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What you can do now + next

Ready, Set, Align

The path to the materials easy button is becoming clearer. However, to get there we need everyone to participate. This includes starting to rally behind this plan, and begin communicating collectively. Here's what you can do to support this work right now and into the future.

From Endorsement + Advocacy to Implementation

mM and the Forum members will be embarking on the next phase of our adventure to the materials easy button, with milestone outcomes that will be shared publicly throughout the year. We'll ensure our data management, workflow technology tool, and ecolabel/standard partners are able to join us.


Goal at the end of this phase for Owner & AEC: aligned materials standards and data in technology tools making it easy to find products that meet program requirements. For Manufacturer: digitized data flowing, and tools that make it easy to respond to sustainability requests.


Note: mM is merely a facilitator of this work, the end goal is only possible if we all work to create this system together!

The Forums Role in This Work

The Forums assemble proven materials leaders in the building industry to identify alignment opportunities, build shared resources and knowledge, and accelerate impact. Through co-created tools and resources made publicly available, the Forums' work enables the building industry to send an aligned and clear market signal. The importance of the collaboration between the demand and supply sides of the building industry cannot be overstated. We've always wondered, "What if all owners and developers were on the same page with what they're asking of the market? What if manufacturers had a streamlined way to answer these request?" We don't need to wonder any longer.

Owner to Manufacturer Sample Communication

Owner to AEC Sample Communication

Owner Aligned Ask Summary Resource



  • For those who lead sustainability efforts within an organization that owns, manages or develops properties

  • Publicly endorse the vision and priorities of this work

  • Communicate with your value chain leveraging the Aligned Ask over the coming year+

Your public endorsement will focus the building industry on a common path to materials market transformation. This endorsement is necessary to ensure cross-industry stakeholders recognize their roles in this work. Your endorsement does not mean implementation–yet. To get to the future state we first need to publicly endorse the vision and priorities of this work.

What You Can Do Right Now

What's Coming Next

Feeling inspired? Join us.

Want to roll up your sleeves and join us in this next phase of this work? Are you a materials leaders at an Owner, Firm, or manufacturer? Join us.

Manufacturer to Owner Sample Communication

Manufacturer to AEC Sample Communication

Manufacturer Advocacy Sample Language: Data Management Tool

Manufacturer Advocacy Sample Language: Ecolabel/Standard

Manufacturer Communication: First Factors Sample

Manufacturer Aligned Ask Summary Resource


  • For those who lead sustainability efforts within organizations that manufacturer materials and products for buildings

  • Communicate your progress to the Owners and AEC in your journey in supporting this work

  • Advocate for consistently digitized and connected data to your data management and ecolable/standards partners

Advocating for this work will enable an opportunity to streamline your data management process and respond to sustainability requests into the future. It is essential to ensure digitized data can flow to where decisions are actually being made. Advocate for consistently digitized and connected data to your data management and ecolabel/standard partners.

AEC to Manufacturer Sample Communication

AEC to Owner Sample Communication

AEC Aligned Ask Summary Resource



  • For the architects, contractors, designers, engineers, specifiers, materials librarians, etc. who are responsible for sustainability efforts within their organizations

  • Publicly endorse the vision and priorities of this work

  • Communicate with your value chain leveraging the Aligned Ask over the coming year+

Your public endorsement will focus the building industry on a common path to materials market transformation. This endorsement is necessary to ensure cross-industry stakeholders recognize their roles in this work. Your endorsement does not mean implementation–yet. To get to the future state we first need to publicly endorse the vision and priorities of this work.

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