Carbon-Related Materials: Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes in Semiconductor Applications and Design
<p>(<bold>a</bold>) <italic>sp</italic><sup>2</sup> hybrids of each carbon atom [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B36-micromachines-13-01257">36</xref>]. (<bold>b</bold>) <italic>sp</italic><sup>2</sup> hybrids of carbon atom connecting with neighboring ones in graphene [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B15-micromachines-13-01257">15</xref>].</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Armchair, chiral and zigzag types of nanotube structures.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>(<bold>a</bold>) Nearest neighbor tight-binding approximation of graphene. Γ, M and K are the high symmetry points of graphene lattice. (<bold>b</bold>) The comparison between expensive and accurate ab initio study of graphene and its NNTB model approximation [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B66-micromachines-13-01257">66</xref>].</p> "> Figure 4
<p>(<bold>a</bold>) Graphene’s band structure. (<bold>b</bold>) First Brillouin zone of the graphene lattice [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B60-micromachines-13-01257">60</xref>].</p> "> Figure 5
<p>(<bold>a</bold>) The resistivity of individual GNRs with different linewidth. For each line-width, the best, worst and mean values of the resistivity are displayed. At each width, 10 data points corresponding to 10 GNRs. The equivalent Cu resistivity is shown as a star [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B99-micromachines-13-01257">99</xref>]. (<bold>b</bold>) The resistivity of graphene is a function of temperature and carrier density [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B33-micromachines-13-01257">33</xref>].</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Transparentness of air, graphene and double-layer graphene [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B112-micromachines-13-01257">112</xref>].</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Schematic of graphene growth classifications.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Monolayer 2D crystallites. (<bold>a</bold>) NbSe<sub>2</sub> by atomic force microscopy (AFM), (<bold>b</bold>) graphite by AFM, (<bold>c</bold>) Bi<sub>2</sub>Sr<sub>2</sub>CaCu<sub>2</sub>O<sub>x</sub> by SEM and (<bold>d</bold>) MoS<sub>2</sub> seen by optical microscope [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B124-micromachines-13-01257">124</xref>].</p> "> Figure 9
<p>(<bold>a</bold>) SEM image of sieved raw graphite. (<bold>b</bold>) SEM image of sediment after centrifugation. (<bold>c</bold>) Bright-field TEM images of single-layer graphene flakes with a deposition from GBL [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B126-micromachines-13-01257">126</xref>].</p> "> Figure 10
<p>(<bold>a</bold>) Raman spectra of the obtained graphene using the sonication method with 0.1, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0-wt% graphite in HMIH [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B128-micromachines-13-01257">128</xref>]. (<bold>b</bold>) SEM result of exfoliated graphite oxide [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B129-micromachines-13-01257">129</xref>].</p> "> Figure 11
<p>TEM (<bold>a</bold>,<bold>b</bold>) and SEM (<bold>c</bold>,<bold>d</bold>) results of the as-synthesized graphene sheets [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B131-micromachines-13-01257">131</xref>].</p> "> Figure 12
<p>Graphite’s Raman spectroscopy, GO and solar exfoliated graphene [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B27-micromachines-13-01257">27</xref>].</p> "> Figure 13
<p>(<bold>a</bold>) STM result of the single-layer graphene (dark region) and double-layer graphene (the bright regions); (<bold>b</bold>) HRSTM image. Hexagon with red dots stands for the lattice of the single layer, and hexagon with red and blue dots stands for two non-identical triangular sublattices of the double-layer graphene [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B145-micromachines-13-01257">145</xref>].</p> "> Figure 14
