing to which students ideas must
conform. Rather, writing is a process of understanding available models of communication (and
their advantages and disadvantages), solving problems, and making meaning for a given
audience. With that said, this class will not be able to cover all means and genres of writing, but
instead, will aim to provide you with the skills necessary to work within any future writing

Course Objectives
Throughout the course, you will engage in the recursive process of writing, which includes
developing ideas, drafting, and revising. As you read and analyze print materials, including
fiction, non-fiction, graphic novels, and scholarly articles, as well as multimedia materials such as
films, lectures, etc, you will:

Demonstrate competence in university writing.

Demonstrate the ability to use rhetorical strategies that include the appeals to audience,
logic, and emotion.
Demonstrate the ability to use conventions of format, structure, style, and language
appropriate to the purpose of written texts.
Demonstrate the ability to use library and online resources effectively to find scholarly
sources and to document those sources properly.
Demonstrate their understanding of and adherence to rules of academic honesty in
presenting written work.

Student Learning Outcomes (English Department)

You will gain the ability to read critically.
You will gain the ability to write effectively.
You will gain knowledge of the cultural diversity of literature.
In short, you will find new and exciting ways to look at and interact with the world.

Student Learning Outcomes (GE)

Analyze and compare perspective, meaning, and style in different texts, including those
that reflect multicultural images and voices.
Construct a theme or thesis and organize and develop a substantial, balanced, and
convincing defense of it in a voice, tone, language, and format (e.g., essay, autobiography,
report, editorial, case study, inquiry, and research) appropriate to the purpose of writing.
Use logical support, including informed opinion and fact, as well as their interpretations,
to develop ideas, avoiding fallacies, biased language, and inappropriate tone.
Demonstrate satisfactory competence in the conventions of Edited American English and
the elements of presentation (including layout, format, and printing).
Select and incorporate ideas derived from a variety of sources, such as library electronic
and print resources, books, journals, the Internet, and interviews, and document them
responsibly and correctly.
Apply a variety of strategies for planning, outlining, drafting, revising, and editing written

Disabilities Statement
The Americans with Disabilities Act Requires that reasonable accommodations be provided for
students with physical, sensory, cognitive, systemic, learning, and psychiatric disabilities. Please
contact me at the beginning of the semester to discuss any such accommodations for this course.

Coursework: The Projects

The Progressions of 114A introduced you to academic writing by way of an introduction to
voice, genre, rhetoric, and scholarly research. The Projects ask that we continue onward, with
greater emphasis on collaboration, critical thinking, and a more sophisticated theoretical scope.

The Projects include Project Web, Project Space, and Project Text, and each entails critical
reading, process work, group work, and analytical writing. The Projects also require composing
with new media, fieldwork, and group presentations and collaboration. A more elaborate break
down of each project will be provided to you, but remember that as always, writing is a recursive
process and as such, we will be circling back to old concepts in order to build upon them by way
of scaffolded assignments and activities.
*Note: there will a peer review component to each project. If you miss peer review, you will have
a significant amount of points deducted from you final essay grade.
Following the completion of The Projects, you will complete:
The Reflective Essay: you will review and reflect on all your work throughout the semester in
order to assess your progress as a reader, writer, thinker, and scholar.
The Portfolio: All final written work will be revised and will go in your final portfolio for final
Project Web (The Walking Dead)
Project Text (The Road)
Project Space (Various Readings from Moodle)
Reflective Essay

Course Requirements
Attendance and Participation
This class is committed to the process of creating and maintaining a scholarly community.
Therefore, attendance and participation are vital to your success and the success of your
classmates. They are both mandatory. More than three (3) unexcused absences and your grade is
in danger of dropping. More than six and you will risk failing the class. Additionally, lateness is a
distraction, not only for yourself but your classmates, and is therefore not acceptable. For this
reason, tardiness will count as one third of an absence. Please be here at the start of class, ready
to work, participate, and learn.
I expect you to not only be on time, but also fully present. This means that you are responsible
for fulfilling all readings and assignments before you get to class and that you bring the essential
materials needed to participate. If you are not prepared for class, it will show. And if you are not
prepared for class, you will be considered absent. You will only get out of college what you are
willing to put into it. Respect your time, as well as that of your classmates my own. If you commit
yourself to the process, we will be able to use this classroom as an environment to grow in. Be
present, be active, be involved.

If, for any reason, you will be absent for an extended period of time, please let me know.

Moodle Posts, Journals, Quizzes, and Various In-Class Writing Assignments

This is a writing course, so I expect you to do a lot of writing, in a variety of ways, utilizing
various structures and forms. You will be expected to actively engage with the course materials
thoughtfully, expressively, and analytically. There will be daily journal entries/writing
assignments, random quizzes, and in-class writing exercises. These activities will be graded on a
Credit/No Credit scale. As long as you stay up to date on your reading, you will be more than
prepared to do well on these assignments.

