Application Documents For Proposed 17 MW Upper Tabuk Hydropower Project To Be Situated at Dupag, Tabuk, Kalinga
Application Documents For Proposed 17 MW Upper Tabuk Hydropower Project To Be Situated at Dupag, Tabuk, Kalinga
Application Documents For Proposed 17 MW Upper Tabuk Hydropower Project To Be Situated at Dupag, Tabuk, Kalinga
[✓ Application Letter;
[✓ Endorsement from appropriate Regulating Agency/ies
] (DOE, NWRB, and NPC-if under the jurisdiction of
*DOE Endorsement
[✓ Profile of the Applicant/Proponent;
[✓ Nature and Purpose of the Project;
[✓ Final/Complete Feasibility Study of the Project and
] Feasibility of the Transmission Lines including
System Design, Solar Layout Plan (Not Tentative/Not
[✓ Location of the proposed project with an Indicative
] Map Showing the Names of Sitios and Barangays that
will be Affected;
[✓ Indicative Map Including the Route of Transmission
] Lines from Sub Station to Grid, Tapping Points,
Required Right of Way, Substation Layout, and
Capacity Load;
[✓ General Development Plan, Preliminary Hydroelectric
] Facility Designs;
[✓ Abstract of Proposed Project Describing the Size,
] Pace, Reversibility and Scope;
[✓ Specific Duration of the Proposed Project;
[✓ Preliminary Assessment of the Likely Economic,
] Social, Cultural and Environmental Effects,
Including Potential Risks and how these will be
[✓ Indicative Budget of the Proposed Project;
[✓ Profile of Persons to be Involved in the
] Implementation of the Project;
[✓ Operational Plan and Activities;
[✓ Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
] Registration or other Government Issued Certificate
of Registration;
[✓ Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws;
[✓ Latest Audited Financial Statement (Prepared by an
] Independent Auditor);
[✓ Additional Proofs of Financial Capacity (i.e. Cash
] and Disbursement Receipts, Bank Statement, Current
Assets and Liabilities, Financial Study)
[✓ Latest General Information Sheet;
[✓ Affidavit of Undertaking that Applicant/Proponent
] shall abide by the FPIC Guidelines and other
Requirements and shall Shoulder the Costs of the
FPIC process;
[✓ Special Power of Attorney (SPA) for Representatives
] or Notarized Secretary’s Certificate/Notarized Board
[✓ Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of the
] Proposed Project and the Transmission Lines;
[✓ Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC);
[✓ Copy of Hydropower Service Contract; and
] *HSC N. 2017-09-743
[✓ Undertaking by the Proponent/Applicant, written in a
] language spoken and understood by the community
concerned, that it shall commit itself to full
disclosure of records and information relevant to
the plan, program, project or activity, that would
allow the community to full access to records,
documents, material information and facilities
pertinent to the same.
Cc File
FPIC Focal
CC File