Open access publishing

Open Access Fees and Funding

Authors may need to take specific actions to achieve compliance with funder and institutional open access mandates. If your research is supported by a funder that requires immediate open access (e.g. according to Plan S principles) then you should select the gold OA route, and we will direct you to the compliant route where possible. For authors selecting the subscription publication route, the journal's standard licensing terms will need to be accepted, including self-archiving policies. Those licensing terms will supersede any other terms that the author or any third party may assert apply to any version of the manuscript.

Benefits of open access

Publishing OA offers a number of benefits, including greater reach and readership for your work:

Find out more about benefits of OA.

Article processing charges (APC)

Authors who publish open access in Leukemia are required to pay an article processing charge (APC). The APC price will be determined from the date on which the article is accepted for publication.

The current APC, subject to VAT or local taxes where applicable, is: 

Full Article / Review: £3590.00/$4990.00/€3990.00

Other article types: £2040.00/$2995.00/€2395.00

Visit our open access support portal and our Journal Pricing FAQs for further information.

Open access funding

Visit Springer Nature’s open access funding & support services for information about research funders and institutions that provide funding for APCs.

Springer Nature offers agreements that enable institutions to cover open access publishing costs. Learn more about our open access agreements to check your eligibility and discover whether this journal is included.

Creative Commons licenses

OA articles in Springer Nature journals are published under Creative Commons licenses. These provide an industry-standard framework to support easy re-use of OA material. Under Creative Commons licenses, authors retain copyright of their articles.

Leukemia articles are published open access under a CC BY-NC-ND (Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 International licence) or CC BY (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence) licence.

  • CC BY-NC-ND: The article can be shared for non-commercial purposes as long as the authors are credited. Permission is needed for commercial re-use or sharing adapted and derivative versions.
  • CC BY: The article may be shared and adapted for any purpose, including commercially, so long as the authors are credited.

To learn more about OA licences visit our licensing and copyright guide.

In instances where authors are not allowed to retain copyright to their own article (where the author is a US Government employee for example), authors should contact the Open Research Support team before submitting their article so we can advise as to whether their non-standard copyright request can be accommodated.

Authors are advised to check their funder's requirements before selecting OA, to ensure compliance. Learn more about funder compliance.