Presentations and Discussion Leading

To aid you in your entire college experience and beyond, you will need to learn to be
comfortable presenting your ideas to an audience. For this reason, I will be requiring that you do
a presentation as well as lead a class discussion on a particular text during the course of the
semester. Explicit instructions and sign-up sheets for these will be handed out later.

Peer Review

Writing is both a form of communication, as well as a process. Because of this, it is important to

practice the skills of invention, drafting, and revision. To aid you in this endeavor, each essay that
you are assigned will have a peer review component: sometimes in groups, sometimes in pairs.
Participation in this type of feedback session is invaluable to you as a critical reader and writer, as
it will provide you with a space

The Essay Writing Process

Every stage of the essay writing process is important; your grade will be determined not only on
the finished product, but also the methods by which you get to that product. For this reason,
you will be expected to turn in work at every step of the way. You will turn in your invention
exercises, all respective drafts and revisions, along with your polished, final copy. If you do not
have a complete essay packet, your work will not be accepted.
Also note that your essay will drop one letter grade for every day that it is late. If you are
having a problem completing an assignment for whatever reason, please come speak to me
during office hours. I cannot provide help if I dont know you need it.

Course Policies

The CSUN catalog states that plagiarism is intentionally or knowingly representing the words,
ideas, or work of another as ones own in any academic exercise. Plagiarism is considered a
serious offence and an intolerable act. As required by CSUN, all cases of plagiarism will be
turned over to the Student Affairs Office and the English Department. Students who are caught
plagiarizing will fail the course. Furthermore, students who commit plagiarism may be suspended
or expelled from the University.

The college workload may seem daunting, but there are a number of resources available for your
assistance. Please do not hesitate to ask for help when you need it.

Late Work
Since all writing exercises and assignments will serve as building blocks for your Projects, it is
important for you to have these done on time. They are of no help if you do them after the fact,
and if you are missing these assignments, you will not be allowed to turn your Projects in. In
other words, late work will not be accepted. No Excuses.

For every essay, you are required to meet with a tutor in the Freshman Lab at the Learning
Resource Center (LRC). The LRC is located on the third floor of the Oviatt Library in the East
Wing. You will need to make an appointment by email, in person, or by calling them. For more
information, visit their website: www.csun.edu/lrc/. Upon completion of your session, you will
receive a receipt from the tutor that must be attached to your final essay packet or you will lose
points on your essay. These availabilities go fast so you will need to plan ahead (approximately
one week before the essay is due).

At the mid-point of the semester, you will be required to meet with me to discuss your progress in
the class.

Classroom Conduct
Be respectful and you will be respected.
Please keep in mind that while I promote and encourage a free exchange of ideas and
information, side-conversations or other disruptive talking when either a fellow student or myself
is speaking is inconsiderate. Furthermore, all commentary needs to be respectful of the beliefs,
opinions, and ideas of others. Students that do not comply with these guidelines will be asked to
leave for the day, resulting in an unexcused absence. If the problem continues, further action will
be taken.

Email Policy

This class will rely heavily on email communication. You must have a CSUN email account in
order to send and receive class emails. Please check your email frequently for updates and
reminders about the class. I will not respond to non-CSUN email accounts. When sending or
replying through email, please use an appropriate heading (include the Class Name), address me
accordingly, and use complete sentences so that I am clear on what you are saying. I will not
respond to inappropriate emails. Please keep in mind that it will sometimes take me up to 48
hours to respond to your emails. Do not wait until the last minute.

Everything you do for this course will play a part in your success in the course, so everything will
count for something. Do your work, to the very best of your ability, and you will do well in this

Attendance and Participation

Percentage of Grade

Total Points Possible


Presentations and Discussion




Reading Journals









Project Web
Project Text
Project Space

Grading Scale
I will use a +/- grading scale and the standard grading system (A-F). There are, as you can see
above, a total of 1000 points for the semester. Grades are determined as follows:
(A) 930 1000
(A-) 900 929

(B+) 880 899

(B) 830 879
(B-) 800 - 829

(C+) 780 799

(C) 730 779
(C-) 700 - 729

(D+) 680 699

(D) 630 679
(D-) 600 - 629

(F) 599 or below

A more elaborate point breakdown and/or rubric will be provided for the various assignments
when they are assigned. This is just a basic breakdown of how your grades will be
evaluated/calculated at the end of the semester. When I hand back assignments, they will include
a point value. Keep track of your points and you will have a good idea of your grade in the class.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me how you are doing at any time during the

Instructors Notes
Above all, I want to help you succeed in both this class and throughout your time at CSUN and
beyond. The ENGL 114B experience is unique in its ability to provide you with a small,
supportive community within the large and sometimes intimidating world of college. I encourage
you to ask questions, explore new ideas, and acquire valuable skills that you will use in both the
academic world and beyond. My hope is that this will be both a challenging, but ultimately
rewarding experience.

Ask question, take notes, listen, and share.

I look forward to working with each and every one of you this semester. Know that my door is
open to you for questions, comments, and concerns.
This syllabus is subject to change at the Professors discretion.

The syllabus has been adapted from Professor Trista Paytes ENGL 114B syllabus.

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