<p>(<bold>a</bold>) Raman spectra of epitaxial graphene obtained in condition of UHV (blue) and Ar flow (red). (<bold>b</bold>) AFM surface morphology of graphene on <italic>6H–SiC</italic> (0001) which was annealed in Ar. (<bold>c</bold>) LEEM surface morphology of graphene obtained in conditions similar to (<bold>b</bold>) [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B146-micromachines-13-01257">146</xref>].</p> "> Figure 15
<p>(<bold>a</bold>) Nickel metal melts in a graphite crucible at <italic>T<sub>m</sub></italic>, (<bold>b</bold>) carbon atoms dissolve into the liquid nickel at temperature <italic>T<sub>2</sub></italic> and (<bold>c</bold>) graphene precipitates at the top of the liquid nickel at <italic>T<sub>3</sub></italic> [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B147-micromachines-13-01257">147</xref>].</p> "> Figure 16
<p>(<bold>a</bold>) Schematic of wrinkle, monolayer graphene and multilayer graphene [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B147-micromachines-13-01257">147</xref>]. (<bold>b</bold>) STM result of monolayer graphene [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B148-micromachines-13-01257">148</xref>].</p> "> Figure 17
<p>(<bold>a</bold>) Ni surface adsorbing methane. (<bold>b</bold>) Methane atoms getting pyrolyzed. (<bold>c</bold>) Ni-carbon solution forming. (<bold>d</bold>) Carbon atoms precipitating and forming graphene [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B160-micromachines-13-01257">160</xref>].</p> "> Figure 18
<p>Optical image of Ni films annealed at 1000 °C with different times, (<bold>a</bold>) 1 min, (<bold>b</bold>) 15 min and (<bold>c</bold>) 40 min [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B161-micromachines-13-01257">161</xref>].</p> "> Figure 19
<p>Illustration of a dry transfer procedure on shallow substrates. (<bold>a</bold>) The copper is etched with the PDMS/PMMA/graphene floating over the etchant. (<bold>b</bold>) The sample is rinsed and dried with the PDMS “handle”. (<bold>c</bold>) The PDMS/PMMA/graphene is placed onto the target substrate and heated. (<bold>d</bold>) Peel off the PDMS block. (<bold>e</bold>) The PMMA is thermally removed in a furnace at 350 ℃ with Ar and H<sub>2</sub> for 2 h. The heat treatment in c makes the rough PMMA/graphene film fully contact with the substrate, as shown in the magnified views of figure (<bold>c</bold>,<bold>d</bold>) [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B170-micromachines-13-01257">170</xref>].</p> "> Figure 20
<p>Transfer printing method. (<bold>a</bold>) Material deposition on a glass surface, (<bold>b</bold>) inking of the PDMS stamp, (<bold>c</bold>) contacting the inked stamp and a heated Si/SiO<sub>2</sub> substrate and (<bold>d</bold>) the stamp is peeled off to achieve the deposited material [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B171-micromachines-13-01257">171</xref>].</p> "> Figure 21
<p>Illustration of a wet transferring procedure on perforated substrates: <bold>a1</bold>–<bold>a5</bold> and flat substrates (<bold>b1</bold>–<bold>b5</bold>). <bold>a1</bold>,<bold>b1</bold>, the copper foil is etched away. <bold>a2</bold>, multiple substrates with spacers were diped in Hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS) to fully support the graphene/PMMA membrane. <bold>b2</bold>, substrate is placed in the water at an inclined angle. <bold>a3</bold>, HMDS was removed. <bold>b3</bold>, the PMMA/graphene film is lowered onto the substrate by removing water with a syringe. <bold>a4</bold>, the critical point drying was used. <bold>b4</bold>, the dried PMMA/graphene/substrate is heated to remove the PMMA. <bold>a5</bold>,<bold>b5</bold>, the PMMA is removed with acetone [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B170-micromachines-13-01257">170</xref>].</p> "> Figure 22
<p>(<bold>A</bold>) An SEM image of long SWCNT carbon fibers with diameters ranging from 10 to 20 nm (scale bar 100 nm). (<bold>B</bold>) A low-resolution image including all of the SWCNT ropes and catalyst particles coated with amorphous carbon (scale bar 100 nm) [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B184-micromachines-13-01257">184</xref>].</p> "> Figure 23
