Students explore a variety of nonfiction and fiction selections including biographies, short stories, novels, drama, and poetry. They expand vocabulary including their understanding of literary terms. Opportunities will be provided for students to practice in order to increase their ability to analyze and interpret information from a variety of reading, listening, and viewing selections. Students write essays based on the selections as well as analyses of literature and are introduced to the research process. Students will be required to use technology to submit assignments or complete projects. Students will also receive College and Career Advising Services.
Course Requirements 1. Active Participation in class, group and individual activities. 2. Completion of all class and homework assignments 3. Maintenance of folders and journals with clear note takings. 4. Successful completion of tests, quizzes and projects. 5. Students are punctual to class and attend class every day.
Relevance This course will foster students ability to read critically, write effectively, and communicate efficiently, providing the foundation for career and post-secondary opportunities.
Major Units: Foundations of High School English Drama Poetry/Mythology The Novel Nonfiction reading, grammar practice and vocabulary will be included throughout all major units. SAT/ACT Preparation Resume Building
Reading Selections: Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison Othello by William Shakespeare Their Eyes were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston Animal Farm by George Orwell A variety of poems and non-fiction selections
Writing Assessments: Personal narrative Response to literature writing Research writing Informative essay Argumentative essay Journal Folder Review College Essay Review Materials Needed: 3-prong, 2-Pocket Folder (2) loose-leaf paper Composition Book One Subject Notebook blue/black ink pens, pencils, highlighters
Standards and Benchmarks for high school English can be found at:
*Turning in work on time will result in speedy and helpful feedback from your teacher and will keep you up-to-date in the class and prepare you for final assessments. We will be practicing responsible work habits throughout the year.
Our classroom will be a comfortable and safe place for all who enter. No one will be allowed to interrupt your learning. Each of you deserves a place to work that can sometimes be quiet and peaceful and at other times be fun and interactive. I fully expect each of my students to know what is appropriate, and if you are not sure, we will teach you.
All school rules will be enforced: all electronic devices must be turned off and out of sight; no hats or food are allowed.
Please keep in touch with us. If you are struggling, or if you need more of a challenge, please let us know. You can also email us at any time, especially if you have questions from home. We hope your parents will do the same!
Grading Scale:
100 90% = A 89 80% = B 79 70% = C 69 60% = D
Class work will be weighted as follows:
Class Participation 10% Homework 10% Quizzes 10% Journal/Folder Review 10% Tests/Exams 20% Assignments 20% Projects 20% ____ 100% Pre-College Activities College and University Research College Education Goals SAT/ACT Preparation and Testing Reviewing College Essays and Applications Financial Aid and Scholarships Preparing for College Interviews Helping to plan Campus Visit Itineraries Helping Students Formulate Appropriate Academic Goals Establish a Standardize Testing Schedule Pre-Career Activities Career Goals Filling out job applications Creating a Resume Creating a Cover Letter Dressing Properly for an Interview Calculating a Monthly Budget
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Instant Download for Solution Manual for Quantitative Analysis for Management, 12/E Barry Render, Ralph M. Stair, Michael E. Hanna, Trevor S. Hale 2024 Full Chapters in PDF