NSCP 2010
NSCP 2010
NSCP 2010
, .,. 511
CHAPTER ~ - Co ncre te
4 ~ 3
combinations [rom this chapter in conjun ction with strength reduc tio n factors of Section 426 shall not be permitted. 409.3 Required Strength 409.3.1 Required strength U shall be at least equal to the effects of factored loads in Eq. 409 -1 through Eq, 409-7. The effect of on e or more loads not acting simultaneously shall be investigated. U = 1.4(D + F)
U = L2 (D+ F + T) + 1.6 (L+/i) + O.5(L . or R) U = 1.2 D + 1.6 (L. or R) + ( 1.0L or 0 .80 II') U = 1.2 D + 1.6 II' + 1.0 L + 0.5 (L. o r R)
the appropr iate load co mbinations of ASCE I SEI 7 shall be used. 40 9.3.5 For post-tensioned anchorage zone design . a load factor of J.2 shall be appli ed to the maximum tendon ja cki ng force . 409.4 Design Strength 409.4 .1 Design stren gth provided by a member, its connections to other membe rs and its cros s sections. in term s of flexure, ax ial load. shear and to rsion , shall be taken as the nomin al strength calculated in acco rdance with requirements and assumptions of this Sect ion . mult iplied by a strength-reduction factor in Sections 409.4 .2. 409.4 .4 and 409.4.5 . 409.4.2 St re ngt h- Redu ct ion Facto r Strength-reduction factor shall be gi ven in Sections 409.4.2. 1 through 409 .4.2.7: 409 .4.2.1 Ten sion controlled sections as defined in Section 4 10.4.4 (see also Scct ion 409.4.2.7) 0.90 409 .4.2.2 Co mpress ion contr olle d sec tion s, as defined in Sec tion 4 10.4.3:
The load factor on the live load L in Eq . 409 3 to 409- 5 shall be permitt ed 10 be reduced to 0.5 except for garages , are as occupied as places o f publi c assemb ly. 2 and all areas where L is grea ter than 4.8 kN/m \Vhere wind load W has not been reduced by a directionality factor , it shall be pen ni ned to use 1.3 W in plac e of 1.611' in Eq . 409-4 and 4096. Wh ere E, the lo ad effects of eart hquake, is based on se r vice-level seismic forces. 1.4 shall be used in place of 1.0 in Eg' 4095 and 409 -7. The load factor on If. loads due to wcight and pressure of soil , wa ter in so il, or other mater ials. shall be set equ al to zero in Eq. 409- 6 and 409 -7 if the structural action due to H counteracts tha t due to W or E. Where lateral earth pressur e provides resistance to structur al ac tio ns from o the r forces, it sh all not be included in H but shall be incl uded in the design resistan ce.
Members with spiral rein forcem en t conforming to Section 4 10.10.3 .. .................. Other reinforced members
0.75 0.65
For sect ions in which the net tensile strength, Cr. is between the limits for co mpress ion-cont rol led an d tensio n-controlled sectio ns, shall be permi tted 10 be linearly increased from that for compression-con trolled sectio ns to 0 .90 as f., incre ases from the co mpression-controlled strain lim it 10 0.005. Altern atively , when Sectio n 425 is used, for membe rs in which [I' does not exceed 415 MPa, with s ymmetric reinforcement, and with (11 cl')/I! not less than 0.70. shall be permitted to be increased linearly to 0.90 as P, decreases from 0.10 Fe A,( to zero. For o ther reinforced memb ers. sha ll be permitted to be increased linearly to 0.90 as P" decreas es from 0.10 F, A ~ or Ph. whic hever is smaller. to zero.
409.4.2.3 Shear an d torsion (Sec also Sect ion 409.4.4 (or shear walls and frames in Se ismic Zo ne 4) 0.75 409.4 .2.4 Bearing on co ncrete (except for posttensioning anchorage zones )
409.3.2 If resistance to impact effec ts is taken into account in de sig n, such effects shall be includ ed with live load L. _ 409.3.3 Estimations o f differential scu lcmc m. creep. shrinkage, expa nsio n of shrinkage-co mpensa ting concre te or temperat ure change shall be based o n a realistic assess ment of such e ffects occurring in service. 409 .3.4 If a struc ture is in a flood zone. o r is subje cted to forces fro m atmospheric precipitations . [he flood la nds and
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