<p>Schematic illustration of the growth mechanism and characterization of high-density SWNT arrays. (<bold>a</bold>) Schematic illustration of the growing process. (<bold>b,c</bold>) SEM and AFM images under different magnification. (<bold>d</bold>) Raman spectra with 514.5 nm excitation. (<bold>e</bold>) Diameter distribution. The red solid lines are Gaussian fitting peaks. Scale bar, 50 mm (<bold>b</bold>) (scale bar, 3 mm for the insets in b). Scale bar, 300 nm (<bold>c</bold>) (scale bar, 50 nm for the insets in c). Scale bar, 10 nm (<bold>e</bold>) [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B189-micromachines-13-01257">189</xref>].</p> "> Figure 24
<p>(<bold>a</bold>) Schematic illustration of Ru particle formation from AD-Ru/MgO for catalyzing the nucleation and growth of an SWNT. (<bold>b</bold>) Contour plot of normalized PL intensities under the various excitation energies [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B190-micromachines-13-01257">190</xref>].</p> "> Figure 25
<p>Well-known established growing method of CNTs. (<bold>a</bold>) Tip-growth illustration and (<bold>b</bold>) base-growth illustration [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B197-micromachines-13-01257">197</xref>].</p> "> Figure 26
<p>ETEM image of Ni-catalyzed CNT root growth at different time, (<bold>a</bold>) 0 s, (<bold>b</bold>) 0.43 s, (<bold>c</bold>) 4.3 s [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B183-micromachines-13-01257">183</xref>].</p> "> Figure 27
<p>AFM image of graphene with different thicknesses. The dark brown region is SiO<sub>2</sub> substrate. The brownish red, yellowish brown and orange regions are graphene layers with a thickness of 0.8, 1.2 and 2.5 nm, respectively [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B124-micromachines-13-01257">124</xref>].</p> "> Figure 28
<p>TEM images of folded graphene edge, (<bold>a</bold>) single layer and (<bold>b</bold>) bilayer [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B212-micromachines-13-01257">212</xref>]. (<bold>c</bold>) HRTEM result of single-layer graphene [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B170-micromachines-13-01257">170</xref>].</p> "> Figure 29
<p>(<bold>a</bold>) Raman results of graphene with different layer thicknesses [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B213-micromachines-13-01257">213</xref>]. (<bold>b</bold>) Bilayer graphene 2D band transformation at 514 and 633 nm [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B214-micromachines-13-01257">214</xref>]. (<bold>c</bold>) The G band is due to the different layer numbers [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B215-micromachines-13-01257">215</xref>].</p> "> Figure 30
<p>Schematic illustration of CNT characterization using deep-learning-based Raman spectra analysis. (<bold>a</bold>) Implementation of high-speed Raman imaging on a fork-like growth substrate. (<bold>b</bold>) Generation of unlabeled Raman spectra. (<bold>c</bold>) Large labeled datasets organized into three classes: S-CNTs, MCNTs and empty. (<bold>d</bold>) Deep learning model. (<bold>e</bold>) Classification of individual spectra using the model. (<bold>f</bold>) CNT identification [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B217-micromachines-13-01257">217</xref>].</p> "> Figure 31
<p>(<bold>a</bold>) Confocal Rayleigh result of monolayer graphene obtained by raster scanning the test subject; (<bold>b</bold>) the differences between results gained by calculation and empirically with regard to wavelength for a distinct amount of layers [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B213-micromachines-13-01257">213</xref>].</p> "> Figure 32
<p>XRD pattern of graphene nanosheets [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B218-micromachines-13-01257">218</xref>].</p> "> Figure 33
<p>Schematic of the graphene characterization methods and the related devices [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B219-micromachines-13-01257">219</xref>].</p> "> Figure 34
