091 Syllabus
091 Syllabus
091 Syllabus
Section #: 13251
Schedule: Friday 9:00am 12:05pm
Location: Bonelli Hall 305
Instructor: Eric Barnhart
Email: Eric.Barnhart@cayons.edu
Office Hours: Friday 12:30 1:30pm
Access to Blackboard
Notebook and pens/pencils
Two-pocket folder for essay submissions
In other words: all work that you submit for this course must be your own
and must be written exclusively for this course. The use of all sources (other peoples ideas,
quotations, and paraphrases from published work) must be properly documented. The
consequences of plagiarizing can be extreme.
Some students may worry that they may accidentally plagiarize, which can hinder the writing
process. Dont worry, this course will teach you how to incorporate outside sources and
document them properly.
Email will be the primary means in which I will communicate with you outside of class. It is your
responsibility as a college student to check your email everyday. You can set up your COC email
so that it forwards messages to another email account (this will ensure that you do not miss
important information from your professors). When you do email me, please include your name
and the class you are in (ex: Eric Barnhart: English 091 F).
Late Work:
Because each assignment is designed to build up to each of the three essays, there is little point in
doing them after the essay is written. Therefore, late work will not be accepted. Late essays will
be accepted (final drafts only), but will be reduced one full letter grade for each day they are late
(this includes days that we do not meet). If you are having trouble with an assignment, discuss it
with me; I am here to help.
Technical Difficulties:
This class will rely on both in-class and Internet activity. I will use Blackboard and email to
disseminate readings and information, and you will need Internet access to post your Reading
Journals. If you have trouble accessing the Internet, please let me know. There are computer labs
on campus that you can use for free. If you are going to be traveling and know you wont have
access to the internet, plan ahead so you can still get your work done on time. If your internet
stops working and you are supposed to post something online but cant, print it out and bring it
to class so I can see you did the work, even if you couldnt post it. I didnt have Internet is not
an acceptable excuse for not turning in your work. You can access computers on campus for free
in the TLC and the ASG Lab in the Student Center.
Students with Disabilities:
The Americans with Disabilities Act requires that reasonable accommodations be provided for
students with physical, sensory, cognitive, systemic, learning, and psychiatric disabilities. Please
contact me at the beginning of the semester to discuss any such accommodations for this course.
Percentage of Grade
Essays will be 2-3 (essays 1 and 2) or 4-5 (essay 3) complete pages in length and based upon a
prompt I will distribute in class and on Blackboard. Each essay needs to be accompanied by an
MLA-style Works Cited page (not included in the 2-3 page requirement).
For each essay you will complete activities and assignments leading up to your final draft. These
will include: prewriting exercises, first drafts, peer reviews, TLC consultation, among others. You
will collect these together in1 a final packet (you will use your two-sleeve folder for this) and hand
it in with your final draft.
Reading Journals:
We will regularly engage in in-class reading journals where you will be responsible for writing to
a response to a given prompt on the assigned reading. You will be required to turn these reading
journals in during the same class period. The journals will be graded credit/no credit. As long as
you do the reading and come prepared to class you will receive full credit for these assignments.
Please note that if you miss class you will receive no credit for that weeks journal (no exceptions).
You are allowed to miss one journal assignment before it negatively affects your grade.
This will include one of your three essays, one other writing assignment from this class, and a
reflective letter. You may choose whichever essay you like most or feel represents your best work.
This essay will need to be significantly revised from its original state. We will discuss the details of
the portfolio later in the semester. In order to be eligible to turn in a portfolio, you must turn in
all three essays no later than Monday, December 1st.
Grading Scale:
I will use a +/- grading scale and the standard grading system (A-F). There are, as you can see
above, a total of 1000 points for the semester. Grades are determined as follows:
(A) 930 1000
(A-) 900 929
Important Dates:
Friday, September 5th: Last day to drop without a W
Friday, November 14th: Last day to withdraw with a W
Friday, November 28th: No Class (Thanksgiving Holiday)
Friday, December 12th: Last Day of Class (Portfolio Due)
Syllabus Adapted from Professor Melissa Filbeck
Tentative Schedule
(subject to change at the Professors discretion)