Editorial input and checks

The Nature Reviews editors work together with authors to produce the highest quality Review and Comment articles and to ensure that all published content adheres to our rigorous policies. The Table summarizes the editorial input and checks that are carried out for externally authored content, which we categorize as ‘Review-type articles’ or ‘News and Comment’. We also publish short-form content that is developed, researched and written in-house by our team of full-time professional editors.

The Nature Reviews journals only publish non-primary content. None of our articles include original (previously unpublished) data; occasionally, new analyses on existing data can be included to support a narrative review, but these are minimal and are never the main focus of the article. 


Editorial development

Scope developed
Scientifically edited
Artwork developed
Peer reviewed   
Copy edited

Ethics checks

Plagiarism checked
Patient consent checked
Clinical trial registration requested
References to unpublished work checked
Competing interests declared
Third party rights obtained

Upholding community standards

Author contribution statements included  
Author identification requested
Peer review recognition offered  
ECR peer review involvement offered  
Diversity commitment

*Review, Primer, Perspectives, Consensus Statement, Evidence-based Guidelines, Expert Recommendation, Roadmap, Progress, Technical Review, etc.; **News & Views, Comment, Clinical Outlook, World view, Viewpoint, Year in Review, Correspondence, Q&A, Books & Arts, etc. Not all journals publish all article types. 

Editorial development

The Nature Reviews journals are unique in terms of the high level of editorial input to each manuscript. Our process includes many stages to produce content that is scientifically accurate, appropriately referenced, trusted and accessible. We work swiftly to correct the scientific record in a transparent manner when errors are identified post-publication. 

Scope developed: Nature Reviews publishes timely, thought-provoking and authoritative articles. To ensure that topics are covered in the most insightful way, our editors select and invite experts to write and work closely with them to develop the scope of the article before peer review, ensuring that the content is original, timely and balanced.  

Scientifically edited: Our editors work closely with the authors to enhance the structure and clarity of the article, to ensure that the key points are crystallized and to make the article accessible to the journal's audience. Each article goes through multiple stages of in-depth editing to produce the high-quality content for which the Nature Reviews journals are known.

Artwork developed: Figures, tables and other display items enhance the accessibility and understanding of our articles and help to convey the main messages. Our editors assist authors with the development of display items, to produce accurate and easy to follow figures and tables that illustrate often complex ideas. Our talented art editors then redraw the figures to improve their clarity, flow, presentation and visual appeal.

Peer reviewed: Our editors select several (typically 2-3, sometimes more) experts in the field to review the manuscript and provide constructive feedback that helps to shape the content of the article. Reviewers are requested to focus on scientific accuracy and balance. Once feedback has been received, our editors support authors throughout the revision process by providing tailored guidance. Ultimate decision to publish lies with the editors. More information can be found here.

Copy edited: Before publication, articles are copy edited for consistency and house style, to ensure that high-quality, trusted content is published across the Nature Reviews journals.

Ethics checks

At Nature Reviews, our editors assess and confirm that relevant standards have been upheld with respect to publishing, research and copyright practices.

Plagiarism checked:  The Nature Reviews journals aim to publish articles that provide originality and fresh insight; we are  part of Similarity Check, a service that uses software tools to screen submitted manuscripts for text overlap, to avoid publishing an article containing text from previously published work, including the author’s own. 

Unpublished clinical trial registration requested: Our editors  request and check that all unpublished clinical trials described in an article are appropriately referenced and registered. 

References to unpublished work checked: Our editors check acceptance of all ‘in press’ articles and ensure that consent is obtained for all references to unpublished work or personal communications and that preprint articles are appropriately referenced. 

Competing interests declared: In the interests of transparency, our authors must declare any financial and non-financial competing interests. Our editors ensure that a declaration of competing interests is visible to the peer reviewers and is included in all published articles.

Third party rights obtained: We request that our authors declare if they wish to reuse display items from previously published or copyrighted material. Our team of editorial assistants ensures that the appropriate permissions are obtained before publication. 

Upholding community standards

At Nature Reviews, we support publishing practices that promote transparency and diversity, and support our community of scientists.

Author contribution statements included: We request that all authors have substantially contributed to at least one of the following: researching the literature, discussions of the article content, writing and/or substantial editing or reviewing of the draft manuscript. 

Author identification requested: As part of our efforts to improve transparency in authorship, we request that all corresponding authors on published papers provide their Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier (ORCID).

Peer review recognition offered: In recognition of the time and expertise our peer reviewers provide to the editorial process, we offer them the opportunity to be named on the published paper and support easy registration of their review activity on the ORCID database via our submission system.

ECR peer review involvement offered: The Nature Reviews journals are committed to facilitating training in peer review and ensuring that everyone involved in our peer review process is appropriately recognised. We have, therefore, started an initiative  to allow and encourage established referees to formally involve early-career researchers (ECRs) in our peer review process.

Diversity commitment: We are committed to promoting practices that support diversity and inclusion in science communication and publishing (see announcements here and here). We strive for diversity when selecting authors and peer-reviewers and we encourage commissioned authors to bear the same principles in mind when proposing co-authors. We also ensure that our content presents a balanced overview and diverse perspectives.