<p>Three types of graphene FETs: (<bold>a</bold>) back-gated, (<bold>b</bold>) top-gated and (<bold>c</bold>) suspended.</p> "> Figure 35
<p>The 300 GHz RF GFET: (<bold>a</bold>) 3D view, (<bold>b</bold>) front view, (<bold>c</bold>) the <italic>I<sub>ds</sub>-V<sub>ds</sub></italic> curves at different gate voltages and (<bold>d</bold>) the <italic>I<sub>ds</sub>-V<sub>TG</sub></italic> curve at <italic>V<sub>ds</sub></italic> = −1 V [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B241-micromachines-13-01257">241</xref>].</p> "> Figure 36
<p>(<bold>a</bold>) Typical structure of an OLED. (<bold>b</bold>) Sheet resistance decreases with the increase in thickness. (<bold>c</bold>) The solar transmission increase monotonically as a function of sheet resistance [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B244-micromachines-13-01257">244</xref>].</p> "> Figure 37
<p>The current density (solid symbols) and the luminance (open symbols) as a function of applied forward bias voltage for an ITO (circles) and graphene OLED (squares) [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B244-micromachines-13-01257">244</xref>].</p> "> Figure 38
<p>Body of an LEC. The chemical formulas and the formula icons of every layer are also displayed [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B246-micromachines-13-01257">246</xref>].</p> "> Figure 39
<p>Brightness (circles) and current density (squares) as a function of applied voltage (<bold>a</bold>) measured through a graphene cathode and (<bold>b</bold>) measured through a PEDOT-PSS anode [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B246-micromachines-13-01257">246</xref>].</p> "> Figure 40
<p>Schematic diagram of a typical solar cell structure.</p> "> Figure 41
<p>(<bold>a</bold>) A graphene solar cell structure where the acceptor layer is made of graphene sheet [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B255-micromachines-13-01257">255</xref>]. (<bold>b</bold>) A schematic diagram of a graphene solar cell showing the laser excitation, top gate and back gate and the graphene layer [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B257-micromachines-13-01257">257</xref>]. (<bold>c</bold>) Six-fold photovoltage pattern as a function of <italic>V<sub>TG</sub></italic> and <italic>V<sub>BG</sub></italic> [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B257-micromachines-13-01257">257</xref>].</p> "> Figure 42
<p>(<bold>a</bold>) The effect of applied voltages (positive and negative) on graphene’s Fermi level [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B258-micromachines-13-01257">258</xref>]. (<bold>b</bold>) Total reflections of electrons when the angle between the incidental electron beam and PN interface is 45° [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B260-micromachines-13-01257">260</xref>]. The schematic of the device when used as an MUX, (<bold>c</bold>) <italic>A</italic> = ’1′, <italic>F</italic> = <italic>C</italic>. (<bold>d</bold>) <italic>A</italic> = ’0′, <italic>F</italic> = <italic>B</italic> [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B260-micromachines-13-01257">260</xref>].</p> "> Figure 43
<p>(<bold>a</bold>) Illustration of a biosensor, that is created with a receptor and a transducer. (<bold>b</bold>) The illustration of GFET detecting interactions amongst anti-IgG and IgG biomolecules [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B268-micromachines-13-01257">268</xref>].</p> "> Figure 44
<p>(<bold>a</bold>) Illustration of DNA hybridization on the PDI/graphene platform [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B274-micromachines-13-01257">274</xref>]. (<bold>b</bold>) A schematic of fluorescent-tagged DNA hybridization: A stands for no hybridization occurring when an irrelevant ssDNA interacts. B stands for no absorption of double-stranded DNA on graphene. C stands for a complementary ssDNA hybridization and fluorescent emission [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B275-micromachines-13-01257">275</xref>].</p> "> Figure 45
