Item Description: Documentary Requirements: Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory
Item Description: Documentary Requirements: Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory
Item Description: Documentary Requirements: Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory
Building with
For Existing
For New
For Preliminary For Amendment For Final
ITEM DESCRIPTION Certification of Preliminary Certification
Application Certification Application
B.1 The rating system by the Local Building Official shall cover, but not limited to, the
following in accordance with Section 4.2.2 of this IRR:
B.2 When the applicant applies for Preliminary Certification in accordance with Item 5.1, the
Local Building Official shall proceed with the rating as indicated in the procedures below
together with the documentary requirements marked as "mandatory or applicable" under
the column Preliminary Certification Stage. Otherwise for Final Certification, the Green
Building Inspection Unit shall proceed with the rating based on the documentary
requirements and physical inspection.
B.2.1 After inspecting completeness of the filled-in spaces of the standard application form,
ANNEX D, the Local Building Official shall evaluate the features whether they conform to
the minimum requirements using the documentary evidences that are submitted by the
applicant of the building project.
B.2.2 The following is a checklist of the basic or mandatory requirements which the Local
Building Official shall evaluate for new construction building project or for retrofitting, as
applicable. No points will be given to complying mandatory requirements. If applicant
provides the information required, the evaluator shall mark complying (C) only when such
documentary evidences satisfy the requirement. Otherwise, when lacking in substance or
does not satisfy the requirement; this will be marked as non-complying (NC). It is
understood that the applicant shall comply with the mandatory requirements.
Documentary Requirements:
1. Site excavation plan and site photographs mandatory mandatory mandatory 1
2. Erosion, Sedimentation and Air Pollution Control Plan duly signed by the mandatory mandatory mandatory **
Construction Manager.
Building with
For Existing
For New
For Preliminary For Amendment For Final
ITEM DESCRIPTION Certification of Preliminary Certification
Application Certification Application
Documentary Requirements:
1. Lighting layout plan. mandatory mandatory+ mandatory ***
2. Calculation of baseline electric consumption using typical fixtures according to mandatory mandatory+ mandatory
Philippine Electrical Code
3. Calculation of projected electric consumption in consideration of energy mandatory mandatory+ mandatory
efficient lighting system
4. Projected total electric consumption in wattage in consideration to the required mandatory mandatory+ mandatory
levels of illumination based on respective area per DOE guidelines and standard
on efficient lighting
5. Technical specification of energy efficient lighting system in consideration to mandatory mandatory+ mandatory ***
the required illuminance level per area
6. Accreditation/Test Certification of energy efficient lighting system from mandatory mandatory+ mandatory
DOE/DTI/DOST and other relevant government agencies
7. Evidence of installation. NA NA mandatory+
8. Monitoring system. mandatory mandatory+ mandatory***
Documentary Requirement:
1. Sanitary/Plumbing Plans
2. Calculation of baseline water consumption using typical sanitary/plumbing mandatory mandatory+ mandatory ***
fixtures according to National Plumbing Code of the Philippines
QC - IRR-1 Green Building Infrastructure Annex B - 2
* - Annual monitoring may be required. Final Draft
** - Report of compliance is required.
*** - Inspection on compliance of installation/construction
+ - If specified for amendment
- If in case of retrofitting, excavation is required, NA will be mandatory and C or NC will be applied
Annex B – Quezon City Green Building Rating System (IRR-I)
Building with
For Existing
For New
For Preliminary For Amendment For Final
ITEM DESCRIPTION Certification of Preliminary Certification
Application Certification Application
3. Calculation of projected water consumption in consideration of water efficient mandatory mandatory+ mandatory ***
4. Projected total water consumption in liters in consideration to the required mandatory mandatory+ mandatory ***
minimum sanitary/plumbing facilities based on the projected/final occupancy
5. Technical specifications for sanitary/plumbing low-flow fixtures. mandatory mandatory+ mandatory ***
6. Accreditation of sanitary/plumbing low-flow fixtures from DTI/DOST and other mandatory mandatory+ mandatory
relevant government agencies.
7. Evidence of installation. NA NA mandatory+
8. Monitoring system. mandatory mandatory+ mandatory***
Documentary Requirements:
1. Waste Management Plan. mandatory mandatory+ mandatory
2. Functional description of the facility and Monitoring System mandatory mandatory+ Mandatory***
3. Plans and specifications conforming location of the dedicated recyclable area, mandatory mandatory+ mandatory
storage area for general waste, area of the storage space(s) and description of
the labeling.
