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    Prostate cancer screening was revolutionized in the early 1990s with the wide spread availability and FDA approval of PSA testing. PSA however is not specific for clinically significant prostate cancer and while PSA testing improves prostate cancer specific mortality worries regarding how wide-spread screening could lead to overdiagnosis and overtreatment emerged. Currently prostate cancer screening is not equated with PSA screening. Rather there is a tiered approach ideally utilizing more specific biomarkers and imaging prior to initial biopsy. Moreover, personalized screening strategies which may include genetics, family history and baseline biomarkers are emerging. This collection covers recent updates and advances in prostate cancer screening and diagnosis.

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    The Editor of Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases is delighted to share with you this Editor's Choice collection featuring some of the best research and reviews published in the journal in 2023. These papers showcase the breadth of scope and coverage that this journal consistently delivers to its readers.

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    This special collection entitled “The times have changed. Let the urologists change!” features articles recently accepted and published in Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases (PCAN) covering the new and exciting field of the minimally invasive surgical techniques for benign prostatic hyperplasia and lower urinary tract symptoms. Both PCAN Editors , Cosimo De Nunzio and Luca Cindolo, already considered experts in the BPH/LUTS diagnosis and treatment, created this dedicated collection. The collection features recent papers by some of the top investigators within the field and particularly will highlight three topics of particular interest for our readers: - LUTS/BPH pathophysiology - New Ablative technique to manage LUTS/BPH - MIST and ejaculatory function

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    The Emerging Leaders collection welcomes and recognizes new talent in the oncology field. This collection acknowledges groundbreaking researchers, clinicians, and educators who are still in the early stages of their scientific careers. It serves as a platform to showcase Emerging Leaders and their exciting work in the prostate cancer and prostatic diseases field.

    Image: © Shutter2U /
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    The Editors of Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases (PCAN) are proud to present a special collection on “Disparities in Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Management”. The collection features papers from recent years by some of the top investigators within the field, highlighting recognized disparities in prostate cancer care, from screening to risk stratification and treatments employed in patient care pathways. This special collection will highlight three topics of particular interest: (1) Disparities in prostate cancer prognosis (2) Differences in genomic profiling interpretation (3) Variable use of biomarkers and imaging

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    The Editor of Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases is delighted to share with you this Editor's Choice collection featuring some of the best research and reviews published in the journal in 2022. These papers showcase the breadth of scope and coverage that this journal consistently delivers to its readers.

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    In line with the UN Sustainable Development Goal to Reduce Inequalities (SDG10), this collection aims to bring together articles enhancing our understanding of cancer health disparities across the different dimensions of inequality research. There are many expanding fields of health inequalities research but this collection will include articles examining disproportionate cancer burdens in populations such as: rural-urban, gender/sexual, racial/ethnic, religious minority and socioeconomic status groups, and of course any group where health inequality needs to be addressed. This wider collection builds upon our existing collections more specifically focused on Racial and ethnic disparities in cancer and Racial and ethnic disparities in cancer in the US We are building an ongoing knowledge base of content from across all oncology journals to increase the discoverability of articles in this important research area. Thus, we call for new contributions to this collection and invite you to read recent research below.

    Open for submissions
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    The Editors of Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases (PCAN) are proud to present a special collection on 'Castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) management'. We feature papers from the last seven years by some of the top scientists in the field, which highlight and provide novel insights into important clinical and translational advances in the management of CRPC. Particularly three topics have been considered. 1. Concomitant Sequential Treatment in CRPC 2. New Therapeutic agents 3. The impact of ARTA and tumour’s characteristics on treatment outcome

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    This Collection highlights the top-viewed content from Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases from the last few months. PCAN aims to serve as a forum for the sharing and discussion of clinical and translational research developments in all conditions of the prostate, including prostate cancer, prostatitis, and male lower urinary tract symptoms.

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    The Editor of Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases is delighted to share with you an Editor's Choice selection of key papers that highlight some of the best current research published in the journal. These papers showcase the breadth of scope and coverage that this journal consistently delivers to its readers, and have been selected because readers will find them particularly interesting or useful.