Journal Information

Aims and Scope
Oncogene aims to make substantial advances in our knowledge of processes that contribute to cancer by publishing outstanding research. We propagate work that challenges standard conjecture and builds on previous studies, in particular those that lead to establishing new paradigms in the etio-pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of cancers, and in processes that drive metastatic spread, and provide important insights into cancer biology beyond what has been revealed thus far.

Areas covered by Oncogene include, but are not limited to, the cellular and molecular biology of cancer including resistance to cancer therapies, and development of better approaches to improving survival. Across cancer biology, we have a broad remit encompassing the life sciences and biomedicine, from the most fundamental and theoretical work, through to translational, applied, and clinical research (including early and late Phase clinical trials, especially those with biologic and translational endpoints).

Reviewing Editors are among the most respected and accomplished individuals in their fields – from genetics and structural biology, to function and mechanism.

50 issues per year

Journal Metrics

Article metrics such as number of downloads, citations and online attention are available from each article page, and provide an overview of the attention received by a paper.

Citation Impact 2023

  • Journal Impact Factor: 6.9
  • 5-year Journal Impact Factor: 7.5
  • Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 1.368
  • SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 2.334

Speed 2024

  • Submission to first editorial decision (median days): 3
  • Submission to acceptance (median days): 151

Usage 2024

  • Downloads: 3,671,182
  • Altmetric mentions: 3,999

More about our metrics

Abstracted/indexed in:
EBSCO Discovery Service
Google Scholar
Summon by ProQuest
Current Contents/Life Sciences
Science Citation Index
Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch)
EBSCO Academic Search
EBSCO Advanced Placement Source
EBSCO Agriculture Plus
EBSCO Biomedical Reference Collection
EBSCO Science & Technology Collection
INIS Atomindex

International standard serial number (ISSN): 0950-9232
Electronic international standard serial number (eISSN): 1476-5594.

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