Generation and Distribution of Quantum Oblivious Keys for Secure Multiparty Computation
<p>In secure multiparty computation, N parties compute a function preserving the privacy of their own input. Each party only has access to their own input–output pair.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Quantum OT protocol based on secure commitments. The ⨁ denotes the bit XOR of all the elements in the family.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Oblivious keys. Alice has the string <span class="html-italic">k</span> and Bob the string <math display="inline"><semantics> <mover accent="true"> <mi>k</mi> <mo>˜</mo> </mover> </semantics></math>. For each party, the boxes in the left and right represent the bits of their string associated to the indices <span class="html-italic">i</span> for which <math display="inline"><semantics> <msub> <mi>x</mi> <mi>i</mi> </msub> </semantics></math> equals 0 (<b>left box</b>) or 1 (<b>right box</b>). Alice knows the entire key, Bob only knows half of the key, but Alice does not know which half Bob knows.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Commitment protocol based on collision resistant hash functions.</p> ">
:Featured Application
1. Introduction
1.1. Secure Multiparty Computation and Oblivious Transfer
1.2. State of the Art
2. Methods
2.1. Generating the OTs
2.2. Oblivious Key Distribution
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Security
3.2. Efficiency
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Lemus, M.; Ramos, M.F.; Yadav, P.; Silva, N.A.; Muga, N.J.; Souto, A.; Paunković, N.; Mateus, P.; Pinto, A.N. Generation and Distribution of Quantum Oblivious Keys for Secure Multiparty Computation. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 4080.
Lemus M, Ramos MF, Yadav P, Silva NA, Muga NJ, Souto A, Paunković N, Mateus P, Pinto AN. Generation and Distribution of Quantum Oblivious Keys for Secure Multiparty Computation. Applied Sciences. 2020; 10(12):4080.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLemus, Mariano, Mariana F. Ramos, Preeti Yadav, Nuno A. Silva, Nelson J. Muga, André Souto, Nikola Paunković, Paulo Mateus, and Armando N. Pinto. 2020. "Generation and Distribution of Quantum Oblivious Keys for Secure Multiparty Computation" Applied Sciences 10, no. 12: 4080.
APA StyleLemus, M., Ramos, M. F., Yadav, P., Silva, N. A., Muga, N. J., Souto, A., Paunković, N., Mateus, P., & Pinto, A. N. (2020). Generation and Distribution of Quantum Oblivious Keys for Secure Multiparty Computation. Applied Sciences, 10(12), 4080.