<p>(<bold>a</bold>) The absorption coefficient is 2.3% when the light vertically incidents on a graphene sheet. (<bold>b</bold>) The light laterally incidents on a graphene sheet where the interactions with light are determined by the graphene sheet length [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B284-micromachines-13-01257">284</xref>].</p> "> Figure 46
<p>(<bold>a</bold>) Calculated frequency as a function of the optical conductivity on different substrates using a 5 × 10<sup>11</sup> cm<sup>−3</sup> impurities concentration and 0.3 eV chemical potential [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B285-micromachines-13-01257">285</xref>]. (<bold>b</bold>) The structure of the graphene-based photodetector [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B286-micromachines-13-01257">286</xref>].</p> "> Figure 47
<p>(<bold>a</bold>) SEM image of the measured region. (<bold>b</bold>) Photocurrent diagram at zero bias voltage. Two photocurrent strips show at the metal/graphene interface [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B286-micromachines-13-01257">286</xref>].</p> "> Figure 48
<p>The photocurrent as a function of the continuous wave laser power at zero bias. Inset: photocurrent as a function of the pulsed OPO laser power at 2000 nm wavelength [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B286-micromachines-13-01257">286</xref>].</p> "> Figure 49
<p>(<bold>a</bold>) Graphene photodetector integrated on the waveguide. The purple part is the graphene’s active region. Inset: graphene covers the sidewalls and the topside. (<bold>b</bold>) The magnified region of the black dashed area in (<bold>a</bold>). The photocurrent is from central electrode <italic>S</italic> to the ground (GND) [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B300-micromachines-13-01257">300</xref>].</p> "> Figure 50
<p>(<bold>a</bold>,<bold>b</bold>) show the photocurrent as a function of the optical power and the wavelength, respectively. The triangles plots are the measured data [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B300-micromachines-13-01257">300</xref>].</p> "> Figure 51
<p>(<bold>a</bold>) Waveguide-integrated bilayer graphene modulator. The overlay displays a typical waveguide’s fundamental TE mode profile [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B305-micromachines-13-01257">305</xref>]. (<bold>b</bold>) The electric field amplitude decreases from the waveguide top. (<bold>c</bold>) The field amplitude decreases from the waveguide side [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B305-micromachines-13-01257">305</xref>]. In (<bold>b</bold>,<bold>c</bold>), the green part is the waveguide, the black dashed lines represent the graphene layers and the orange parts are the metal contacts.</p> "> Figure 52
<p>(<bold>a</bold>) The bandwidth, (<bold>b</bold>) the insertion loss and (<bold>c</bold>) the modulation depth as a function of the background electron concentration. The blue and the red are 1.55 and 3.5 µm for graphene, respectively. The dashed lines and the solid lines are with two standard deviations of <italic>σ</italic> = 0 and 65 mV, respectively. The circles are the optimal design points [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B305-micromachines-13-01257">305</xref>].</p> "> Figure 53
<p>(<bold>a</bold>) Schematic of the graphene memory device. (<bold>b</bold>) STEM dark field image and X-ray elemental composition image of the device and the elemental composition. The scale bars are 5 nm [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B307-micromachines-13-01257">307</xref>].</p> "> Figure 54
<p>(<bold>a</bold>) Schematic of the tunneling and charge trapping process (<bold>b</bold>) Schematic of how UV light detraps electrons. (<bold>c</bold>) Carriers’ trapping and detraping process [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B306-micromachines-13-01257">306</xref>].</p> "> Figure 55
<p>(<bold>a</bold>) AFM image of a single SWCNT over Pt electrodes. (<bold>b</bold>) Schematic view of the back-gate CNTFET reported by Tans et al. Band diagram of the proposed FET (<bold>c</bold>) without bias voltage (i.e., <inline-formula><mml:math id="mm32"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mi>V</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>D</mml:mi><mml:mi>S</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>0</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>, off state) and (<bold>d</bold>) with bias voltage (on sate) [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B332-micromachines-13-01257">332</xref>].</p> "> Figure 56