4. Calculation of baseline waste generation using the typical procedure of waste mandatory mandatory+ mandatory
5. Calculation of waste generation in consideration of material segregation mandatory mandatory+ mandatory
6. Evidence of installation NA NA mandatory ***
Building with
For Existing
For New
For Preliminary For Amendment For Final
ITEM DESCRIPTION Certification of Preliminary Certification
Application Certification Application
Documentary Requirement:
1. Plan on the designated smoking areas outside of prohibited building and away mandatory mandatory+ mandatory ***
from pedestrians and air intakes for building ventilation
2. Posting of signs, “SMOKING AREA” NA NA mandatory ***
Documentary Requirements:
1. Plan, section and details of facility including devices. mandatory mandatory+ mandatory ***
2. Calculation for sewage waste quality discharge. mandatory mandatory+ mandatory
3. Technical specifications of treatment system satisfying the provisions of DENR mandatory mandatory+ mandatory ***
Water Quality Guidelines and General Effluent Standards.
B.2.3 The following is a checklist of elective requirements which the Building Official shall
evaluate for new construction building project or for retrofitting, as applicable. Points will
be given to complying elective. If applicant provides the information required, the
evaluator shall determine the level of points from corresponding range depending on the
specific elective requirement only when such documentary evidences satisfies the
requirement. Otherwise, when lacking in substance or does not satisfy the requirement,
no points shall be given.
Building with
For Existing
For New
For Preliminary For Amendment For Final
ITEM DESCRIPTION Certification of Preliminary Certification
Application Certification Application
Documentary Requirements:
1. Site Development Plan applicable applicable+ applicable ***
2. Ground Profile applicable applicable+ applicable ***
3. Certification from PAG-ASA that the development area is safe for a 10 year, 24 applicable applicable+ applicable ***
hour rain base on historical information
4. Flood Mitigation Study/Flood Risk Assessment Report applicable applicable+ applicable
Documentary Requirement:
1. Public passage ways (e.g. path walks and bike lanes) inside the building applicable applicable + applicable ***
project with security precaution in place.
c Community Connectivity.
If the applicant provides the building entrances to establishments or services such as 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
parks, groceries, medical facilities or food centers within approximate distance of 2 Km
radius from the building project.
Documentary Requirement:
1. Site vicinity map showing the project is situated within a 2km radius and a applicable applicable + applicable ***
listing of the identified 10 basic services
Documentary Requirement:
1. Bicycles parking plan applicable applicable + applicable ***
Building with
For Existing
For New
For Preliminary For Amendment For Final
ITEM DESCRIPTION Certification of Preliminary Certification
Application Certification Application
Documentary Requirements:
1. Vicinity plan indicating the location & proximity of transportation hub facilities
with provisions for benches and waiting sheds.
Documentary Requirement:
1. Vehicle parking plan applicable applicable + applicable ***
2. Calculation of required parking space applicable applicable + applicable ***
g.1) When the landscape area covers more than 50% of the open area. 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
- or -
g.2) When the landscape area covers 20% to 50% of the open area. 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Documentary Requirements:
1. Landscape plan applicable applicable + applicable ***
2. Calculation of landscaped areas. applicable applicable + applicable ***
Building with
For Existing
For New
For Preliminary For Amendment For Final
ITEM DESCRIPTION Certification of Preliminary Certification
Application Certification Application
Index of at least 29 or use of open grid pavement system for 50% of the site hardscape
shall be acceptable..
h.1) When the hardscape area covers more than 50% of the open area. 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
- or -
h.2) When the hardscape area covers 20% to 50% of the open area. 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Documentary Requirements:
1. Hardscape plan applicable applicable + applicable ***
2. Calculation of hardscape areas. applicable applicable + applicable***
i Green Roof
If the applicant provides plans and extract of specification provisions for Green Roof to be
dedicated to plants or trees and their care as required by applicable laws.
i.1) When the Green Roof area covers more than 50% of the roof area. 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
Documentary Requirements:
1. Green Roof plan
2. Calculation of Green Roof areas.
- or -
i.2) Provision for roofing material that shall have heat insulation for at least 75% of the roof 2.0 2.0
Documentary Requirements:
1. Roof Plan and shop drawings of the typical parts of roof construction indicating applicable applicable + applicable ***
the specification of heat insulation materials.
2. Calculation of Total Roof Areas vs. Heat Insulated Areas. applicable applicable + applicable***
Building with
For Existing
For New
For Preliminary For Amendment For Final
ITEM DESCRIPTION Certification of Preliminary Certification
Application Certification Application
Documentary Requirement:
1. Storm water management plan applicable applicable + applicable **
a.1) Minimum direct west facing façade through building design orientation. Orientation of 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
façade that falls within the range of 22.5˚ N of W and 22.5˚ S of W is defined as west
facing façade.
a.2) Provision for vertical blinds for effective sun shading for windows on the west façade shall 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
be with minimum shading of 50 % of the window area on the west facing.
