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  • Antibacterial drug resistance is a critical global health issue that affects countries across all economic levels, though it disproportionately affects populations in low- and middle-income countries. Infection and resistance rates vary considerably, necessitating tailored interventions to meet the specific demands of each area. This underscores the need for global solidarity and national accountability in effectively addressing antibacterial drug resistance.

    • Ursula Theuretzbacher
  • Improving access to antibiotics will save lives and reduce the rise and spread of drug-resistant infections. Instead of traditional ‘last mile’ global health solutions, global leaders need to support efforts to develop suitable antibiotics and their rational use, ensuring that countries have the capacity to make them available.

    • Manica Balasegaram
    • Viviana Muñoz Tellez
  • As the United Nations convenes its second High-Level Meeting on antimicrobial resistance, urgent global action is needed. This Focus issue draws attention to pressing challenges of bacterial antimicrobial resistance and underscores the need for fast and coordinated international efforts.

  • A new study reports sustained HIV remission in an individual who underwent allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation with cells from a donor with wild-type CCR5.

    • Andrea Du Toit
    Research Highlight
  • This Genome Watch highlights how the revived interest in phages that target plasmid-carrying bacteria is expanding our knowledge of viral diversity, ecology and evolution, which is fundamental for developing safe biotherapeutics.

    • Daniel Cazares
    • Wendy Figueroa
    • Adrian Cazares
    Genome Watch
  • In this Review, Schalk explores the molecular mechanisms involved in siderophore-mediated iron acquisition in bacteria. In addition, the possible applications for siderophores in the environment, agriculture and medicine are also discussed.

    • Isabelle J. Schalk
    Review Article
  • This study shows that Citrobacter rodentium alters its growth and virulence in response to varying intestinal pH, and, in turn, the host actively induces stomach acidification.

    • Andrea Du Toit
    Research Highlight
  • This Genome Watch highlights recent metagenomic surveys that have revealed the extensive prevalence and diversity of plasmids in the human gut microbiome and discusses the challenges in accurately reporting plasmid genomes identified from metagenomic data.

    • Antonio Pedro Camargo
    Genome Watch
  • In this Review, Gribaldo and co-workers explore the diversity and evolution of Terrabacteria and highlight their unique cell envelopes that deviate from Gram-positive and Gram-negative classifications, challenging traditional views on the bacterial cell envelope. They also discuss the variations in outer membrane biogenesis and speculate on the evolutionary origin of the outer membrane before the last bacterial common ancestor and how it was repeatedly lost.

    • Basile Beaud Benyahia
    • Najwa Taib
    • Simonetta Gribaldo
    Review Article
  • In this study, Kim, Kang, Jang et al. report a phenotype-based, ultra-rapid and blood culture-free antimicrobial susceptibility testing approach.

    • Agustina Taglialegna
    Research Highlight
  • In this study, Li, Feng et al. identify an antimicrobial compound produced by plant root-associated Pseudomonas fluorescens with potent activity against drug-resistant, Gram-positive bacteria.

    • Agustina Taglialegna
    Research Highlight
  • In this Journal Club, Francesca Ester Morreale revisits a paper reporting that arginine phosphorylation marks proteins for degradation in bacteria.

    • Francesca Ester Morreale
    Journal Club
  • In this Review, Compant et al. explore the functions, mechanisms, assembly and interactions of plant microbiomes, highlighting current applications and their limitations. They also discuss how recent advances could lead to new or improved applications and identify research gaps crucial for harnessing microbiome functions in sustainable plant production.

    • Stéphane Compant
    • Fabricio Cassan
    • Angela Sessitsch
    Review Article
  • A recent study demonstrates targeting plasmid-encoded bacterial proteins containing immunoglobulin-like domains to prevent the conjugation and spread of antimicrobial resistance plasmids.

    • Ashley York
    Research Highlight
  • In this Perspective, Rumbaugh and Whiteley explore the advantages and limitations of current medical biofilm models and outline a framework for quantitatively assessing model accuracy.

    • Kendra P. Rumbaugh
    • Marvin Whiteley
  • This study used structure-based drug design and modular synthesis to identify small molecules with antimicrobial activity.

    • Andrea Du Toit
    Research Highlight
  • This Genome Watch highlights the advances made in bacterial single-cell RNA sequencing, specifically in the context of host–microorganism interaction studies.

    • Madelyn Moy
    • Cecilia Kyany’a
    • Mailis Maes
    Genome Watch