<p>Curve A belongs to a typical MWCNT-FET, as no apparent switching is observed. Curve B belongs to a deformed MWCNT-FET. This device shows a faint switching action, and there is a significant current in the off state due to the metallic behavior of the MWCNT channel [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B333-micromachines-13-01257">333</xref>].</p> "> Figure 57
<p>(<bold>a</bold>) VTC of the RT (resistor transistor) NOT gate. The test results of the (<bold>b</bold>) NOR gate, (<bold>c</bold>) bi-stable storage element and (<bold>d</bold>) ring oscillator [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B336-micromachines-13-01257">336</xref>].</p> "> Figure 58
<p>(<bold>a</bold>) Vacuum annealed p-FET exhibits n-type behavior. (<bold>b</bold>) Potassium doping of p-FETs, note that there is a change in location in the threshold voltage after doping [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B337-micromachines-13-01257">337</xref>].</p> "> Figure 59
<p>(<bold>a</bold>) Two vacuum-annealed CNTFETs, the red curve belongs to an FET that PMMA protects. (<bold>b</bold>) Unprotected (gray curve) CNTFETs revert to p-type after the oxygen exposure. (<bold>c</bold>) The n-CNTFET and p-CNTFET are wired together to form an NOT gate. (<bold>d</bold>) VTC curve of the intramolecular NOT gate [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B337-micromachines-13-01257">337</xref>].</p> "> Figure 60
<p>(<bold>a</bold>) Illustration of the intramolecular logic gate, two p-type CNTFETs are introduced in series using the single nanotube bundle which is placed on the gold electrodes. (<bold>b</bold>) Characteristics of the inverter, red dots are the raw data and the blue line indicates an average of all measurements (V =± v) [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B337-micromachines-13-01257">337</xref>].</p> "> Figure 61
<p>Suspended CNT device architecture. (<bold>a</bold>) A 3D schematic of the suspended crossbar array in which four of the contacted junctions are in ON state and the other separated junctions are in OFF state. (<bold>b</bold>) Top-view of the n.m array devices, yellow blocks are metal electrodes and grey blocks are suspended nanotubes [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B341-micromachines-13-01257">341</xref>].</p> "> Figure 62
<p>(<bold>a</bold>) SWCNT devices with Pd-contacts on SiO<sub>2</sub>/Si. (<bold>b</bold>) Transfer characteristics of the device with pure Pd-contacts [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B343-micromachines-13-01257">343</xref>].</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Physical Structures
2.1. Tight-Binding Approximation
2.2. Graphene Band Structure
2.3. From Graphene to Nanotubes
2.4. Bandgap
3. Electrical and Material Properties
3.1. Semi-Metal Characteristics
3.2. Electrical Conductivity and Ballistic Transport
3.3. Melting Point and Stability
3.4. High Transparency
3.5. Thermal Conductivity
4. Growth and Transfer of Graphene
4.1. Top-Down Method
4.1.1. Exfoliation
4.1.2. Reduction
Reduction with Graphite Oxide
4.1.3. Others
4.2. Bottom-Up Method
4.2.1. Epitaxial Method
4.2.2. Chemical Vapor Deposition Method
4.3. Graphene Film Transfer
5. Growth and Mechanisms of CNTs
5.1. Growth
5.1.1. Arc-Discharge
5.1.2. Laser Ablation
5.1.3. CVD
5.1.4. Other Methods
5.2. Growth Mechanisms
5.2.1. Tip-Growth Model
5.2.2. Base-Growth Model
6. Characterizations
6.1. AFM
6.2. TEM
6.3. Raman Spectroscopy
6.4. Rayleigh Spectroscopy
6.5. XRD
7. Graphene Applications
7.1. Graphene FET
7.2. Light-Emitting Device
7.3. Energy Storage/Conversion Devices
7.3.1. As the Window Electrode
7.3.2. As an Acceptor
7.3.3. Photo-Thermoelectric Effect
7.4. Reconfigurable Multi-Function Logic
7.5. Graphene Biosensors
7.5.1. Graphene Bio-FETs
7.5.2. Impedance Biosensors
