CNC 1-Page Application Form-Pacuan
CNC 1-Page Application Form-Pacuan
CNC 1-Page Application Form-Pacuan
Region VII
Negros Oriental
Roger E. Buendia
Landline No Fax No.
+ 632
Mobile No
0917 5776437
Project Size Fill up only relevant parameters. Capacity/Others (i.e. MW, m3, heads) Quantity to be Processed (i.e. MT of raw material) Production Rate (i.e. MT/year)
13.5 MW
Space Allocation /Area (i.e. km, ha, sqm) 176 sq (total for 2 watersheds) Others:
Catchment areas of 101.9sq.m. for Pacuan river and 74.1 for Guinobaan river
Description of Project Activities (i.e. during preconstruction, construction, operation and abandonment )
Prepared/Submitted by:
Concurred/Approved by:
* The only requirement for CNC Applications is to fill-up this form. No attachments are necessary. If additional space is needed for the Description of Project Activities, a maximum of 1 page may be attached. ** As a general rule, DENR-EMB will process CNC Applications within the same day of receipt at the designated office. *** Be sure to secure the computer-generated tracking code assigned to your application, to be provided after presentation of proof of payment for the application fee. It will serve as an assurance that your application has already been inputted into the DENR-EMBs CNC Automated Processing System and will be decided upon immediately.