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About The Company:: People Behind The Organization
About The Company:: People Behind The Organization
About The Company:: People Behind The Organization
Epique Home Appliances Ltd is a prominent supplier of top class home appliances
brands in Bangladesh. We want to provide our customers an easier, better and more
flavorful life through our appliances. We're alwas e!cited about our newest and
best home appliances. We want ou to have that same sensation of delighted
e!perience when ou browse shop and bu our products. We want to provide our
customers the best possible service and want to be the mar"et leader in Bangladeshi
home appliances mar"et. #ounded on $%th &eptember $''' Epique Home Appliances
Ltd is the provider of &ebec( electrical appliances and provider of )ouline!(,
*efal( and +rups( brands appliances in Bangladesh. #or smooth sales operation it
has five sales divisions. *he include &mall appliances division, White goods division,
)ouline! , *efal , +rups division, -hain stores division and -orporate division.
Epique Home Appliances Ltd is catering needs of ever segment of customers. .n last
$/ ears Epique has achieved the status of one of the top ran"ing supplier of Home ,
Electrical Appliances in Bangladesh providing the best after sales service. 0ur
success is the result of the support of our customers, our channel partners,
teamwor" and mutual trust fostered within the organi1ation.
-ustomer's response is the bac"bone of Epique's development. Hard wor" and
commitment to qualit service of entire wor"ing force has helped the compan for
continuous progress. With meticulous professional management the 2ourne will
continue to serve ou in a better wa.
People Behind The Organization:
Epique Home Appliances believes that if Human 3esources and technolog is properl managed then it
will help to achieve long term and short term ob2ectives.
Epique is committed to provide a continuousl improving level of product and service to customer.
*here are over $45 oung and energetic emploees from different disciplines wor" at Epique who are
wor"ing harder and harder everda to provide the best possible services to customers. Epique
promises to wor" as a competent team which is inspired b common goals and philosoph.
*he strength of Human 3esources is to build an energetic group who are motivated to improve on a
continuous basis in products, services and technologies.