7.5.3. Electrochemiluminescence Biosensors
7.6. Graphene Optoelectronics Applications
7.6.1. Graphene Photodetector
7.6.2. CMOS-Compatible Graphene Photodetector
7.6.3. Graphene-on-Graphene Modulator
7.7. Graphene Photo Memtransistor
7.8. Other Applications
8. Applications of CNTs
8.1. Structural Applications
8.2. Electromagnetic and Electronic Applications
8.3. Transistors
8.4. Diode
8.5. Interconnection
8.6. Sensor and Biosensors
8.7. Other Applications
9. Conclusions and Outlook
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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(n1, n2) | (6,0) | (7,0) | (8,0) | (9,0) | (10,0) | (11,0) | (12,0) | (13,0) | (14,0) | (15,0) |
Reference [70] (Eg eV) | 0.243 | 0.643 | 0.093 | 0.764 | 0.939 | 0.078 | 0.625 | 0.736 | 0.028 | |
Reference [70] (Eg eV) | 0.21 | 1.0 | 1.22 | 0.045 | 0.86 | 0.89 | 0.008 | 0.679 | 0.7 | 0.0 |
Reference [73] (Eg eV) | 0.79 | 1.12 | 0.65 | 0.80 | ||||||
Reference [73] (Eg eV) | 1.11 | 1.33 | 0.87 | 0.96 | ||||||
Reference [74] (TB) (Eg eV) | 0.05 | 1.04 | 1.19 | 0.07 | ||||||
Reference [74] (LDA) (Eg eV) | Metal(−0.83) | 0.09 | 0.62 | 0.17 | ||||||
Reference [75] B3LYP (Eg eV) | 0.00 | 0.079 | 0.041 | 0.036 | ||||||
Reference [75] experimental (Eg eV) | 0.80 | 0.042 | 0.029 | |||||||
Reference [75] LDA (Eg eV) | 0.024 | 0.002 | 0.00 |
Method | Sources | Advantages | Disadvantages | References |
Exfoliation | Graphite | Simple and high yielding | Not fully purified | [120,121,122,123] |
Scotch-tape and drawing method | Graphite | Simple and high quality | Cannot be scaled further, limit in size | [119,124,125] |
Sanitation | Graphite powder and flakes | High quality | Low production, time consumption | [126,127,128,129,130] |
Reduction | Different carbon sourcesOther activated carbons | Large-area monolayer graphene films onto a variety of substrates | Limited in yield. | [131,132,133,134,135,136,137] |
Epitaxy | Metal–carbon solutions or 6H-SiC | High quality, mono-/bi-/trilayer graphene | Requires expensive equipment, throughput issue and scaling requires significant effort | [144,145,146,147,148] |
Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) | CH4 and C2H2 gases | High quality, large size, monolayer or bilayer graphene | Requires expensive equipment, throughput issue and scaling requires significant effortSome of the gaseous raw materials are hazardous, the use is limited in some applications and a concern for large-scale production | [149,150,151,152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169] |
Synthesis Methods | Advantages | Disadvantages | References |
Arc discharge | Mass production, SWCNTs and MWCNTs | Multi morphology | [4,11,180,181,182,183] |
Laser ablation | SWCNTs yield with a controlling diameter distribution | Not suitable for mass production | [184] |
Chemical vapordeposition (CVD) | Mass production | Modification process parameters needed to control SWCNTs diameter distribution and yield | [186,187,188,189,190] |
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Kolahdouz, M.; Xu, B.; Nasiri, A.F.; Fathollahzadeh, M.; Manian, M.; Aghababa, H.; Wu, Y.; Radamson, H.H. Carbon-Related Materials: Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes in Semiconductor Applications and Design. Micromachines 2022, 13, 1257.
Kolahdouz M, Xu B, Nasiri AF, Fathollahzadeh M, Manian M, Aghababa H, Wu Y, Radamson HH. Carbon-Related Materials: Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes in Semiconductor Applications and Design. Micromachines. 2022; 13(8):1257.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKolahdouz, Mohammadreza, Buqing Xu, Aryanaz Faghih Nasiri, Maryam Fathollahzadeh, Mahmoud Manian, Hossein Aghababa, Yuanyuan Wu, and Henry H. Radamson. 2022. "Carbon-Related Materials: Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes in Semiconductor Applications and Design" Micromachines 13, no. 8: 1257.
APA StyleKolahdouz, M., Xu, B., Nasiri, A. F., Fathollahzadeh, M., Manian, M., Aghababa, H., Wu, Y., & Radamson, H. H. (2022). Carbon-Related Materials: Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes in Semiconductor Applications and Design. Micromachines, 13(8), 1257.