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Syllabus21 22

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denomme@wcskids.net (school) mrs.ldenomme@gmail.

com (home)
Remind: text mamad22 to 81010

English 12 is dedicated to the study of British and World Literature, encompassing works from the
Anglo-Saxon age to those of contemporary authors. This course also provides many opportunities for
writing, both analytical and creative, focusing on the writing process. Students will learn skills to take
them on to college as well as to the work force.

This course has many objectives, several of which will benefit students not only in this class, but in other
classes, as well as life outside of school:
 To encourage an appreciation for British Literature and the many beliefs, principles, and values
exhibited in each literary piece
 To teach, model, and encourage active reading skills
 To provide an understanding of correct and various writing and revision techniques
 To support student achievement and improvement in all areas of Language Arts
 To encourage students to participate in the classroom environment in an appropriate fashion
 To teach, model, and encourage respect and responsibility to a community

Class Policies and Expectations

1. Respect others and yourself.
Do your best; be polite and positive; value the ideas and differences of others; keep our space clean.

2. Be Brave; Take Risks.

Share ideas; communicate with your teacher and classmates; be vulnerable; do hard things.

3. Be prepared and deliberate.

Organize your words and your work into concise and clear meaning.

4. Share healthy energy.

Be attentive; be present; provide the energy you want to receive.

5. Take Responsibility for Yourself and Your Learning

Show maturity by being an active participant in your own education. Be smart about your behavior
and develop a good work ethic. There is NO OPTING OUT!

Plagiarism/cheating Policy
To plagiarize means to use another’s thoughts, ideas, or words and pass them off as one’s own.
Cheating is copying another’s work or accepting answers from another person. Cheating also
includes offering one’s work or answers to another student. Academic honesty is expected in this
class—no student shall cheat or plagiarize in this class. If any resources are included in any of your
work, proper citation must be used. If a student is caught cheating or plagiarizing, he or she will
lose credit for that assignment and a referral to the proper school administrator will be written. A
second offense may result in the loss of credit for the course.

Homework Policy
 If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to check my website from home
(mamadenglish.weebly.com). Please note, however, that a great deal of work will be done in
class. Frequent absences may affect your overall chances for success.
 Formal Papers, as well as many of your homework assignments, MUST be typed and follow all
MLA formatting rules (which we will cover in class).
 If you are absent the day of a scheduled test or quiz, you must make it up within one week or you
will receive a zero for the test. You may make up tests/quizzes during lunch or after school. It is
YOUR responsibility to schedule a make-up test…do not rely on me to make the arrangements!
 If you are absent the day a major assignment is due (project or essay), you will be expected to
send me the work via email by the end of the school day.
 Please do everything in your power to print your work on your own, but, should you need me to
print your work, you must send me an email by the beginning of the day on the due date kindly
asking me to print your work. If you simply send an attachment without a polite request, I will
delete your email.

Grading Policy
 Most assignments are graded based on points, but my class is weighted as follows:
o Homework assignments = 20%
o Test/Quizzes = 40%
o Essays and Projects = 40%
 In order to succeed in my class, you must turn in completed assignments on time.

Phone Policy
I know that most of you have phones, and I respect that they are important to you for many reasons. My
classroom, however, is to be treated as a place worthy of your time and respect, a place where all
students deserve an appropriate learning environment; as such, my expectation regarding phones is that
they be put away (not visible) and silent for the duration of the class period unless otherwise instructed. If
at any point I ask you to give me your phone after a violation, I expect that you will give me the phone
without hesitation; I will then decide to return your phone at the end of class or at the end of the school
day. If necessary, I will turn your phone in to your Assistant Principal.

You must bring the following things with you to class every day unless otherwise noted:
1. Reading Material 5. Highlighters
2. ID 6. A Positive Attitude
3. Agenda 7. An Open Mind
4. Writing Utensils (Pens and #2 Pencils) 8. A Sense of Humor
Topics and Readings for the Fall Semester
 Writer’s Workshop Part 1
o Review of MLA format
o Review narrative writing techniques
o Grammar studies
o Assessment = Process writing of Personal Narrative essay
 Beowulf
o Background of Anglo-Saxon Age
o Background of Poem
o Reading and discussion of excerpts from Beowulf
o Assessment = Project: Beowulf’s Resume
 Writer’s Workshop Part 2
o Review argumentative writing techniques
o Grammar studies
o Assessment = Short Argumentative Essay
 The Canterbury Tales
o Reading and discussion of Prologue
o Reading and discussion of “The Pardoner’s Tale”
o Assessment = Quiz: Covering Prologue and Pardoner’s Tale
 The Tragedy of Macbeth
o Background of William Shakespeare and the theater
o Reading and discussion of play
o Assessment = Acts 1-3 Test; Act 4-5 Quiz
 Writer’s Workshop Part 3
o Review analytical writing techniques
o Gramma studies
o Assessment = Literary Analysis Essay analyzing an aspect of Macbeth


I have many goals for this semester. Of course most of them relate to the classroom: providing
you with strategies for reading, writing, and grammar; giving you an appreciation for literature;
offering you opportunities to improve your overall communication skills. However, I also have
goals for you as a person. In my classroom, I want you to feel comfortable enough to participate
daily, ask questions, and present your ideas to the class without anxiety. I want you to leave my
classroom feeling that you have not only learned something of value for a moment, but
something that will carry you into the next phase of your life. I will do my best to show you how
the study of Language Arts is relevant to your lives today, but you must be willing to share your
opinions, reactions, and reflections. I look forward to spending the semester with you and hope
that you will enjoy your time here as well.

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