Documentary Requirements:
1. Site Development Plan applicable applicable + applicable ***
2. Elevation Drawings and calculation of sun shading applicable applicable + applicable ***
b Air-conditioning System
If the applicant provides plans and load calculations such that either of the following
condition is met: (The criteria refer to the reduction for air-conditioned floor area. The
highest Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) shall be adopted for equipment in air-conditioned
Building with
For Existing
For New
For Preliminary For Amendment For Final
ITEM DESCRIPTION Certification of Preliminary Certification
Application Certification Application
b.1) When the air-conditioning system is less than 50% of the total applicable area for air- 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0
conditioning system.
b.2) When the air-conditioning system is 51% to 75% of the total applicable area for air- 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0
conditioning system.
Documentary Requirements:
1. Mechanical Floor plan highlighting applicable areas for air-conditioning system applicable applicable + applicable ***
2. Calculation for air-conditioning reduction coverage. applicable applicable + applicable
c Natural Ventilation
If the applicant provides architectural plans showing the units/ rooms with highlighted 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
window openings on the North-South direction to obtain good natural ventilation. Where
openings on the N-S façade do not guarantee good natural ventilation, other strategies
should be looked at to obtain natural ventilation.
Documentary Requirement:
1. Architectural plans and elevations in the N-S direction. applicable applicable + applicable ***
2. Calculation showing areas for natural ventilation is equivalent to 50% of the applicable applicable + applicable ***
areas identified for ventilation
Building with
For Existing
For New
For Preliminary For Amendment For Final
ITEM DESCRIPTION Certification of Preliminary Certification
Application Certification Application
d.3) For Year 1 to N, add 1 point per year to Item d.1. Where N = maximum of 4.
Government 4 8 12 16 20
Year I, II, etc. are subsequent year or years from issuance of final certificate.
Percentage of reduction shall be based on the submitted Baseline.
Documentary Requirements:
1. Description of energy efficiency measures to be implemented/functional applicable applicable + applicable
description of strategies employed.
2. Calculation of baseline electric consumption using typical fixtures, devices & applicable applicable + applicable
equipment according to Philippine Electrical Code
3. Calculation of projected electric consumption in consideration of energy applicable applicable + applicable
efficient fixtures, devices and equipment.
4. Projected total electric consumption in wattage. applicable applicable + applicable
5. Technical specification of energy efficient fixtures, devices and equipment applicable applicable + Applicable***
6. Inventory of energy efficient fixtures, devices and equipment
Building with
For Existing
For New
For Preliminary For Amendment For Final
ITEM DESCRIPTION Certification of Preliminary Certification
Application Certification Application
7. Accreditation of energy efficient lighting system from DOE/DTI. applicable applicable applicable +
8. Monitoring System applicable applicable applicable +
e Renewable Energy.
If the applicant provides plan supported by complete specifications and information on the 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0
location of renewable energy system as alternate power source and also calculations of
the percentage replacement of electricity and the total annual electric consumption of the
development including data sheet of product and manufacturer's compliance sheet for
renewable energy system. Depending on the installed source or equipment for
renewable energy, at least 5% of the annual power consumption, the following points
shall be applied.
e.1) Determine the total electricity that will be consumed annually.
e.2) The applicant shall replace with renewable energy such as solar, wind, bio-fuel or the
% Replaced fossil
fuel derived energy Points
5 to 10 4
10.5 to 20 6
20.5 to 25 8
Documentary Requirements:
1. Comparative analysis (% replacement vs. assumed fossil fuel electricity applicable applicable + NA
2. Technical specification of renewable energy as alternative power source. applicable applicable + applicable ***
3. Accreditation of the renewable energy system/equipment from DOST/DTI applicable applicable + applicable ***
B. Green Points for Energy Efficiency = a.1) + a.2) + b + c + d + e = 32.0 32.0
Building with
For Existing
For New
For Preliminary For Amendment For Final
ITEM DESCRIPTION Certification of Preliminary Certification
Application Certification Application
If the applicant submits the prescribed plan, including a statement applicable to Year I to
5 or up to any year with percentage values for reducing water to be consumed in
compliance with applicable codes.
a.3) For Year 1 to N, add 1 point per year to Item a.1. Where N = maximum of 4.
Buildings Year I Year II Year III Year IV Year V
Office Buildings
4 8 12 16 20
Year I, II, etc. are subsequent year or years from issuance of final certification.
Percentage of reduction shall be based on the submitted Baseline.
