Du - Noc Request Form
Du - Noc Request Form
Du - Noc Request Form
NOC request
NOC number (for internal use only)
Internal use
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NOC type
Material approval
Trial trench/soil investigation
Temporary access road
Revalidation NOC (old NOC)
Amendment NOC
RTA reference number (if applicable)
Project details
Project name
Emirate Location Road/plot number
Project description (specify the number of foors)
Project start date Project completion date
Owners name Telephone Mobile
Consultant Telephone Fax
Consultants mobile number Email
Contractor Telephone Fax
Contractors mobile number Email
Contact engineer name Mobile Email
Consultant company stamp Contractor company stamp
Building details
Project type
Other (please specify)
Service type
Fully managed
Other (please specify)
Building condition
New building
Building extension
Basement extension
Building conversion
Building type
Other building types
Building height or number of foors
Number of ofces
Number of retail units
Number of apartments
Number of villas
Number of buildings/warehouses/
/ / / /
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General Terms and Conditions:
All fields are mandatory and should be completed otherwise the application will be rejected.
Applications to be delivered to EITC offices between 8:00 and 13:00, (Sun Thu)
Dubai office: Dubai International Academic City, block 9
Abu Dhabi office: Golden Falcon Tower, Hamdan Street, mezzanine floor.
Processing of NOCs will start on the first working day after the receipt of the completed NOC submittal.
For Master Plan Developers
Telecom ducting infrastructure needs to hand over to EITC at least Eight (8) weeks before telecommunication service is required.
For arranging site inspection after completing the requirements, please send the inspection request email to faninspection.request@du.ae
For OSP/civil Infrastructure NOC
The NOC will be valid for Six (6) months only from the date of approval.
The submittal must be in the form of Two (2) hard copies and one soft copy (Auto-CAD format) along with a fully completed NOC application form.
Submitted drawing projection must be clearly mentioned in the drawing plans.
Any changes to the approved drawings will invalidate the NOC and will require another application to amend the NOC.
Any resubmissions should include both the updated documents and the last submitted items including a copy of rejected drawings if needed.
Incomplete attachments will not be accepted.
Checklist for Infrastructure NOC
1. Key plan and detailed master plan drawings of development showing land use and plot numbers.
2. Road cross section details.
3. Project Population Plan/utility calculation.
For Building NOC
The NOC will be valid for Twelve (12) months only from the date of approval.
It is the responsibility of the building consultant/contractor to liaise with the project ducting infrastructure consultant(s) to coordinate the entry points
into the building.
The submittal must be in the form of Three (3) hard copies and Two (2) soft copies (Auto-CAD and PDF formats) along with a fully completed NOC
application form.
Any changes to the approved drawings will invalidate the NOC and will require another application to amend the NOC.
Any resubmissions should include both the updated documents and the last submitted items including a copy of rejected drawings if needed.
Incomplete attachments will not be accepted.
EITC Telecom Equipment Rooms should be ready, as per EITC standards and specifcations, at least Six (6) weeks before telecommunication services will
be required.
Checklist for Building NOC
1. Site afection plan along with Project Population Plan/calculation.
2. Detailed SCS Building Floor Drawing showing equipment room positions, room layouts, ACP/CP layouts and SCS containment systems.
3. SCS schematic drawing (riser diagram).
4. Electrical single line diagram related to telecommunications facilities (including GSM).
5. Detailed GSM Floor drawings (all foors including basement) showing GSM room positions, GSM risers, GSM room layouts including MEP details and
GSM containments (horizontal and vertical) as per NOC guidelines (GSM/mobile).
6. GSM schematic drawing (riser diagram) showing GSM room foor location and horizontal/vertical containments.
Important notes:
1. EITC will not be liable for any costs or delays caused by any failure to comply with the NOC process, issued NOC or the related guidelines and
2. Please refer to EITC latest NOC guideline and requirements before submission at www.du-noc.ae
For any queries regarding the NOC, please contact us on 04 3915018 (Dubai and Northern Emirates NOC Help Desk) or 02 2344401 (AUH/Al Ain/Western
Region NOC Help Desk), or send us an email on noc.request@du.ae