Documentary Requirements:
1. Description of water reduction measures to be implemented/Functional applicable applicable + NA
description of strategies employed
2. Calculation of baseline water usage using typical fixtures according to applicable applicable + NA
Philippine Plumbing Code
3. Calculation of projected water usage in consideration of water saving applicable applicable + NA
Building with
For Existing
For New
For Preliminary For Amendment For Final
ITEM DESCRIPTION Certification of Preliminary Certification
Application Certification Application
Documentary Requirements:
1. Reusable water source and storage tank plan. applicable applicable + applicable ***
2. Technical specification applicable applicable + applicable ***
3. Reusable water management plan and monitoring system applicable applicable + applicable +
Documentary Requirement:
1. Construction Waste Management program. applicable applicable + applicable **
2. Monitoring system on the implementation of the waste management plan applicable applicable + applicable **
Building with
For Existing
For New
For Preliminary For Amendment For Final
ITEM DESCRIPTION Certification of Preliminary Certification
Application Certification Application
b Materials Reuse.
If the applicant provides architectural and structural plan layout, elevation and sectional 1.0 1.0 1.0 NA 1.0
plans of the proposed building showing 30% or more of the areas of the existing building
envelope or structural elements that are to be conserved; Calculation showing that the
percentage of building envelope or structural elements being conserved; and documents
indicating structural stability of the portion of existing building members or structural
elements to be conserved.
Documentary Requirements:
1. Certification from structural engineer in case structural elements are to be applicable applicable + applicable
2. Architectural/ structural plan highlighting areas to be conserved. applicable applicable + applicable ***
3. Calculation of baseline cost using brand new materials applicable applicable + NA
4. Calculation of costs using the identified recyclable material and/or structural applicable applicable + NA
5. Evidence of installation recycled materials applicable applicable + applicable ***
Documentary Requirements:
1. Specification of materials. applicable applicable + applicable ***
2. Calculation of baseline cost using typical construction materials applicable applicable + applicable
3. Calculation of costs using rapidly renewable materials applicable applicable + applicable
4. Evidence of installation applicable applicable + applicable ***
Building with
For Existing
For New
For Preliminary For Amendment For Final
ITEM DESCRIPTION Certification of Preliminary Certification
Application Certification Application
Documentary Requirements:
1. Description of waste diversion/reduction measures to be applicable applicable + applicable
implemented/functional description of the system to be applied.
2. Calculation of baseline waste generation using the typical procedure of waste applicable applicable + applicable
3. Calculation of waste generation in consideration of waste diversion/reduction applicable applicable + applicable
4. Inventory of equipment and/or devices. applicable applicable + applicable ***
Building with
For Existing
For New
For Preliminary For Amendment For Final
ITEM DESCRIPTION Certification of Preliminary Certification
Application Certification Application
Standard Color Coding shall be strictly followed as per PD856 – The Sanitation Code of
the Philippines Chapter XVIII – Refuse Disposal.
Documentary Requirements:
1. Plans and specification to include but not limited to the detailed design of applicable applicable + applicable ***
refuse disposal equipment.
2. Location and size of space for refuse disposal equipment applicable applicable + applicable ***
Documentary Requirements:
1. Mechanical plan showing exhaust ventilation location. applicable applicable + applicable ***
2. Technical specification. applicable applicable + applicable ***
3. Indoor Air Quality Management Plan including monitoring system applicable applicable + applicable **
Documentary Requirement:
1. Tabulation of materials to be used/used with the corresponding required VOC applicable applicable + applicable
Levels against the actual VOC Levels.
2. Technical specification of the material to be used/used including literature for applicable applicable + applicable ***
its respective application
3. Accreditation of materials to be used/used from DTI/DOST applicable applicable + applicable
Building with
For Existing
For New
For Preliminary For Amendment For Final
ITEM DESCRIPTION Certification of Preliminary Certification
Application Certification Application
Documentary Requirement:
1. Tabulation of materials to be used with the corresponding required OPD and applicable applicable + applicable
GWP Levels against the actual OPD and GWP Levels.
2. Technical specification of the material to be used/used applicable applicable + applicable ***
3. Accreditation of materials to be used/used from DTI/DOST applicable applicable + applicable
Documentary Requirement:
1. Tabulation of materials to be used/used with the corresponding required VOC applicable applicable + applicable
Levels against the actual VOC Levels.
2. Technical specification of the material to be used/used applicable applicable + applicable ***
3. Accreditation of materials to be used/used from DTI/DOST applicable applicable + applicable
Documentary Requirement:
Building with
For Existing
For New
For Preliminary For Amendment For Final
ITEM DESCRIPTION Certification of Preliminary Certification
Application Certification Application